6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crrrystal.6845


Don’t underestimate what you can do with 20 people who aren’t afraid of death; we’ve been there and felt it.

This sounds so incredibly powerful, I wanted to quote it.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fxncy.2398


Sorry SBI you deserved it for taking our BL

Credit to all the guilds who helped,


and to to all the other guilds i forgot to mention (sorry!)

Cute, AR and IoJ teaming up against us. One the one hand I’m flattered that we’re posing that much of a threat again, but on the other hand….really?

AR and IoJ are not teaming up on you. We have flipped your entire map 10+ times with out the help from IoJ and all were in the process of flipping IoJ’s map until the random update came up last night. SBI is no threat at all.. you are only ever in EBG making your map a ghost town and extremely easy to flip with 20 people.

Please SBI don’t make a bad name for yourselves saying: “They have to team up on us.. sad.”
That is what BP used as an excuse when we got to T5 “AR plays for second and they are teaming us.”

I can guarantee you that not one guild on Anvil Rock wants an alliance with any other server, so PLEASE for the sake of this forum being fun… stop assuming stupid things.

That is all.


Kae – Maguuma
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] & Less Talkin More [Sekz]

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


For the most part this matchup has been great this week, but definitely very unimpressed with the [ALS] guild from AR, several of whom seem overly willing to employ the zoom hack on the ACs. Sadly I’ve seen it from them all week long. I guess it’s not only the T1/2 servers that employ the hacks and exploits…

“better the devil you know than the devil you don’t”

now you know.


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


ALS get your kitten Ele outta our tower, who either hacked in or got in through that door glitch. Sad sad guild if you gonna play it this way. Have a ton of screen shots of them running around our tower.

Kill them?


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Also SBI please don’t treat us like equals, both SBI and AR outman IoJ most of the day and I find it funny that you talk to us like we’re a threat since we don’t even have the numbers to make a push on more then one map at a time.

You are a threat if you happen to hit us while AR are pushing into us at the same time elsewhere. It forces us to make sacrifices and pick and choose what matters more to us, regardless of if you’re outmanned or whatever. This is especially relevant when our entire BL is turning a color other than ours for the entire week because we can only queue one map at a time in NA primetime. Don’t underestimate what you can do with 20 people who aren’t afraid of death; we’ve been there and felt it.

L2P, or better, L2zergmanage.

Send 10 guys off to do deal with IoJ


Zergball 70 folks and focus on one thing @ a time.

Choose wisely.


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Sorry SBI you deserved it for taking our BL

Credit to all the guilds who helped,


and to to all the other guilds i forgot to mention (sorry!)

Cute, AR and IoJ teaming up against us. One the one hand I’m flattered that we’re posing that much of a threat again, but on the other hand….really?

AR and IoJ are not teaming up on you. We have flipped your entire map 10+ times with out the help from IoJ and all were in the process of flipping IoJ’s map until the random update came up last night. SBI is no threat at all.. you are only ever in EBG making your map a ghost town and extremely easy to flip with 20 people.

Please SBI don’t make a bad name for yourselves saying: “They have to team up on us.. sad.”
That is what BP used as an excuse when we got to T5 “AR plays for second and they are teaming us.”

I can guarantee you that not one guild on Anvil Rock wants an alliance with any other server, so PLEASE for the sake of this forum being fun… stop assuming stupid things.

That is all.

You would think that after 8 months of WvW they would figure out that in a 3 way match, someone is always getting teamed up on.

Slow learners.


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: GreyWraith.8394


ALS get your kitten Ele outta our tower, who either hacked in or got in through that door glitch. Sad sad guild if you gonna play it this way. Have a ton of screen shots of them running around our tower.

I was on TS with him at the time, and he was as baffled as everyone else about how he ended up in there. If someone were glitching [doors] on purpose (and I’m not aware of any AR WvWers who do) they would use a mesmer, obviously.

End of the Dream by Evanescence
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court

(edited by GreyWraith.8394)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: GreyWraith.8394


For the most part this matchup has been great this week, but definitely very unimpressed with the [ALS] guild from AR, several of whom seem overly willing to employ the zoom hack on the ACs. Sadly I’ve seen it from them all week long. I guess it’s not only the T1/2 servers that employ the hacks and exploits…

I’m pretty sick of that crap also. Unfortunately I’ve been seeing it from all 3 servers on a continual basis.

End of the Dream by Evanescence
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


ALS get your kitten Ele outta our tower, who either hacked in or got in through that door glitch. Sad sad guild if you gonna play it this way. Have a ton of screen shots of them running around our tower.

I was on TS with him at the time, and he was as baffled as everyone else about how he ended up in there. If someone were glitching [doors] on purpose (and I’m not aware of any AR WvWers who do) they would use a mesmer, obviously.

Baffled yet attacked a few SBI and then when players came in through the door downed he stopped em. Pretty classy stuff that ele. The door glitch can happen when you use a spinning movement on the door or ele 3 fire skill. All he had to do was jump back out the tower but guess we shouldn’t expect that from AR?

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Also SBI please don’t treat us like equals, both SBI and AR outman IoJ most of the day and I find it funny that you talk to us like we’re a threat since we don’t even have the numbers to make a push on more then one map at a time.

You are a threat if you happen to hit us while AR are pushing into us at the same time elsewhere. It forces us to make sacrifices and pick and choose what matters more to us, regardless of if you’re outmanned or whatever. This is especially relevant when our entire BL is turning a color other than ours for the entire week because we can only queue one map at a time in NA primetime. Don’t underestimate what you can do with 20 people who aren’t afraid of death; we’ve been there and felt it.

Would not believe the stuff i have done with one smart AC placement! You will only need not even 5 people to hold a fully upgraded tower, not your entire zerg. Both AR and SBI have the numbers to fend off a 2v1 from us, just have to use them!

No we are not becoming DR not that I know how DR reacts or really care for that matter. I am sure they do their best with what they have to work with. I refuse to judge another server. We are also not complaining. We know that the majority of the reasons why you are currently in the lead is our own fault. We were just making a comment that you likely did not meet much resistance. While when we took your borderlands we likely did.

Congrats on the lead. I wonder for how long you will hold it.

Im IoJ by the way

When you post that score and you pvd to get that score, its not something to be proud of. Many servers will have issue when you brag about high points against no enemies. The AR group that defended Hills in our BL’s had something to be proud but you really think that pvdooring those points shows anything? It shows me that AR had to wait for us to log off to do anything last night, and then posted wanting to brag about it. If you don’t understand that then IDK :/

^ DR
Against your server? Yes its something to be proud of! You guys took a massive lead from reset and AR have managed to catch back up, dont take it away from them!

One of the main reasons IoJ has managed to stay up so high in the tiers is because our oceanic presence is a lot bigger then most servers this low! (not as of late, the numbers we’re pulling is poor, fairweathers and this new event doesnt help!)

The reason DR complained so much about PvDooring! Dont make it seem like its the enemies fault when its your server thats lacking coverage! AR saw the oppurtunity to take the lead, they took it and legged it!

Mr(s) Starkk

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


ALS get your kitten Ele outta our tower, who either hacked in or got in through that door glitch. Sad sad guild if you gonna play it this way. Have a ton of screen shots of them running around our tower.

I was on TS with him at the time, and he was as baffled as everyone else about how he ended up in there. If someone were glitching [doors] on purpose (and I’m not aware of any AR WvWers who do) they would use a mesmer, obviously.

Baffled yet attacked a few SBI and then when players came in through the door downed he stopped em. Pretty classy stuff that ele. The door glitch can happen when you use a spinning movement on the door or ele 3 fire skill. All he had to do was jump back out the tower but guess we shouldn’t expect that from AR?

I’m sure he was more baffled why nobody was killing him.



6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


Kinky, we have about the same wvw population as AR, as far as numbers. Our reset night was in no indicative of our wvw numbers. Our wvw players are basically 4-5 months old, all our WvWers left with the free transfers AND we are all pugs. And yes pvdooring and being proud is of course amazing. You’re a bit confused but I do understand why people think you are AR and not IOJ, lol.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


And ty AR for that fun golem rush on SM just now, was exciting but didn’t quit cut it

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Setun.4368


I am just happy that our ocean and sea players are not getting blobbed on, like they did against DB and SoS, and are getting some good fights. You all have earned it.

Dude, don’t even remind me of that week lol….every time I would log on it was a spawn camp fest of 60 DB at our gates lmao.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


does AR have ANY roaming groups at all? All I ever see is just one big mindless sea of red that only knows how to auto attack gates and use rams


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I see a lot of IoJ peeps underestimating themselves.

Yes, IoJ will not win this week. But the #1 place will surely be determined by who we hit like previously said, and at least for the time i’m around commanding, I’m always hitting whoever is sitting in first place. It keeps it more interesting.

Now IoJ peeps, lets keep it clean. No reason to try and get others mad and give us a bad name. Like I said earlier I’m having fun with this match up, I’m very surprised IoJ isn’t getting stomped THAT bad against these 2 servers. Which I am very proud of.

@Fellblade – That SM 3 way battle was EPIC, held SM against AR and SBI zerg hitting us from north and south LOL! Was so stressing commanding there i was expecting an insta wipe, but nope! Held it for what, 1 or almost 2 ticks? Might have been the adrenaline that made it feel like forever, AR and SBI just kept coming after dying. Till that mesmer ported SBI to the 3rd floor it was game over with that last flank while AR was fighting us north

Having loads of fun, keep it up guys!

Commander Nachonix

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Trying to get a fight club going 3PM server time tomorrow, looks like it’s going to be down to the wire and don’t want to mess up that horse race by scheduling it on Friday. Trying to decide a which BL windmill to run it by. Which one is usually not full of people? Is IoJ heavy that time of day?

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


does AR have ANY roaming groups at all? All I ever see is just one big mindless sea of red that only knows how to auto attack gates and use rams

Real Pro’s solo roam. nubs hunt in roaming groups.


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Awesome to see AR doing great. Had an extended break for work, looking forward to logging in later tonight !!

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: RageExpert.2453


Shout out to the Wild Rebellion[RBL] guild from SBI for camping the jumping puzzle going 10v2. LOL

(edited by RageExpert.2453)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


Now IoJ peeps, lets keep it clean. No reason to try and get others mad and give us a bad name.

I completely agree with this.

@Fellblade – That SM 3 way battle was EPIC, held SM against AR and SBI zerg hitting us from north and south LOL! Was so stressing commanding there i was expecting an insta wipe, but nope! Held it for what, 1 or almost 2 ticks? Might have been the adrenaline that made it feel like forever, AR and SBI just kept coming after dying. Till that mesmer ported SBI to the 3rd floor it was game over with that last flank while AR was fighting us north

Yeah; it was A LOT of fun. Thankfully some of our REC and INF guys had bunkered down with two superior ballistas in that northern hall for all that time!

You did an excellent job nonetheless. That first portal defense was awesome; but we just didn’t have the numbers or the siege set up to hold off a push from both the north from AR, the second floor portal from SBI AND SBI’s smaller push from the south.

I still got my loot bags in the end, though! :P

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thorp.7982


does AR have ANY roaming groups at all? All I ever see is just one big mindless sea of red that only knows how to auto attack gates and use rams

You guys are so boring/easy that we’ve mostly been doing other things. I know that a lot of Anvil Rock misses Ehmry Bay. I’ve been 2v8ing your roaming groups with my guild mate, Agriope, something that wouldn’t be possible against the majority of roaming groups of other servers we’ve played against.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: docbon.3486


Trying to get a fight club going 3PM server time tomorrow, looks like it’s going to be down to the wire and don’t want to mess up that horse race by scheduling it on Friday. Trying to decide a which BL windmill to run it by. Which one is usually not full of people? Is IoJ heavy that time of day?

IoJ sounds p. good. I’ll be down for a bit of dueling.

[GAF] Dragula – Asuran Engineer, SBI

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


well, I am so impressed with AR, you can field lots of numbers up against us, and I am love to have some field fighting with you guys. However IOJ really make me disappointed. IOJ has zero contribution to this matchup, they can keep up the score just because we are busy and having fun with AR(I am still impressive with your numbers of omega golems, I never saw any others server such as SoS, Mag or CD will be like that). IOJ should practice more your own tactics and directly facing us on the battlefield but not hiding behind walls or follow AR’s tail to cap useless towers and camps.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL @ number of Omega Golems.

This rich kid, owns like 100 of it.

Send me 1000g and I will stop trolling WvW forum.
I have a dream – Our Anet Senpai will make WvW Great Again!
WvW Forum is more competitive than WvW

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hirkin.8923


Our guild had a lot of fun fights tonight against [WAR] and [ALS] in AR BL!

Hirkin – 80 Guardian – SBI – [TB]
Hirkun – 80 Ranger – SBI – [TB]

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: ThunderPanda.1872


Sorry SBI you deserved it for taking our BL

Credit to all the guilds who helped,


and to to all the other guilds i forgot to mention (sorry!)


Hey, I’m pretty sure zero wiped ebg with our zerg around (4/5 of zero and 1/5 of others), and not mentioned? Lol(except for 1 last ioj tower)

Send me 1000g and I will stop trolling WvW forum.
I have a dream – Our Anet Senpai will make WvW Great Again!
WvW Forum is more competitive than WvW

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kirito.8260


Yo IOJ you need to get out of our EBG borderlands or else we will stop kittening around with you…..

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kirito.8260


Yo IOJ you need to get out of our EBG borderlands before we stop screwing around with you.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Yo IOJ you need to get out of our EBG borderlands before we stop screwing around with you.

it was payback for double teaming us all afternoon with SBI


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eosphoros.4987


stormbluff, if you need the points that badly.. i can just sleep-in all-day..

Oh, we always admire your 3 or 4 omega-golem-rush at 5 or 7 AM EST.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Opc.4718


stormbluff, if you need the points that badly.. i can just sleep-in all-day..

Oh, we always admire your 3 or 4 omega-golem-rush at 5 or 7 AM EST.

I’m terribly sorry for using all the tools at our disposal at a time convenient for our oceanic/NA all nighter crew to enjoy a little WvW. I sympathize with how you may feel a little sore about it. Now what’s stopping you guys from doing the same thing back to us? A little guild coordination to start a small golem fund will quickly get you all the omega golems you’ll ever need, and it’s not like it’s an original idea.

Also, haven’t we cleared up by now ACs don’t need LoS to hit things, and if you place one in a good position, you can shoot inside towers without using any hacks? That it’s part of the game mechanic seems like a more reasonable explanation than “omg everyone from every server is doing it because hacks!!11!!”.

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Opc.4718


does AR have ANY roaming groups at all? All I ever see is just one big mindless sea of red that only knows how to auto attack gates and use rams

You guys are so boring/easy that we’ve mostly been doing other things. I know that a lot of Anvil Rock misses Ehmry Bay. I’ve been 2v8ing your roaming groups with my guild mate, Agriope, something that wouldn’t be possible against the majority of roaming groups of other servers we’ve played against.

Ohai Thorp <3
Just been watching some of your videos, and there’s some kitten good stuff there

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: VanysRonz.4061


Well done, AR
actually I hate to post that kind of screenshot, but you are the only one and special one


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


Well done, AR
actually I hate to post that kind of screenshot, but you are the only one and special one

Haha, I was the IoJ Asuran watching you guys ram the AR keep gate down; and I had a sneaky suspicion that you were purposely not aiming for IoJ tonight, just to get back at AR. :P

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eosphoros.4987


stormbluff, if you need the points that badly.. i can just sleep-in all-day..

Oh, we always admire your 3 or 4 omega-golem-rush at 5 or 7 AM EST.

I’m terribly sorry for using all the tools at our disposal at a time convenient for our oceanic/NA all nighter crew to enjoy a little WvW. I sympathize with how you may feel a little sore about it. Now what’s stopping you guys from doing the same thing back to us? A little guild coordination to start a small golem fund will quickly get you all the omega golems you’ll ever need, and it’s not like it’s an original idea.

Also, haven’t we cleared up by now ACs don’t need LoS to hit things, and if you place one in a good position, you can shoot inside towers without using any hacks? That it’s part of the game mechanic seems like a more reasonable explanation than “omg everyone from every server is doing it because hacks!!11!!”.

You really don’t have to be sorry and I’m not being sarcastic. Only a few servers would use omega so frenquently and these servers are at the top of the ranking. Before this match-up I didn’t believe that there are still WvW focused guilds stayed at the servers of lower ranking, but you have at least 3 and do a great job. Hope that we will meet angain only if it isn’t next match-up lol.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


Kinky we were not saying that PvD for oceanics is not a tactic. We are also not complaining about PvD we had to deal with SOS for months THE oceanic server. We know how it feels a lot more then DR does. We are just saying it is not something to be proud of. It is something that A-Net has acknowledged is a problem and have something in the works to fix it. We are not saying it does not take work. We are however saying it take a lot more work to take a keep during the servers prime-time which we do. And most of the AR captures of our borderlands have been 40-50 on our map vs about maybe 10-20 people total. Because for most of the week everyone else was busy elsewhere.

stormbluff, if you need the points that badly.. i can just sleep-in all-day..

Oh, we always admire your 3 or 4 omega-golem-rush at 5 or 7 AM EST.

I’m terribly sorry for using all the tools at our disposal at a time convenient for our oceanic/NA all nighter crew to enjoy a little WvW. I sympathize with how you may feel a little sore about it. Now what’s stopping you guys from doing the same thing back to us? A little guild coordination to start a small golem fund will quickly get you all the omega golems you’ll ever need, and it’s not like it’s an original idea.

Also, haven’t we cleared up by now ACs don’t need LoS to hit things, and if you place one in a good position, you can shoot inside towers without using any hacks? That it’s part of the game mechanic seems like a more reasonable explanation than “omg everyone from every server is doing it because hacks!!11!!”.

How much do we have to repeat our self. There is no Guild Coordination with us we are a PvX server. There is only 1 WvW guild. And some more dedicated WvW guilds. KARM, TB, KEWI. You are fighting a bunch of people on Teamspeak herding a bunch of cats around and we do that well.

As for shooting inside towers. Last time I checked you should not be able to target inside the lords room on any tower. Period.

Well done, AR
actually I hate to post that kind of screenshot, but you are the only one and special one

Haha, I was the IoJ Asuran watching you guys ram the AR keep gate down; and I had a sneaky suspicion that you were purposely not aiming for IoJ tonight, just to get back at AR. :P

Ya probably mostly because we don’t care of you gain a little score. It is a close fight for first place now. To think we are able to pull this off with a bunch of PuGs.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


IOJ stepping up. Last night in EB they threw a zombie horde repeatedly at SM for over an hour. Had to be 50+ repeatedly swarming SM, though they couldn’t take, was good to see them pushing during NA prime. Where have these numbers been IOJ? Are you a fickle server like SBI, when it comes to wvw?

Bay in AR BL’s last night was pretty intense. Dat fight outside south bay gate was some crazy numbers on both sides, with the TB buzz saw just tearing apart the AR zerg. Saw lots of [War] guild last night, running away and sitting in towers. At least [ALS] came out to play and had some great battles against them. Props to [ALS] for showing us a good time in your BL’s. You all are a fun date.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thorp.7982


Yeah, [WAR] loves PvD. If there’s a player nearby, they aren’t.

Ohai Thorp <3
Just been watching some of your videos, and there’s some kitten good stuff there


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Redgrass.3067


Good show TB! That was some good pressure in Bay last night. Props to the player trebbing for ya’ll and the one holding the gate door like a champ. We got to your zerg and were like “oh crap get to the tower!” WvW is about the advantages you have during any given situation. March my guild mates to their death or get in the tower and build an AC?

WAR went north of the bridge in bay. We were trying to bait you guys into fights so we could thin out your group only to buy time for ALS. Bay was at 0, we couldn’t get supplies in fast enough, and knew the only way to win was with man power. We managed to move your zerg across the bridge twice. Once ALS capped NE tower they moved to south gate and the rest is history.

AR chased a zerg down last night. From NW tower, to the skritt entrance, until we finally wiped em at NW camp. I was able to crtl t the commander from SBI guild and offered 1g for his head in /say! He, in a valiant effort, realized this and ran back at our forces to buy time for his fighters.

Cmdr. Sinema Kane-80 Necro
Lil Bully-80 Thief

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Where have these numbers been IOJ? Are you a fickle server like SBI, when it comes to wvw?

A lot of it has to do with us being midweek rebounders. It happens a lot.

Living story type events usually throw a heavier wrench in our spokes than many servers.

I’m one of the more active commanders and even I was farming my kitten off this week. Blegh. Ripple effect from that obviously worked it’s way down to a lot of people, no doubt.

Frankly we went into this thinking SBI would just come out crushing both of us (crushing meaning have at least a 20k point lead) and AR at least holding their own but playing for 2nd.

We were DEAD wrong. AR has rebounded like you wouldn’t believe since IoJ got most of their main WvW’ers about…6-7 months ago. Since then we’ve been doing our own recovery since most of THEM went to SoR (I think anyway) and frankly AR has flat out impressed me with how well they’ve done. I’m very proud to see my original server do so well. I’m not going anywhere, but I have a little twinge of nostalgia for the guys I used to try and lead without even having a tag, the guys who helped me get a tag in the first place.

<3 AR, you guys are kittening lions.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Yeah all three servers and everyone coming out to play deserves a salute – so here’s to ya! This has been a great match and hard fighting everywhere.

My only complaint in this match is that I have to go to sleep too ealry so that I can wake up and go to work the next morning and I can’t play as much as I want.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: int randInt return.7810

int randInt return.7810

Yeah all three servers and everyone coming out to play deserves a salute – so here’s to ya! This has been a great match and hard fighting everywhere.

My only complaint in this match is that I have to go to sleep too ealry so that I can wake up and go to work the next morning and I can’t play as much as I want.

My solution to that was forgetting to go to sleep, and drinking more caffeine in the morning to compensate…

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Trying to get a fight club going 3PM server time tomorrow, looks like it’s going to be down to the wire and don’t want to mess up that horse race by scheduling it on Friday. Trying to decide a which BL windmill to run it by. Which one is usually not full of people? Is IoJ heavy that time of day?

3pm server time, bring your A game. IoJ windmill at the south camp. Respect your opponents..no spikes no uneven matches(unless requested). Party up with the enemy, learn a few things or teach some folks something new. This is Fight Club, look forward to seeing players from all 3 sides there. (Feel free to let your individual servers know the when and where.)

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pedra.4381


3pm server time, bring your A game. IoJ windmill at the south camp. Respect your opponents..no spikes no uneven matches(unless requested). Party up with the enemy, learn a few things or teach some folks something new. This is Fight Club, look forward to seeing players from all 3 sides there. (Feel free to let your individual servers know the when and where.)

Dovgan, you are ignoring the First Rule of Fight Club.

JonPeters.5630:]I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement…

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hrolfr.6285


One of the best WVW matchups Anvil Rock has ever participated in. Awesome job to SBI and IOJ for the great fights all week long. I wouldn’t mind fighting you guys another week.

Hrolfr Kuma
Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth. ~ Mike Tyson

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: docbon.3486


This fight club is looking mighty empty btw

edit: got 4 people here now. need more~~

[GAF] Dragula – Asuran Engineer, SBI

(edited by docbon.3486)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Joey.3928


I can join the fight club in about 2 hours from now

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: docbon.3486


Actually had to step out. If anyone’s dueling in an hour or so, I’ll hop back in again.

[GAF] Dragula – Asuran Engineer, SBI

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Where have these numbers been IOJ? Are you a fickle server like SBI, when it comes to wvw?

A lot of it has to do with us being midweek rebounders. It happens a lot.

Living story type events usually throw a heavier wrench in our spokes than many servers.

I’m one of the more active commanders and even I was farming my kitten off this week. Blegh. Ripple effect from that obviously worked it’s way down to a lot of people, no doubt.

Frankly we went into this thinking SBI would just come out crushing both of us (crushing meaning have at least a 20k point lead) and AR at least holding their own but playing for 2nd.

We were DEAD wrong.

After last week ive been taking a lot of time off

I too expected SBI to just stomp us like months back!
If i had any inclination the scores would be this close this far into the week i wouldve been pulling double shifts! If IoJ was in force like we were last week this would be one of the most balanced matchups. Especially as our Oceanics have something to fight. Either IoJ has gotten stronger, or SBI has gotten weaker, because all i can remember is barely holding Overlook with 15 people against 40-50 SBI and 20 golems!!!

Mr(s) Starkk

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: praline.8254


No one at IoJ windmill currently. I’ll check back in a few.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir