8/2 SoS/DB/CD

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: fishball.7204


Good fights at Bay DB on DB BL. Couldn’t hold it at all against you guys lol…


8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

6 hours with no WvW tomorrow. What are you WvW addicts going to do?

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: fishball.7204


I heard PvE is kinda like PvDoor. I might try that some time, I’m pretty good at PvDoor so hopefully I know how to PvE.


8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


BTW, shoutout to VH and how nice it is to have another WvW interested group on SoS. It’s been ages since we’ve been able to field two effective groups in the same BL. Thanks for quite a few panic button responses and saving the day.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: kevin.8204


@SoS you guys sure do love your emotes , although it might be because we’re going to take your keep.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


Massive respect to qT, some of the best fights I’ve had in this game.

Special shoutout to that Shortbow Thief. That guy’s a boss.

can we have a video of the GvG please?

Once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all, man. Guardians/Warriors leading the pack, Necros/Eles right behind, all AoE’ing and cleaving, while granting stability. It’s even discouraged to target someone as you may trigger an ability that sends you in an opposite direction from the group, which is a very bad thing. No need to be careful on dodges or watch your enemy movements to counter them, just spam those AoE’s/cleaves until you see little red triangles.

On another note, as I mentioned earlier I’m trying a really wacky build that I’m not used to. It would be nice if the DB solo roamers didn’t run all the time. I’m very easy pickens right now. Seriously, guys, please stay and fight, especially if the odds are even. TC wasn’t even as bad as DB, and that’s really saying something. What’s with you guys?

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I’ve been solo roaming in CD BL for about 2 hours now, and so far I’ve seen no indication that either CD or SoS has any interest in solo roaming. I beat CD 1v2 (admittedly one was upleveled), only to be interrupted while stomping by 3 SoS. At the south camp the lone SoS built and killed me with a ballista while I was fighting vets. Just now I thought I found a solo SoS “champion”, but no, 10 seconds in his three buddies come around the corner. I don’t want to read another word from you guys that DB doesn’t solo roam…

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


I’ve been solo roaming in CD BL for about 2 hours now, and so far I’ve seen no indication that either CD or SoS has any interest in solo roaming. I beat CD 1v2 (admittedly one was upleveled), only to be interrupted while stomping by 3 SoS. At the south camp the lone SoS built and killed me with a ballista while I was fighting vets. Just now I thought I found a solo SoS “champion”, but no, 10 seconds in his three buddies come around the corner. I don’t want to read another word from you guys that DB doesn’t solo roam…

I was just there this morning myself. What’s your guild tag and what toon were you running?

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I was just there this morning myself. What’s your guild tag and what toon were you running?

rB on my Asura engineer

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I give up for now. Still no solo roamers from SoS or CD. In the following screenshot once I got the guardian just about downed, the necro showed up. There’s another guy coming down the stairs. I understand the desire to cover the north camp, so I’m not complaining about this fight specifically. Just wish CD and SoS would back up their solo roaming claims with…..wait for it…..solo roamers!


Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Hey I made this for the ranger forum but since its comprised entirely of our matchup this week I think I will drop it here too. Enjoy the kills

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Hey I made this for the ranger forum but since its comprised entirely of our matchup this week I think I will drop it here too. Enjoy the kills

Jeez folks say DB solo roamers run, you aren’t kidding. The first half of your video was kills against people not fighting back.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: UrMom.4205


I give up for now. Still no solo roamers from SoS or CD. In the following screenshot once I got the guardian just about downed, the necro showed up. There’s another guy coming down the stairs. I understand the desire to cover the north camp, so I’m not complaining about this fight specifically. Just wish CD and SoS would back up their solo roaming claims with…..wait for it…..solo roamers!

i solo roam…when i’m not at work…during primetime…

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Yeah pretty much, not my problem though

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sliderbyte.5317


oh look it’s 2v1 , gotta drop my arrow cart to gain the upperhand .



(edited by Sliderbyte.5317)

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


I was just there this morning myself. What’s your guild tag and what toon were you running?

rB on my Asura engineer

I saw you once at the lake tower this morning. I would have engaged, but I was having too much fun trolling two DB d/p perma-stealth thieves ([qT] and [SYNC]) just waiting for me to hop down from the tower to try and gank me. They even ignored other CD roamers who ran by which tells me that they really had a kitten for me. They must have used the Black Powder + Heartseeker combo over 100 times waiting for me to hop down.

Sorry to disappoint, fellas. But it was fun watching you waste your time.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I saw you once at the lake tower this morning. I would have engaged, but I was having too much fun trolling two DB d/p perma-stealth thieves ([qT] and [SYNC]) just waiting for me to hop down from the tower to try and gank me. They even ignored other CD roamers who ran by which tells me that they really had a kitten for me. They must have used the Black Powder + Heartseeker combo over 100 times waiting for me to hop down.

Sorry to disappoint, fellas. But it was fun watching you waste your time.

Yes, I remember. I only saw one of the thieves on my way by, and I was wondering what he thought he was doing.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


Just once, I’d like when I come across Jakob’s crew when I’m by myself; I’d like them to make it a one on one rather than a team gank. You’d probably win since I’m usually traited for group tactics, but I like the occasional 1v1.

Eviator, are you a necro? I had a good 1v1 with a rB necro this weekend and just after I eek’d out and downed him, his buddies (non-rB) showed up and ruined it.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vashti.8179


Just once, I’d like when I come across Jakob’s crew when I’m by myself; I’d like them to make it a one on one rather than a team gank. You’d probably win since I’m usually traited for group tactics, but I like the occasional 1v1.

Eviator, are you a necro? I had a good 1v1 with a rB necro this weekend and just after I eek’d out and downed him, his buddies (non-rB) showed up and ruined it.

No offense but you’ve trashed talked us A LOT in the past. Don’t think we don’t know your tag and don’t think we aren’t out for blood when we see you.

That being said, several of our guys are happy to have some duels from time to time. If that’s something you really want then I’d suggest PM’ing someone about it when you’re online to see if anyone has any interest.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


Just once, I’d like when I come across Jakob’s crew when I’m by myself; I’d like them to make it a one on one rather than a team gank. You’d probably win since I’m usually traited for group tactics, but I like the occasional 1v1.

Eviator, are you a necro? I had a good 1v1 with a rB necro this weekend and just after I eek’d out and downed him, his buddies (non-rB) showed up and ruined it.

No offense but you’ve trashed talked us A LOT in the past. Don’t think we don’t know your tag and don’t think we aren’t out for blood when we see you.

That being said, several of our guys are happy to have some duels from time to time. If that’s something you really want then I’d suggest PM’ing someone about it when you’re online to see if anyone has any interest.

Yeah, because I don’t see how doing 6v1’s is fun for anyone. Seriously though, surround a guy, and make him fight each one of you 1v1 until either he’s earned his escape or is downed. If he runs, take him out or if he brings friends, yeah take them out quickly.

I got to give credit to those rB guys. They were doing the same thing you were, only they were up for a fight all the time. They just didn’t give a rip and would take you on if you were 2 people or a full 15.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Just once, I’d like when I come across Jakob’s crew when I’m by myself; I’d like them to make it a one on one rather than a team gank. You’d probably win since I’m usually traited for group tactics, but I like the occasional 1v1.

Eviator, are you a necro? I had a good 1v1 with a rB necro this weekend and just after I eek’d out and downed him, his buddies (non-rB) showed up and ruined it.

My necro is specced for PvE, so I don’t run her in WvW. And if you had a 1v1 with me, even on my solo specced classes, you would not call it a “good 1v1”. :P I’d rate my skill as a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being super awesome. Still I gotsta roam sometimes, and I don’t run.

P.S. Cheers to the guy who PM’d me in game. I’ve friended you so we’ll catch a duel sometime.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

(edited by Eviator.9746)

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


Yeah, because I don’t see how doing 6v1’s is fun for anyone.

Actually, it is fun for us when our victim is sporting a [Fang] tag, regardless of the numbers.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lenador.1436


T.T i wanna rome

Cön-Guardian DB
[Con] Supreme Team of Con

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Angel.6085


Had a lot of fun watching Agg and qT gvg last night, even if I randomly got targeted at the end! lol Hope to see a few more of these this week!

Formerly [rB], [OPED], [Choo]
Guild Leader [DN] Digital Nemesis

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vashti.8179


Just once, I’d like when I come across Jakob’s crew when I’m by myself; I’d like them to make it a one on one rather than a team gank. You’d probably win since I’m usually traited for group tactics, but I like the occasional 1v1.

Eviator, are you a necro? I had a good 1v1 with a rB necro this weekend and just after I eek’d out and downed him, his buddies (non-rB) showed up and ruined it.

No offense but you’ve trashed talked us A LOT in the past. Don’t think we don’t know your tag and don’t think we aren’t out for blood when we see you.

That being said, several of our guys are happy to have some duels from time to time. If that’s something you really want then I’d suggest PM’ing someone about it when you’re online to see if anyone has any interest.

Yeah, because I don’t see how doing 6v1’s is fun for anyone. Seriously though, surround a guy, and make him fight each one of you 1v1 until either he’s earned his escape or is downed. If he runs, take him out or if he brings friends, yeah take them out quickly.

I got to give credit to those rB guys. They were doing the same thing you were, only they were up for a fight all the time. They just didn’t give a rip and would take you on if you were 2 people or a full 15.

Are you fo realz? So if we have 7 of us running havoc and we run across a lone roamer, we should surround him in a circle and assign one guy to fight him all the while hoping a zerg doesn’t pop up from around the corner and steam roll us? Or wait, maybe we could quickly take him down and move on to our objective so as to not remain in one place for too long. Yeah I like that idea better.

But I digress. My point was simply this: killing you is fun because of all the trash talk you did about us. Whether 1v1 or 6v1. The fact that you’re complaining about us killing you 6v1…well that makes it even sweeter.

(edited by Vashti.8179)

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


But I digress. My point was simply this: killing you is fun because of all the trash talk you did about us. Whether 1v1 or 6v1. The fact that you’re complaining about us killing you 6v1…well that makes it even sweeter.

Your hubby was talking about his enthusiasm for the 1v1, so I wondered why no one in your group is in for it.

All you do is pick off stragglers and flip camps so I would think you were looking for unique fights.
Whatever makes you guys happy I guess what’s important. I won’t pretend to understand it, but since your group is dedicated to it I guess I can try and respect that.

I don’t sweat it anymore, as I said I typically run in a group and haven’t seen you guys for a while.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


Yeah, because I don’t see how doing 6v1’s is fun for anyone.

Actually, it is fun for us when our victim is sporting a [Fang] tag, regardless of the numbers.

What’s with CD’s obsession with Fang? Do we need to get a doll out so you can show us where they touched you?

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cinix.2135


BTW, shoutout to VH and how nice it is to have another WvW interested group on SoS. It’s been ages since we’ve been able to field two effective groups in the same BL. Thanks for quite a few panic button responses and saving the day.

To bad that guild is dead now. 5 members left atm and they will probably recruit sos members from other guilds. You will learn the hard way why all the vH core members left. O and they also kicked people out and then trash talked them afterwards. Hexxed and Karma are a cancer to your server SoS, sorry you didn’t get the real vH players.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


I don’t sweat it anymore, as I said I typically run in a ZERG and haven’t seen you guys for a while.

Fix’d for ya. I can’t say I blame you, though, considering that you’re matched up against CD. There’s safety in numbers.

All you do is zerg and hide in numbers. Whatever makes you happy I guess is what’s important. I won’t pretend to understand it, but since your group is dedicated to it I guess I can try and respect that.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


Yeah, because I don’t see how doing 6v1’s is fun for anyone.

Actually, it is fun for us when our victim is sporting a [Fang] tag, regardless of the numbers.

What’s with CD’s obsession with Fang? Do we need to get a doll out so you can show us where they touched you?

Because we know when we wreck you in-game, you’ll come to the forums and cry about it. Which you’ve done yet again in this match up, just like you did in the last one.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


Whatever Jakob, you are entitled to your opinions and delusions and there is no value in continuing this.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


Whatever Jakob, you are entitled to your opinions and delusions and there is no value in continuing this.

Wait! I must have the last word:

You’re delusional, not me. So there!

Now, if there truly is no value in continuing this, then don’t repost.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Whatever Jakob, you are entitled to your opinions and delusions and there is no value in continuing this.

Wait! I must have the last word:

You’re delusional, not me. So there!

Now, if there truly is no value in continuing this, then don’t repost.

Waffler always gets last word. Waffler always wins.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


OMG I’ve figured it out!!!11!!1 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Tier above > Your server > Guild Groups <=> Zergballing > Small Man/Havok > Solo Roamer

- From left to right, all they do is zerg, siege-creep, run and hide in towers/keeps.
- From right to left, are only comprised of the brotastically skilled with the bigger kittens. F1 2222222222
- Everyone ignores all other instances/factors/timezones and screenshots only the occasions that support their argument without a shadow of a doubt.
- Blanket statements obviously means you’re right, obviously.


Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Waffler.1257


More DBBL solo roaming for Eviator! It’s true, sometimes DB players do travel alone.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


OMG I’ve figured it out!!!11!!1 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Tier above > Your server > Guild Groups <=> Zergballing > Small Man/Havok > Solo Roamer

- From left to right, all they do is zerg, siege-creep, run and hide in towers/keeps.
- From right to left, are only comprised of the brotastically skilled with the bigger kittens. F1 2222222222
- Everyone ignores all other instances/factors/timezones and screenshots only the occasions that support their argument without a shadow of a doubt.
- Blanket statements obviously means you’re right, obviously.


Very close, but it doesn’t even have to be a tier, just one spot. I’ve seen people on DB complain about TC zerging, and then I’m sure FA has said things about you guys; and so on.

Just about everyone zergs about the same level(s) T3-T5 (at times). CD can get away with saying they don’t zerg as much though, give them credit there.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lenador.1436


OMG I’ve figured it out!!!11!!1 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Tier above > Your server > Guild Groups <=> Zergballing > Small Man/Havok > Solo Roamer

- From left to right, all they do is zerg, siege-creep, run and hide in towers/keeps.
- From right to left, are only comprised of the brotastically skilled with the bigger kittens. F1 2222222222
- Everyone ignores all other instances/factors/timezones and screenshots only the occasions that support their argument without a shadow of a doubt.
- Blanket statements obviously means you’re right, obviously.


Very close, but it doesn’t even have to be a tier, just one spot. I’ve seen people on DB complain about TC zerging, and then I’m sure FA has said things about you guys; and so on.

Just about everyone zergs about the same level(s) T3-T5 (at times). CD can get away with saying they don’t zerg as much though, give them credit there.

Sorry we dont accept credit here, T.T i take all my beatings like man

Cön-Guardian DB
[Con] Supreme Team of Con

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


More DBBL solo roaming for Eviator! It’s true, sometimes DB players do travel alone.

You timed your dodges almost perfectly, man. Good showcase of skill. Keep them coming.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eviator.9746


More DBBL solo roaming for Eviator! It’s true, sometimes DB players do travel alone.

That video sure does make you look good. At least I know where to find you now when I’m ready to get owned.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


More DBBL solo roaming for Eviator! It’s true, sometimes DB players do travel alone.

I couldn’t watch most of that at work but what I saw was impressive. I don’t expect you to give away your special sauce (build, traits, etc) but what are you running on that gear-wise?

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: OrigJoker.1870


More DBBL solo roaming for Eviator! It’s true, sometimes DB players do travel alone.

Haha, I am the Necro @3:20….had my map open (cant remember what I was looking for) while running and heard the first few hits, By the time I closed my map I was screwed. My first dodge roll was with the map still open lol….Probably would have lost since I am not a solo spec but I could have at least put up a fight =D

I would definitely not classify myself as a solo roamer though so your video title is completely misleading =P

[rB] JoKeR

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Waffler.1257


More DBBL solo roaming for Eviator! It’s true, sometimes DB players do travel alone.

I couldn’t watch most of that at work but what I saw was impressive. I don’t expect you to give away your special sauce (build, traits, etc) but what are you running on that gear-wise?

rampager, if you can’t time dodges/blinds correctly you will die very, very fast.

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: elkirin.8534


IMHO, if you choose to run solo, you deal with whatever arrives and move on. It is your/our own choice and gamers do NOT get to choose other gamers playstyle.

Some great fights on SoS bl last night, tenacious attacks by CD and a lot of fun, Thank you.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

(edited by elkirin.8534)

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


EAT… nice moves. It was sorta fun leading the fight against you & FIRE on SoS bl. See you all tomorrow.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Calvin.5380


Here is some footage of our GvG tonight with qT!


D/D Ele PoV:

Love the way you play that Ele. Respect.


8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lenador.1436


EAT… nice moves. It was sorta fun leading the fight against you & FIRE on SoS bl. See you all tomorrow.

wish i was in that guild=/

Cön-Guardian DB
[Con] Supreme Team of Con

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: MarauderKing.4572


EAT… nice moves. It was sorta fun leading the fight against you & FIRE on SoS bl. See you all tomorrow.

I actually popped in to say that we all really enjoyed the fights with SOS on SOS BL today. You guys got mad props from us over Teamspeak. You guys kept bringing the pressure! Lot’s of great open field and tower/keep defense battles!

Haniko – [FIRE] FIRE Gaming Community
Dragonbrand (Ex-JQ)

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Malpractice.7850


EAT… nice moves. It was sorta fun leading the fight against you & FIRE on SoS bl. See you all tomorrow.

I actually popped in to say that we all really enjoyed the fights with SOS on SOS BL today. You guys got mad props from us over Teamspeak. You guys kept bringing the pressure! Lot’s of great open field and tower/keep defense battles!

It was great. I was there the entire time. The fights at the N Camp O.O
U guys had SOOOOOO many necro ha ha

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: wolf.1895


Great fights tonight. Shout out to the guilds involved in the fights at Bay on SoS BL, I pooped my pants once or twice.

Synco // Retired Guild leader of TERROR [TG] #1 GvG Guild NA Post-HoT
Maguuma Server Dictator

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Malpractice.7850


Here is some footage of our GvG tonight with qT!


D/D Ele PoV:

Love the way you play that Ele. Respect.

No joke. makes me actually wanna make one xD