7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: BlazeQ.1095


9:40 am CST, HoD 45 ppt. Thank you Birdtry and IoJ! I feel a little better after letting PHZE roll me like they did last night!

Cold Beerdrinker
PB Officer

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Let me get the summary out there:

IoJ doesn’t like this match up because they chose to be an EU server against NA servers.

HoD doesn’t like this match up because they have to force themselves not to sleep to catch up in point gain.

NSP doesn’t like this match up (although we really do) because of zoom-hackers.

PAXA doesn’t like this game at all.

BIRD still posts ugly memes.

SMITRY loves bird.

BIRDTRY has been born.

kitten is thrown willy nilly.


HoD should stop sleeping to fight IoJ, IoJ should eventually move to a server of their own timezone or one that had better day crews, NSP should have a teaparty, Bird should marry Smitry now they have a child (It’s only proper), PAXA should probably play a different game since they hate GW2 so much. (Cept the happier PAXA, they aren’t grumpers all the time)

/* end */

ohhhh boy…

Heiann – NSP

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Rematch please. Huehuehue.

So angreh that i cannot be on right now and for a few hours. Meh.

One of these days imma transfer to nsp for a week to roll with smitry n bird and company. Would be so fun.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Rematch please. Huehuehue.

So angreh that i cannot be on right now and for a few hours. Meh.

One of these days imma transfer to nsp for a week to roll with smitry n bird and company. Would be so fun.

This would happen…

Heiann – NSP

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: lunyboy.8672


I guess it’s official, IoJ is hacking fighting for second place. Good luck with your next match up you crazy kids.

And IoJ, I hope you guys get Zoomhaven, who will teach you a thing or two about what you can REALLY hit* with an arrow cart.

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


i don’t have pictures.

but how about a video? http://youtu.be/-crIMg3uTdM

meet KoMPAXA. it was a fun night, especially when we ran in to GT, and wiped our feet on IoJ’s faces a few times together.

-> video courtesy of a guildie – that is not me.

So what we learn here is a group of people on voice comms who are coordinating targets can beat a pug group of comparable size. Amazing, never before have I seen the like. takes notes

The second video is of 8 HoD hitting 25+ IoJ, mostly composed of the HARD guild at their own camp and killing them. Of course, I understand that you would prefer to ignore that as it is embarrassing to you.

“I smell like pomegranate.”

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I guess it’s official, IoJ is hacking fighting for second place. Good luck with your next match up you crazy kids.

And IoJ, I hope you guys get Zoomhaven, who will teach you a thing or two about what you can REALLY hit* with an arrow cart.

This is why you can’t have nice things.

@yanoch I lol’d.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: BlazeQ.1095


Rematch please. Huehuehue.

So angreh that i cannot be on right now and for a few hours. Meh.

One of these days imma transfer to nsp for a week to roll with smitry n bird and company. Would be so fun.

You should bring your whole guild. Not only could we use the help when we fight higher tiered servers, but you would have a blast rolling with the morning crew. Stuck at work myself wishing I could be there. I have much to learn as a commander and those 2 are great guys to learn from. Not to mention we have sooooo much fun?

Cold Beerdrinker
PB Officer

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: THE Dentist.5960

THE Dentist.5960

Let me get the summary out there:

IoJ doesn’t like this match up because they chose to be an EU server against NA servers.

HoD doesn’t like this match up because they have to force themselves not to sleep to catch up in point gain.

NSP doesn’t like this match up (although we really do) because of zoom-hackers.

PAXA doesn’t like this game at all.

BIRD still posts ugly memes.

SMITRY loves bird.

BIRDTRY has been born.

kitten is thrown willy nilly.


HoD should stop sleeping to fight IoJ, IoJ should eventually move to a server of their own timezone or one that had better day crews, NSP should have a teaparty, Bird should marry Smitry now they have a child (It’s only proper), PAXA should probably play a different game since they hate GW2 so much. (Cept the happier PAXA, they aren’t grumpers all the time)

/* end */

I don’t know 2 PAXA and 1 KoM hit our bay with an alpha and omega with about 20 others coming in as well. I was the only one defending at the time and they ended up taking it, but I was surprised to see them in that group. One of the PAXA, I believe it was a warr even had a commander tag. Was busy fighting and couldn’t get kitten , but honestly it doesn’t matter, they all did a nice job and got an objective, wiped us and helped their server in the process. We got them in our garrison finally, but they made it to inner before we managed to push them out. Just wanted to say nice work and enjoyed having a few fights as well.

As to the golem rush at your HoD Hills, that was an epic fail. My guild and I had been running around building alot of golems when a few started to attack everything. Kinda ruined our plan a bit, but most of my guild had to log soon so we thought wth and ended up trying with what golems we had. Nice defense.

VoxL (NSP)
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


i don’t have pictures.

but how about a video? http://youtu.be/-crIMg3uTdM

meet KoMPAXA. it was a fun night, especially when we ran in to GT, and wiped our feet on IoJ’s faces a few times together.

-> video courtesy of a guildie – that is not me.

So what we learn here is a group of people on voice comms who are coordinating targets can beat a pug group of comparable size. Amazing, never before have I seen the like. takes notes

The second video is of 8 HoD hitting 25+ IoJ, mostly composed of the HARD guild at their own camp and killing them. Of course, I understand that you would prefer to ignore that as it is embarrassing to you.

Go see. HARD or anyone that was actually actually there gives a kitten. Not me.

Sadly i dont roll with a organized wvw guild.
I turn IoJs pugs into pitbulls. :P

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


Let me get the summary out there:

IoJ doesn’t like this match up because they chose to be an EU server against NA servers.

HoD doesn’t like this match up because they have to force themselves not to sleep to catch up in point gain.

NSP doesn’t like this match up (although we really do) because of zoom-hackers.

PAXA doesn’t like this game at all.

BIRD still posts ugly memes.

SMITRY loves bird.

BIRDTRY has been born.

kitten is thrown willy nilly.


HoD should stop sleeping to fight IoJ, IoJ should eventually move to a server of their own timezone or one that had better day crews, NSP should have a teaparty, Bird should marry Smitry now they have a child (It’s only proper), PAXA should probably play a different game since they hate GW2 so much. (Cept the happier PAXA, they aren’t grumpers all the time)

/* end */

I don’t know 2 PAXA and 1 KoM hit our bay with an alpha and omega with about 20 others coming in as well. I was the only one defending at the time and they ended up taking it, but I was surprised to see them in that group. One of the PAXA, I believe it was a warr even had a commander tag. Was busy fighting and couldn’t get kitten , but honestly it doesn’t matter, they all did a nice job and got an objective, wiped us and helped their server in the process. We got them in our garrison finally, but they made it to inner before we managed to push them out. Just wanted to say nice work and enjoyed having a few fights as well.

As to the golem rush at your HoD Hills, that was an epic fail. My guild and I had been running around building alot of golems when a few started to attack everything. Kinda ruined our plan a bit, but most of my guild had to log soon so we thought wth and ended up trying with what golems we had. Nice defense.

Wait wait wait… Titan was commanding? Dammit, all the good stuff happens when I have to be at work, or asleep. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken the job so I can play forever :P.

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: lunyboy.8672


I guess it’s official, IoJ is hacking fighting for second place. Good luck with your next match up you crazy kids.

And IoJ, I hope you guys get Zoomhaven, who will teach you a thing or two about what you can REALLY hit* with an arrow cart.

This is why you can’t have nice things.

@yanoch I lol’d.

If by “nice things” you mean a presence in EB, then i guess you are correct. But I am sure you took most of it without exploits.

I was there when you “legitimately” took bay from us yesterday. I had JUST ported into it and was on my way to the NW camp when swords popped, and then it flipped. Less that 30 seconds, and you were through both doors and had capped it. What’s more amazing is that we had 2 people INSIDE who had seen the outside doors intact and were more than a little surprised when the NPCs attacked them.

So yeah, enjoy your win*, and FTR, I was actually in that fight that Obby posted, I wasn’t in voice chat with them, and we stomped easily twice our number. But don’t feel bad, in open field fights, few do it better than HoD.

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rob.7624


The HoD kryptonite :


I have to say after the boasting from HoD I expected some sort of epic battle for second place. Sadly it did not come :c I believe the boaster in question rage quit

But If I’m perfectly honest IoJ has put up a much better fight every day this week than HoD when we turned our attention and actually tested them.

Kudos to you Isle of Janthir and all your commanders, nighttime and primetime. I think another day and you would have been back up in 2nd place easily. Till next time!


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


By nice things I meant respect.

You guys keep on with thay disrecpectful attitude/insults etc.

Im not even on so wasnt the one taking eb or whatever is going on.

I was not the one exploiting/glitching/blahblah ur bay, dont know why the random accusation. Ive NEVER heard of hackers in ioj till this match up, so thats a surprise to me.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


" But don’t feel bad, in open field fights, few do it better than HoD. "

… ha. Hahahhahah.
WHERE HAS THE DECENT IN OPEN FIELD FIGHT TEAM of HOD been this whole match up? As i previously posted every time ive command and clashed with hod ioj has wiped them on open field. I would love to see a good team of you guys with atleast equal or less numbers take my zerg down. That would instantly gain my respect for HOD.

But yeah
So far, nada.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sinester.3572


BAHAHHAHAHAAH even double teaming IOJ will be 3rd place SCRUBS muahahahhahaahahahaha

HOD Comander

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


All this smack talk is so fun. Although it is definitely still very tame compared to the SF/NSP/HoD thread(s) back when SF broke out of T8. If the moderators are not shutting down this thread then you guys are not trash talking hard enough.

NSP, love your attraction for our BL. Its been very lucrative to level my guardian.

IoJ, never fought you guys before this matchup, get yourselves some NA prime guilds and I’m sure you guys can go on to fight higher ranked servers.

the PPT war is probably the closest I have seen. But the match ups against BP and DH felt a whole lot more interesting. The amount of PvDoor in this matchup is hilarious

Natronix, you’re also pretty funny

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

(edited by ArkAngel.7940)

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: jbondo.9817


as long as IoJ is last i’m happy.
i’m disapointed Bird Song won’t 1v1 me.
guess he needs a force of 40+ to help him around the maps.

Dusty Dawg

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Well I have noticed one difference between IoJ and NSP. If NSP does not have at least a 3 to 1 advantage they will run away. At least IoJ will fight no matter what the odds are. So IoJ will fight but boy oh boy can NSP ever run away in a hurry.

Replace NSP with IoJ and IoJ with NSP and this would be pretty much accurate. Most of IoJ nuthugs towers and keeps. And, by most I don’t mean all.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Oozo.7856


i don’t have pictures.

but how about a video? http://youtu.be/-crIMg3uTdM

meet KoMPAXA. it was a fun night, especially when we ran in to GT, and wiped our feet on IoJ’s faces a few times together.

-> video courtesy of a guildie – that is not me.

So what we learn here is a group of people on voice comms who are coordinating targets can beat a pug group of comparable size. Amazing, never before have I seen the like. takes notes

The second video is of 8 HoD hitting 25+ IoJ, mostly composed of the HARD guild at their own camp and killing them. Of course, I understand that you would prefer to ignore that as it is embarrassing to you.

While surely outnumbered, you are making a mistake by pointing out orange swords as meaning there are at least 25 enemy. It just means there are 25 people fighting there, so the orange swords include whatever number you had there as well.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Lol ark. I’m sorry for my previous posts, i was wondering if hod had any nice guys here. I usually keep it clean for aslong as my patience lets me. :P

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


That was unexpected, I thought you would’ve instantly retaliated. Now I just don’t know what to say…

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hmm, I was the one flipping your EB corner today for IoJ. If you can tell me which guild was hacking please let me know, Ill have a talk with them. The reason we took your corner was because you had no presence not hacking, And us and NSP were just playing the little WXP flip and retake while they came back for EB stuff in your corner and then back to your BL to continually roll you guys. Again if you know of anyone hacking on IoJ and their Guild Name let someone know. We dont tolerate it, Dont point blank fingers if you cant prove it.
Anyways I will say this, Theres a good 7 hours at LEAST to catch up in points.
We’ve closed 10-15k gaps in that amount of time, I dont think catching you will be a problem if things stay the way they are.

As for the kitten throwing around about IoJ needing to be on an EU server, Even there time zones would be skewed, because we have OCEANIC COVERAGE. Not EU, Please learn that. I am an NA prime, We still field ~30-40 in EB and our BL if need be. If you actually played with us when we were in first, EB is almsot always queue’d with 50+. IoJ NA is Largely PvE, But if we are winning you see our numbers double in no time. Anyways i’m done replying to forum warriors and trolls.

Dont think ill be getting on the forums again before Reset so good match up HoD and NSP. The whole BL disconnect thing Friday-Tuesday before they update really screwed us up, but eh kitten happens. Look forward to seeing you guys again sometime. Respect to Smitry and Bird for being great commanders to go against and Awesome Guys. Cant say the same about HoD sadly as I havent seen any of their commanders do anything but trash talk on the forums o/ Until i can nom on your BL/EB Corner again guys, Goodbye and Goodluck next match up to both servers!! Flys away

Isle Of Janthir

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Boson.6481


NSP, IOJ post here tomorrow when the only server with a green arrow in rank and rating is HOD.

..this guy lol.

Ofc you guys are. Haven’t you figured it out, because of the new system throwing servers with a big rating difference it causes the higher rated server to loose rating unless its a complete faceroll match up. You guys merely holding onto your points hurts our rating. Which have little to mean with whats actually going up in the match up.

Oh well. If you guys are really gaining rating, expect to be put with even stronger servers next match up… rofl.

I’m sorry, but you guys continue to make excuses for why HOD is competing in this match. First it’s because were scavengers, then it’s because you and IOJ are wrapped up in this epic battle, now it’s cause of the new match ups.

Then you say our only tactic is a zerg. I’m sorry, but NSP, IOJ your no different.

When we rise in rating and get placed in tougher match ups we will still compete. Why, because thats what we do. And if your hoping to get weaker opponents just to “faceroll” so you can increase rating, then that tells me all I need to know about you.


I really need you to clarify what you mean by ‘compete’ based on your server’s recent history. Do you mean trying your best to almost make half of BP’s points or losing to DH by 115k? Beating up on lowest tier caliber SF, FC and ET for the longest time—and more recently DR and AR has really done wonders for your ‘reality.’


See how the GREEN line is relatively on or below the BLUE line until about 36hrs ago (aka for 80% of the matchup so far)? That is called let’s make IoJ lose cuz we hate them. Yw for 2nd place. Don’t believe me? Look at the income evolution for the week. IoJ looks really weird on the day HoD passed them up doesn’t it? And before you start claiming HoD did xyz—really? HoD went and capped IoJ bl all day? Really? HoD did that to take the lead over IoJ?

I’m pretty sure by looking at NSP’s history I could say the same thing. That your ego is massivly inflated. Is it strange that NSP rating also began to rise after the change? Even though you had a pretty bad string of 3rd place finishes there?

In reference to your HoD did, xyz. No we didn’t do that to IoJ yesterday. It was NSP that we did that to. And that was concerning a comment that all we have done this match was cap paper.

Look HoD went from top to the bottom, when we lost a ton of players and guilds. By compete I mean we are gaining moral by being competitive. We are rebuilding our ranks and identity, and all NSP and IoJ have done this week is dump on that. Is it really a suprise that we started to stick up for our server? It was pretty civil up until HoD took second firmly, which had been back and fourth all week.

It’s called WvWvW for a reason. Lets just be honest here, you both wrote us off and it f’d you. It f’d you in the a.

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: anthsss.1564


All this smack talk is so fun. Although it is definitely still very tame compared to the SF/NSP/HoD thread(s) back when SF broke out of T8. If the moderators are not shutting down this thread then you guys are not trash talking hard enough.

You should look at the NSP/BP/AR threads, those were the best, although a huge majority of the posts were removed for violating the rules.


7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


i don’t have pictures.

but how about a video? http://youtu.be/-crIMg3uTdM

meet KoMPAXA. it was a fun night, especially when we ran in to GT, and wiped our feet on IoJ’s faces a few times together.

-> video courtesy of a guildie – that is not me.

So what we learn here is a group of people on voice comms who are coordinating targets can beat a pug group of comparable size. Amazing, never before have I seen the like. takes notes

The second video is of 8 HoD hitting 25+ IoJ, mostly composed of the HARD guild at their own camp and killing them. Of course, I understand that you would prefer to ignore that as it is embarrassing to you.

Go see. HARD or anyone that was actually actually there gives a kitten. Not me.

Sadly i dont roll with a organized wvw guild.
I turn IoJs pugs into pitbulls. :P

You asked for proof of HoD wiping at least 2 times their number of IoJ and there it is. Instead of trying to act all hard there, you could simply have said something along the lines of “When do you guys play? I’d enjoy meeting you out on the field and testing out our mettle.”

“I smell like pomegranate.”

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Iluth.6875


as long as IoJ is last i’m happy.
i’m disapointed Bird Song won’t 1v1 me.
guess he needs a force of 40+ to help him around the maps.

I have no idea how skilled Bird is or isn’t, but asking for a 1v1 with a commander is stupid. Those guys aren’t built for it, but you most likely are. The biggest smack talkers I’ve found are the roamers.

Btw, what class were you planning to bring to this 1v1 you wanted?

(edited by Iluth.6875)

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yeah i bet. Its probably the time and place i am fighting on what gave me that impression of hod.

Back to being serious.

Again, sorry for all the ranting, including to the people trash talking me. I bet i have yet to even encounter you guys on the battlefield. Guess its just the time i play i only find pugs which make it unchallenging and boring.

Thanks for the close match up. I can promise you all IoJ can do much better performance than we did during this match. Hope to see you guys soon


Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kanthar Turambar.9164

Kanthar Turambar.9164

This thread. It amuses me. I love that apparently only HOD has no skill yet when they post videos/images of them taking on harder odds… apparently it doesn’t count. Good stuff.

Games over the interwebs are the best.

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: jbondo.9817


Shout out to the 30+ zerg in HoD that was half Os and completely wiped to a bunch of pugs off HoD hahaha

Shouts out to Bird Song for dieing so many times out there

Dusty Dawg

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: anthsss.1564


Shout out to the 30+ zerg in HoD that was half Os and completely wiped to a bunch of pugs off HoD hahaha

Shouts out to Bird Song for dieing so many times out there

Want to know what’s really funny? HoD is on it’s way to 3rd place right now


7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azgarn.2145


Yeah i bet. Its probably the time and place i am fighting on what gave me that impression of hod.

Back to being serious.

Again, sorry for all the ranting, including to the people trash talking me. I bet i have yet to even encounter you guys on the battlefield. Guess its just the time i play i only find pugs which make it unchallenging and boring.

Thanks for the close match up. I can promise you all IoJ can do much better performance than we did during this match. Hope to see you guys soon


I’m a commander RAWR! I KILLZ EVERYONE! Nobody from HoD can beat IoJ. Look at my intense chest thumping and battle cries. IM A REAL MANLY MAN! This game isn’t even challenging for me cuz I dominate so hard. Oh whats that? Proof some HoD beat the kitten out of IoJ? Im going to ignore what you are saying cuz I’m a commander and IM SO AWESOME it doesn’t matter!

You are so classy it’s overwhelming.

If there was more time in this match up I’d be happy to oblige you with KoM/Paxa/GT (Less than 20 total people) against your “pitbull” zerg of nearly any size and see if you still kitten talk. Lucky for you there is not enough time in this matchup to organize that group.

Coll Ôhmsford
“For a few to be immortal, many must die.”

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

bye bye nsp u tried

Smugged a little too soon, bud.

Yep that’s me PVE’in. No shame here.

this was all part of the plan:P LET see how NSP amazing night crew does lafs to dead o wait u guys have no ppl during the night

This adequately represents the events of the past 24 hours. (watch it all for full effect)


Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: geist.3980



I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, from all 3 servers, that put so much time into wvw. It’s hard to keep the player base motivated with new PVE dropping every 2 weeks now. good game.

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Iluth.6875


This thread. It amuses me. I love that apparently only HOD has no skill yet when they post videos/images of them taking on harder odds… apparently it doesn’t count. Good stuff.

Games over the interwebs are the best.

Hod is about 50% necros atm, so them beating the odds isn’t really that amazing.

Additionally, every server has skilled players, and the bad ones tend not to post videos. So don’t put too much importance on some roamers posting stuff on Youtube, no matter what server they are from.

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


50% necros? Lol. I mean just lol. I can’t even… Hahaha. Classic

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rob.7624


Announcement to all forums users on NSP

International Bird Song Day is nearly upon us

What is Bird Song Day?
Thats easy:

  1. Bird Song day is the largest unofficial event on the Northern Shiverpeaks
  2. It takes place on Birds Birthday! May the celebrations begin!
  3. Its aim is to Queue out the current selected map with players and then give each player a golem
  4. The rules are simple, NOBODY WALKS. Everyone MUST be inside a golem.
  5. The maximum map limit for players is 100. We expect to have 80 Golems per map
  6. For official map selection and times please contact Bird Song or Smitry, on forums or Ingame.

I hope for you to join us on this day of insanity!
May the map crash forever in your favor

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Iluth.6875


50% necros? Lol. I mean just lol. I can’t even… Hahaha. Classic

You’re right, sometimes it’s more like 75%

I think you actually have one guild that only allows Necros. They were pretty active last night.

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


Announcement to all forums users on NSP

International Bird Song Day is nearly upon us

What is Bird Song Day?
Thats easy:

  1. Bird Song day is the largest unofficial event on the Northern Shiverpeaks
  2. It takes place on Birds Birthday! May the celebrations begin!
  3. Its aim is to Queue out the current selected map with players and then give each player a golem
  4. The rules are simple, NOBODY WALKS. Everyone MUST be inside a golem.
  5. The maximum map limit for players is 100. We expect to have 80 Golems per map
  6. For official map selection and times please contact Bird Song or Smitry, on forums or Ingame.

I hope for you to join us on this day of insanity!
May the map crash forever in your favor

Bird, we should just have a 20v20 golem fight. It’ll be the most advance battle in the game. With 1 omega leader each

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aratoa.7398



I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, from all 3 servers, that put so much time into wvw. It’s hard to keep the player base motivated with new PVE dropping every 2 weeks now. good game.

I originally had the mock forum warrior posting going full throttle but then I saw this and decided that I wanted to highlight this, rather then mock the people who have decided to put down entire servers for no reason other then their own sense false bravado. As an overall community, we should be at least trying to compliment each other for the good things that are being done, rather then putting each other down for perceived slights or perceived accomplishments.

I know it won’t matter, because some folks are clearly forum warriors to the core but it’s worth noting that this guy has it right, and everyone who is forum warrioring it up has it wrong.


(edited by Aratoa.7398)

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: ShockStun.7453


i don’t have pictures.

but how about a video? http://youtu.be/-crIMg3uTdM

meet KoMPAXA. it was a fun night, especially when we ran in to GT, and wiped our feet on IoJ’s faces a few times together.

-> video courtesy of a guildie – that is not me.

So what we learn here is a group of people on voice comms who are coordinating targets can beat a pug group of comparable size. Amazing, never before have I seen the like. takes notes

The second video is of 8 HoD hitting 25+ IoJ, mostly composed of the HARD guild at their own camp and killing them. Of course, I understand that you would prefer to ignore that as it is embarrassing to you.

Go see. HARD or anyone that was actually actually there gives a kitten. Not me.

Sadly i dont roll with a organized wvw guild.
I turn IoJs pugs into pitbulls. :P

You guys caught us at the perfect timing. We were doing guild run/training and had stopped momentarily after the camp. By the time we realizes half of us were down and we all saw how well it we.from there. Well played from yo urside. It was a good wake up cally. Hard to do this on a phone sorry about the badgrammar


(edited by ShockStun.7453)

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


50% necros? Lol. I mean just lol. I can’t even… Hahaha. Classic

You’re right, sometimes it’s more like 75%

I think you actually have one guild that only allows Necros. They were pretty active last night.

Hahahahaa. Omg this is gold. How did I not see that guild last night??

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Iluth.6875


Shout out to the 30+ zerg in HoD that was half Os and completely wiped to a bunch of pugs off HoD hahaha

Shouts out to Bird Song for dieing so many times out there

Want to know what’s really funny? HoD is on it’s way to 3rd place right now

It’d be a terrible shame if we suddenly double teamed up with ioj for the sole purpose of putting HoD into third.

We wouldn’t do that, would we?

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: BlazeQ.1095


Announcement to all forums users on NSP

International Bird Song Day is nearly upon us

What is Bird Song Day?
Thats easy:

  1. Bird Song day is the largest unofficial event on the Northern Shiverpeaks
  2. It takes place on Birds Birthday! May the celebrations begin!
  3. Its aim is to Queue out the current selected map with players and then give each player a golem
  4. The rules are simple, NOBODY WALKS. Everyone MUST be inside a golem.
  5. The maximum map limit for players is 100. We expect to have 80 Golems per map
  6. For official map selection and times please contact Bird Song or Smitry, on forums or Ingame.

I hope for you to join us on this day of insanity!
May the map crash forever in your favor

Praying Im not at work that day…..

Cold Beerdrinker
PB Officer

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yeah i bet. Its probably the time and place i am fighting on what gave me that impression of hod.

Back to being serious.

Again, sorry for all the ranting, including to the people trash talking me. I bet i have yet to even encounter you guys on the battlefield. Guess its just the time i play i only find pugs which make it unchallenging and boring.

Thanks for the close match up. I can promise you all IoJ can do much better performance than we did during this match. Hope to see you guys soon


I’m a commander RAWR! I KILLZ EVERYONE! Nobody from HoD can beat IoJ. Look at my intense chest thumping and battle cries. IM A REAL MANLY MAN! This game isn’t even challenging for me cuz I dominate so hard. Oh whats that? Proof some HoD beat the kitten out of IoJ? Im going to ignore what you are saying cuz I’m a commander and IM SO AWESOME it doesn’t matter!

You are so classy it’s overwhelming.

If there was more time in this match up I’d be happy to oblige you with KoM/Paxa/GT (Less than 20 total people) against your “pitbull” zerg of nearly any size and see if you still kitten talk. Lucky for you there is not enough time in this matchup to organize that group.

Here we go again… no.. I wont get lured by some troll. Lol

I did never say Ioj was immortal when im offline or on. I did not say i could “killz everyone in hod” rofl. I am merely dissapointed by the people Ive encountered during the time im on from hod. An ofc, angered by the forum trolls i stood down to their level for a few posts. Keep talking all you want how your team would own mines when neither of us have even clashed once most likely.

Honestly posts like this dont even deserve a reply. I would be giving props to you guys if i saw you guys outplay my tactics when Im actually online. I’m not trying to brag my apologies if it sounds like that but I have plenty of experience commanding and each week ioj sharpens their response time and offense strategies.

Like I said it has not been our best week, I would like to have another go with hod.

Oh and congrats NSP on the win. You guys clearly deserved it

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kanthar Turambar.9164

Kanthar Turambar.9164

This thread. It amuses me. I love that apparently only HOD has no skill yet when they post videos/images of them taking on harder odds… apparently it doesn’t count. Good stuff.

Games over the interwebs are the best.

Hod is about 50% necros atm, so them beating the odds isn’t really that amazing.

Additionally, every server has skilled players, and the bad ones tend not to post videos. So don’t put too much importance on some roamers posting stuff on Youtube, no matter what server they are from.

Depending on who you ask, we’re 50% necros, 50% guardians, 50% mesmers, or 50% rangers. I think i’ve seen all of them applied to us. That’s like, 200% No wonder we beat the odds!

To your second point, that essentially proves my point I was trying to make. It’s entirely pointless who argue about “skill”. The sole purpose of talking about skill is to bait people into forum warrioring. In the end, every server has skill, every server lacks skill. Every time skill is shown, it’s usually ignored if someone is convinced they know all that there is to know about the topic.

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: anthsss.1564


This thread. It amuses me. I love that apparently only HOD has no skill yet when they post videos/images of them taking on harder odds… apparently it doesn’t count. Good stuff.

Games over the interwebs are the best.

Hod is about 50% necros atm, so them beating the odds isn’t really that amazing.

Additionally, every server has skilled players, and the bad ones tend not to post videos. So don’t put too much importance on some roamers posting stuff on Youtube, no matter what server they are from.

Depending on who you ask, we’re 50% necros, 50% guardians, 50% mesmers, or 50% rangers. I think i’ve seen all of them applied to us. That’s like, 200% No wonder we beat the odds!

To your second point, that essentially proves my point I was trying to make. It’s entirely pointless who argue about “skill”. The sole purpose of talking about skill is to bait people into forum warrioring. In the end, every server has skill, every server lacks skill. Every time skill is shown, it’s usually ignored if someone is convinced they know all that there is to know about the topic.

The people are estimating how many necros they have seen in comparison to other people on your server, and it seems that there are a lot of people that run necros on your server. Is that hard to understand? The semantics of the exact percentage of necros that are running around in WvW on your server is silly to even bring up into a discussion because nobody knows those figures and it would be a pain for anybody to even attempt to research those figures other than somebody at arenanet, and it would likely be a very safe bet to make, that the amount of necros playing on HoD in WvW is not a huge talking point at arenanet.

A lot of players on HoD are playing Necro. Simple, true, and you can’t scrutinize the semantics of a “guess-timation.” If you need me to simplify more things for you to understand, just send me a whisper in game and I’ll help you out.


7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: obastable.5231


what baits people in to forum warrior’ing is when you make blanket statements and pass judgement on an entire server based on a few encounters with a mere fraction of it’s population, rather than on the merits of all the individuals that play on that server.

someone said hod lacks skill, i countered with ioj gets wiped by less than half it’s numbers – and now everyone is up in arms about who is better/more skilled. point proven, i should think.

what you don’t see much of in this matchup thread is people giving credit to the good fights, and that is terribly disappointing. :/

Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: ArkAngel.7940


You’re right, I’d say more like 83.5% of us run necros. I’m pretty sure everyone in the server has a necro as an alt at least. I just don’t think we field enough necros now. The necro population is severely lacking on HoD right now.

Henge of Denravi [HoD]
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azgarn.2145


Here we go again… no.. I wont get lured by some troll. Lol

I did never say Ioj was immortal when im offline or on. I did not say i could “killz everyone in hod” rofl. I am merely dissapointed by the people Ive encountered during the time im on from hod. An ofc, angered by the forum trolls i stood down to their level for a few posts. Keep talking all you want how your team would own mines when neither of us have even clashed once most likely.

Honestly posts like this dont even deserve a reply. I would be giving props to you guys if i saw you guys outplay my tactics when Im actually online. I’m not trying to brag my apologies if it sounds like that but I have plenty of experience commanding and each week ioj sharpens their response time and offense strategies.

Like I said it has not been our best week, I would like to have another go with hod.

Oh and congrats NSP on the win. You guys clearly deserved it

It seems you have finally gotten off your pedestal of awesomeness and might be worth talking to. There has been a large amount of unnecessary boasting and blanket put downs to each other in this match up. And you provoked a lot of it. You might not have said exactly what I sarcastically mocked you with, but thats pretty much how you come off. What did you expect to happen? There is always someone louder and more obnoxious than you, someone more skilled, someone with greater numbers or ability. No point in gloating that you happened to have a bigger kitten than the people you just encountered when you haven’t fought everyone.

To the [HARD] guy who replied, respect. One of the more humble and clean responses on the whole thread.

what baits people in to forum warrior’ing is when you make blanket statements and pass judgement on an entire server based on a few encounters with a mere fraction of it’s population, rather than on the merits of all the individuals that play on that server.

someone said hod lacks skill, i countered with ioj gets wiped by less than half it’s numbers – and now everyone is up in arms about who is better/more skilled. point proven, i should think.

what you don’t see much of in this matchup thread is people giving credit to the good fights, and that is terribly disappointing. :/

Her, I like her. Listen to that ^

Coll Ôhmsford
“For a few to be immortal, many must die.”