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8/30 AR/FC/DR
YouTube Channel
Apologies, I haven’t been giving this thread my caring attention recently. So I leave you with the video Gab requested of us doing the wipes.
The quality isn’t that great, but it’s about 8 guys plus 2 ACs up against those waves of red. You can tell some of them are relatively coordinated, not just pugs. “Oh you’re using siege, that’s a cheap move and demonstrates nothing about your playing skill”. What’s stopping you from building counter siege, say a treb from SM, and destroying our ACs?
This is a demonstration of 30 minutes of competence (cut down to 12), as opposed to say, a chance 3v2 encounter where some of the guys may not even be properly geared and going up against gimmicky duelling builds. Yes yes I know, any 10 guys on voice comm could do the same, but please do take videos so I can admire them, because I really haven’t personally seen this done by either FC or DR. I’m sure it’s happened, just never been on the receiving end.
I’ll be sure to take screenshots next time I go roaming and show you the other side of the coin.
(edited by Opc.4718)
I just wanted to say that I love this matchup, and I highly respect both AR and DR for all the great fights.
Just want to say… was impressed with Yarr today, especially by Danelon
Also… dat focus fire 0.o
was fun, we were expecting a good group fight till your pugs jumped in XD surprised we all got away
Just want to say… was impressed with Yarr today, especially by Danelon
Also… dat focus fire 0.o
great times again fighting you guys, that was very enjoyable. Even if we had more players in our group than yours, you guys held your own pretty well (that tanky necro of yours in particular). I wish there was a guild like you on AR!
Kaze pewpew_80 Elementalist
Fergusons Crossing (Yarr)
no disrespect but…. wayyyy TL;DR not here to read literature
hes practicing for college essays
Ha you got me, I’m being deliberately obtuse. Although, Ynot, I’ll have you know my posts are not walls of text, they are beautifully formatted into clear cohesive paragraphs.
@Gab, team builds are VERY different from solo duel builds. Team builds are team oriented and shine only when you’ve got other people to cover your weaknesses. An example off the top of my head is consecration guardian, running full consecrations in utilities. A powerful asset to have on a team, but you’d be dead in a few seconds on your own.
During prime time, we try and get people to run certain team based specs, and if you were to catch them on their own with your roaming build, I don’t expect you to have too much difficulty in killing them.
I’ve been playing a lot of guardian lately, and as a team player, I run a AH hammer/staff shout+consecration build. Staff is a crap 1v1 weapon, but it is amazing in a group fight. Late night when everyone goes off, I get rid of the AH and spec into virtues for boon duration, pulling out GS and mace/focus. I also switch out the consecrations for full shouts. That’s my roaming build, giving me good in combat mobility and healing options when I am by myself.
The playstyles of the two builds are like two completely different classes. I would be ineffective in a team fight on my roaming build, and likewise my team build would suck if I were forced to fight alone.
So tl;dr, the outcome of the 3v2 match is no surprise considering the builds we run as a team vs the roaming builds of the enemy. GW2 is all about understanding and countering different builds, and no matter your individual skill, you simply wont be effective if you go into a fight that’s stacked against you. The PvE gauntlet arenas are a surprisingly good example of this – some of the bosses are practically impossible until you learn how to counter their specific special move, and certain classes are just better at doing the job than others.
“Stop making excuses, you should’ve come prepared then if you think you’re such great players”. That’s what a good roaming build is designed for – the ability to counter as many possible situations as possible. While we run as a team, everyone has a specific role and as long as we stick together, they complement each other to counter an even greater range of situations. At least that’s the theory anyway.
EDIT: I promised myself to keep this post short and sweet, but that’s apparently impossible for me.
(edited by Opc.4718)
Narrow hold of SE tower on Devona’s border just now against BS and Main. A tense fight that was a few landed skills away from being a completely different result.
Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]
(edited by arKRazor.8654)
alot of great fights today, shout out to [OHai] for providing the entertainment! also [TFH] for meeting 4 of us outside of umber. that was a fun fight i thought you guys were going to get us >.< gf!
Thanks for the fun fights last night on Anvil Rock! <3 TBE
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]
Apologies, I haven’t been giving this thread my caring attention recently. So I leave you with the video Gab requested of us doing the wipes.
The quality isn’t that great, but it’s about 8 guys plus 2 ACs up against those waves of red. You can tell some of them are relatively coordinated, not just pugs. “Oh you’re using siege, that’s a cheap move and demonstrates nothing about your playing skill”. What’s stopping you from building counter siege, say a treb from SM, and destroying our ACs?
This is a demonstration of 30 minutes of competence (cut down to 12), as opposed to say, a chance 3v2 encounter where some of the guys may not even be properly geared and going up against gimmicky duelling builds. Yes yes I know, any 10 guys on voice comm could do the same, but please do take videos so I can admire them, because I really haven’t personally seen this done by either FC or DR. I’m sure it’s happened, just never been on the receiving end.
I’ll be sure to take screenshots next time I go roaming and show you the other side of the coin.
It’s hilarious how much you are getting trolled. You didn’t post until now because you spent the entire time trying to fraps footage to prove your guild is good. I’m really hoping you made that video for reasons other than posting it in this thread but sadly it doesn’t look to be that way.
Eredon Terrace
no disrespect but…. wayyyy TL;DR not here to read literature
hes practicing for college essays
Ha you got me, I’m being deliberately obtuse. Although, Ynot, I’ll have you know my posts are not walls of text, they are beautifully formatted into clear cohesive paragraphs.
@Gab, team builds are VERY different from solo duel builds. Team builds are team oriented and shine only when you’ve got other people to cover your weaknesses. An example off the top of my head is consecration guardian, running full consecrations in utilities. A powerful asset to have on a team, but you’d be dead in a few seconds on your own.
During prime time, we try and get people to run certain team based specs, and if you were to catch them on their own with your roaming build, I don’t expect you to have too much difficulty in killing them.
I’ve been playing a lot of guardian lately, and as a team player, I run a AH hammer/staff shout+consecration build. Staff is a crap 1v1 weapon, but it is amazing in a group fight. Late night when everyone goes off, I get rid of the AH and spec into virtues for boon duration, pulling out GS and mace/focus. I also switch out the consecrations for full shouts. That’s my roaming build, giving me good in combat mobility and healing options when I am by myself.
The playstyles of the two builds are like two completely different classes. I would be ineffective in a team fight on my roaming build, and likewise my team build would suck if I were forced to fight alone.
So tl;dr, the outcome of the 3v2 match is no surprise considering the builds we run as a team vs the roaming builds of the enemy. GW2 is all about understanding and countering different builds, and no matter your individual skill, you simply wont be effective if you go into a fight that’s stacked against you. The PvE gauntlet arenas are a surprisingly good example of this – some of the bosses are practically impossible until you learn how to counter their specific special move, and certain classes are just better at doing the job than others.
“Stop making excuses, you should’ve come prepared then if you think you’re such great players”. That’s what a good roaming build is designed for – the ability to counter as many possible situations as possible. While we run as a team, everyone has a specific role and as long as we stick together, they complement each other to counter an even greater range of situations. At least that’s the theory anyway.
EDIT: I promised myself to keep this post short and sweet, but that’s apparently impossible for me.
Large wall formed by paragraphs. Tldr
Apologies, I haven’t been giving this thread my caring attention recently. So I leave you with the video Gab requested of us doing the wipes.
The quality isn’t that great, but it’s about 8 guys plus 2 ACs up against those waves of red. You can tell some of them are relatively coordinated, not just pugs. “Oh you’re using siege, that’s a cheap move and demonstrates nothing about your playing skill”. What’s stopping you from building counter siege, say a treb from SM, and destroying our ACs?
This is a demonstration of 30 minutes of competence (cut down to 12), as opposed to say, a chance 3v2 encounter where some of the guys may not even be properly geared and going up against gimmicky duelling builds. Yes yes I know, any 10 guys on voice comm could do the same, but please do take videos so I can admire them, because I really haven’t personally seen this done by either FC or DR. I’m sure it’s happened, just never been on the receiving end.
I’ll be sure to take screenshots next time I go roaming and show you the other side of the coin.
I think you guys did alright, not saying you were magnificent beasts of killing machines, but this how FC started, before some of the guilds that now decide to zerg, it was like this for some of us in the early days. It is sort of an outdated tactic, as in now of course focus fire is wonderfull, but tbh with a server like yours that doesnt really pull numbers, and most are uplvls, if this is your beginning of a server trying to work together to not be dominated by big dogs, I say why not go for it. At the moment my server is pulling numbers so this sort of this is dying but, hey for you guys, just keep doing what you doing, don’t give up, keep the morale up, now roaming wise it is pathetic seeing 5 chase down 1 guy, and this goes for either server in this matchup, but in zerg fights like these, its ok, the optimal option when outnumbered is to do whatever to win. Stay frosty
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
It’s hilarious how much you are getting trolled. You didn’t post until now because you spent the entire time trying to fraps footage to prove your guild is good. I’m really hoping you made that video for reasons other than posting it in this thread but sadly it doesn’t look to be that way.
Time to feed the troll.
This was filmed at the time, one block during reset. So obviously it wasnt for all of this as it was done before all the kitten. We just like filming, mostly for internal use and enjoyment. After all, why does anyone film?
Dvaita Vedanta | Human Mesmer|
The Fluttering Horde [TFH] | CD
(edited by CornChips.5392)
Went afk a bit came back to this. I wonder how long the ban is for spamming chat. I guess these guys can tell me when they get back.
@ Yarr, as much as I like you guys, try not to get pinched betwen AR and DR zergs when you decide to run naked. Was funny to see though, thanks!
@ Yarr, as much as I like you guys, try not to get pinched betwen AR and DR zergs when you decide to run naked. Was funny to see though, thanks!
What’s there to lose? Not wearing armor!
@ Yarr, as much as I like you guys, try not to get pinched betwen AR and DR zergs when you decide to run naked. Was funny to see though, thanks!
What’s there to lose? Not wearing armor!
That’s true! Part of me felt bad when I saw the DR zerg coming over the bridge though.
Gotem, you did read the part where I said…“a few people are not representative of the whole” right? Otherwise I’ll assume all you fellow guildies from SKIL are dishonourable duellists, /bowing one moment then going around backstabbing spectators when they become preoccupied with something else. As was the case today with one of your thieves. So I ended up 1v1ing out of revenge for the dishonourable kill, and got the upper hand before FC ran in and ruined the fun.
Obviously that was an isolated incident sparked by a misunderstanding, but a less understanding soul would be making lions out of the kittens and claiming all of SKIL are bads who can’t win without resorting to dirty tactics. That kind of generalisation isn’t fun when you’re on the receiving end right?
“You couldn’t even win this fight where you had 3 and we had 2 a situation according to what you post should have been a cake walk you had 33% more players!”
I’ll reserve judgement until I am part of the group you miraculously wiped. Also note, small man engagements are a whole different beast to zerg busting and medium group vs group fights, and I did emphasise that we aren’t top notch duellists or 3 man pew pew teams. If I was deliberately roaming with a small man team, I’d be taking the rangers and thieves, which will easily squish the team builds TFH is running when we wvw in an equal fight or even outnumbered. That’s an entirely different story and bears no relevance on the original point.
It should also occur to you that since we’re running as a team, it shouldn’t be too surprising when the rest of the team runs over you after you picked off the scouts or stragglers. That’s kind of their job.
I’m glad you find my responses so hipster, but I’m rather insulted you think it takes me that long to type it up. I have to write 1.5k word essays in 40 minutes for upcoming academic exams, so I like to think that I’m picking up my game for that by practising the necessary skills here.
Scumbag thief here. I must have thought the situation was fishy for me to have finished you. I.e. there must have been others around or something.
I’ll glady duel you again though, and let you walk away this time if you would like ;-p
Sylvari Rouge
Apologies, I haven’t been giving this thread my caring attention recently. So I leave you with the video Gab requested of us doing the wipes.
The quality isn’t that great, but it’s about 8 guys plus 2 ACs up against those waves of red. You can tell some of them are relatively coordinated, not just pugs. “Oh you’re using siege, that’s a cheap move and demonstrates nothing about your playing skill”. What’s stopping you from building counter siege, say a treb from SM, and destroying our ACs?
This is a demonstration of 30 minutes of competence (cut down to 12), as opposed to say, a chance 3v2 encounter where some of the guys may not even be properly geared and going up against gimmicky duelling builds. Yes yes I know, any 10 guys on voice comm could do the same, but please do take videos so I can admire them, because I really haven’t personally seen this done by either FC or DR. I’m sure it’s happened, just never been on the receiving end.
I’ll be sure to take screenshots next time I go roaming and show you the other side of the coin.
It’s hilarious how much you are getting trolled. You didn’t post until now because you spent the entire time trying to fraps footage to prove your guild is good. I’m really hoping you made that video for reasons other than posting it in this thread but sadly it doesn’t look to be that way.
I didn’t post until then because contrary to popular belief I don’t spend my life dwelling in the forums.
We have a guild website, and on that guild website is a very nice video gallery. There are 17 other videos on there that will prove my point just as well. I’m afraid you guys aren’t special enough to warrant the time it takes to edit a video, but luckily, you get to share in on the goodies since the video was going to be made for the gallery anyway. As for the point of the video gallery itself, that’s frankly not your concern unless you’re in TFH.
For me to be “trolled” implies that you’ve successfully provoked an emotional response from me, which is only true up to the extent of “vague amusement”.
(edited by Opc.4718)
Scumbag thief here. I must have thought the situation was fishy for me to have finished you. I.e. there must have been others around or something.
I’ll glady duel you again though, and let you walk away this time if you would like ;-p
You bowed to me, but ended up killing a fellow guildie because he walked in on the match. I backed off and told him to stop, which he did, but you came back shortly afterwards determined to put a spike through his corpse So I intervened then, only to have FC run all over us because we were trying to 3 man golem a tower at the same time.
Anyway, it was a misunderstanding like I said :P
Large wall formed by paragraphs. Tldr
This is a wall of text:
My posts on the other hand, are pearls of wisdom, in great demand by the Quaggans.
Also, why is this matchup thread so empty? It’s got to be one the smallest threads out of this week’s matches despite all my contributions. I still remember when these threads would be 5-8 pages long full of delicious amusement.
Large wall formed by paragraphs. Tldr
This is a wall of text:
My posts on the other hand, are pearls of wisdom, in great demand by the Quaggans.Also, why is this matchup thread so empty? It’s got to be one the smallest threads out of this week’s matches despite all my contributions. I still remember when these threads would be 5-8 pages long full of delicious amusement.
cauz we are all busy surfing on you guild website and looking 4-5 times at all your videos!
Kaze pewpew_80 Elementalist
Fergusons Crossing (Yarr)
Large wall formed by paragraphs. Tldr
This is a wall of text:
My posts on the other hand, are pearls of wisdom, in great demand by the Quaggans.Also, why is this matchup thread so empty? It’s got to be one the smallest threads out of this week’s matches despite all my contributions. I still remember when these threads would be 5-8 pages long full of delicious amusement.
It is not long because you bring terribly unfunny drama to the forums. Please learn to drama.
edit: I would like pictures after every fight everyone wins against TFH. It would make me giggle.
(edited by Ynot.8397)
FIght night at DR BL! Comeeeeeeeeeeee we know this matchup sucksssssss lets have some fun 5v5’s if you don’t like 1v1’s… comeeeeeeeee i’m boreddddddd
AR, FC and DRB BL we had a great time tonight with some really good fights. I didnt think that garri fight would ever end in DRB just a lil bit ago!!
Yak’s Bend
Had a fun time at fight night
Well, once I eschewed the 3v3s and higher number fights anyway – you guys hurt
Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]
Had a fun time at fight night
Well, once I eschewed the 3v3s and higher number fights anyway – you guys hurt
was fun thanks for coming, easily funnest fights in this matchup for us
It is not long because you bring terribly unfunny drama to the forums. Please learn to drama.
edit: I would like pictures after every fight everyone wins against TFH. It would make me giggle.
Learn to logic, your obstinacy is not amusing. I just explained why winning a 1v1 wouldn’t mean much (although I’m still waiting on the pictures), and you don’t even bother refuting the argument, or even address it in any way. Which just makes you petty if you want to continue arguing about it.
I didn’t start the drama either, I was simply replying to accusations and now no one wants to say anything because logic is apparently difficult to argue against. We’ve gone a full circle and turned back to flinging baseless insults around. If you want to hate on TFH because you saw my posts and thought “god this guy is a try hard idiot”, that’s your prerogative but I didn’t come here to argue with YOU and I couldn’t care less about your opinion unless you have a valid argument to bring to the table. All I’ve done so far is reply to posts and I’ll continue doing so if I get replies back.
Learn to logic, your obstinacy is not amusing. I just explained why winning a 1v1 wouldn’t mean much (although I’m still waiting on the pictures), and you don’t even bother refuting the argument, or even address it in any way. Which just makes you petty if you want to continue arguing about it.
I didn’t start the drama either, I was simply replying to accusations and now no one wants to say anything because logic is apparently difficult to argue against. We’ve gone a full circle and turned back to flinging baseless insults around. If you want to hate on TFH because you saw my posts and thought “god this guy is a try hard idiot”, that’s your prerogative but I didn’t come here to argue with YOU and I couldn’t care less about your opinion unless you have a valid argument to bring to the table. All I’ve done so far is reply to posts and I’ll continue doing so if I get replies back.
15 characters
cauz we are all busy surfing on you guild website and looking 4-5 times at all your videos!
The guild website is private, silly. My comment was addressed to gotem to indicate that we make the videos for our own entertainment, not because I want to prove some point on the forums. To emphasise my argument, I also mentioned that we had lots of videos in that gallery, showing that this is not the first time we’ve done something like that. It wasn’t a subtle brag, but if you want to construe it that way, at least do so in the context of the argument.
Otherwise, stop pulling my words out of context.
(edited by Opc.4718)
15 characters
Ohai, fun fights with [Yarr] indeed.
I’ve seen a few of you guys while roaming with a small man team, and those were solid encounters
(edited by Opc.4718)
FIght night at DR BL! Comeeeeeeeeeeee we know this matchup sucksssssss lets have some fun
5v5’s if you don’t like 1v1’s… comeeeeeeeee i’m boreddddddd
I’d put in an appearance if the fight clubs were held at a more appropriate time for me Like, maybe an hour or two from now.
It is not long because you bring terribly unfunny drama to the forums. Please learn to drama.
edit: I would like pictures after every fight everyone wins against TFH. It would make me giggle.
Learn to logic, your obstinacy is not amusing. I just explained why winning a 1v1 wouldn’t mean much (although I’m still waiting on the pictures), and you don’t even bother refuting the argument, or even address it in any way. Which just makes you petty if you want to continue arguing about it.
I didn’t start the drama either, I was simply replying to accusations and now no one wants to say anything because logic is apparently difficult to argue against. We’ve gone a full circle and turned back to flinging baseless insults around. If you want to hate on TFH because you saw my posts and thought “god this guy is a try hard idiot”, that’s your prerogative but I didn’t come here to argue with YOU and I couldn’t care less about your opinion unless you have a valid argument to bring to the table. All I’ve done so far is reply to posts and I’ll continue doing so if I get replies back.
A few things about your post and all the others you have made.
1. I was not arguing with you at all which is why I wasn’t trying to bring a valid argument and is why I didn’t address your arguments(read people’s names please and thanks).
2. If you want logic I did not say take a picture after winning 1v1s against TFH, I said take pictures after EVERY fight. That means 1v1s, 2v2s, 3v3s and every other number combination you can find. Why would someone bother making a logical argument if you wont even read what they wrote? Reading comprehension is your friend.
3. The guild website comment and not letting us see the videos was the funniest thing I have ever seen on the forums. I have a bunch of other videos that prove my point but I wont show them. You’re also a dumb if you thought that was the way to win an argument.
4. I don’t hate TFH but you are an idiot based off of your posts.
5. You are a bad.
6. You were trolled by everyone who responded to you because they all understand how dumb everything you said was. They couldn’t care less about your guild or how bad you are.
Well that was fun.
You are still a bad.
Invading your thread to ask, did y’all have fun this week?
Disclaimer: Read none of the other posts.
Invading your thread to ask, did y’all have fun this week?
Disclaimer: Read none of the other posts.
Didn’t play too much this week but when I did I had quite a few great duels, helped a few great battles(albeit small ones). Wasn’t on much, but when I was and found active fights, it was a lot of fun. Enjoyable week.
As for the forums, same old, same old. Some guild boasts, a few people rage and next thing you know everyone’s firing their ten-thousand word post launchers in order to cover every conceivable angle of the same exhausted topic.
It’s more fun somehow when its HoD causing the kittenstorms.
Ferguson’s Crossing server.
Invading your thread to ask, did y’all have fun this week?
Disclaimer: Read none of the other posts.
Had a great time this week!!! Lots of great fights between the servers!
Yak’s Bend
We had a great turnout at fight club. Yarr did good representing FC. I had alot of good duels with yall. DR was repped by Tron, Ohai and myself being PPOL. I was a little dissapointed AR didn’t join in the fun. What’s up with that?
Lil Kin Zen ( PPOL)
Yea I kill People.
So what’s with those DR guys that like to wear matching clothes, and why has my life had a disappointing lack of Jesse?
One of 3 Base Thieves still playing the game
So what’s with those DR guys that like to wear matching clothes, and why has my life had a disappointing lack of Jesse?
Idk what your talking about i’m everywhere :p
So what’s with those DR guys that like to wear matching clothes, and why has my life had a disappointing lack of Jesse?
Idk what your talking about i’m everywhere :p
Yeah but this week we’ve only bumped into each other like once in SM, and never even really fought
One of 3 Base Thieves still playing the game
Great fights this week, including a nice AR push for 2nd today. Thanks for the fun!
Stuff Deth said that I’m not going to respond to and thus replaced with this increasingly pointless explanation.
I knew your name was familiar
Hopefully we shall cross paths again.
Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]
A few things about your post and all the others you have made.
1. I was not arguing with you at all which is why I wasn’t trying to bring a valid argument and is why I didn’t address your arguments(read people’s names please and thanks).
2. If you want logic I did not say take a picture after winning 1v1s against TFH, I said take pictures after EVERY fight. That means 1v1s, 2v2s, 3v3s and every other number combination you can find. Why would someone bother making a logical argument if you wont even read what they wrote? Reading comprehension is your friend.
3. The guild website comment and not letting us see the videos was the funniest thing I have ever seen on the forums. I have a bunch of other videos that prove my point but I wont show them. You’re also a dumb if you thought that was the way to win an argument.
4. I don’t hate TFH but you are an idiot based off of your posts.
5. You are a bad.
6. You were trolled by everyone who responded to you because they all understand how dumb everything you said was. They couldn’t care less about your guild or how bad you are.Well that was fun.
You are still a bad.
This is simply Ad hominem reasoning, you claim I am a bad and an idiot, without evidence, in an attempt to evade the original argument. How am I a bad? What exactly have I posted that is faulty in reasoning? Where have I said anything that could be construed as “dumb”, and what makes it dumb? Who are the “everyone” who shares your opinion? And in gw2, have you ever fought against me in person to determine that I suck?
If you weren’t trying to argue with me, then what I post is irrelevant to you. Your opinion of what I write is simply that, an opinion, and should bear no relevance to its actual contents. Your opinion of my writing style is then irrelevant to this match up thread. If your opinion is that of the actual contents of my posts, then you are either agreeing or disagreeing with what I write, which is then arguing with me. If you’re arguing with me, then address my points.
I assumed what you wrote was in the context of the current argument – that TFH are bad duellists – which is a perfectly reasonable assumption given that this was what everyone has been talking about in the last two pages. If you just want to see dead TFH is general, then you have an issue with TFH and not me specifically, which counters your own point 4.
I have a bunch of other videos that prove my point, but the one I specifically posted is the one that actually occurred in this matchup, and sufficiently proves my point already. My comment that I have ADDITIONAL videos is addressed to gotem, to emphasise that this is not the first time we’ve done something like this, and that the video was hardly created just for this thread. I’m pretty sure I mentioned this already too.
Trolling implies you’ve provoked an emotional response from me.