Ring of Fire - Drakkar Lake - Whiteside Ridge
Can we get some kind of etiquette for the new arena in Obsidian Sanctum? Something like not attacking one loner out from stealth who is waiting there for a duell? Or jumping on him 3v1? At least there is a place now for duellists, so why destroy it with such behaviour?
The way I got round this problem was running around with a kite, people didnt seem to bother me. Although results may vary xD
Can we get some kind of etiquette for the new arena in Obsidian Sanctum? Something like not attacking one loner out from stealth who is waiting there for a duell? Or jumping on him 3v1? At least there is a place now for duellists, so why destroy it with such behaviour?
The way I got round this problem was running around with a kite, people didnt seem to bother me. Although results may vary xD
Quick update, this method only works with rof, it seems drakkar have no sense of fun.
i see, the RoF whiners are still competing with RoS for “whiners of the year”. if both your servers would put all their effort in game instead of this forum, who knows …
We have to try for something since drakkar already safely secured…
- Most arrow Carts in 1 keep
-Most money spent on fortification upgrades in 1 week
-Server to lose the most t3 keeps in 1 week
-Most open field siege in regular meetings with zergs half their size
-Most times running away when seeing a guild tag
-Server to field the most upscaled rangers
-Least amount of respect for people duelling
-Server with the most mesmers who regularly die at water gates and get ressed when people are watching.
-Server with the most guilds that transfer to enemy servers LA to patronise them.
-Most Boring server to fight
-Highest effort to compete for PPT (on par with vizu)
Thank you for proving my statement true!
I don’t think I have ever seen as many rangers as I have the last couple of days!! DL you guys have loads lol binding roots ftw rangers OP :p
Thanks for the fights today on DL bl still quite a bit of Laugh emoting which I think is a kittenildish along with corpse jumping when I get killed by a group of you when I’m solo but I think that’s just the way you guys role (didn’t want to disappoint shadowresli so had to get a whine in)
Se you on the battlefield.
Shout out to those at the new obsidian sanctum arena, had some fun duels and enjoyed myself after the 3 man killing squad at the door were taken care of.
Some trolling from all sides but hey this is still wvw, trolling is to be expected
Someone awake? I’m looking for 1v1 fights. GoGo: P whispers me. Then we can inaugurate the new arena with our blood.
We have to try for something since drakkar already safely secured…
-Most open field siege in regular meetings with zergs half their size
If you mean open field siege in total, then yes, but if most open field siege in one encounter, then credit goes to [HON] from Dzag and their 4 open field ACs shortly followed by 3 ballistas
I would also add “The best siegecreepers of bronze league” title to DL tho ^^
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Another update on our battle.
I think WSR is winning. GO WSR, GO WSR! ^^
Thanks to the awesome players in the new arena.
Everybody knows the rules, no finishers, no interefering in duels, very nice.
Was very nice with some duels in the arena really enjoyed it, shows that DL is more than one big blob ^^
Ring Of Fire
(edited by Gesuul.6340)
Yeah had a few nice duels my self, there was a Mesmer there who was very good!! Forgot the server and guild tag, but had fun. To be honest not my favourite place as an open arena does not lend itself to kiting ranged classes and boy are there a lot of rangers and mesmers
Can some Drakkar lake say how many AC’s are in valley keep…? Seriously you outnumber us 2:1 and you have 10 superior AC’s 5 mortars and 4 cannons firing at us?
Matthew Witherblade [TaG] GH
Luseg! Grr! Next time! The next time I catch you!
Thanks for the duels and for the nice evening.
Was very funny.
good night
Dear Drakkar Lake,
i would like to inform you that we from ALE are flattered that you need so many people to kill our 10 man blob.
Really good scouting Drakkars, your scouts made our attempts on bay,hills and gari to fail. Well at least we tried.
Cya in few hours at reset
I don’t understand why this is always an issue. In future, our commanders should quickly calculate the number of people needed for a specific action each time and send the rest to the spawn to wait. ^^
Anyway, just wanted to say special thanks to everybody for the lovely duels at the new arena, it’s been good practice.
It is not an issue. I am just flattered by it.
But DL scouts deserve a gold medal from DL players. They are everywhere and they respond quickly.
They do not have scouts, they have just so many pepol to cover whole map :-P