WvW Commander – NA PST
Sexiest Level 80 Charr Guardian In The Game
Thanks for training our militia RE and other TC guilds on SoS tonight!
+1. We had a couple decent wipes and was able to rally people into ts3 to get things started. I am sure you all in the TC zerg were thinking free badges (especially on the Bluelake push) but wanted to prove a point to everyone what the new meta is since ac buff etc. It was helpful I hope to majority of miltia that came out and watched the mechanics that RE/TC friends use when stacking/regrouping veil bombing etc. Thanks for the fights.
Yeah I saw you guys even try to adopt the portal mechanic on one of the pushes. Were you the one leading the SoS zerg? Thanks for being especially difficult @ garrison, took us a good amount of time to get that.
I hope CD and SoS are taking this week to learn from TC so they can improve, not just sitting back and letting the score run out.
No thanks.
The other night we ran across a 15 or so TC group near the north camp but we only had 5 people in our group so we moved south a bit towards the skritt caves. Instead of chasing us, they took the high route so now they are overlooking us from the top of the cliff. Our mesmer pulls down their commander and all but two of them follow him like lemmings to his death.
That was hands down the best thing I’ve seen in months.
someone once told me ur not a good/recognized commander till you can lead your zerg off a cliff and no one thinks to stop at the top….that said watching 40 ppl all fall off a cliff is funny to almost everyone involved and im sure they laughed at it too
Thanks for training our militia RE and other TC guilds on SoS tonight!
+1. We had a couple decent wipes and was able to rally people into ts3 to get things started. I am sure you all in the TC zerg were thinking free badges (especially on the Bluelake push) but wanted to prove a point to everyone what the new meta is since ac buff etc. It was helpful I hope to majority of miltia that came out and watched the mechanics that RE/TC friends use when stacking/regrouping veil bombing etc. Thanks for the fights.
Yeah I saw you guys even try to adopt the portal mechanic on one of the pushes. Were you the one leading the SoS zerg? Thanks for being especially difficult @ garrison, took us a good amount of time to get that.
Luvpie No.1 commander =)
I hope CD and SoS are taking this week to learn from TC so they can improve, not just sitting back and letting the score run out.
No thanks.
The other night we ran across a 15 or so TC group near the north camp but we only had 5 people in our group so we moved south a bit towards the skritt caves. Instead of chasing us, they took the high route so now they are overlooking us from the top of the cliff. Our mesmer pulls down their commander and all but two of them follow him like lemmings to his death.
That was hands down the best thing I’ve seen in months.
wait..was this at the woodhaven tower? I was nearby that location yesterday on my thief and saw literally at least 10 TC running off the cliff to their deaths..I didn’t understand what I was seeing
Nope, haha. But I guess it happens often? This happened north of Sunnyhill….
Ever since falling stopped causing armour damage, sometimes I find myself bored near a cliff (or up in some other random tall place like SMC, or various PvE areas) and… it just seems like I might as well leap off…
Thanks for training our militia RE and other TC guilds on SoS tonight!
+1. We had a couple decent wipes and was able to rally people into ts3 to get things started. I am sure you all in the TC zerg were thinking free badges (especially on the Bluelake push) but wanted to prove a point to everyone what the new meta is since ac buff etc. It was helpful I hope to majority of miltia that came out and watched the mechanics that RE/TC friends use when stacking/regrouping veil bombing etc. Thanks for the fights.
Yeah I saw you guys even try to adopt the portal mechanic on one of the pushes. Were you the one leading the SoS zerg? Thanks for being especially difficult @ garrison, took us a good amount of time to get that.
He’s the guy… who leads the zerg and jump to their death…
(edited by Aieo.2815)
SoS you guys made today fun, you gave me a real battle as a commander taking your keep in Eternal when it had a waypoint and then taking your garrison in SoS Borderlands. Thanks for the hard fought battles if it wasn’t for those two fights in particular today wouldn’t have been worthwhile.
Thanks for training our militia RE and other TC guilds on SoS tonight!
+1. We had a couple decent wipes and was able to rally people into ts3 to get things started. I am sure you all in the TC zerg were thinking free badges (especially on the Bluelake push) but wanted to prove a point to everyone what the new meta is since ac buff etc. It was helpful I hope to majority of miltia that came out and watched the mechanics that RE/TC friends use when stacking/regrouping veil bombing etc. Thanks for the fights.
Yeah I saw you guys even try to adopt the portal mechanic on one of the pushes. Were you the one leading the SoS zerg? Thanks for being especially difficult @ garrison, took us a good amount of time to get that.
I was leading at first till we stopped doing open field. We try to do retreat portals all the time but usually for chokes points. Never tried it open field before and found it doesn’t work too well unless you have 2 distinct groups that know their role. (20 man limit & all). Not sure who was leading garrison defense after. Glad you got the garrison though!
We need to have a day of peace sorta speak. Let everyone Build up defenses and then take each other out. If we just do 100% battle each and every moment. TC will continue to take everything. IF we have a day of peace (were we know most wont agree to this but hey angles in the outfield it could happen).
SoS you guys made today fun, you gave me a real battle as a commander taking your keep in Eternal when it had a waypoint and then taking your garrison in SoS Borderlands. Thanks for the hard fought battles if it wasn’t for those two fights in particular today wouldn’t have been worthwhile.
It was fun though I wish CD has map presence since we are taking in all of your aggression and seemingly infinite amount of bodies in EB earlier today.
Thanks for training our militia RE and other TC guilds on SoS tonight!
+1. We had a couple decent wipes and was able to rally people into ts3 to get things started. I am sure you all in the TC zerg were thinking free badges (especially on the Bluelake push) but wanted to prove a point to everyone what the new meta is since ac buff etc. It was helpful I hope to majority of miltia that came out and watched the mechanics that RE/TC friends use when stacking/regrouping veil bombing etc. Thanks for the fights.
Yeah I saw you guys even try to adopt the portal mechanic on one of the pushes. Were you the one leading the SoS zerg? Thanks for being especially difficult @ garrison, took us a good amount of time to get that.
He’s the guy… who leads the zerg and jump to their death…
I couldn’t see how deep the water was! I thought it was deep enough to jump. it was either that or free badges for TC.
I like how a select few are bragging about killing TC fair weather players. Not really brag worthy IMO.
Maybe you should challenge an actual guild group and earn some bragging rights.
(edited by Auri El.1032)
I like how a select few are bragging about killing TC fair weather players. Not really brag worthy IMO.
Maybe you should challenge an actual guild group and earn some bragging rights.
I must’ve missed those posts (dont read every single one) but no bragging should be going on, even tonight we were a majority militia and minority solid guild players when we (TC) fought against SoS. That’s why everyone was scattering all over the place and I had to continuously tell them to “stack!”
(edited by MomentofWeakness.1246)
We just took the south camp on your borderlands again. Please send more than 15 to take it this time. We would like a challenge.
Edit: 8-10 [Toon] and some [KH] just came. We wiped them. I said to bring more than 15 guys. 10 is not enough.
Edit: Well, thanks for coming back with 15+. We did kill about 5 of you, but we were overrun. All six of us still have all our bloodlust stacks though.
You should quote yourself each time you do an update, it’ll be more amusing for us to read
I like how a select few are bragging about killing TC fair weather players. Not really brag worthy IMO.
Maybe you should challenge an actual guild group and earn some bragging rights.
I must’ve missed those posts (dont read every single one) but no bragging should be going on, even tonight we were a majority militia and minority solid guild players when we (TC) fought against SoS. That’s why everyone was scattering all over the place and I had to continuously tell them to “stack!”
grats on WvW guilds! Outside of reset no guild on SoS NA fields more then 20 players in WvW. SoS is miltia powered! We hope to keep getting PvX/Smaller WvW guilds so that we can field more then 2 BLs in strength. It will allow us some freedom in ppt.
I like how a select few are bragging about killing TC fair weather players. Not really brag worthy IMO.
Maybe you should challenge an actual guild group and earn some bragging rights.
Not much credibility coming from a member of TC’s premier zerg guild =/
not sure if you’re him..but there’s a certain CERN char warrior that always abandons his group and runs in an even numbered fight
I like how a select few are bragging about killing TC fair weather players. Not really brag worthy IMO.
Maybe you should challenge an actual guild group and earn some bragging rights.
That’s terrible! Do your “fair weather” players know that you talk like that behind their backs? Geez. It’s as if you’re implying that your own server mates can’t even PvP.
Oh wait. Most of them can’t. You’re correct. Carry on.
Haha this thread is so chest thump.
News flash, every server has good and bad players.
Until servers try to convince others that they have more good players or that the others have more bad players, then threads become funny to read
Just mad I wasnt there. I’ve seen worse chest thump though. Try any Maguuma thread.
Any way lets get back to TC giving us advice. Especially since we only started zerg balling as a server two weeks ago and forty percent of the server doesn’t even enjoy that play style. Safe to say almost all CDers don’t want to be in a tier 2 environment.
SoS, please get back to telling us to show up this matchup like TC isnt focusing on us. We need more pep talks from yall about how “even” our matchup was for the last two months even though you constantly out coveraged us. Maybe then, and just maybe we can make a comeback and get first.
Honestly though I like the new random draw matchups better and barring the following things this has been a fun match up (truely, honestly fun).
1. Constantly being outmanned in most fights in and out of towers/keeps by TC
2. a thread thats over 5 pages long (a CD standard to keep it under)
3.The expectations of any server/player to have any other servers players live up to their expectations.
(edited by kRAVen.4195)
:3 I liked the thread where SOR was beating the kitten out of TC. That was when TC learned that we’re not that strong yet. When we fought them with equal numbers, it felt like fighting against more people (queued map vs sor).
So, basically the level gap of skill is still wide.
So because we’re kind of winning now doesn’t mean we learned what was necessary from the SOR matchup. (not speaking for everyone)
I just feel TC has a lot to improve upon on.
(edited by Sovereign.1093)
I just feel TC has a lot to improve upon on.
You’re right. We need more war posters.
Like this one.
I know we’re losing. I don’t mind that at all. In fact, I have been enjoying this matchup quite a bit. I do not, however, enjoy having my body laughed over when I get mowed over by 30 people while I’m roaming. Can we please try to keep our pugs and fairweathers under control? It’s childish to do this.
To the people that do it: You win. Good for you. Move along.
I just feel TC has a lot to improve upon on.
You’re right. We need more war posters.
Like this one.
I’m not sure what to think about this.
It has cookies though! ^_^
I just feel TC has a lot to improve upon on.
You’re right. We need more war posters.
Like this one.
I’m not sure what to think about this.
It has cookies though! ^_^
Well, we’re the Zombie Coast. The zombies gotta all defend it.
How about this one? Sorry it doesn’t have cookies. But it does have explosions!
To my ex CD brothers…
if you have a chance, try fighting with DB and SOR… thats where we learn from..
if you think fighting with TC brings the moral down to you guys… wait till you fight with DB and SOR.. its worst as i can say…
Nice seeing AWE and KH out there. Thanks for the bags.
Stay out of Titan KH!
Stay out of Titan AWE!
Keep your ugly kittening gold-bricking kitten out of my beach community!
To my ex CD brothers…
if you have a chance, try fighting with DB and SOR… thats where we learn from..
if you think fighting with TC brings the moral down to you guys… wait till you fight with DB and SOR.. its worst as i can say…
But TC beats DB especially when TC just recieved RE which are impressive.
To my ex CD brothers…
if you have a chance, try fighting with DB and SOR… thats where we learn from..
if you think fighting with TC brings the moral down to you guys… wait till you fight with DB and SOR.. its worst as i can say…
But TC beats DB especially when TC just recieved RE which are impressive.
Yes, we did win against them but not before RE transferred to us. Then again, when we fought against SOR, we were treated like newbies. That means we still have much to learn and improve upon. There’s always better tactics out there. Where SOR had very strong players. DB probably had the most inventive and patient way of fighting.
You’ve got to fight them at least once.
(edited by Sovereign.1093)
To my ex CD brothers…
if you have a chance, try fighting with DB and SOR… thats where we learn from..
if you think fighting with TC brings the moral down to you guys… wait till you fight with DB and SOR.. its worst as i can say…
But TC beats DB especially when TC just recieved RE which are impressive.
Yes, we did win against them but not before RE transferred to us. Then again, when we fought against SOR, we were treated like newbies. That means we still have much to learn and improve upon.
There’s always better tactics out there. Where SOR had very strong players. DB probably had the most inventive and patient way of fighting.
You’ve got to fight them at least once.
Nah. We started beating DB when EP and CERN commanders came back to the game and our guilds rallied around the idea of beating DB. We won before RE came over, but now that RE is here, we will win by much larger margins.
EDIT: that sounds like taking all the credit, TC was definitely ready to win the match- they just needed a few more people back from burn outs to push it over is what I meant.
(edited by Odinzu.9645)
Yes, we did win against them but not before RE transferred to us.
Sov, RE transferred into TC last week. They started on coming into the Coast on Monday. They haven’t played DB as TCers yet.
Though, my “formal” introduction to RE was Saturday, NA prime. There were a handful of us hanging out in CD BL garrison, north inner, when CD made their big rallied push to reclaim it. I think that was actually the largest CD group I’ve seen this matchup in a BL, maybe 50(?) total. They were pounding on the inner gate, got it to 10%, 5%…
… and then the 20 RE (plus a few map militia) that were stacked, waiting around the corner on the stairs, cut through them like water. In a matter of maybe 20 seconds they’d wiped that entire push.
Yeah, I’ve seen nothing but good play out of these guys. When (if?) we get back to less ridiculous matchups (please Anet!), I’m sure it’ll be great to have them running amok. Though I’d have loved to have them in force out there with us during SoR.
(edited by Shazirah.8350)
But TC beats DB especially when TC just recieved RE which are impressive.
Yes, we did win against them but not before RE transferred to us.
Umm… that’s just incorrect. I love [RE] but we beat DB 2 weeks in a row before they chose to transfer over.
DB is very scary in SEA time (NNK o’clock) but I wouldn’t be surprised if either SoS or CD could push them during NA. Both FA and Mags can tick higher than DB during NA as a lot of their transfers (outside of [Agg]) appear to be pretty “fairweather” as far as showing up.
SoR can manage close to 24/7 Pressure without even trying too hard, and have a much more focused WvW population than TC.
To my ex CD brothers…
if you have a chance, try fighting with DB and SOR… thats where we learn from..
if you think fighting with TC brings the moral down to you guys… wait till you fight with DB and SOR.. its worst as i can say…
But TC beats DB especially when TC just recieved RE which are impressive.
Yes, we did win against them but not before RE transferred to us. Then again, when we fought against SOR, we were treated like newbies. That means we still have much to learn and improve upon.
There’s always better tactics out there. Where SOR had very strong players. DB probably had the most inventive and patient way of fighting.
You’ve got to fight them at least once.
Yes , i am familiar with how defensive and opportunistic DB plays very similar to Jade Quarry, we did make them tick 0 once though =P
To my ex CD brothers…
if you have a chance, try fighting with DB and SOR… thats where we learn from..
if you think fighting with TC brings the moral down to you guys… wait till you fight with DB and SOR.. its worst as i can say…
But TC beats DB especially when TC just recieved RE which are impressive.
Yes, we did win against them but not before RE transferred to us. Then again, when we fought against SOR, we were treated like newbies. That means we still have much to learn and improve upon.
There’s always better tactics out there. Where SOR had very strong players. DB probably had the most inventive and patient way of fighting.
You’ve got to fight them at least once.
Yes , i am familiar with how defensive and opportunistic DB plays very similar to Jade Quarry, we did make them tick 0 once though =P
Was really fun. JQ guilds did transfer over there for a few weeks. And left when they found t2 boring.
On that note, my english was written wrong. haha it was after, not before.
Nice seeing AWE and KH out there. Thanks for the bags.
Stay out of Titan KH!
Stay out of Titan AWE!Keep your ugly kittening gold-bricking kitten out of my beach community!
Did you see our lowbie raid?
hope you like the guild emblem at garrison in CD bl..
Pft, nothing to brag about unless it was cap purely by that one guild =p
Nice seeing AWE and KH out there. Thanks for the bags.
Stay out of Titan KH!
Stay out of Titan AWE!Keep your ugly kittening gold-bricking kitten out of my beach community!
well KH was running a lowbie raid because destroying you over and over again was getting boring, we need a challenge too ya know
Oh yeah. I can feel the manliness meter go up.
Trash talk. Isn’t pvp without it. ;3
LOL at TC chest thumping, keep it classy i miss SBI.
Tsk… all this chest thumping is not the TC that I know.
I’ve moved home to the server that I started out on (CD- for reasons of my own) and as much as I love WvW? I, personally, haven’t been going in. Why? Because it’d stupid of me to when you guys run three golems to take towers whilst we only have 9-10 on the map.
Call me crazy but I prefer not to be farmed.
This applies pretty much to what excuses might be said later. haha.
Sos and Tc and Cd. keep up the good game.
SoR was the most exciting server I ever played. Although I am a new TC player, I can tell you I learned more fighting them than I have learned my entire WvW experience. I will take losing to them more often if we get fights like we did last week. It helped me step up my play because of the high tempo that SoR plays at. Special thanks to [FEAR], [TSYM], [IRON], and [HELIOZ] for the tough fights!
To show you what I mean you can watch these:
[RE] Rethesis vs Sanctum of Rall
[RE] Rethesis & [CERN] vs Sanctum of Rall
Note: We unfortunately didn’t get all the fights here on the second video from the SoR Guilds vs. TC Guilds matchup on SoS BL. Us on TC lost the first 2, took 1, lost 1 more, then won the next 5.
SoS as a whole never made fun of CD or SBI when we were in T4 and dominating. Everyone knew it was a coverage issue and nothing to do with skills whatsoever. We’re classy like that :P
it’s okay guys, hopefully we’ll have different match up next week… we can do dragon bash this week ,and come back next week if we have more balanced match up like we had with Yaks and Kain…. getting stomped 4v40 is a bad WvW idea from ANET indeed ….
SoS as a whole never made fun of CD or SBI when we were in T4 and dominating. Everyone knew it was a coverage issue and nothing to do with skills whatsoever. We’re classy like that :P
Its hard to make more fun out of a server that heads north to cap a wooden mendons only when tc has 300 people on overlook giving badges.
Perhaps we should take a big turn and take the cd towers,they seem to not have an issue with tc takeing them.
Been having fun farming bags from TC this week.
Wait a second…
Does CERN/EP/PiNK sleep or did you magically improve your Oceanic coverage? You guys were nowhere to be seen last week during this hour and suddenly when you win by 100k you guys show up in force? LOL
News flash, every server has good and bad players.
Until servers try to convince others that they have more good players or that the others have more bad players, then threads become funny to read
Actually it is reasonable to assume that the percentage of total players that are bad remains constant across servers, and since your server population dwarfs ours, you have quite a lot more bad players than us.
Personally, I hate the ques this week and I just logged on to have some fights on the maps. I died some and killed some but its all good.
I am in PiNK. I do not have one of those cool name tags like everyone else.
News flash, every server has good and bad players.
Until servers try to convince others that they have more good players or that the others have more bad players, then threads become funny to read
Actually it is reasonable to assume that the percentage of total players that are bad remains constant across servers, and since your server population dwarfs ours, you have quite a lot more bad players than us.
Oh yes definitely, that’s a natural consequence of having more players (of which a large proportion are from PvE). I mean when servers try to push that one server has a higher or lower proportion of “skilled” players like you can somehow gauge that from WvW, that’s where the meaningless kitten flinging starts.
SoR was the most exciting server I ever played. Although I am a new TC player, I can tell you I learned more fighting them than I have learned my entire WvW experience. I will take losing to them more often if we get fights like we did last week. It helped me step up my play because of the high tempo that SoR plays at. Special thanks to [FEAR], [TSYM], [IRON], and [HELIOZ] for the tough fights!
To show you what I mean you can watch these:
[RE] Rethesis vs Sanctum of Rall
[RE] Rethesis & [CERN] vs Sanctum of Rall
Note: We unfortunately didn’t get all the fights here on the second video from the SoR Guilds vs. TC Guilds matchup on SoS BL. Us on TC lost the first 2, took 1, lost 1 more, then won the next 5.
Nice, The HOST OST. >3< hmmm
OST.The Host – Radioactive – Imagine Dragons
Good job RE and CERN. Two guilds worth emulating.
(edited by Sovereign.1093)
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