8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noobie.1073


I haven’t seen any of them with green name tags.

I think my phone was just slow. Had me worried though lol

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Seemore Bunz.7345

Seemore Bunz.7345

BMS Is still a strong member of Kaineng! Must have been a in-game glitch…

Bilbo the Great
Guild Leader of the EU guild [PAIN]
Sea of Sorrows

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noobie.1073


BMS Is still a strong member of Kaineng! Must have been a in-game glitch…

Yeah…last time I look at current map on my phone. Almost kitten ed myself lol.

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Good fights to all on Kain BL tonight, especially to BMS, CNB, and DR.

Star Player

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Razgriz.2590


TIL: You can use the Dance book to dance with people from other servers

Borlis Pass
Norgy lvl 80 Guardian
Guild: Hunting Hunters[HH]

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ganellon.7032


Hey BP… you’re in the lead and still feel the need to glitch into Bay? I’m talking to you, [Lost]. You are not doing your server any favors by glitching. Whatever reputation you thought you were building just evaporated. Congrats.

(edited by Ganellon.7032)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Hey BP… you’re in the lead and still feel the need to glitch into Bay? I’m talking to you, [Lost]. You are not doing your server any favors by glitching. Whatever reputation you thought you were building just evaporated. Congrats.

I think by now it should be clear we don’t need to glitch into any of your keeps to take them.


8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Hey BP… you’re in the lead and still feel the need to glitch into Bay? I’m talking to you, [Lost]. You are not doing your server any favors by glitching. Whatever reputation you thought you were building just evaporated. Congrats.

I think by now it should be clear we don’t need to glitch into any of your keeps to take them.

Then why do it?

Better yet, why lie and/or deflect when confronted with it?


we’re guest commanding on SBI, some of your players have had experience with us when some moved over for about a week… they know our players are respectful and honest – we won’t bullkitten you

then again a whole server can’t be judged by the actions of a few so just please look into this… it isn’t the first time this has happened in this match up, but it’s the first time we’ve witnessed it

SBI seems like a very different SBI from the one I had known months ago and they’ve really mellowed out which is probably why it hadn’t been posted earlier in this thread

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


We don’t glitch into your keeps. We do however use mesmers to portal into them. Especially Bay as it has some awesome hiding places. Sweep better, accuse less. Incidentally, this glitch you are accusing us was fixed by Anet some time ago. You should probably also read patch notes before accusing people of things too.


8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Yes, we didn’t properly sweep a t3 upgraded keep that had no swords up anywhere while it was being upgraded. I applaud the mes that sat in there for two and a half hours and got past all our guys then dropped magical catapults that launched your guys into inner while you were at the inner gates. Your hiding places and new siege technology are legendary good sir

It’s happened and honestly there’s nothing any of us could do except report the people in question and ask that you guys keep an eye out… there is also no point in arguing with someone that’s going to close their eyes and scream “no”

Here’s to an interesting rest of the match


The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Hmm…. coming from the higher tiers (FA/Blackgate/DB) I have seen several mesmers sit inside keeps for several hours (sometimes up to 4 hours)… Sitting through upgrades, etc.

To call out and label our ENTIRE server for the actions of a select few is a bit ridiculous. We can’t control what others do with the game, no matter how hard we try. We as a server can not police every single member within our community. All we can do as individual guilds is investigate reports and take action.

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Stone.6751


Need to use a link to the video not the edit screen

Thanks I’m a newb lol

This should work!

Thank you for posting this video. It was interesting to see that first fight in the video from the other side. Now I see what hit me so dang hard. :P

Penny Royalty – Level 80 Guardian
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ganellon.7032


We don’t glitch into your keeps. We do however use mesmers to portal into them. Especially Bay as it has some awesome hiding places. Sweep better, accuse less. Incidentally, this glitch you are accusing us was fixed by Anet some time ago. You should probably also read patch notes before accusing people of things too.


8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Good lord so much QQ. I will however, take the high road and assume that not everyone on your server automatically assumes the only reason they are losing is because the other team are dirty cheaters.


8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


I’m losing because, um, Evakitten tripped me and I fell in the mud and her monkeys ran me over. Cheatz!


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


I’m losing because, um, Evakitten tripped me and I fell in the mud and her monkeys ran me over. Cheatz!

Your last picture is my TS avatar…. I LOVE IT!! What masterpiece do you have in store for u this week? ♥

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Your last picture is my TS avatar…. I LOVE IT!! What masterpiece do you have in store for u this week? ♥

I’m glad you liked it! ♥ I’ll have to wait for this week’s inspiration! I have jury duty on Thursday so I’ll probably come up with something then. :P


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Lol we didn’t glitch into it we took it normally with Mesmer portals and siege, I don’t remember which time you are referring to when we “glitches” because we took your bay 3-4 times legit last night and the only one I remember us even having to portal you actually caught us…stop trying to make excuses for being bad

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: skeet.1390


Wow, you caught us guys. Let me go ahead and explain our hack here so everyone can abuse it.

You see, when you face a garbage server you can take the NW camp and flash build a golem at the gate. If you have enough people you can also build a ram, don’t bother with superior though as said garbage server won’t notice any attack.

When you break down outer don’t even pretend to use a mesmer with a portal, you can walk your golem right up. At this point feel free to expect zero resistance as apparently white swords were disabled due to our super glitch skills. Throw another ram down and then laugh about whatever you want in your voice comm of choosing for the next 5 minutes while 2 people mash the 1 button.

Now, one would probably expect any sort of a push back from any other server, but they must have lost SM or the champions were up in the pavilion so they couldn’t be bothered noticing that North gates were down.

And yes, after you took back the t3 keep we papered with 10 guys you did fail to sweep for the thief and mesmer we left swimming right in front of your faces. kitten our expert glitches and magic tricks.

Zoe Whiplash

(edited by skeet.1390)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

Accusations of exploits happen all the time, and are inevitably extrapolated by the accused server to be an attack on their entire population. Frequently this spirals into a back-and-forth flamefest (as it has here). Instead of perpetuating this, let’s all just agree that:

1) Exploiting is inexcusable. BP, as a community, has zero tolerance for this, but that doesn’t stop the occasional bad egg from spoiling things. If evidence is messaged to us we will do all that we can internally to try and get to the bottom of it, including reporting the offending parties.

2) SBI / Kaineng are not “bad” or whining. Having fun in a game is predicated upon the agreement of all parties to play by a set of rules. When these rules are broken (or perceived to be), that pact founders and people will (rightfully) feel betrayed.

Remember, fun is a mutual endeavor in which we all play an indispensable role. Keep it civil, or at least keep it to sportsmanlike trash-talking

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jinty.2854


Hey BP… you’re in the lead and still feel the need to glitch into Bay? I’m talking to you, [Lost]. You are not doing your server any favors by glitching. Whatever reputation you thought you were building just evaporated. Congrats.

Normally stay well clear of these topics cos all it is is a kitten fight but u made me Lol

want a Hug?

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


tbh, the idea that we would even need to cheat to win this match up just does not pass the scratch and sniff test considering how easy its been for me and other commanders to get inside SBI and Kainengs keep with simple rams.


8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noobie.1073


tbh, the idea that we would even need to cheat to win this match up just does not pass the scratch and sniff test considering how easy its been for me and other commanders to get inside SBI and Kainengs keep with simple rams.

It can’t be that easy!!! at least let us have some face by saying you guys had to use golems

In all honesty, it’s a game people. You lost a keep, guess what?! It’ll be yours again in one week if you can’t get it back sooner

Till we meet again, have fun out there, and BP….stay the heck out of KBL lol jk, you guys are fun to fight against in all situations. SBI….you guys are so mean, play nice . Remember, no one likes a tattle tale

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

(edited by Noobie.1073)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Well true. tbh, it has been pretty PvDoor lately. Where have you all gone? If you actually make an effort to defend the keeps, we usually can’t get in. At least not easily, considering we aren’t actually running huge zergs 24/7. Earlier in eternal we flipped the entire thing with about 50 people…by splitting into two groups of about 25 and hitting both sides of the map. This normally does not work, but it works awesome if nobody is home defending things.

You also gotta remember that Zergballs gain inertia the longer they crash into things and flip them. You gotta stop em before they become a full blown Karma Train. If things go well, friends tell friends, who tell friends to get on the map, the loot and WXP is amazing! It just snowballs. And people have so much fun they don’t want to stop, and so the train just goes on and on into the early AM.

This incidentally, is why the Hammer of God is brought down any time one of our keeps is flipped on BPBL. You come to BPBL, we want you to have a bad time.


(edited by Aeros.2046)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Can’t say for EB, but last night when BP flipped KBL Garri and Bay you hit them exactly when the main force started to log. Like, main CMD was saying, ok guys, after blah, I gotta go, and BAM- 7 golems and 30+ at Garrison, BP on the lord before the first defense timer ticked. I took that loss as my cue to also go to bed, personally.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Kaineng are much better sports. Just about always have been, really. Respect.

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


And we took the collapse in resistance as the que to stay up. Our main commander did not log until 4 AM. See my point :P


8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


And we took the collapse in resistance as the que to stay up. Our main commander did not log until 4 AM. See my point :P

Ahaha man we were tired! Had 25 TE from SBI on the West side and you guys goin at us on the East side for hours. It was a lot of fun, and we all had excellent fights. We’ll do what we can this week to keep you entertained, but it’s not always so easy!


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Kaineng are much better sports. Just about always have been, really. Respect.

So true. I don’t know what it is about SBI, but it seems every time we fight them drama ensues. You’d think it’d be that way between us and Ehmry Bay considering how often we butt heads, but nope. SBI generates its own unique flavor that is all together unwholesome and leaves a bad after taste. Might be all the accusations of cheating, or the chest thumping about how good they are in Eternal to the detriment of all else.

When we first met, it was ugly, but we managed to prevail by simply holding their Hills Keep all week. But that meant leaving their Eternal Zerg to karma train all day every day for 7 days. Methinks they still have not forgiven us for that loss, and all the others that followed it since.


8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maladon.5760


Kaineng are much better sports. Just about always have been, really. Respect.

So true. I don’t know what it is about SBI, but it seems every time we fight them drama ensues. You’d think it’d be that way between us and Ehmry Bay considering how often we butt heads, but nope. SBI generates its own unique flavor that is all together unwholesome and leaves a bad after taste. Might be all the accusations of cheating, or the chest thumping about how good they are in Eternal to the detriment of all else.

When we first met, it was ugly, but we managed to prevail by simply holding their Hills Keep all week. But that meant leaving their Eternal Zerg to karma train all day every day for 7 days. Methinks they still have not forgiven us for that loss, and all the others that followed it since.

There aren’t very many unforgivable defeats for us over the past year but I’ll always remember SoR recruiting our already heavily diminished playerbase and then hitting the 8 or so of us who were left with 50-60 people at a time when we tried to flip a supply camp. This went on every night for a few matches then when we were finally gonna get rid of them they tanked a matchup so they could do it for another week before advancing to the next tier. So no, losing to BP isn’t that big of a deal.

Aside from a little chest thumping and trolling this matchup (and this thread) are basically unremarkable. No one from any of these three servers will remember any of the details of this match a week from now.

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noobie.1073


Well true. tbh, it has been pretty PvDoor lately. Where have you all gone? If you actually make an effort to defend the keeps, we usually can’t get in. At least not easily, considering we aren’t actually running huge zergs 24/7. Earlier in eternal we flipped the entire thing with about 50 people…by splitting into two groups of about 25 and hitting both sides of the map. This normally does not work, but it works awesome if nobody is home defending things.

You also gotta remember that Zergballs gain inertia the longer they crash into things and flip them. You gotta stop em before they become a full blown Karma Train. If things go well, friends tell friends, who tell friends to get on the map, the loot and WXP is amazing! It just snowballs. And people have so much fun they don’t want to stop, and so the train just goes on and on into the early AM.

This incidentally, is why the Hammer of God is brought down any time one of our keeps is flipped on BPBL. You come to BPBL, we want you to have a bad time.

well I’m still technically at work…I wish I could play more during the day but logging on to GW2 forums is distraction enough. With school around the corner i think a lot of our PUGs or daytime players are at school now lol (i’m sure its the same for a lot of you guys too, or at least it will be). I can’t speak for any other guilds, but my guildies are all older like myself and have to work during the day (at least have a set schedule) but once the weekend comes, it’s ON!!! (unless I’m traveling for work, then it’s on once I get to the hotel lol)

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noobie.1073


There aren’t very many unforgivable defeats for us over the past year but I’ll always remember SoR recruiting our already heavily diminished playerbase and then hitting the 8 or so of us who were left with 50-60 people at a time when we tried to flip a supply camp. This went on every night for a few matches then when we were finally gonna get rid of them they tanked a matchup so they could do it for another week before advancing to the next tier. So no, losing to BP isn’t that big of a deal.

Aside from a little chest thumping and trolling this matchup (and this thread) are basically unremarkable. No one from any of these three servers will remember any of the details of this match a week from now.

I will remember destroying 3 BP golems because their PUG zerg didn’t take out out our hot oil while attacking KBL Bay on Sunday…plus that gave me extra time to switch channels on TS and call for reinforcements

Needless to say, 5 guys from Kaineng held out long enough for reinforcements to come in against 20-30 BP. Again, no notable organized guilds were a part of this group so I’m assuming these guys were just bored and said “lets take KBL Bay for the heck of it” and yes, KBL Bay was upgraded then so it bought us a bit more time. Last night however is memory I would like to forget since i only saw map updates from my phone, but my guild mates painted a pretty good picture of the a$z rap1n6 they got last night.

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

(edited by Noobie.1073)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


I will remember destroying 3 BP golems because their PUG zerg didn’t take out out our hot oil while attacking KBL Bay on Sunday…plus that gave me extra time to switch channels on TS and call for reinforcements

Needless to say, 5 guys from Kaineng held out long enough for reinforcements to come in against 20-30 BP. Again, no notable organized guilds were a part of this group so I’m assuming these guys were just bored and said “lets take KBL Bay for the heck of it” and yes, KBL Bay was upgraded then so it bought us a bit more time. Last night however is memory I would like to forget since i only saw map updates from my phone, but my guild mates painted a pretty good picture of the a$z rap1n6 they got last night.

Defense is often thankkitten ring and unprofitable compared to being on the attack, but those times when a small group turns back 4-5 times their numbers are priceless!

Edit thankless
got kittened? wuhhh???

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Purr Kitten.8731

Purr Kitten.8731

Kaineng are much better sports. Just about always have been, really. Respect.

So true. I don’t know what it is about SBI, but it seems every time we fight them drama ensues. You’d think it’d be that way between us and Ehmry Bay considering how often we butt heads, but nope. SBI generates its own unique flavor that is all together unwholesome and leaves a bad after taste. Might be all the accusations of cheating, or the chest thumping about how good they are in Eternal to the detriment of all else.

When we first met, it was ugly, but we managed to prevail by simply holding their Hills Keep all week. But that meant leaving their Eternal Zerg to karma train all day every day for 7 days. Methinks they still have not forgiven us for that loss, and all the others that followed it since.

Funny how we think the exact same about you. Especially the accusations of cheating in the first match-up thread on your side were endless. Not to mention the egotistical chest thumping mania your commanders generally have. Not that I mind a bit of trolling fun in a match-up thread but with BP it was pretty bad. Oh and the accusations of cheating in this thread, what is it one person? Should I quote BP and say: one person doesn’t speak for the whole server. Our servers don’t get along, so what. Doesn’t mean we don’t have good fights and lots of fun.

Otherwise, this match-up has been great! I have a lot of fun duelling and chatting and battling with BP and Kaineng players who are very likeable on the whole. There have been awesome fights so far this week and there are great BP and Kaineng players and guilds out there. And some bad ones, but who cares , it’s a game and I am here to have fun and respect that they are too.


8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Snow Ghost.6817

Snow Ghost.6817

[VP] Have had a fun night in Kain BL. Thanks to [CNB] for the fights. Best we have had in this match up. Cheers to [BMS] too.

Hope we can do it again soon.


GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Dinas Dragonbane.2978

[VP] Have had a fun night in Kain BL. Thanks to [CNB] for the fights. Best we have had in this match up. Cheers to [BMS] too.

Hope we can do it again soon.


This, Kaineng was putting up a fun fight in their own BL for the last 4 hours, though you guys literally steamrolled our paltry defense of Hills, I was on that bridge when the steamroller came through :P

Dinas Dragonbane, the Danger Ranger
Tri-Lead of Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Soulrez.8712


Hi Borlis Pass,

Highly disappointed in the poor sportsmanship.

Making parody guilds of our best WvW guilds?
Kaineng Ppt [PwN]
Crappy Noobs Are Back [CNB]


I’m not blaming the whole server for the immaturity of some, but I didn’t know who to address this to.

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


Hi Borlis Pass,

Highly disappointed in the poor sportsmanship.

Making parody guilds of our best WvW guilds?
Kaineng Ppt [PwN]
Crappy Noobs Are Back [CNB]


I’m not blaming the whole server for the immaturity of some, but I didn’t know who to address this to.

[CNB] is me. I did it because as I was commanding this weekend, I constantly got laughed at by CNB as they were killing me. It’s a little joke, don’t get so worked up over it, geez.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


:D ♥



a guardian from k[Ai]neng

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Hmmm, Ya know…I reported a mesmer tonight from BP..

He was surfing around underground….

Just sayin…

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: wwfam.2495


Hi Borlis Pass,

Highly disappointed in the poor sportsmanship.

Making parody guilds of our best WvW guilds?
Kaineng Ppt [PwN]
Crappy Noobs Are Back [CNB]


I’m not blaming the whole server for the immaturity of some, but I didn’t know who to address this to.

those are your best guilds? :s

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Had alot of fun in SBI BL tonight. Really wanted hills, but at the end of the day even we can’t get through a gazillion arrow carts that are manned 24/7. Well done. We had to settle for Bay, and I must say I am quite pleased with the pull the 30 or so people I had with me were able to bring. Also, dat Briar Tower fight. Shout out to Dragonriders, you made that fight at woodhaven epic.


(edited by Aeros.2046)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Absolutely outrageous fighting at SE tower, Hills, and Bay on KBL tonight. Glorious. Don’t know if I can see this final Bay fight to the end. Getting sleepy. =_=


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noobie.1073


Nice little 2v1 at golanta with the guardian and warrior, to the mesmer from [TEO] guild, way to laugh at a guy who just fought two of your server mates to a stalemate in a 2v1 with your NPCs helping and you come in while i got my CDs on full blast with your NPCs still attacking me and your thief buddy backstabbing me. Yeah, you’re really good. I applaud you for your bravery

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


[TE] had another fun night on SBI BL and Kaineng BL. Wish we could have given the bay siege with CNB inside a little more time and effort but WFD was breathing down our necks again on SBI BL. Respect to CNB and Dragonriders as usual, you guys are making us much better.

Star Player

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noobie.1073


lmao BP guild [HK] 3v1 at your spawn in KBL and you think you’re good. Kind of funny that you even got downed by a ranger in a 3v1. All of a sudden, outnumbering your oponents 3-1 and you get the balls to “tea bag”. This almost puts a bad taste for your server as a whole but luckily your main guilds are still respectful adults who know the “term” gamesmanship. Too bad you didn’t come early enough to save your ele and ranger friends

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


We should all learn some from this “cough” SBI “cough”

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nyx Xox.3540

Nyx Xox.3540

Hi Borlis Pass,

Highly disappointed in the poor sportsmanship.

Making parody guilds of our best WvW guilds?
Kaineng Ppt [PwN]
Crappy Noobs Are Back [CNB]


I’m not blaming the whole server for the immaturity of some, but I didn’t know who to address this to.

[CNB] is me. I did it because as I was commanding this weekend, I constantly got laughed at by CNB as they were killing me. It’s a little joke, don’t get so worked up over it, geez.

Well I’m sorry you were laughed at by my members, majority of us do not like that kind of behavior and I have talked to my members about it recently. Although the guild thing is a bit much. As majority of my members do not do that to anyone unless they trolled them first. A lot of people laugh and taunt from your server especially when they 6v1 one of us. Every server does it, every guild does, everyone does or has done it. I suppose if you like wasting the 1 silver to make a guild that’s on you, but its really low. I also do apologize on behalf of my guild though I don’t like that kind of kitten.

<3 Nyx

Its Nyx Yo
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Amurond.4590


ITT: exploiters caught out, exploiters claim it as “skill”. Who’da thunk it.

Had some fun solo fights in this match-up. Keep on roaming folks.

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

(edited by Amurond.4590)

8/16 - BP-Kain-SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: JetLu.1874


You see, when you face a garbage server.

I didn’t even get passed this remark. Who weewee’d in your corn flakes?

Crappy WvW player, but I try. SBI