Tarnished Coast
7/5: DB/TC/EB
Tarnished Coast
Haha, some of you guys are priceless (and apparently, very sore losers).
You’re 5 ranks higher than Ebay is… Ebay thinking they are going to win is kinda silly. TC chest thumping is just in poor taste.
If you want to interpret it as chest thumping, go right ahead. I do represent TC as a whole. But frankly, some of you are not doing much to endear yourselves from what I’ve read thus far.
If you want to troll, don’t expect to not get responses. I do not care. ♥
Well, this thread escalated quickly. :P Good fights with DB and EBay in Ebay BL tonight.
Not only do you come with 40+. You need to zoom hack too?!?
Just sad…
Ebay exploiting rezzing through walls to get inside bay.
Stay classy
video? or you are just making stuff up…
Stay classy
Oh, the irony.
What Irony?!? TC is a sad bandwagon server… I didn’t expect Ebay to win. I did expect TC to chest thump… It’s ok for you to be mad, I just don’t get your point…
It’s kind of obvious you’re more worked up than I could ever be at this point. I’m pretty chill. Nice try though.
If we were a bandwagon server, we would’ve imploded a while ago but it’s okay; you can keep telling yourself that in an effort to reaffirm how crap we are.
And I can’t believe I have to actually explain your own comments to you. IIRC, someone said something about EB and you were like “Got a video or are you just making it up?” then you go and accuse TC of zoomhacking.
My reply to that: “Video? Or are you just making stuff up?”
Double standards much.
What a yawnfest this is.
(edited by Usagi.4835)
If this is the best EB has to offer in terms of individual ability you guys are going to suffer in the 1 v 1 tournament.
I obviously can’t speak for every EB 1v1 oriented person (no one can) but the few small scale fights I’ve had with EB have been much, much harder then any other server. I 1v1’d a lot of EB’s this week. Some weren’t so hot, but a majority would standstill the fight, if not give me a lot of trouble/beat me. I’m pretty impressed so far, personally.
Good fights last night – I was too drunk to remember which BL. But good fights nonetheless!
“dodging saves lives.”
If this is the best EB has to offer in terms of individual ability you guys are going to suffer in the 1 v 1 tournament.
I obviously can’t speak for every EB 1v1 oriented person (no one can) but the few small scale fights I’ve had with EB have been much, much harder then any other server. I 1v1’d a lot of EB’s this week. Some weren’t so hot, but a majority would standstill the fight, if not give me a lot of trouble/beat me. I’m pretty impressed so far, personally.
Quoted for truth.
These matchup threads are pointless. We’re just giving low tier crybabies a place to whine about us. Let’s cut the umbilical cord shall we?
I hope someday I grow up a tier!
“dodging saves lives.”
These matchup threads are pointless. We’re just giving low tier crybabies a place to whine about us. Let’s cut the umbilical cord shall we?
I hope someday I grow up a tier!
now that our thread has an exclamation point, which is obviously a kind of point, the thread is no longer pointless. problem fixed.
These matchup threads are pointless. We’re just giving low tier crybabies a place to whine about us. Let’s cut the umbilical cord shall we?
Normally this would be an awesome line….I’d laugh and give props
Problem is Ebay has more skill than TC. The only thing you have over Ebay a better ability to RP loot bags and zergballs.
ps. Thx for the glicko
EB people take heart! All the smaller servers that have faced the bandwagon server TC feel the same cause its always the same with TC. TC is so proud of running over servers that have less coverage, for some reason they still believe its skill….
These matchup threads are pointless. We’re just giving low tier crybabies a place to whine about us. Let’s cut the umbilical cord shall we?
I hope someday I grow up a tier!
Funny, I see a lot of “whining” out of everyone really, not just us. As you apparently attempted to imply. We got nothing to whine about personally. Yeah so we’re fighting two T2’s this week… And? It’s a new, largely probability-based ranking system that governs the matches now. Meaning so long as we do reasonably well and don’t actually leak too many points, we’re golden.
A good portion of our server thrives on open field and face to face combat, and not PPT. We’re fight mongers, plain and simple. So when you guys aren’t zergballing in droves, what do we have here, hmm? Answer: Lots and lots of potential opponents, that’s what! But wait… there’s more! You’re also owning the majority of our BL, the majority of the time. You know what I like to call that? Free home delivery!
Also, semi-related: Any FC’s or other events planned for Thursday night?
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Lol god, you guys are mouthy. This entire thread is basically EB badmouthing TC for having a larger population. I would say grow up and be classy but I think that’s beyond some of you…
Don’t think the majority of you have faced many real bandwagon servers.
Lol god, you guys are mouthy. This entire thread is basically EB badmouthing TC for having a larger population. I would say grow up and be classy but I think that’s beyond some of you…
Don’t think the majority of you have faced many real bandwagon servers.
Stating the obvious constitutes “badmouthing” when, lol? As stated in previous comment, quite chill-lax here. Why you sweatin’ us?
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Lol god, you guys are mouthy. This entire thread is basically EB badmouthing TC for having a larger population. I would say grow up and be classy but I think that’s beyond some of you…
I think everyone can agree coverage wins the match – not sure what all this kittening about “zergs” is about.
I have to laugh when people accuse TC of zerg balling, it’s not because they have no skill… It’s because that is how to kittening survive a T1/T2 skirmish. I wouldn’t expect a server to completely revamp it’s tactics to cater to a smaller server just so they feel better at night.
I’ve been enjoying this match up, besides the skill lag here and there – it’s been a lot of intense fights (lots of three-ways, which is always fun) and it’s given us a chance to get some practice in and mess around with new ideas.
I’ll sum up the next page of posts for you guys:
1. server calls TC out on zergs
2. server would be winning but they are just outnumbered
3. server wins all battles with less numbers
4. server is missing a lot of people because of PvE, they don’t care about PTT!
5. server random kitten talk to server
Don’t think the majority of you have faced many real bandwagon servers.
Does Dragonbrand and Kaineng count?
“dodging saves lives.”
(edited by ekleenex.1654)
Lol god, you guys are mouthy. This entire thread is basically EB badmouthing TC for having a larger population. I would say grow up and be classy but I think that’s beyond some of you…
Don’t think the majority of you have faced many real bandwagon servers.
Stating the obvious constitutes “badmouthing” when, lol? As stated in previous comment, quite chill-lax here. Why you sweatin’ us?
I didn’t know TC being a bandwagon was that ‘obvious’. News to me or do some people not know what a bandwagon server actually looks like?
To the Dragonbrand peeps who were awesome in the jump puzzle.. Thank you. I appreciate being able to almost finish. However, there were some that decided to camp at the end. To you.. thupppppppp brats.
These matchup threads are pointless. We’re just giving low tier crybabies a place to whine about us. Let’s cut the umbilical cord shall we?
Normally this would be an awesome line….I’d laugh and give props
Problem is Ebay has more skill than TC. The only thing you have over Ebay a better ability to RP loot bags and zergballs.
ps. Thx for the glicko
I dont think one server has more skill then the other, you’d need to face every single person on TC in some mathematical version of hell in order to justify that statement. The only difference that can be accurately stated is that population wise IMO, TC > DB > EB, in that order. All 3 servers have great players. All 3 servers have players who aren’t very good, but still try and play. And yes, all 3 servers have unskilled bads. No server is immune to these strengths or weaknesses. It’s simply like real life, in that you won’t find the same kind of person or experience each time. They may be similar, but the player is different.
What Irony?!? TC is a sad bandwagon server… I didn’t expect Ebay to win. I did expect TC to chest thump… It’s ok for you to be mad, I just don’t get your point…
Ha, we sucked you in. We only roleplay sad, mad, chest thumping bandwagon’ers. We’re really cheerful, happy, courteous, respectful people.
So when you face a server that can fight back, you are only roleplaying being whiners? My mistake then…..
Oh dear. I thought we’d gotten a restraining order for you, baby. What we had… it can’t happen again. So for both our sakes, stop stalking us.
Lol god, you guys are mouthy. This entire thread is basically EB badmouthing TC for having a larger population. I would say grow up and be classy but I think that’s beyond some of you…
Don’t think the majority of you have faced many real bandwagon servers.
Stating the obvious constitutes “badmouthing” when, lol? As stated in previous comment, quite chill-lax here. Why you sweatin’ us?
I didn’t know TC being a bandwagon was that ‘obvious’. News to me or do some people not know what a bandwagon server actually looks like?
I’ve never said a word about “bandwagoning”… ever actually. I could’nt care less where your server’s population comes from lol. I was referring to the aforementioned “badmouthing.” Which I don’t really see beyond the few post of a few random criers from all servers involved. Many of whom I’ve only ever witnessed post that one time only. That doesn’t include Jinks of course. No, Jinks has his own thing going, and so long as he’s happy and in his element, I couldn’t give a hoot there either.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
TC would need JQ or BG for there to not be a total stomp like with the SoR/TC/SoS matchup. SoR got more guilds recently and im not sure if TC did
Scrub D/D Ele. What’s server loyalty?
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
No. A lot of TCers who come out in lopsided matchups are fairweathers. Once we start fighting a tougher, better enemy, they will stop showing up. It really depends how many people will stick around after the reset weekend honestly. We should be more competitive next time, but we wont win unless we have more hardcore WvWers who don’t quit when the tough gets going.
Anyone who remembers reset saturday/sunday that weekend knows what I mean. We didn’t have nearly as many queues, and in a lot of maps, we were outmanned. Comparing that to when we had a few maps queued, and a good force on each map save maybe one, and it’s pretty clear what’s going on.
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
No chance. Even with another T1 server in the mix to split SoR’s attention, it would still be a blowout.
I can’t help but chuckle when TC’s opponents say we’re “stacked”. They just haven’t had the opportunity to fight SoR yet.
Also, SoR is not just stacked, but extremely well coordinated. Both their guilds and militia don’t play like a collection of guilds and individuals, but as a single integrated team, and they treat all 4 maps as a single map. Their response time, cross-map coordination, map hopping is all top of the game.
TC does that to some extent too, you can’t stay in T2 without it, but SoR has it down to a science.
That said I would love to fight SoR again, hopefully with at least DB or another T1 server. Lots to learn, and TC has generally been pretty good at learning from better servers we face.
(edited by kurtosis.9526)
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
No. A lot of TCers who come out in lopsided matchups are fairweathers. Once we start fighting a tougher, better enemy, they will stop showing up. It really depends how many people will stick around after the reset weekend honestly. We should be more competitive next time, but we wont win unless we have more hardcore WvWers who don’t quit when the tough gets going.
Anyone who remembers reset saturday/sunday that weekend knows what I mean. We didn’t have nearly as many queues, and in a lot of maps, we were outmanned. Comparing that to when we had a few maps queued, and a good force on each map save maybe one, and it’s pretty clear what’s going on.
I don’t think that would be as much of an issue if it was a real “T1” kind of fight. So, a fight like TCvSoRvBG(or JQ). When we faced SoR, we had a 3rd server that, because of a massive population difference. I would love to have a SoRvBG/JQvTC match! We get stomped, but it could be fun!
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300
(edited by Handin.4032)
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
No. A lot of TCers who come out in lopsided matchups are fairweathers. Once we start fighting a tougher, better enemy, they will stop showing up. It really depends how many people will stick around after the reset weekend honestly. We should be more competitive next time, but we wont win unless we have more hardcore WvWers who don’t quit when the tough gets going.
Anyone who remembers reset saturday/sunday that weekend knows what I mean. We didn’t have nearly as many queues, and in a lot of maps, we were outmanned. Comparing that to when we had a few maps queued, and a good force on each map save maybe one, and it’s pretty clear what’s going on.
I don’t think that would be as much of an issue if it was a real “T1” kind of fight. So, a fight like TCvSoRvBG(or JQ). When we faced SoR, we had a 3rd server that, because of a massive population difference, just couldn’t be nearly as active against either TC or SoR. This led SoR to focus a lot on us with very little distractions only because we had the popuation. If there was a 3rd server with a more equal population, then I think the match up would be very fun actually! I would love to have a SoRvBG/JQvTC match!
So you guys didn’t like when the server that had more people and more coverage focused on the second place server over the even less populated 3rd place server.
Hmm..where have I seen this scenario before…
This matchup blows. They need to keep the high pop servers against eachother no matter how stale it gets. Maybe TC can WvW against themselves while they roleplay mindless zergs?
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
No chance. Even with another T1 server in the mix to split SoR’s attention, it would still be a blowout.
I can’t help but chuckle when TC’s opponents say we’re “stacked”. They just haven’t had the opportunity to fight SoR yet.
Also, SoR is not just stacked, but extremely well coordinated. Both their guilds and militia don’t play like a collection of guilds and individuals, but as a single integrated team, and they treat all 4 maps as a single map. Their response time, cross-map coordination, map hopping is all top of the game.
TC does that to some extent too, you can’t stay in T2 without it, but SoR has it down to a science.
That said I would love to fight SoR again, hopefully with at least DB or another T1 server. Lots to learn, and TC has generally been pretty good at learning from better servers we face.
I can say the groups are very coordinated. When its oceanic we tend to run 1 group to man all 4 maps with scouts in other maps telling us the instant there is trouble so we may respond. The “rallians” or militia as you call them are vey engaged with us since I can see a lot of them in the TS listening to the various commanders we have. If TC can organize themselves even more they might have a chance in NA and Ocx/SEA time
Scrub D/D Ele. What’s server loyalty?
So mindless, wahhhhh. Well, we are zombies.
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
No. A lot of TCers who come out in lopsided matchups are fairweathers. Once we start fighting a tougher, better enemy, they will stop showing up. It really depends how many people will stick around after the reset weekend honestly. We should be more competitive next time, but we wont win unless we have more hardcore WvWers who don’t quit when the tough gets going.
Anyone who remembers reset saturday/sunday that weekend knows what I mean. We didn’t have nearly as many queues, and in a lot of maps, we were outmanned. Comparing that to when we had a few maps queued, and a good force on each map save maybe one, and it’s pretty clear what’s going on.
I don’t think that would be as much of an issue if it was a real “T1” kind of fight. So, a fight like TCvSoRvBG(or JQ). When we faced SoR, we had a 3rd server that, because of a massive population difference, just couldn’t be nearly as active against either TC or SoR. This led SoR to focus a lot on us with very little distractions only because we had the popuation. If there was a 3rd server with a more equal population, then I think the match up would be very fun actually! I would love to have a SoRvBG/JQvTC match!
So you guys didn’t like when the server that had more people and more coverage focused on the second place server over the even less populated 3rd place server.
Hmm..where have I seen this scenario before…
I don’t see anywhere that he’s saying we “didn’t like” being focused by SoR, merely that it happened. Many of us both expected and valued SoR focusing us – the only way you get better is to fight better competition.
All he was saying is that we could be more competitive than we were in a match featuring another T1 Server. More of our casual/fairweather players would keep coming out if the score was closer.
The SoR/SoS match was the best TC has had since ANet went to this new random system (with Mags/SoS surprisingly being 2nd for me – they came out and fought all week and didn’t whine on the forums about TC having more numbers).
Also if you see a little “chest-thumping” going on here it wasn’t that long ago at all that certain prominent posters from a certain Server kept coming into TC matchup threads insisting that there were 2 “T2” Servers and that TC wasn’t “T1.5” and how much they wanted a chance to prove they were just as strong as TC. (Strangely they have been really quiet this week… funny that )
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
No. A lot of TCers who come out in lopsided matchups are fairweathers. Once we start fighting a tougher, better enemy, they will stop showing up. It really depends how many people will stick around after the reset weekend honestly. We should be more competitive next time, but we wont win unless we have more hardcore WvWers who don’t quit when the tough gets going.
Anyone who remembers reset saturday/sunday that weekend knows what I mean. We didn’t have nearly as many queues, and in a lot of maps, we were outmanned. Comparing that to when we had a few maps queued, and a good force on each map save maybe one, and it’s pretty clear what’s going on.
I don’t think that would be as much of an issue if it was a real “T1” kind of fight. So, a fight like TCvSoRvBG(or JQ). When we faced SoR, we had a 3rd server that, because of a massive population difference, just couldn’t be nearly as active against either TC or SoR. This led SoR to focus a lot on us with very little distractions only because we had the popuation. If there was a 3rd server with a more equal population, then I think the match up would be very fun actually! I would love to have a SoRvBG/JQvTC match!
So you guys didn’t like when the server that had more people and more coverage focused on the second place server over the even less populated 3rd place server.
Hmm..where have I seen this scenario before…
I don’t see anywhere that he’s saying we “didn’t like” being focused by SoR, merely that it happened. Many of us both expected and valued SoR focusing us – the only way you get better is to fight better competition.
All he was saying is that we could be more competitive than we were in a match featuring another T1 Server. More of our casual/fairweather players would keep coming out if the score was closer.
The SoR/SoS match was the best TC has had since ANet went to this new random system (with Mags/SoS surprisingly being 2nd for me – they came out and fought all week and didn’t whine on the forums about TC having more numbers).
Also if you see a little “chest-thumping” going on here it wasn’t that long ago at all that certain prominent posters from a certain Server kept coming into TC matchup threads insisting that there were 2 “T2” Servers and that TC wasn’t “T1.5” and how much they wanted a chance to prove they were just as strong as TC. (Strangely they have been really quiet this week… funny that
Feel free to name those people
DB since Headstart
Also if you see a little “chest-thumping” going on here it wasn’t that long ago at all that certain prominent posters from a certain Server kept coming into TC matchup threads insisting that there were 2 “T2” Servers and that TC wasn’t “T1.5” and how much they wanted a chance to prove they were just as strong as TC. (Strangely they have been really quiet this week… funny that
Feel free to name those people
Well that didn’t take long at all now did it?
Also if you see a little “chest-thumping” going on here it wasn’t that long ago at all that certain prominent posters from a certain Server kept coming into TC matchup threads insisting that there were 2 “T2” Servers and that TC wasn’t “T1.5” and how much they wanted a chance to prove they were just as strong as TC. (Strangely they have been really quiet this week… funny that
Feel free to name those people
Well that didn’t take long at all now did it?
Long for what? Feel free to post whoever it is
DB since Headstart
it’s not really naming and shaming if they have no shame, right?
I have this so far:
TC beats T2 servers harder than it loses to T1 servers.
Three weeks ago you played against SoR once and came second by 120000 points and I don’t reckon they were out there in full force. As far as i can see it is the only time you played against a current “T1” server.
While I feel for you guys, I think you are a bit stuck at the moment. Just don’t talk yourselves up too much – other servers have done that in the past and it ended badly.
Correct TW went to JQ for the week or it would have been worse for TC and if This guy thinks that they will beat DB by 120000 then he must be stupid
…but I’m trying to track down some of the better ones from other people
insisting that there were 2 “T2” Servers and that TC wasn’t “T1.5” and how much they
I wouldn’t call TC T1.5 until/unless we get a JQ/DB/TC or JQ/BG/TC or SoR/T1/TC matchup. That would give us a clearer picture of how close we are to T1.
But until then I’d say we’re just solid T2, as is DB. I think there’s still a non-trivial gap b/t T2 and T1, not least due to the amount of time the T1 servers have spent fighting each other in the most intense 24/7 matchups, which TC doesn’t have the benefit of. We’d get there after a few weeks, but as of right now there’s an experience gap.
We have a solid lead right now, but part of that is having EB in the tier instead of FA, PPT gain from coverage imbalances is amplified. Remember how DB dominated T3 even before getting RE & co, there’s no way I could consider them a T2.5 server.
All that said, we should just get rid of the idea of “.5”. Either you’re T1 or T2 or T3 or whatever, until you’re something else.
(edited by kurtosis.9526)
And just so we’re clear Gellor – DB is a great Server with a lot of great people and Guilds. I love fighting against [TG] and [EA] and am thrilled to see that [FIRE] and [rB] are doing well.
The difference is Coverage and only Coverage.
insisting that there were 2 “T2” Servers and that TC wasn’t “T1.5” and how much they
I wouldn’t call TC T1.5 until/unless we get a JQ/DB/TC or JQ/BG/TC or SoR/T1/TC matchup. That would give us a clearer picture of how close we are to T1.
I say “T1.5” because while a TC/FA/DB match would be much better than “Randomania” we have now fought both FA and DB recently and I’m pretty sure TC would have a solid win in that match just due to coverage while at the same time TC would get handled pretty well by “T1” Servers once again due to coverage.
TC isn’t “T1” but its coverage is now much better than any Server outside of it.
(edited by Rackhir Tanelorn.9123)
I can say the groups are very coordinated. When its oceanic we tend to run 1 group to man all 4 maps with scouts in other maps telling us the instant there is trouble so we may respond. The “rallians” or militia as you call them are vey engaged with us since I can see a lot of them in the TS listening to the various commanders we have. If TC can organize themselves even more they might have a chance in NA and Ocx/SEA time
That’s definitely an on-going project for TC, the problem is when we get into imbalanced matchups where we dominate by virtue of population, we get lazy and sloppy and those efforts sort of fall the wayside.
It usually takes us a couple weeks to ramp up and adapt to the competition when we get someone better, like when stacked KN came into T2, and later newly stacked DB. And it’s been nice fighting DB this week as they’ve forced us to get it together.
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
No. A lot of TCers who come out in lopsided matchups are fairweathers. Once we start fighting a tougher, better enemy, they will stop showing up. It really depends how many people will stick around after the reset weekend honestly. We should be more competitive next time, but we wont win unless we have more hardcore WvWers who don’t quit when the tough gets going.
Anyone who remembers reset saturday/sunday that weekend knows what I mean. We didn’t have nearly as many queues, and in a lot of maps, we were outmanned. Comparing that to when we had a few maps queued, and a good force on each map save maybe one, and it’s pretty clear what’s going on.
I don’t think that would be as much of an issue if it was a real “T1” kind of fight. So, a fight like TCvSoRvBG(or JQ). When we faced SoR, we had a 3rd server that, because of a massive population difference, just couldn’t be nearly as active against either TC or SoR. This led SoR to focus a lot on us with very little distractions only because we had the popuation. If there was a 3rd server with a more equal population, then I think the match up would be very fun actually! I would love to have a SoRvBG/JQvTC match!
So you guys didn’t like when the server that had more people and more coverage focused on the second place server over the even less populated 3rd place server.
Hmm..where have I seen this scenario before…
- the only way you get better is to fight better competition.
Here’s the thing. TC isn’t better competition……just more ppl.
Ebay is more skilled on average than TC. <—- Fact
How would TC do if it matches up with SoR again? Do you think we could win this time?
No. A lot of TCers who come out in lopsided matchups are fairweathers. Once we start fighting a tougher, better enemy, they will stop showing up. It really depends how many people will stick around after the reset weekend honestly. We should be more competitive next time, but we wont win unless we have more hardcore WvWers who don’t quit when the tough gets going.
Anyone who remembers reset saturday/sunday that weekend knows what I mean. We didn’t have nearly as many queues, and in a lot of maps, we were outmanned. Comparing that to when we had a few maps queued, and a good force on each map save maybe one, and it’s pretty clear what’s going on.
I don’t think that would be as much of an issue if it was a real “T1” kind of fight. So, a fight like TCvSoRvBG(or JQ). When we faced SoR, we had a 3rd server that, because of a massive population difference, just couldn’t be nearly as active against either TC or SoR. This led SoR to focus a lot on us with very little distractions only because we had the popuation. If there was a 3rd server with a more equal population, then I think the match up would be very fun actually! I would love to have a SoRvBG/JQvTC match!
So you guys didn’t like when the server that had more people and more coverage focused on the second place server over the even less populated 3rd place server.
Hmm..where have I seen this scenario before…
- the only way you get better is to fight better competition.
Here’s the thing. TC isn’t better competition……just more ppl.
Ebay is more skilled on average than TC. <—- Fact
If I put “fact” after I say something, it must be true. <——Fact
He does that a lot. He quoted something for truth earlier. Guess God does exist on Ehmry Bay.
He does that a lot. He quoted something for truth earlier. Guess God does exist on Ehmry Bay.
Don’t let Marrett hear you say that…
Look, unknown TC mesmer on DBBL, I know solo roaming can be hard, but Alt-F4’ing is not going to stop us from getting a bag. Yeah it was 1v3. Tough cookies! (I know how much you guys like cookies). Just die with honor!
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
/opens door and pokes in head
For what it’s worth, I sincerely hope we, Crystal Desert, get to fight E Bay very, very soon. I hear nothing but great things about your small-man groups. I can’t wait to fight you guys.
/closes door
I have this so far:
TC beats T2 servers harder than it loses to T1 servers.
Three weeks ago you played against SoR once and came second by 120000 points and I don’t reckon they were out there in full force. As far as i can see it is the only time you played against a current “T1” server.
While I feel for you guys, I think you are a bit stuck at the moment. Just don’t talk yourselves up too much – other servers have done that in the past and it ended badly.
Correct TW went to JQ for the week or it would have been worse for TC and if This guy thinks that they will beat DB by 120000 then he must be stupid
…but I’m trying to track down some of the better ones from other people
Those are facts, TW went to JQ for the week to fight BG, not sure why that matters because TW is an awesome guild so yes it you would have lost by more. TC individual said they would beat T2 by 120k not me, maybe next time post that as well.
P.S. I have never went into your thread and said you weren’t a t1.5 server, so please keep trying
P.S.S TC is a good server, I thought about going there a month back and I talk to a lot of people on TC so I harbor no ill will.
DB since Headstart
(edited by Gellor.6497)
Good fights earlier with the GH/GF peoples in ruins/lake tower in DBBL. I enjoy these 1v1’s with EB, very fun & good skill levels. Kudos!
And just so we’re clear Gellor – DB is a great Server with a lot of great people and Guilds. I love fighting against [TG] and [EA] and am thrilled to see that [FIRE] and [rB] are doing well.
The difference is Coverage and only Coverage.
No, TC has superior scouting compared to DB, which helps a lot
DB since Headstart
Well Fox, only thing I can say is…it’s sneaky, too sneaky…
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
Good fights earlier with the GH/GF peoples in ruins/lake tower in DBBL. I enjoy these 1v1’s with EB, very fun & good skill levels. Kudos!
Thank you for provung my point.