Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

i guess so, but i think some of them are trying to

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


Nice blobs SFR nice blobs

It was a pleasure watching za drots beat the kitten out of your 40man “small guild groups”.

many other guilds from sfr would have changed the bl after 1 of those wipes
but we fight here to improve ourselves… so thanks for ALL fights

Great attitude! A little better than your blob calling friend! Respect to you.

Also yeah our nightcapping is a little lame atm. We didn’t have these night numbers against vizunah (when we actually needed them). It’s a bit sad and we are starting to feel like vizunah

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint Scarlet.2906

Saint Scarlet.2906

The only servers that wouldn’t be able to nightcap Piken is Vabbi, WSR and FoW. Every other server we’ve faced has us outmanned at night.

Commander Oracle Of Glint
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: street.2176


The only servers that wouldn’t be able to nightcap Piken is Vabbi, WSR and FoW. Every other server we’ve faced has us outmanned at night.

So u got less than 15 players at night?

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint Scarlet.2906

Saint Scarlet.2906

Most the time yeah, weekends we can manage maybe 25 on a good night. It’s the main reason Piken never really rose any higher in the rankings. The 1st time we faced Elona we had 6 players hold our keep for 4 hours agaisnt 60-70 of them. We’ve picked up a few more since also lost some too. Remember Piken is a server that rose from the bottom of the rankings to T2(old) without mass recruiting, we relied on the guilds we had and had a few more join but never got a night guild or major increase in the night population.

Commander Oracle Of Glint
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Surmaturma.4823


Aye – tip of hat to Golden Horde, really didn’t have anywhere near the numbers to beat you guys. About night-capping Shrugs old topic but check out “mos” – it doesn’t seem to be only night-capping http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/27/

“To Rasa Sum – and back again!”

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Centrix.4065


Most the time yeah, weekends we can manage maybe 25 on a good night. It’s the main reason Piken never really rose any higher in the rankings. The 1st time we faced Elona we had 6 players hold our keep for 4 hours agaisnt 60-70 of them. We’ve picked up a few more since also lost some too. Remember Piken is a server that rose from the bottom of the rankings to T2(old) without mass recruiting, we relied on the guilds we had and had a few more join but never got a night guild or major increase in the night population.

It’s not just the nights we should worry about. Our morning and daytime coverage is bad too. Especially against servers like SFR who have whole borders (70+) on teamspeak, while we have 0 commanders and 0 ppl on ts. We shine 4-5 hours a day, during primetime, that’s it.

Yes they blob, but that’s mostly our own problem, not theirs.

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Victory.2879


Been some fun fights so far, hat off to the thief that beat my necro TWICE from piken, it’s great to be attacked by some decent thiefs after facerolling Viz thiefs for a week on my ranger (exception was two thiefs from Viz, but as they only ever came out in pairs that didn’t count- and they frequently lost too). Maybe I should switch to a solo build instead of my group support build…

It’s fun to roam on my ranger during ‘prime time’ when the guilds aren’t interested in the points tally and don’t bother with the mundane dolly killing, guard points, camps, etc that add so much to the score. It’s one of the reasons we don’t beat Viz- missing out on all those lovely points when we can means that their 6am to 3pm pvd specialists clock up too much of a lead. But we just don’t really care about the score overall any more- it’s much more fun to have open field fights against more or less equal numbers.

I’m a free kill for decent thiefs on my ranger if I don’t spot you coming, but that’s the price I pay for running my noob LB/SB zerky (sort of) ranger (the other two rangers are tanky but I don’t tend to play those).

Switched back to necro last night, great to have some real battles in EB last night with enemies that don’t always run no matter who has more numbers, but instead form up, buff up and come and fight- it’s like having guild battles but without the egos and the standing around taking up space for an hour or two while the rest of you queue for the border so that you have your guild ready for some action.

It’s great fun running straight through the middle of the fights, coming out the other end, turning around and DS to heal up friendlies and finish off enemies:-)

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


Most the time yeah, weekends we can manage maybe 25 on a good night. It’s the main reason Piken never really rose any higher in the rankings. The 1st time we faced Elona we had 6 players hold our keep for 4 hours agaisnt 60-70 of them. We’ve picked up a few more since also lost some too. Remember Piken is a server that rose from the bottom of the rankings to T2(old) without mass recruiting, we relied on the guilds we had and had a few more join but never got a night guild or major increase in the night population.

I need to call that bullkitten.

got many friends in piken and they see a lot ppls running solo if you get a good pug commander in the morning and not one that rage quit after first battle sure you can gather many.

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Repuran.1859


Most the time yeah, weekends we can manage maybe 25 on a good night. It’s the main reason Piken never really rose any higher in the rankings. The 1st time we faced Elona we had 6 players hold our keep for 4 hours agaisnt 60-70 of them. We’ve picked up a few more since also lost some too. Remember Piken is a server that rose from the bottom of the rankings to T2(old) without mass recruiting, we relied on the guilds we had and had a few more join but never got a night guild or major increase in the night population.

I need to call that bullkitten.

got many friends in piken and they see a lot ppls running solo if you get a good pug commander in the morning and not one that rage quit after first battle sure you can gather many.

I’ve played on both SFR and Piken and SFR has so much more coverage, only time Piken has queues is reset night and 6-9pm on 2/3 maps in prime time. In mornings we are outnumbered on all 2/3 of the 4 maps also. SFR however has 1 group hopping broderlands and 1 blob on EB. Piken probably has about 60% of the WvW population that SFR has.

Full time Engi, Part time Ele

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint Scarlet.2906

Saint Scarlet.2906

I need to call that bullkitten.

got many friends in piken and they see a lot ppls running solo if you get a good pug commander in the morning and not one that rage quit after first battle sure you can gather many.

Wemil matey i have played nightshift and morning shift since the game began, i am usually leading the friendlies around at that time(unless another commander wants to do it). We have very few commanders who rage quit, i haven’t a clue what your server is like internally if you get so many rage quit. Ours generally stay badged til another commander is willing/able to take over. We also have a smaller population of friendlies to bring into WvW, it’s ok for you being a high pop(i know you were medium too, but haven’t been for a long while) server but with us being medium and also a RP server it means less PvP centric people and less people willing to try it out.

Commander Oracle Of Glint
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


if you have 60% then you have good enough for 2 good zergs.
89 players that’s what you had online today in piken in the morning.
how I know? well got a lot piken on my following list ^^

when sfr was medium we still had a lot ppls in the morning its just this week after owning vizunah 3 days that ppls have spam joined + a small recruit from na we got 16-23 Americans joined us so we are pretty good.

but hey im not here to rage on piken^^ nice zerg today sad your players didn’t want to accept party invitation was gonna invite you inside bay in piken for some good fights 5v5 or something:) also nice 2v1 you played along against elona for an hour two was fun owning them together^^

n1 rage quit Germans.

(edited by Wemil.7052)

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bogey.5423


if you have 60% then you have good enough for 2 good zergs.
89 players that’s what you had online today in piken in the morning.
how I know? well got a lot piken on my following list ^^

Where can you get this information?


Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


if you have 60% then you have good enough for 2 good zergs.
89 players that’s what you had online today in piken in the morning.
how I know? well got a lot piken on my following list ^^

Where can you get this information?

being a good pug commander got the positive sides and the negative sides.

maybe you find it interesting how piken was very much dead in the morning to afternoon many months ago we are talking about janurari februari when many guilds like velocity, riot, boon, ecl, red guard,sin suddently left sfr many pugs went NOT with them no they left to second best server piken square. Piken is known for being very friendly casual server no big drama stable good server.

but not 89 players went there only 30 or so the rest well ive been in piken too^^

(edited by Wemil.7052)

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bogey.5423


if you have 60% then you have good enough for 2 good zergs.
89 players that’s what you had online today in piken in the morning.
how I know? well got a lot piken on my following list ^^

Where can you get this information?

being a good pug commander got the positive sides and the negative sides.

What sides now? I don’t get what you are talking about. I mean 89 is such precise number for people online, hence asked where can I get that information?


Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint Scarlet.2906

Saint Scarlet.2906

Sunday morning is not a typical morning, we get a much higher turn out than saturday mornings. We’d also be lucky to have half your quoted number mon-fri. But thats just the difference in our servers. I got some SFR on my mates list so i know how many you have too. I’m not arguing with you i’m just saying, people kind of forget what other servers are like due to them not being on them or getting 3rd hand info.

Commander Oracle Of Glint
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


if you have 60% then you have good enough for 2 good zergs.
89 players that’s what you had online today in piken in the morning.
how I know? well got a lot piken on my following list ^^

Where can you get this information?

being a good pug commander got the positive sides and the negative sides.

What sides now? I don’t get what you are talking about. I mean 89 is such precise number for people online, hence asked where can I get that information?

well I could take a screenshot and point out players after dinner^^

I go slack enjoy the farms gentlemen and ladies happy hunting^^

and about piken I think your community is just not recruiting players to the community enough you have many players in piken you just don’t know about them yet.

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bogey.5423


well I could take a screenshot and point out players after dinner^^

I go slack enjoy the farms gentlemen and ladies happy hunting^^

and about piken I think your community is just not recruiting players to the community enough you have many players in piken you just don’t know about them yet.

So, you apparently counted people in screenshots. I thought there was some system or website where you could actually see how much people are online, hence asked it because it would be interesting information. Your explanation was just a bit incomprehensible rambling.


Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ridafyt Whitestrike.8397

Ridafyt Whitestrike.8397

Don’t try to understand the Wemil, we gave up ages ago <3

Raidleader CoN
(Server admin SFR till 15-10-13, currently on Augury)
Bombing zergs since day 1

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint Scarlet.2906

Saint Scarlet.2906

I dunno i kinda like him. He is right we did get a lot of solo people from SFR but the majority of them either stopped playing or followed the other SFR guilds to other servers like RoS. I know we might complain a bit about it all sometimes but when you face being outmanned 90% of the time it does kind of wear thin.

Commander Oracle Of Glint
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Saint Scarlet.2906

Saint Scarlet.2906

Coming from BB thats just…. LOL.
No doubt SFR will win, it doesn’t matter though as long as we have some good fights this week, Piken will be happy.

Commander Oracle Of Glint
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grok.6714


Wemil, our confusion specced PuG commander.
It took SFR a while to learn to communicate with him, but now we wub him…

…I think…

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Maybe i go and do some google translate trolling. kitten tread is already closed.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

n1 rage quit Germans.

They didn’t rage quit but they just moved to SFR.
Honestly you just missed the point where many Elona players avoid to play one more week against the number one arrogant cheater server. Have fun with flying Mesmers, Camera-Exploits, TS-Spys and the most arrogant players I’ve ever met in my life Piken!

Oh and btw I never ragequit because of a wipe but because the game is unplayable. Standing 7 seconds on each door-portal just to come out of a tower or whatever is not what I call a proper game. But if you think it’s all about some wipes… dream on!

Edit: I just want to point out that your screenshot was taken when almost every german was sleeping. Pretty strong! I hope you are proud to take an empty map

(edited by Moira Dryade.6498)

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Phox.6895


Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

ahahah welcome to this thread @Phox!
Some more stories about how SFR don’t cheat and not beeing arrogant?
Too sad they closed our nice thread on the german forums.
So come on and spread your wisdom here now instead of posting short youtube-clips!

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Actually I find this thread a million times better than the previous weeks. Bit refreshing really.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Laurenz.2936


Actually I find this thread a million times better than the previous weeks. Bit refreshing really.

Then you didn’t see the german Theard.

Unfortunately they closed the Theard. R.I.P

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Actually I find this thread a million times better than the previous weeks. Bit refreshing really.

Then you didn’t see the german Theard.

Unfortunately they closed the Theard. R.I.P

Oh dear. Angry germans. That can’t be good.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: DaveVN.5987


n1 rage quit Germans.

Edit: I just want to point out that your screenshot was taken when almost every german was sleeping. Pretty strong! I hope you are proud to take an empty map

I just want to point out that rest of Europe are also sleeping at that time, almost every european player was sleeping too. It’s not only in Germany ppl are still sleeping at 5-6am.

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Skyllar.3701


First i have to say that i have the biggest respect of the actual peformance of the SFR server. But it`s not the first time that i have seen a few of your people (black sheaps) that used bugs to capture towers or citadels.
The last time this happened was at a tower on elona reach BL a few minutes ago.
A mesmer who “climbed” the walls and brings a few “friends”.
By the way it was complete useless.. no possibilty from our side to defend the tower ;-)
I have the screenshots but i don`t think that it is necessary to make them public. If a raid leader want´s them, i will provide them.
We all want fun in the game and the best one should win. (i think this is called fair play?)
Last i want to say is that i don`t think that you guys really need it. You are good enough and with these “bug using” every hard won victory get`s a negative connotation and damages the image of your hole server.
So if you have the possibility to appeal to these people, please do it.

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Well i don’t think that they hack because they wanna win or help server? They are probably bored and try to have some weird twisted fun before quitting or bans. Or some players just wanna kitten other player off.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dayra.7405


I just want to point out that rest of Europe are also sleeping at that time, almost every european player was sleeping too. It’s not only in Germany ppl are still sleeping at 5-6am.

All? No, all, but a small village of restless Seafares

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grok.6714


I just want to point out that rest of Europe are also sleeping at that time, almost every european player was sleeping too. It’s not only in Germany ppl are still sleeping at 5-6am.

All? No, all, but a small village of restless Seafares

Yeah…unlike Elona we don’t go to sleep at 21:00 :-(
What’s next, flaming us for PvD in prime time and weekends?

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

(edited by Grok.6714)

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Flame? Using an Asterix citation, together with a small play upon your name, is more kidding than flaming

But, if you want to feel flamed, I will stop hindering you

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: qweman.5298


Qwe Man
Visceral Effect [vE]

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moira Dryade.6498

Moira Dryade.6498

I just want to point out that rest of Europe are also sleeping at that time, almost every european player was sleeping too. It’s not only in Germany ppl are still sleeping at 5-6am.

I just want to point out that SFR is not a german nor a european server. Further I would be pleased if you’d consider different time-zones for americans, europeans, russians and whatever.

Do you really think every SFR player is in the same time-zone as germany is in? Elona is probably german only, SFR is wide spread and not only central europe for sure.
So think twice when you come next time around and shout that all the germans rage quit. Probably they are not in your time-zone and have to sleep as well as you have to. Make a screenshot when it’s 4pm in germany because this would be way more reliable.

Edit: ahaha the german mod deleted posts about cheating SFR players.
Oh noes too sad we’ve got the flashy-thing. Noone on SFR cheats, now it’s clear

(edited by Moira Dryade.6498)

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


The only servers that wouldn’t be able to nightcap Piken is Vabbi, WSR and FoW. Every other server we’ve faced has us outmanned at night.

So u got less than 15 players at night?

More than 15 players during the day is a bloody miracle.

Some days its been 17:00 and there’s like… 3, maybe 4 players on an enemy border zone. Piken probably got more guilds playing late at night than we do playing in the late mornings/early afternoons.

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Dear SFR,

If you keep taking off armour pieces to avoid being forced to log or port out, I will sit there and tell you stories and wait … I’m a very patient woman. You can’t see my emotes, but I’m actually offering you cookies. (Oh wait, I have a better pic where you CAN see me offering cookies .. replaced below).

Or then again, stuff like this might happen:


L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: suprNovae.5410


ignore the comment below if *you are sick of blobbing topic

dem russian blobs today… you guys has brang it to perfection after Vizunah invented it.

We started on SFR bl and fought against ZDs/ZBs (~30-35) plus another ~15-20 pugs.
Well… let me correct myself. It wasn’t even a fight. That suggests both sides stand an equal chance of winning.
You guys were just melting us in a second. You bombed us more horrible than everything else.
When you have fun rolling with a superior number…. ok. Then let it be. It just sucks and im qqing.

After that we switched the map and oh gaaaaaaaawd. Another russian blob.
SPRT from Piken plus pugs. Same story.

I am sorry for all those small guilds like NoE, OPT, VG and OSC. We outnumbered you but isn’t it enough to just make make a cluster raid with 2 guilds instead of 4? :P

Clint B E Eastwood – Guardian
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Levve.2716


I am sorry for all those small guilds like NoE, OPT, VG and OSC. We outnumbered you but isn’t it enough to just make make a cluster raid with 2 guilds instead of 4? :P

Well, I don’t know about the other guilds but I think we each wanted a piece of the pie, facing you guys.
Although we were rolling separately, raid wise.
It probably has to do with the mini map, oh crossed swords, let’s go!
Anyway, it was not our intention to group up with 4 guilds so sorry for that matter.
Hope to see more of GD this week, see you on the battlefield!

(Retired) Second Law [Scnd]
(Retired) Team Aggression [TA]

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


ignore the comment below if *you are sick of blobbing topic

dem russian blobs today… you guys has brang it to perfection after Vizunah invented it.

We started on SFR bl and fought against ZDs/ZBs (~30-35) plus another ~15-20 pugs.
Well… let me correct myself. It wasn’t even a fight. That suggests both sides stand an equal chance of winning.
You guys were just melting us in a second. You bombed us more horrible than everything else.
When you have fun rolling with a superior number…. ok. Then let it be. It just sucks and im qqing.

After that we switched the map and oh gaaaaaaaawd. Another russian blob.
SPRT from Piken plus pugs. Same story.

I am sorry for all those small guilds like NoE, OPT, VG and OSC. We outnumbered you but isn’t it enough to just make make a cluster raid with 2 guilds instead of 4? :P

I already saw them wiping you yesterday without extra pugs (well besides me asking to tag along them). Then their raidleader took commander tag on and gathered a few extra what’s the problem? Both you and sparta left the map because they were wiping you (with max 5 pugs) and you complain that they follow for more fights? Jeez. I know they’re strong but no reason to qq on forums about it. Find them and fight them, learn!

Also, im sorry if we have cheaters, but we can’t do anything it’s up to arenanet. we report the glitchers we see. I doubt we have spies, we love to fight and most things we do is to make you come fight us. We don’t really need spy for that. We don’t care for point as much as the score suggests, we are just bored at night.

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: colesy.8490


ignore the comment below if *you are sick of blobbing topic

dem russian blobs today… you guys has brang it to perfection after Vizunah invented it.

We started on SFR bl and fought against ZDs/ZBs (~30-35) plus another ~15-20 pugs.
Well… let me correct myself. It wasn’t even a fight. That suggests both sides stand an equal chance of winning.
You guys were just melting us in a second. You bombed us more horrible than everything else.
When you have fun rolling with a superior number…. ok. Then let it be. It just sucks and im qqing.

After that we switched the map and oh gaaaaaaaawd. Another russian blob.
SPRT from Piken plus pugs. Same story.

I am sorry for all those small guilds like NoE, OPT, VG and OSC. We outnumbered you but isn’t it enough to just make make a cluster raid with 2 guilds instead of 4? :P

do I need to find screenshots of GD blobbing too?

you know, those times when you say you have no more than 25 and you have 40 guys?

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: suprNovae.5410


I already saw them wiping you yesterday without extra pugs (well besides me asking to tag along them). Then their raidleader took commander tag on and gathered a few extra what’s the problem? Both you and sparta left the map because they were wiping you (with max 5 pugs) and you complain that they follow for more fights? Jeez. I know they’re strong but no reason to qq on forums about it. Find them and fight them, learn!

Yesterday almost same story. It was a kittening holocaust against them. You couldn’t do any kitten against them. Srsly…think about the times ZDs/ZBs wiped us. How many seconds did it take? 1? 2?

I don’t want to sound arrogant but if you melt us in a second you should check how many you are + pugs. ZDs/ZBs knows that we can give them hard and long fights since our GvG against them. Though they are running partially with tag to pick up even more pugs.
Yea…so much to learn.

We won’t build any sieges to turn an open field fight to our advantage.
We will never run with a tag.
We will keep telling the pugs to leave and support the pug raid.
Ask us for fights with even number as long as you are 20+ and you may get them

Shout out to the guild FURY which did a few scrim fights with us. They wiped us many times on open field. Though instead of farming us they offered the opportunity to fight them with equal numbers. We had long and hard fights but it was the best fight we had one Saturday.

Missing such great guilds in WvW.

It’s just my opinion and not my guild’s one about that and don’t intend to flame.

do I need to find screenshots of GD blobbing too?

you know, those times when you say you have no more than 25 and you have 40 guys?

Grab them out for me please. Those ancient relicts. I just can say in advance. Learn to count. Btw is our at cap at 35 and not 25. Though we reach this cap almost never.

best regards and b2t. yay less/no queue! we can jump from map to map

Clint B E Eastwood – Guardian
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]

(edited by suprNovae.5410)

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Truebanana.5936


For reset or/and saturday night (not sure), you were on EB with 40+ people at least (with pugs) farming un-organised pugs.
I kept walking beside you, the closest as possible and most of time when you weren’t fighting, none of you (even pugs) were trying to kill me. So your commander tag was on with that much people with you, or your pugs were too nice to try to kill me.

Truebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist on Augury Rock
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aikanaro.2609


30-35 ZBs? 28 max, oh yea, baby. Yesterday – 31. And we were running with maximum of 5 people not in the guild, just like you and SPRT.
Well, when GD comes with the random tags along them – it’s ok, stuff happens, but when the numbers are equal – DEM SFR BLOBS. You know, today there were your (GD) raid + some randoms and ER pug raid against our raid and some pugs, so no point in saying that we were NOT equal in numbers.
Look closer. It is a good example of our fights. Do you see the tag or huge amount of green names when we fought versus your guild? Like 35 ZBs and 15-20 pugs along us? I guess not. The only time when the tag was up is right before our raid over, when only 20 people was playing and that was clearly not enough to deal with the blobs.


Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


We started on SFR bl and fought against ZDs/ZBs (~30-35) plus another ~15-20 pugs.
Well… let me correct myself. It wasn’t even a fight. That suggests both sides stand an equal chance of winning.
You guys were just melting us in a second. You bombed us more horrible than everything else.
When you have fun rolling with a superior number…. ok. Then let it be. It just sucks and im qqing.

After that we switched the map and oh gaaaaaaaawd. Another russian blob.
SPRT from Piken plus pugs. Same story.

Yeah, I was in the SFR border yesterday and ran to the southern island to join the SPRT blob (I think they swapped border a little later).

Only problem was that when I got there, the Elona blob was 3x larger and wiped the Piken blob

So as you say… Same story.

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: RodyBrody.6418


I was in SFR border and joined to ZBs raid. In my opinion that was a blob. GD are right ZBs + 15- 20 pugs, but that was the only one raid at this time in SFR border and all pugs have joined on the train.

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


DaveVN.5987 <—- this guy wrote something about germans sleeping that’s just proving my point that elona reach have NO IDEA who is playing in the morning.

for example today was another day when logged in with 15-20 americans we wiped you at eb when you were about 25 strong and you left after a few wipes.

its not fun doing pvd so how about instead to leave the borderland you siege up like vizunah square so got to build atleast some omegas to wipe the kitten atm its just pvd<3

btw toke over the map with 50 blob in it so yh congratulations Wemil-.-<3
hope your morning commander don’t rage too hard he golem rushed sm so I golem rush back fair and square thx for badges btw<3

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hebril Amolebin.9817

Hebril Amolebin.9817

I already saw them wiping you yesterday without extra pugs (well besides me asking to tag along them). Then their raidleader took commander tag on and gathered a few extra what’s the problem? Both you and sparta left the map because they were wiping you (with max 5 pugs) and you complain that they follow for more fights? Jeez. I know they’re strong but no reason to qq on forums about it. Find them and fight them, learn!

Yesterday almost same story. It was a kittening holocaust against them. You couldn’t do any kitten against them. Srsly…think about the times ZDs/ZBs wiped us. How many seconds did it take? 1? 2?

I don’t want to sound arrogant but if you melt us in a second you should check how many you are + pugs. ZDs/ZBs knows that we can give them hard and long fights since our GvG against them. Though they are running partially with tag to pick up even more pugs.
Yea…so much to learn.

We won’t build any sieges to turn an open field fight to our advantage.
We will never run with a tag.
We will keep telling the pugs to leave and support the pug raid.
Ask us for fights with even number as long as you are 20+ and you may get them

Shout out to the guild FURY which did a few scrim fights with us. They wiped us many times on open field. Though instead of farming us they offered the opportunity to fight them with equal numbers. We had long and hard fights but it was the best fight we had one Saturday.

Missing such great guilds in WvW.

It’s just my opinion and not my guild’s one about that and don’t intend to flame.

do I need to find screenshots of GD blobbing too?

you know, those times when you say you have no more than 25 and you have 40 guys?

Grab them out for me please. Those ancient relicts. I just can say in advance. Learn to count. Btw is our at cap at 35 and not 25. Though we reach this cap almost never.

best regards and b2t. yay less/no queue! we can jump from map to map

Sorry but I was on Sfr too before our CoN raid didn’t run with Zbs but watched the fight and wiped you once with them near NE bay and godslore. They were running alone,you were almost equal numbers. Later when we raided you were not on the map but sparta Fury ect ect ect a lot of big zergs we run alone and wiped them easily. we were 30 strong.
So you tell a russian raid your size cant wipe you? Come on get real. We respect you you are good but you can be beaten most of times when CoN play vs you we are 25-30 vs 40 -40+ and it is harder for us you have the upper hand. But in equal numbers you give good fights so come on dont trash talk on our Russian army they are just good. Maybe you will GvG soon again…to settle it?