Gandalf - Blobadons Mouth - Far Shiverpeaks
Lol @ the 60 AM coming to defend bay of 5 Gandara
We didnt know, how much players where attacking bay and we didn´t had a scout there.
So sorry for killing you ;-)
and if u know the number u come with less ppl?heehe
Correcting you, since you’re wrong. First off, you can observe the skillbar of the guardian who recorded the fights. Watch his use of his utility skills, dodge rolls and weapon swaps. Those are_deliberate_ and not just spamming as 1-pressing would imply. But that’s just one guy. The important bit is the way the group runs.
The game is not simply about which skill to press when. A lot of the group-fighting is about positioning and movement. If you watch the fights somewhat closely, you can clearly see how they use the terrain to their advantage, how they re-position themselves to avoid the hard-hitting AoEs, how they disengage and re-engage and how their melee-train sticks tightly to the guy with the target. You can also see them working the downed people you can see the deliberate use of combo-fields rather than the accidental occasional Water+Blast you get with zerglings. I could go on here but I won’t.
That is not the same as having everybody loosely running after one guy while pressing one!
Well the thing is, that it’s actually not that difficult from what i can tell. At least for the “normal” guy following the commander/guildleader. It get’s harder against groups of enemies which are bigger than your own group or very organised but otherwise it’s not that hard from what i saw myself and from what i got told. When i discussed our blob-style with someone from another server who didn’t like it he said that we should create more guildgroups. I said that i doubt that most of our players want to play in a more “hardcore” and organised way with specific builds etc. His answer was(roughly): It’s not really difficult for the normal player tbh. Only the leader has to be good while the rest just has to perform basic actions(combofileds, follow commander, stack up etc)
And after our warrior event yesterday i know why most guilds play the meleetrain and i kinda agree with him: It’s so kitten easy cause you got plenty of everything: might, fury, explo combifinisher(lots of additional heal, swiftness, might), swiftness, high hp and toughness, decent condition remove. We had events like this for most classes(i think only engi and necro and ranger are missing) and guardian was already kinda easy but warrior yesterday was sooo easy that we only really wiped when we tried to capture norther tower and garrison cause of the ACs(nice defense at northeastern tower btw). In every other situation there were like almost no or no dead players on our side. And while our blob is more coordinated than some randomzergs without TS it’s not as coordinated as a guild group i guess but i still think that ~90% of the players followed the orders of our commander most of the time. So it was really easy to get some waterfield heals and stuff. So yeah fighting against a larger group takes some more coordination and practice but your general playstyle(meleetrain with some caster support) is kinda easy tbh…
(edited by Nauda.3678)
Here our Video of our Event yesterday: “Warrior akittens best” <— autocorrection " Warrior —- at -.-—.-.- its -.-.—.— best"
pity that there where less zergs or groups which fought us cause we couldnt use all tactics we wanted. was fun anyway.
The difference between them two videos is so spectacularly massive … I just dont know how you can compare them
When you buff fire fields at the start of fights your only getting 9-12 stacks of might. Considering your group size thats not very good.
You dont use veils
You lack stability
You dont flank the enemy you just charge straight into them (and their static fields)
You dont move out of their aoe spike, you just tank it and push through them
You pulled out and reformed once in the video and picked a pretty bad place to do so. They could have moved to the cliff and dropped lots of aoe on your head with your melee having to take a fairly long trek around to get up to them. It took a long, long time to reform too.
The fight was already over at this point so im not even sure it counts.
Your only getting 4 buffs for a lot of the video. 2 from FGJ and one from a proc that comes on a trait.
Theres a point in your video when your in the NE supply camp and members of your party are still at the sentry south of there, this kind of spread is pretty common throughout the video.
When you press an attack or utility its taking 3/4 seconds to work. If there was some purpose to the attack beyond mashing random buttons the opportunity is long gone by the time it fires off.
If a group the size of TUP made a tiny fraction of the mistakes your making they’d wipe constantly.
I dont mean to be too harsh, TUP really are a very, very good group and have been playing together for years …. but … thats just not up to the same standard or even close
You improved as the video wore on and i hope you continue to work on it (apparently you enjoyed it?). Again i dont mean to be too harsh, just being honest … it was good for a pug dominated group i guess
(edited by Caid.4932)
play with long train is to compensate a little p…s?
Here our Video of our Event yesterday: “Warrior akittens best” <— autocorrection " Warrior —- akittens -.-.—.— best"
pity that there where less zergs or groups which fought us cause we couldnt use all tactics we wanted. was fun anyway.
Can you define what you understand by “tactics” ?
Looking at the video all i see you leading a giant zerg, pressing 1 from time to time. You barely even use food/consumables.
Another thing that is also completely hilarious is how AM is trying to justify their blob “tactic”, blaming it on the nature of the game or on “casuals”.
Until then, keep hiding in your towers and in your zergs, because outside of those you`re all just walking lootbags
3 wvw kills
That video shows it all.
I have to admit that the “blobbing” discussion is getting a bit old.
Yep, blobbadon tends to just blob all the maps <- hence the nickname.
Yep, its no fun for the servers that dont want to blob.
Yep, blobbadon doesnt care about that (as you can so adequatly hear in the video that was posted; some people screaming/saying: “Wxp, Wxp!”
And Blobbadon:
There is some basic WvW tactics in there, but dont kid yourselves by thinking you are WvW players. The “tactics” are just too basic for that.
So lets all just accept the fact that we have to face blobs all week long.
When it really comes down to it, we can do two things:
- accept the fact that we will get overrun by that mobile battering ram we all love to call a blob (a.k.a. the so tactically blessed Blobbadon blob). or:
- Blob up ourselves and show Blobbadon how reall WvW players press that “1” skill
Either way, its going to be a long week, so lets stop fighting in here, start fighting in GW2 and try to make the most of it.
— Raid Leader
—— Guilty by default
Here our Video of our Event yesterday: “Warrior akittens best” <— autocorrection " Warrior —- akittens -.-.—.— best"
pity that there where less zergs or groups which fought us cause we couldnt use all tactics we wanted. was fun anyway.
What tactics are you talking about? The other tactic where you autowalk and press 1?
It’s a trash video, promoting bad gameplay, skilllag and the lack of teamplay. B-r-a-v-o
Tbh: yes we do not care about blobbing.
This Video was an Event, called "Warrior a it’s best". Just like mentioned before we habe this large scale event with different classes. This serves a simple purpose: Fun. And we had alot of fun.
"Tactics" here means, that we will not use the Same tactics as we would use in small scale groups of 20/30 ppl. We do not have to use them in such a large and Tanky group. It means something different and basic stuff - like combofields. (Yes we have ppl, that do not know of combofields etc - it is the minority of the Players but we do care). So yeah ppl learn to know the skill of the Warrior and how to Play him - on a very basic Level.
Norreka is a good commander and i do not See him very often on bis Warrior. And just like him many more just logged on their warriors from other classes, without knowing the skills and/or builds (and this is -for me- the main reason for the lack of might).
Well Long Story short: we had Fun and played with "Blobbadon" (watch the First seconds of our vid and read what we wrote )
@fsp streamer: "kittening Germans ruined the game". Sorry for this i know how you must habe felt (since we played against BB - and they are worse when it comes to "blobbing") You guys did well while defending NE tower. I think we payed you back with lootbags, when we tried to Open the door by musclepower against 5+ AC.
"Not Nerd, not casual, just DP"
Next time better use subtitles Norreka, so the “pros” and “real WvW players” understand what you’re saying
Next time better use subtitles Norreka, so the “pros” and “real WvW players” understand what you’re saying
Nah no1 want’s to know, that ppl are constantly asking “are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” ,)
The difference between them two videos is so spectacularly massive … I just dont know how you can compare them
When you buff fire fields at the start of fights your only getting 9-12 stacks of might. Considering your group size thats not very good.
EDIT: And as i said it in my last post(got kinda suppressed by the video) i do agree with Tongun: Nice defense at your NE tower:D
You dont use veils
You lack stability
You dont flank the enemy you just charge straight into them (and their static fields)
You dont move out of their aoe spike, you just tank it and push through them
Well that might/swiftness/whatever-via-combofield-stuff is a problem of big zergs: The combo-effect gets applyed randomly to 5 players in range. So what actually happens: Some people get 25 stacks of might and more(timer gets refilled) while others only get low might. Happened to me and a friend during that event a couple of times. One of us got really high stacks of might while the other one sometimes only got a few stacks. It’s nothing new for us but i guess because you guys never run in groups of this size so you never encounter this problem.
And why use stuff like veil, stability or flanking when it’s not needed? Would be some serious overkill(though if i remember correctly we used some veils during this event) to use this stuff during every small fight. And indeed, as i mentioned in my post before, guilds got way more practice together so some things work better while most people in this video don’t play together on a daily basis and a lot of them didn’t even play the class they’re used to because it was mainly a warriorevent. So yeah it’s more or less a big TS-PUG like you said but that’s what this is all about. Let me quote Zeti from page 2 as he made quite a good comparison:
i can somehow understand Gandara – since i played on that server for several months.
They actually have a few decent wvw guilds but they lack of support from casual wvw players.
For example: the unselfish jobs like guarding objectives, escorting “bessies”, tapping siege,
upgrading objectives and so on are kinda neglected on that server.
They wanna roam around with their guildgroups and encounter opponents (but preferrably
less or the same size tho) – but its more like “closed community”. There is (or better was) no one
“in duty” to motivate the casuals.Abaddon is different:
- wvw community (incl. commanders) always welcome new players and casuals and let them be involved into the
action – our wvw guilds know that they are a very important force.
- even casuals do the unselfish jobs of guarding, escorting and such since we see the wvw community as a whole
- there are 400+ ppl on TS3 at reset weekend with musicbots and lots of nonsense too XD it’s more like a big and often hilarious party!
- running in a big group can be really funny – despite the lag that occurs now and then…and we just play for fun!
- last but not least: we dont take it too serious if we get wiped or lost important objectives…
we try to learn from it but we dont blame others for that (we will strike back insteadAbaddon is a middle populated server but my rough guess is, that almost every 2nd Player on there is at least
a casual WvW Player. And this is what makes the difference in style of play. You chose the way of
“closed community” and we have chosen the way of “everyone is welcome” – makes it harder for the commanders concerning tactical gameplay,
but the the benefit of having a big force and all the fun that comes along with this style more than compensate for this.My suggestion: at least try it once to recruit and integrate casual wvw players and stop blaming
others for their more broad community biased style – its a Win-Win…believe it or not!
Big zergs aren’t perfect but they fit to our unterstanding of a good servercommunity where everyone can be a part of it.
(edited by Nauda.3678)
Tbh: yes we do not care about blobbing.
This Video was an Event, called “Warrior a it’s best”. Just like mentioned before we habe this large scale event with different classes. This serves a simple purpose: Fun. And we had alot of fun.“Tactics” here means, that we will not use the Same tactics as we would use in small scale groups of 20/30 ppl. We do not have to use them in such a large and Tanky group. It means something different and basic stuff – like combofields. (Yes we have ppl, that do not know of combofields etc – it is the minority of the Players but we do care). So yeah ppl learn to know the skill of the Warrior and how to Play him – on a very basic Level.
Norreka is a good commander and i do not See him very often on bis Warrior. And just like him many more just logged on their warriors from other classes, without knowing the skills and/or builds (and this is -for me- the main reason for the lack of might).
Well Long Story short: we had Fun and played with “Blobbadon” (watch the First seconds of our vid and read what we wrote
@fsp streamer: “kittening Germans ruined the game”. Sorry for this i know how you must habe felt (since we played against BB – and they are worse when it comes to “blobbing”) You guys did well while defending NE tower. I think we payed you back with lootbags, when we tried to Open the door by musclepower against 5+ AC.
“Not Nerd, not casual, just DP”
Well my reply was more directed at Nauda who was referring to the event and comparing it to the TUP video. Tbh theres some bad play in there and saying we ‘dont have to use them in such a large and tanky group’ isn’t much of an excuse for playing badly imo.
Looked fun anyway, some of the issues i’d criticise were unavaoidable due to group size, some could be due to lack of familiarity with the class.
Well that might/swiftness/whatever-via-combofield-stuff is a problem of big zergs: The combo-effect gets applyed randomly to 5 players in range. So what actually happens: Some people get 25 stacks of might and more(timer gets refilled) while others only get low might. Happened to me and a friend during that event a couple of times. One of us got really high stacks of might while the other one sometimes only got a few stacks. It’s nothing new for us but i guess because you guys never run in groups of this size so you never encounter this problem.
It get applied to 5 nearest the person blasting actually, so guys on outer edges tend not to get many, some classes dont particularly need might its best to stack some in the center to guarantee they get might (warrs for instance).
And theres some weird bug (maybe its intended who knows?) if you stand still you tend not to get any of the buffs. You should just strafe left and right in the combo field a bit – tends to spread the buffs out a bit more.
Like i said I think you should play your best all the time as it creates good habits (instead of reinforcing bad ones), granted if its not much of a fight your not really going to bother but you included the fights in the video because they were the best ones you had i presume.
It was you who made the comparison and said it was easy enough and yes a lot of parts of the usual strat are pretty simple and straightforward but you didn’t perform them very well so … think you should give credit where its due tbh. TUP are good at what they do and not everyone could (or can) do what they do or pick it up in an hour.
(edited by Caid.4932)
drücken drücken drücken drücken drücken drücken drücken
Will have to start use that since it sound more fun than push
Dear Blobbadonians,
Some of us do understand German, even if we arent Germans.
So we do understand what is said in the movie, even without subtitles…
…Still not impressed though.
— Raid Leader
—— Guilty by default
Well my reply was more directed at Nauda who was referring to the event and comparing it to the TUP video. Tbh theres some bad play in there and saying we ‘dont have to use them in such a large and tanky group’ isn’t much of an excuse for playing badly imo.
Looked fun anyway, some of the issues i’d criticise were unavaoidable due to group size, some could be due to lack of familiarity with the class.
tbh i wasn’t referring directly to the TUP video. I was quoting Limm and referred more to his points about combat"tactics"(or whatever we want to call it) than to the stuff he said about the TUP video. I would never doubt that guilds like TUP are more coordinated than our Zergs. It would be shocking if they weren’t more coordinated. But i also mentioned why some stuff isn’t as important or possible in a zerg of this size.
@caid: ok. Yeah we know that you can see “Bad Play” in this Video. But we do not care at all as Long as we have Fun. Nauda pictured it right “we are having a Party” we Talk utterly nonsense and sometimes do stupid actions on purpose. For an example. A fsp (i think FSV) guild retreated when we took their mid keep and jumped down on a cliffhang… We could have Killed them with AoE since it was Petty obvious that they Want to Kick us Down the Cliff as soon as we Jump Down. Well after 1 Guy screamed “After them!!!” Some of us jumped in their Safe dead (i still do not know how i survived )
So yeah you are absolutely right, about this Bad Play / failure thing but the Focus of Most of Abaddon Folks (when there is such an Event) is to have fun maybe to Drink some Beer and Play drunk. Sometimes gw is nothing but a Big Party
@caid: ok. Yeah we know that you can see “Bad Play” in this Video. But we do not care at all as Long as we have Fun. Nauda pictured it right “we are having a Party” we Talk utterly nonsense and sometimes do stupid actions on purpose. For an example. A fsp (i think FSV) guild retreated when we took their mid keep and jumped down on a cliffhang… We could have Killed them with AoE since it was Petty obvious that they Want to Kick us Down the Cliff as soon as we Jump Down. Well after 1 Guy screamed “After them!!!” Some of us jumped in their Safe dead (i still do not know how i survived
So yeah you are absolutely right, about this Bad Play / failure thing but the Focus of Most of Abaddon Folks (when there is such an Event) is to have fun maybe to Drink some Beer and Play drunk. Sometimes gw is nothing but a Big Party
I get it
Nah your right, we have the odd event were we all roll a dolyak and run around – tend not to get as many kills as you, still fun though
I guess i misunderstood the purpose of the event and thought it was an attempt to … mimic a guild group somewhat (?). I wasn’t intending to be too critical, i just thought some parts of it might help i guess.
(edited by Caid.4932)
BTW its not “our best Fights” its pretty every Fight from that evening. Norreka tends to add everything he recorded even wipes
“But we do not care at all as long as we have fun”.
“we are having a party”
“we talk utterly nonsense and sometimes do stupid actions on purpose”
“is to have fun maybe to Drink some Beer and play drunk, sometimes gw is nothing but a big party”
Have you sir, been spying on TUP comms??
You describe us perfectly lol.
Drinking warband coming at you soon (again!)
Cheers for the kind words on the video, and keep up the good fight all, all (most of us) want is the action.
Keep up the humour too
Aurora Glade EU
Nah couldn’t watch it yet. Had some technical issues (Video didn’t load) but i will watch it for sure
that’s unfair, that’s dirty – that’s WvW – enjoy it! ;-)
I don’t see how I can enjoy it Looks like I’ll do some more PvE this week.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Here our Video of our Event yesterday: “Warrior akittens best” <— autocorrection " Warrior —- akittens -.-.—.— best"
pity that there where less zergs or groups which fought us cause we couldnt use all tactics we wanted. was fun anyway.
What tactics are you talking about? The other tactic where you autowalk and press 1?
It’s a trash video, promoting bad gameplay, skilllag and the lack of teamplay. B-r-a-v-o
I think Tongun pretty much got it. This big events are for fun. Its very difficult to coordinate 85+ at the same time and you cant wait for everyone if you dont want to be too slowly. We use this events to show some basic stuff like combofields and how classes can be used. We show of some traits previous and ask how many looked it up. We are happy if the event is fun for our people and if some of them use zergbuilds and some abilities after the event which dont result in loot but more zergsurvival.
at the start of the event we explained some about what which class at least to do:
- guardians at least – stability with “stand your ground”, CC “line of warding” and heal/might by “empower”.
- mesmer at least – “null field”, “time warp”, “reaction bubble”
- ele at least “firefield” at start, “waterfied” during fight
- warrior for explofinisher and heal by shout and rezzbanner
the event was called “warrior at — its --- best” cause we wanted as many warriors as we could get.
85+??? Come one man, be serious. Try and promote good gameplay split that blob in 3 and make this game playable for everyone.
But that’s why every server hates AM.
Because above all else, they want to make WvW a horrific lagfest. If you engage them with equal numbers, that’s a 150+ fight; it’s guaranteed to make the game lag, and nobody gets to do anything fun.
But that’s the way they want to play, and that’s why everyone hates them.
oh sorry – we had top 126 people in our ts channel. so 95+ on Bl and rest waiting to join our event
everyone wants to be at these events cause of the leader and his sounds/music/commands/fun. if he would splitt up 2/3 of all couldnt be part of the real event.
but btw. dp had some events especially resetevents with many groups (attack/defend) – so not every event is the same. the “akittens best” events are mostly one zerg events as I know, but there are many videos on his channel with different settings.
But that’s why every server hates AM.
Because above all else, they want to make WvW a horrific lagfest. If you engage them with equal numbers, that’s a 150+ fight; it’s guaranteed to make the game lag, and nobody gets to do anything fun.
But that’s the way they want to play, and that’s why everyone hates them.
fsp knows exactly what to do against one big zerg – attacking at 2 or 3 or even 4 points at the same time and the big one has to split up or looses. we saw it at reset and know it of other servers, but why should am split up if it works?
But that’s why every server hates AM.
Because above all else, they want to make WvW a horrific lagfest. If you engage them with equal numbers, that’s a 150+ fight; it’s guaranteed to make the game lag, and nobody gets to do anything fun.
But that’s the way they want to play, and that’s why everyone hates them.
fsp knows exactly what to do against one big zerg – attacking at 2 or 3 or even 4 points at the same time and the big one has to split up or looses. we saw it at reset and know it of other servers, but why should am split up if it works?
Gandara knows it as well, but it is difficult for us to do it outside primetime, cuz we lack numbers at noon and early evening.Also, if you do it with pugs, its harder to do, because they don’t listen as well as a guild group
Dragons In Exile[DIE]- get lucky[Punk]
But that’s why every server hates AM.
Because above all else, they want to make WvW a horrific lagfest. If you engage them with equal numbers, that’s a 150+ fight; it’s guaranteed to make the game lag, and nobody gets to do anything fun.
But that’s the way they want to play, and that’s why everyone hates them.
fsp knows exactly what to do against one big zerg – attacking at 2 or 3 or even 4 points at the same time and the big one has to split up or looses. we saw it at reset and know it of other servers, but why should am split up if it works?
Gandara knows it as well, but it is difficult for us to do it outside primetime, cuz we lack numbers at noon and early evening.Also, if you do it with pugs, its harder to do, because they don’t listen as well as a guild group
thats why i love AM – cause AMs community knows the power of pugs and our randoms thats why we work with everyone. thats why events are there. we try to show randoms how i could be done and if we succeed, than they turn of the teamspeak even more and follow the orders of our commanders.
at start we had different teamspeaks – different commanders and a lot of randoms which didnt want to follow the commander. after evenrs and one teamspeak for all the saw how it can be done and thats why the 95+ at this event followed the commander even if it means death!
Ok if it’s not clear by now why we ask you to split up I’m afraid you’ll never get it…
Well if most of your zergs/groups would be randomzergs/mixedzergs it could make sense to split into equal sized zergs perhaps to creat even fights. But as most of you guys run in guildgroups it would in fact become a “20-30man guildgroup farms 20-30 randomgroup” and that wouldn’t be fair nor would it be any fun for us.
(edited by Nauda.3678)
Hallo everybody,
just wanted to wish a nice week, with a lot of lootbags for everyone.
Nice to see that there’s the same whining and crying like every week.
Sitting in the community ts right now, I can see that there are round about 20people in the channel for my borderland…. and I’m running in a “blob” (which is a word from children made for other children to use it) with 60+
Now you want us to tell over 40 guys and girls who have fun (more fun like you right now, seems like) that they have to leave WvW? Becouse our enemys are crying in the official GW2 forum?! That’s a really strange idea.
Additional I never met another server who never have zergs with over 50 people. In my oppinion no one would complain about, if his server has 50+ zergs all the time on every bl! No one can tell me, that he would tell the people in that case that they have to leave.
And there are ways to defeat big zergs… using acs is absolutly in the spirit of wvw, don’t know what’s wrong about that. Or organising bigger guild zergs (like BB did, guild zergs with 60+ peoble… this is not a “blob”? Also funny… if we could tell everybody on our server to join 2 or 3 biiiig guilds, who would say “oh my god, AM had a great development, no blobs any longer?” just becouse there would be the same guild behind every name).
Have fun and see you at the battlergrounds.
(edited by Angelina Luzifer.3692)
Who are you kidding? Zerg and blob are insults to normal people. I think you guys are
brainwashed or something.
On top of that you’re calling yourself and your gang unskilled, allow me to: LOL!!
(I hope your post isn’t going to be deleted by the mod for instulting yourself :P)
And most guilds run 25 MAX, so 35 would already be a challenge.
I was quoting Limm and referred more to his points about combat"tactics"(or whatever we want to call it) than to the stuff he said about the TUP video.
I only meant to talk about the TUP video. I am sorry if I did not make myself clear. My comment was in response to somebody saying that TUP was ‘more or less only pressing 1 with boons’ (not a quote, but a loose summary ). I pointed that TUP did do better than that by paying close attention to their positioning. That – among things – is the reason why organized groups take chunks out of big groups, like we did just recently on EB.
You then went on to say how easy it is to pull those tactics off – and yes, on a basic level it is fairly easy to grasp the concept of following a target but considering the organization of the enemy or the sheer numbers of them it can become quite challenging to keep proper positioning up. To me it seemed that the video was posted in an attempt to solidify your claim. However, as was rightly pointed out by some other guy, the video shows some very poor performance and a lot of numbers – by the way: I know german and the amount of time you had to ask and wait for certain basic things would’ve gotten me to a red hot rage, even if the numbers compensated for any shortcomings you should not have to tell the ranged to orbit for example. They should know.
I do not say this to tell you that the guys running in TUP are more skilled at the game than the guys running with you in that video, I just tell you this to clarify any misconceptions you might have had about what I said so far.
Another great way to see that the whole positioning thing is not as easy to pull off as one might think are GvGs. Just watch an inexperienced guild go at it and then compare it to an experienced guild. And that is even in a controlled environment with equal numbers and very little features in terrain.
However, since the posting of the video and my post, you have said that the event was more for fun and the video was not all meant as a retort to the claim that proper group fighting requires skills beyond boon-stacking and pressing 1. Therefore, everything I just said is pretty pointless.
(edited by Limm.8401)
Hallo everybody,
just wanted to wish a nice week, with a lot of lootbags for everyone.
Nice to see that there’s the same whining and crying like every week.
Sitting in the community ts right now, I can see that there are round about 20people in the channel for my borderland…. and I’m running in a “blob” (which is a word from children made for other children to use it) with 60+
Now you want us to tell over 40 guys and girls who have fun (more fun like you right now, seems like) that they have to leave WvW? Becouse our enemys are crying in the official GW2 forum?! That’s a really strange idea.
Additional I never met another server who never have zergs with over 50 people. In my oppinion no one would complain about, if his server has 50+ zergs all the time on every bl! No one can tell me, that he would tell the people in that case that they have to leave.
And there are ways to defeat big zergs… using acs is absolutly in the spirit of wvw, don’t know what’s wrong about that. Or organising bigger guild zergs (like BB did, guild zergs with 60+ peoble… this is not a “blob”? Also funny… if we could tell everybody on our server to join 2 or 3 biiiig guilds, who would say “oh my god, AM had a great development, no blobs any longer?” just becouse there would be the same guild behind every name).Have fun and see you at the battlergrounds.
Zeroth point: The fact that you like to see people complaining about your playstyle makes you seem very mature.
First off, I don’t expect anyone to stop playing. But it can be more fun – for the guys playing – to try out smaller scale playing. Less lag, more sense of acomplishments when winning or learning from mistakes when losing.
Secondly, there are people who do mind their own server blobbing up. I have little respect for guilds that rely on number rather than skill so it doesn’t make a difference what tag the blob has. If you had 3 guilds you could go hit 3 things at once – maybe get even more points – and give some fair fights in the process. I am not telling you what to do, I am just telling you why your post is flawed. Your welcome.
Well if most of your zergs/groups would be randomzergs/mixedzergs it could make sense to split into equal sized zergs perhaps to creat even fights. But as most of you guys run in guildgroups it would in fact become a “20-30man guildgroup farms 20-30 randomgroup” and that wouldn’t be fair nor would it be any fun for us.
So, let me get this right, instead of trying to improve your teams and organization you rather double your numbers.
No comment…
3 wvw kills
Hallo everybody,
just wanted to wish a nice week, with a lot of lootbags for everyone.
Nice to see that there’s the same whining and crying like every week.
Sitting in the community ts right now, I can see that there are round about 20people in the channel for my borderland…. and I’m running in a “blob” (which is a word from children made for other children to use it) with 60+
Now you want us to tell over 40 guys and girls who have fun (more fun like you right now, seems like) that they have to leave WvW? Becouse our enemys are crying in the official GW2 forum?! That’s a really strange idea.
Additional I never met another server who never have zergs with over 50 people. In my oppinion no one would complain about, if his server has 50+ zergs all the time on every bl! No one can tell me, that he would tell the people in that case that they have to leave.
And there are ways to defeat big zergs… using acs is absolutly in the spirit of wvw, don’t know what’s wrong about that. Or organising bigger guild zergs (like BB did, guild zergs with 60+ peoble… this is not a “blob”? Also funny… if we could tell everybody on our server to join 2 or 3 biiiig guilds, who would say “oh my god, AM had a great development, no blobs any longer?” just becouse there would be the same guild behind every name).Have fun and see you at the battlergrounds.
Nobody is telling anyone to leave wvw. And if you dont like the word “blob” we can use other words for it. People just want you to spread your guys out a bit.
I personally dont care how many towers or camps you get or how many people you have camping 24/7 behind a arrow cart. What i care about are smaller scale fights, and those are pretty non-existant when it comes to Am. Or if one even happens by accident, you can be sure that the whole AM zerg is not far from there.
If you enjoy sitting in a group pressing 1 all day long, go ahead, im not going to tell you how to have fun or how to play. But you have to understand that not everyone enjoys the lag of a large fight and there are many of us that prefer to roam in 5-10 man groups, as it is way more challenging than sticking with the herd like a good sheep.
3 wvw kills
Well if most of your zergs/groups would be randomzergs/mixedzergs it could make sense to split into equal sized zergs perhaps to creat even fights. But as most of you guys run in guildgroups it would in fact become a “20-30man guildgroup farms 20-30 randomgroup” and that wouldn’t be fair nor would it be any fun for us.
So, let me get this right, instead of trying to improve your teams and organization you rather double your numbers.
No comment…
No instead of isolating ourselves in guildgroups we invite every player casual or hardcore to play together for the server. So i can only say again: we can’t rely on coordinated groupplay only because the playercomposition that plays together changes ever day if not every few hours. You can’t organise these zergs like you can organise a guildgroup that plays together every day.
(edited by Nauda.3678)
@Nauda blobbing is a choice, gandara did it with Yolobus long time ago. They just choose not to do it because of lag, playstyle, whatever.
Guild Leader
@Nauda blobbing is a choice, gandara did it with Yolobus long time ago. They just choose not to do it because of lag, playstyle, whatever.
This was last night.
I have to say more?
BTW: there were 10 golem too. Sorry that this is not in the pic.
(edited by delahate.4830)
Sometimes gw is nothing but a Big Party
Look OK, i get what you are saying its for fun, totally get that and support that. However, what about the fun for everyone else in the game that likes to play wvw in a way that it uses more tactic thinking, more brain involvement. Fact is AM is a hated (it is not nice but it seems to be the case)server. And not just by Gandara and FSP, every server match you have been in recently there has been hatred directed towards AM, even from Riverside a fellow German server. It underlines a problem.
Look fact is, AM keep saying not enough wvw guilds etc but in reality you are just as organised as fsp, maybe 1-2 less guilds. But you do have good guilds. And you could be more organised if you made an effort. Right now you have only been against servers that prefer tactical play and splitting (ofcourse zergs happen too but not on the scale) Eventually you are going to come across servers like Vizunah and you will understand how boring and disheartening it is to play against swarms.
When it comes down to it, if you really say its about fun, then if you are a fair community you would understand that it is not fun for the other 2 servers against you, and for the sake of decency maybe adapt play style, have more gvg events with us, communicate with us and organise thing so then it is fun for everyone.
Unless wxp is more important to you but that is really not why I play gw2.
I think maybe call a ceasefire on any insults now and talk constructively. AM want us all to understand their point of you and I ask that AM try to understand everyone else’s as well.
@Nauda blobbing is a choice, gandara did it with Yolobus long time ago. They just choose not to do it because of lag, playstyle, whatever.
Yeah and like we heard from Zeti on page 2 who was on Gandara: Only a few people on Gandara care for their randoms. I call that a bad servercommunity. But whatever floates you boat I guess…
Yeah and like we heard from Zeti on page 2 who was on Gandara: Only a few people on Gandara care for their randoms. I call that a bad servercommunity. But whatever floates you boat I guess…
I actually agree with you here, I have a problem with certain guilds in FSP telling randoms to get lost because they are not in the guild, or telling randoms they shouldn’t be getting a tower etc (even though I witnessed 3 pugs take bay on their own one day) We actually lost a friend to game because of such a guild telling him to kitten off when he was trying to play wvw, he will not come back in the game due to it. It is a problem, and I will have no problem naming and shaming guilds/players if I see it happen again.
(edited by natzmc.2895)
Sometimes gw is nothing but a Big Party
Look OK, i get what you are saying its for fun, totally get that and support that. However, what about the fun for everyone else in the game that likes to play wvw in a way that it uses more tactic thinking, more brain involvement. Fact is AM is a hated (it is not nice but it seems to be the case)server. And not just by Gandara and FSP, every server match you have been in recently there has been hatred directed towards AM, even from Riverside a fellow German server. It underlines a problem.
Look fact is, AM keep saying not enough wvw guilds etc but in reality you are just as organised as fsp, maybe 1-2 less guilds. But you do have good guilds. And you could be more organised if you made an effort. Right now you have only been against servers that prefer tactical play and splitting (ofcourse zergs happen too but not on the scale) Eventually you are going to come across servers like Vizunah and you will understand how boring and disheartening it is to play against swarms.
When it comes down to it, if you really say its about fun, then if you are a fair community you would understand that it is not fun for the other 2 servers against you, and for the sake of decency maybe adapt play style, have more gvg events with us, communicate with us and organise thing so then it is fun for everyone.
Unless wxp is more important to you but that is really not why I play gw2.
I think maybe call a ceasefire on any insults now and talk constructively. AM want us all to understand their point of you and I ask that AM try to understand everyone else’s as well.
Well AR and Baruch were kinda relaxed about us. And most of us didn’t cry because of Baruchs nightraids or all the guildgroups from Baruch and AR which wiped us constantly in the evening. We just accpeted our enemies-playstyle. Vizu would indeed wipe the floor with us but i would take it as a challenging week and try fight them as good as i could.
Oh, and that stuff about Riverside and us: German servers don’t like each other. It doesn’t matter which servers play against each other it almost always causes flames on the forums.
(edited by Nauda.3678)
When it really comes down to it, we can do two things:
- accept the fact that we will get overrun by that mobile battering ram we all love to call a blob (a.k.a. the so tactically blessed Blobbadon blob). or:
- Blob up ourselves and show Blobbadon how reall WvW players press that “1” skillOr a 3rd thing:
- Split up all over map and simultaneously attack structures which will give them 2 options:
- Stay as a blob and only protect 1 tower/keep and lose 2 whilst giving away their only position or,
- Force them to split up to protect all, which is what we would like to see anyway.Forgive me but i’m not that much a negative person I like to find a positive in all situations
Although unfortunatly nothing our server can do about the night coverage but we should have no probs prime time
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
I remember the YOLObus…. Tier 3…. It was a monster I created and was adopted by others…. I’m glad that monster has been put down.
Can someone from AM guild fx explain how a ac from outside sunny hill can reach ac’s on right hand wall just curious.
Where was the AC?