Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Screenager.7804


bit late but finally done a few highlights from Monday night on Deso Borderland…. man that abaddon zerg… just… wow!

Thanks to everyone who turned out I’m told yesterday was a bag fest too

Executed [ExE] – Piken Square

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Axle.5182


Abbadon i see some good numbers and coordination from you guys wither you all play on prime time and have no out of hours coverage isn’t that important you bring the fights and can exploit our weakness in late morning to afternoon coverage.

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: mishina.5091


I was in SM on that epic arrow carts session.Havent got so much fun since new WvW lotery extracting matchups.I am a random player and forcing to search for a blobs ,coz i dont want to eat the ground killed by a blob.Thats why we are blobbing and we wil always do.So we were more than 20 in SM that evening. About 24 with my count as i was with Eze fighting at the 1st floor entrance and one more as i can not remember who was it.There was no free ac’s unfortunately Nice arrow rain ,i was renowed and clean this night.

Mishinas a random Gandara roamer

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Firt I would like to apologise for my english, if something is not griht.. sorry, *right.

Once upon a time, just 1 night ago there were 20 gandaran’s pugs in SM, in a beautiful symmetry:

Here is the rest of the story

Thank you Kamikaze (you were not online, cannot ask permision, if you ask, i take it out) for the video, Playita for the audio of Desolation side in one of your recorded streamings (the same for you, i retire if you ask), Lutto for this nice and fun idea, Eze for encouraging everything that moves a little, Illusion Lies for saving my life several times when I was a mesmer (I made my first portal to a tower with you the sexy Illusion Lies, sure you dont remember), and all those Pugs and Randoms that sometime we are, Gandarans and i dont remember all of you now (just waking up).

Have fun! This is an amazing game!

PS: Desolation, you have great players, but i hate a little, just a little one engineer that put cows on my face once in a while! Be prepared, i am coming for you with my necro… lets fight conditions with conditions! Roaming nights things.

A pug from Gandara.

The video is NICE, but the text in it are a bit weird. In the video you talk that Gandara doesn’t care about points and wants fair fights. Well, is abusing the broken Arrow Cart mechanisms your idea of a fair fight? I counted almost 30 Gandara green dots in that video and never 60 Desolation, which you claim. Realistically those ACs should never be able to hit from there, but all veteran WvWvW players know the ACs are broken and even hit through gates and break other laws of physics.

I didn’t see any good fighting skills in that otherwise funny video. I have never been on those night WXP trains, so this is not personally hurting me in any way.

Some Desolation guilds, when they run a guild event, generally ignore small enemy teams and solo players and run without a tag on not to attract PuGs and try to hone their skills against roughly equal sized opposing teams. Isn’t this form of fair play? Gandara on the other hand likes to hunt down even solo Desolation players with a guild group while Desolation “enjoys” the outnumbered “buff”.

I think Desolation has several great engineer players: Sir Koroshi and Tinker Teldo to name a few. I also solo roam with my engineer, but I don’t use a cow finisher, so it cannot be me, besides I refuse to run condition spam gank builds. I actually wish that condition spam would be put in line (by replacing it with more direct damage) and those perplexity runes should be nerfed.

We even got an engineer only guild [ENGI] at Desolation. I am one of its officers if you want an invite. Someday I will arrange engineer training (for Desolation players only), topics will include combo field magic, comboing main hand weapon + kit skills, glitches, underwater tricks and tips, discussion of builds, how to survive alone in the cruel world.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: NvN.4321


Engies with perplexity runes, tell me more how pro you are.

Krosis Hellfire

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: gitflap.9031


We dont care about points and rankings.. so this is a horrible matchup for us.
We just want to have good even nice fights and not blobbwars and we dont want to go higher up in ranking becuase then we lose what we enjoy doing.

We? Who’s we? A lot of Gandarans care about points and rankings. Sure, if you just go by this matchup thread, you’d be forgiven for thinking that we’re all about the fights, and fun fights are nice, but they are incidental to the main purpose of the game: scoring points.

A recent horrible matchup for me was Underworld/Rof. Guild groups maybe had a good time but the rest of us did not.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: NvN.4321


We dont care about points and rankings.. so this is a horrible matchup for us.
We just want to have good even nice fights and not blobbwars and we dont want to go higher up in ranking becuase then we lose what we enjoy doing.

We? Who’s we? A lot of Gandarans care about points and rankings. Sure, if you just go by this matchup thread, you’d be forgiven for thinking that we’re all about the fights, and fun fights are nice, but they are incidental to the main purpose of the game: scoring points.

A recent horrible matchup for me was Underworld/Rof. Guild groups maybe had a good time but the rest of us did not.

The night crew of 15 or so. No other night/early morning coverage except us. We even spare hidden mesmers so we can flip again. Once we match up with server of our ranking i’ll care about points (like with last matchup).
They can have it all xcept keep at eb. We need that keep cause WP. You touch keep i’m pulling everyone from pve to def.

Krosis Hellfire

(edited by NvN.4321)

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: noddan.2035


not a very exciting matchup, I find it very hard to find good fights. Seems we either outnumber the enemy heavily or are heavily outnumbered by abbaddon.. Some nice fights tho and majority of gandara can give good fights.

thanks for the fun

[OP] – Óne Pulse – Guild Leader & Raid leader

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Playmate.8521


next time ask when u use my recordings!? AND u should write the link to my twitch channel.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


not a very exciting matchup, I find it very hard to find good fights. Seems we either outnumber the enemy heavily or are heavily outnumbered by abbaddon.. Some nice fights tho and majority of gandara can give good fights.

thanks for the fun

There’s a really simple fix you can attempt to prevent badly outnumbering your enemy. I’ve heard people saying it works and that it can lead to finding good fights, but if I were you I’d test it out first, they might have been lieing.

step 1: run smaller groups.
step 2: fight bigger groups.
step 3: make sure your router is well plugged in. or is that step 1?

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

(edited by Maskaganda.2043)

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: multivira.7925


not a very exciting matchup, I find it very hard to find good fights. Seems we either outnumber the enemy heavily or are heavily outnumbered by abbaddon.. Some nice fights tho and majority of gandara can give good fights.

thanks for the fun

There’s a really simple fix you can attempt to prevent badly outnumbering your enemy. I’ve heard people saying it works and that it can lead to finding good fights, but if I were you I’d test it out first, they might have be lieing.

step 1: run smaller groups.
step 2: fight bigger groups.
step 3: make sure your router is well plugged in. or is that step 1?

Pfft, that’s rich coming from the tchu tchu blob

PS loved them engineer pulls of death when running with you guys for a bit ^^

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: asuryan.4386


next time ask when u use my recordings!? AND u should write the link to my twitch channel.

Done! I was not able to contact you, but now i have you nick. And again, if you want, i take the audio away.

Really like your commander, very expresive! Next time, post a video wiping us! xD

And congrats for your monthly!


Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Finally made my transfer to Gandara server.. Hai everyone :>

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lutto.8745


We dont care about points and rankings.. so this is a horrible matchup for us.
We just want to have good even nice fights and not blobbwars and we dont want to go higher up in ranking becuase then we lose what we enjoy doing.

We? Who’s we? A lot of Gandarans care about points and rankings. Sure, if you just go by this matchup thread, you’d be forgiven for thinking that we’re all about the fights, and fun fights are nice, but they are incidental to the main purpose of the game: scoring points.

A recent horrible matchup for me was Underworld/Rof. Guild groups maybe had a good time but the rest of us did not.

I was talking about most of our guilds and people active on matchup forums.. ofc we care abit about points but we rather have good fights and there will almost be people who only go for points.

But the larger scale of gandara dont.

Member of [SoZ] GM of mEIGHT [mEJT]
S1/S2 Legend Engineer @ Gandara EU.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sylosis.7125


Nice fights from Gandara on DESO BL this evening, INVI trying our best to take on superior numbers and multi guild groups DiVa CNTK . Thankyou everyone.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Nice fights from Gandara on DESO BL this evening, INVI trying our best to take on superior numbers and multi guild groups DiVa CNTK . Thankyou everyone.

DiVa was running with 24 members and I think it was even or u had more + pugs, we didnt have superior numbers :p
But ya, gf^^

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: GeorgeisLucas.5340


Thanks for DVG for the friendly gvg really enjoyed the fights was good experience for both of us!

- [YaK]

Culego :: [So] Shellfish

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: dangerdoom.3862


I don’t mind dying but please stop with the /laugh. Be grateful for the fights you get and be grateful for the people that keep on fighting. Even when you are outnumbering them. Take a look around you, notice the number difference, notice us still there trying to get a fight anyway.

Last thing: if you refuse a fair fight at the windmill you shouldn’t be dissing other peoples builds nor trashtalk your way out of it.
Unless you’re a coward ofcourse., then I understand ;-)


Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sylosis.7125


Nice fights from Gandara on DESO BL this evening, INVI trying our best to take on superior numbers and multi guild groups DiVa CNTK . Thankyou everyone.

DiVa was running with 24 members and I think it was even or u had more + pugs, we didnt have superior numbers :p
But ya, gf^^

INVI was 20 players max as we were all in ts, guild raid. …its not hard to count. We had no pugs whatsoever…we had one at the start but we told him to not follow us and he left us.

Not exactly a fair fight when you rushed us…i guess they called you when we wiped your allies and they failed to wipe us even with more numbers, we had lost alot of our ranged at this point also & you had spawn advantage so GG for trying to make you sound better than you are.

I do agree however we blobbed you when you pushed up north as DVG were tagged up and started an event…..although your tactics were very bad, you didnt push in with both of your guild groups…..had you done so you may have been better off.

If you have 2 guild groups running closely at least use each other…not just stand watching while we wipe you.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: KaMiKaZe.1874


Nice fights from Gandara on DESO BL this evening, INVI trying our best to take on superior numbers and multi guild groups DiVa CNTK . Thankyou everyone.

DiVa was running with 24 members and I think it was even or u had more + pugs, we didnt have superior numbers :p
But ya, gf^^

INVI was 20 players max as we were all in ts, guild raid. …its not hard to count. We had no pugs whatsoever…we had one at the start but we told him to not follow us and he left us.

Not exactly a fair fight when you rushed us…i guess they called you when we wiped your allies and they failed to wipe us even with more numbers, we had lost alot of our ranged at this point also & you had spawn advantage so GG for trying to make you sound better than you are.

I do agree however we blobbed you when you pushed up north as DVG were tagged up and started an event…..although your tactics were very bad, you didnt push in with both of your guild groups…..had you done so you may have been better off.

If you have 2 guild groups running closely at least use each other…not just stand watching while we wipe you.

Lol wow are you serious? Is all desolation this cranky? im sorry but it sounds really childish. I mean cmon 20 vs 24 isnt really that big difference….

not like we cry when you lot come 80vs20 but hey CHALLANGE ACCEPTED!

Tonight was prolly the only night we meet guild groups running alone from desolation… didnt take you long to bring that blobb together with DvG… we had fun fighting it so don’t really care.

I understand why Deso runs as they do cause they are a Tier 1 server and they need to keep the tempo up even if they meet lower tier servers

72.000 Kills in WvW
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darkened.4076


Boring match-up, just… kittening boring.

Thank you to YAK for making this week interesting. Without you guys, this would have been the most boring week ever.

Béatrix Windrunner | Squad Leader
Desolation BlackGate Gandara | Veteran Commander
Inner Sanctum [Coin]

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: NvN.4321


Another ~20 h of this match up , may we never match up again.


Krosis Hellfire

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jibblejab.7052


Thanks for the fun times in Desolation BL tonight, good even fights at times and others going each way but still all fun. <3

Talyath – Raid Leader [INVI] | Desolation

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Once upon a time, just 1 night ago there were 20 gandaran’s pugs in SM, in a beautiful symmetry:

Here is the rest of the story

Yay! Glad to see someone posting this. Was good fun. Also interesting hearing the commentary from the Deso Commander – he sounds cool. I was almost certain that they were going to sneak a few Mesmers up so they could plough through the arrowcarts, but it never happened. Shame. Anyway, the most interesting thing I’ve seen in WvW this week.


Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: NYRKKIPAULA.8051


One of the best roaming weeks in a while. Gandara has a lot of skilled players that are nice to fight against.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: scanz.4536


Was excited when I saw we were matched with Gandara, however I’ve been left nothing but disappointed. A terrible week of WvW where absolutely nothing happened during our raids. Not a single decent fight, spent majority of the time wandering the Borderlands with no sign of opposition. Not even seen the Gandara guilds on the open-field and Aba’s mini blobs die simply by walking into them.

Thanks to YAK for the GvG on Sunday, despite the incredible lag I was getting during the fights it was a great challenge and very enjoyable. Good luck in your future match-ups.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Victory.2879


Been a strange week with population changing all the time- the AM golem rush in EB last night was awesome, taking out our keep and then taking SM while we pvd’d our keep back. Of course we then got to flip SM back while AM tried to take deso keep.

Then for some strange reason our comm decides to take the zerg to ‘go have a look’ at that particular lag fest, instead of taking the opportunity to attack some of AM’s stuff or even their keep- although to be fair he did say ’we’ve already lost this match up, let’s go have a look’, so i guess i can see the reasoning…

Been fun running around on my little asuran engineer using my new finisher.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Maybe you guys have been just roaming in a wrong map? JDGE had a pretty nifty raid last night, we were only 9 but we found pretty awesome fights at DSBL and then later at EB. My favourite fight at DSBL was the one over our spawn tower, first Deso took the wall down with catas and when we were battling it out at the lords, Blobaddons stormed in. A proper 3 way fight but we won against all the odds!

Also Deso, what kind of a siege junkie have you turned into? Every time we came across the north camp it was filled with siege. I always thought RS was pretty siege happy with their camps but this was just, woah. WOAH!


Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dyno.9467


Once upon a time, just 1 night ago there were 20 gandaran’s pugs in SM, in a beautiful symmetry:

Here is the rest of the story

Yay! Glad to see someone posting this. Was good fun. Also interesting hearing the commentary from the Deso Commander – he sounds cool. I was almost certain that they were going to sneak a few Mesmers up so they could plough through the arrowcarts, but it never happened. Shame. Anyway, the most interesting thing I’ve seen in WvW this week.

Good vid, that was a massacre, it reminded me of the film 300, when it rains arrows (indoor version of course)


“And now, to destroy you”

Asura – Desolation

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bloodwort MacFangho.4638

Bloodwort MacFangho.4638

Also Deso, what kind of a siege junkie have you turned into? Every time we came across the north camp it was filled with siege. I always thought RS was pretty siege happy with their camps but this was just, woah. WOAH!

That wasn’t us .. that was our upgraded NPCs

(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: LampGhost.9658


Another ~20 h of this match up , may we never match up again.

yea sorry bout that, we had the compensate some wxp for all the time blobadons ran away from us the past week…

Black Lion Key [AIM]
~ Desolation

(edited by Moderator)

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Tnx to the 2 AGRO guys in EB JP for the longest duel I’ve ever had.. (1hour straight duel with the warrior)! In the end you were able to win, so kudos to you!


Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sylosis.7125


Nice fights from Gandara on DESO BL this evening, INVI trying our best to take on superior numbers and multi guild groups DiVa CNTK . Thankyou everyone.

DiVa was running with 24 members and I think it was even or u had more + pugs, we didnt have superior numbers :p
But ya, gf^^

INVI was 20 players max as we were all in ts, guild raid. …its not hard to count. We had no pugs whatsoever…we had one at the start but we told him to not follow us and he left us.

Not exactly a fair fight when you rushed us…i guess they called you when we wiped your allies and they failed to wipe us even with more numbers, we had lost alot of our ranged at this point also & you had spawn advantage so GG for trying to make you sound better than you are.

I do agree however we blobbed you when you pushed up north as DVG were tagged up and started an event…..although your tactics were very bad, you didnt push in with both of your guild groups…..had you done so you may have been better off.

If you have 2 guild groups running closely at least use each other…not just stand watching while we wipe you.

Lol wow are you serious? Is all desolation this cranky? im sorry but it sounds really childish. I mean cmon 20 vs 24 isnt really that big difference….

not like we cry when you lot come 80vs20 but hey CHALLANGE ACCEPTED!

Tonight was prolly the only night we meet guild groups running alone from desolation… didnt take you long to bring that blobb together with DvG… we had fun fighting it so don’t really care.

I understand why Deso runs as they do cause they are a Tier 1 server and they need to keep the tempo up even if they meet lower tier servers

20 vs 24 is not what im talking about let alone am i crying……. 24 was just DiVa……we were fighting in the ruins forever wiping many groups before Diva came on the scene to kill what we had left………..seriously dont comment unless you were not there with INVI…you cannot see it from our eyes… about i post a video so you can see for yourselves…….typing is obviously not getting you a clear picture.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sylosis.7125


Nice fights from Gandara on DESO BL this evening, INVI trying our best to take on superior numbers and multi guild groups DiVa CNTK . Thankyou everyone.

DiVa was running with 24 members and I think it was even or u had more + pugs, we didnt have superior numbers :p
But ya, gf^^

INVI was 20 players max as we were all in ts, guild raid. …its not hard to count. We had no pugs whatsoever…we had one at the start but we told him to not follow us and he left us.

Not exactly a fair fight when you rushed us…i guess they called you when we wiped your allies and they failed to wipe us even with more numbers, we had lost alot of our ranged at this point also & you had spawn advantage so GG for trying to make you sound better than you are.

I do agree however we blobbed you when you pushed up north as DVG were tagged up and started an event…..although your tactics were very bad, you didnt push in with both of your guild groups…..had you done so you may have been better off.

If you have 2 guild groups running closely at least use each other…not just stand watching while we wipe you.

Lol wow are you serious? Is all desolation this cranky? im sorry but it sounds really childish. I mean cmon 20 vs 24 isnt really that big difference….

not like we cry when you lot come 80vs20 but hey CHALLANGE ACCEPTED!

Tonight was prolly the only night we meet guild groups running alone from desolation… didnt take you long to bring that blobb together with DvG… we had fun fighting it so don’t really care.

I understand why Deso runs as they do cause they are a Tier 1 server and they need to keep the tempo up even if they meet lower tier servers

And for your information we bumped into DVG after we waypointed back from the ruins fight………. you had more than 1 guild group runnig together…even if we decided to work together with DVG why not? …..

(edited by Sylosis.7125)

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kaleygh.1524


Sylosis stop whining and drop your lootbag already

Kaleygh – MNMN
3 wvw kills

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Daendur.2357


AHAHAHAHAH even in the forum you need the help of someone else…

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Limm.8401


I was leading the DiVa raid last night and I’d like to address some of the stuff said.

I guess they called you when we wiped your allies and they failed to wipe us even with more numbers, we had lost alot of our ranged at this point also & you had spawn advantage so GG for trying to make you sound better than you are.

You guessed wrong. I do not recall anybody asking me/us for help. But I see how you could think that since we had fortunate timing more than once. I am not sure which fight you are referring to when you mention spawn advantage but iirc we had more than one encounter – at least one of which was in NW camp, wasn’t it?

I’m bad at counting so I won’t even try to guesstimate your size but I’m more than happy to take your word for it as I am sure you’ll take my word for what is stated above.

I do agree however we blobbed you when you pushed up north as DVG were tagged up and started an event…..although your tactics were very bad, you didnt push in with both of your guild groups…..had you done so you may have been better off.

Again, I am not sure which encounter you are specifically refering to. In general,
I don’t like to steal fights and I don’t like fights stolen from me. So I usually wait politely to see if the fight has somewhat even odds and if the numbers change. In the NW-camp encounter I thought I saw a significant amount of reinforcements arriving for your side which is when I decided to push. It turned out not to be as many as I had thought – I am terrible at counting.

Since it’s hard to communicate via chat while we’re fighting my decision to help or not to help other guilds is largely based on gut-feeling. That means that they might sometimes be cross with me for watching them wipe even tough they would’ve appreciated my help and sometimes they might be cross with me for ruining a nice fight (we do care deeply about nice fights ). I know I feel that way sometimes.

Let’s all calm down a bit

EDIT: Oh, I see you were talking about that short encounter in ruins. Maybe that wasn’t clear to everyone who read your post :S. I am pretty sure Denied wasn’t thinking of that particular fight from that night. I doubt that anybody would’ve been too reluctant to notice the significant amount of non-[DiVa]s pew-pewing there that I did not seem like that many when I decided to engage – but again, I am seriously bad at counting. That one was certainly not a fight I’d brag about.

Kitty Rages; 55k

(edited by Limm.8401)

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gaberen.4325


Things happen on the battlefield, ppl need to stop whine about every little thing.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Ya, kinda lame a t1 server saying much lower tiers they blob and/or have superior numbers.. Just doesn’t make sense.. Be happy you were able to farm the AM and Gandara this week.
This is WvW after all, server vs server vs server so man up and have fun!

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dyno.9467


Whats happened to our score?
were losing now


“And now, to destroy you”

Asura – Desolation

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jibblejab.7052


Once again thanks for great fights, SC CNTK DiVa TKT GCL.

Talyath – Raid Leader [INVI] | Desolation

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Spears.5381


Thanks [DVG] for the GvG, it was fun!
Also, nice fights this match-up, mostly coverage is lacking for us, but nice fights during primetime.

Engineer Spears – Gandara

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Gandara worst piece of shiiii ever seen.. if you fight 2-3 ppl or even one there will always show 5 ppl more up at least.. cant even fight properly when they outnumber a singl eperson always need more ppl.never seen such a bad server ..and i know wvw isnt about solo roaming but its the only fun thing and gandary knows how to destroy it

and gandara is followed by desolation pretty close

Oh the irony, dear Blobaddonian.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eldanesh.2390


Thanks to the three mesmers from [CL] (at least I think that’s the right guild tag) for the fun fight. Wish I’d recorded it as it was easily the best 3v1 i’ve had in a while, though I wouldn’t have been able to finish the tankier two of you without my trusty sidekick Frou showing up at the end!

And @Tsezar, I think the reason you run alone is because you have a bad attitude and no-one wants to play with you. I find it near impossible to run solo without insulting a friend or two in my guild, so maybe you should stop being so anti-social and try getting along with people. Maybe then you won’t end up tanking the floor so often. And if its 1v1’s you’re after as I stated earlier in this thread I’m always up for duels behind the windmill, just send me a /w. Peace

Idlescholar, [JDGE] Thief
Piken Square

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tsezar.6950


Gandara worst piece of shiiii ever seen.. if you fight 2-3 ppl or even one there will always show 5 ppl more up at least.. cant even fight properly when they outnumber a singl eperson always need more ppl.never seen such a bad server ..and i know wvw isnt about solo roaming but its the only fun thing and gandary knows how to destroy it

and gandara is followed by desolation pretty close

Oh the irony, dear Blobaddonian.

if you call 1 guy a blobb you seriously need to go to doctor
@ eldonash
i run alone because i want to run alone not because i have to and im looking for a challenge but thats what gandara is doing tops it pretty much what ive ever seen in 1 year of wvw.

i dont like to run in a zerg sometimes it may be ok for farming some wxp to get the OP 5×50 vita stacks

I PLay Without Hands To Have [Fun]

How many Dzagonurs and Gunnars do you need to kill me? Over 9000!!

(edited by Tsezar.6950)

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tsezar.6950


if you talk about me i dont complain about numbers as i dont care about zegrs.. im just saying when you fight 1 gandara the fight ends up 5 and more vs 1

btw in before deleted posts

I PLay Without Hands To Have [Fun]

How many Dzagonurs and Gunnars do you need to kill me? Over 9000!!

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: KaMiKaZe.1874


I know why some people get mad, cause they got owned by lower tier server

72.000 Kills in WvW
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


I know why some people get mad, cause they got owned by lower tier server

Tier= coverage. Getting owned by a lower tier is a regular occurrence, the higher tier wins the matchup when they sleep.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: IDarko.4709


Seriously, Deso is like rank 3 or something and during primetime we get higher PPT. You think we care that you WXP over us with 80 people or rush with golems in the morning because you have no life? Hell no! ^__^ We did a really good job this week imo.

We have our fun during primetime. You guys can have fun in the Gold Leaque with WXP servers, massive blobs and long queues. Gandara is not like that. We are a skrimish server and proud of it!

Thanks for the fights tho. We had a lot of good fights this week. We saw 40+ player guilds and MASSIVE AM blobs but we went balls deep anyways! And at the end of the week, we even saw massive blobs afraid of charging at 20 DiVa players. Beautiful!

Go, go! Make your Arrow Carts! jk, gl in the next matchup everyone.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: Atoss.1056


Like I thought on 1st day Gandara will have bad impressions of us and also expected that you will want to show the best from you when facing higher tier server. I heard you run in smaller groups and I hoped for some skirmishes from time to time, but when I tried running solo I usually ended up being ganked. Only one fair 1v1 vs guardian from WvW on eb, but even that got interrupted by some thief from my side :/
Gandara guys seem to be running very fast to a place where fight is having place, every time there were orange swords I saw more and more of blue smurfs coming and jumping into the fight Kinda similiar to Viz where sometimes you can see ppl running around, but on the other side much different cause you guys usually don’t run and fight a lot better than them.
Sadly sometimes it all ended up in a blob fest; not gonna mention AM cause it seems to be the only way they run, can’t remember seeing groups of under 20-30 ppl from there. Also we have big numbers at times, especially when some guy gathers ppl from all maps and blobs the hell out of every place in WvW while leaving almost all our stuff without defense (EB wooden almost whole week, except times when few ppl decided to work out their kitten and upgrade/siege up stuff)… Feels weird to see things on our server going into the “blob all the way”; still remember the good times of having guilds and comanders that actually cared about defense – we have some of those still, but as soon as the blob forms up, they’re all alone with 10-15 guys. Is lootbags all that ppl care for these days? :/

Gl in future match ups, Viz/Sfr/Abbadon would be nice zerg fest, for Gandara, maybe your usual lower/mid tier enemies and to Deso – well, maybe a good beating from strong enemies would be nice and teach some ppl to blob less