6/28 Far Shiverpeaks/Whiteside Ridge/Blacktide
Ahaha well I meant more us in FSP, but I can understand your desire.
I just hope Anet will start to hire proper people for spvp/tpvp and wvw because it seems they currently dont have anyone for this (not anyone without a form of kittenation atleast)
Give us some proper matchups, put limits on this system if yo uwant it randomized.
Give it a cap of putting people within 200K points of eachother max
Make it so the losing teams have a score of atleast 70% of the winning team to not lose points.
This is just bullkitten, we should probably lucky to have a challenge during primetime during the weekdays.
Last night was ok, people put up a fight but after some time our numbers were just too big, even though half our people were drunk as hell :x
(edited by Esuni.2498)
Just a suggestion but if we are going to make it fun this week, then why not just ignore the points, cause the system is messed up anyway, and have more arrangements/ communication with Blacktide and WSR. Invite them on a TS, have fun. I think after dealing with the Germans and their bad attitudes for weeks it might be good for morale to just have a laugh with other players
I can’t entirely ignore points because we were up against WR last week too, and very nearly passed them in rank. We have to keep trying for that. At least I do. It’s a goal. We wanna be 24!
We haven’t been playing for points for weeks now, if we wanted points we would be defending our BL like we used to when we were praised for our defence every week. Now the fear of dropping to T9 and having no fun for a week is gone, bar RNG of course, we are free to roam and look for decent fights.
24th or 25th, who cares as long as we get to travel the maps ,meet interesting people and kill them
24th or 25th, who cares as long as we get to travel the maps ,meet interesting people and kill them
lol, well fair enough. I won’t argue with that. Hooyah!
On behalf of Far Shiverpeaks, I’d like to apologize for all the fair-weather players that will join in to steamroll our opponents this week. Unfortunately for you guys, we see a lot of influx in WvW-players whenever we hold a lot of structures or meet weaker (in numbers) opposition. Unfortunately for us, these guys seem to vanish into thin air (or more likely PvE) when the uphill battles start again.
On behalf of Far Shiverpeaks, I’d like to apologize for all the fair-weather players that will join in to steamroll our opponents this week. Unfortunately for you guys, we see a lot of influx in WvW-players whenever we hold a lot of structures or meet weaker (in numbers) opposition. Unfortunately for us, these guys seem to vanish into thin air (or more likely PvE) when the uphill battles start again.
Our EB zerg just hopped to WR border to cap the entire map, at which point they’ll probably move on. We’ve officially become AM.
On behalf of Far Shiverpeaks, I’d like to apologize for all the fair-weather players that will join in to steamroll our opponents this week. Unfortunately for you guys, we see a lot of influx in WvW-players whenever we hold a lot of structures or meet weaker (in numbers) opposition. Unfortunately for us, these guys seem to vanish into thin air (or more likely PvE) when the uphill battles start again.
Our EB zerg just hopped to WR border to cap the entire map, at which point they’ll probably move on. We’ve officially become AM.
Nooooo we are all Anakins
Can all commanders of Far shiverpeaks please dont use your tag. Dont attract the PvE players so we start blobbing…
I hate to see FSP blobbing…
its 10am and we have a 30man zerg in whiteside borderland… we never have commanders during this time in any borders usually… and we usually dont have this many ppl at this hour….
No fun steamrolling a server… Rather meet blobadon again
I totally agree with you Kami, tags off and we are acting no better than AM at this rate, very sad thing to see from our server we are becoming the very thing we complain so much about.
Not had much contact with BT so far probably due to the maps i been playing on but from what i have seen from WSR they have some good defensive tactics. keep up the good work.
And again like some have already mentioned sorry for all these PvE players coming out of the wood work, last night the queues were ridiculous and are never usually like that. just goes to show how many people come from PvE to steamroll and get vistas and poi’s on a week like this etc. When the going gets tough they are all gone again and we become in the situation you are in now.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
The new system works perfectly fine but takes time ‘till match-ups are settled like they have to.
All servers getting a good and a bad time. Mostly when a server is loosing, it’s because of lower population, simple as that. BT and WRS are not bad at all, just less ppl..
FSP ain’t better, just more people..
I know for some of the PvE and the hardcore zerglings this week will be either boring or frustrating but we just need to cope with this for a few weeks ‘till the new match-up system really kicks in (like how it’s suppossed to work)
Another boring PVE week ahead. I really can’t see how some people think this server matching as good. No point in playing. LF Cof1 lol..
Perfection is still a goal to get. Might get it this week… Khalar bladestorm and me tried to paint everything green in wvw tonight but a few from WRS stopped us from doing it, about 5 minuts after we took the blacktide tower a small WSR zerg capped garri and longview on their own borderlands back; so close!. I guess grats to prevent the ultimate shame
At some point we had a tally of 680 i believe, but i do have this picture of 670.
Recruiting necros & guardians. Whisper ingame.
whats to shame in loosing 9999999999999 vs 10? lol
Love to the FSP player who invited me to a group just to see if it’d work, then was so amused when it did. Alas your zerg did take me about ten seconds after I left. So it goes.
I’d apologize to [lion] for the golem incident, but honestly I enjoyed setting it on fire. Mmm marshmallows!
whats to shame in loosing 9999999999999 vs 10? lol
Nonsense, khalar and me had like 30 people combined in all wvw maps and there were about 10 BT and 10 WRS active, yes we outnumbered you but not that dearly.
Recruiting necros & guardians. Whisper ingame.
whats to shame in loosing 9999999999999 vs 10? lol
Nonsense, khalar and me had like 30 people combined in all wvw maps and there were about 10 BT and 10 WRS active, yes we outnumbered you but not that dearly.
You took all maps with just 30 people total, and you also know for certain how many BT and WR there were active. Uh huh. Ok. This kind of post? Not that useful, really. C’mon.
I really feel SORRY for Whiteside and Blacktide that Anet came up with this match-up. I admire the fighting spirit of WS and BT because even they are SERIOUSLY outnumbered they just keep trying and fighting…/respect. Beside that BT has some very skilled WvW players because our zerg got owned several times in EB last night by BT!!!
Sorry for this matchup guys had some good fights in whiteridge yesterday. Hope seeing more, don’t give up, we have been there aswell and I know it sucks.
Professional Mesmer for [PunK]
Gunnars Hold
I do not feel sorry for WRS and BT because.. They are die-hards like I never seen before.. They can put up a fight you won’t expect..
Especially TEO guild from WRS, u guys literally farmed my zerg at QL when walls were down!
Really, hands down for both servers, was a real pleasure to command EB this day against you guys O
Wish more servers were dedicated like you..
Can all commanders of Far shiverpeaks please dont use your tag. Dont attract the PvE players so we start blobbing…
Better yet … all comanders tag up, that’ll confuse the pve players , and we won’t have 1 big blob :p
(edited by Dane.9480)
Especially TEO guild from WRS, u guys literally farmed my zerg at QL when walls were down!
Thanks for the kind words.
Guess you guys really wanted Golanta back, was great fun tonight
But not as much as you wanted rogues
(edited by Tioc.5638)
I can’t understand how system made this matchup. Far Shiverpeaks has quote on 3 borders. Let’s hope after weekend their huge pug zergs will be less active and we can start normal game.
At least u can look on the brighter side, WSR and BT should get plenty of loot this week see most people running around on squishy alts from FSP, u guys can have some fun wiping us for loot and those FSP on their alts can get some lvling done. Works both ways i guess. Infact I can see my alt in the 2nd img above right at the front, im famous.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
Mainly TSO? Glad to see me and my 2 party members made an impression on you.
I did say think, i wasnt quiet sure but it may have been TEO? if they have slightly more people i dont know? but my mistake anyway.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
At least u can look on the brighter side, WSR and BT should get plenty of loot this week see most people running around on squishy alts from FSP, u guys can have some fun wiping us for loot and those FSP on their alts can get some lvling done. Works both ways i guess. Infact I can see my alt in the 2nd img above right at the front, im famous
Hold your horses , we know your server from Pikensquare – FSR fight
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
yei 4AM and we have commanders in every single BORDER and EB… Not enjoying beeing FSP atm…
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa
I would not mind at all if Blacktide and Whiteside were to team up against us (FSP). It’s just my opinion, but i would be delighted to see Whiteside and Blacktide running side by side :P Both servers has really good fighters who never give up, so it’s sad to see that we (FSP) are winning just because of our numbers. We have good guilds who want challenges, so again, i would not mind you teaming up against us. Hope everyone in this matchup can have some fun this week, take care.
Once Were Noobs [XxX]
yei 4AM and we have commanders in every single BORDER and EB… Not enjoying beeing FSP atm…
Really? thats just sad, if it goes bad(like the weeks before) we sometimes don’t even a commander at EB at primetime.
Dragons In Exile[DIE]- get lucky[Punk]
It’s great that so many new people are now doing wvw, and I hope they stay when things get thougher.
I think I’ll do a bit more dungeoneering this week :-)
At some point we had a tally of 680 i believe, but i do have this picture of 670.
What is funny in this picture? We won the whole map and what? We will fight with NPC’s? The system is bad. Anet I see there is an idea to solve this problem.
Tanks for all the words, FSP :-)
If you will, we let you the points farming and we take the badge farming. OK ? ;-)
Have fun!
You got to give credit to the other two servers, it is sad that so many players from FSP only come out and fight when we are able to do to others what Blobbadon from blobsterville do. I hope that all will stay fo the comming weeks.
I rly hope that we that are in the lead this week can stop with the blobbing and go for more group size groups. And take this week to try and get better at roaming and doing more small scale instead of one massive blob. As for me I wont command for the entire week (but ofc if something happens I will always be there if needed), I will do smaller scale team fights and wkth guildies and anyone else that wants to join.. Hopefully we can still have some nice fights since I have seen some great guilds on the other two servers.
So plz fellow FSP stop blobbing, and lets try to do the best of what is left of this match up.
- I Grievance I, Commander, Ruthless (RL)
I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.
This week annoys me so much already. Random guilds suddenly claiming/buffing/upgrading stuff, commanders popping out of nowhere, people discussing how to get a vista in map chat, etc. I think it annoys me because i know that when we face ’’better’’ servers it won’t be like this. All those people now in WvW will be doing CoF P1 again….
Kalevala [KALE]
Even though there’s not really any balance to be found, we are still enjoying the matchup. We’ve given up on points 1 minute into reset, WSR is getting used to unbalanced matches due to its population. Had some nice fights with some guild groups, and obviously also with the blobs. Our challenge is to hold out as long as we can, that’s why we came to your camps at golanta and rogues in more then one occassion, just to see how long we could stick it out ^^
Looking forward to more fights this week!
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold
Yesterday GoT held a event on WR border.. but we kept switching between WR and BT to avoid grouping up with FSP commanders and/or other guilds.
We had some nice fights, thank you all!
This fight was a nice one on south supply camp;
11 GoTérs vs… some WR players
A commander did walk in at the end of the fight… I do think we would have won it..
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
(edited by Zephyer.5716)
I think we fought you a couple of times yesterday!
Those where some good fights! I really enjoyed them.
I must admit, I was impressed by the coordination in your zerg there!
Well done!
Cant wait to face you guys in a GvG!
Again, good luck and have fun to all!
— Raid Leader
—— Guilty by default
I didn’t like how the day after reset,i saw people from my server,FSP still pushing back white into taking back their towers or keep,same for black.Was asking to let everyone cap their stuff back so we could have an interesting evening perhaps…They didn’t want to,and Commanders tagging up at times who never did it at those times before….Capping around empty towers and when they found some resistance they were suddenly gone to another empty tower..They were trying to hold white keep,but that even failed miserably because you guys put up some resistance.They think they got it easy,capping around empty stuff,untill they meet you guys on the fields..I pretty much enjoyed watching how white sandwiched the fsp group near bravost yesterday,gave me a good laugh.
Im pretty bored already,so bored that i started sieging up sm lord with 21 ac’s and 9 balis…dont run in there btw,it might sting.Hope FSP wises up and stops acting like a random bandwagon of idiots.
(edited by Caedmon.6798)
Did you guys get the reward chest from the grub last night ? We were just trolling really trying to get you all to have a wee fight at chest, special mention to the ele who mist formed there to loot chest, had us all laughing on voice comms
The fights have been fun most of the time and everyone seems to be approaching it in the right way, theres no need to appolagise over blobs, as it stands its part of the game we all must accept, just keep sending the pugs in first I can always use the badges
(edited by Tioc.5638)
I think we fought you a couple of times yesterday!
Those where some good fights! I really enjoyed them.I must admit, I was impressed by the coordination in your zerg there!
Same back to you, we were constantly on the lookout for you guys when fighting another group, to avoid getting ganked from the rear ;]
The grub was idd a fun happening, we just went in for the tag, chasing FSP away that just wiped BT. Then we camped it to get that fight from you trying to loot it lol. The ele and then the portal bomb to loot the chest was one of the few hilarious moments of the night. Also the 6 omegas at our keep (when we heard about it I was like lol, get the f… out) and the blob of aroun 60 FSP with them (mostly pugs I reckon) that we fought with about 25 people from a few guilds and later again 5 alphas had us entertained for the evening.
See you in a bit on the battlefield ;]
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold
Nice zerg you have there Far Shiverpeaks. It must be hard taking those empty towers. As Blactider there is no use fighting you. I was fool to build golem and take tower- you take it back with zergus giganticus. But if no one will take tower how you gona farm wxp?
I think best way to fight you is not to fight at all. Paint all maps green I will deafeat you with boredom.
Did you guys get the reward chest from the grub last night ? We were just trolling really trying to get you all to have a wee fight at chest, special mention to the ele who mist formed there to loot chest, had us all laughing on voice comms
Haha, that whas indeed a fun moment.. we portalbombed the chest, everyone of us got it that whas our main goal :P but we werent sure if we could get it you had some nice ppl and siege setup there xD. Hope we can have some more moments like that this week! Looking forward to it. Guys dont give up i know we have alot of ppl now but its only because we are “owning” not much of a victory this week.. Hope you guys will get better opponents next week thats in your league.
The Glory of War [GoW]
Piken Square
Nice zerg you have there Far Shiverpeaks. It must be hard taking those empty towers. As Blactider there is no use fighting you. I was fool to build golem and take tower- you take it back with zergus giganticus. But if no one will take tower how you gona farm wxp?
I think best way to fight you is not to fight at all. Paint all maps green I will deafeat you with boredom.
You must be VERY short minded to think like this!!! Blame Arenanet for this match up because most of the hard core WvW players on FSP are hating this match up as much as you do. Whiteside and Blacktide have some VERY dedicated and skilled WvW players but just lacking the numbers to make a fist against FSP. Once again blame Arenanet!!!
@Kansloos and skwas
No actually, one of our guild didnt get to the chest in time, so we had to come back for it! Just a shame to see that TEO had already moved on by that point, or we would have portal bombed that chest again! :P
I really do hope to face you again tonight though! After a boring day like this, im really looking forward to some good fights!
— Raid Leader
—— Guilty by default
I highly apologize with what’s been going on in this match up. But we never had those numbers, and since we started winning people started joining again. Last night when we took towers, I told them not to defend it, because it was boring if we kept it all in EB, and not to even start any upgrades. I’m sorry and I hope that the next reset works best for you. Good luck you guys are showing amazing power, and you were able to wipe us out multiple of times. I for one, do not underestimate both BT or WRS when I command.
Join the movement in EB, FSV is having an party event. (FREE FIREWORKS)
Its quite strange to see my FSP " blobbing" white and black maps over day.
For the next 3 days I’m still on delegation to BT ( working with BT-war – WvW )
We start against GH “blobs” and now against pug from my home FSP server …
I hope some of my fellow FSP enjoy jumping on my dead body, like when 10 of FSP – around 7 from guild aFGM kill 3 of Us on the north supply camp on FS-Border ..
after like we was trolling U ( FSP) for over 20 min there ….
I think U ( aFGM) are so proud for this “victory”
Evening is different story Very THX to Kale, Punk, DW and FSV for nice fair and enjoyable fights on BT border …
BT is in worse situation like we FSP was in last winter. They have just a few very skilled players and commanders I think every advice and help will be in our ( FSP ) interest to avoid in future this quite boring match-ups.
I will see U back on FSP on Wednesday have a good fun …
PS… [INC] guild are from Piken ( polish WvW guild ) not from BT and they stay on BT just to middle of this week, they come over there to recruit some players …
and very thx to them for putting some life to BT server and for good work ….
(edited by Belfagor Diabolos.1940)
Nice fighting from [INC] on BT border this night. We were quite flabbergasted when you first hit us, but had some good battles afterwards. Sorry for that blob in Hills at the end of our event; we had the whole PvE train following us into the keep unfortunately.
Far Shiverpeaks
Some nice fights tonight on WR, although we ended up with a blob due to our leading commander had to popup tag after another comm. left.
Sorry for that.
Loved the fights against [TEO], thnkx guys!
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
kitten INC you sure know how to play, yesterday i decided to play with my lvl 58 mesmer and lasted about 5 seconds in your well organized attacks
FSP Server.