Well. kitten this.
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
I was so curious to play against DDLG and ADDQSTY of DR. And to see how borlis pass plays but I’m out of the country. Regardless. Good fights and maybe next time ill get lucky
Yo dawg, I heard you liked Tiers, so we put Tier 5 in your Tier 8 so you can fight while you fight.
Good luck everyone. Looking forward to a new matchup (coming from 13 weeks with AR and Ego bay in a row).
Some ranger decided to try and kill me AGAIN after I downed him and let him come back up… Where is the good sportsmanship!? I miss Ebay already!
Hax Shot
Shoot for second but have fun doing it along the way
Really nice fights so far guys, i hope this continues throughout the match-up
(edited by Mickz.8356)
Just putting it out there….HOD is kicking some kitten and taking plenty of names….Hope this keeps up throughout the week!!!
Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Good when you make love with it. Bad when you make crack.
Just checking in… I know it’s a long week but good show so far HoD and DR. Keep it up, I am sure we will see you guys again real soon!
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
Any score update? At work for another 3 hours, bleh.
Score update.
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
Good luck everyone. Looking forward to a new matchup (coming from 13 weeks with AR and Ego bay in a row).
We miss you too, Zara. You an Kalkz give ’em kitten, ya hear?
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Good match so far, looks like we may have some fun this week.
Co-Leader of [DDLG]
The endless sea of BP tags gave me a headache
FrozenHydra – Elementalist
A Very Bad Idea – Mesmer
Holy Kitten BP o.o You guys are like rabbits with your numbers…..
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
Yes rabbits… I said same thing to Ehmry bay when we fought against them.
Yeah this matchup isn’t fair. We’re originally in tier 5 and you guys were tier 7/8. We’re surprised of how well you did on reset.
Heard a lot about BP, not many positives but we’ll see how it goes! I will be hosting a Fight Club on Thursday afternoon on DR BL and everyone is welcome to join. Details and rules will be implemented earlier of the day of the event!
We dont talk about fight club.. We just know
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
Jesus Christ. So that’s what Tier 5 numbers look like.
I still demand a rematch against JQ……
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
Jesus Christ. So that’s what Tier 5 numbers look like.
This is actually a lot more than we usually get. The excitement for people that we wouldn’t be facing EBay and AR for the 14th week in a row no doubt brought everyone and their mother out for some WvW!
This is how i felt our BL was:
Commander: “ok push to Bay BP has it. Wait what garrison is being attacked? Who is it?”
Pug: “BP sir”
Commander: “Jesus how many there is like 40 here? Where the hell is that other commander who went to get supplies 5 minutes ago?”
Pug: “Hill under attack its BP”
Commander 2: “We ran into more BP taking a tower so we got delayed.”
Commander: “Wait what Hills is being attacked by BP??”
commander ac comes in gets wiped leaves
Commander: “Leave bay we are going to garrison”
wipes BP there
Commander: “To hills!!!”
meanwhile A BP zerg appears at Garrison and takes it
Commander: “Welp…. You know its like 1am… I have to go to bed”
Our BL dies
The End.
~This has been a VLK presentation
Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.
BP definitely stays up later than we do on Friday nights. I also wonder if they’re a little more into it this week now that they’re free of their EBay oppressors. They’ll definitely keep our backs against the wall but I think both DR and ourselves will be able to carve out some of the map for ourselves.
That said, some of our guildies and the other small group teams I think have been interested in fighting DR’s – hopefully they’ll be able to find each other amidst the BP storm. The new matchup system hasn’t been kind for us (atleast in terms of prospects of winning, we still gained rating last week after all), but its interesting to see new opponents and knowing that you won’t have to put up with week after week of the exact same beatdown is an improvement.
Anyway, welcome to BP – if you could do me the favor of keeping HoD outmanned in your BL so I can roam into fights I shouldn’t be in and not suffer gear damage, that’d be appreciated.
This is actually a lot more than we usually get. The excitement for people that we wouldn’t be facing EBay and AR for the 14th week in a row no doubt brought everyone and their mother out for some WvW!
Good to know its doing your server some good, we’ve definitely been on both sides of that. SF finally escaping T8 (where they’d spent more time in than you guys did vs EBay) had a similar result, and they didn’t even know it was coming since the adjustment happened barely right beforehand. The first couple hours they were fairly quiet, then word of new opponents got around and they were everywhere.
(edited by kurath.9406)
oo only Evil really posting so far…. /wave seems the RNG gave your guys the short straw >_<
Where be the mightly forum trolls & Kalkz ;0 and it seems all our servers are loving the new match ups and have more then normal numbers up atm… good to see
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
(edited by Mastermavrick.2439)
All the fights are pretty fun so far, guys! And it looks like everyone’s being pretty civil, so let’s keep that up, too! Looking forward to some more great fights tomorrow night!
I was so curious to play against DDLG and ADDQSTY of DR. And to see how borlis pass plays
but I’m out of the country. Regardless. Good fights and maybe next time ill get lucky
You aren’t missing anything, enjoy your vacation(or work). I can tell you that ADNoQQBsty is just a myth. Nothing to see here just move along.
Stylii (Zizanzi)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty Alliance
Any score update? At work for another 3 hours, bleh.
Score update? It’s basically over for HoD. 8 hours into the matchup and basically spawn camped already.
Not much point playing WvW this week; not much point playing GW2 at all for that matter.
Wish Arkham Origins was out.
Can anyone identify the warrior in these pictures for me, please!!!!
To the 3 GARD thieves, bad luck. Honestly, even a 3v1 vs guardian is dumb, lol.
I don’t even need to hit you before I turn around and see you dead from unload
good fights and please someone name that warrior!!!!!
Guardian – Marqo | Necromancer – Nellie Tu
I would like to say one thing. We hit 337 people in our BP public teamspeak on reset, that’s a new record by a long shot (270 last reset) thanks for bringing BP’s spirits up!
If anyone or guilds are interested in how BP does what we do and ur interested in joinin our community to strive for a better, more organized WVW give one of the following people a mail in game to organize a meeting about possible transfers, don’t think we just have more numbers, have a meeting with us and Ull understand the coordination we are getting from our teamspeak (it’s about a month old now)
DtC Justice[WFD]
There are many more that can organize a meeting, but it’s late and I want to sleep xD
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Christ, glad I slept through reset now. Gotta love these new match ups. Maybe we can get a even higher tier server next week. Say T3 maybe T2?
Any score update? At work for another 3 hours, bleh.
Score update? It’s basically over for HoD. 8 hours into the matchup and basically spawn camped already.
Not much point playing WvW this week; not much point playing GW2 at all for that matter.
Wish Arkham Origins was out.
Wow. As someone who used to play on HoD (although I never WvW’d at the time), this is the exact kind of mentality I did not expect to see from your server.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Any score update? At work for another 3 hours, bleh.
Score update? It’s basically over for HoD. 8 hours into the matchup and basically spawn camped already.
Not much point playing WvW this week; not much point playing GW2 at all for that matter.
Wish Arkham Origins was out.
Wow. As someone who used to play on HoD (although I never WvW’d at the time), this is the exact kind of mentality I did not expect to see from your server.
Don’t judge a server by one person.. I assure you there are still tons of us here to keep up the fight and atleast attempt to stop the armies of BP xD
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi
Any score update? At work for another 3 hours, bleh.
Score update? It’s basically over for HoD. 8 hours into the matchup and basically spawn camped already.
Not much point playing WvW this week; not much point playing GW2 at all for that matter.
Wish Arkham Origins was out.
Wow. As someone who used to play on HoD (although I never WvW’d at the time), this is the exact kind of mentality I did not expect to see from your server.
That’s right. Not the general attitude to expect. See you on the field of battle.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Well, this week is over. As of right now BP has every. Single. Keep. And Stonemist, and 18 towers. Looks like I’ll be doing a lot of map completion until Friday.
Well, this week is over. As of right now BP has every. Single. Keep. And Stonemist, and 18 towers. Looks like I’ll be doing a lot of map completion until Friday.
Enough with the negative waves.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
I would like to say one thing. We hit 337 people in our BP public teamspeak on reset, that’s a new record by a long shot (270 last reset) thanks for bringing BP’s spirits up!
If anyone or guilds are interested in how BP does what we do and ur interested in joinin our community to strive for a better, more organized WVW give one of the following people a mail in game to organize a meeting about possible transfers, don’t think we just have more numbers, have a meeting with us and Ull understand the coordination we are getting from our teamspeak (it’s about a month old now)
A+ for recruitment efforts.
Good luck everyone. Looking forward to a new matchup (coming from 13 weeks with AR and Ego bay in a row).
I don’t think you’ll have a lot of fun the way you were matched now. You’ll probably like it that you can win again, then you’ll dislike it to see the difference in numbers and the lack of effort to win. Last week we got a server 2 tiers above ours. This week we get a server 3 tiers above ours. Sigh…
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD
I would like to say one thing. We hit 337 people in our BP public teamspeak on reset, that’s a new record by a long shot (270 last reset) thanks for bringing BP’s spirits up!
If anyone or guilds are interested in how BP does what we do and ur interested in joinin our community to strive for a better, more organized WVW give one of the following people a mail in game to organize a meeting about possible transfers, don’t think we just have more numbers, have a meeting with us and Ull understand the coordination we are getting from our teamspeak (it’s about a month old now)
DtC Justice[WFD]
Kalkz[BS]There are many more that can organize a meeting, but it’s late and I want to sleep xD
Every time I read this recruitment post I keep hearing in my head, “Spawn more OverLords” from the Starcraft game. Is it just me????
Stylii (Zizanzi)
(NoQQ) Leader
ADNoQQBsty Alliance
Come on HoD, we got this. We’re like…right…behind…nevermind. lol.
Whatever though, I’m still going to have a good time.
If we clear 50k this week I’m calling that a WIN for HoD. See if we can beat Devona if nothing else. I’d say double team BP but I think we’d still be outnumbered 2 or 3 to one. At least it’s a target rich environment.
If nothing else… I’d say let’s organize some: 5v5, 10v10 and maybe even 20v20 battles between servers. It would still keep the fun up and possibly bring more people out from us smaller servers.
Leader of Reun Cala Roora (RCRO)
Proud Denravian… Most of the time.
Glad I got all 8 toons 100% mapped before this reset….
You’ll be lucky to even get out of the spawn areas now…
At 4am PST, there were still a few 30+ BP zergs swarming around….
Great idea, the new match-ups….
Can’t wait to see how badly they bend us over next week…!!! 8^(
well we held a tower for bout a few hrs in BP’s Bl while they had the map completely their color I just wish they had more skilled players instead of just a massive amounts of peeps I guess that’s what happens when ur server relies on massive amounts of players to win instead of skill but no matter they have us beat and my hats off to them but the week will go on and I will continue to hunt them down best of luck to u ^_-
Dementess 80 Mesmer/ Payneless 80 guardian/ Nhymphess 80 thief/ Enamoress 80 ele
Well, this week is over. As of right now BP has every. Single. Keep. And Stonemist, and 18 towers. Looks like I’ll be doing a lot of map completion until Friday.
Enough with the negative waves.
Just being realistic. We won’t even be able to fight you this week, since we’re both drowning in a sea of red. And of course Outmanned isn’t kicking in, so my repair bill is unsustainable.
2 things, I dont know how any of you BP or DR people have fun on your own servers with carpets laying across the maps of people.
Second, to the THUG commander, congratulations….you officially had to have 6 players come fight the two of us PAXA to get 1 kill…didnt even get both. Good work, I see why you “earned” that commander tag. Thanks for getting absolutely worked 2v2…2v3….2v4… lol
I should point out that actually the numbers between BP and HoD on the map were about the same for the first several hours of reset. However, we followed a strategy of flexible offense last night, small parties flipping camps, guild groups attacking towers and then on occasion zerg forces engaging. Garrison got flipped the first time by about 20 people example and not our full map force by any stretch. I think we peaked at about 5 guild commanders running their troops around with a the extra players spread along between em.
You mean you only had about 40 people in our BL? I could have sworn there was more…
Darn mesmers look like 4… :P
lol Our BL was a fun fight though. I have noticed that the other side always appears bigger than your own. As an example,when about 15-20 of us wiped near a tower We thought it was great that we had managed to take down 30+ of you. I’m sure on your side you were wondering where the 30-35 of us came from.
Leader of Reun Cala Roora (RCRO)
Proud Denravian… Most of the time.
(edited by Saint of Virtue.8329)