Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
HoD’s maps will be empty the rest of this week, so enjoy your 1v1 ET/FC.
Aww who hurt HoD’s feelings?
For a server that fell mercilessly from T1, we’re easily demoralized.
Good fun I was starting to regret going to HoD worried they would move up to T7. Clearly that wont happen all three of us might be stuck together for some time.
HoD’s maps will be empty the rest of this week, so enjoy your 1v1 ET/FC.
Southsun overflow too op.
ET have overflow on Southsun aswell… Are you really going to use the same excuse GoM used when they came down and lost the first week?
HoD’s maps will be empty the rest of this week, so enjoy your 1v1 ET/FC.
Southsun overflow too op.
ET have overflow on Southsun aswell… Are you really going to use the same excuse GoM used when they came down and lost the first week?
Nah, because idc. If everyone’s having fun on PvE over here and you guys are having fun in WvW over there it’s all good.
Come on HoD don’t make me want to move servers again. Come out and fight or at least do so next week.
To be honest ET has an overflow in Southsun, so we are PvEing just as much as anyone else, and maybe a bit more so. But, I have to admit, running nakked though HoD BL while it is owned totally by ET is beyond temping.
Anyway, as for ways to play WvW. Sorry, that might be the only activity you engage in, or only way you want to play, but any serious WvW players knows you need to be able to handle whatever comes your way, and do it well.
That means dealing with gank groups to full scale siege fights. At the end of the day, sure, some people don’t want to play “Those other parts” , which is fine by me if they want to limit themselves and use some excuse to do so, but the involved and determined WvW players, play ALL parts, and they deal with whatever comes their way.
The exceptional players overcome whatever comes their way, they don’t whine that “Their way is better” they simply deal with all other parts of the game with grace and confidence.
To my battle brothers and sisters on ET and FC, here is a toast to our well rounded forces, May we clash in battle on all parts of the field with grace and fun.
Why do I sense hostility particularly from ET towards us? So many toasts to only FC and ET even when FC is whooping you guys in EB.
I’ll try to keep this as short as possible cause the PAXA ego is taking almost all the space avaliable in this thread.
Every type of game play takes skill to be done right.Maybe we should summon SF here, because i’m sure SF is bigger than PAXA’s ego.
didn’t HoD kinda hide away when hurricane SF blew thru their tier?
i remember forum drama, it even spilled over to the t8 threads cuz the t7 threads kept getting locked… i think they start whining about losing and flaming the other 2 servers instead of just playing.
(well… some of the more obstinate ones at least)
Why do I sense hostility particularly from ET towards us? So many toasts to only FC and ET even when FC is whooping you guys in EB.
Because HoD is the kid wearing the green shirt… Thus the one that worth more points… Also, many people bailed ET for HoD… There is a lot of personal stuff involved because of that.
HoD What happened? I take off for a week and a half only to come back and find out you gave up? Oh and right now all your land belong to us, but don’t worry we’ll still give you your phone call, so you can phone home cbgolem really did start training ET, well done! lol
The Flame Ram God have been dethroned… Bow down before the mighty Arrow Cart!
Why do I sense hostility particularly from ET towards us? So many toasts to only FC and ET even when FC is whooping you guys in EB.
Because HoD is the kid wearing the green shirt… Thus the one that worth more points… Also, many people bailed ET for HoD… There is a lot of personal stuff involved because of that.
Gotta say I appreciate it jeknar. I’ve been bothered by this sudden burst of aggression a bit, wondering whether we had offended you guys at some point. I know there was one but both myself and a guildie came on to apologise. You’re the first person from ET who’ve frankly explained the situation. So now we know. Pity there’s nothing we can do about it too. I’ve had no quarrel with ET since day 1, since both our servers were taking that long fall from t1.
HoD’s maps will be empty the rest of this week, so enjoy your 1v1 ET/FC.
Guess that answers my earlier question -_- lol
Why do I sense hostility particularly from ET towards us? So many toasts to only FC and ET even when FC is whooping you guys in EB.
Because HoD is the kid wearing the green shirt… Thus the one that worth more points… Also, many people bailed ET for HoD… There is a lot of personal stuff involved because of that.
Gotta say I appreciate it jeknar. I’ve been bothered by this sudden burst of aggression a bit, wondering whether we had offended you guys at some point. I know there was one but both myself and a guildie came on to apologise. You’re the first person from ET who’ve frankly explained the situation. So now we know. Pity there’s nothing we can do about it too. I’ve had no quarrel with ET since day 1, since both our servers were taking that long fall from t1.
I feel terrible that you ended up feeling that way. It is entirely a rivalry between people who transferred during the free transfer peiod. I enjoy fighting against people I know on HoD. It is an added incentive to play WvW. I like many people on your server and I have made friends among HoD.
FC is probably going to be green next week and then everybody will pick on them. It’ll turn around for you HoD! Just get your people out to WvW next week. The participation rate is noticeably down.
ET time at these hours D :
this one’s even better. (ET BL hidden behind the scoreboard is all red except green camp. which is... well... green)
I’ll try to keep this as short as possible cause the PAXA ego is taking almost all the space avaliable in this thread.
Every type of game play takes skill to be done right.Maybe we should summon SF here, because i’m sure SF is bigger than PAXA’s ego.
didn’t HoD kinda hide away when hurricane SF blew thru their tier?
i remember forum drama, it even spilled over to the t8 threads cuz the t7 threads kept getting locked… i think they start whining about losing and flaming the other 2 servers instead of just playing.
(well… some of the more obstinate ones at least)
T7 was an argument on whom could field the smallest roaming groups, NSP argued that they could field 5, however HoD finally won out as they proved they could field 0.
In all seriousness, I talked to a few randoms back during our matchup with HoD, as they had went MIA. The people I talked to over there said essentially they were boycotting the matchup (for lack of a better phrase), in order to fall out of the tier.
This is getting kinda weird… If you look at the US Matchups (http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA), ET need to drop the rating of HoD just a tad more, and our tier standings will go haywire. I don’t think I have ever seen something like this happening.
This explains it, but I don’t really get it: how come HoD suddenly went on a strike? What happened?
(edited by Dobri.9804)
Whoa, if this keeps up, FC will be green next reset. I’m going to be so confused!!! Great work FC.
Coming soon next week – the next unholy alliance. ET/HoD double team on FC. (j/k j/k. I am terribly amused by every conspiracy theory out there including those from my own server.)
It’s not a conspiracy, after last night it was clear FC and ET were not attacking one another.
We were in the same position not long ago but we never stopped doing WvW. FC was bottom for a long time with SF & ET ravaging our lands at will. To us it also looked like SF and ET never had a go at each other…
HOD attendance is definitely lower than I’ve seen when I’m online. I am certainly still having fun going out and giving bags to you guys at ET and FC. Must be my giving personality.
Also, there was a warrior in FC bl about an hour ago, then HOD bl with the guild tag [SOM] (I think). Nice job to him, he was wrecking my stuff.
It’s not a conspiracy, after last night it was clear FC and ET were not attacking one another.
Not true, I was on last night (GMT +2) and we made a serious push on ET keep twice and lost.
In between all the madness we just did our best to ensure that HoD don’t get their foot in the door. I was not online when HoD keep was conquered but I know that ET fought tooth and nail to hang on to theirs and as a result could hang on to the surrounding towers much easier.
While most of our attention was holding on to property in EB, ET paid a visit to our BL while HoD BL remained rather unscathed by both ET and FC. So nononono, no conspiracy – just perception at the wrong times of observation. In fact, we we’re just talking last night about the ET/FC alliance that lasted about 30 seconds when SF was keeping all the maps a single uniform green colour.
At least two of our commanders were approached by FC to form an alliance to double team ET while they were at their lowest, which we promptly refused in the name of fairplay. Obviously there are some shady deals going on in this tier is all I’m saying. Getting double teamed is no fun. Some are still fighting but many are just boycotting till this blows over and the fights (in all borderlands) are balanced again.
(edited by Talia.7412)
Hey Eredon Terrace and Fergs should just marry each other.
that way you can crawl on the bottom together, or hell maybe you’ll get somewhere!You must be new here, allow me to provide you a heads up, we have been in the bottom tier together long before you or HoD showed up.
We are more like siblings at this point, we have our petty spats, but in the end, we are stuck together.
Gives a whole new meaning to double teaming when guild [BS] from ET insist on not capping anything in our BL in order to solely defend FC camps and towers. ET, don’t you want to come in 2nd?
Just be sure you’re not mixing the ET Basic[BS] guild up with the Fergs Bloody Swagmen[BS] same tag yet completely different guilds. Just thought I’d mention that since we made a bit of a habit of defending what we took in your BL to keep the PPT as long as possible
It was definitely ET’s BS. I would’ve been less surprised if it was FC. To wreckz, ofc you dont rep your entire server, thats why i specifically mentioned your guild. Seems like most times i encounter your peeps, they’re not doing much to help your server’s score. Picking random fights seems to miss the point of wvw but to each his own lol
You don’t quite fully understand what WvW is. It is a platform for player vs player, and player vs door at the same time. [BS] / [Invi] / [OINK] / [KoM] / [PAXA] / (Sometimes [FoE] / (sometimes [SeT], DO NOT play the pvdoor version of WvW. All you zergers seem to think that the “real” way to play wvw is pvdoor and to get points. Wrong. That is A way to play it, we chose the more fulfilling / challenging route of player vs player. We’re all also from a different era of mmo’s. We actually like using more than 3 abilities per fight. We usually use somewhere in the range of 30-40 abilities in 1 minute? Maybe less time?
So yea to each his own. We wont be helping our server’s anytime soon.
Before I read further down the thread, I feel the need to comment here.
While I agree that WvW is a platform that caters to all types of PvP/PvD, I must point out that it also takes all types to conquer in WvW.
PvP and PvD is both needed. They complement each other. Too many feel that the focus of the battle or the correct way to WvW is by what they themselves are doing at the time. Acceptable but there’s more. While the PvPrs are out in the open field dealing with the masses and small groups alike, the PvDers are capturing the objectives that are earning the server points as well.
The biggest mistake any WvW’r can make is to think that only they matter. WvW is made to be an arena of communication and coordination.
As far as using a plethora of skills per minute, you don’t need 30 – 40 skills ( I understand thats an exageration, I’ve been playing MMOs since Ultima Online and was playing UO again prior to starting up GW2) Less is more. Skills have been cut back to few for many reasons, primarily, in my opinion, to cut down the chances for OP combinations that always arise and need to be tweaked out of existence as everyone qq’s on the forums about this class (Rifts Mage) is OP cause these 5 skills work too well with each other.
I’m loving being able to concentrate on my surroundings and combat more than what key combinations I need to perfectly execute. 2 sets of 5 and my skills are quite enough for me.
Hmm ET and FC allying? I believe last week when it was brought up that HoD and FC were only focusing ET territory, we were told “because it’s easy”.
There was no conspiracy then, why does there have to be now?
It’s not a conspiracy, after last night it was clear FC and ET were not attacking one another.
Not true, I was on last night (GMT +2) and we made a serious push on ET keep twice and lost.
In between all the madness we just did our best to ensure that HoD don’t get their foot in the door. I was not online when HoD keep was conquered but I know that ET fought tooth and nail to hang on to theirs and as a result could hang on to the surrounding towers much easier.
While most of our attention was holding on to property in EB, ET paid a visit to our BL while HoD BL remained rather unscathed by both ET and FC. So nononono, no conspiracy – just perception at the wrong times of observation. In fact, we we’re just talking last night about the ET/FC alliance that lasted about 30 seconds when SF was keeping all the maps a single uniform green colour.
We attacked FC and HoD last night in EB BL. We got pushed back at Langor but took over Durios, Bravost and Quentin. Then went on to attack HoD while FC was defending green keep.
It isn’t a conspiracy. In terms of ratings, there is very little point to attacking FC. HoD has the higher rating. If HoD’s score is kept down while raising out own, there is a chance for ET to raise ourselves to 2nd place in this match up. FC’s rating will not be worth attacking until next week.
If want to blame anything, blame Glicko for pushing the fights this way.
(edited by Avatar of Belle.9623)
It’s not a conspiracy, after last night it was clear FC and ET were not attacking one another.
Not true, I was on last night (GMT +2) and we made a serious push on ET keep twice and lost.
In between all the madness we just did our best to ensure that HoD don’t get their foot in the door. I was not online when HoD keep was conquered but I know that ET fought tooth and nail to hang on to theirs and as a result could hang on to the surrounding towers much easier.
While most of our attention was holding on to property in EB, ET paid a visit to our BL while HoD BL remained rather unscathed by both ET and FC. So nononono, no conspiracy – just perception at the wrong times of observation. In fact, we we’re just talking last night about the ET/FC alliance that lasted about 30 seconds when SF was keeping all the maps a single uniform green colour.
I certainly need to give a reason for this. I spent the entire day looking at the score from work and thinking HoD had given up. When I come online, we had low numbers, that was true. So I joined HoD BL until we captured all of it. Then I move to EB and the numbers are quite big there. HOD had 2 big zergs running around to attack at 2 locations at the same time since the defense was quite strong.
So HoD kept a huge zerg for hours attacking and defending. And we were met with one or two big zergs from FC. Note that the whole time, we were attacking FC only. Their numbers were very very high and they would never leave. Nothing really wrong with that. The weird part was looking at the remainder of the map and not seeing anything change colors at all. Even though we had such huge numbers and kept a huge number of FC busy, it didn’t seem ET made any attempt at taking anything from FC for a few hours?
I’ve been one to say that feeling double teamed happens a lot in WvW. But yesterday night was way too weird for me. I felt there was something quite odd.
EDIT: I spent 6 hours total in WvW last night. I think about 3 hours in EB.
EDIT2: There were also many times there was no activity in BLs except for camps and still nothing changed colors in EB. Only from and to green.
(edited by Victoitor.2917)
I’ve been one to say that feeling double teamed happens a lot in WvW. But yesterday night was way too weird for me. I felt there was something quite odd.
EDIT2: There were also many times there was no activity in BLs except for camps and still nothing changed colors in EB. Only from and to green.
Last night? I wasn’t on for long, but it was all about fergies where I ended up:
- We had our keep in EB flipped by fergs (waypoint! nooo)
- Ferg zerg swarmed over our BL and tried to take garrison
- Back in EB, we tried to assault durios, bravost and quentin, and got pushed back
- My baby lvl 17 ele got rolled by a ferg 5-6 man trying to take Ogrewatch lmao. They got in, but reinforcements drove them out before they could cap
Strange, because the hour and a half I spent in WvW last night I was defending FC BL from an ET incursion.
The double team talk makes me giggle. FC and ET couldn’t even work together when we were getting stomped by SF for months. HoD wins a couple weeks and now FC and ET have managed to form a working relationship?
Believe it or not all the people from the old Glicko Ghetto didn’t like each other one bit. After SF left some people took to calling us brothers but most of us remain vigilant in our single minded goal of killing each other.
Anyways, conspire away.
Hmm ET and FC allying? I believe last week when it was brought up that HoD and FC were only focusing ET territory, we were told “because it’s easy”.
There was no conspiracy then, why does there have to be now?
I believe I was one of the people who mentioned that ET towers/keeps weren’t upgraded, thus the easy caps for enemy teams, because one of your guys mentioned the server having a low morale. That did not mean we would always hit your stuff “because it’s easy”. It was meant to be constructive advise to you guys on how to prevent your stuff being capped too easily. I remember at least once a huge group from HoD specifically avoided your un-upgraded Bay keep and went for fortified/reinforced FC BL instead because they were the stronger enemy then.
At least two of our commanders were approached by FC to form an alliance to double team ET while they were at their lowest, which we promptly refused in the name of fairplay. Obviously there are some shady deals going on in this tier is all I’m saying. Getting double teamed is no fun. Some are still fighting but many are just boycotting till this blows over and the fights (in all borderlands) are balanced again.
You are getting “double teamed” because you are easy points. FC and ET are still at each others throats all the time. You just can’t see it from your side.
Whoa, if this keeps up, FC will be green next reset. I’m going to be so confused!!! Great work FC.
Coming soon next week – the next unholy alliance. ET/HoD double team on FC. (j/k j/k. I am terribly amused by every conspiracy theory out there including those from my own server.)
It’s not a conspiracy, after last night it was clear FC and ET were not attacking one another.
I spent a few hours on ET bl last night. I also had to go defend Bay from ET. I hope you are pretending to whine and don’t really believe the pile you are shoveling.
I’d just like to give a shout out to the HoD that were on late last night fighting the good fight in EB.
Some great fights happened especially at Jerrifers as the Ferg Zerg failed numerous times to take back our tower with lesser numbers of HoD defending it and little to no siege. That was with ET in Golanta a few times (who passed up FC owned Klovan…really??) to attack us on the backside for a while until we ran off both servers and proceeded to take back our towers and keep. It’s was fantastic teamwork and I was really proud of those HoD who stuck with us ( us as in my guild, because you guys just rule) and helped us pull it off.
I don’t give into conspiracy theories on servers making alliances to double team, but it was so obvious at times last night from viewing the map or watching ET and FC not fight when right in front of each other, that our TS kept erupting into incredulous wtfs.
Regardless, red people from either side are just walking loot bags and I never discriminate. I would ask that more of you start carrying bacon in your loot bags, killing is hard work and I need to be rewarded.
I’d just like to give a shout out to the HoD that were on late last night fighting the good fight in EB.
Some great fights happened especially at Jerrifers as the Ferg Zerg failed numerous times to take back our tower with lesser numbers of HoD defending it and little to no siege. That was with ET in Golanta a few times (who passed up FC owned Klovan…really??) to attack us on the backside for a while until we ran off both servers and proceeded to take back our towers and keep. It’s was fantastic teamwork and I was really proud of those HoD who stuck with us ( us as in my guild, because you guys just rule) and helped us pull it off.
I don’t give into conspiracy theories on servers making alliances to double team, but it was so obvious at times last night from viewing the map or watching ET and FC not fight when right in front of each other, that our TS kept erupting into incredulous wtfs.
Regardless, red people from either side are just walking loot bags and I never discriminate. I would ask that more of you start carrying bacon in your loot bags, killing is hard work and I need to be rewarded.
I will carry cookies for you to eat. If a thief attempts to kill me I will crush the cookies before I die so you get nothing but crumbs. Bacon will be saved for the ET guys when I walk past them sieging your towers. Everyone deserves to eat and I think people sieging need the bacon more than you.
But seriously, there is no double teaming. It probably has much more to do with the fact that you are worth more points from glicko than we are. We also have a bigger player base than you right now and if ET hits us in EB we will crush them :p
In all seriousness, I talked to a few randoms back during our matchup with HoD, as they had went MIA. The people I talked to over there said essentially they were boycotting the matchup (for lack of a better phrase), in order to fall out of the tier.
And what they intent to achieve by boycotting T8? They aren’t dropping anywhere…
Besides I don’t know why the green team is crying about being double teamed, the rating system is designed around the gap of points between your server (blue or red) and green. Thus, the best way to win rating is by denying green of points while gaining it as your own. Blue and Red fighting each other is merely help the green team to stay green…
To HoD: I don’t care which server it is… I fought Sorrow’s Furnace because it was green. I fought Gate of Madness because it was green. I’m fighting Henge of Denravi because it’s green. And next week I’ll fight Ferguson’s Crossing because it will be green. Cry as much as you like, I will never prior red or blue over green.
In all seriousness, I talked to a few randoms back during our matchup with HoD, as they had went MIA. The people I talked to over there said essentially they were boycotting the matchup (for lack of a better phrase), in order to fall out of the tier.
And what they intent to achieve by boycotting T8? They aren’t dropping anywhere…
Not a clue, thought I read one of the HoD’ers say they were dropping out until the double-teaming stops. Maybe that is something of a theory….Either way, my advice to HoD is the only way to “stop” a supposed double-team is to find the weaker of the two and punch them in the mouth.
Your numbers will already suffer from PVE events (karka nonsense this month), completely folding will only damage morale farther.
In all seriousness, I talked to a few randoms back during our matchup with HoD, as they had went MIA. The people I talked to over there said essentially they were boycotting the matchup (for lack of a better phrase), in order to fall out of the tier.
And what they intent to achieve by boycotting T8? They aren’t dropping anywhere…
Not a clue, thought I read one of the HoD’ers say they were dropping out until the double-teaming stops. Maybe that is something of a theory….Either way, my advice to HoD is the only way to “stop” a supposed double-team is to find the weaker of the two and punch them in the mouth.
Your numbers will already suffer from PVE events (karka nonsense this month), completely folding will only damage morale farther.
I think that was in reference to when they were T7 against SF
lets stomp on them
I’ve been one to say that feeling double teamed happens a lot in WvW. But yesterday night was way too weird for me. I felt there was something quite odd.
EDIT2: There were also many times there was no activity in BLs except for camps and still nothing changed colors in EB. Only from and to green.
Last night? I wasn’t on for long, but it was all about fergies where I ended up:
- We had our keep in EB flipped by fergs (waypoint!
- Ferg zerg swarmed over our BL and tried to take garrison
- Back in EB, we tried to assault durios, bravost and quentin, and got pushed back
- My baby lvl 17 ele got rolled by a ferg 5-6 man trying to take Ogrewatch lmao. They got in, but reinforcements drove them out before they could cap
As the replies suggest the battles were happening elsewhere, I guess I got the wrong impression. The fights were amazing anyways. Hope double teams do not happen, and if it was not happening, I’m sorry for the doubts.
Fergy was definitely quite active in ET BL last night... kept us on our toes trying to keep them out..not to mention they took our keep in EB and decided to try and camp the spawn.
there is no double teaming occurring that i am aware of, but there are always rumors flying rampant. when SF reigned tier 8... ET wondered why FC’s borders stayed blue while our stuff turned green. then there was the brief and never truely agreed upon "non-agression-pact" between ET and FC. i didn’t care. i never hit FC anyway because SF was the bigger threat. now HoD thinks ET and FC are together, FC thinks HoD and ET are working together (you have some interesting conversations when you duel on quiet mornings...)
it looks like FC will be green next week. and they have been VERY active lately. becoming a big threat. which means our focus will probably shift to defending against/attacking FC... unless HoD wakes up and starts playing with us again.
Like Jeknar said, if you’re green, you’re the target. It’s as simple as that. Next week will be fun to fight Fergs.
I really love how we have had movement in this tier for the past month. The three of us are going to be together forever but it’s nice to move up and down. I will miss being last place. There’s no way to go down so you can do dorky stuff as much as you want guilt-free.
Oh, ET is hitting FC border as well, believe me. I, myself, always roam their border with a couple of guild mates. But I have to say, it’s kinda of hard to even cap a camp when “Zerguson” are everywhere. Twice I came face to face with their commander and a small group of 8 people to defend one camp, let alone the towers.
(edited by azyume.6321)
In all seriousness, I talked to a few randoms back during our matchup with HoD, as they had went MIA. The people I talked to over there said essentially they were boycotting the matchup (for lack of a better phrase), in order to fall out of the tier.
And what they intent to achieve by boycotting T8? They aren’t dropping anywhere…
Not a clue, thought I read one of the HoD’ers say they were dropping out until the double-teaming stops. Maybe that is something of a theory….Either way, my advice to HoD is the only way to “stop” a supposed double-team is to find the weaker of the two and punch them in the mouth.
Your numbers will already suffer from PVE events (karka nonsense this month), completely folding will only damage morale farther.
Lets at least be accurate here. I dont see anything on HoD about boycotts.
If you payed attention to the threads over the months you would know that the very people that were boycotting the last week in T7 were the very ones who were preparing to transfer to GoM and force a swap of GoM and HoD at the same time. The people who kept on fighting while their server got crushed are the same ones that showed up to play the next week in T8.
As for whats going on this week i can assure you there isnt a single chat about a boycott in LA or in WvW, and I think everyone in this tier knows that HoD can handle the double-teams that you guys have thrown at us – and we have come up first. Even the double team right off the bat that first Friday night. HoD has nothing to QQ about or boycott over in this Tier, so the quoted stuff above about boycotts and QQs is just puppyshirt.
While I have found T8 a very fun matchup since we arrived, I certainly dont see us as less than capable to win here. As far us losing our shirts this week, you arnt any more surprised then I am. i guess i have my idea why, but we’ll see how it goes.
meanwhile cheers to the fighters in T8, grats to FC for a good week so far. lets hope for good fights to come!
Plains of Ashes
Leader of [SMRT]
for Denravi!
(edited by Plains of Ashes.5941)
I dont know about the double team, seemed most the people on my friends list from HoD that are normally in WvW are doing the new PvE content.
HoD numbers just made taking things very easy seemed like Ferg did their normal EB pushing while ET pushed the BLs.
“small group tactics” – HOD
looks at the green dots on your minimap
Fun times in ET BL tonight thanks for the fights FAIL, PAXA, KOM, and ET
late night update. woooo. i iz tired now. bedtime. >crash<
Et successfully defended greenwater camp from 5 FC with just 4 acs and 2 ballistas. haha.
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