(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)
6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel
Just wanted to say AR you brought this week on yourselves.
why would SBI need to learn from a server who never reach higher than tier 5? I do learn a lot from Mag, CD, and DB, their siege placement and open field tactic is great. but BP, should I learn the running skill from you?
You need to learn something, because what you are doing now is not working. Unless your goal was to lose, in which case good job.
No no no, they are only losing because BP has more people, remember? Has nothing to do with them clinging to stonemist like leeches while Borlis Pass map hops its people to where they are needed. Tell me SBI, how many times have you “Almost” capped a keep?
Should probably tell you something how where once there was no zerg, suddenly there was a zerg. There are 4 maps, and Eternal is only 1 of them. (Oh noes, I gave em advice again)
We work open field tactics just fine thank you. We are already a force to be reckoned with.
BP you need to work on your zerging. For you it is a all or nothing zerg. I rarely see havoc squads running around and when I do it is like 10-20.
This is kinda funny coming from someone who is always “Looking for 4 more,” to do anything and everything from killing dolyaks to taking supply camps to fighting another solo player.
The big problem with SBI right now is simply lack of PvPers. And when I say PvPers, I do not mean “PvPers” who run around with 20 other people spamming 1 everywhere.
Most players on SBI are running either random PvE builds in WvW, or some terribly inefficient incarnations of “PvP” builds.
A major lack of any sort of self-sufficiency in terms of general player ability on the world is also really hurting and needs to be dealt with. It is always “looking for more for X,” “Need more for Y,” and never, “I can do it myself.” Of course, things like taking a tower/keep/castle cannot be done alone, but things that should be able to be done solo should be done solo without wasting resources. Taking camps, taking sentries, even fighting 1-2 other opposing players.
(edited by Reikou.7068)
wow..tonight SBI has had 50-70 people in SBI BL 50-70 in BPBL, a full que in eternal, and 20-30 people in ARBL for 4 hours.
BP has had 30 in BPBL, 30 in eternal, 10 in ARBL, 10 in SBI BL. Aside from that we have had a group of 50-60 that we have been map hopping, we have saved keeps in all BL’s back and forth and swapping maps every 10 mins to quickly whipe without even having time to sweep a keep, leaving the commander on the map to sweep and lock the door.
I have gotten 1k kills so far in 4 hours, we have wiped a zerg of 50+ AT LEAST 15 times tonight, and most of the people following are similar kills. We have lost garrison and hills to sneak attack 6 omegas + 50 people, we had scouts but we didnt have time to run so they were lost, an hour apart from eachother.
Its amazing what we have held with the numbers that SBI has across all maps, i dont understand where the numbers are coming from.
SBI has more numbers then you guys think, you just lack coordination
Yes, because you are the only server that hops around maps. Ever think that that is why you are coming up with these skewered numbers? SBI wiped out your zergs just as many times. Maybe you were there maybe you were not. It doesn’t really matter. It’s just childish to bring something like that up. Just like all those people on here accusing other servers of using hacks. All servers do it, it is just a few bad apples. Report them and move on people.
Oh, and your own server admits to having 300 people on your TS on reset and 200 nightly. So don’t claim it is so amazing that you have somehow managed to hold us off by some miracle or amazing tactics. I would post screenshots but that is just as ridiculous a thing to do.
300 on reset means 300 in wvw because well it’s reset,, on other nights 200 on ts doesn’t mean 200 in wvw, ts is home for all of the guilds, people come for pve, pvp, being lazy, chatting etc etc outside of wvw in their guild channels. Tonight we hit a peak of 75 people in our group/ts channel though (about 10 people scouting keeps/maps, 65 in the force)
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood
why would SBI need to learn from a server who never reach higher than tier 5? I do learn a lot from Mag, CD, and DB, their siege placement and open field tactic is great. but BP, should I learn the running skill from you?
Ha, funny.. Well this server was the one who beat you this week (and last week) apparently without having any open field tactics or skill. Stop being so full of yourself, just because your server vs’d us this week and lost, no need to hold some sort of grudge against us. You have no excuses to why you lost this week and to anyone who disagrees, throw them at me.
Also, you may give the excuse of “zerging” 24/7 but SBI does exactly the same thing.
Over the past few weeks our coordination has been top-notch and now all we need to work on is teaching our server some tactics etc. Please never say anything about openfield fighting again, because we out play you in that also. Borlis will rise, and if SBI keeps up with their obsession over SM without defending their own BL, you’ll fall.
BP- 13th
SBI- 14th
Beware the new AR strikes fast and we strike hard. We had our alpha squad re-secure our Garri. The veteran guards tried to put up a fight but we had our rear guard break off and flank them.
No offence, but i’m giggling at that supply control.
I’m glad a least one person saw the humor I was trying to convey. On a serious note, for a moment I thought [WAR] was going to step up and take control of AR WvW but it’s still the same karma train bouncing between BLs. I am however enjoying the small group fights that we are now left with. I think I’m going to have to change my build for more 1v1 encounters, I have never been a solo roamer but its tuning out to be fun. I may even have to try this PvP thing I here AR is good at.
I know how SoR rose to where it is now and it is with that model in mind I hope to mould SBI.
Lol, so do I.
They have half of SBI’s old WvW population. That’s where most of the rats went. WM to Kaineng, SF to JQ, a few others to the aforementioned and the rest to SoR (while we were fighting them in the same match-up, some of them were attempting to spawn-camp SBI a day after they left). Neva 4get.
Not quite. SBI NA moved to JQ. They followed our NA leaders SF. SBI Asian went SoR. Both choices were made to bolster the weakness of both servers respectively to create more balanced WvW.
WM and the people they carried moved with them.
But that is not why SoR rose. They rose because they stuck together better than we did. When the going was rough, they stuck it out. SoR had our SBI mentality of “Never Give Up, Never Die” attitude better than us.
We cracked when free transfers ended. They did not.
It also helped that they have a Leader Indo [TW] that gives inspiring speeches on TS during each reset night meeting. I’ve heard his speeches before and they will move you.
I have seen sbi zerg around in the early morning hours taking all of eb with hardly any defenders just pvding it up. I have seen BP form zergs in the early afternoon hours and pvd sbi or AR bls down. During NA primetime ive seen some sbi guilds and some bp guilds working to get better in open field. Both servers still have alot to learn though esp when it comes to constant movement. Movement it key to winning and ive seen a lack of tht from both sides. To argue over who has better open field tatics is pointless.
Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
Open field tactics don’t win you the match anyway. The only thing BP players do well is siege equipment, and it makes all the difference.
We work open field tactics just fine thank you. We are already a force to be reckoned with.
BP you need to work on your zerging. For you it is a all or nothing zerg. I rarely see havoc squads running around and when I do it is like 10-20.
This is kinda funny coming from someone who is always “Looking for 4 more,” to do anything and everything from killing dolyaks to taking supply camps to fighting another solo player.
The big problem with SBI right now is simply lack of PvPers. And when I say PvPers, I do not mean “PvPers” who run around with 20 other people spamming 1 everywhere.
Most players on SBI are running either random PvE builds in WvW, or some terribly inefficient incarnations of “PvP” builds.
A major lack of any sort of self-sufficiency in terms of general player ability on the world is also really hurting and needs to be dealt with. It is always “looking for more for X,” “Need more for Y,” and never, “I can do it myself.” Of course, things like taking a tower/keep/castle cannot be done alone, but things that should be able to be done solo should be done solo without wasting resources. Taking camps, taking sentries, even fighting 1-2 other opposing players.
Reikou I think you are confusing open field fighting with roaming. I never even said that I was a great PvPer. I would consider myself mediocre. Stratagy I think I am good at however. So stop your trolling and trying to make pepole fit your mold. You will not get SBI to fit your “Perfect build runs” simply because of the type of server it is. Most of those “Perfect builds” require more then what you can expect out of the generic player base and only work in some cases.
I am saying that what I have seen in our server particularly Yulo’s group and some of the other commander groups are quite good at open field fighting. We don’t need any schooling on this matter from any other server we need to listen to our commanders who know how to do it. We also need more pepole on teamspeak(after we raise the cap). The open field fighting I am talking about is not the type of open field fighting that you are used to in sPvP. The type of fighting that you get in WvW.
As for wasting resources. I can kill a Dolyak and a sentry solo thank you and would never look for a party to kill one. As for camps… I need more pratice soloing them I would agree. However I go for the camps in a party because they go down faster and I like to play the timer on them I also am generally asking for only one more player then I. So that speeds things up just about enough that I can play the timer correctly. I also know the correct time to be with the zerg and the correct time to form a party to melt the camps.
This entire thread just reaks of too many pepoles gigantic egos so large that I can’t fit in here. For BP if ALS did not quit mid week and there was not a PvE patch this week there was a chance that we could have won.
I have seen sbi zerg around in the early morning hours taking all of eb with hardly any defenders just pvding it up. I have seen BP form zergs in the early afternoon hours and pvd sbi or AR bls down. During NA primetime ive seen some sbi guilds and some bp guilds working to get better in open field. Both servers still have alot to learn though esp when it comes to constant movement. Movement it key to winning and ive seen a lack of tht from both sides. To argue over who has better open field tatics is pointless.
You have won my respect thank you.
I know how SoR rose to where it is now and it is with that model in mind I hope to mould SBI.
Lol, so do I.
They have half of SBI’s old WvW population. That’s where most of the rats went. WM to Kaineng, SF to JQ, a few others to the aforementioned and the rest to SoR (while we were fighting them in the same match-up, some of them were attempting to spawn-camp SBI a day after they left). Neva 4get.
Yeah that’s really something to strive for…
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
Just ignore Reikou, Anzz, a glass cannon thief that’s a tad delusional about his self-worth.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
I know how SoR rose to where it is now and it is with that model in mind I hope to mould SBI.
Lol, so do I.
They have half of SBI’s old WvW population. That’s where most of the rats went. WM to Kaineng, SF to JQ, a few others to the aforementioned and the rest to SoR (while we were fighting them in the same match-up, some of them were attempting to spawn-camp SBI a day after they left). Neva 4get.
Not quite. SBI NA moved to JQ. They followed our NA leaders SF. SBI Asian went SoR. Both choices were made to bolster the weakness of both servers respectively to create more balanced WvW.
WM and the people they carried moved with them.
But that is not why SoR rose. They rose because they stuck together better than we did. When the going was rough, they stuck it out. SoR had our SBI mentality of “Never Give Up, Never Die” attitude better than us.
We cracked when free transfers ended. They did not.
It also helped that they have a Leader Indo [TW] that gives inspiring speeches on TS during each reset night meeting. I’ve heard his speeches before and they will move you.
I am so tired of reading your bullkitten posts Yulo, you have no kittening idea how annoying you are.
We didn’t “crack” when free transfers ended, there were only 20-30 of us left. And we fought every kittening night against ridiculous odds. And we kittening won a ton of fights.
The bottom line on SBI’s free transfers is that the people who didn’t have the stomach for fighting the tough fights left. They took the easier path, THEY’RE THE ONES WHO CRACKED.
If you want to be the official SBI cheerleader that’s fine. Some people are easily swayed by paraphrased Braveheart lines so I guess we need someone to do that. Just keep your accusations to yourself.
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
There was no one left to crack. It was literally 15-20 of us on EB fighting hordes of former SBI, who bandwagoned to SOR, who then repeatedly tried to spawn camp us the next week. It was pathetic on their part, to say the least. Myself and many others have zero respect for any of the guilds who went to SOR, mostly because of how they boasted bout moving back in to Tier 1 and completely left our server hanging.
Literally the entire WvW community ran to upper tier servers, who were in Tier 1 or had tier 1 potential like SOR, at the time. Those of us who stayed showed up day after day against crazy odds for weeks until we settled into tier 4/5 and then more and more people started to show up again. Kiwi did a lot for the WvW community on SBI during this time as did DC.
I honestly believe that this is one of the reasons EB is so popular on our server, as it was a bit of a sanctuary where many of us who were left gathered and tried to get enough people on the map to start siegerazor. haha.
(edited by Gravy.7589)
… showed up day after day against crazy odds for weeks
sounds familiar.
remember our match up last week. remember how much drama it didn’t have?
ah… good times.
secessit viri bellatores
(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)
… showed up day after day against crazy odds for weeks
sounds familiar.
I am sure it does. Believe it or not a lot of SBI feel quite a bit of empathy for you on that regard. But War is War and easy points come from AR at the moment. Plus you reset our Gari how yesterday how dare you.
awesome! empathy is one thing, pity is another. a lot of kids miss playing in overlook, its bound to happen.
secessit viri bellatores
Saw this on imgur and had to post it.
See you in Tyria.
Saw this on imgur and had to post it.
That was only in the Twogallants era.
Saw this on imgur and had to post it.
That was only in the Twogallants era.
Yes. That seems like such a long time ago, in a Tyria far, far away. When you think about it, AR and BP really have “grown up” together. Looking back in WvW history and I wonder if any other set of servers has spent as much together as we have.
Edit: Out of 39 total matches so far, AR and BP have faced each other 29 times. Wow, that’s 74% of our WvW time we’ve been together.
See you in Tyria.
(edited by Expiatus.4210)
Saw this on imgur and had to post it.
That was only in the Twogallants era.
Yes. That seems like such a long time ago, in a Tyria far, far away. When you think about it, AR and BP really have “grown up” together. Looking back in WvW history and I wonder if any other set of servers has spent as much together as we have.
looks like a few have
secessit viri bellatores
Heh that picture & 2G ref got to love it, yea i am surprised more people did not realize how often we were matched together. There is a reason folks say BROLIS ROCK! Man though -17ranking points already for AR
keep trying guys.
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
Anvil Rock should take a few weeks off from WvW. The culture has always reacted poorly to change, and now that we’re hearing that THE BILLS TRAIN WILL NEVER STOP, it would be in all of AR’s best interest to give a vacation from WvW to any of its remaining members who play for objectives and point gains.
Roam around, find fights, and ride it out until AR hits bottom of tier 7, where it can frequently fight the other servers of that weight class.
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.
Anvil Rock should take a few weeks off from WvW.
Roam around, find fights, and ride it out until AR hits bottom of tier 7, where it can frequently fight the other servers of that weight class.
Why should they take time off? If it is because they were out numbered, then BP should have taken off time against EBay weeks ago.
Also, I do not think AR is a T7 server. They are likely a solid T6 server and probably still boast a population large enough to ride into T5 on occasion. They have some of the most skilled sPvP players of any server. I think as soon as they are out of the zerg tiers (T5+ in my experience), their sPvP players will WvW more.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Anvil Rock should take a few weeks off from WvW.
Roam around, find fights, and ride it out until AR hits bottom of tier 7, where it can frequently fight the other servers of that weight class.
Why should they take time off? If it is because they were out numbered, then BP should have taken off time against EBay weeks ago.
Also, I do not think AR is a T7 server. They are likely a solid T6 server and probably still boast a population large enough to ride into T5 on occasion. They have some of the most skilled sPvP players of any server. I think as soon as they are out of the zerg tiers (T5+ in my experience), their sPvP players will WvW more.
I think once we’re out of the zerg tiers, it’ll be easier for me to entice my pvp friends to try wvw. You have to realize, though, that a lot of them are literally lvl 1 in pve, so it’ll take time if they are interested, but it’ll happen if I can promise ample roaming capabilities. This is what I hope the lower tiers will be like.
Remember our experiences in fighting Darkhaven, Isle of Janthir, Northern Shiverpeaks, Devona’s Rest, and Gate of Madness.
All five of those servers carry plenty of those evil zergers that dare to cooperatively fight in groups larger than 3 to 5. This line of reasoning is why there is a thread dedicated to consolidating WvW “roaming” guilds onto the bottom 3 servers, which predates the match-making changes. Those guilds got tired of feeling rage every time their screen went grey with 10 up-scales jumping and dancing on them.
You’re probably right… AR is not likely a bottom-tier-7 server… and that’s actually a bad thing for its players that refuse to play WvW as it is.
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.
#naked walking Zerg
Fun times
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood
I have seen sbi zerg around in the early morning hours taking all of eb with hardly any defenders just pvding it up. I have seen BP form zergs in the early afternoon hours and pvd sbi or AR bls down. During NA primetime ive seen some sbi guilds and some bp guilds working to get better in open field. Both servers still have alot to learn though esp when it comes to constant movement. Movement it key to winning and ive seen a lack of tht from both sides. To argue over who has better open field tatics is pointless.
I agree!
We work open field tactics just fine thank you. We are already a force to be reckoned with.
BP you need to work on your zerging. For you it is a all or nothing zerg. I rarely see havoc squads running around and when I do it is like 10-20.
This is kinda funny coming from someone who is always “Looking for 4 more,” to do anything and everything from killing dolyaks to taking supply camps to fighting another solo player.
The big problem with SBI right now is simply lack of PvPers. And when I say PvPers, I do not mean “PvPers” who run around with 20 other people spamming 1 everywhere.
Most players on SBI are running either random PvE builds in WvW, or some terribly inefficient incarnations of “PvP” builds.
A major lack of any sort of self-sufficiency in terms of general player ability on the world is also really hurting and needs to be dealt with. It is always “looking for more for X,” “Need more for Y,” and never, “I can do it myself.” Of course, things like taking a tower/keep/castle cannot be done alone, but things that should be able to be done solo should be done solo without wasting resources. Taking camps, taking sentries, even fighting 1-2 other opposing players.
“Of course, things like taking a tower/keep/castle cannot be done alone”
Don’t sell yourself short…we know you can and do, almost all things alone…
Lol @ SBI taking everything 1.5h before reset.. I hope you guys are proud of your ‘accomplishment’!
Thought I’d share this video Agriope Abyssborne from [vT] made. You might know her as the bad kitten D/D Ele with Dual Incinerators =)
WARNING There’s a lot of dead BP and SBI in this video.
- Charr Warrior
- Charr Necromancer
So I’m just going to throw this out here.
If anyone (individual or guilds) from AR or SBI are thinking about transferring, you can message me and I’ll let you know everything we have to offer even to those people who consider themselves as pugs.
Also, you’re all welcome to visit our site (in my signature) and just talk to us. We’re all friendly people.
zara can be feisty at times tho!
Leader/Driver of Krew/MR
zara can be feisty at times tho!
In your dreams. <3
Lol why is it when I say SBI cracked ppl can’t accept it? We did crack. SBI did not stick together. People left.
Those that remained held on. Like you. Like me. Like those of us still here.
Quit being so sensitive. I wasn’t saying you cracked. Lol. Geez.