SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013 v2
JQ outnumbered in Aussie prime? Huh…
We can barely field a float team in that time zone at the moment. Far cry from leagues populations this week
Time to open that warchest mate.
Speak for your own server, buddy
We only have a bread chest. We bribe folks with delicious yummy bread
Edit : heres the chest. What would you like
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
JQ outnumbered in Aussie prime? Huh…
We can barely field a float team in that time zone at the moment. Far cry from leagues populations this week
Time to open that warchest mate.
Speak for your own server, buddy
We only have a bread chest. We bribe folks with delicious yummy bread
Edit : heres the chest. What would you like :)
That’s some fine goods :o
I’ll take the brown square one
JQ outnumbered in Aussie prime? Huh…
We can barely field a float team in that time zone at the moment. Far cry from leagues populations this week
Time to open that warchest mate.
Speak for your own server, buddy
We only have a bread chest. We bribe folks with delicious yummy bread
Edit : heres the chest. What would you like
I dont know why but when i read your post I could imagine cuddles dancing around that kitchen singing
“My Breadsticks bring all the boys to the yard”
#Blobceania. #Blobstralia. #Blobceanictimezone. #atruekiwineverblobs
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~
Like sor and bg didn’t 2v1 jq all day Saturday……and valley never fell.
I’m sad that SoR and JQ falling down and can’t fight againt BG alone without 2v1
cheer up SoR , JQ you can’t defeat BG alone but you still T1
I’m sad that SoR and JQ falling down and can’t fight againt BG alone without 2v1
cheer up SoR , JQ you can’t defeat BG alone but you still T1Is this your way of crying about a 2v1?
nope nope i just miss strong SoR and JQ that are pretty similar power at each 3 server like before WvW season and 1 weak of season.
In your sentence, it’s my way of crying about falling down SoR and IRON leaving.
got it ???
Like sor and bg didn’t 2v1 jq all day Saturday……and valley never fell.
I’m sad that SoR and JQ falling down and can’t fight againt BG alone without 2v1
cheer up SoR , JQ you can’t defeat BG alone but you still T1
Oh, sorry about didn’t telling about that .
I know that but after that day , 2v1 BG everyday in SEA time. I just play SEA time.
SoR and JQ’s SEA time power fallen and this situation happend i guess.
that is my opinion.
Don’t be disappointed about didn’t telling about saturday 2v1 :-S
I’m sad that SoR and JQ falling down and can’t fight againt BG alone without 2v1
cheer up SoR , JQ you can’t defeat BG alone but you still T1Is this your way of crying about a 2v1?
nope nope i just miss strong SoR and JQ that are pretty similar power at each 3 server like before WvW season and 1 weak of season.
In your sentence, it’s my way of crying about falling down SoR and IRON leaving.
got it ???
No need to cry man it’s just a game. Do you have any friends or family who can help you through this difficult time?
I’m sad that SoR and JQ falling down and can’t fight againt BG alone without 2v1
cheer up SoR , JQ you can’t defeat BG alone but you still T1Is this your way of crying about a 2v1?
nope nope i just miss strong SoR and JQ that are pretty similar power at each 3 server like before WvW season and 1 weak of season.
In your sentence, it’s my way of crying about falling down SoR and IRON leaving.
got it ???
Haha, so you’re crying.
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~
I’m sad that SoR and JQ falling down and can’t fight againt BG alone without 2v1
cheer up SoR , JQ you can’t defeat BG alone but you still T1Is this your way of crying about a 2v1?
nope nope i just miss strong SoR and JQ that are pretty similar power at each 3 server like before WvW season and 1 weak of season.
In your sentence, it’s my way of crying about falling down SoR and IRON leaving.
got it ???No need to cry man it’s just a game. Do you have any friends or family who can help you through this difficult time?
BG is all the family anyone ever needs.
Fun night Thanks for bringing the noise, was intense!
JQ outnumbered in Aussie prime? Huh…
We can barely field a float team in that time zone at the moment. Far cry from leagues populations this week
Time to open that warchest mate.
Speak for your own server, buddy
We only have a bread chest. We bribe folks with delicious yummy bread
Edit : heres the chest. What would you like
I dont know why but when i read your post I could imagine cuddles dancing around that kitchen singing
“My Breadsticks bring all the boys to the yard”
brb going to bread
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
Like sor and bg didn’t 2v1 jq all day Saturday……and valley never fell.
I’m sad that SoR and JQ falling down and can’t fight againt BG alone without 2v1
cheer up SoR , JQ you can’t defeat BG alone but you still T1Oh, sorry about didn’t telling about that .
I know that but after that day , 2v1 BG everyday in SEA time. I just play SEA time.
SoR and JQ’s SEA time power fallen and this situation happend i guess.
that is my opinion.
Don’t be disappointed about didn’t telling about saturday 2v1 :-S
Heh. When did you buy your copy of GW2 or been doin WvW? There are those who have participated in WvW since first week of release. They have logged on religiously day in and day out. After a year of release, it’s only matter of time people (even the most avid WvW gamers) are going to get burnt out and start taking extended breaks.
Every online game has and will go through an attrition period, GW2 is no different.
Man, BG’s Oceanic… too OP. Dat 100-120 PPT
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
JQ outnumbered in Aussie prime? Huh…
We can barely field a float team in that time zone at the moment. Far cry from leagues populations this week
Time to open that warchest mate.
Speak for your own server, buddy
We only have a bread chest. We bribe folks with delicious yummy bread
Edit : heres the chest. What would you like
I dont know why but when i read your post I could imagine cuddles dancing around that kitchen singing
“My Breadsticks bring all the boys to the yard”
You just startled an actual laugh out of me……….. How dare you!
So… our night coverage equalled a T2 server’s coverage the past couple days… No queue on EBG (had outmanned buff between 5-7am PST on EBG…), 1 float team for 4 maps.
Dat PvE content is too OP. Really fun though.
It isn’t just PvEz it is PvPz too. I’d have to admit I didn’t set foot on WvW last night with all the new rewards in PvP. I haven’t had any reward in PvP since last year that was worth anything. Now with all the glory I’ve saved up I was able to level my Mesmer from 1-80 in less than 5 minutes, and spent the next hour or so working the TP to fully gear it.
I also got a wittle flower dress for my Necro in PvP cuz TA is r80 gear and I only r50+…
Fun stuff to finally make use of all the glory, and finally getting silver/gold payouts just by playing PvPz! IT IS A WINTERSDAY MIRACLE!
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3agreed, MAN. been playing more PvP as well recently and though i’m way lower ranked than you, slowly raking in the glory before it goes!
Yea, I gotta use up about 500+ glory boosters before it is too late… >.<
The biggest thing I’ve been seeing right nao in the PvP community is everyone who haz enough glory is rerolling Asura and buying the TA (nightmare) armor set cuz cute. :P
That or Asura and cultural.
We are taking over the upper echelon of the PvP community again it is only a matter of timez… >:]
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
Cutest Necro of Aspenwood
After the rush of season 1, yea I’m taking a bit of a break. I was on about as often as I could find the time during season 1 to do what I could do. Now, its break time before season 2. But, after the reward fiasco, I doubt I would try as hard to get in and help.
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ
Great fights last night on BGBL from both SoR and JQ. [EK] didn’t quite have enough on to fight [Hel] alone, but we managed to hold our own against [Choo]. Fun fight east of our spawn that ended in a draw. :P.
[SF], great fight outside SW camp/S Bay! That was like 7 minutes long wasn’t it?!? Couple of my Guardians used their tomes 4/5 times, couple warriors used a couple warbanners. Great fights all night, keep up the good work!
-Gismor [EK]
Friend Gismor – 80 Revenant
“Always outnumbered, never outgunned.”
Nice fight from [AT], [NYS], [Hi] on JQ South bay.
Picture of us together though I cannot reveal myself to you guys unfortunately.
- Kasumi
(edited by Sanchez.4017)
Nice fight from [AT], [NYS], [Hi] on JQ South bay.
Picture of us together though I cannot reveal myself to you guys unfortunately.
- Kasumi
Or super smart meta breaking siege placement!
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
Great fights last night on BGBL from both SoR and JQ. [EK] didn’t quite have enough on to fight [Hel] alone, but we managed to hold our own against [Choo]. Fun fight east of our spawn that ended in a draw. :P.
[SF], great fight outside SW camp/S Bay! That was like 7 minutes long wasn’t it?!? Couple of my Guardians used their tomes 4/5 times, couple warriors used a couple warbanners. Great fights all night, keep up the good work!
-Gismor [EK]
Oh for sure man, last night we were runnin tagless and pretty light. We kept forcing ourselves on anything that we could last night seeing how long we could live. We fluctuated from 26-29 throughout the night when I did spot checks on our supply info. I actually recorded that fight South of bay. I made a commanding video for all of you. I ensure you that these 10 rules will ensure victory 100% of the time! Enjoy! Oh, and that fight was about 10 minutes long. I did snip the running to rallying out of the video so it was probably even longer than that. I’ll have to add a new rule to make sure you contest keeps that you are fighting next to and staying out of cannon fire :x – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
Great fights tonight in JQBL thanks to SG, HzH, EE and JINX! Was a lot of fun; had to log early though. Looking forward to more fights in the future!
Agreed, that was an amazing amount of fun! Great fights on all sides of the battlefield; Open field fights, defensive fights, etc.. Something was happening constantly …..
But… I am still a little sad that we did not Break JQ’s garri. I would like to say Great Job on that defense JQ, we had three guilds in there fighting to the death (GOF, JINX, EE) and could not break it… OMG the arrow cart rains of death in there were crazy……
Exact thoughts that came to mind while commanding in there:
BG: A thousand militia of the Blackgate empire will descend upon you.
JQ: Our arrows will blot out the sun!
BG: Then we will fight in the shade, or try?……. OMG the flying cows never stop!!!!!!!!
Another morning of Sfeee B map. WPed SM and papered all of BGs stuff with a little help from 2 cuddly asura, their 2 omegas and their 2 kites!
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
Great fights tonight in JQBL thanks to SG, HzH, EE and JINX! Was a lot of fun; had to log early though. Looking forward to more fights in the future!
Agreed, that was an amazing amount of fun! Great fights on all sides of the battlefield; Open field fights, defensive fights, etc.. Something was happening constantly …..
But… I am still a little sad that we did not Break JQ’s garri. I would like to say Great Job on that defense JQ, we had three guilds in there fighting to the death (GOF, JINX, EE) and could not break it… OMG the arrow cart rains of death in there were crazy……
Exact thoughts that came to mind while commanding in there:
BG: A thousand militia of the Blackgate empire will descend upon you.
JQ: Our arrows will blot out the sun!
BG: Then we will fight in the shade, or try?……. OMG the flying cows never stop!!!!!!!!
[SG]’s Garri…. NO BG SHALL PASS! =)
Ty for the fun last night though.
I’m sad that SoR and JQ falling down and can’t fight againt BG alone without 2v1
cheer up SoR , JQ you can’t defeat BG alone but you still T1Is this your way of crying about a 2v1?
nope nope i just miss strong SoR and JQ that are pretty similar power at each 3 server like before WvW season and 1 weak of season.
In your sentence, it’s my way of crying about falling down SoR and IRON leaving.
got it ???No need to cry man it’s just a game. Do you have any friends or family who can help you through this difficult time?
I thought you bought the SOR and Jq guilds? Are you sorry about that too?
Just a post to say sorry to HB guild on BG BL. One of our guildy enter the NW tower before the gate was open during the attack. It was a bug. Sorry about that…
Augury Rock
Just a post to say sorry to HB guild on BG BL. One of our guildy enter the NW tower before the gate was open during the attack. It was a bug. Sorry about that…
Its fine We´ve had some people with crazy lag tonight. I had to log myself cause I was warping around the map like some flyhacker. Good fights tonight. Where were you and SR last night?
Nominated “Internet tough guy” 2013 by Tarkus
Just a post to say sorry to HB guild on BG BL. One of our guildy enter the NW tower before the gate was open during the attack. It was a bug. Sorry about that…
Its fine
We´ve had some people with crazy lag tonight. I had to log myself cause I was warping around the map like some flyhacker. Good fights tonight. Where were you and SR last night?
We weren’t raiding last night. I don’t know for SR. But it’s kinda hard for us atm cause we are outnumber. We lack of EU guild during our TZ unfortunately.
Augury Rock
Hi guys,
I have had quite a folks messaging in Asian Prime about BG’s absence so I thought I’d do a PSA. Apologies to the people if this is off topic:
1. BG SEA is fine even though BG garrison and EB keep was taken. New PVE content and it’s really quite good. Same thing happened last year SBI/JQ time. So the Rallians are keeping it cautious for the next few days and not presuming anything.
2. BG pushed out at 12am (GMT+8) capturing SOR garrison and pushing BG back to high PPT.
3. Epic fight at JQ BAY with Tarkus (?), Omegas and the massive JQ army. Awesome awesome fun.
4. Was great to see Waha on at 12am at JQ. We were really happy. /notroll.
FWTo clarify, BG SEA took a little break in my view. I barely see any other commander on the TS yesterday. Most of them ran small team and took earlier break than usual longer session thus leading result of lack of coverage to deal with JQ. We only had one float team (LP) for entire maps during SEA yesterday after ND/TMD take a early break.
The one who took SoR’s waypoint was us. Only with 4 omega rush and it’s that lone float team which floated from EBG as we cant do much with our force in EBG so we decided to float around taking PPT instead. BTW, the EBG fight yesterday with JQ is epic lol, you guys really know how to push us into tight corner.
To sum for you:
JQ still outnumber us in SEA. They’re still king of SEA not BG.
SoR has lesser presence in SEA and seems to be only running one float team as well.
This is what happened during SEA led by Sfeeee. I think the bigger issues are 1) allowing enemies rallying freely and 2) not taking advantage of the RI buff to re-rally after a wipe. Whether you guys had enough people I’ll let each viewer of the video decide individually.
For #1, I should not have been kept alive for so long. I was rallying too many times and I think the BG zerg needs to focus on moving their uplvls away from the center of the battle.
For #2, BG didn’t make use of the RI buff. The fact that they tried to push us after capping the tower (instead of running) tells me that they did want to fight. But after we wiped them, we sat in the tower for almost 3 minutes, and then took it without any resistance. There should be plenty of time to re-rally at their keep and push us out. Especially when their WP is not contested and everything in EB is just a short walk away.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
To sum for you:
JQ still outnumber us in SEA. They’re still king of SEA not BG.
SoR has lesser presence in SEA and seems to be only running one float team as well.[/quote]
This is what happened during SEA led by Sfeeee. I think the bigger issues are 1) allowing enemies rallying freely and 2) not taking advantage of the RI buff to re-rally after a wipe. Whether you guys had enough people I’ll let each viewer of the video decide individually.
For #1, I should not have been kept alive for so long. I was rallying too many times and I think the BG zerg needs to focus on moving their uplvls away from the center of the battle.
For #2, BG didn’t make use of the RI buff. The fact that they tried to push us after capping the tower (instead of running) tells me that they did want to fight. But after we wiped them, we sat in the tower for almost 3 minutes, and then took it without any resistance. There should be plenty of time to re-rally at their keep and push us out. Especially when their WP is not contested and everything in EB is just a short walk away.[/quote]
Yes sadly we have been lacking in the tactics dept lately I’ve also noticed, But you also have to remember when a server gets more pvers than W3ers in wvw at times this will happen. But thank you for the constructive criticism, whether its asked for or not it normally makes us a better server/opponent.
To sum for you:
JQ still outnumber us in SEA. They’re still king of SEA not BG.
SoR has lesser presence in SEA and seems to be only running one float team as well.
This is what happened during SEA led by Sfeeee. I think the bigger issues are 1) allowing enemies rallying freely and 2) not taking advantage of the RI buff to re-rally after a wipe. Whether you guys had enough people I’ll let each viewer of the video decide individually.
For #1, I should not have been kept alive for so long. I was rallying too many times and I think the BG zerg needs to focus on moving their uplvls away from the center of the battle.
For #2, BG didn’t make use of the RI buff. The fact that they tried to push us after capping the tower (instead of running) tells me that they did want to fight. But after we wiped them, we sat in the tower for almost 3 minutes, and then took it without any resistance. There should be plenty of time to re-rally at their keep and push us out. Especially when their WP is not contested and everything in EB is just a short walk away.[/quote]
Yes sadly we have been lacking in the tactics dept lately I’ve also noticed, But you also have to remember when a server gets more pvers than W3ers in wvw at times this will happen. But thank you for the constructive criticism, whether its asked for or not it normally makes us a better server/opponent.
Honestly, I feel BG is not ‘outnumbered’ during SEA, JQ may still be the king yes, but BG is a very strong contender, Most of your guilds during that timezone are able to field large numbers which is really nice.
You havent felt ‘outmanned’ till you’ve had all your possible forces on teamspeak rally to SoR BL and still not make a queue
edit: whats wrong with my quote? xD
Tarnished Coast
edit: whats wrong with my quote? xD
Guy above you didn’t quote right and it trickled down to you.
The Prestige [pTg]
Yes sadly we have been lacking in the tactics dept lately I’ve also noticed, But you also have to remember when a server gets more pvers than W3ers in wvw at times this will happen. But thank you for the constructive criticism, whether its asked for or not it normally makes us a better server/opponent.
Luckily we have Mez to overcome this deficiency. He’s so fantastic in the tactics department that none of the WvW guilds want him because he’s too op.
I’m too OP guys, there are so many casuals, diamond skin.
We’ve had some really good 3 way fights in EB during NA primetime the past week. There has been far to much action to fraps everything, but here is one example of the extended brawling that has become commonplace in Stonemist Castle.
(the vid is about 20 minutes… heads up)
No offense, you guys really need to start using a different TS server. Apparently the one you guys are using is either not very good or too popular and attracts lots of trolls…
No offense, you guys really need to start using a different TS server. Apparently the one you guys are using is either not very good or too popular and attracts lots of trolls…
Same host as JQ’s, I believe.
Guild Master
Nice fight from [AT], [NYS], [Hi] on JQ South bay.
Picture of us together though I cannot reveal myself to you guys unfortunately.
- Kasumi
I can’t believe you try to kill me , kasumi :’(
I thought we are friend!
I not sing for you anymore!
ele : Snownow | mes : Neally Snow | necro : Sherry Snow | guard : Snow Guru
=my english is poor, if I said something wrong or impolite, tell me plz, I’ll learn.=
Apparently we all get to be friends forever now since TC will only come up once every twenty matches.
Apparently we all get to be friends forever now since TC will only come up once every twenty matches.
Until the start of season 2
Apparently we all get to be friends forever now since TC will only come up once every twenty matches.
Until the start of season 2
Season 2 shows too much progress! More like Season 1.5!
Tarnished Coast
NOC officially the new Merc with their oceanic omniblobs
3 days of karma farming which I need to buy few more Obsidian Shards for my Ascended Weapon… I miss pvp ;_; •
NOC officially the new Merc with their oceanic omniblobs
Re-Post from prior thread:
Actually I think that’s the one biggest thing I’ve noticed so far this week, guilds rocking around as guilds ‘de-blobbing’ and having fun. It’s refreshing to see.
3 days of karma farming which I need to buy few more Obsidian Shards for my Ascended Weapon… I miss pvp ;_;
thought my badge farm was going slower than usual…
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~
(edited by magikfox.9658)
NOC officially the new Merc with their oceanic omniblobs
Re-Post from prior thread:
Actually I think that’s the one biggest thing I’ve noticed so far this week, guilds rocking around as guilds ‘de-blobbing’ and having fun. It’s refreshing to see.huehue
3 days of karma farming which I need to buy few more Obsidian Shards for my Ascended Weapon… I miss pvp ;_;
thought my badge farm was going slower than usual…
Don’t mistake drunken Friday’s with our normal roll-out, you both know better than that
No offense, you guys really need to start using a different TS server. Apparently the one you guys are using is either not very good or too popular and attracts lots of trolls…
Same host as JQ’s, I believe.
Exactly my point. Both of your servers should change the TS server since it is either not very good or too popular and attracts lots of trolls.
Great fights last night in SOR BL ; SF, SG, Fear, Choo, EK, LAW. Jinx was running a 10 person warrior group (to bad soo many of them were berzerker uplevels lol…..). I think all guilds should run a theme night or two a month, gives the members fun things to try out and laugh at, even if they succeed or fail…
Great fights last night in SOR BL ; SF, SG, Fear, Choo, EK, LAW. Jinx was running a 10 person warrior group (to bad soo many of them were berzerker uplevels lol…..). I think all guilds should run a theme night or two a month, gives the members fun things to try out and laugh at, even if they succeed or fail…
Been doin’ that since SF was on SBI sir – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
Congratulations Blackgate on maintaining your winning streak after leagues, well done JQ on a very close match, well fought second place and good showing from my fellow rallians, we have work ahead of us but it would be boring otherwise.
If we get the same match up against next week, TW will be looking for 20v20s, officials or scrims, matters not. Message Zorh, Indo Xx or Crimson Ex.