T2 - Deso / SFR / Kodash 24/5/13 - ???
god what is it with deso players ganking roamers? i’ve been 4v1’d twice and 5v1’d twice today, and then when I was on kodash that didn’t happen at all.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
god what is it with deso players ganking roamers? i’ve been 4v1’d twice and 5v1’d twice today, and then when I was on kodash that didn’t happen at all.
I was roaming on guardian and spotted 2 sfr, they got downed but another 2-3 jumped the fight Later we had nice 5 v 5 or so fight with kodash but some group of around 10 was passing by and we got all wiped
Come on, it happens all the time. Best chance to find single or small group of roaming players is around ruins on borderlands I guess. Sadly sometimes zerg follows >_>
I am going to comment several posts in one:
A zerg won’t hunt you, small groups do.
While this is usually true and general rule, it isn’t always the case. A small group has bigger likelyhood to chase you for an extended period of time (> 2 minutes). Pity my old computer is probably too slow to handle fraps + GW2 at same time, but sometimes an entire enemy zerg (= more than 20 players) has been chasing me across the map. I can rarely get away from them so long time due so much CC and enemy having lots of gap closers and teleports, but once in a blue moon miracles do happen.
I remember running away from our 15 man group in 90 degree angle after alone initiating attack at the enemy zerg (using ranged AoE). I also started retreat, but nobody else from our side went to my direction. The entire enemy zerg followed me, despite I didn’t have commander tag, but someone in our main group was a commander. As result I died and our entire group was saved. These kind of situations tell a lot about the psychology of the game: sometimes a 20 man enemy force rather picks a fight against 1 than a fight against 15, because in latter case they might lose.
The ability to draw in a lot of enemies is actually very useful. My character’s death means nothing, especially if I know it saved my group or gave them a better opportunity to wipe the enemy e.g. by luring the enemy onto a strategically worse terrain location and making their tight blob spread a bit so their flanks could be eaten.
Anyway, sucks to be a roamer these days. :P
It is harder. Especially if you play a profession, which doesn’t have stealth, no gap closers or teleports and on a busy full map. You will get “owned” by a larger group sooner or later. The larger group might be just 3 to 5, but no matter what is your spvp skill level, that bigger group of course has an advantage. Personally I am not afraid of those 1.6 silver repair costs. And Desolation is outmanned so often = no armor repair.
As an SPvP player I have found that only a small percentage of WvWers know how to handle small scale combat without rolling over and dying an humiliating death.
Fully agreed.
I have noticed that the WXP ranks don’t correlate much with 1-vs-1 playing skills. I have encountered some very high ranked enemy players with ranks like bronze invader and winning them in 1-vs-1 has been surprisingly easy. I thought I was bad at timing my dodges, but to see an enemy, who doesn’t even try to dodge anything. Oh well…
god what is it with deso players ganking roamers? i’ve been 4v1’d twice and 5v1’d twice today, and then when I was on kodash that didn’t happen at all.
Well, if it happens to you gazillion times, isn’t it fair to let your enemy to taste the same recipe.
Desolation has been in imbalanced match ups already for 4 months in a row. Our coverage and numbers are not good enough for tier 1 nor tier 2. We get rolled over by big enemy groups all the time. Outmanned is the most common “boon” you see on our players. Surely our players want some revenge, even when it is just one man, 1vs4 like you described.
To be honest I have always found Desolation the best server at countering roamers, at least in borderlands, because you always seem to have people escorting dolyaks and defending your camps while capturing ours at the same time. In fact back in T1 I used to roam VS side of the map which was usually empty despite our being outmanned, and had some fun at it.
Now that in t2 VS is replaced by Kodash and its greatly skilled players (Bookah comes to mind) I think I’ll take a break from roaming
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
I just think it’s a bit of a shame, I just want to try a nice 1v1 and get swarmed haha.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Desolation has a lot of group of 2-3 thiefs roamers to “challange” solo roamer, but not much solo roamer.
I like to roam alone because most of time it’s easier to win alone than with more people, because when they die, they rally those who were about to die, that i could have beaten in a 1vs2 or 1vs3 alone.
What really feel good is to be killed by a 3-4 players group of roamers from the same guild while you were already dueling someone and then come back and kill them all by yourself while they have no back up. They usually have some pride and don’t run away
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
any of heroes here roaming with warrior?
All 3 servers have a crap ton of roaming groups…
But there is plenty of room to solo roam, if I can do it as a warrior anyone can.
You roamers just meet up at 1 bl near ruins or the mill at south :P
btw, little souvenir from the “no siege” day:
(edited by Atoss.1056)
Lost all respect to the Desolation players now. Your actions with the cheating mesmer from guild “PvP” is just silly. Hacking in the combat, teleporting inside lord room in bay – what is it? You are not repoting it, but using his exploits and trying to take keeps behind our backs. Bleh.
(edited by Aikanaro.2609)
Lost all respect to the Desolation players now. Your actions with the cheating mesmer from guild “PvP” is just silly. Hacking in the combat, teleporting inside lord room in bay – what is it? You are not repoting it, but using his exploits and trying to take keeps behind our backs. Bleh.
If u see someone cheating, report him. No server is responsible for one mesmer’s hacks. If he actually hacked, no one likes him. Besides, I wouldn’t be too worried, u would have still had all night to take it back.
If u see someone cheating, report him. No server is responsible for one mesmer’s hacks. If he actually hacked, no one likes him. Besides, I wouldn’t be too worried, u would have still had all night to take it back.
Well, at least 10+ liked it and joined him inside the bay. Some guildless, SA, LOTP, ZOMB – recognize some of those tags?
The same Mesmer hacked himself in the kodash spawn tower on sfr as well. So yes, he most certainly hacked.
Of course it’s never a server, but if you get a port into a t3 lord room you should sometimes aks yourself how the mesmer got in there. And the comment about nightcapping as more or less an excuse for hacking is just sad…
Lost all respect to the Desolation players now. Your actions with the cheating mesmer from guild “PvP” is just silly. Hacking in the combat, teleporting inside lord room in bay – what is it? You are not repoting it, but using his exploits and trying to take keeps behind our backs. Bleh.
If u see someone cheating, report him. No server is responsible for one mesmer’s hacks. If he actually hacked, no one likes him. Besides, I wouldn’t be too worried, u would have still had all night to take it back.
Fair enough, we’ll just tell the whole server that hacking is fine, as Deso will – most probably – cap that certain objective back at one point in time anyway…
Lost all respect to the Desolation players now. Your actions with the cheating mesmer from guild “PvP” is just silly. Hacking in the combat, teleporting inside lord room in bay – what is it? You are not repoting it, but using his exploits and trying to take keeps behind our backs. Bleh.
We do report people just because a few players from mostly unheard of guilds took the portal doesn’t mean it represents the whole server. dont make assumptions that we don’t report, you and your friends more than likely had a better idea if something suspicious went on and have a report button too so use it.
The same Mesmer hacked himself in the kodash spawn tower on sfr as well. So yes, he most certainly hacked.
Of course it’s never a server, but if you get a port into a t3 lord room you should sometimes aks yourself how the mesmer got in there. And the comment about nightcapping as more or less an excuse for hacking is just sad…
The guy (guildtag [PvP]) made several attempts to take over both spawn towers by hacking his way in during the night. He was sometimes accompanied by an elementalist with a [PRM]-tag who he seemed to have ported in.
Even after defeating both, the mesmer came right back into the tower (don’t ask me how – I didn’t see that unfortunately) and tried to troll us again.
When encountered in combat he seemed to constantly warp himself over the ground – immobilizing (and killing) him was possible though.
I would never think of making a whole server responsible for the action of one (or two) morons, but to say “ah well, you will take back the tower anyways” is not a sportsmanlike attitude when dealing with cheaters.
Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash
Lost all respect to the Desolation players now. Your actions with the cheating mesmer from guild “PvP” is just silly. Hacking in the combat, teleporting inside lord room in bay – what is it? You are not repoting it, but using his exploits and trying to take keeps behind our backs. Bleh.
So, because one person is apparently using that known all-in-one cheating program, the entire server is to blame? Personally I’ve never even heard of a guild with the [PvP] tag, so it’s entirely possible that he spent 2s to make a fake ‘guild’ for himself.
At any rate, if you see someone cheating make screenshots or videos and send them to exploits@arena.net as well as report them ingame (so ANet has the name).
That’s the only way this might get resolved one day. Blaming an entire server will accomplish nothing because every server (including yours) has individuals that just have to use hacks and exploits to win. I hate hackers/exploiters and really hope ANet will find a way to detect such programs and ban the players using them.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Thank you to everyone who helped on Deso BL, okay it ended up being PvD in the end but we held off so much pressure from different SFR guild groups and many stayed to retake our borderlands.
Never give up trust your instincts,
From your dopey newbie commander
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
apparently he was active all the night, and we still report him, and his 3 or 2 friends, the elem and 2 other guardian, it’s just stupid to play like this, i have took over 30 screenshots, going to make an album and upload it to anet and hope they will ban this stupid guy and his friend , and just killed him again atm, when i write this it must be the 10th time … btw f### ### !
Can I just offer my commiserations to whoever keeps spending money on all those SFR golems.
As for hacking mesmers, what else is there to say? Report them & anyone who keeps following them into towers and get them banned (once I can understand, but multiple times and you know something’s very wrong), but for goodness’ sake don’t blame an entire server. I’ve seen it on at least three occasions from SFR players, including one small guild that kept ninjaing T3 towers, does that mean that everyone on SFR should be blamed? No; it’s common sense.
hehehe i like golems
they are soooo coool !!
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader – www.pevepe.net/gw2
Erm I just saw 2 people inside a fully fortified Sunnyhill while you had golems at the gate what the heck is going on with all this exploiting/hacking now?
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
They are now flying and even crashing on the ground sometimes
I killed this one and his friend 5-6 times (with the help of the guards xD) but they got me once.
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
Haven’t seen a SINGLE solo roamer on SFR or Deso’s side within a week. So annoying to see all this blobbing and group play everywhere.
Feel free to pm me ingame for some duels.
Lost all respect to the Desolation players now. Your actions with the cheating mesmer from guild “PvP” is just silly. Hacking in the combat, teleporting inside lord room in bay – what is it? You are not repoting it, but using his exploits and trying to take keeps behind our backs. Bleh.
Don’t stigmatize everyone for the actions of few. If you see someone cheating, make sure to report him and move on. He’ll be likely to watch the neat-o login screen from them on. Most of us Deso are a fair sport, and I know for a fact that such behavior will be reported from our side as well.
And don’t talk like your server is all goody-two-shoes. SFR did the same thing before, having a couple of mesmers hack their way inside all our t3 fortresses and flipping everything. Regarding to the BOOM incident.
It does suck losing the effort of many due to few kittens kitten around. Hopefully we’ll be able to root out all the bad eggs completely one day.
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA], Desolation
4 Champion titles, solo/duoq Legend, best old LB rank 64.
Erm I just saw 2 people inside a fully fortified Sunnyhill while you had golems at the gate what the heck is going on with all this exploiting/hacking now?
Sunnyhill is known for its bugged door. Sometimes you just walk through it with leaps, whirlwinds and teleports. If it happens just go up and jump away without touching anything inside.
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
Erm I just saw 2 people inside a fully fortified Sunnyhill while you had golems at the gate what the heck is going on with all this exploiting/hacking now?
Sunnyhill is known for its bugged door. Sometimes you just walk through it with leaps, whirlwinds and teleports. If it happens just go up and jump away without touching anything inside.
do you really think your guys will really really really go up and jump out?
lets be real.
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Lost all respect to the Desolation players now. Your actions with the cheating mesmer from guild “PvP” is just silly. Hacking in the combat, teleporting inside lord room in bay – what is it? You are not repoting it, but using his exploits and trying to take keeps behind our backs. Bleh.
If u see someone cheating, report him. No server is responsible for one mesmer’s hacks. If he actually hacked, no one likes him. Besides, I wouldn’t be too worried, u would have still had all night to take it back.
Fair enough, we’ll just tell the whole server that hacking is fine, as Deso will – most probably – cap that certain objective back at one point in time anyway…
Starting with Grok’s Post.
I have come across a teleporting Warrior on SFR before which i reported as well as reporting some one from desolation also. I have also seen some range hacks on ac on both servers and i think we should really stop this – if you win fair everyone is happy. And if any one is doing this or thinking about doing it on all 3 servers. Think twice. its not worth the stress of being caught and shamed. Most personally I like to confirm if it really is a hack before i report in some cases you can imagine how ridiculous it is. E.g Ac at water gate stairs inner garrison hitting the Upstairs Vista area inner (tried it and it doesnt work even with all ac skills maxed out), cheating should no way be allowed.
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Erm I just saw 2 people inside a fully fortified Sunnyhill while you had golems at the gate what the heck is going on with all this exploiting/hacking now?
Sunnyhill is known for its bugged door. Sometimes you just walk through it with leaps, whirlwinds and teleports. If it happens just go up and jump away without touching anything inside.
do you really think your guys will really really really go up and jump out?
lets be real.
Yes they do.
Most people of all servers know the bug door is there and upon bugging in, 90% of the people stay there to die or jump out.
Solo guard of the watergate
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
Okey, since my post stirred so many bad emotions, I’m sorry, I wasn’t being entirely serious with all the “who cares”-attitude. U shouldn’t be so serious on here forums, I was flaming just for fun. But the point remains, if u see someone hacking, report the player with in-game mechanics. Bringing it on the forums is only flaming, ANet won’t be doing anything extra just because there are forum posts concerning the subject. Even worse, it might undermine your reports, since I think that it’s not allowed to post this stuff on forums.
Yes I do think they will jump out. Anyone from CoN would and if not they would be removed from the guild instantly. Any SFR player I will see not jumping away will be banned at our community forums, sites, TS and removed from their guilds. If you see any SFR player cheating, exploiting bugs or not jumping away from towers after accidentally getting inside. Screenshot, record and send it to me GuildWarsDrq@gmail.com.
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance will deal with the rest.
Cheating, abusing bugs and exploiting will not be tolerated.
Best Regards
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Yes I do think they will jump out. Anyone from CoN would and if not they would be removed from the guild instantly. Any SFR player I will see not jumping away will be banned at our community forums, sites, TS and removed from their guilds. If you see any SFR player cheating, exploiting bugs or not jumping away from towers after accidentally getting inside. Screenshot, record and send it to me GuildWarsDrq@gmail.com. Seafarer’s Rest Alliance will deal with the rest.
Cheating and using exploits will not be tolerated.Best Regards
This matchup gets even more hilarious day after day. Already 3 players of SFR who decided to press Alt+F4 in downed state. 2 players of [KoA] and one player of a guild somewhat with justice. Here, have some stickers!
Avallora Erasleigh // e
Tara Airgetlám // m
Please remove the name of the hacker from your posts as “naming and shaming” is forbidden on the forums and will get the thread closed. Just report the idiot through proper means and let other players know his name through pevepe/private messages.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
There is a 1v1 server you know…
Why would some1 go out of their way to look for solo roamers and have like 2 good 1v1’s an hour when there is a server made for this purpose. Not to mention it actually being balanced around smallscale fights, stealth and hp scaling says hello /facepalm
Lost all respect to the Desolation players now. Your actions with the cheating mesmer from guild “PvP” is just silly. Hacking in the combat, teleporting inside lord room in bay – what is it? You are not repoting it, but using his exploits and trying to take keeps behind our backs. Bleh.
that mesmer has been noticed only yesterday by my friends and has been reported instantly. i wonder if u guys report your speed hackers sniping yak’s on kodash server? or is it only a problem when other server has “better” hackers?
Good luck to Kodash and SFR this week. I can already feel the good fights we’re gonna have this week!
Current Score:
You stoped to report the score?
any of heroes here roaming with warrior?
…and watt about with a Ranger with no 1v1 setup?
So much anger… Good, good! Let the Dark Side be strong in you!
Personally I hate hackers, cheaters and etc, so I don’t care who are they and on what server they are living. Someone killing your dollys with speedhack? Report it, post your screens and videos here.
But I’ve never seen 10+ people on the servers with the cheaters. Solo, 1, possibly 2, but TEN! Amazing. And do not start this crap “I didn’t know where this portal leads”, lol. It leads straight to the banroom!
Where is deso when we need them:) Its really hard to take sfr hill with con and an entire randomzerg in it^^
Still fun, even when i die every 10 minutes:(
Where is deso when we need them:) Its really hard to take sfr hill with con and an entire randomzerg in it^^
Still fun, even when i die every 10 minutes:(
Most of the time it was just CoN in hills tbh and even when the random zerg came I’m pretty sure Kodash still had more at least at the start anyway. Had fun fights though.
im a little bit happy and a little bit sad no raging on forum tonight after the hugh farming whole day in eb
taking kodash keep was fun too and beautiful fights some backstabbing from desolation was a fun wake up call too
sad sfr lost sm when I left-.-
Jee wizz been bouncing about Deso bl like a yoyo thanks to the the relentless efforts by SFR and Kodash, then SFR zone in CoN to repel us from taking hills was a good evening all
We got back SM again – only to finally lose it when our numbers dropped right off.
Worst thing today was CON asking people to move out of EB to another BL just so they could get their ‘private raid’ going. Not sure that really helps the server or the image of your guild- hopefully it was a one off and not a regular occurence, it really does put people off playing in wvw. And then you drive away players who will take over after you have had your fun..
Probably a better idea to take your ‘private raid’ to one of the other BL’s – we did this with great success and a lot of fun on FSP with AoA- trying to do a raid in prime time on EB was always pretty impossible as you wouldn’t get guildies in and we would never ask people to ‘go to another BL’ as that shows a complete lack of respect for others.
I can understand the ‘no tags’ idea to encourage people to join TS, but is it working, or are people just thinking ‘ho hum no tag, let’s run around retaking camps, oops there goes another tower’?
Bear in mind also there are a large number of people who cannot use TS for various reasons, so if your not showing a tag you’re probably losing a lot of the server strength and negatively impacting the score.
Having said all this, was a good day of wvw for me, some epic fights, and those golem raids on the keeps were just awesome!
We seem to lack commanders at many times of the day but I’ve had another fun night taking command of EB this time, I had some issues with people going off and skirmishing but eventually people started trusting me with the help of alot of people it was a successful night, we had some good fights, defeated the grub, captured most of what we aimed for and I learned many things.
Thanks everyone including my guildies and others I forgot to name still fighting on! I’m still a dopey commander at times though
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
We got back SM again – only to finally lose it when our numbers dropped right off.
Worst thing today was CON asking people to move out of EB to another BL just so they could get their ‘private raid’ going. Not sure that really helps the server or the image of your guild- hopefully it was a one off and not a regular occurence, it really does put people off playing in wvw. And then you drive away players who will take over after you have had your fun..
Probably a better idea to take your ‘private raid’ to one of the other BL’s – we did this with great success and a lot of fun on FSP with AoA- trying to do a raid in prime time on EB was always pretty impossible as you wouldn’t get guildies in and we would never ask people to ‘go to another BL’ as that shows a complete lack of respect for others.
I can understand the ‘no tags’ idea to encourage people to join TS, but is it working, or are people just thinking ‘ho hum no tag, let’s run around retaking camps, oops there goes another tower’?
Bear in mind also there are a large number of people who cannot use TS for various reasons, so if your not showing a tag you’re probably losing a lot of the server strength and negatively impacting the score.
Having said all this, was a good day of wvw for me, some epic fights, and those golem raids on the keeps were just awesome!
Maybe this was better posted up on the SFR community forums m8 as it’s an internal issue.