7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD
<3 you Bird! Hope you had a good vacation. Did you bring me any good beer back?
Do you know what dude.
The beer fridge is filled with mythos.
Party at birds house.
Someone get me a plane ticket, IM DOWN!
PB Officer
helo does anyone love pve as much as wafflez does?
helo does anyone love pve as much as wafflez does?
That’s a trick question. Nobody answer, he is trying to find out all our secrets
Thank you NSP for the great battles in your BL. [TRBO] enjoyed it so much. Too bad we can only hold your hills for 6 hours.
Thank you IoJ for the great battes in your BL. [ZoS] enjoyed it so much. Too bad we can only hold your ENTIRE BORDERLAND for 6 hours
… see what I did there?
As your servermate said.
You attack us while we sleep what do you expect?I actually made that post to show that no one likes braggers :/
As i have already told you, I personally built all of those golems, and there were only 3 omega and 6 alpha to start off, i think we made 2 more alphas in garri just to burn supps.
Main reason i keep hitting your BL is because every morning i log on i either face a fortified lake with a bajillion arrowcarts or like this morning WP in hills…
Well I got a wp in your bay today so all is fair i suppose.
I dont have screenshots of IoJ zergs because im mostly leading my group in and thinking of ways to kill said zerg and not take SS’s.
Obviously I am asleep when you took our BL, did I whine about it? NO! Because I know you will hit our BL when I sleep, that’s a good tactic.
You got a WP on our Bay, did I whine? NO! Because it’s fair, you took our BL you decorate it.
Am I bragging in this forum? YEAH. I am because your guys also brags and I was quiet with last week’s matchups because no one started bragging so I don’t have a reason to reply (kudos to DR and ET last week).
The thing is, if we get your tower just retake it and don’t say “you only took our tower when I sleep.. etc. etc. excuses. excuses. blah. blah.”
Just like what we do, I come home after my work and see our BL in other color I start asking people on my guild to help me retake it then hit other BL. That’s what I do regularly.
I can be a forum warrior if someone starts to whine or brag.
“Whiners will whine, haters will hate.” That’s what they do best.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
Nice job defending bay in IOJ tonight NSP!
Gratz for finally getting it back IOJ!
That was fun.
Nice fights all around tonight. Tried to party with an IoJ after you retook bay in your BL just to give you guys props. We fought long and hard but you guys got it in the end. Nice work. Also enjoyed some fighting 2 VLK ele’s, sorry it got interrupted by the zergs that ensued afterward.
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
Too bad they are getting all the glory while I sit in my office chair looking at mos millenium and hearing them shout “WE GOT ALL KEEPS of NSP” in TS.
Good job IoJ. I am truly proud of you guys. <3
Be sure to wake them up, ok? They might be asleep.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Nice job defending bay in IOJ tonight NSP!
Gratz for finally getting it back IOJ!
That was fun.
Good job holding too.
We will always take back what is ours. In due time.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Lots of QQ. I’m loving the tears, IoJ.
Gotta say it’s hilarious. IoJ keep whining because we take your BL easily (golems, boohoo) (and you still use 1k supply at siege, and guess what? We still take it), while yesterday, we took HoD t3 hills with 8 people, and do they kitten and moan? No. Because they don’t have to make up excuses, they realize they messed up with no reaction. (They did react at garrison though, holy hell).
Sorry, not IoJ in its entirety. Just lots of you.
Northern Shiverpeaks
[AS] Artificial Strife
Wow were whining? Wow! Do you read the forums? Obviously NO!
We don’t whine. You take our BL it’s good that what it should be. This is WvW, you take what you can, when you can. We don’t whine. We know how WvW works unlike you guys.
If you only know how to back read you can see is NSP guy saying ~ “We are sleeping, etc. etc. that’s why you took our tower, hu hu hu!” ~ Well maybe by your standard it’s not whining. ROTFL!!!!
Common NSP replies:
- Huhuhuhu… you only take our BL because we’re sleeping, huhuhuhu….
- Huhuhuhu… you are so many, you have like 999,999,999 people against one of me and my rock dog huhuhuhuh……
- Huhuhuhu… you are zoomhacking that’s why we cannot take our tower back with 999,999,999 people.. huhuhuhuhu!
Back read please, and tell me who’s whining. Don’t just come here and post nonsense you are not helping your server that way.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
grats NSP, you golem rushed us at our weak point again! And guess what?? We all disconnected right before you arrived
You should be proud you guys are big enough to lag us all out. Even though we placed alot of siege it doesn’t matter if we have no one to man it :/ it was 40v5 but it was still fun thinking for a minute we stood a chance against a zerg that big with the numbers we had. Half of the golems were omegas I might add, really who pays for all this?
It’s a shame this picture only shows half the amount you guys had as the rest of you were still making your way up.
EDIT: and of course HoD is there to take our keep from us in EB while we’re outmanned there as well. You guys have some nice coordination going on with NSP. Well whatever, we’ll take it all back and then some when we wake up and it finally becomes even numbers for a short while till IoJ goes back to bed.
No coordination with HoD. infact the slimy kittens ( <3 you really VLK) tried to help you out and take our t2 bay we had in your bl. HoD is also the only* reason you guys did not drop to +0 ppt like i wanted, as they had a massive zerg in our eb side, inner keep i do believe. So we had to devide our forces, leaving me and 3 ( not 40) in your bl.
Those numbers, are all we had. See them ZoS/Os tags at the back? those are the golems and they are the last of us. I know because i was in one.
We only had 3 omegas :/ not exactly alot. and 6 alphas thats 9 not 15.
Also, im still waiting for your
AC Zoomhack, i mean totally legit way of getting the ac ontop of mendons wall from page 2.Now stop making yourself and your server look bad and go play the game.
It’s interesting how HoD is always there to scavenge off what we take. Also I’ve already proven how to shoot the AC where I did and it’s funny how you keep bringing it up. Anyways enjoy taking back your freshly flipped borderlands
WoW HoD! Really? You are taking our kills.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Also, im still waiting for your
AC Zoomhack, i mean totally legit way of getting the ac ontop of mendons wall from page 2.
If you got zoomhacked then post it let ANET know.
If ANET doesn’t do anything about it then it’s either it’s not zoomhacking or they don’t care.
I saw some interesting ac placement from your server too but I don’t say anything about it I just replicate it and think it is a good strat.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Oh btw, I will be out for the week. Enjoy WvW guys.
Congratulations to whoever wins (obviously NSP). Congrats!
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Wow were whining? Wow! Do you read the forums? Obviously NO!
We don’t whine. You take our BL it’s good that what it should be. This is WvW, you take what you can, when you can. We don’t whine. We know how WvW works unlike you guys.
If you only know how to back read you can see is NSP guy saying ~ “We are sleeping, etc. etc. that’s why you took our tower, hu hu hu!” ~ Well maybe by your standard it’s not whining. ROTFL!!!!
Common NSP replies:
- Huhuhuhu… you only take our BL because we’re sleeping, huhuhuhu….
- Huhuhuhu… you are so many, you have like 999,999,999 people against one of me and my rock dog huhuhuhuh……
- Huhuhuhu… you are zoomhacking that’s why we cannot take our tower back with 999,999,999 people.. huhuhuhuhu!
Back read please, and tell me who’s whining. Don’t just come here and post nonsense you are not helping your server that way.
I haven’t whined, but! The zoomhack being used it evident. Say whatever you want, you may not use it personally, but I’ve seen it been used repeatedly. I have played with the zoomout (when the adventure box glitched it out), and that is the only time I have ever been able to hit angles that are being hit at this point
And those aren’t whines as much as accurate statements. You did have people defending your BL. Maybe we were more attacking, but you can’t burn 1,000 supply that fast without having at least a certain amount of people.
But you know your strength is at a certain time. We know that too. However, when we fight against any of your numbers when we have our own (afternoon EU), you know what we are capable of. And that extends to our NA.
If we had 10-20 people online at your prime, you could probably take one keep in our BL, and it would stop there. However, we have proven that you can not say the same. (The first keep we take is usually free, but not the 2nd or 3rd).
Northern Shiverpeaks
[AS] Artificial Strife
Wow were whining? Wow! Do you read the forums? Obviously NO!
We don’t whine. You take our BL it’s good that what it should be. This is WvW, you take what you can, when you can. We don’t whine. We know how WvW works unlike you guys.
If you only know how to back read you can see is NSP guy saying ~ “We are sleeping, etc. etc. that’s why you took our tower, hu hu hu!” ~ Well maybe by your standard it’s not whining. ROTFL!!!!
Common NSP replies:
- Huhuhuhu… you only take our BL because we’re sleeping, huhuhuhu….
- Huhuhuhu… you are so many, you have like 999,999,999 people against one of me and my rock dog huhuhuhuh……
- Huhuhuhu… you are zoomhacking that’s why we cannot take our tower back with 999,999,999 people.. huhuhuhuhu!
Back read please, and tell me who’s whining. Don’t just come here and post nonsense you are not helping your server that way.
I haven’t whined, but! The zoomhack being used it evident. Say whatever you want, you may not use it personally, but I’ve seen it been used repeatedly. I have played with the zoomout (when the adventure box glitched it out), and that is the only time I have ever been able to hit angles that are being hit at this point
And those aren’t whines as much as accurate statements. You did have people defending your BL. Maybe we were more attacking, but you can’t burn 1,000 supply that fast without having at least a certain amount of people.
But you know your strength is at a certain time. We know that too. However, when we fight against any of your numbers when we have our own (afternoon EU), you know what we are capable of. And that extends to our NA.
If we had 10-20 people online at your prime, you could probably take one keep in our BL, and it would stop there. However, we have proven that you can not say the same. (The first keep we take is usually free, but not the 2nd or 3rd).
you know we literally JUST flipped your entire borderland right? Reguardless of the 30 people you had defending we still took it Also no sorry but whenever you bring 50 people and 10+ golems to our borderlands your not “skillfully” taking our keeps… It’s called ninja’ing, all zergy servers like yours do it and it hardly requires anything other then knowing how to chain portals. Either way NSP has way better coverage then IoJ and from the score it’s become quite evident that NSP will probably win due to there around the clock coverage and massive population.
(edited by MrFluffy.9307)
helo if u read this niobe ur a dog
Wow were whining? Wow! Do you read the forums? Obviously NO!
We don’t whine. You take our BL it’s good that what it should be. This is WvW, you take what you can, when you can. We don’t whine. We know how WvW works unlike you guys.
If you only know how to back read you can see is NSP guy saying ~ “We are sleeping, etc. etc. that’s why you took our tower, hu hu hu!” ~ Well maybe by your standard it’s not whining. ROTFL!!!!
Common NSP replies:
- Huhuhuhu… you only take our BL because we’re sleeping, huhuhuhu….
- Huhuhuhu… you are so many, you have like 999,999,999 people against one of me and my rock dog huhuhuhuh……
- Huhuhuhu… you are zoomhacking that’s why we cannot take our tower back with 999,999,999 people.. huhuhuhuhu!
Back read please, and tell me who’s whining. Don’t just come here and post nonsense you are not helping your server that way.
I haven’t whined, but! The zoomhack being used it evident. Say whatever you want, you may not use it personally, but I’ve seen it been used repeatedly. I have played with the zoomout (when the adventure box glitched it out), and that is the only time I have ever been able to hit angles that are being hit at this point
And those aren’t whines as much as accurate statements. You did have people defending your BL. Maybe we were more attacking, but you can’t burn 1,000 supply that fast without having at least a certain amount of people.
But you know your strength is at a certain time. We know that too. However, when we fight against any of your numbers when we have our own (afternoon EU), you know what we are capable of. And that extends to our NA.
If we had 10-20 people online at your prime, you could probably take one keep in our BL, and it would stop there. However, we have proven that you can not say the same. (The first keep we take is usually free, but not the 2nd or 3rd).
you know we literally JUST flipped your entire borderland right? Reguardless of the 30 people you had defending we still took it
Also no sorry but whenever you bring 50 people and 10+ golems to our borderlands your not “skillfully” taking our keeps… It’s called ninja’ing, all zergy servers like yours do it and it hardly requires anything other then knowing how to chain portals. Either way NSP has way better coverage then IoJ and from the score it’s become quite evident that NSP will probably win due to there around the clock coverage and massive population.
Why didn’t you hold it then?
Also, massive is pushing it, don’t you think?
And, kitten , there were not 10+ golems.
Northern Shiverpeaks
[AS] Artificial Strife
grats NSP, you golem rushed us at our weak point again! And guess what?? We all disconnected right before you arrived
You should be proud you guys are big enough to lag us all out. Even though we placed alot of siege it doesn’t matter if we have no one to man it :/ it was 40v5 but it was still fun thinking for a minute we stood a chance against a zerg that big with the numbers we had. Half of the golems were omegas I might add, really who pays for all this?
It’s a shame this picture only shows half the amount you guys had as the rest of you were still making your way up.
EDIT: and of course HoD is there to take our keep from us in EB while we’re outmanned there as well. You guys have some nice coordination going on with NSP. Well whatever, we’ll take it all back and then some when we wake up and it finally becomes even numbers for a short while till IoJ goes back to bed.
No coordination with HoD. infact the slimy kittens ( <3 you really VLK) tried to help you out and take our t2 bay we had in your bl. HoD is also the only* reason you guys did not drop to +0 ppt like i wanted, as they had a massive zerg in our eb side, inner keep i do believe. So we had to devide our forces, leaving me and 3 ( not 40) in your bl.
Those numbers, are all we had. See them ZoS/Os tags at the back? those are the golems and they are the last of us. I know because i was in one.
We only had 3 omegas :/ not exactly alot. and 6 alphas thats 9 not 15.
Also, im still waiting for your
AC Zoomhack, i mean totally legit way of getting the ac ontop of mendons wall from page 2.Now stop making yourself and your server look bad and go play the game.
It’s interesting how HoD is always there to scavenge off what we take. Also I’ve already proven how to shoot the AC where I did and it’s funny how you keep bringing it up. Anyways enjoy taking back your freshly flipped borderlands
You haven’t provided anything, you provided a plausible way of getting the AC to hit on top of the wall. You did not provide a screenshot matching the screenshot i posted of you on an arrow-cart hitting way way on top of the wall far beyond your provided screenshot.
Even your server-mate “kinkygirraffe” agrees it is clear….
also to chime in
commong ioj response to us taking their bl: “EAT A KITTEN! HAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA YOUHAVE NUMBERSCANTEVEN GET OUTOF OUR TIER HAHAHHAAHAHA” + many more grammar mistakes.
1) What we saw you do with an AC.
2) How you justified it.
Please tell me again how those 2 pictures line up, im all ears.
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by Spets the MilkBandit.9031)
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.
Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lol
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lol
We new from the start NSP was a threat to us, HoD was just kinda meh since we figured we’d beat them. We didn’t expect them to be scavengers though which allowed them to pass us up this much today so ya we’ll probably hit them some. Also sorry spet those screenshots do infact line up, as much as you want to blame you losing the tower due to hacks it just wasn’t
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolWe new from the start NSP was a threat to us, HoD was just kinda meh since we figured we’d beat them. We didn’t expect them to be scavengers though which allowed them to pass us up this much today so ya we’ll probably hit them some. Also sorry spet those screenshots do infact line up, as much as you want to blame you losing the tower due to hacks it just wasn’t
HOW do they line up? Do you have some sort of a visual problem?
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolWe new from the start NSP was a threat to us, HoD was just kinda meh since we figured we’d beat them. We didn’t expect them to be scavengers though which allowed them to pass us up this much today so ya we’ll probably hit them some. Also sorry spet those screenshots do infact line up, as much as you want to blame you losing the tower due to hacks it just wasn’t
HOW do they line up? Do you have some sort of a visual problem?
Sadly yes and that is why I wear glasses. But I assure you they do hit from where I labeled the x’s you can test it you yourself! But I doubt you will since you thrive on calling people hackers without examining any evidence shown before you.
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolWe new from the start NSP was a threat to us, HoD was just kinda meh since we figured we’d beat them. We didn’t expect them to be scavengers though which allowed them to pass us up this much today so ya we’ll probably hit them some. Also sorry spet those screenshots do infact line up, as much as you want to blame you losing the tower due to hacks it just wasn’t
HOW do they line up? Do you have some sort of a visual problem?
Sadly yes and that is why I wear glasses. But I assure you they do hit from where I labeled the x’s you can test it you yourself! But I doubt you will since you thrive on calling people hackers without examining any evidence shown before you.
I have examined your evidence and concluded that your picture, shows a plausible* way to hit the edge top of the wall. It does not however reach the yellow X in my screenshot provided which is the centre of the aoe-circle.
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolWe new from the start NSP was a threat to us, HoD was just kinda meh since we figured we’d beat them. We didn’t expect them to be scavengers though which allowed them to pass us up this much today so ya we’ll probably hit them some. Also sorry spet those screenshots do infact line up, as much as you want to blame you losing the tower due to hacks it just wasn’t
HOW do they line up? Do you have some sort of a visual problem?
Sadly yes and that is why I wear glasses. But I assure you they do hit from where I labeled the x’s you can test it you yourself! But I doubt you will since you thrive on calling people hackers without examining any evidence shown before you.
I have examined your evidence and concluded that your picture, shows a plausible* way to hit the edge top of the wall. It does not however reach the yellow X in my screenshot provided which is the centre of the aoe-circle.
I’ve examined your evidence and concluded that your picture does not properly label the center of the circle. I’m getting tired of restating my case so stop being a noob and play the game
Stop posting on forums. You don’t understand the powers.
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolWe new from the start NSP was a threat to us, HoD was just kinda meh since we figured we’d beat them. We didn’t expect them to be scavengers though which allowed them to pass us up this much today so ya we’ll probably hit them some. Also sorry spet those screenshots do infact line up, as much as you want to blame you losing the tower due to hacks it just wasn’t
HOW do they line up? Do you have some sort of a visual problem?
Sadly yes and that is why I wear glasses. But I assure you they do hit from where I labeled the x’s you can test it you yourself! But I doubt you will since you thrive on calling people hackers without examining any evidence shown before you.
I have examined your evidence and concluded that your picture, shows a plausible* way to hit the edge top of the wall. It does not however reach the yellow X in my screenshot provided which is the centre of the aoe-circle.
I’ve examined your evidence and concluded that your picture does not properly label the center of the circle. I’m getting tired of restating my case so stop being a noob and play the game
please, take my screenshot, and label the screenshot with your opinion of where the centre of that red circle is.
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks
Judging from the shadow made by the flag, and the fact that your mark is at the next piece of wood which is slanted towards the front of Mendon’s, again beside the shadow, we can reasonably place your mark on Smit’s picture. Your mark is legit, however that is not where the AC was aimed. You can clearly see that there are no red AOE circles centered around your mark.
Other than that great fights all around, been having a blast. Cheers everyone.
Judging from the shadow made by the flag, and the fact that your mark is at the next piece of wood which is slanted towards the front of Mendon’s, again beside the shadow, we can reasonably place your mark on Smit’s picture. Your mark is legit, however that is not where the AC was aimed. You can clearly see that there are no red AOE circles centered around your mark.
Other than that great fights all around, been having a blast. Cheers everyone.
But who shot first?
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lol
HoD didn’t push IoJ into last, NSP did, with holding our BL for as long as you did. Yes we did see you guys hit HoD BL, but with what happened to our BL and within our server, it kind of sealed our placing in this match up. This late in the match up we will probably come last regardless if we attack HoD only. We’re not giving up, just that you’ll probably see less resistance from us due to the majority of our fair weathers going back to pve till the next match up. (even some of our WvW guilds are burning out, and we don’t have many of those)
It’s becoming clearer to me and a lot of our other commanders, that IoJ as a server , is not well liked due to some of the attitudes that some of our player’s have/are displaying. We do try our best to restrain ourselves but it can be more difficult for others and we can’t control everyone. The member from IoJ who was whispering Spet’s (sorry if I got your name wrong) is a bit of a loose canon and even gives our commander’s flak. I’m not making excuses for his actions/words but there’s not much we can do. If it’s that much of an issue, please use the reporting tool to get a more satisfactory result, it’s probably the best anyone can do about it.
Overall, as much as this match up has been frustrating for us, it is still a good learning experience. The majority of the roaming groups we get from the other servers in IoJ BL every night (oceanic tz) are very talented. If I was good enough I may have been able to pick up on some of your tricks, but alas, you’ve just proven to me that I need to go pvp more and do it with player’s that I can learn from that are equal to that calibre shown by our enemies roaming groups. The value of scouts can not be emphasised enough, but sometimes even early warning can not prepare us for a blitzkrieg style attack that NSP is perfecting, yet . In the end all we can do is take away what we learn from this match up and try to improve ourselves as best as we can. I’m hoping for some epic battles to finish this match off with regardless of where we come in at. (2nd would be preferable, but I’m a realist)
Agens Leti – Cmdr
Wolves Vs Worlds [WolF]
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolHoD didn’t push IoJ into last, NSP did, with holding our BL for as long as you did. Yes we did see you guys hit HoD BL, but with what happened to our BL and within our server, it kind of sealed our placing in this match up. This late in the match up we will probably come last regardless if we attack HoD only. We’re not giving up, just that you’ll probably see less resistance from us due to the majority of our fair weathers going back to pve till the next match up. (even some of our WvW guilds are burning out, and we don’t have many of those)
It’s becoming clearer to me and a lot of our other commanders, that IoJ as a server , is not well liked due to some of the attitudes that some of our player’s have/are displaying. We do try our best to restrain ourselves but it can be more difficult for others and we can’t control everyone. The member from IoJ who was whispering Spet’s (sorry if I got your name wrong) is a bit of a loose canon and even gives our commander’s flak. I’m not making excuses for his actions/words but there’s not much we can do. If it’s that much of an issue, please use the reporting tool to get a more satisfactory result, it’s probably the best anyone can do about it.
Overall, as much as this match up has been frustrating for us, it is still a good learning experience. The majority of the roaming groups we get from the other servers in IoJ BL every night (oceanic tz) are very talented. If I was good enough I may have been able to pick up on some of your tricks, but alas, you’ve just proven to me that I need to go pvp more and do it with player’s that I can learn from that are equal to that calibre shown by our enemies roaming groups. The value of scouts can not be emphasised enough, but sometimes even early warning can not prepare us for a blitzkrieg style attack that NSP is perfecting, yet
. In the end all we can do is take away what we learn from this match up and try to improve ourselves as best as we can. I’m hoping for some epic battles to finish this match off with regardless of where we come in at. (2nd would be preferable, but I’m a realist)
You are a good representative for IoJ. I like you
Northern Shiverpeaks
[AS] Artificial Strife
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolWe new from the start NSP was a threat to us, HoD was just kinda meh since we figured we’d beat them. We didn’t expect them to be scavengers though which allowed them to pass us up this much today so ya we’ll probably hit them some. Also sorry spet those screenshots do infact line up, as much as you want to blame you losing the tower due to hacks it just wasn’t
HoD are doing pretty much doing what we were doing on our last match up with DH. Stay low and quiet and let the other 2 tear them self apart. It worked and it’s a good strat. With Bird and Smit back online it’s pretty hard for us to lay low and not get attention.
BTW I really like IoJ. I faced your night crew one night because I wanted to see them in action and they are really good.
My respects to the current NSP team in IOJ BL holding our briar and other areas like they mean it. You guys are the best mid size team I’ve seen in this match up and the most organized, it is expected as they were [XOXO] and some other good guilds from NSP.
All the mesmers, thieves plus some good bunker and heavy dps warr and guardian class made the team almost unbeatable. I was the IOJ legend ranger commander trying to use every way to retake our briar back, and we failed to do so every time. Although it was very frustrating for me since I’m running with pugs vs a really organized team, i have to admit how well the executed camp flipping, wp contesting and so on.
With all the friendly peeps I’ve met in NSP and all their great guilds while still being a low populated server ( which is what I enjoy, not tier 3 and up lagfest) makes it really tempting for me to transfer. Almost…
Now well… I need to chill out for the rest of the day. Or match up, idk. :P
(edited by Natronix.9827)
helo if u read this niobe ur a dog
I second this.
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolHoD didn’t push IoJ into last, NSP did, with holding our BL for as long as you did. Yes we did see you guys hit HoD BL, but with what happened to our BL and within our server, it kind of sealed our placing in this match up. This late in the match up we will probably come last regardless if we attack HoD only. We’re not giving up, just that you’ll probably see less resistance from us due to the majority of our fair weathers going back to pve till the next match up. (even some of our WvW guilds are burning out, and we don’t have many of those)
It’s becoming clearer to me and a lot of our other commanders, that IoJ as a server , is not well liked due to some of the attitudes that some of our player’s have/are displaying. We do try our best to restrain ourselves but it can be more difficult for others and we can’t control everyone. The member from IoJ who was whispering Spet’s (sorry if I got your name wrong) is a bit of a loose canon and even gives our commander’s flak. I’m not making excuses for his actions/words but there’s not much we can do. If it’s that much of an issue, please use the reporting tool to get a more satisfactory result, it’s probably the best anyone can do about it.
Overall, as much as this match up has been frustrating for us, it is still a good learning experience. The majority of the roaming groups we get from the other servers in IoJ BL every night (oceanic tz) are very talented. If I was good enough I may have been able to pick up on some of your tricks, but alas, you’ve just proven to me that I need to go pvp more and do it with player’s that I can learn from that are equal to that calibre shown by our enemies roaming groups. The value of scouts can not be emphasised enough, but sometimes even early warning can not prepare us for a blitzkrieg style attack that NSP is perfecting, yet
. In the end all we can do is take away what we learn from this match up and try to improve ourselves as best as we can. I’m hoping for some epic battles to finish this match off with regardless of where we come in at. (2nd would be preferable, but I’m a realist)
Thank you for being a decent rep for IoJ, unfortunately not many are around.
You may call me Smitry, since that’s my main.
As for IoJ credit goes to the most notable (in my time-frame) guild group TRBO holding lake and sometimes hills, Sure makes it more challenging and forces us to engage brain instead of autopilot.
As for that rage-kid from ioj, I really hope hes not a commander/never will be one, For IoJ’s sake.
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks
My respects to the current NSP team in IOJ BL holding our briar and other areas like they mean it. You guys are the best mid size team I’ve seen in this match up and the most organized, it is expected as they were [XOXO] and some other good guilds from NSP.
All the mesmers, thieves plus some good bunker and heavy dps warr and guardian class made the team almost unbeatable. I was the IOJ legend ranger commander trying to use every way to retake our briar back, and we failed to do so every time. Although it was very frustrating for me since I’m running with pugs vs a really organized team, i have to admit how well the executed camp flipping, wp contesting and so on.
With all the friendly peeps I’ve met in NSP and all their great guilds while still being a low populated server ( which is what I enjoy, not tier 3 and up lagfest) makes it really tempting for me to transfer. Almost…
Now well… I need to chill out for the rest of the day. Or match up, idk. :P
Natronix I must admit I am very impressed with how friendly and rational you are even when me and bird built a treb on your body, that was not a shame treb but a respect treb. Keep up being awesome.
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks
Natronix I must admit I am very impressed with how friendly and rational you are even when me and bird built a treb on your body, that was not a shame treb but a respect treb. Keep up being awesome.
This is exactly my thoughts.
Love the Noche
Lets go kill HoD instead.
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild
helo if u read this niobe ur a dog
I second this.
Indeed, he brings up a salient point to consider. Excellent critique.
My respects to the current NSP team in IOJ BL holding our briar and other areas like they mean it. You guys are the best mid size team I’ve seen in this match up and the most organized, it is expected as they were [XOXO] and some other good guilds from NSP.
All the mesmers, thieves plus some good bunker and heavy dps warr and guardian class made the team almost unbeatable. I was the IOJ legend ranger commander trying to use every way to retake our briar back, and we failed to do so every time. Although it was very frustrating for me since I’m running with pugs vs a really organized team, i have to admit how well the executed camp flipping, wp contesting and so on.
With all the friendly peeps I’ve met in NSP and all their great guilds while still being a low populated server ( which is what I enjoy, not tier 3 and up lagfest) makes it really tempting for me to transfer. Almost…
Now well… I need to chill out for the rest of the day. Or match up, idk. :P
We aren’t very organized , we don’t even use voice chat. We just like to PvP. You guys never gave up , thank you.
Xfer over! We would love to have you. If not , I have a moa with your name on it. :-P
I bet she heard a really good joke.
Idk why she was laughing, but i was laughing because our 5 man wiped half of your 25 man zerg and made the rest chase 3 of us from bay all the way to north tower. So i guess it makes that zerg a good joke. Ty for the laugh.
We didn’t have 25, we had 15 at max, and you guys didn’t just have 5 lol your party might have had 5, but you can’t count out those already attacking us. Heartseeker thieves on your group think they’re so pro.
Just want to thank everyone on all the servers for making this one of the closest matches I’ve ever seen! Kudos all around, have yourself an omnombar. It’s a tight match and those are the best!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the battlefield!
Leader of Reun Cala Roora (RCRO)
Proud Denravian… Most of the time.
That [FAIL] lowbie pet Necro group made my night.
Unfortunately that was not even a 1/3 of what we fielded last week. I’m hoping to get more next time.
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”
We aren’t very organized , we don’t even use voice chat. We just like to PvP. You guys never gave up , thank you.
Xfer over! We would love to have you. If not , I have a moa with your name on it. :-P
Its true, We gave them their own VOIP channel. They don’t use it. But XOXO has much love and respect on NSP. <3 you guys!!!
PB Officer
To whoever suicided all our golems on NSP EB… A pox upon you! A pox I say!
I’m gonna assume it was a moronic player on our server who had no idea what they were doing and not a spy’s sabotage. Let’s have no more of that.
Ioj you need to figure out that your server is fighting American servers. Because it seems like 80% of you guys are sleeping when NSP or HOD is active in wvw, of course all your stuff is gonna be taken. Thats why they made EU servers to fix this issues, don’t know why you guys didnt go there…Prob wouldnt be dominated by every server you face. And yes you are active when nsp and hod are usually asleep.
Also seen some people say nsp doesn’t have people, Because NSP is full of people who are at work or college, I’m sorry hod is full of kids off for the summer that can play all day to protect SM.
My respects to the current NSP team in IOJ BL holding our briar and other areas like they mean it. You guys are the best mid size team I’ve seen in this match up and the most organized, it is expected as they were [XOXO] and some other good guilds from NSP.
All the mesmers, thieves plus some good bunker and heavy dps warr and guardian class made the team almost unbeatable. I was the IOJ legend ranger commander trying to use every way to retake our briar back, and we failed to do so every time. Although it was very frustrating for me since I’m running with pugs vs a really organized team, i have to admit how well the executed camp flipping, wp contesting and so on.
With all the friendly peeps I’ve met in NSP and all their great guilds while still being a low populated server ( which is what I enjoy, not tier 3 and up lagfest) makes it really tempting for me to transfer. Almost…
Now well… I need to chill out for the rest of the day. Or match up, idk. :P
Hey, nice to get props once in a while. Actually the only part organised at all in that tower defense was our team of RMPT and NTSB. We were setting up the upgrades on the camps and the tower, making sure it was getting the supply it needed while building the anti siege for preparation of your group attempting to claim our tower.
Counter trebbing and such was done all on our end, escorting yaks, upgrading supply routes etc.
It was luck that we had strong support from XOXO, tm, and some others running between camps and seeking fights. We didn’t ask them for the support they just did what they always do (which is roaming pvp). But knowing they were in there we took advantage of that and held onto the tower like it was the only thing important lol.
And now it’s probably going to be lost since we have to sleep T.T. But hey it was fun while it lasted.
Ioj you need to figure out that your server is fighting American servers. Because it seems like 80% of you guys are sleeping when NSP or HOD is active in wvw, of course all your stuff is gonna be taken. Thats why they made EU servers to fix this issues, don’t know why you guys didnt go there…Prob wouldnt be dominated by every server you face. And yes you are active when nsp and hod are usually asleep.
Also seen some people say nsp doesn’t have people, Because NSP is full of people who are at work or college, I’m sorry hod is full of kids off for the summer that can play all day to protect SM.
I guess when a server fields more then NSP they are all kids who are off for the summer. It’s a terrible idea to switch servers because you’re losing a little bit, Every server has their prime times. Maybe we should all move to a higher tier server where coverage is amazing at all times?
My respects to the current NSP team in IOJ BL holding our briar and other areas like they mean it. You guys are the best mid size team I’ve seen in this match up and the most organized, it is expected as they were [XOXO] and some other good guilds from NSP.
All the mesmers, thieves plus some good bunker and heavy dps warr and guardian class made the team almost unbeatable. I was the IOJ legend ranger commander trying to use every way to retake our briar back, and we failed to do so every time. Although it was very frustrating for me since I’m running with pugs vs a really organized team, i have to admit how well the executed camp flipping, wp contesting and so on.
With all the friendly peeps I’ve met in NSP and all their great guilds while still being a low populated server ( which is what I enjoy, not tier 3 and up lagfest) makes it really tempting for me to transfer. Almost…
Now well… I need to chill out for the rest of the day. Or match up, idk. :P
Hey, nice to get props once in a while. Actually the only part organised at all in that tower defense was our team of RMPT and NTSB. We were setting up the upgrades on the camps and the tower, making sure it was getting the supply it needed while building the anti siege for preparation of your group attempting to claim our tower.
Counter trebbing and such was done all on our end, escorting yaks, upgrading supply routes etc.It was luck that we had strong support from XOXO, tm, and some others running between camps and seeking fights. We didn’t ask them for the support they just did what they always do (which is roaming pvp). But knowing they were in there we took advantage of that and held onto the tower like it was the only thing important lol.
And now it’s probably going to be lost since we have to sleep T.T. But hey it was fun while it lasted.
Hey we helped too!! <3
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi