Gandalf Vs Far Shiverpeaks Vs Arborstone?
Keep calm and ignore XxX. They are here only to troll and provoke you into another nonsense argument.
Anywho, Frou video spam time! Despite the overhelming numbers from our side during the weekend, I managed to find some pretty awesome fights! Thank you AS [VæH], FSP [RL] and [FSV] & all the randoms for brilliant fights, I had a blast! Bare with the laggyness in the last fight (zeh battle where we got FSV Queen down and my guildie got roflstomped by you :’D), my cereal box was about to take off and go all the way to the outter space.
Then the second video is 3 of us poking north camp @ FSPBL, trying to lure FSP guys out from the fully upgraded camp to play with us. Kudos to [DW] and [Tofi] for sticking around! Also hi5 to the AS group that storms in at the end :>
If the videos are blocked in your country because of the music, use this and enjoy!
Solo roamer
Currently roaming on Vabbi
Again. Awesome night on FSP border with DW !
Nice fight with Arborstone and Gandara. Pretty awesome 3 way.
Cheers to XxX ! I know we were more (had to tag up none was around) but it was a relief to get you down !
yeah we know ppl cheer when they kill us with 40+ against less than 15
Dude.. serious.
I just had to check your posts.. and guess what.. my thoughts were correct.I just took your posts during current matchup + some days (9 days)… you’re mainly posting about how others are the forbidden word and you are just with “X” numbers.
I do like your video’s, but your reply’s are very boring and just simply anoying.
Yes, it’s annoying like hell if a huge group is heading your way.. deal with it, or walk around it. Don’t spend time complaining about it, playing against servers who rely mainly on PUG’s you can’t blaim them?Even commanders who don’t put up tags and run with guildies only, attract PUG’s as they know our tags. They stick to the group.. and guess what… you’re back to square one with the drama you’re posting time after time.
Be more positive for once.. Like last monday, we hit eachother on hills…
You GoT smacked down and GoT whiped… tried a seconde time and didn’t succeed that time as well.This was vs. [Kale] and [GoT] (for your own record, 20 ppl. tops).
AoA was furhter on the outer wall, busy with CNKL, so no bother there with our fight..Did you post anything positive about that, hell no… you lost that fight, no ‘gz’ .. no nothing. Everything you post about your own group, needs to be positive (incl. movies), if you loose your not posting it.. or it are blobs.
P.s. this is my personal opinion, thnkx.
P.p.s see you ingame… I hope!learn to move as guild not as blob and after u see my GZ,u cant?u dont want?i dont care do your game we do ours,u want a Gz when your kill us with x2 x 3 number?hehe be serious pls,come kill us as guild,and is not difficult kill us we are not invincible and after you see my post to congrats that not before.
On FSP u have many guild who can run with 20member but sems no one want do it,and the only one who do that always is only FSV.
ps:even taunting a whole server dont work to force someone come to kill us with his guild:/
Every “Organized” guild moves as a blob.. why you complain about being killed by 2x 3x more numbers when you are the one tailing and trying to flank a zerg wich is bigger then yours,wich gets you killed afterwards goes beyond me.That alone would give you a good indication that it would be better to stop doing that.So i don’t see the point of your comment about being killed by 3x more numbers or the reason behind it.I just think that xxx isn’t as good a guild as people think it is,once you figure out their movement and see how they only rely on pushing in fully buffed and back up,run out of combat mode to let the buff’s cd wear off to rinse and repeat the same thing.
(edited by Caedmon.6798)
Had an awesome night at Gandara borderlands. we held hills and even had a waypoint.
like someone said: Gandara GoT PunK’d.& ofcourse nice job from kale for the upgrading and defending.
As someone mentioned in our map yesterday, was the best nights of the week so far, got to love FSV doesnt matter how many of us come at you, FSV are like this is our spot your not having it, think the word im looking for is crazy (thats fun crazy btw!!).
As for Hills, map chat was like.. kill fake bessies so they cant upgrade!!! kitten me there is a guild escorting!! Also was that you at hills Terrorsquad /laugh as we all died under a hail of arrows? If not then you realise the same is happening back, not that we cared tbh too much fun was being had.
Thanks for a great night.
Again. Awesome night on FSP border with DW !
Nice fight with Arborstone and Gandara. Pretty awesome 3 way.
Cheers to XxX ! I know we were more (had to tag up none was around) but it was a relief to get you down !
yeah we know ppl cheer when they kill us with 40+ against less than 15
Hey I cheered also all the other times where we got wiped Nothing negative here.
We were not 40+ and we had a lot of people dead because of the big fight with Arborstone that we didn’t even finish.
You knew it and that is why you took the risk of pushing. I would have done the same. But even tho, killing you is far from being easy, that is why the joy
One of the Leaders
i dont have nothing against u,im only trying to lure out more ppl to fight but other prefer only play on forum.
Keep calm and ignore XxX. They are here only to troll and provoke you into another nonsense argument.
Anywho, Frou video spam time! Despite the overhelming numbers from our side during the weekend, I managed to find some pretty awesome fights! Thank you AS [VæH], FSP [RL] and [FSV] & all the randoms for brilliant fights, I had a blast! Bare with the laggyness in the last fight (zeh battle where we got FSV Queen down and my guildie got roflstomped by you :’D), my cereal box was about to take off and go all the way to the outter space.
Then the second video is 3 of us poking north camp @ FSPBL, trying to lure FSP guys out from the fully upgraded camp to play with us. Kudos to [DW] and [Tofi] for sticking around! Also hi5 to the AS group that storms in at the end :>
If the videos are blocked in your country because of the music, use this and enjoy!
nice videos, awesome action
I think we talked once in EB at ogres when i was on my necro (atleast i hope that was you).
Keep rocking!
3 wvw kills
Yeah, it was me :>
Yeah, it was me :>
Nice, i really like your build
3 wvw kills
So uh Punk uhh… you always roam alone… right? All those others are our imagination right?
Edit: Just so you know, I cant find the post now, maybe deleted or moderated? But this post is out to your member who said how annoying blobbing is and boring it is Otherwise had a few nice fights. Arborstone was funny with their attempted flank manouvers. Nice try
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
ty Fsv we avoided you when u was less,too bad the commander come to finish our first inc it was long and tough,u need more training and few more member and u are set im sure,and ty to YOU guild dunno if they are new or what first time we see them and ty to dw for trying too.
ty Fsv we avoided you when u was less,too bad the commander come to finish our first inc it was long and tough,u need more training and few more member and u are set im sure,and ty to YOU guild dunno if they are new or what first time we see them and ty to dw for trying too.
Thanks ! We badly took that push !
And thank you aborstone for epic fights at the briar tower (ETC?). Thanks JUDGE as well for nice fights at tower and hills
One of the Leaders
Had fun on Gandara border! Shame the first fight with FSV got ruined by commander but can happen!
To the new “You” guild, heard it was your first night, see a lot of potential and I am looking forward to see your growth if this was only the first night.
And DW thanks again for trying!
Rumours say that Semper YaKs was spotted close to Arborstone spawn in FSP borderlands today for a short moment. Only lootbags was left to tell the tales.
PunK. Thanks for the two fights tonight. You are a tough bunch to take down. Had hoped you wanted to come back for revenge all night, but guess you didnt want it
Arbor finally took something of us today at EB (QL) and look how happy they try to camp it :p..
PS: They lost QLsome time after it.. xD
ty Fsv we avoided you when u was less,too bad the commander come to finish our first inc it was long and tough,u need more training and few more member and u are set im sure,and ty to YOU guild dunno if they are new or what first time we see them and ty to dw for trying too.
Thanks ! We badly took that push !
And thank you aborstone for epic fights at the briar tower (ETC?). Thanks JUDGE as well for nice fights at tower and hills
Was pleasure to fight you guys :>
Much love from yaks enjoyed this match up alot .. Shame the skill lag really effected some of us and had them out of wvw most of the week
The samper yaks is something you really don’t want to see roaming around together as the support from the two guilds is a little op as we play the same style of game
If there any interest in a Gvg tonight please message me ASAP would be nice to just chill out ..
contact :
Yep, it was a pleasure by the way ! I really enjoyed sniping all your siege machines
(edited by MOPZ.7824)
Every “Organized” guild moves as a blob.. why you complain about being killed by 2x 3x more numbers when you are the one tailing and trying to flank a zerg wich is bigger then yours,wich gets you killed afterwards goes beyond me.That alone would give you a good indication that it would be better to stop doing that.So i don’t see the point of your comment about being killed by 3x more numbers or the reason behind it.I just think that xxx isn’t as good a guild as people think it is,once you figure out their movement and see how they only rely on pushing in fully buffed and back up,run out of combat mode to let the buff’s cd wear off to rinse and repeat the same thing.
Obviously you have no idea what a “blob” is.
Blobbing means that even if you down and kill a group of ppl on the first inc they just push you away with superior numbers (else you die) while they are able to ress the defeated without sacrificing fighting power for it. Its like you hit a slime monster and it keeps regenerating (hence blob).
Ofc we are nobody “special”, we do not hack, we do not have special abilities. All there is to us is that we are organized, we move quickly, we have our tactics. It takes no big brain to figure out that you should engage fully buffed and retreat before you go down.
We don’t have numbers so we can only rely on our “skill”.
we love you arborstone.
Ps: Bored of Sieging?..[XxX] is now recruiting experienced WvW players who enjoy action within a dedicated team! For more information check
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
Yesterday we hit Gandara BL and when we got ingame we saw Bay being blue.
But… GA wanted it back Man… the overwhelming power/people present by GA, took my breath.
We kicked you guys out @ south… after that we repaired south out, and defended that end. Ofc. a group ran north, [OS], ran north and tried to breach there… We quickly acted on this and wiped you guys once… a 2nd try from your end to breach the north outer almost costed us our lives as we tried to counter you again, but failed.
Suddenly we heared south inner was 10% so we had to rush inner… where we clashed with [Yak] and some pugs… intense fight in which we tried to save time for a commander to come in.. but we lost it to soon. Nice fights though!
After that we clashed with [XxX] between Garisson and Arah’s. We saw you coming but were to slow on stacking, nice fight in which you put us down quick. I start to ask myself if you run around already stacked might etc. all the time
Anyone know what the upcomming reset will bring, haven’t got a clue how it works since this week :P
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
After that we clashed with [XxX] between Garisson and Arah’s. We saw you coming but were to slow on stacking, nice fight in which you put us down quick. I start to ask myself if you run around already stacked might etc. all the time
Het geheim: Eet spinach( stupid filter), wordt je sterk van! ( why is spinach filtered O_o Anet you awkward!)
In some situations it is better not to stack up and buff might, lately we engage a enemy more often without then with stacking. It really depends on the sitatuation, sometimes its better to engage without stacking for several reasons trust me. A quick hit can be way more effective then a few stacks of might.
Hoop jullie voor reset nog tegen te komen in meer gebalaceerde situatie zodat het voor jullie ook een plezier kan zijn
(edited by jaimy.4108)
After that we clashed with [XxX] between Garisson and Arah’s. We saw you coming but were to slow on stacking, nice fight in which you put us down quick. I start to ask myself if you run around already stacked might etc. all the time
Anyone know what the upcomming reset will bring, haven’t got a clue how it works since this week :P
nope just blast on fire on the fighting spot for stack:p
u was running away dont have time to stop and blast on fire for might stack,we play always with that number we try to avoid blob too,so we are only a bit more fast than other.
Just play, just have fun.
Just play, just have fun.
That fight near Lodge was indeed awesome. We got it on tape from other view as well
One of the Leaders
some videos from yesterday night in Arbor BL.
badge party!!!!
Thank you AS [VæH], FSP [RL] and [FSV] & all the randoms for brilliant fights, I had a blast!
Thank you to your videos and the spectacular fights! Although the fightings are difficult because we are often fewer, we learn a lot playing against you.
I’m the human guardian from [VæH] (with the T3 helmet, who fled before the arrival of Far Shiverpeaks ^^") in the first fight, in the supply camps. and i remember this fight, it was very epic ! Thanks you JDGE and others !
(edited by Jinzo.4239)
we love you arborstone.
Ps: Bored of Sieging?..[XxX] is now recruiting experienced WvW players who enjoy action within a dedicated team! For more information check
XxX big guild?we run with 15/17 ppl max lol
XxX 15/25?wow dunno that we run 15 max 18 near the end of the evening:/
If you start recruiting you’ll be more than 17-18! OH NOOO!
For that record… [AoS] is recruiting and we don’t deny being more than 17. Muhahahah.
Het geheim: Eet spikittene, wordt je sterk van!
In some situations it is better not to stack up and buff might, lately we engage a enemy more often without then with stacking. It really depends on the sitatuation, sometimes its better to engage without stacking for several reasons trust me. A quick hit can be way more effective then a few stacks of might.
Hoop jullie voor reset nog tegen te komen in meer gebalaceerde situatie zodat het voor jullie ook een plezier kan zijn
Dutch as a last resort? Waarom is spi"n @ z. i"e gefilterd? Thanks for the 3 copper, way closer to commander now. :P
we love you arborstone.
Ps: Bored of Sieging?..[XxX] is now recruiting experienced WvW players who enjoy action within a dedicated team! For more information check
XxX big guild?we run with 15/17 ppl max lol
XxX 15/25?wow dunno that we run 15 max 18 near the end of the evening:/
If you start recruiting you’ll be more than 17-18! OH NOOO!
For that record… [AoS] is recruiting and we don’t deny being more than 17. Muhahahah.
so?where is the problem if we grown up with number?now(the present) we have this number in the future who know.
Het geheim: Eet spikittene, wordt je sterk van!
In some situations it is better not to stack up and buff might, lately we engage a enemy more often without then with stacking. It really depends on the sitatuation, sometimes its better to engage without stacking for several reasons trust me. A quick hit can be way more effective then a few stacks of might.
Hoop jullie voor reset nog tegen te komen in meer gebalaceerde situatie zodat het voor jullie ook een plezier kan zijn
Dutch as a last resort?
Waarom is spi"n @ z. i"e gefilterd? Thanks for the 3 copper, way closer to commander now. :P
Dunno evil Anet, Spinach is healthy. I say something nice in dutch cause I am dutch, and they are a dutch/belgium guild? Why would it matter to you?
Regarding to how you respond in a message above to Nem, why?
We currently run with 15-20 people, yesterday even less. We aim to grow a bit? There is nothing wrong with that if you want a steady group of 20 people.
I dont get why you feel the need to say “we dont deny to being more than 17” Because we are running with that number in WvW. That we have 26 members does not mean people are all online or currently active?
We have our guildroster to count for us how many there are really online and with us during wvw, so please quit claiming we lie about that or I will have to ask my 3 copper back (A)
Sirendor, your comment is idiot. XxX are the only reason the game is interesting : number doesn’t always matter.
By the way, we have fun fighting against you XxXs, word from a RCT.
See you soon in a fight, i hope.
Trolls active this week I see from all severs cheers me up at work:)
Any of thoose quilts wanna Gvg for fun .. Best way to learn I think or what BL you gonna be on we might drop in for ….. Bages happy hunting
contact :
XxX big guild?we run with 15/17 ppl max lol
XxX 15/25?wow dunno that we run 15 max 18 near the end of the evening:/
If you start recruiting you’ll be more than 17-18! OH NOOO!
For that record… [AoS] is recruiting and we don’t deny being more than 17. Muhahahah.
so?where is the problem if we grown up with number?now(the present) we have this number in the future who know.
’t was but a joke. A stupid one, but aye!
Aberstone still have a chance to win this. They got superman!
(edited by Timelord.8190)
Haha we just failed in Dawns on AR BL, anyway, best of the night so far :P
Sorry for double posting but that Grub fight WAS THE BEST! Got overwhelmed eventually but we found that so fun :P
Kneel Before Lord Grub!
Was fun indeed… watching all you [Dius] guys running around.. and then getting insta killed by that darn Grub
Funniest part was, the chest run the Grub was dead :P
Some magnet that chest was
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
Was fun indeed… watching all you [Dius] guys running around.. and then getting insta killed by that darn Grub
Funniest part was, the chest run the Grub was dead :P
Some magnet that chest was
We knew we had to play it right so we lured the grub to you guys as a bit of ‘Battle Support’ :P I was dead by that point but yea, the cursing on TS when someone dies like 1 meter from that chest XD
Was fun indeed… watching all you [Dius] guys running around.. and then getting insta killed by that darn Grub
Funniest part was, the chest run the Grub was dead :P
Some magnet that chest wasWe knew we had to play it right so we lured the grub to you guys as a bit of ‘Battle Support’ :P I was dead by that point but yea, the cursing on TS when someone dies like 1 meter from that chest XD
I hear ya
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
We finally got a interesting fight when we attacked the Grub. The logic in this match up is so funny
Cheers and respect to Tz and RCT! Was really respectfull to see how you guys splitted up between Briar and Bay.
Yep, it was a pleasure by the way ! I really enjoyed sniping all your siege machines
And losing 2 towers (klovan and wc by Gandara) while sniping 3 cata’s and an ac of us?:p.. Doesn’t rly compensate if u ask me xD
Cheers and respect to Tz and RCT! Was really respectfull to see how you guys splitted up between Briar and Bay.
We really enjoy each fight with XxX this week.
We have learn so much from you, and tried to provide as much as resistance we can playing our own tactics.
Respect to each of you, XxX !
Guardian staff support
I confirm Thrain post.
Really interesting fights with XxX…but we still quite weak due to our number (we work on it) and of course our skills (work harder on it^^)..You have good move before and at the impact.
thx also to YAK for yesterday evening fights.
Mesmer support
Yesterday we raided for a while on Gandara (hills) and than EB. Didn’t meet any guild groups
Judging from posts should’ve moved to Aborestone ^^
Thanks for the fights anyways to those we met !
One of the Leaders
Thanks for this matchup! Arborstone hold out way better than I expected in the beginning of the match, shows that tiers and ranking do not always mean everything.
The week seemed to be zergy and boring but halfway the week this switched around due to several guilds, therefore,
Special thanks to GoT, You, DW, RCY, Tz and FSV, you all are a great representation for your server and I am looking forward to meeting you again in the future. ( I might have forgotten some =X )
Tz, respect you always run as a guild. It’s a shame that most of the week we simply could not meet your number of great dedicated players, and therefore be more of a challenge to you.
And FSV, I love you guys <3
As Thrain & Ralux said before : Respect to XxX for the interesting fights of this week.
You don’t get it.