Can see one, so I thought I’d start,
Have a good week all, bring the drama, hacks and forum warriors,
See you on the battle field
Woah I feel bad for you WSR. Good luck to RoF aswell.
See you next week.
Was a nice attack on Bay on WSR Borderland yesterday.
But you guys drew swords when doing some PvE content(killing the worm), thus giving the whole thing away.
Anyway, thanks for the lootbags. Was bored as hell sitting in that thing, watching zergs go by without anything substantional happening for almost 2 hours…
Blooooooooooooooooooob, here comes the blob.
DL got a question. Do you have something called roamers? And I dont mind that 25+ group lurking on camps, but maybe solo players and such? I just ask to know if there is a chance for us roamers to have a fight.
short story: We don’t.
Long Story: Seeing as we are dominating so hard, there is no way to karma train anyway, some small groups will probably form over the course of the week.
Woke up to this, I think its going to be a long week.
DL got a question. Do you have something called roamers?
They have people running from WP to the blob, does that count?
Yes that count Irina, now I need to ge tto their WP and not being stomped by blob.
We tried yesterday to hit WSR bay,gari and hills with smalelr groups hoping that dl blob will be only at one keep at the time. But seems like all pubs in Germany has bancpupted yesterday as every german was playing GW2.
I assume this will be another PvE week, good luck RoF, if you try anything
Bronzeleague is already over. Surmia will win this and the next matchup. RoF and Dzagonur will be both on second place this week. And next week the only chance that RoF can get to third place at the end of the league they will have to be on first place, drakkar on second and dzag on third. but i think this will not happen.
So the league will end with 1. Drakkar 2. Surmia 3. Dzagonur and 4. Ring of Fire.
try to have as lot of fun as possible the last two weeks.
And next week the only chance that RoF can get to third place
Nah, we missed our last realistic chance to get third place with the last matchup… We simply handed it away – makes me sick to look at the score evolution:
(edited by smiley.1438)
Ah well, I can catch up on my sleep this week. Watch some football…
Not sure why everyone is complaining, we all knew drakkar blob, just need to find a way to have fun with it. Also would like to mention I was in eb late at night and found some drakkar who knew how to fight, although, they weren’t quite prepared for a wsr who knew how to fight too So drakkar does have roamers, they are just lost amongst the endless zerglings.
GL and HF all, and let the blobiest server win!
Hf fighting us!
Greetings from Drakkar
Hey guys
I search 1vs1 fights.
Acc: HoodyMoody.6584
ingame: Footy Lootmachine, Blaubeernascher, Windschnitte or Narp Bang.
Good fights!
EDIT: Hule - !!! I need revenge!
I got better. Maybe I’ll get you this time. :P:P
(edited by HoodyMoody.6584)
As you can see we are doing really well: we have 3 camps. And only 7000 points removed from the number two..
HoodyMoody : Of course I will duel with you this week. Just not on weekend, i got some RL things to do. But during week I will write you. And I have some new tricks too:-D (new war and guard:-D )
As you can see we are doing really well: we have 3 camps. And only 7000 points removed from the number two..
RoF is pretty weak compared to RoS. Weird.
Ridicule amount of numbers from Drakar Lake, really, but on the other hand it took them well over 2 hours to get overlook keep with a 70+ zerg against 20 to 30 defenders, that says pretty much that it’s all about nuimbers, and less tactics or skills, wait didn’t anet said it was about momentum, I wonder if those guys really play on less populated servers
Well on the bright side we farmed Drakkars over 30 minutes at mendon today until the 50+ zerg arrived well thanks for the loot guys really pleasant of you
WSR inhabitant
RoF is pretty weak compared to RoS. Weird.
We just finished a fantastic match up with the Dzagonur. It was fun, and exhausting. After that match I think many of us have no interest in playing a blobathon with RoS. We play against them again next week too.
Well, I do try to roam more often because I know that you guys probably don’t find much amusement in fighting the big Drakkarian zergs. Keep running into groups or zergs both on RoF and WSR side though which cruelly hunt me down then. =)
nothing more to say, but hats up to TaG. bow nice condiover;)
(edited by Van Hamster.2018)
RoF is pretty weak compared to RoS. Weird.
We just finished a fantastic match up with the Dzagonur. It was fun, and exhausting. After that match I think many of us have no interest in playing a blobathon with RoS. We play against them again next week too.
Ah I see. RoS and Drakkar can go have some blob duo after season is over.
Is it just me or does nobody know why IF feel the urge to interfere into a bronze league competition? seems a little pathetic… Get back to Kodash guys… DL doesn’t need your help, they win regardless, mainly because of the numbers, but don’t care about that… your reward that you will get doesnt come from DL, but from Kodash…
Hello DL,
I’m here just to remind you that you forgot once to build 7 acs while you were defending a castle with at least twice the number of our people. Please don’t forget this anymore otherwise you would be forced to fight.
Except the problem of being able to find a way to get you out to fight once in a while, I’m very sorry that you’re bored during this match-up. But at least you’re not alone: we’re also very bored : /
Best regards,
(edited by xadoom.1782)
nothing more to say, but hats up to TaG. bow nice condiover;)
Dat video is awesome, is it the jackmcdaniel from gw1?
nothing more to say, but hats up to TaG. bow nice condiover;)
Haha that video made me laugh nice one!!
Looking for 1vs1 fights. Contact me.
nothing more to say, but hats up to TaG. bow nice condiover;)
Dat video is awesome, is it the jackmcdaniel from gw1?
I believe it is. FoS made some other vids aswell, first was called kryta bomber if im not mistaken. There was another one featuring koss hairspray or something though i forgot the title. Very nice indeed.
Is it just me or does nobody know why IF feel the urge to interfere into a bronze league competition? seems a little pathetic… Get back to Kodash guys… DL doesn’t need your help, they win regardless, mainly because of the numbers, but don’t care about that… your reward that you will get doesnt come from DL, but from Kodash…
Kodash? What are you talking about o.O ? Get your facts straight ! We [IF] are not from kodash xD
Your just angry that we are able kill you ^^. Interfere…well i think everyone is free to decide on which server they want to play…
Is it just me or does nobody know why IF feel the urge to interfere into a bronze league competition? seems a little pathetic… Get back to Kodash guys… DL doesn’t need your help, they win regardless, mainly because of the numbers, but don’t care about that… your reward that you will get doesnt come from DL, but from Kodash…
Kodash? What are you talking about o.O ? Get your facts straight ! We [IF] are not from kodash xD
Your just angry that we are able kill you ^^. Interfere…well i think everyone is free to decide on which server they want to play…
Ohh where is IF coming from then? They say on RoF you guys are from Kodash. And we are able to kill you, atleast our guild (Unless your running away from us like Friday)…. But it seems a little bit pathetic to join a server who is already steamrolling the bronze league to help em out….
I’ll go back to pvp farm for the most of this week so best of luck everyone.
@ Devesion
We are from RS. I don’t know why RoF thinks we come from Kodash o.O.
Like we joined the Server to help out. Mabey we just wanted a better community or something else. Not every single Guild must join a Server to push them you know?
hahah DL this is awesome, you may be dominating the ppt because of your numbers (think we are ticking about +5 atm), but boy you have some bads I have been farming you all morning on your BL, and its just taken 5 of you to finally get me down at faithleap after I downed and stomped 3 of you and im solo lols, great fights keep it up. Oh I wonder what your karma train is going to do when there is nothing left to take and you have to fight in the open??? I take it your going to have a boring week!
see you on the battlefield
i see, the RoF whiners are still competing with RoS for “whiners of the year”. if both your servers would put all their effort in game instead of this forum, who knows …
i see, the RoF whiners are still competing with RoS for “whiners of the year”. if both your servers would put all their effort in game instead of this forum, who knows …
Im not complaining at all!! im loving it always camps to take, players to farm, its great for roamers long may the DL players keep this up but is obvious that quite a lot (not all im sure you have some good players) don’t know how to function out of the Blob.
see you on the battlefield
i see, the RoF whiners are still competing with RoS for “whiners of the year”. if both your servers would put all their effort in game instead of this forum, who knows …
Now, that is insulting. Our whinning has tradition and we deserve a trophy for that!
RoS just happened to get new forum warriors with low quality trolling and flaming.
hahah DL this is awesome, you may be dominating the ppt because of your numbers (think we are ticking about +5 atm), but boy you have some bads I have been farming you all morning on your BL, and its just taken 5 of you to finally get me down at faithleap after I downed and stomped 3 of you and im solo lols, great fights keep it up. Oh I wonder what your karma train is going to do when there is nothing left to take and you have to fight in the open??? I take it your going to have a boring week!
see you on the battlefield
Big lol @ experienced roamers who brag about their kills – you have a huge advantage over your average casual wvw player whichever server they play for.
hahah DL this is awesome, you may be dominating the ppt because of your numbers (think we are ticking about +5 atm), but boy you have some bads I have been farming you all morning on your BL, and its just taken 5 of you to finally get me down at faithleap after I downed and stomped 3 of you and im solo lols, great fights keep it up. Oh I wonder what your karma train is going to do when there is nothing left to take and you have to fight in the open??? I take it your going to have a boring week!
see you on the battlefield
Big lol @ experienced roamers who brag about their kills – you have a huge advantage over your average casual wvw player whichever server they play for.
Haha big lol @ not being able to read, I never said I was experienced, to be honest I am just a noob who roles his face across the keyboard and hopes for the best, so if you see someone jumping when they should be dodging that’s me:)
Thanks for the fights today DL I had a couple of nice 1v1 at the windmill in WR and loads of small fights on DL BL it’s quite amusing to watch you call for backup because of my little asura engineer he only wants to make friends. It was a shame that as the day went on there were groups of 4-6 everywhere and anyone solo would run away, but hey ho I will see you all again later tonight with our guild group.
See you on the battlefield.
(edited by Kryank.8069)
i see, the RoF whiners are still competing with RoS for “whiners of the year”. if both your servers would put all their effort in game instead of this forum, who knows …
There’s a Blacktide guy trying to singlehandedly enter that competition too!!
i see, the RoF whiners are still competing with RoS for “whiners of the year”. if both your servers would put all their effort in game instead of this forum, who knows …
There’s a Blacktide guy trying to singlehandedly enter that competition too!!
Ooh let me know his name, I will pay for his transfer to a truly awesome whining server we have perfected the art, and always welcome more to our ranks I am surprised that you didn’t offer him counselling and further training on Vabbi however?? As it seems you accept anyone!! :p
i see, the RoF whiners are still competing with RoS for “whiners of the year”. if both your servers would put all their effort in game instead of this forum, who knows …
There’s a Blacktide guy trying to singlehandedly enter that competition too!!
Ooh let me know his name, I will pay for his transfer to a truly awesome whining server we have perfected the art, and always welcome more to our ranks
I am surprised that you didn’t offer him counselling and further training on Vabbi however?? As it seems you accept anyone!! :p
Please, Vabbi has standards! It’s not like we accept TaG members :P
Edit: Fixed my abysmal spelling >.>
(edited by Neandramathal.9536)
i see, the RoF whiners are still competing with RoS for “whiners of the year”. if both your servers would put all their effort in game instead of this forum, who knows …
There’s a Blacktide guy trying to singlehandedly enter that competition too!!
Ooh let me know his name, I will pay for his transfer to a truly awesome whining server we have perfected the art, and always welcome more to our ranks
I am surprised that you didn’t offer him counselling and further training on Vabbi however?? As it seems you accept anyone!! :p
Please, Vabbi has standards! It’s not like we except TaG members :P
Haha touché sir!! And I was just about to take a sabbatical on Vabbi to give a lecture on forum warrior evolution and the art of successful whining!! Well I guess I will have to cancel the hotel now :p
Had great fun on rof border this evening, as the only wsr on the map for a fair amount of time I decided to try my luck picking people out from the 2 zergs, (since I couldn’t find any roamers willing to fight me!). After nothing of note really happening rof decides to have an attempt at bay! Had great fun watching the fight/tagging lootbags, also picked off a few stragglers before all hell broke loose at inner. Only screenshots worth looking at included below
Thanks for the loots and an enjoyable evening!
Just have to say – I was disgusted from 2 of our(rof) players, that intentionally glitched in jerrifer and took it minutes ago. I know with this matchup it isn’t so important but I still felt dirty.
While I understand this is a rough week, I’d like give my thanks to the few friendlies keeping up the fight in WvW despite the pathetic state we are in. Also…Thanks for the corpse dance and body jumps in EB dear esteemed DL invaders. Just curious why none of you dare accept a party invite after doing so? pretty sure I sent over 12 invites and none accepted. Speaks alot of your “farming” skills.
i see, the RoF whiners are still competing with RoS for “whiners of the year”. if both your servers would put all their effort in game instead of this forum, who knows …
We have to try for something since drakkar already safely secured…
- Most arrow Carts in 1 keep
-Most money spent on fortification upgrades in 1 week
-Server to lose the most t3 keeps in 1 week
-Most open field siege in regular meetings with zergs half their size
-Most times running away when seeing a guild tag
-Server to field the most upscaled rangers
-Least amount of respect for people duelling
-Server with the most mesmers who regularly die at water gates and get ressed when people are watching.
-Server with the most guilds that transfer to enemy servers LA to patronise them.
-Most Boring server to fight
-Highest effort to compete for PPT (on par with vizu)
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