6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Holy moly what is happening in game right now? BP is going on a rampage. Got all of EB. And AR, comeon, why you takin’ our BL like that?

Darn gw2tracker website makin’ me look at it.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


wow..tonight SBI has had 50-70 people in SBI BL 50-70 in BPBL, a full que in eternal, and 20-30 people in ARBL for 4 hours.

BP has had 30 in BPBL, 30 in eternal, 10 in ARBL, 10 in SBI BL. Aside from that we have had a group of 50-60 that we have been map hopping, we have saved keeps in all BL’s back and forth and swapping maps every 10 mins to quickly whipe without even having time to sweep a keep, leaving the commander on the map to sweep and lock the door.

I have gotten 1k kills so far in 4 hours, we have wiped a zerg of 50+ AT LEAST 15 times tonight, and most of the people following are similar kills. We have lost garrison and hills to sneak attack 6 omegas + 50 people, we had scouts but we didnt have time to run so they were lost, an hour apart from eachother.

Its amazing what we have held with the numbers that SBI has across all maps, i dont understand where the numbers are coming from.

SBI has more numbers then you guys think, you just lack coordination

Nice fish tale you got there.

It is not the numbers that is out problem on the numbers/coverage game. We know we have numbers it is coverage. Also our numbers are can be a bit inflated at times as a lot of them come from PvE. What I want to know is what happened to BP’s numbers. They seem a bit dwindling lately. It is almost as if you are spreading yourself too thin. Did you have a WvW guild leave you too?

Coordination we also have. It requires coordination to do a sneak attack after all.

It’s odd that you call it a fish tale and then confirm the point of the fish tale in the next two sentences.

I call it a fish tale because you leave out the bad parts of your story. All chest thump no meat.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Oh geez I just looked at mos, BP must be bored… they almost literally have everything.

Take a break guys go do some pve, go out play some sports, ride a bike… um not really sure how your private lives are but… you might also want to get jobs….

I feel emotions when I think about you.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


Holy moly what is happening in game right now? BP is going on a rampage. Got all of EB. And AR, comeon, why you takin’ our BL like that?

Darn gw2tracker website makin’ me look at it.

No they are just going on their zerg trains. They are wide open in other places.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


wow..tonight SBI has had 50-70 people in SBI BL 50-70 in BPBL, a full que in eternal, and 20-30 people in ARBL for 4 hours.

BP has had 30 in BPBL, 30 in eternal, 10 in ARBL, 10 in SBI BL. Aside from that we have had a group of 50-60 that we have been map hopping, we have saved keeps in all BL’s back and forth and swapping maps every 10 mins to quickly whipe without even having time to sweep a keep, leaving the commander on the map to sweep and lock the door.

I have gotten 1k kills so far in 4 hours, we have wiped a zerg of 50+ AT LEAST 15 times tonight, and most of the people following are similar kills. We have lost garrison and hills to sneak attack 6 omegas + 50 people, we had scouts but we didnt have time to run so they were lost, an hour apart from eachother.

Its amazing what we have held with the numbers that SBI has across all maps, i dont understand where the numbers are coming from.

SBI has more numbers then you guys think, you just lack coordination

Nice fish tale you got there.

It is not the numbers that is out problem on the numbers/coverage game. We know we have numbers it is coverage. Also our numbers are can be a bit inflated at times as a lot of them come from PvE. What I want to know is what happened to BP’s numbers. They seem a bit dwindling lately. It is almost as if you are spreading yourself too thin. Did you have a WvW guild leave you too?

Coordination we also have. It requires coordination to do a sneak attack after all.

It’s odd that you call it a fish tale and then confirm the point of the fish tale in the next two sentences.

I call it a fish tale because you leave out the bad parts of your story. All chest thump no meat.

Not my story, but I was there for part of it. To me the description wasn’t so much about us beating you every time as it was about how many folks you were fielding at once and how difficult it was to deal with it. It was a frantic night at times.

If you are disappointed it was not a blow by blow description of every fight I can’t help you there. He did mention you took two major objectives. I wasn’t there for the whole thing, I’d assume that you managed to put up some good battles and wiped us a few times, but while I was there (around 8:30-11pm-ish), though there were some good battles, the main group wasn’t wiped once.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ralin.4270


wow..tonight SBI has had 50-70 people in SBI BL 50-70 in BPBL, a full que in eternal, and 20-30 people in ARBL for 4 hours.

BP has had 30 in BPBL, 30 in eternal, 10 in ARBL, 10 in SBI BL. Aside from that we have had a group of 50-60 that we have been map hopping, we have saved keeps in all BL’s back and forth and swapping maps every 10 mins to quickly whipe without even having time to sweep a keep, leaving the commander on the map to sweep and lock the door.

I have gotten 1k kills so far in 4 hours, we have wiped a zerg of 50+ AT LEAST 15 times tonight, and most of the people following are similar kills. We have lost garrison and hills to sneak attack 6 omegas + 50 people, we had scouts but we didnt have time to run so they were lost, an hour apart from eachother.

Its amazing what we have held with the numbers that SBI has across all maps, i dont understand where the numbers are coming from.

SBI has more numbers then you guys think, you just lack coordination

If you have not already guessed, these numbers are all completely fabricated. He genuinely has no idea for the pulse of the server. He leads a skill less zerg around by the nose running over 25 and calling it 50. My mesmer saved his golems the other night after his zerg was obliterated by even numbers. Goodbye Justice, enjoy your delusions.

Are you guys Team Goat from UO/Catskills?

“You can run but you’ll DIE tired!”
The Balance – GM

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: SirV.7245


Just a reminder…

Thursday FIGHT CLUB at 7pm server time in BP BL.

Bored of zerging? Hate fighting 3v1 all the time? Here’s your chance to show off your skills to your server and your enemies how good you really are.

I’ll be hosting a fight club in BP BL(Blue), south of Champion camp which has 3 dueling spots. Everyone call your friends, family and guildies to enjoy this long awaited event. We’ll be having friendly matches of 1v1, 2v2 and even 3v3.

So join us at Borliss Pass Borderland at 7pm server time.

MSG “Fanisa Dream” in game for more information.

Here’s what to expect…
-Friendly 1v1, 3v3, 5v5 players fights.
-Golem Fights.
-Flame Ram Fights.
-Stopping interference from randoms.
-Fights well be uploaded to youtube.
-A good fun time.

FanisaDream – Mesmer – [Lost]

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Razgriz.2590


Holy moly what is happening in game right now? BP is going on a rampage. Got all of EB. And AR, comeon, why you takin’ our BL like that?

Darn gw2tracker website makin’ me look at it.

The group that started in AR BL was only 7ish guys that wanted to take hills. I was in the Golem the whole time. A little after getting Hills we moved to Garrison and around that time the rest of Eternal pushed SBI out and some of them came to AR. I think Most of AR was still in SBI until they got kicked out like an hour ago. I logged off so no idea what’s up right now.

Borlis Pass
Norgy lvl 80 Guardian
Guild: Hunting Hunters[HH]

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


Okay, I’ve returned from camping in the Appalachians (gorgeous mountains btw) and I read on the forum that ALS is leaving Anvil Rock? Is this true? Are they changing their name? Are they taking TS with them also?


Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


i live in pennsylvania, cheers

I was a little further south in George Washington National Forrest. I imagine Penn has some beautiful vistas in Autumn.

Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

Okay, I’ve returned from camping in the Appalachians (gorgeous mountains btw) and I read on the forum that ALS is left Anvil Rock? Is this true? Are they changing their name? Are they taking TS with them also?


fixt… yes, and yes (no clue about ts).

i think the better question is will anvilpants be changing his name to dragonpants?

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Agriope.4523


MF’er, [vT] missed fight club again? SIGH.

Agriope – Purple hair’d menace.
Violent Tendency [vT]; twitch.tv/agriope & YouTube Agriope

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Perphection.8209


We work open field tactics just fine thank you. We are already a force to be reckoned with.

That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen on these forums.

F=ma, All you have is a greater Mass, in numbers. I really hope you don’t consider what SBI does as skill.

Moose Man Jones [vT]
- Charr Warrior
- Charr Necromancer

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: nothing.7941


Oh geez I just looked at mos, BP must be bored… they almost literally have everything.

Take a break guys go do some pve, go out play some sports, ride a bike… um not really sure how your private lives are but… you might also want to get jobs….

Unfortunately, most of us have them as far as I can tell. kitten jobs keeping us from playing GW 24/7. Oh yeah, and our wives and children and all that other rl stuff. Not fair.

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


We work open field tactics just fine thank you. We are already a force to be reckoned with.

That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen on these forums.

F=ma, All you have is a greater Mass, in numbers. I really hope you don’t consider what SBI does as skill.

It all depends on who you see and who you play with and where you play. From what I have seen a lot of our commanders work well with what they are given.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Virtute.8251


Okay, I’ve returned from camping in the Appalachians (gorgeous mountains btw) and I read on the forum that ALS is left Anvil Rock? Is this true? Are they changing their name? Are they taking TS with them also?


fixt… yes, and yes (no clue about ts).

i think the better question is will anvilpants be changing his name to dragonpants?

Actually: Yes; Sort of; Not if we can help it. Details are here, in the more on-topic thread for that.

“Anvil” is in his account name… he can’t change that, and why would he, it has history.

Legendary PvF Keep Lord Anvu Pansu Senpai
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.

(edited by Virtute.8251)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

MF’er, [vT] missed fight club again? SIGH.

There’s one tonight in a few hours

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maladon.5760


There was no queue for SBI in EB last night

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Plok.6145


You can make all the jokes you want, it’s ok. Fact is my guild was for a long time simply put a proven entity and best havoc squad the server had, hands down. You used my strats on reset nights for a very long time. The one win vs. Ebay? Thanks Plok! Complaints some commanders made fell on deaf ears about the craptastic things being taught to people in those Dtc zergs, that will be the downfall of that server, I promise you. Signing off, nobody left on BP worth talking to, save a few, and I will convince them to move.


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

(edited by Plok.6145)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

You can make all the jokes you want, it’s ok. Fact is my guild was for a long time simply put a proven entity and best havoc squad the server had, hands down. You used my strats on reset nights for a very long time. The one win vs. Ebay? Thanks Plok! Complaints commanders made about the craptastic things being taught to people in those Dtc zergs will be the downfall of that server, I promise you. Signing off, nobody left on BP worth talking to, save a few, and I am still trying to convince them to move.

Um, I don’t mean to be a kitten or anything, but every time I’d run into a GOAT group, usually solo, I’d walk away from dead bodies thinking it was a PvE guild.

But that was the case with 95% of BP & SBI, I guess.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

As I am leaving the server, I hereby formally surrender my title of Borlis Ambassador to [Sane]. Someone else will have to try and deflate Borlis egos when they start to swell from the heat. I nominate Fraeg.

So long, Borlis. Thanks for all the fish. Just remember, for every Justice, there is a Varlen. For every Kalkz, there is a Kyle. And God bless Monkey Shines.


6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: nothing.7941


You can make all the jokes you want, it’s ok. Fact is my guild was for a long time simply put a proven entity and best havoc squad the server had, hands down. You used my strats on reset nights for a very long time. The one win vs. Ebay? Thanks Plok! Complaints some commanders made fell on deaf ears about the craptastic things being taught to people in those Dtc zergs will be the downfall of that server, I promise you. Signing off, nobody left on BP worth talking to, save a few, and I am still trying to convince them to move.

If you hate BP so much why do you keep posting in this match up thread? It’s time to move on Plok. BP will survive, GOAT presumably will find its new server more to its liking. I wish you and yours the best of luck.

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Plok.6145


You can make all the jokes you want, it’s ok. Fact is my guild was for a long time simply put a proven entity and best havoc squad the server had, hands down. You used my strats on reset nights for a very long time. The one win vs. Ebay? Thanks Plok! Complaints commanders made about the craptastic things being taught to people in those Dtc zergs will be the downfall of that server, I promise you. Signing off, nobody left on BP worth talking to, save a few, and I am still trying to convince them to move.

Um, I don’t mean to be a kitten or anything, but every time I’d run into a GOAT group, usually solo, I’d walk away from dead bodies thinking it was a PvE guild.

But that was the case with 95% of BP & SBI, I guess.

Dreams go a long way for alot of people.


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Plok.6145


You can make all the jokes you want, it’s ok. Fact is my guild was for a long time simply put a proven entity and best havoc squad the server had, hands down. You used my strats on reset nights for a very long time. The one win vs. Ebay? Thanks Plok! Complaints some commanders made fell on deaf ears about the craptastic things being taught to people in those Dtc zergs will be the downfall of that server, I promise you. Signing off, nobody left on BP worth talking to, save a few, and I am still trying to convince them to move.

If you hate BP so much why do you keep posting in this match up thread? It’s time to move on Plok. BP will survive, GOAT presumably will find its new server more to its liking. I wish you and yours the best of luck.

Who hates BP, certainly not me.
I have been very quiet and our leaving was done very discreetly. I get to say my piece to the people who ruined what i considered a home for a long time.


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

You can make all the jokes you want, it’s ok. Fact is my guild was for a long time simply put a proven entity and best havoc squad the server had, hands down. You used my strats on reset nights for a very long time. The one win vs. Ebay? Thanks Plok! Complaints commanders made about the craptastic things being taught to people in those Dtc zergs will be the downfall of that server, I promise you. Signing off, nobody left on BP worth talking to, save a few, and I am still trying to convince them to move.

Um, I don’t mean to be a kitten or anything, but every time I’d run into a GOAT group, usually solo, I’d walk away from dead bodies thinking it was a PvE guild.

But that was the case with 95% of BP & SBI, I guess.

Dreams go a long way for alot of people.

I don’t know what that means, but ok.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


I had a dream last night but I can’t remember what it was.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Um, I don’t mean to be a kitten or anything, but every time I’d run into a GOAT group, usually solo, I’d walk away from dead bodies thinking it was a PvE guild.

They were still one of the better BP guilds imo. There were like 5 wvw guilds between AR and BP who can actually fight, down to 4 now. Oh, also, try to contain your excitement about soloing stuff as a thief in wvw a little bit.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

Um, I don’t mean to be a kitten or anything, but every time I’d run into a GOAT group, usually solo, I’d walk away from dead bodies thinking it was a PvE guild.

They were still one of the better BP guilds imo. There were like 5 wvw guilds between AR and BP who can actually fight, down to 4 now. Oh, also, try to contain your excitement about soloing stuff as a thief in wvw a little bit.

I’m an engineer…

It’s kind of cute how you automatically consider me a thief because I solo. You must be one of the zerg.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

(edited by Shanks R Us.2489)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Holy moly what is happening in game right now? BP is going on a rampage. Got all of EB. And AR, comeon, why you takin’ our BL like that?

Darn gw2tracker website makin’ me look at it.

No they are just going on their zerg trains. They are wide open in other places.

lol, sbibl initially started as a guild karma train. But since it was the only places in all four maps with a commander willing to tag up, our whole wvw server population at the time was all there… and we obviously didn’t care for the rest of the BL/ebg

Send me 1000g and I will stop trolling WvW forum.
I have a dream – Our Anet Senpai will make WvW Great Again!
WvW Forum is more competitive than WvW

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Um, I don’t mean to be a kitten or anything, but every time I’d run into a GOAT group, usually solo, I’d walk away from dead bodies thinking it was a PvE guild.

They were still one of the better BP guilds imo. There were like 5 wvw guilds between AR and BP who can actually fight, down to 4 now. Oh, also, try to contain your excitement about soloing stuff as a thief in wvw a little bit.

I’m an engineer…

It’s kind of cute how you automatically consider me a thief because I solo. You must be one of the zerg.

Or it could be your username.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hadan.2841


As I am leaving the server, I hereby formally surrender my title of Borlis Ambassador to [Sane]. Someone else will have to try and deflate Borlis egos when they start to swell from the heat. I nominate Fraeg.

So long, Borlis. Thanks for all the fish. Just remember, for every Justice, there is a Varlen. For every Kalkz, there is a Kyle. And God bless Monkey Shines.

Farwell [BURN] and [GOAT] members that decide to search new experiences outside Borlis Pass, you all have done great achievements to the server, tons of fun and laughs shared, but life goes on, equal to Summer after Springs and Winter after Fall. Good Speed fellows

The Pass is kind of balanced by now, from inside people get along as usual, post small dramas as entertainment in borlis.org (example: Monkey Shinezz threads about), trade knowledge about several matters regarding to PvE + Craft + toons builds, discuss tactics for WvW, even from the new big Guilds coming from outside there is balance … I’ve notice after a while that for every good from [Lost], there are now the arrogance from [Krew], a kind of thesis and antithesis that drives Borlis Pass forward.

Arrogance huh? i guess you can call it tht since we knw what we are doing, thanks for the compliment. We stick to our guild grps with no tag. You have no clue how we run stuff or what we do. I see your developing a thing for us alrdy. if you wanted our autograph you could have just asked.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

(edited by Hadan.2841)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Razgriz.2590


As I am leaving the server, I hereby formally surrender my title of Borlis Ambassador to [Sane]. Someone else will have to try and deflate Borlis egos when they start to swell from the heat. I nominate Fraeg.

So long, Borlis. Thanks for all the fish. Just remember, for every Justice, there is a Varlen. For every Kalkz, there is a Kyle. And God bless Monkey Shines.

I’ll miss you aidget

Borlis Pass
Norgy lvl 80 Guardian
Guild: Hunting Hunters[HH]

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Agriope.4523


Thanks for the fight club tonight!

Agriope – Purple hair’d menace.
Violent Tendency [vT]; twitch.tv/agriope & YouTube Agriope

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: nothing.7941


As I am leaving the server, I hereby formally surrender my title of Borlis Ambassador to [Sane]. Someone else will have to try and deflate Borlis egos when they start to swell from the heat. I nominate Fraeg.

So long, Borlis. Thanks for all the fish. Just remember, for every Justice, there is a Varlen. For every Kalkz, there is a Kyle. And God bless Monkey Shines.

Farwell [BURN] and [GOAT] members that decide to search new experiences outside Borlis Pass, you all have done great achievements to the server, tons of fun and laughs shared, but life goes on, equal to Summer after Springs and Winter after Fall. Good Speed fellows

The Pass is kind of balanced by now, from inside people get along as usual, post small dramas as entertainment in borlis.org (example: Monkey Shinezz threads about), trade knowledge about several matters regarding to PvE + Craft + toons builds, discuss tactics for WvW, even from the new big Guilds coming from outside there is balance … I’ve notice after a while that for every good from [Lost], there are now the arrogance from [Krew], a kind of thesis and antithesis that drives Borlis Pass forward.

Sigmar, Krew is a great addition to BP and I have no clue why u say this. They are very good, but not arrogant at all.

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

I’ll miss you aidget

Always just a whisper away, Norgy. {{hugs}}


6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lyrsen.6702


to the Borlis Pass Acadamia de Combate Avancado [AcA] campers in the jumping puzzle, really you’re camping in the jumping puzzle for easy badges when PvE’ers are trying to get an achievement. That’s low, the rest of Borlis Pass, I hold you guys in high regard these guys just dropped my opinion of BP as an upright respectful server to something worse. Yes I know there were only 7 of them but still you can’t complete the Aetherblade cache without doing that JP.

before the razzing about “oh you’re just a PvE’er that’s kittened off because _________” I do a lot of roaming and havoc squad WvW and don’t expect much ganking in the JP since both servers are generally very friendly in there, but this is out right disrespectful. (curse you Anet for PvE achievement in WvW) Anyway figured I’d share so they can reflect on how their server’s image gets trashed just by a few people.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noodica.5428


Ah someone admitted to the numbers and tomorrow we will que 3 maps as its reset tomorrow :p overall it’s been a fun week guys, SBI I give you props to guys did much better this week, you cared about your homelands and I saw you guys pull out of EB when needed! Work on getting 200 a night in teamspeak, then you guys will be able to work o your open field tactics much easier, it makes all the difference and you will be a force to reckon with

We work open field tactics just fine thank you. We are already a force to be reckoned with.

BP you need to work on your zerging. For you it is a all or nothing zerg. I rarely see havoc squads running around and when I do it is like 10-20.

I hate seeing comments like this from SBI, matter of fact any high populated server..
All servers do it.

Midnight Mafia [MM]

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noodica.5428


One thing i must say though, is that SBI could really have potential as a server (again).
Even tho i smack talked you throughout most of this week, it was just mere payback for when i was smack talked;p. Back on topic, You easily have the numbers to be a great server, now all you need is the coordination & good communication between commanders. Here at Borlis we have a awesome teamspeak channel setup, and alot of our server have put in the effort to spread the word about it around our server and getting everyone to join it and now we’ve managed to get 306 (our max) on it for reset- and around 200 every night.

All our commanders/guilds are on the same teamspeak line and we can all communicate to eachother easily. From what i’ve read you’ve got a teamspeak channel setup, now advertise it and get guilds/players too join and setup guild channels for them.

(As of now, BP seems to have the most active teamspeak server out of all NA servers)

Midnight Mafia [MM]

(edited by Noodica.5428)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

Um, I don’t mean to be a kitten or anything, but every time I’d run into a GOAT group, usually solo, I’d walk away from dead bodies thinking it was a PvE guild.

They were still one of the better BP guilds imo. There were like 5 wvw guilds between AR and BP who can actually fight, down to 4 now. Oh, also, try to contain your excitement about soloing stuff as a thief in wvw a little bit.

I’m an engineer…

It’s kind of cute how you automatically consider me a thief because I solo. You must be one of the zerg.

Or it could be your username.

I guess. It was my assassin’s name in GW1.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

wow..tonight SBI has had 50-70 people in SBI BL 50-70 in BPBL, a full que in eternal, and 20-30 people in ARBL for 4 hours.

BP has had 30 in BPBL, 30 in eternal, 10 in ARBL, 10 in SBI BL. Aside from that we have had a group of 50-60 that we have been map hopping, we have saved keeps in all BL’s back and forth and swapping maps every 10 mins to quickly whipe without even having time to sweep a keep, leaving the commander on the map to sweep and lock the door.

I have gotten 1k kills so far in 4 hours, we have wiped a zerg of 50+ AT LEAST 15 times tonight, and most of the people following are similar kills. We have lost garrison and hills to sneak attack 6 omegas + 50 people, we had scouts but we didnt have time to run so they were lost, an hour apart from eachother.

Its amazing what we have held with the numbers that SBI has across all maps, i dont understand where the numbers are coming from.

SBI has more numbers then you guys think, you just lack coordination

Yes, because you are the only server that hops around maps. Ever think that that is why you are coming up with these skewered numbers? SBI wiped out your zergs just as many times. Maybe you were there maybe you were not. It doesn’t really matter. It’s just childish to bring something like that up. Just like all those people on here accusing other servers of using hacks. All servers do it, it is just a few bad apples. Report them and move on people.

Oh, and your own server admits to having 300 people on your TS on reset and 200 nightly. So don’t claim it is so amazing that you have somehow managed to hold us off by some miracle or amazing tactics. I would post screenshots but that is just as ridiculous a thing to do.


6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: atomik.6327


Beware the new AR strikes fast and we strike hard. We had our alpha squad re-secure our Garri. The veteran guards tried to put up a fight but we had our rear guard break off and flank them.


6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: PolishSausage.1279


Apparently Anvil Rocks sucks at WvW so much that the only way they can get anything done is to camp the entrance to Obsidian Sanctum and gang up on anyone that sets foot in there.

Just kind of a forewarning to everyone else; if you plan on going there either to complete the jump puzzle or to get the Aetherblade cache, bring friends or have some way of stealthing past them. They will not hesitate to gank you no matter what your reasons for being there.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Exitius.1605


Having started playing this game during release and just now coming back it’s pretty funny to see servers I had never heard of acting so kitteny.

I only mention that because I see a lot of condescending posts from BP. SBI was top 2 for a long time (over 6 months i believe), populations change and consequently ranking. From what I can see BP appears to have a ton more players during off hours too which is always a huge advantage if either of the other servers do not.

People with ego’s crack me up. Seeing a mid ranked server talk smack is hilarious (to be honest i think talking trash on here is stupid even if you are top tier) but it’s a even more ironic to be talking trash to a server that was on top for a very long time when the server talking the trash has never been top tier.

Yay for bragging about being in 13th place, that’s a serious accomplishment!

**Edit, after having looked at rankings, SBI is certainly not the server it once used to be. It was a major player for a long time but apparently people left.

It’s crazy to see Henge so low too, I remember HoD, SBI and JQ were epic battles in the top 3 spots.

(edited by Exitius.1605)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: VanysRonz.4061


why would SBI need to learn from a server who never reach higher than tier 5? I do learn a lot from Mag, CD, and DB, their siege placement and open field tactic is great. but BP, should I learn the running skill from you?

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: PolishSausage.1279


after having looked at rankings, SBI is certainly not the server it once used to be. It was a major player for a long time but apparently people left.

SBI lost a lot of dedicated WvWers during the server hopping craze, since server transfers were essentially free during the first couple months after launch.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Exitius.1605


after having looked at rankings, SBI is certainly not the server it once used to be. It was a major player for a long time but apparently people left.

SBI lost a lot of dedicated WvWers during the server hopping craze, since server transfers were essentially free during the first couple months after launch.

Yeah makes sense -or they just stopped playing. I know I stopped at about the 6 month mark.

Crazy to see how much things have changed.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amurond.4590


I know how SoR rose to where it is now and it is with that model in mind I hope to mould SBI.

Lol, so do I.

They have half of SBI’s old WvW population. That’s where most of the rats went. WM to Kaineng, SF to JQ, a few others to the aforementioned and the rest to SoR (while we were fighting them in the same match-up, some of them were attempting to spawn-camp SBI a day after they left). Neva 4get.

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


I don’t think " Acadamia de Combate Avancado" speaks english so complaining about them here to the rest of BP is kind of a non-starter. Though maybe they took my directive to let no SBI live in the Jump Puzzle after your [Kiwi] guys did the same to us. I doubt I have this much pull, but I give them a +1. Standing orders kind of are to kill any SBI that moves in Obsidian Sanctum after you guys did that and then said we should just suck it up. Turnabouts fair play.

As for being condescending, well, there will always be forum chest thumpers, especially when we wipe the floor with a server that used to be so high ranking. Borlis has put a ton of effort into improving our WvW and it shows. Some people get a high from this.


6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Beware the new AR strikes fast and we strike hard. We had our alpha squad re-secure our Garri. The veteran guards tried to put up a fight but we had our rear guard break off and flank them.

No offence, but i’m giggling at that supply control.

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WvW Forum is more competitive than WvW

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thorp.7982


Fun fights against you few guys from [Lost] at the fight club tonight. Too bad more people didn’t show up.