Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
Nice fights from FA and CD.
Nice to meet you CD, this is my first time, please be gentle.
I can’t get over the amount of roamers from CD chase me halfway across the map until I get sick of them behind me, so I turn around to fight and the first thing they do is turn away and run as soon as they realize they’re not facing an upleveled scrub.
Why were you running from them in the first place?
If I am heading to help defend something, or give backup to other people, I will generally not go all bloodlust on every red name I see and will, in fact, just ignore some invaders as I go.
Because, basically, I’m not going to lose territory because I wanted to duel someone.
Then they chase me, and the scenario described above occurs.
I’m trying so hard not to generalize too much here, because I honestly mean no offense, but the sheer amount of cheese perma-stealth thieves I have seen come out of CD’s spawn into DB BL is staggering.
I think I fought… a warrior, a ranger, a mesmer, and fifteen different thieves while I was working on getting Vale upgraded.
And one really good engineer that killed me, good show.
(edited by EnRohbi.2187)
Welp, I did a little solo roaming in DB BL this morning, and I took pictures! First, I ran into an ele who hesitated to attack me at first but eventually got up the courage and engaged. Unfortunately, he went down in about 5 seconds. Next a thief and warrior decide they want a 2v1 fight, but they don’t fare much better and both go down in about 15 seconds. Then a necro and engi see me and despite having a 2v1 advantage decide they want to have a hug party with the sentry. I figure they need the extra help and engage anyway. The engi goes down and dies quick, then the sentry dies, then the necro decides to try run for the garrison but also goes down. Mr engi spawns at the garrison and runs back to try save the necro but is too late, and once again he goes down fast. Fortunately for him, Mr d/d ele shows up to res him so that they can get back to their 2v1 odds. The ele gets wrecked and runs off, but after consecutive outnumbered fights, Mr engi finally manages to down me… and then he gets downed himself once again. Since he went down after me though, he had the health advantage and won the fight. Mr engi then decides he will dance on my corpse in celebration of his awesome victory. Quite impressive.
I’m trying so hard not to generalize too much here, because I honestly mean no offense, but the sheer amount of cheese perma-stealth thieves I have seen come out of CD’s spawn into DB BL is staggering.I think I fought… a warrior, a ranger, a mesmer, and fifteen different thieves while I was working on getting Vale upgraded.
And one really good engineer that killed me, good show.
Yeah, I’ve noticed CD thieves in rear areas, a lot more so than I saw with TC or KN the last week, in just the hour or so I was able to get on wvwvw last night. Friday night euphoria maybe?
Welp, I did a little solo roaming in DB BL this morning, and I took pictures! First, I ran into an ele who hesitated to attack me at first but eventually got up the courage and engaged. Unfortunately, he went down in about 5 seconds. Next a thief and warrior decide they want a 2v1 fight, but they don’t fare much better and both go down in about 15 seconds. Then a necro and engi see me and despite having a 2v1 advantage decide they want to have a hug party with the sentry. I figure they need the extra help and engage anyway. The engi goes down and dies quick, then the sentry dies, then the necro decides to try run for the garrison but also goes down. Mr engi spawns at the garrison and runs back to try save the necro but is too late, and once again he goes down fast. Fortunately for him, Mr d/d ele shows up to res him so that they can get back to their 2v1 odds. The ele gets wrecked and runs off, but after consecutive outnumbered fights, Mr engi finally manages to down me… and then he gets downed himself once again. Since he went down after me though, he had the health advantage and won the fight. Mr engi then decides he will dance on my corpse in celebration of his awesome victory. Quite impressive.
There is a hole in your little story here. Your stacks of corruption seem to have been wiped out a few times.
I’m just here to cheer on grandpa kraven because he sounds like he’s a little grumpy! Go CD! You can win!
Thanks buddy. Good luck to you as well. TC likes to troll on a condescending advice level under the delusion that they are winning fights not because of their numbers. It can be tough to deal with but an extra layer of swag should protect yall.
Welp, I did a little solo roaming in DB BL this morning, and I took pictures! First, I ran into an ele who hesitated to attack me at first but eventually got up the courage and engaged. Unfortunately, he went down in about 5 seconds. Next a thief and warrior decide they want a 2v1 fight, but they don’t fare much better and both go down in about 15 seconds. Then a necro and engi see me and despite having a 2v1 advantage decide they want to have a hug party with the sentry. I figure they need the extra help and engage anyway. The engi goes down and dies quick, then the sentry dies, then the necro decides to try run for the garrison but also goes down. Mr engi spawns at the garrison and runs back to try save the necro but is too late, and once again he goes down fast. Fortunately for him, Mr d/d ele shows up to res him so that they can get back to their 2v1 odds. The ele gets wrecked and runs off, but after consecutive outnumbered fights, Mr engi finally manages to down me… and then he gets downed himself once again. Since he went down after me though, he had the health advantage and won the fight. Mr engi then decides he will dance on my corpse in celebration of his awesome victory. Quite impressive.
There is a hole in your little story here. Your stacks of corruption seem to have been wiped out a few times.
I went down and rallied about 3 seconds later from killing the sentry. Any other questions?
I went down and rallied about 3 seconds later from killing the sentry. Any other questions?
Well that does explain the stacks. There is 20 minute gap between the first four or so pictures, but I guess it’s possible nothing happened in that time.
Maybe you should set up a live stream so that you can brag about your awesome skills in real time.
I went down and rallied about 3 seconds later from killing the sentry. Any other questions?
Well that does explain the stacks. There is 20 minute gap between the first four or so pictures, but I guess it’s possible nothing happened in that time.
Maybe you should set up a live stream so that you can brag about your awesome skills in real time.
I’ve thought about it.
Maybe you should set up a live stream so that you can brag about your awesome skills in real time.
I’ve thought about it.
Yeah you should do it! Then you can see how many people actually care.
Sounds like Eviator is the engineer in the screenshots. Irked him quite a bit.
It does sound like that, doesn’t it? Actually I haven’t been able to play in 2 days Even so, I’m sure he would slaughter me too (see sig). I don’t understand the mindset of doing what he did with the screenshots. The victories speak for themselves. Does he need to be so childish on public forums?
Sounds more like he called someone out who messed up tooting their own horn. I am running around in a selfish soloing build myself right now, but I can’t be arsed to take a screenshot whenever I miraculously kill players in their group builds.
It does sound like that, doesn’t it? Actually I haven’t been able to play in 2 days
Even so, I’m sure he would slaughter me too (see sig). I don’t understand the mindset of doing what he did with the screenshots. The victories speak for themselves. Does he need to be so childish on public forums?
I’m even more childish on private forums, consider yourself lucky.
The moral of the story is that when the engineer farts, it smells rather salty & earthy with a hint of shame mixed in.
Sigh forum match-ups are so boring without mag or ebay T.T….less all agree to be less cordial and be trolls to one another for my entertainment
After spending a week with TC and then Mag, this forum is so refreshing. I don’t even mind dropping loot bags for you guys anymore! Sure I’m annoyed that I have to fight every second for CD garrison, but hey, that’s war. (Though while we were recapping it tonight, I threw ACs instead of rams. Oops.)
The Snow Leopard that charged your treb, and ran straight off a cliff
Had fun in EB tonight, I generally don’t command in EB I am usually on BLs or emergency response duty (well actually I am always ready for a delune 911 XD) anyways… Had a nice 40+ FA zerg with me and we eventually took SMC Thanks for the fight on EB CD and DB
P.S. MY first time commanding the taking of SMC Even though it wasn’t fully upgraded.
As the God Emperor or FA, I am proud of Jhawk’s actions.
And I hope we will have nice fights at EB later next week :F
Sigh forum match-ups are so boring without mag or ebay T.T….less all agree to be less cordial and be trolls to one another for my entertainment
Well, I’d like to say hi to all the Dragonbranders chasing a little engi around their keep in EB all night. Thanks for the good time. Catch ya again soon. Next time I’d prefer more than one duel without the whole goon squad showing up. You guys have a good buddy system going on. Not quite as good as the Mags, who hold hands whenever they cross the street, but still pretty impressive!
Best fight of the night goes to that upleveled human necro. Props to you, bookah.
(edited by Recursivision.2367)
7. Every battle was won against overwhelming odds
Yes, overwhelming indeed…
I can’t stop laughing. Screenshot is perfection.
After spending a week with TC and then Mag, this forum is so refreshing. I don’t even mind dropping loot bags for you guys anymore! Sure I’m annoyed that I have to fight every second for CD garrison, but hey, that’s war. (Though while we were recapping it tonight, I threw ACs instead of rams. Oops.)
The Snow Leopard that charged your treb, and ran straight off a cliff
Lol Jacked <3
CD loves you ^^
On another matter though.. What have we done to anet that makes them hate us so much :’( sniff.. TC , then Mags and now this :O
(edited by Astdis.9532)
After spending a week with TC and then Mag, this forum is so refreshing. I don’t even mind dropping loot bags for you guys anymore! Sure I’m annoyed that I have to fight every second for CD garrison, but hey, that’s war. (Though while we were recapping it tonight, I threw ACs instead of rams. Oops.)
The Snow Leopard that charged your treb, and ran straight off a cliffLol Jacked <3
CD loves you ^^On another matter though.. What have we done to anet that makes them hate us so much :’( sniff.. TC , then Mags and now this :O
Hey, at least we’re nicer on the forums
Hey, at least we’re nicer on the forums
Honestly, I’ve been enjoying this match-up all around. You guys are alright :P
Hey, at least we’re nicer on the forums
Honestly, I’ve been enjoying this match-up all around. You guys are alright :P
I have also enjoyed this matchup. I for one haven’t faced crystal desert since my days on darkhaven months ago. But nothing has changed with you guys, you still bring it just like always and I definitely have respect for your server. I hope this week continues to be fun and civil.
kitten you DB trying to take our garrison while I was running a training session. We had like 10 guys just on map mode while I was explaining something then I suddenly hear over VoIP that we have a DB zerg standing right in front of us. Just glad you didn’t wipe us all while we were in map mode that would have just been rude.
Oh, nice try though.
kitten you DB trying to take our garrison while I was running a training session. We had like 10 guys just on map mode while I was explaining something then I suddenly hear over VoIP that we have a DB zerg standing right in front of us. Just glad you didn’t wipe us all while we were in map mode that would have just been rude.
Oh, nice try though.
LOL Yeah that was us toward the end of our BP raid. It was funny because I didn’t see you guys at first and then you were standing there…and then we were like..what are these guys doing? lol. Anyways good fights on your BL today was fun!!
kitten you DB trying to take our garrison while I was running a training session. We had like 10 guys just on map mode while I was explaining something then I suddenly hear over VoIP that we have a DB zerg standing right in front of us. Just glad you didn’t wipe us all while we were in map mode that would have just been rude.
Oh, nice try though.
LOL Yeah that was us toward the end of our BP raid. It was funny because I didn’t see you guys at first and then you were standing there…and then we were like..what are these guys doing? lol. Anyways good fights on your BL today was fun!!
We were all sitting there in deep discussion doodling on the maps. Who knew training sessions would become bonus reinforcements? Got a kick out of it.
I was at cdbl killing yaks that ran from stargrove south but I don’t think I had ever seen a yak so actively defended before lol Were about 5-6 people defending yaks as they crossed there. Still we managed to kill a few of them and only saw one get away. My guildiedied but some thief chased me too far and I got him. Was fun overall
I was at cdbl killing yaks that ran from stargrove south but I don’t think I had ever seen a yak so actively defended before lol Were about 5-6 people defending yaks as they crossed there. Still we managed to kill a few of them and only saw one get away. My guildiedied but some thief chased me too far and I got him. Was fun overall
haha so were you the NERF enginee? Yeah…we roam in groups when not raiding you and some [HL] guild and some other groups were roaming the map Was a lot of fun!
Who is [Kome] and why do you run?
Can someone from the guild [FF] Forsaken Fighters (CD guild) please send me an IM either here or in-game? Found a speed-hacker in your guild I’d like to let you know about. Have it on video if you’d like to see. Thanks!
(edited by Vashti.8179)
I was at cdbl killing yaks that ran from stargrove south but I don’t think I had ever seen a yak so actively defended before lol Were about 5-6 people defending yaks as they crossed there. Still we managed to kill a few of them and only saw one get away. My guildiedied but some thief chased me too far and I got him. Was fun overall
haha so were you the NERF enginee? Yeah…we roam in groups when not raiding you and some [HL] guild and some other groups were roaming the map
Was a lot of fun!
We had fun too! Didn’t even care about flipping the camp, just glad to get some good fights
(edited by Everglow.2185)
Had some good fights in cdbl today sadly we got over ran by db after we push to get all are keeps back than it was a slow fight to even get bay back. ( than 20 minutes later fa takes it right back ): )One of the best fights i had was when it was 7 of us CD’ers vs a group of 7-8 FA then a group of probably 5-7 DB’er fighting in astral. At the end of it only 5 of us CD’er where left standing it was good overall fight though.
Is the ALS guild the same one, granted a different name, from Anvil Rock? They play just as poorly, so that is my assumption, but thought I would check before sticking with the assumption.
(edited by Niim.9260)
Is the ALS guild the same one, granted a different name, from Anvil Rock? They play just as poorly, so that is my assumption, but thought I would check before making assumptions.
Some magicians can walk on water. Niim can swim through land.
Is the ALS guild the same one, granted a different name, from Anvil Rock? They play just as poorly, so that is my assumption, but thought I would check before making assumptions.
From reading various matchup threads in the previous weeks, they are the same guild.
Who is [Kome] and why do you run?
Ask yourself this question the next time you fight the tier 1 heavies.. having your outmanned meter kept turning up means you have to choose your fight carefully.. eg. ytd in EB overlook hill.. took out 3waves of DB didn’t we?
But overall DB zerg have balls unlike TC they don’t scurry to nearest tower when you caught them on even ground.
P.S DB Comd try not to drop open field ac when you already have overwhelming numbers.. One should always play fairly when one has the winning cards.
Fun fight at CD BL bay! Great 1 hr plus siege with all 3 servers in attendance!
Who is [Kome] and why do you run?
Who is this and why don’t you dare to show your guild tag?
Who is [Kome] and why do you run?
I love KöMÉ! If there is one nearby, I know we’re going to be just fine.
Don’t mistake wit for fear.
(edited by Nikked.7365)
Who is [Kome] and why do you run?
Who is this and why don’t you dare to show your guild tag?
Showing your guild tag is scary :O
I miss fighting [Agg].
O green ebg keep how I missed thee, so we took it =)
Ughh, Anet really needs to fix EBG red keep. Not fun seeing around 10 DB appear in inner the moment outer gate is down each time they attack.
And before this post is taken the wrong way, I’m not blaming DB for anything.
(edited by Deathdom.8250)
Who was that 5 man group of DB guardians with a commander in FABL at Cragtop just now?
It was a pretty awesome 5v5 and I got to put the stomp on 4 of you
The commander jumped to his death.
(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)
Ughh, Anet really needs to fix EBG red keep. Not fun seeing around 10 DB appear in inner the moment outer gate is down each time they attack.
And before this post is taken the wrong way, I’m not blaming DB for anything.
Can you clarify this? This reads as DB takes outer gate down and they go to inner gate, but that isn’t a bug. So what is actually happening?
P.S. the yak bug on blue side needs to be fixed, this kitten is dumb
<<Crystal desert player
I’ve been looking forward to fighting Dragonsbrand again even though they have overwhelming numbers they are much less rude than other servers and rarely see them trying to exploit.
Good luck the rest of the match up everyone!
(edited by Happysack.7132)
Who is [Kome] and why do you run?
Who is this and why don’t you dare to show your guild tag?
My guild tag was up when you were running away. 3 different times we came at you guys when you were capping a camp or location. Fairly even numbers(we may have had 1-2 more people in the general area.) We wiped you once and the rest of the time you ran when you saw us.
Who is [Kome] and why do you run?
Ask yourself this question the next time you fight the tier 1 heavies.. having your outmanned meter kept turning up means you have to choose your fight carefully.. eg. ytd in EB overlook hill.. took out 3waves of DB didn’t we?
But overall DB zerg have balls unlike TC they don’t scurry to nearest tower when you caught them on even ground.
P.S DB Comd try not to drop open field ac when you already have overwhelming numbers.. One should always play fairly when one has the winning cards.
I dont get what your point is here. Are you trying to point out that smart players go to the high ground to siege up a defensive position before pushing or that scrubs build AC’s on low ground before they get run over?
(edited by eithinan.9841)
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