9/20 Ferguson's Crossing/Eredon Terrace/Devona's Rest
Why does Jeknar get to wear the dress? I am a real girl and I look way better in a dress!
(Flips Table) You are a legit real girl, like a real real girl?? ok maybe you are trolling, if not be our queen!!! All non females , vow to her majesty….
Belle is and has always been the queen.
Bow to her greatness.
And yes, she is a real woman…
Soooo in battle my new Queen , I shall looketh the other way and swingeth my sword in a random pattern, flailing my Excalibur in the air. For my heart can not bear witness to hurting such a lovely creature. Forgiveth me faireth Gwen as I slain thee and bow, go over your pale lifeless corpse and shed a tear. For I knew fate would have us be foes. I will galantly pick the lootbag and walk away with silence, till we meet again….
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
Belle is and has always been the queen.
Bow to her greatness.
And yes, she is a real woman…
We have lots of queens, come to ET and find out the all female group that roams and stabs people in WvWvW
The beating continues until order is restored
Belle is and has always been the queen.
Bow to her greatness.
And yes, she is a real woman…
We have lots of queens, come to ET and find out the all female group that roams and stabs people in WvWvW
(dies) So umm how much for this transfer to ET? So by joining ET I am promised land of women right?
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
Belle is and has always been the queen.
Bow to her greatness.
And yes, she is a real woman…
We have lots of queens, come to ET and find out the all female group that roams and stabs people in WvWvW
(dies) So umm how much for this transfer to ET? So by joining ET I am promised land of women right?
They’re all traps.
Belle is and has always been the queen.
Bow to her greatness.
And yes, she is a real woman…
We have lots of queens, come to ET and find out the all female group that roams and stabs people in WvWvW
(dies) So umm how much for this transfer to ET? So by joining ET I am promised land of women right?
They’re all traps.
Belle is and has always been the queen.
Bow to her greatness.
And yes, she is a real woman…
We have lots of queens, come to ET and find out the all female group that roams and stabs people in WvWvW
(dies) So umm how much for this transfer to ET? So by joining ET I am promised land of women right?
They’re all traps.
But but i just bought 1600 Gems D’: what shall I do with these, also say hi to Lil Homie, Shublablam , Priest and a few others for me haven’t had duels with em in a long time..
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
I was going to post Admiral Ackbar img…
Heavens Rage
Belle is and has always been the queen.
Bow to her greatness.
And yes, she is a real woman…
We have lots of queens, come to ET and find out the all female group that roams and stabs people in WvWvW
(dies) So umm how much for this transfer to ET? So by joining ET I am promised land of women right?
They’re all traps.
You monster this proves your not a Queen, a kitty omg the kitteh!.. *cry why , how could you!!
Thats it I nominate any of our FC females for Queen, I think WZ might have some if i remember … or maybe Deth, idk if Edge but ummm…
Also Queen shall not be the title but Empress or Overlord Mistress …
As for King Troll I think Silent should be it, he trolls zergs too much, hands down he owns the title!!
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
Had a little fun last night with a few people… and [BS]
(I realize one word MAY have been miss-spelled… but let’s not go there x) )
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo whos the pinky sylvari! Who i ask, who?! I shall hunt them down… copy cat
Why does Jeknar get to wear the dress? I am a real girl and I look way better in a dress!
(Flips Table) You are a legit real girl, like a real real girl?? ok maybe you are trolling, if not be our queen!!! All non females , vow to her majesty….
Belle is and has always been the queen.
Bow to her greatness.
And yes, she is a real woman…
Belle is also a woman with power… She pointed in the face of Commander You-Know-Who (see attachment) and said that she could be a better guild master than him…
After that he left ET in shame…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Why does Jeknar get to wear the dress? I am a real girl and I look way better in a dress!
(Flips Table) You are a legit real girl, like a real real girl?? ok maybe you are trolling, if not be our queen!!! All non females , vow to her majesty….
Belle is and has always been the queen.
Bow to her greatness.
And yes, she is a real woman…
Belle is also a woman with power… She pointed in the face of Commander You-Know-Who (see attachment) and said that she could be a better guild master than him…
After that he left ET in shame…
Thats dandy and all but im from FC, tough as nails takes 2+ to kill me. Sometimes I can get drunk just to give my opponents a fair fight. Sometimes i fight in le nude irl and in game, just to show my opponent I am fierce…
Sometimes i stare at pictures of puppies, kittens, listen to Kpop , so I can be less ruthless in the battlefield.. Born a spartan bro, from FC with love..
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
Had a little fun last night with a few people… and [BS]
(I realize one word MAY have been miss-spelled… but let’s not go there x) )
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo whos the pinky sylvari! Who i ask, who?! I shall hunt them down… copy cat
;) if you join ET, hop on our TS and hear them roar… then tear apart the players they are chasing.
I wish i was joking about it, but i am serious
The beating continues until order is restored
Once a Fergy, always a Fergy, you can separate the player from Fergy, but Fergy can never be separated from the player. When ever i venture out into other servers, people will ask me where I come from.. I say I come from a land far away where the weak are left to die in the hills, and the strong we survive by wearing the skins of our foes…
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo whos the pinky sylvari! Who i ask, who?! I shall hunt them down… copy cat
Hahaha, she is merely an innocent, inspired uplvl! You have met here before, that is all I can say for now ^,.,^
YouTube Channel
Why does Jeknar get to wear the dress? I am a real girl and I look way better in a dress!
(Flips Table) You are a legit real girl, like a real real girl?? ok maybe you are trolling, if not be our queen!!! All non females , vow to her majesty….
Belle is and has always been the queen.
Bow to her greatness.
And yes, she is a real woman…
Belle is also a woman with power… She pointed in the face of Commander You-Know-Who (see attachment) and said that she could be a better guild master than him…
After that he left ET in shame…
Thats dandy and all but im from FC, tough as nails takes 2+ to kill me. Sometimes I can get drunk just to give my opponents a fair fight. Sometimes i fight in le nude irl and in game, just to show my opponent I am fierce…
Sometimes i stare at pictures of puppies, kittens, listen to Kpop , so I can be less ruthless in the battlefield.. Born a spartan bro, from FC with love..
2? For shame.
As an ele it takes upwards of 15+ to kill me using my own build (which, even after all the requests to release it) I still refuse to give it out =p
I mastered my ele and created my build for it by doing 3 things – soloing zergs, learning to take advantage of terrain and most important is building a cycle of skills.
Hahaha, she is merely an innocent, inspired uplvl! You have met here before, that is all I can say for now ^,.,^
I have a feeling her main is a norn ele >:3 there shall be vengeance
So… I’m guessing this is too good to be true, but are the Sore Coatriders leaving DR? I have heard whispers of it flying around.
If so… Oh man…
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Meh … who to murder with tonight? Daddy’s got an itchy Stomp-Finger.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
Nice fight at camp ET hey warlord isthat the skill you were ranting about lmao
Its funny you guys brag about that when you are all running around with guard stacks and rallying off of camp guards. Both times you were engaged in open field you were wiped. Are you guys going to come to the forums everytime you kill a pug group in a 5 v 10?
of course last time i heard Communication is everything and we didn’t have any :o don’t tell me you guys forgot to use your ts! and don’t forget that the 5v10 was inside your camp and stacks we were getting was off of you guys :/ go figure
(edited by Jesse.4631)
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to get your loot bag off me! I appriecate it </3.
I love you all </3.
Nice fight at briar FC hur dur dur
of course last time i heard Communication is everything and we didn’t have any :o don’t tell me you guys forgot to use your ts! and don’t forget that the 5v10 was inside your camp and stacks we were getting was off of you guys :/ go figure
I was talking about guard killer and applied fortitude, I also mentioned how you were rallying off the guards. The only time fighting in a camp that you own helps is maybe if the guards are upgraded otherwise they just rally the enemy. You guys are very good but to act like ET has no skill is silly when you were wiped 5 minutes later.
You guys are very good and guess what ET has a lot of really good players too.
DR are a bunch of bullies They won’t even let me kill their vendors and jump on my body q_q nerfplx
I love you all </3.
I was talking about guard killer and applied fortitude, I also mentioned how you were rallying off the guards. The only time fighting in a camp that you own helps is maybe if the guards are upgraded otherwise they just rally the enemy. You guys are very good but to act like ET has no skill is silly when you were wiped 5 minutes later.
You guys are very good and guess what ET has a lot of really good players too.
Yes and my point still stands that we got those stacks in the camp :p as for rallying… i don’t think anyone rallied in the fight, the ones downed were rezzed. And my point wasn’t that ET has no skill. I was simply pointing out to yesterdays “FC has no skill all you guys do is run into towers” um if we were an organized group how you so claim and you were merely pugs wouldn’t the same concept apply to yesterdays 20 iom (supposed coordinated guild)vs our 20 pugs and thats not to mention the other 20 other people following Iom from various guilds :p ET does have skill, but some of your egos are to big and when poked Flame wars are easily started
I saw at least two people rally of guard kills but that doesn’t really matter you guys won in the camp fair and square. I wasn’t in the fight yesterday at bay but I was in TS and what I do know is there was nowhere near 40 ET in that fight. FC is doing a really good job of counting ET players two or three times, we don’t even have that many mesmers around.
You were in TS but not there, do you assume everyone there is on you TS?
I was with the group about 5 minutes before that fight and there was nowhere near 40. I would also say the majority of ET wvw players are in the TS believe it or not, people in their for the daily kills or running around for an hour don’t really bother but the rest are. The numbers people throw out in fights are always way off but the estimates I have seen this match up are terrible.
Funny i was in my BL for about 2 hours looking from top of a hill next to redvale, wasn’t fighting just trolling. But i don’t think my estimation was that off :p
I only count 15! You’re just blind.
Heavens Rage
Funny i was in my BL for about 2 hours looking from top of a hill next to redvale, wasn’t fighting just trolling. But i don’t think my estimation was that off :p
Lmao thats me in the picture, the HP mesmer hahahahaha. Silent why you watch them pummel me like they did….
On another note, idk man could have been like 10 ET with like 9 of them being mesmers, I think we are just merely overreacting to their superior zerg tactics. I just spam 1 to win so i wouldn’t know about skill
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
I only count 15! You’re just blind.
It 25 man… Look at the orange swords… You’re the one blind!
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Funny i was in my BL for about 2 hours looking from top of a hill next to redvale, wasn’t fighting just trolling. But i don’t think my estimation was that off :p
i only see 5 what are you all talking about…this is a fair 5 v 5!
Kaze pewpew_80 Elementalist
Fergusons Crossing (Yarr)
Orange swords just mean too much skill in that area.
Heavens Rage
Lmao thats me in the picture, the HP mesmer hahahahaha. Silent why you watch them pummel me like they did
obviously i was trying to teach you a valuable lesson “Zerg>mesmer” lol this forum is full of lolz
(edited by Jesse.4631)
Lmao thats me in the picture, the HP mesmer hahahahaha. Silent why you watch them pummel me like they did
obviously i was trying to teach you a valuable lesson “Zerg>mesmer” lol this forum is full of tolols
But I though you were my hero, you even have the whole vigilante look on you standing there on that hill, but why SIlent, why did you let them touch me, they man handled me in their giant blob…
its ok you got proof of their 20+ zerg, should have taken an SS of our rag tag 10 man group lol, and their other 10 man blob rushing up the walls getting hit by ACs..
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
Orange swords just mean too much skill in that area.
Lolol too much skill in that area, haha Skill that kills bro, skill that kills, if that is skill I guess I am lacking skill, brb gonna make more more clones!
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
I understand that FC has been using teamspeak for some time now but you would need to fully understand the system we have in place to understand how its working for us more then you, we have not had an jump in population this is the same ET you were jumping on and owning a few months back, just we have gotten better at playing together and have learned as a server to work together, we’ve had a jump in population in our teamspeak then the months before playing you but thats honestly it.
yoar stooped.
P.S. yes I’m reviving an old post, the only skill I’ve seen on ET is [BS].
The only skill in FC are those who played guardians 2 v 1, or zerg of guardians vs 1, or an army of superior arrow carts. So cheeeeezy…. Other than that there’s nothing to brag about except having the best forum warriors. We killed many of your guildm8s 1v1 like cow poop but you don’t see us shouting it every now and then in forums. Big deal!!! You’re just a bunch of noisy and annoying and pathetic losers bragging about how skilled you are…. Lol… Nvm *farts
(edited by Spica.9308)
The only skill in FC are those who played guardians 2 v 1, or zerg of guardians vs 1, or an army of superior arrow carts. So cheeeeezy…. Other than that there’s nothing to brag about except having the best forum warriors. We killed many of your guildm8s 1v1 like cow poop but you don’t see us shouting it every now and then in forums. Big deal!!! You’re just a bunch of noisy and annoying and pathetic losers bragging about how skilled you are…. Lol… Nvm *farts
Ma’am ? Sir? Congratulations, you’ve won Troll King / Queen of the forums!!!
Like everyone else doesn’t do it lol, you just got showed proof of how we were right in the first time about your zerg, and now you show up to defend your pride. It’s cool, besides you don’t see me taking SS or every 1v3 or 1v5 fight I do, and Ive done several were ive taken out several of DR and ET pugs in a camp, sad to say not all were uplvls, maybe 1 uplvl in the bunch…
Borlis Noob / FergPug
Scout Sailor Moon
Hey I took a few weeks off whats the League thing everyone keeps talking about and why is it going to kill WvW… can someone point to the right place to read up?
It’s not going to kill WvW. It’s the same song and dance every time a change or update comes to any part of GW2:
You have a big announcement. Then the whining starts. Always the whining. Every change is always the doomsday scenario. Fire and brimstone. The End of Days. Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria.
I just wish the people that keep threatening to quit would just gtfo already and let the rest of us enjoy the game.
Sure, WarLord. And when a 10-man of ours went to “visit” your BL late last night, we didn’t attract every Sally, Sue, and Mary of your Homeland Defense zerg? C’mon, bro – don’t pull that hypocritical kitten. Fact is, any server’s going to roll hard in their BL, when it’s getting reamed. If they pack any sense, that is.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
I totally get that I ain’t complaining about that, but for people to sit here and say IoM has no skill when last night multi. times out numbered ET defended hills and held most of FC all night with being out manned.
We dont send a reaction force for 10 man force that aint going to do anything we have our scouts tell us where your at we send a commander and push you out take back our kitten and then move on.
Good to see another stealthless Thief. Do you dual-pistol, too?
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
Good to see another stealthless Thief. Do you dual-pistol, too?
He’s sword/pistol and spams headshot on you when you’re getting focused.
kittening Uchi.
I run S/P on occasion. Folk underestimate that set, after the old PW nerf … still gets biz handled.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior