my stream:
All names start with Para
thats the game meta, duh!
the meta? whos doing the meta? anet or players? some 20vs20 gvg and blob after that?
go do gvg in open field – dont kill the www with funny facesblob is just pure lazyness of players that cannot have a challenge, in zerg its easier : u dont die, u loot much MUCH more, its simple pressing few (11111) buttons, it is just simplyfied version of nowadays life isnt it?
But.. you need karma and xp to unlock more stuff
soo the 60 who was in the tunnel not was with u?
but at 4h and 25 i see u sticket with other or i have vision?:D @ 3:18:55 from my perspective, which is much better ofcourse!
but what i was trying to say with this is i respect you for how you play, and i’m just trying to compliment you. I don’t really understand why you always have to be so negative when replying to my comments. Can’t we just be friends?
Had a fun night on EB. Salute to the FURY commander leading late night UW karma train. Me and the rest of XxX enjoyed the fun fair fights tonight!
soo the 60 who was in the tunnel not was with u?
but at 4h and 25 i see u sticket with other or i have vision?:D
and btw like i said before i leave u all flame alone,i dont have time to waste to do the same kitten when u was on ag,but i see u still have it,so enjoy the trolling tag but dont cry if someone troll with the same thing or with other,have fun,and i hope uw get 2 germain server against can be a more funny week than fight the many 30/40 man blobby guild of gh.
On a serious note though and to end it on a positive tone, i liked your tag earlier! Always enjoy facing you guys, you mostly put up a good fight and run as a guild alone. Tonight you ran with tag but thats everyones right to do, can’t complain about that.
I wish you and everyone else from UW and RoF allot of fun with the new matchup tommorow and hope when we meet again we can have some good fights.
Out of academic interest, which GH guilds are actually running 30-40 players?
(edited by Monkeymonger.9235)
Genotix blobs up in the morning……
I heard Casual Bloodshed runs around 75
Out of academic interest, which GH guilds are actually running 30-40 players?
Really, FURY allways blobs.. its not fun to fight them this way!
To the UW Legend engi from [Mayh]
You’re an awesome 1v1er. I’ve died 2 or 3 times against you tonight, but our latest fight is a joke. I got out of the golem to 1v1 (necro from [TaG]) and popped lich and then you just ran away… so I laughed because usually you’re out looking for duels not running like a girl. Then you come charging in spamming your condis on someone not even fighting back anymore. That was lame.
Next time try and not to act like a thief please because you’re fun to fight.
Blah blah blah, all I saw today was Rage, Teo, HT, Fury holding hands in our BL.
You run as seperate guilds(50meters of eachother) gj. Does that make Teo, HT Fury’s pets? just askin?
Hope you had fun taking only 2 towers with your 70 people on map with 30 defending.
What you don’t seem to understand is that we have no guild in UW able to fight against 25 Rage or 25 Fury. We have several 10-15-20 man guilds.
With the organization that Rage and Fury have(meleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss everwheeeeeeeere), you cant expect us who pull with all our might 15 people, and that could mean 10 engineers 2 guardians etc :P, to give you a great fight.
Hope you had fun this week Pug busting. And I really hope to fight you next time in like 2 months were UW will be ready
If by chance we see you next week again, then bad luck to you
Blah blah blah, all I saw today was Rage, Teo, HT, Fury holding hands in our BL.
You run as seperate guilds(50meters of eachother) gj. Does that make Teo, HT Fury’s pets? just askin?
Hope you had fun taking only 2 towers with your 70 people on map with 30 defending.What you don’t seem to understand is that we have no guild in UW able to fight against 25 Rage or 25 Fury. We have several 10-15-20 man guilds.
With the organization that Rage and Fury have(meleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss everwheeeeeeeere), you cant expect us who pull with all our might 15 people, and that could mean 10 engineers 2 guardians etc :P, to give you a great fight.
Hope you had fun this week Pug busting. And I really hope to fight you next time in like 2 months were UW will be ready![]()
If by chance we see you next week again, then bad luck to you
but but but.. we consist of 8 thieves, 3 necro’s and rangers…
Blah blah blah, all I saw today was Rage, Teo, HT, Fury holding hands in our BL.
You run as seperate guilds(50meters of eachother) gj. Does that make Teo, HT Fury’s pets? just askin?
Hope you had fun taking only 2 towers with your 70 people on map with 30 defending.What you don’t seem to understand is that we have no guild in UW able to fight against 25 Rage or 25 Fury. We have several 10-15-20 man guilds.
With the organization that Rage and Fury have(meleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss everwheeeeeeeere), you cant expect us who pull with all our might 15 people, and that could mean 10 engineers 2 guardians etc :P, to give you a great fight.
Hope you had fun this week Pug busting. And I really hope to fight you next time in like 2 months were UW will be ready![]()
If by chance we see you next week again, then bad luck to you
I do understand, believe me. A few months ago we were in the same situation on Gunnar’s Hold that’s when we made the decision to increase our numbers, changing from 15 to 25 man raids and from SOE to RAGE. I think it was the right decision for us but in some match-ups it can leave us with little to do, which over the course of a week gets frustrating.
As for the hand holding, i don’t see the problem with it. It’s not like we were getting fights, we were trying to take a keep and you guys had a bunch of AC and defensive siege in there, plus it was the only area of the map with any action. Generally if one guild is fighting another guild, or if they’re fighting a group of militia we’ll leave them too it, but when taking down gates we’ll team up since the defenders have such a heavy advantage.
Sure we only got 2 towers last night but we don’t really care. It’s not why we play the game and we were already ticking at around 400 so it made little difference. We were using the catas to to bait you guys out which worked well since you rushed us a few times, we were basically trading siege for kills and lootbags.
Blah blah blah, all I saw today was Rage, Teo, HT, Fury holding hands in our BL.
You run as seperate guilds(50meters of eachother) gj. Does that make Teo, HT Fury’s pets? just askin?
Hope you had fun taking only 2 towers with your 70 people on map with 30 defending.What you don’t seem to understand is that we have no guild in UW able to fight against 25 Rage or 25 Fury. We have several 10-15-20 man guilds.
With the organization that Rage and Fury have(meleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss everwheeeeeeeere), you cant expect us who pull with all our might 15 people, and that could mean 10 engineers 2 guardians etc :P, to give you a great fight.
Hope you had fun this week Pug busting. And I really hope to fight you next time in like 2 months were UW will be ready![]()
If by chance we see you next week again, then bad luck to you
In the end it was one 10+ man guild group and some roamers around defending briar and it took u 20+ minutes and a lot of wipes to take it. Thanks for fun fight.
As for objective fights lets hope next time just once actualy both servers invade ur bl like it should be done in wvw its gonna much fun for both of us.
Well, you can’t expect RoF to push UW BL, when GH are pushing ours, we simply don’t have enough manpower and guilds to do it.
No i’m not expecting RoF to hit UW border cos its imposible, unfortunatly RoF is atm too weak for GH and UW. True WvW is when there is 3 servers present on every map in some kind of force and thats not the case on 2/4 maps at all times, and it makes less fun match for all, it should had been Fort Ranik or Drakkar that 3rd server.
Only RoF guys we saw was TaG (much respect) as best 5 fights my guild (core/crew) had with u was best fun in WvW in weeks. Two fights at crag 2 nights ago on Gh bl was epic.
Blah blah blah, all I saw today was Rage, Teo, HT, Fury holding hands in our BL.
You run as seperate guilds(50meters of eachother) gj. Does that make Teo, HT Fury’s pets? just askin?
TEO didnt have a raid last night so yeah, the few of us who did come on to WvW did follow RAGE and HT around most of the time ^^
No i’m not expecting RoF to hit UW border cos its imposible, unfortunatly RoF is atm too weak for GH and UW. True WvW is when there is 3 servers present on every map in some kind of force and thats not the case on 2/4 maps at all times, and it makes less fun match for all, it should had been Fort Ranik or Drakkar that 3rd server.
Only RoF guys we saw was TaG (much respect) as best 5 fights my guild (core/crew) had with u was best fun in WvW in weeks. Two fights at crag 2 nights ago on Gh bl was epic.
Well, the leauges will start soon, so it will take some time until we meet again ^^
Thanks everyone for the fights in the course of the matchup and good luck with RNG god in the evening
Blah blah blah, all I saw today was Rage, Teo, HT, Fury holding hands in our BL.
You run as seperate guilds(50meters of eachother) gj. Does that make Teo, HT Fury’s pets? just askin?
the difference between us is that we know to respect a battle, instead of some guilds from UW .. but no point talking about that now ..
Thanks for the matchup, cya !
Blah blah blah, all I saw today was Rage, Teo, HT, Fury holding hands in our BL.
You run as seperate guilds(50meters of eachother) gj. Does that make Teo, HT Fury’s pets? just askin?the difference between us is that we know to respect a battle, instead of some guilds from UW .. but no point talking about that now ..
Thanks for the matchup, cya !
So far, only FURY respects battles, everytime i was fighting TEO/WBC, RAGE always showed up from behind, even when fighting aggainst RoF, after wiping RoF, RAGE came charging in, yet again from behind… And I could have just keep on counting about other guilds as well. It’s part of WvW, and no, i’m not kittening, just letting you know that GH isnt that much “respectable” as you want seem to make us believe
GL on your next matchup, may we meet again in some weeks
Peace & Respect
Blah blah blah, all I saw today was Rage, Teo, HT, Fury holding hands in our BL.
You run as seperate guilds(50meters of eachother) gj. Does that make Teo, HT Fury’s pets? just askin?the difference between us is that we know to respect a battle, instead of some guilds from UW .. but no point talking about that now ..
Thanks for the matchup, cya !
So far, only FURY respects battles, everytime i was fighting TEO/WBC, RAGE always showed up from behind, even when fighting aggainst RoF, after wiping RoF, RAGE came charging in, yet again from behind… And I could have just keep on counting about other guilds as well. It’s part of WvW, and no, i’m not kittening, just letting you know that GH isnt that much “respectable” as you want seem to make us believe
GL on your next matchup, may we meet again in some weeksPeace & Respect
I can’t remember fighting you guys outside of the zerg so i’m not really sure which fights you’re talking about. The only people i remember ganking this week were DEX at the north camp, that wasn’t our proudest moment.
One thing is sure, our topic won EU bracket of forumwars this week
One thing is sure, our topic won EU bracket of forumwars this week
Awww yeeee!
I like to thank all who participiated on this thread! I hope we can have more of these great battles and hopefully the posts dropped you a lot of infractions and so on. For me this Forumwar was most enjoyable, its fun to read them while in work
Good match up and entertaining match up thread. I like to thank everyone for both of them
PS. Hopefully we can see Where-was-the-golems? Hold soon again, because you are good enemy and the thread is very alive with ya
For me this Forumwar was most enjoyable, its fun to read them while in work
Exactly my feelings :P
For me this Forumwar was most enjoyable, its fun to read them while in work
Exactly my feelings :P
Good to hear there was golems though. I was already thinking you weren’t yourselves!
Must admit I was shocked by the lack of golems and it was a somewhat relief. Tried to do more open field fights because of it personally (though had to resort to solo or two man roaming as my internet speed dropped into the crazy ima not going to run if I see more than 10 players at once speeds). But yeah, had a lot of fun and loved reading this forum, it was rather …. dramatic, yeah that sounds about right.
I hope to see you all again soon ^^
I want to thank for this match up and all the fights, we in DEX had in total lots of fun. The reset was simply the best reset we ever had. Sometimes it was annoying to only face really big groups but we found a funny distraction for that. I hope FRS will remember the supplytraps for quite some time.
And RAGE i remember atleast 1 other fight where you jumped in. It was a threeway north of Orchard. TaG and i think NHH (sorry i dont really remember your tag…) were fighting and actually we jumped in first. Both other groups reacted good and fast on us so the fight continued until RAGE came. But who cares, i can understand when a guild is looking for a nice fight and i am sorry that we were not really able to give you the fights.
Cheers to everyone who fought us.
Noixed you are wrong, we respect our fights. But when you come on forums afterwards pretending to be angels and open field fight specialists when you have 4-5 WvW guilds of 15-25 people which 3 stick together and you are fighting against 3 WvW guilds of 10-15, is ridiculous.
Also to Core:
→at that point I had closed tag off.
→You weren’t 10 +some roamers you were around 25 all together.
→ You didn’t wipe us once.
→ Was awesome fight and great respect for your guild.
Well here’s an idea: You don’t have the people to face us when we’re 25 and apparently we didn’t wipe you. How about an arranged fair fight of 15vs15? Not so difficult to find 10-15 guys is it? Come on, it will be in an extremely friendly environment. Do you like to be just a guild-pet?
If you could read, I said that Core didn’t wipe us.
I’d love to have a GvG but unfortunately we are not hardcore WvW so we need abit of time to train etc.
So maybe in like couple of months?
What my friend here tries to say: We didn’t have any intention to come to Uw and be stuck in a siege. There was a misunderstanding from my side, so i kittened up and we were stuck in queue for a large chunk of the evening.
To my knowledge the only time that somebody complained about blobs was during the glorious forum wars last night. When we were attacking nw tower on uw with 15 people and you brought your entire map to defend – we made the mistake of not being fast enough and trying to fight at a bad spot.
When Slay asked us for an open field fight and another guild + pugs pushed in – we made the mistake of being stupid.
Wvw isn’t fair. Everybody will try to get more people or hide behind walls once they got wiped enough times.
Then again, maybe you should try to fight outnumbered every once in a while? It might actually teach you something.
P.S: Good luck to Slay. I was looking forward to some rounds last night, but it seems there was a misunderstanding. It’s a shame that we usually we met you a bit too late in the evening and couldn’t put up much of a fight. Still, you were always up for a fight and i wish you fun while improving. See you again!
Edit: Thanks for all the forum warriors from uw and rof this week. You put up a good fight. Quite a lot of our core are on holiday, but still if any of you are up for a flame-gvg please contact me ingame. We are up for 10v10 night-capping, maybe a 15v15 double-teaming.
(edited by Monkeymonger.9235)
What my friend here tries to say: We didn’t have any intention to come to Uw and be stuck in a siege. There was a misunderstanding from my side, so i kittened up and we were stuck in queue for a large chunk of the evening.
To my knowledge the only time that somebody complained about blobs was during the glorious forum wars last night. When we were attacking nw tower on uw with 15 people and you brought your entire map to defend – we made the mistake of not being fast enough and trying to fight at a bad spot.
When Slay asked us for an open field fight and another guild + pugs pushed in – we made the mistake of being stupid.
Wvw isn’t fair. Everybody will try to get more people or hide behind walls once they got wiped enough times.
Then again, maybe you should try to fight outnumbered every once in a while? It might actually teach you something.P.S: Good luck to Slay. I was looking forward to some rounds last night, but it seems there was a misunderstanding. It’s a shame that we usually we met you a bit too late in the evening and couldn’t put up much of a fight. Still, you were always up for a fight and i wish you fun while improving. See you again!
During this entire week, Slay only tagged up 4 times, 2 times it was me to defend bay 2 days in a row, and the other 2 was our wise leader in order to get some more ppl at late night.
And about last night, we didn’t had the chance to have some practise fights as i was looking forward too, we even cancelled our GvG aggainst Lion, because our wise leader is going to be out for a few days, and yesterday i wasnt able to come to the game (RL priority) so slay didnt even run on WvW, and took the chance to do some other things.
Thank you for this week of some good/amazing fights, and some bad fights too. Looking forward to our next encounter
P.S. Everytime we ask for an open field fight we mean only aggainst us. But like you, we are at no fault if other guilds/players are following us, even without tag.
Peace & Respect
Blah blah blah, all I saw today was Rage, Teo, HT, Fury holding hands in our BL.
You run as seperate guilds(50meters of eachother) gj. Does that make Teo, HT Fury’s pets? just askin?the difference between us is that we know to respect a battle, instead of some guilds from UW .. but no point talking about that now ..
Thanks for the matchup, cya !
So far, only FURY respects battles, everytime i was fighting TEO/WBC, RAGE always showed up from behind, even when fighting aggainst RoF, after wiping RoF, RAGE came charging in, yet again from behind… And I could have just keep on counting about other guilds as well. It’s part of WvW, and no, i’m not kittening, just letting you know that GH isnt that much “respectable” as you want seem to make us believe
GL on your next matchup, may we meet again in some weeksPeace & Respect
When I said “us” was talking only about FURY ,
Noixed you are wrong, we respect our fights. But when you come on forums afterwards pretending to be angels and open field fight specialists when you have 4-5 WvW guilds of 15-25 people which 3 stick together and you are fighting against 3 WvW guilds of 10-15, is ridiculous.
Also to Core:
->at that point I had closed tag off.
->You weren’t 10 +some roamers you were around 25 all together.
-> You didn’t wipe us once.
-> Was awesome fight and great respect for your guild.
TBH I never saw u backing off when we faced SLAY but it wasnt any GvG or something that kind so I dont even bother, about WE (FURY) didnt wiped you once, probably because u ran everytime you saw us . . . About the WvW Guilds you also have them so why even talk about it . .
but yeah, the machup wasnt that bad was quite good when we went to RoF and EB, against UW probably just had fun in the reset night where we did had some rounds against SLAY.
so again,
Cheers and thank you for the matchup !
If you could read, I said that Core didn’t wipe us.
I’d love to have a GvG but unfortunately we are not hardcore WvW
so we need abit of time to train etc.
So maybe in like couple of months?
They only way to improve yourself is to run alone even if you get wipe after wipe. Sorry but i don’t see it happening. As a greek i would love to see a greek wvw guild that is above average for once.
Anyway forgot it’s friday today so new match up today. I wish everyone good luck and i hope you didn’t take anything personal in the fights in wvw and forum. It’s all part of the game. Have fun next week! (except if we play together again, in that case i hate you all)
We do try to improve, that’s why we have tried our luck against Rage NNF when they were running alone, even if it did get us quite a few wipes.
Sadly we are no WvW guild, we don’t even have trainings yet
As I said in couple of months I think we will be ready to be able to fight you and properly give you a fight.
Until then sorry to dissappoint lol :P
Also to Noixed, yesterday all we did was run into you for slaughter even though we were 14 lol so you can’t say we run.
Judging on the amount of posts generated, right now a lot of ppl sit in work and wait for the weekend to kick in xD
Dude you’re 3-4 days late. We are loving each other atm, why you destroy the good mood?
Dude you’re 3-4 days late. We are loving each other atm, why you destroy the good mood?
Too bad that you didn’t quote that post Now it is gone and it looks like I am the moodbreaker
No way he did that, hahaha awesome!
Overall it was a nice week I think. Many kills, much q q, but even more pew pew. After the plush lootbag trains of Blobaddon, GH’s double orichalchum armored trucks were hard as hell to dent. Anyhow, hugs and kisses and kitten + best of luck for next matchup!
Thanks to GH and RoF for a great week from AA, look forward to fighting you again.
kitten week in EB. All that has happened in RoF EB is outnumbered and then double teamed bu GH and UW. Way to go guys so kittening pro I wish I was more like you!!
just a last touch on your “Respect” on ongoing battles GH
Just now i was facing 2 RoF guys (ranger / ele) and what do you think, yes. 3 GH interfier with my battle (btw if that ele is reading, nice build you got mate). just to mention, one of those GH was FURY.
a minute later im just standing and watching that [FURY] warr fighting the 2 RoF and im honostly just laughing my kitten off (no offence bud) ^^
and what do you think 3 other GH started attacking me while I’m just standing there and watching, very mature guys, 2 thiefs [WBC] and a warr that ran away from me earlier [RAGE] not to mention.
(edited by poepie.6570)
just a last touch on your “Respect” on ongoing battles GH
Just now i was facing 2 RoF guys (ranger / ele) and what do you think, yes. 3 GH interfier with my battle (btw if that ele is reading, nice build you got mate). just to mention, one of those GH was FURY.
a minute later im just standing and watching that [FURY] warr fighting the 2 RoF and im honostly just laughing my kitten off (no offence bud) ^^
and what do you think 3 other GH started attacking me while I’m just standing there and watching, very mature guys, 2 thiefs [WBC] and a warr that ran away from me earlier [RAGE] not to mention.
Cool story
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