Gandara - Miller´s Sound - Far Shiverpeaks
Welcome and good luck to everyone this match.
First of all i want to start off by saying grats to the “Omega Red” Guild on FS. For having a hacking warrior. Nice trick running over the walls. Pitty you ran off when i found you.
I am not putting FS down as a hack server btw. just that one person.
For the rest, nice fights so far. Nice fast cap on WC by FS ^^ that kinda got us by surprise
ps: Ms keep your hands off my sup camp xD
Question that hapen when we siege WC at start?
That happenend at Jerri. He was just running around at super-speed without any boons / signets. Then i saw him run up the wall.
ok then..just wanted to make sure if you have see him..my guild dint have any warior at WC….hope you have get screenshot of him and send them to ArenaNet..idc if is on my guild or not but ppl that make that guild they dont like those kind of ppl same s you
But before that make sure that wasnt any kind of glich that game have..ikn that r some of them in the WvWvW
Take back AM and give us our Gandara back.
Take back AM and give us our Gandara back.
No thanks. Enjoy
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
why AM stil have the Guilds from Kodash???they nead 2-3 guilds to transfer from Kodash to AM so they win FS…hope those from Kodash got payed well…
Take back AM and give us our Gandara back.
Ah already feeling the love for AM and their new Ex Kodash friends? No one has seen blobs until you witness the AM blobs, seems to be a German speciality.
Take back AM and give us our Gandara back.
Not enjoyin the ADAC blob?
But maybe we can make a deal, how much money do you have?
jokes aside, GL in another week on t4 AG
Welcome and good luck to everyone this match.
First of all i want to start off by saying grats to the “Omega Red” Guild on FS. For having a hacking warrior. Nice trick running over the walls. Pitty you ran off when i found you.
I am not putting FS down as a hack server btw. just that one person.For the rest, nice fights so far. Nice fast cap on WC by FS ^^ that kinda got us by surprise
ps: Ms keep your hands off my sup camp xD
Never even seen that guild in FS, but will keep an eye out an report if I see Hacking. Unfortunately there are hackers on every server
p.s I noticed some spawn point camping by a large Millers group today, I really hope that is a one time event and not reoccurring, its a tactic that’s unbecoming of any of us in my opinion.
Had fun fights from Dius tonight, shout out to AN, NXM from Millers and AoA from FS o/
Greetings from Millers Sound
We are very glad to finally have other opponents. I think its a fresh new start for all of us three
GANDARA COME BACK TO ME!!! Or swap with us plz
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
To AG – nah bro, have fun with ECL, good coverage and T4 xD
Good reset tonight; [WvW] was up and running 25-30 throughout the night, even though it seemed no one else was running that low xD Millers you guys be RS but more everywhere and with less superior but more normal siege, and FSP, dunno if wrong or not, but I think you had 2 different guilds, DIE and PunK, with DIE having a lot of pugs with them. It was kinda hard to tell as I never met one of you alone xD
Anyways, hopefully less blobbing and our cough, night and morning crews, can get a break. We’ll see how that turns out, wish good luck and good battles for everyone in the upcoming matchup last time I fought FSP we camped in a corner of their Garrison for 2 hours and one of my members got a Zap. (I still hate him).
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
Ah, lovely reset. Had lots of fun at MSBL, intense fights over Bay and Woodhaven :>
Please come back to our tier Gandara we already miss the fights!
Only a few hours in but this looks like it has the potential to be a really fun match.
I’m pleased to see Millers here. During the period a couple of months back, when FSP spent many weeks around t6/t7, Millers were my favourite opponent (even though we only got to fight them once I think) because they were always up for a good open field-battle and we were very evenly matched. I think we only won back then due to better night coverage.
Surprised to see Gandara in this tier but, if the fights with them are anything like the ones we’ve just had at north-east bay gate in FSP bl (sensible numbers of ppl on each side, no blobs, no lag…just really fun fights), then I’m glad they’ve joined us. Just hope their forum warriors don’t sour things like they did during our recent brief visit to t4.
Just hope their forum warriors don’t sour things like they did during our recent brief visit to t4.
No no, I shall contain myself this week
Gandara blob +25 men vs FSP (us) 7 or 8 men, don’t know exactly.. Fight was at Lake supcamp (gandara bl) and took you guys like 10mins to wipe us :p…
Was a good fight, I enjoyed it
Thanks for the nice fights. We’re looking for some Guild vs Guild this week. Just whisper me InGame!
(edited by legolinho.6425)
Gandara blob +25 men vs FSP (us) 7 or 8 men, don’t know exactly.. Fight was at Lake supcamp (gandara bl) and took you guys like 10mins to wipe us :p…
Was a good fight, I enjoyed it
Let’s not have this thread full of blob blob blob. Same old crap every week. Everyone blobs saw a few of yours tonight as well. i won’t even remark further on your inability to count.
Proud member of:
YaK – Guild and LXY / Crow – Havoc Teams
(edited by Gnomegoddess.1805)
Had a great reset on Gandara borderland. Most fights where in decent numbers and had some fun coordinated attacks on Bay and Garri with AoA
Tryin to fight the sleep while defending Hills on Gandara Borderlands
GL and HF to all servers for the comming week.
FSV Pink Quaggan Squad.
PS: lets ban the word Blob this week :>
Had some good fights tonight against both servers. Even if we end up on the 3rd place, i think this week we’ll have a fun and intense matchup
Shout-out to YARR (hope i spelled it right) you guys put up some really good fights.
3 wvw kills
Had some good fights tonight against both servers. Even if we end up on the 3rd place, i think this week we’ll have a fun and intense matchup
Shout-out to YARR (hope i spelled it right) you guys put up some really good fights.
I noticed when you guys came on the scene… tougher than what we’d experienced earlier.
Yup, good fights!
Forget about running dolyaks, its all about the workers!
(We realy need some sleep T.T)
Also: Quickness does NOT make the worker build faster!
(edited by Acotje.5689)
Gandara blob +25 men vs FSP (us) 7 or 8 men, don’t know exactly.. Fight was at Lake supcamp (gandara bl) and took you guys like 10mins to wipe us :p…
Was a good fight, I enjoyed it
Let’s not have this thread full of blob blob blob. Same old crap every week. Everyone blobs saw a few of yours tonight as well. i won’t even remark further on your inability to count.
Q_Q much cuz u were one of them? And I said it as a positive thing since it was a nice fight since other “zergs” (since the other word is banned from now on :>) dies faster,splits or runs away.. But u stand ur ground
..Don’t be so negative, have fun in ur life \o/
PS: inability to count.. Look on screen at party buffs “outmanned”(we).. And there were no MS around
U get outmanned buff when it’s 4 on 1 I think, not sure :/
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
Been commanding on FSP since reset, gotta hand it to YaK for being such a massive pain and Dius for very effectively running in small groups. We haven’t seen anything like YaK’s excellent mobility and very fast/frequent use of water fields in Tier 5, we’ll really need to adapt to counter it… It was hard with guild groups on the border and even worse later with only randoms. But hey, at least we kept you busy on FSP while AoA/FSV/etc. were capping everything on your own border
Still a bit annoyed at how we lost Hills at start (was late to enter border and MS stopped us at north outer gate while Gandara was already at inner – ofc MS took it in the end) and then Bay (underestimated how fast you’d ram the gate so went for a resupply and didn’t get back in time). But we kept garrison and given our reset performance in the last few weeks, this is still really good for us, so let’s see what the rest of the week holds!
Aco: Please note that the first worker in hills builds outer wall, the second worker builds inner wall (at a rate of 650 supply/hour and 850 supply/hour respectively, so second worker more than double upgrade rate). As the former is further way from the wall, giving swiftness to it will result in a higher increase in upgrade rate, as a greater percentage of total worker time is spent in running as opposed to building (which is unfortunately ‘bugged’ and cannot be timewarped – what a disgrace!). However the increase in total keep upgrade rate may be limited by the higher percentage of supply delivered by the second worker which cannot be effectively increased. (TLDR: The worker’s union thanks you for your service!)
Gandara blob +25 men vs FSP (us) 7 or 8 men, don’t know exactly.. Fight was at Lake supcamp (gandara bl) and took you guys like 10mins to wipe us :p…
Was a good fight, I enjoyed it
i won’t even remark further on your inability to count.
Actually If you count the red names, not including the pets etc 25 is fairly accurate. Just playing devil’s advocate, but you can count around the 25 mark.
Surprised to see Gandara in this tier but, …
we stop captured ponts friday for drop in lower tiers ^^ its so boring fight against some server in higher tier
btw. hey all anf good luck in the fields.
I’m kill you’r bessies
An unusually fruitful weekend for Gandara. Was fun holding out FSP Bay for most of the early morning but alas, all the superior arrowcarts and balistas couldn’t hold off the inevitable Saturday morning borderland blobette. We had it coming though.
Wasn’t as fun fighting MS as there was simply too many of you guys running together for things to be competitive. Hopefully there won’t be so many of you online in the small hours of the morning next week, so we can have some decent battles.
Had some good fights tonight against both servers. Even if we end up on the 3rd place, i think this week we’ll have a fun and intense matchup
Shout-out to YARR (hope i spelled it right) you guys put up some really good fights.
Yeah, reset was fun – a lot of small to mid scale action was a refreshing change after 50-man guild groups steamrolling everything in T4. We won some, we lost some but had some great fights. And whoever says escorting Bessie (that is how we call our dolyaks on Gandara)is dull and boring hasn’t been trying to escort them yesterday. They could really make it a PvP scenario – 20 people defending Bessie and 20 attacking it
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server
(edited by gabal.4520)
Gandara blob +25 men vs FSP (us) 7 or 8 men, don’t know exactly.. Fight was at Lake supcamp (gandara bl) and took you guys like 10mins to wipe us :p…
Was a good fight, I enjoyed it
i won’t even remark further on your inability to count.
Actually If you count the red names, not including the pets etc 25 is fairly accurate. Just playing devil’s advocate, but you can count around the 25 mark.
That fight at Lake was so funny.. you all just kept running back everytime we thought we had it you were back, tho i do think at the end of that fight you wasnt as out manned as you think.
Anyway thank you for the first fun reset Ive had in a while, and what caused the 20 man escort team? You broke so many doors in Garrison was easier to get Bessie home than fix them
Hope the rest of week is as much fun as last night.
An unusually fruitful weekend for Gandara. Was fun holding out FSP Bay for most of the early morning but alas, all the superior arrowcarts and balistas couldn’t hold off the inevitable Saturday morning borderland blobette. We had it coming though. .
Indeed fun fight at FSP bay. Initially we were with 6-7 by the way. In the hour or so that it took to treb outer, get the mortars and the treb inner (with four trebs at the end) some more came, so eventually we probably outnumbered you, but we did the work for it.
PS: used the word blob, go wash your mouth :-)
Some fun so far, had some interesting fights, but come Sunday you will have another guild to play with from FSP, looking forward to it
Judging from the post, lot’s of fun going in there. Can’t wait to try it out tomorrow with my mates !
One of the Leaders
Aco: Please note that the first worker in hills builds outer wall, the second worker builds inner wall (at a rate of 650 supply/hour and 850 supply/hour respectively, so second worker more than double upgrade rate). As the former is further way from the wall, giving swiftness to it will result in a higher increase in upgrade rate, as a greater percentage of total worker time is spent in running as opposed to building (which is unfortunately ‘bugged’ and cannot be timewarped – what a disgrace!). However the increase in total keep upgrade rate may be limited by the higher percentage of supply delivered by the second worker which cannot be effectively increased. (TLDR: The worker’s union thanks you for your service!)
Wow, learn something new every day
YEAAAAH finally we’re released from AG, AR, BB, RS and the bunch of them.
Hopefully this will be a matchup without all to many blobs and I’d like to encourage no blobbing on Gandara’s side (my side). This really makes the fighting boring, rather just play a bit strategically and with equal numbers, to see who’s the real champ.
Great matchup so far. Some of the fights have been quite intense when numbers on each side are roughly equal. It has certainly been fun so far, but also hard work. I feel that all 3 servers are going to have a hard battle to dominate one another.
Aco: Please note that the first worker in hills builds outer wall, the second worker builds inner wall (at a rate of 650 supply/hour and 850 supply/hour respectively, so second worker more than double upgrade rate). As the former is further way from the wall, giving swiftness to it will result in a higher increase in upgrade rate, as a greater percentage of total worker time is spent in running as opposed to building (which is unfortunately ‘bugged’ and cannot be timewarped – what a disgrace!). However the increase in total keep upgrade rate may be limited by the higher percentage of supply delivered by the second worker which cannot be effectively increased. (TLDR: The worker’s union thanks you for your service!)
Wow, learn something new every day
He is my litle nerd :>
But we should make a bug report for the quickness not working on workers!
Gandara blob +25 men vs FSP (us) 7 or 8 men, don’t know exactly.. Fight was at Lake supcamp (gandara bl) and took you guys like 10mins to wipe us :p…
Was a good fight, I enjoyed it
i won’t even remark further on your inability to count.
Actually If you count the red names, not including the pets etc 25 is fairly accurate. Just playing devil’s advocate, but you can count around the 25 mark.
Not saying we were not a large group, more about his description of 8 and snarky attitude. Just tired of all the QQing about “this big group killed us and it was at least 60+ against our 12.” Every server does it and it is getting mighty old.
Maybe instead of complaining and QQing “Don’t be so negative, have fun in your life.”
Proud member of:
YaK – Guild and LXY / Crow – Havoc Teams
(edited by Gnomegoddess.1805)
Gandara blob +25 men vs FSP (us) 7 or 8 men, don’t know exactly.. Fight was at Lake supcamp (gandara bl) and took you guys like 10mins to wipe us :p…
Was a good fight, I enjoyed it
i won’t even remark further on your inability to count.
Actually If you count the red names, not including the pets etc 25 is fairly accurate. Just playing devil’s advocate, but you can count around the 25 mark.
+ not every Gandara person is on screen, a lot were standing right side of it too so it’s should’ve been +25.. Oh well, was nice fight
An unusually fruitful weekend for Gandara. Was fun holding out FSP Bay for most of the early morning but alas, all the superior arrowcarts and balistas couldn’t hold off the inevitable Saturday morning borderland blobette. We had it coming though. .
Indeed fun fight at FSP bay. Initially we were with 6-7 by the way. In the hour or so that it took to treb outer, get the mortars and the treb inner (with four trebs at the end) some more came, so eventually we probably outnumbered you, but we did the work for it.
PS: used the word blob, go wash your mouth :-)
Yeah I really enjoyed that we both had similar numbers for much of the time. But yeah we knew we’d out stayed our welcome when everyone else on FSP began to wake up. We probably could have destroyed a few of those trebs, but we were so unorganised. It was really frustrating and difficult getting people together.
Technically I said “blobette” but I’m going to go wash my mouth out anyway. Might start using the word ‘herd’ as a non-derogatory alternative.
We lost FSP bay? QQ
I stayed up tilll 6.30 defending the kitten thing lol.
Was actually great fun last night and there was a lot of fun fights. Such a nice change from the AG night capping crew were you have 3 30 man guilds knocking about till 4am.
Theres actually really good small scale fights at night instead of the damage limitation / getting farmed thing we’d gotten used to over the weeks against AG and BB.
Im beginning to love this tier so cheers FSP (barely left your border for the entire match up so cant comment on MS but im sure your lovely <3)
We lost FSP bay? QQ
I stayed up tilll 6.30 defending the kitten thing lol.
Feel the same about Gandaran Hills
How about we take your hills and you take our bay again?
I’m really happy to be in T5 now. The Gandara sandwich in T4, with Riverside and Aurora Glade on each side, got old really quick.
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
We lost FSP bay? QQ
I stayed up tilll 6.30 defending the kitten thing lol.Feel the same about Gandaran Hills
How about we take your hills and you take our bay again?
Think I’ll settle for sleep tonight
Quite interresting evening yesterday More stress as the past weeks, but also more action.
Was a pleasure, that Gandara visited our fortress 2 times, we were able to kick you out and some more often times to safe our nothern supplycamp, but you´ve forgotten your bags – just kiddin´, was a lot of fun and some nice fights.
Seems like this week is gettin´more intensive and more funny, like the last
HF,GL and good fights
Hey guys,
great matchup at this moment. My Guild – Menelya [Mya] – is looking for GvG. If there is a guild who is interested to fight against us whisper me or leave a message.
Seeing on BL.