….. And Elementalist.
8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET
….. And Elementalist.
To all the folks that are leaving DR and are giving excuses to try not look bad: You are leaving the sinking ship. You ARE bad. Because when the server need you most, you just decide to leave because you think “it’s not worth it”…
The thing everyone needs to remember is that this is a game and no one has the right to tell someone else how or where to play.
I am no longer having fun on DR. I am confident that most on DR will tell you I have poured my heart into the server and my desire to leave doesn’t make me a bad person.
To those who think otherwise, that is their problem, not mine, and they are better off without me/us.
You’re right, people are getting too upset about it, i left servers at least 7x just because it ceased to be fun. Theres no reason to stay and play the game if it’s unfun as itll result in quitting the game anyways which ppl find more acceptable then leaving servers because it isnt fun. (weird isnt it?)
One reason y people r getting so upset too i guess is maybe because since u were always there they seem to have this sense of betrayal. but remember its just a game, they didnt leave ur server to join the enemy server (i mean server that will be fighting DR like say ET) they left the tiers completely, but DR will bounce back, give it a month or 2, more or less idk.
It is sad to see that a number of people and guilds that have been quiet and calm for the last several months decide to take this opportunity to come out and hate on all those who have left DR.So please, keep your cowardly hatred and your backstabbing when you think people aren’t watching to yourself.
is their cowardliness greater or equal to that of someone who tells people off but doesn’t say to whom he speaks?
It is a blanket statement towards anyone who has done these things, either in these forums on in game itself. I still have friends on DR and I still have an alt account there that I go on from time to time, and in the last week map chat in WvW has been filled with ridicule and hatred towards all the guilds that left. In fact a few people I know that were initially staying on DR are now looking to transfer due to this attitude that many people, not just those who frequent the forums, have shown in game. This forum is not a place where I am going to name names or get into an argument over he said/she said. The people who have done this know who they are, and if they really do care about the server and rebuilding they will have to stop before they alienate even more of those who want to stay.
Is their cowardliness greater or equal to that of someone who tells people off but doesn’t say to whom he speaks?
At least the people your not calling out had the juice to speak their minds about who they spoke
I’m also feeling pretty confident that most of them weren’t afraid if people called them to task on their direct commentary.
I’m going to go with: equal. Only because you are leaving and I want to be gracious. I’m done talking with you now. If you want to continue this discussion I’ll be hiding privately behind personal email. where if you make me look bad with superior wit, it’s under damage control.
Yak’s Bend
To all the folks that are leaving DR and are giving excuses to try not look bad: You are leaving the sinking ship. You ARE bad. Because when the server need you most, you just decide to leave because you think “it’s not worth it”…
The thing everyone needs to remember is that this is a game and no one has the right to tell someone else how or where to play.
I am no longer having fun on DR. I am confident that most on DR will tell you I have poured my heart into the server and my desire to leave doesn’t make me a bad person.
To those who think otherwise, that is their problem, not mine, and they are better off without me/us.
Jeknar, I have to agree with Blodeuyn. This is a game and it is meant to be fun. If people want transfer to find fun let them go.
It does suck to have people leave your server and it can create a chain reaction of server transfers. There’s nothing anybody can do about it.
Full Disclosure: I transferred off ET when I wasn’t having fun. I came back for the same reason. I find the best way to have fun is to have a good group of friends. Focus on that and leave everything else aside.
Winning != fun (for some people it does though)
Lies!!! You came back for me cause I’m awesome.
To all the folks that are leaving DR and are giving excuses to try not look bad: You are leaving the sinking ship. You ARE bad. Because when the server need you most, you just decide to leave because you think “it’s not worth it”…
The thing everyone needs to remember is that this is a game and no one has the right to tell someone else how or where to play.
I am no longer having fun on DR. I am confident that most on DR will tell you I have poured my heart into the server and my desire to leave doesn’t make me a bad person.
To those who think otherwise, that is their problem, not mine, and they are better off without me/us.
Jeknar, I have to agree with Blodeuyn. This is a game and it is meant to be fun. If people want transfer to find fun let them go.
It does suck to have people leave your server and it can create a chain reaction of server transfers. There’s nothing anybody can do about it.
Full Disclosure: I transferred off ET when I wasn’t having fun. I came back for the same reason. I find the best way to have fun is to have a good group of friends. Focus on that and leave everything else aside.
Winning != fun (for some people it does though)
Lies!!! You came back for me cause I’m awesome.
Nice answer: I came back because Basic is “a good group of friends.” and I have fun with you guys
Mean answer: I’m here for Xom.
Thats a decent display of awesome Bones, but Belle is a trekkie.
Now for some classic next level awesome.
Nice try, DR. But you’re not getting bay whilst ol’ Fellblade is keeping an eye on the map.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
To all the folks that are leaving DR and are giving excuses to try not look bad: You are leaving the sinking ship. You ARE bad. Because when the server need you most, you just decide to leave because you think “it’s not worth it”…
The thing everyone needs to remember is that this is a game and no one has the right to tell someone else how or where to play.
I am no longer having fun on DR. I am confident that most on DR will tell you I have poured my heart into the server and my desire to leave doesn’t make me a bad person.
To those who think otherwise, that is their problem, not mine, and they are better off without me/us.
Jeknar, I have to agree with Blodeuyn. This is a game and it is meant to be fun. If people want transfer to find fun let them go.
It does suck to have people leave your server and it can create a chain reaction of server transfers. There’s nothing anybody can do about it.
Full Disclosure: I transferred off ET when I wasn’t having fun. I came back for the same reason. I find the best way to have fun is to have a good group of friends. Focus on that and leave everything else aside.
Winning != fun (for some people it does though)
Lies!!! You came back for me cause I’m awesome.
Nice answer: I came back because Basic is “a good group of friends.” and I have fun with you guys
Mean answer: I’m here for Xom.
I thought you came back because I’m awesome and you loved my eles look…while loving my accent :<
I is sad now belle, you made me saddy, I now need to kill a puppy.
(Welcome back btw, not had much of a chance to say in game)
I thought you came back because I’m awesome and you loved my eles look…while loving my accent :<
I is sad now belle, you made me saddy, I now need to kill a puppy.
(Welcome back btw, not had much of a chance to say in game)
LOL Roosta! I’m sure I would love your accent if I had ever heard you talk. Last time I tried you didn’t have a mic (or something like that). If we’re ever online at the same time hit me up on TS. I have cookies and I won’t bite (hard). <3
Shout out to the two other thieves (a DR Knight and IoJ General) last night in front of Briar, Wednesday night. It was my first thief menage a trois and it was glorious. When you both de-stealthed and hit me at the nearly the same time, I knew deep down this was a special moment.
Thank you two for the fights. Much love and Aloha to all my fellow thieves out there!
On one hand I’m sad to see most of the best players on DR leave, on the other hand, I’m thinking ‘nice, I have ’em all to myself now’.
I thought you came back because I’m awesome and you loved my eles look…while loving my accent :<
I is sad now belle, you made me saddy, I now need to kill a puppy.
(Welcome back btw, not had much of a chance to say in game)
LOL Roosta! I’m sure I would love your accent if I had ever heard you talk. Last time I tried you didn’t have a mic (or something like that). If we’re ever online at the same time hit me up on TS. I have cookies and I won’t bite (hard). <3
But…I like it when you bite hard
Bottom line is the guilds that were born or started early on Devona’s will continue to be the foundation of the server. Every server will have the guilds that jump ship for whatever reason, I hope all find what they are looking for and that one day we can completely wreck anyone who leaves as we did with Chris Ivey and his [NP] folks. Please keep us posted as to what your new guild names are etc.. etc.. so we can put you on KoS lists and such.
For the brave souls that are staying.. we will rise again, as we did before.. (note that is did not take us 10 months to do so either) We will have to work together, not Cheat across servers and make back room deals as certain guilds decided to do.. Suggestions in WvW vice barking orders at everyone.. and bottom line have fun.. If we have to hole up in our BL and go on the offensive outside of EB then it is what it is.
We will need to get away from personal goals and push towards server goals.. Don’t keep taking supply from captures, if you are doing WXP or XP trains don’t just run by small groups that are being pounded on (camps aren’t gonna vanish) and keep bashing heads…
DDLG,WOS,EDGE,OBS etc etc .. good luck in your new homes regardless of my low opinions of some of you I hope that you enjoy..
On a side note:
Ragtag [RGTG] will be accepting folks into its ranks feel free to contact any of the “Tat” toons you see talking in WvW map.
I saw one [RGTG] warrior roaming in IoJ BL earlier, gave me a good fight that I have to call in a guildie to track and kill him. Kudos to you.
Hmmmmm what race do you remember?
A Charr condition warrior.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
I also like to commend [TRON] for defending your BL last night. You guys are great opponent. Hang in there, hopefully you’ll get some good guilds joining DR soon.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
All I can see in TOTS post are #blurrrr #sheeeiiiiitzzzz. Am I the only one?
Talked to some DDLG in LA yesterday many thinks you ruined the guild’s reputation by being a troll. You left already right? There, DDLG will be better again.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
All I can see in TOTS post are #blurrrr #sheeeiiiiitzzzz. Am I the only one?
Talked to some DDLG in LA yesterday many thinks you ruined the guild’s reputation by being a troll. You left already right? There, DDLG will be better again.
Try harder. Your attempts at forum trolling are mediocre.
Stormbluff Isle [Bags]
Bags Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/collectinglootbags
All I can see in TOTS post are #blurrrr #sheeeiiiiitzzzz. Am I the only one?
Talked to some DDLG in LA yesterday many thinks you ruined the guild’s reputation by being a troll. You left already right? There, DDLG will be better again.
DDLG was never bad to begin with. Tuk, please try to understand what you’re talking about. You don’t know us, you just know the people that post regularly on the forums. All I got from you were kittenty insults that made no sense at all…
Deadly Legends [DDLG]
Droppin baddies since 2012
All I can see in TOTS post are #blurrrr #sheeeiiiiitzzzz. Am I the only one?
Talked to some DDLG in LA yesterday many thinks you ruined the guild’s reputation by being a troll. You left already right? There, DDLG will be better again.
DDLG was never bad to begin with. Tuk, please try to understand what you’re talking about. You don’t know us, you just know the people that post regularly on the forums. All I got from you were kittenty insults that made no sense at all…
He’s saying Tots ruined DDLGs guild reputation a lot to the publics eye he made them look like kitteny, kittens who thought they were 10000x better then every other player. Then he said that now that Tots is gone he’s seeing DDLG in a new way since hes not on here trolling the forums 24/7.
All I can see in TOTS post are #blurrrr #sheeeiiiiitzzzz. Am I the only one?
Talked to some DDLG in LA yesterday many thinks you ruined the guild’s reputation by being a troll. You left already right? There, DDLG will be better again.
Being in a 400 person guild people are bound to have their own opinions. Sure there might be some who think that, but there are also plenty who think it’s hilarious. It comes down to being a game, we play for fun and that’s the goal. Someone raging me on the forums is quite funny, and the more haters there are the better. (: It’s a source of entertainment for the whole 10% of the game that actually reads the matchup thread.
Being one of the three main drivers of the DDLG Zergball I brought my knowledge of tactics, organization, and the classes to help turn DDLG into the devastating guild it once was. I’ve dedicated more time and energy to the guild than most of its members can claim. Yes there might be those who dislike me because I chose to spend more time working on [Bags] guild and perfecting our 5 man and small group tactics, and in turn spent less time running with DDLG. Again though, I play for fun so I’m going to do what’s fun and shouldn’t be obligated to do something I didn’t want to. Some will disagree.
However I can say one thing about you. What have you brought to your guild? Because as far as I remember TRBO was never a force to be feared. Complete lack of tactics. Complete lack of organization. In my opinion it was a guild full of IoJ pugs with no interest in bettering themselves as a guild. And you know where that comes from? Poor leadership.
I at least respect the effort and time put into making CORE and HARD what it is. As a leader I know it isn’t easy what you guys are doing and can get frustrating at times. DDLG at peak would tear through pug zergs and we wish we saw some organized guilds around at that time because the fights would have at least been more interesting. It wasn’t until a lot of people went their separate ways that we saw some organization from IoJ. Hopefully IoJ gets matched up with our new server so we can fight these guilds again.
Guild Leader
(edited by Tots.3056)
DDLG was never bad to begin with. Tuk, please try to understand what you’re talking about. You don’t know us, you just know the people that post regularly on the forums. All I got from you were kittenty insults that made no sense at all…
Just to clear things. I am not against DDLG per se. But your forum troll depicted your guild in a bad way.
On our first matchups against each other and DH I made some friends with DDLG in jumping puzzle. We even jumped together almost everyday.
Not until the time when your forum troll(s) began telling the world that IoJ and DH had an alliance and they would crush us if we don’t hide behind DH. But we did proved them wrong.
I am sorry if I insulted DDLG in general. I am just against DDLG forum warriors. I will not talked about DDLG now that I heard your #1 forum troll bailed. Too bad he dragged your guild’s reputation down. That “stupid IoJ” video was the last straw for us.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
All I can see in TOTS post are #blurrrr #sheeeiiiiitzzzz. Am I the only one?
Talked to some DDLG in LA yesterday many thinks you ruined the guild’s reputation by being a troll. You left already right? There, DDLG will be better again.
Being in a 400 person guild people are bound to have their own opinions. Sure there might be some who think that, but there are also plenty who think it’s hilarious. It comes down to being a game, we play for fun and that’s the goal. Someone raging me on the forums is quite funny, and the more haters there are the better. (: It’s a source of entertainment for the whole 10% of the game that actually reads the matchup thread.
Being one of the three main drivers of the DDLG Zergball I brought my knowledge of tactics, organization, and the classes to help turn DDLG into the devastating guild it once was. I’ve dedicated more time and energy to the guild than most of its members can claim. Yes there might be those who dislike me because I chose to spend more time working on [Bags] guild and perfecting our 5 man and small group tactics, and in turn spent less time running with DDLG. Again though, I play for fun so I’m going to do what’s fun and shouldn’t be obligated to do something I didn’t want to. Some will disagree.
However I can say one thing about you. What have you brought to your guild? Because as far as I remember TRBO was never a force to be feared. Complete lack of tactics. Complete lack of organization. In my opinion it was a guild full of IoJ pugs with no interest in bettering themselves as a guild. And you know where that comes from? Poor leadership.
I at least respect the effort and time put into making CORE and HARD what it is. As a leader I know it isn’t easy what you guys are doing and can get frustrating at times. DDLG at peak would tear through pug zergs and we wish we saw some organized guilds around at that time because the fights would have at least been more interesting. It wasn’t until a lot of people went their separate ways that we saw some organization from IoJ. Hopefully IoJ gets matched up with our new server so we can fight these guilds again.
Just to tell you TRBO is 99% PvE guild. We never say that we are one of the top guilds in WvW for IoJ (ask the other commanders). We are just there to help. We only have 125 members and only 8-10 people plays WvW then we sometimes call other to help us on breakouts and stuffs. TRBO have been here in IoJ since the three day headstart. We’ve been in the bottom for sometime but we never left. We are still here. We watch IoJ WvW rebuild.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
DDLG was never bad to begin with. Tuk, please try to understand what you’re talking about. You don’t know us, you just know the people that post regularly on the forums. All I got from you were kittenty insults that made no sense at all…
Just to clear things. I am not against DDLG per se. But your forum troll depicted your guild in a bad way.
On our first matchups against each other and DH I made some friends with DDLG in jumping puzzle. We even jumped together almost everyday.
Not until the time when your forum troll(s) began telling the world that IoJ and DH had an alliance and they would crush us if we don’t hide behind DH. But we did proved them wrong.
I am sorry if I insulted DDLG in general. I am just against DDLG forum warriors. I will not talked about DDLG now that I heard your #1 forum troll bailed. Too bad he dragged your guild’s reputation down. That “stupid IoJ” video was the last straw for us.
First of all, I did not make that video. In fact I wasn’t even there for that. And yes, I spoke to the individual who titled the video and expressed my concern that it made us look like complete kittens.
Guild Leader
Roleplayers lol.
Thou hast tarnished thine guild’s honor sir! I doth demand thou departure from mine matchup thread!
I post to get a reaction out of people, Tuk took the bait and he’s going to ride it into the ground so it doesn’t look like he got completely trolled. This is a video game, why so serious?
I didn’t leave DDLG. Just to clear that up. Now that we’re on a server that actually has a WvW PPT focus, the trolling has stopped. DDLG was one of the only guilds who fielded large numbers on a daily basis, fighting for DR. We were tired of seeing no consistent support (apart from the first hour or two of WvW reset) from the other large guilds on the server and it was frustrating.
Guild Leader
(edited by Tots.3056)
Jeknar, I have to agree with Blodeuyn. This is a game and it is meant to be fun. If people want transfer to find fun let them go.
It does suck to have people leave your server and it can create a chain reaction of server transfers. There’s nothing anybody can do about it.
Full Disclosure: I transferred off ET when I wasn’t having fun. I came back for the same reason. I find the best way to have fun is to have a good group of friends. Focus on that and leave everything else aside.
Winning != fun (for some people it does though)
Tsc… Fine… I do hold a lot of grudge against people that leave the servers to rot. For me, that’s like leaving a team that actually need you. And that’s the major reason of why I spit so much in people that leave servers when they are on downfall. That sentiment got even more strong when the people fled from ET for HoD because they were tired of losing fighting SF, and that’s somenthing I’m likely never going to leave behind.
And I never said my concept of fun was winning… I would never ever leave Blackgate for Eredon if that was my vision. I wanted the challenge of help a server from the bottom to rise. Its a hard thing to acomplish, take time, and really need the cooperation of everyone. If people just leave the sinking boat, the ones that wanted the server to rise will simply have their hopes crushed as they cannot do everything by themselves (even more with those screwed matchups we’re getting now)… And yes, I really thought about leaving ET when KWBH, Agg and FoE left simply because I was stuck alone again.
You can’t blame me for throwing jabs on the people leaving DR. I have an idea of how the people that wanted to make DR a strong server are feeling now, and that’s not good.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
I am just having fun with you TOTSki. I was the first one congratulating you when you take our well defended keeps before you started talking non-sense (you can check your PMs if you saved them).
I am not a natural forum warrior. I only respond to crappy posts.
I will stop now, since there’s no sense in fighting anymore.
Goodluck to whatever server you transfer into.
Goodluck too to DR.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Is their cowardliness greater or equal to that of someone who tells people off but doesn’t say to whom he speaks?
At least the people your not calling out had the juice to speak their minds about who they spoke
I’m also feeling pretty confident that most of them weren’t afraid if people called them to task on their direct commentary.
I’m going to go with: equal. Only because you are leaving and I want to be gracious. I’m done talking with you now. If you want to continue this discussion I’ll be hiding privately behind personal email. where if you make me look bad with superior wit, it’s under damage control.
You misinterpret cowardice for maturity. While you and yours walk around playing victim and trying to blame everyone but yourself and talking kitten on those who are no longer around to defend themselves, I am simply trying to tell them to grow up and move on. If you actually have a problem with some one, have the balls to say it to them directly, not on a forum thread they won’t read anymore, or a map chat they can’t see anymore. But why do I even bother explaining myself, you are the one who once talked kitten about an entire 300 person PvX guild on a matchup thread for something that 1 member said to you in teamspeak.
Lucky for you, you will get the last word as this is the last I will say on this matter, so give it your best.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by CrazyCanuck.4265)
ermagerd guiz, u guiz shud kitten to crystal desert b/c it is liek the best place evar. every chat is about roleplaying and stuf and it maeks me happi. all ur argumants are so pointles and neds to stahp b/c it wil hert ur brain and fingerz of typin random poop,.gjhkj
DDLG is now the best it has ever been on DR. I look forward to working with those who remained. And blaming what happened on not getting support from the “other big guilds” doesn’t make any sense… there were NO other big guilds. Only one I can think of that rivals your numbers is RED, and they are mostly PvE; the few that come out, while much appreciated, don’t number that many.
You expected small guilds to all follow your blue dorito on command. Coming to our bl and screaming that EB needs help didn’t work because we could care less about EB… that’s where the zergs always are. Coming back to the chat and kittening that we just lost SM because WE didn’t go to EB is just funny. We don’t like your playstyle and we don’t like you. That’s why you didn’t get our support. Hopefully you can learn from some true leaders when you get to where you are going… you (all) need the help.
This guy must be the only ET invader in EB atm and yet the little bugger held his ground.
Would have bowed to ya but you ported so hats off good sir!
….. And Elementalist.
I thought this week’s matchup was a lot of fun. It always starts out tense, but by the end of the week we’re all yaks with kites.
To DR:
Sorry about the loss of some of your guilds. You’ll fill the void back in no time. I’m sure you have a great community of players that have stayed through all the ups and downs. You’ll move on and do even better.
I thought when you learned to relax, you were a lot more fun. I hope you had fun too, even though you won by a landslide. Good luck with your new match up!
To ET:
Moving up in ranks doesn’t make a great server, the community does. ET is awesome. Keep fighting for each other!
Riva Lea – Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!
Eredon Terrace
(edited by sioux.1653)
Wise words sioux.
Good luck to both servers on reset.
And yes, I really thought about leaving ET when KWBH, Agg and FoE left simply because I was stuck alone again.
What do you mean alone. You’ll always have me to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with.
DDLG is now the best it has ever been on DR. I look forward to working with those who remained. And blaming what happened on not getting support from the “other big guilds” doesn’t make any sense… there were NO other big guilds. Only one I can think of that rivals your numbers is RED, and they are mostly PvE; the few that come out, while much appreciated, don’t number that many.
You expected small guilds to all follow your blue dorito on command. Coming to our bl and screaming that EB needs help didn’t work because we could care less about EB… that’s where the zergs always are. Coming back to the chat and kittening that we just lost SM because WE didn’t go to EB is just funny. We don’t like your playstyle and we don’t like you. That’s why you didn’t get our support. Hopefully you can learn from some true leaders when you get to where you are going… you (all) need the help.
I’ve always put BL defense before EB. EB is a giant waste of time with the never-ending SM battle and 90% of DDLG would agree. Big words from someone who’s contributed absolutely nothing to the community. You don’t know anything about how our guild operates and have absolutely no right to criticize us. Now that many have left you voice your opinion, really shows how much of a class act you are. No wonder so many guilds had a problem with you.
I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in WvW. I’m glad that all 7 people in your guild don’t like us, because simply put, you’re useless and just for this post, I don’t like you either.
Have fun sitting on the bottom, because as long as people like you are on that server, that’s where it’s going to stay.
Good luck everyone, some awesome friends I’ve left behind or have gone seperate ways. It’s been a great run and tons of fun, can’t wait to fight you all in future matchups. Yes I’m talking about you EBAY and BP!
Guild Leader
(edited by Tots.3056)
Is their cowardliness greater or equal to that of someone who tells people off but doesn’t say to whom he speaks?
At least the people your not calling out had the juice to speak their minds about who they spoke
I’m also feeling pretty confident that most of them weren’t afraid if people called them to task on their direct commentary.
I’m going to go with: equal. Only because you are leaving and I want to be gracious. I’m done talking with you now. If you want to continue this discussion I’ll be hiding privately behind personal email. where if you make me look bad with superior wit, it’s under damage control.
Tactics!You misinterpret cowardice for maturity. While you and yours walk around playing victim and trying to blame everyone but yourself and talking kitten on those who are no longer around to defend themselves, I am simply trying to tell them to grow up and move on. If you actually have a problem with some one, have the balls to say it to them directly, not on a forum thread they won’t read anymore, or a map chat they can’t see anymore. But why do I even bother explaining myself, you are the one who once talked kitten about an entire 300 person PvX guild on a matchup thread for something that 1 member said to you in teamspeak.
Lucky for you, you will get the last word as this is the last I will say on this matter, so give it your best
Is your kitten jealous of the kitten coming out of your mouth????
Come on Aly you know that some guilds egos got to big for their own good. They harassed and bullied the smaller guilds on the server to join up with them or else. Many of the smaller guilds who didn’t agree with that often went to their own map to stay away from it. For you to say that we don’t have the balls to tell someone what we think to a person you are wrong and you know it. If you like I will post the ss.
For the guilds leaving because they are no longer having fun I hope they find it on a new server because in fact it is just a game. If your not having fun then you have to try something new to do with the game or find a new game.
Yak’s Bend
DDLG is now the best it has ever been on DR. I look forward to working with those who remained. And blaming what happened on not getting support from the “other big guilds” doesn’t make any sense… there were NO other big guilds. Only one I can think of that rivals your numbers is RED, and they are mostly PvE; the few that come out, while much appreciated, don’t number that many.
You expected small guilds to all follow your blue dorito on command. Coming to our bl and screaming that EB needs help didn’t work because we could care less about EB… that’s where the zergs always are. Coming back to the chat and kittening that we just lost SM because WE didn’t go to EB is just funny. We don’t like your playstyle and we don’t like you. That’s why you didn’t get our support. Hopefully you can learn from some true leaders when you get to where you are going… you (all) need the help.
I’ve always put BL defense before EB. EB is a giant waste of time with the never-ending SM battle and 90% of DDLG would agree. Big words from someone who’s contributed absolutely nothing to the community. Now that many have left you voice your opinion, class act you are. No wonder so many guilds had a problem with you.
I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in WvW. I’m glad that all 7 people in your guild don’t like us, because simply put, you’re useless and just for this post, I don’t like you either.
Have fun sitting on the bottom, because as long as people like you are on that server, that’s where it’s going to stay.
And this is why the server hated you and guilds avoided you like the plague.
Yak’s Bend
And this is why the server hated you and guilds avoided you like the plague.
Really? I’m pretty sure you were the only ones. Leave it to SoCo to jump on the Tots-hating bandwagon! Keep it up!
This is the real problem with DR. Every guild hates each other and refuses to work together. Shut your mouth, put your differences aside, and play the kitten game. Teamwork is required to win and until the guilds can work together towards the same cause, then it just won’t happen. Bad blood between guilds is what brought this server down, and made it so unappealing for new players.
Guild Leader
(edited by Tots.3056)
I post to get a reaction out of people, Tuk took the bait and he’s going to ride it into the ground so it doesn’t look like he got completely trolled. This is a video game, why so serious?
I didn’t leave DDLG. Just to clear that up. Now that we’re on a server that actually has a WvW PPT focus, the trolling has stopped. DDLG was one of the only guilds who fielded large numbers on a daily basis, fighting for DR. We were tired of seeing no consistent support (apart from the first hour or two of WvW reset) from the other large guilds on the server and it was frustrating.
400 person guild… of course you will field numbers… you are running around in circles.. seeing no support is because you guys Borged (resistance is futile) up the server and then talked down on folks or came across like it’s our way or the highway.
On an unrelated side note [TRBO]. The Charr Warrior you went up against I think was Lion of the wind, and in regards to the TRON post, DR has had great guilds but when we are over shadowed by large ones it is a lot harder to shine.
DDLG is now the best it has ever been on DR. I look forward to working with those who remained. And blaming what happened on not getting support from the “other big guilds” doesn’t make any sense… there were NO other big guilds. Only one I can think of that rivals your numbers is RED, and they are mostly PvE; the few that come out, while much appreciated, don’t number that many.
You expected small guilds to all follow your blue dorito on command. Coming to our bl and screaming that EB needs help didn’t work because we could care less about EB… that’s where the zergs always are. Coming back to the chat and kittening that we just lost SM because WE didn’t go to EB is just funny. We don’t like your playstyle and we don’t like you. That’s why you didn’t get our support. Hopefully you can learn from some true leaders when you get to where you are going… you (all) need the help.
I’ve always put BL defense before EB. EB is a giant waste of time with the never-ending SM battle and 90% of DDLG would agree. Big words from someone who’s contributed absolutely nothing to the community. Now that many have left you voice your opinion, class act you are. No wonder so many guilds had a problem with you.
I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in WvW. I’m glad that all 7 people in your guild don’t like us, because simply put, you’re useless and just for this post, I don’t like you either.
Have fun sitting on the bottom, because as long as people like you are on that server, that’s where it’s going to stay.And this is why the server hated you and guilds avoided you like the plague.
Lovely to hear that after we transfer. Guilds fighting over this stupid kittening drama are the reason DR is falling apart. Sure some DDLG members like to troll a bit to much but only people who can’t take a joke are affected by that. DDLG did what it did to help the server we openly recruited and accepted pugs into our zergs. For you to hate DDLG is completely irrational.
Stormbluff Isle [Bags]
Bags Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/collectinglootbags
And this is why the server hated you and guilds avoided you like the plague.
Really? I’m pretty sure you were the only ones. Leave it to SoCo to jump on the Tots-hating bandwagon! Keep it up!
This is the real problem with DR. Every guild hates each other and refuses to work together. Shut your mouth, put your differences aside, and play the kitten game. Teamwork is required to win and until the guilds can work together towards the same cause, then it just won’t happen. Bad blood between guilds is what brought this server down, and made it so unappealing for new players.
Nothings says go teamwork then constantly ranting on the forums and telling folks to shut their mouths.. Bad blood came from kitten poor attitudes towards others DDLG was not and will not ever be the best guild on DR or any other server out there simply because there is no guild rating system, and none of that matters past personal opinion.. Try this experiment, at all hours of the day, take a group of friends out for a ride, honk your horn constantly.. toot toot toot toot tooot tooooot toot toot .. and see how many people like you after a few weeks.
Bags/DDLG core was better than any IoJ guild. Going to leave that here for ya IoJ forum warriors. I expect no less than 3 pages of response.
Whahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I might die from laughing so HARD!!!!!
OK OK OK you already proved that. You got lots of proof by the way, like losing every week, ditching a server after you ruined their reputation in the forums, etc. etc.
You will just deliberately lose so that you will win again in tier 12 but yet the lowest server in NA still beats you by a mile. That’s a big PROOF that you are “BETTER”.
Find the quote where I said DR was a better server. All I simply said was, DDLG is better than any guild on IoJ, and always will be. Learn to play sir.
I… DDLG better than RUN? Learn to play? I… just…
I haven’t lost this many brain cells in a while… and I saw the 60’s….
Czano Asura Mesmer
400 person guild… of course you will field numbers… you are running around in circles.. seeing no support is because you guys Borged (resistance is futile) up the server and then talked down on folks or came across like it’s our way or the highway.
Out of those 400 most were inactive or not repping a lot of the time. We had a consistent group of 20-30 players in WvW but most played it casually. I apologize on behalf of DDLG if we came across like that. We certainly didn’t mean it with any bad intentions. We were excited because we found tactics that worked, tactics that are used in the top tiers and we simply wanted to expand our knowledge of them to better the server as a whole.
Guild Leader
DDLG is now the best it has ever been on DR. I look forward to working with those who remained. And blaming what happened on not getting support from the “other big guilds” doesn’t make any sense… there were NO other big guilds. Only one I can think of that rivals your numbers is RED, and they are mostly PvE; the few that come out, while much appreciated, don’t number that many.
You expected small guilds to all follow your blue dorito on command. Coming to our bl and screaming that EB needs help didn’t work because we could care less about EB… that’s where the zergs always are. Coming back to the chat and kittening that we just lost SM because WE didn’t go to EB is just funny. We don’t like your playstyle and we don’t like you. That’s why you didn’t get our support. Hopefully you can learn from some true leaders when you get to where you are going… you (all) need the help.
I’ve always put BL defense before EB. EB is a giant waste of time with the never-ending SM battle and 90% of DDLG would agree. Big words from someone who’s contributed absolutely nothing to the community. Now that many have left you voice your opinion, class act you are. No wonder so many guilds had a problem with you.
I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in WvW. I’m glad that all 7 people in your guild don’t like us, because simply put, you’re useless and just for this post, I don’t like you either.
Have fun sitting on the bottom, because as long as people like you are on that server, that’s where it’s going to stay.And this is why the server hated you and guilds avoided you like the plague.
Lovely to hear that after we transfer. Guilds fighting over this stupid kittening drama are the reason DR is falling apart. Sure some DR members like to troll a bit to much but only people who can’t take a joke are affected by that. DDLG did what it did to help the server we openly recruited and accepted pugs into our zergs. For you to hate DDLG is completely irrational.
It’s not irrational. We do not dislike all of DDLG by any means, lots of ppl i enjoy thoroughly but some of your leaders gave you a bad name. You harassed and bullied smaller guilds. When you had an alliance with other servers and other guilds on our server didn’t agree you harassed us, stuck your guys at the entrance of your alliance server bg and yelled at everyone who ported in, and grouped up with the enemy to tell them where we were attacking. When confronted you (ddlg) said hey well just turn it around and make it look like it was you who did it. Most of us have a valid reason for not liking your front runners. This is just one example and I and others have many more. I feel bad for the guys that ran that tag and didn’t have a clue of what was going on behind the scenes. I look forward to working with the ones who didn’t transfer.
Good luck on your new server. I truly hope the same fate that happened to other big guilds that have left doesn’t happen to you.
Yak’s Bend
Wow…So our key match up trolls leave the server and we still can’t get rid of them. Just when I thought I could start reading these threads without Advil…
The large guild zergs, as mentioned earlier, overshadow the work of the small teams. I have been in every borderland and I’ve seen every guild that regularly steps off to fight. Everyone has screwed up at some point, it’s the human element. DDLG, best of luck. I’ve met a couple of you who I’ve enjoyed playing with, and the same goes for the other guilds.
Tactics differ from guild to guild and that’s all there is to it. I’ve been leading larger warbands then I’d like the last couple of nights simply because PUGs don’t get tactics, the only know kill. We need to focus on teaching people how to be patient and guard keeps as they’ve grown accustomed to BL hopping with the large zergs. Let’s focus less on this forum bs drama and get to fixing the server.
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]
DDLG was not and will not ever be the best guild on DR or any other server out there simply because there is no guild rating system, and none of that matters past personal opinion.. Try this experiment, at all hours of the day, take a group of friends out for a ride, honk your horn constantly.. toot toot toot toot tooot tooooot toot toot .. and see how many people like you after a few weeks.
Apparently Devonas Rest doesn’t get the whole trolling thing. I think I inadvertently trolled some of you guys because we don’t think we’re the best. That’s just something we say on the forums to get great reactions out of people, and it looks like it worked. I apologize that you take things literally and can’t differentiate between trolling for fun, and being a complete tool.
I think if you came into team speak and spent some time with us you would realize that we’re just here for fun, and the whole concept of forum warrioring is just completely ridiculous and something to laugh at, but I guess that would require you to give us a chance instead of just jumping to conclusions.
Guild Leader
Wow…So our key match up trolls leave the server and we still can’t get rid of them. Just when I thought I could start reading these threads without Advil…
The large guild zergs, as mentioned earlier, overshadow the work of the small teams. I have been in every borderland and I’ve seen every guild that regularly steps off to fight. Everyone has screwed up at some point, it’s the human element. DDLG, best of luck. I’ve met a couple of you who I’ve enjoyed playing with, and the same goes for the other guilds.
Tactics differ from guild to guild and that’s all there is to it. I’ve been leading larger warbands then I’d like the last couple of nights simply because PUGs don’t get tactics, the only know kill. We need to focus on teaching people how to be patient and guard keeps as they’ve grown accustomed to BL hopping with the large zergs. Let’s focus less on this forum bs drama and get to fixing the server.
See you guys tonight <3
Yak’s Bend
DDLG is now the best it has ever been on DR. I look forward to working with those who remained. And blaming what happened on not getting support from the “other big guilds” doesn’t make any sense… there were NO other big guilds. Only one I can think of that rivals your numbers is RED, and they are mostly PvE; the few that come out, while much appreciated, don’t number that many.
You expected small guilds to all follow your blue dorito on command. Coming to our bl and screaming that EB needs help didn’t work because we could care less about EB… that’s where the zergs always are. Coming back to the chat and kittening that we just lost SM because WE didn’t go to EB is just funny. We don’t like your playstyle and we don’t like you. That’s why you didn’t get our support. Hopefully you can learn from some true leaders when you get to where you are going… you (all) need the help.
DDLG drivers rarely run Commander tags during guild WvW events. By rarely, I mean basically never.
The truth of the matter is that you have no idea how DDLG approaches WvW and you should stop acting as if you do.
Let’s focus less on this forum bs drama and get to fixing the server.
+1, Drop the forum war between DR and DR, and let’s fix the problems. What’s done is done and pointing fingers won’t solve anything. Best of luck on rebuilding.
Guild Leader
Guise i ran out of popcorn.
Guise i ran out of popcorn.
Yeah it was getting intense there for a bit. Glad we could entertain you, welcome to the internal Devonas Rest issues.
Guild Leader