T2 - Deso / SFR / Kodash 24/5/13 - ???
Soon moon tell us that it takes skill gank people when you play mesmer or thief.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
I play necro, but nice try, Junkpile. Do you need some attention or just business as usual, empty words without backup?
Thanks for the mature reply, Aikanaro. No sarcasm.
Best regards
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
Soon moon tell us that it takes skill gank people when you play mesmer or thief.
He already did
200,000 WwW Kills
About Deso guilds: only INVI? What about [GoD], [Unit]?
We certainly have more than just INVI, like you mention GoD, Unit, and also AFTL. Problem is: all of them can only muster a force of 15-20, and they mostly play during prime time anyway. This heavily limits the impact they can have on a match. They will easily run over a pug zerg twice their size, but considering most of the encounters against SFR are a guild group of 25-30 + 10-15 pugs following, even a well coordinated group of 20 can’t do much in such a situation.
Yeah, I am quite sure the top elite uber hardcore zergers from option can tell crazy stories about skill, bring it on I am eagerly awaiting your insights, Imacop.
Just yesterday I was visiting SFR forum and accidentially stumbled upon your recruitment thread – how many times did you use the word “hardcore” to describe your guilds agenda? Was it five or six times? I had a good laugh…
If you want learn something about playerskill, try to recruit some of the french PRD guys, they actually could teach you guys to be a bit more hardcore.
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
(edited by Moon.6371)
Thanks for the fun fights in whatever BL it was OSC, CoN, Rise and Iddq. First time i lead in awhile got my internet back now
That is all.
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
No, I was just responding in the same way you did, immature and insulting. See what I did there?
Best regards
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
Just yesterday I was visiting SFR forum and accidentially stumbled upon your recruitment thread – how many times did you use the word “hardcore” to describe your guilds agenda? Was it five or six times? I had a good laugh…
It was 3 times, I just counted all it means is the Belgium guy who wrote it needs a few more adjectives.
Yeah, I wasn`t serious, well the part about PRD was, probably some of the best players I`ve met in GW2. It was more about countering his backstabbing while not even knowing the class I am playing now.
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
Just yesterday I was visiting SFR forum and accidentially stumbled upon your recruitment thread – how many times did you use the word “hardcore” to describe your guilds agenda? Was it five or six times? I had a good laugh…
It was 3 times, I just counted
all it means is the Belgium guy who wrote it needs a few more adjectives.
200,000 WwW Kills
Sevenn buy new pc, to much slack
200,000 WwW Kills
Thanks for the fun fights in whatever BL it was OSC, CoN, Rise and Iddq. First time i lead in awhile got my internet back now
That is all.
Cheers INVI even in OSC tonight we had a first time leader , you gave him a good baptism
Soon moon tell us that it takes skill gank people when you play mesmer or thief.
Said by an Elementalist – you don’t qualify for that either.
who was in Deso bl tonight? flipping epic eh?
ZD/BOOM and ECL on a two pronged attack on Garrison, all hands on deck for deso to hold it to the end as no supply for a smaller defense to keep the doors shut place was like swiss cheese all night long. Pushed one group out find another breaking in another door lol eventually we had most of the SFR zergs plus Deso zerg inside the lord room chasing each other up and down the ramparts we managed to deal with ECL and the remainder of ZD eventually jumped out.
Good job Deso peeps especially to those who searched far and wide to gather supply for repairs Kodash used the breathing space well to cap most of our camps and any left where dry as a bone.
And thank you SFR for the epic clash really had us on our toes although im sure many of you where probably getting frustrated after repeated attempts to wear us down. before any QQ arises please remember between EB and home bl Pugs roam and blobs occur there are very few guild raids to be found here especially our home bl and if so only two regular guilds with no more than 20 players, [AFTL] had a good night and handed over command of the bl to [CLAW] for the remainder of the evening with a rather exhausted smile.
(edited by Axle.5182)
great, you finished the temple karma train run with your zerg ?
Is that supposed to be a troll attempt? lol where you there did you not like the underdogs rising up against you?
What did you expect to find when coming to Desolation bl a Map filled with multiple guild raids of 20-30 for some GvG? surely after these few weeks you would have taken your heads out of the clouds and learnt that we as a server can no longer facilitate that but still a few want to moan regardless.
always ones sided with you if you win with superior numbers not a peep out of you until the shoe is on the other foot then it becomes unfair.
(edited by Axle.5182)
great, you finished the temple karma train run with your zerg ?
Seems as if this would be the case, again. Currently they’re on their way to paint Kodash Borderlands in royal blue.
They also try to implement some tactics, running in three different squads right now. I’ve watched you getting steamrolled by a PU-squad of about 15 heavies, which is kinda funny since you had the same numbers running as a guild group.
btw: I’m running my mesmer solo for the first time, so some of you might already have roflstomped me once or twice when your buddies joined the fight. I cannot find a single SFR player who isn’t either running away or calling his friends to help them out – which is kinda sad, as most of them are either thieves or rangers (certainly no vital zerg assets, beside cluster bombs from thieves). I haven’t seen that many /laughs (I guess they don’t laugh about me playing bad, as I have outplayed most of them 1vs1) and other fancy emotes from players of well-known guilds before. I’m happy about nice fights and opportunities I can use to get to know Mesmer game-play better – reinforcements in duels have to be reckoned with; naughty emotes afterwards (which I received numerous times tonight), on the other hand, are no fun and don’t reflect sportsmanship.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
who was in Deso bl tonight? flipping epic eh?
ZD/BOOM and ECL on a two pronged attack on Garrison, all hands on deck for deso to hold it to the end as no supply for a smaller defense to keep the doors shut place was like swiss cheese all night long. Pushed one group out find another breaking in another door lol eventually we had most of the SFR zergs plus Deso zerg inside the lord room chasing each other up and down the ramparts we managed to deal with ECL and the remainder of ZD eventually jumped out.
Good job Deso peeps especially to those who searched far and wide to gather supply for repairs Kodash used the breathing space well to cap most of our camps and any left where dry as a bone.
And thank you SFR for the epic clash really had us on our toes although im sure many of you where probably getting frustrated after repeated attempts to wear us down. before any QQ arises please remember between EB and home bl Pugs roam and blobs occur there are very few guild raids to be found here especially our home bl and if so only two regular guilds with no more than 20 players, [AFTL] had a good night and handed over command of the bl to [CLAW] for the remainder of the evening with a rather exhausted smile.
The skill lag was awful when Kodash zerg arrived inside the lord room. Don’t know about other guilds, but today our raid was lacking numbers (15 max). So basically we’ve got 5 raids on BL (Xaoc, ECL, BOOM, ZDs, LC) plus randoms, but overall not more than 60. Guess about our coordination? It was fuken bad! Never ever put more than 2-3 raids on a single BL.
No words about blobbing, 1 [GoD] group was larger than 3 of our raids, lol. It took ECL, ZDs and Xaoc to clear them out. Ah, and the Kodash did as usual – 1 megablob. It took 2 AC to clear them out (superior).
Yeah skill lag was mad for us too i was getting eaten up by retaliation couldn’t even get my healing skill to pop once not even skill 1 worked at times. We had two commander 1 from [GOD] running their guild raid and [AFTL] commanding the pugs to defend garrison the place had broken doors everywhere no supply left and camps dry as a bone, we had individuals out scouting for supply everywhere in an attempt to get the doors back up and keep your reinforcements and kodash out if we had of failed and resulted in a 3 way in that lord room i dare say we would have crashed the map lol.
With that many broken doors there simply was no other alternative apart from [GOD] there was no other guild group big enough to plug the gaps we had ECL in the lord room running rings rnd us on the ramparts and you guys beating the south inner it was chaotic to say the least but thankfully most of deso kept focused on the task at hand instead of becoming a headless chicken.
(edited by Axle.5182)
what s the point of running 25 guild teams. sfr guilds who run on their own are 30+ during primetime. And even those are tailed often by another guild who s got 15 man. Then you ve got this low selfesteam guilds who can field 12-20 man but need to blobb. There are good fights to be had on 2 maps for guilds who run from 5 man till 25 people. I can list you over 10 guilds from Kodash who do their own thing who run in grps of 5ish and there is another handfull that run around with aprox. 15 man.
Yeah maybee they should join forces, but I also prefere to roam with 5 people who I know they can play, then running with another 5 who will pop like soap bubbles. So there comes my disbelieve that OSC and so many other good guilds really need to blobb up.
Telling yourself that you re looking for a challenge might sound good, but actually you aren t. maybe it s challenging on EB or the guild cluster map where you can fight our random blobbs. But most I see from SFR is people looking for easy wxp.
Well I do hope that with all this wvw focused guilds you re hoping to go back to tier 1. because I really doubt that you ll find many 30+guilds on piken or baruch bay.
MS-Mondsucht, pure small scale forever !
Kodash-we thrife on outmanned
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
Just thought i should join in on the fun.
Thank you to the SFR guys who made my evening/night. After receiving command from [AFTL] we sure did have some good fights. E.g North Camp (TitanPaw); considering we were upgrading all our towers and garrison we had to be on alert to every bit of the map which was fun because we had some nice fights. Foghaven fight also – destroying the trebs built to assault Crag, Dreaming Bay we stole it right before you could take it – thanks to the DESO players who fought while the others captured it. The funniest bit was when we held of a 6 golem rush + 15bodies in DESO garrison with only 8-10 players. That for me made my night.
The numbers where some what equal yesterday evening on DESO BL so good job.
lets keep having nice encounters.
Keep calm have a CANDY
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Had some fun last night against INVI in kodash BL.
In the start we had far superior numbers but luckely you guys managed to get the same numbers.
We had some pretty nice fights , shame they sometimes got interrupted by pug zergs
Solo guard of the watergate
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
" Atoss.1056 – Agreed. With 25 it’s usually like this: buff buff, dodge left dodge right, straight on them – where the meele train (guardian/warrior) go through enemy group with all their stabilities and stuff, while ranged stay on backs doing aoe. It’s all about moving as a group, and usually the group with more meele wins.
In smaller group fights there is nothing like this. Sure you can try to focus single players but so can the enemy. Actual player skill, timing of skills, each person build and all their play style is much more visible and for many ppl it’s much more fun. More thinking what to do on your own, than listening comander shouting on TS “buff, veil…” and so on.
In the end there are both types of ppl, ones who like to follow their comander when they run all together, but usually not so good when not runing in their zerg, and the ones who are more individual and rely more on their own abilities and the few friends around.
Your choice where you belong :p "
This actually made me giggle Obviously you had no experience in any GvGs or serious WvW guilds playing against each other. Not to mention countering setups. Please refrain yourself from commenting on tactics of such groups. Thanks ;-) (no offence or sarcasm)
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
(edited by Darkman.1257)
On the note of hacking TRUT or something similar just sent a warrior inside upgraded garison in desolation right now to teleport from water gate outer to water gate inner to kill me on the arrow carts – good game Kodash – practice what you preach!!
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
(edited by oaagamer.6594)
The guys from this certain guild do this since the Elona matchup, have been reported and flamed like almost every day by the whole map population of Kodash as they do cheat very openly. That they haven`t been banned yet, is solely Anets fault, don`t blame the server, we`re reporting this guild like every day…
Best regards
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
Please do not blame the whole server for actions of few idiots. It is a common fact that Anet is not doing anything to stop cheaters in this game. Took them 6 months to fix an exploit where you could teleport from outer hills to inner hills an assasinate the lord.
Even though we were reporting it with 40+ people everyday.
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
Not blaming the server!! i reported him and i told the 4 that were with me to do the same.
Some players are just out to ruin this game for all.
Hope they do something about this exploits soon.
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
On the note of hacking TRUT or something similar just sent a warrior inside upgraded garison in desolation right now to teleport from water gate outer to water gate inner to kill me on the arrow carts – good game Kodash – practice what you preach!!
all of us reportet this guy too + start to flame him on map Chat. Becourse of this guy all of us (incl. Commander from NSG) changed map.. we don´t Play together with cheaters.
" Atoss.1056 – Agreed. With 25 it’s usually like this: buff buff, dodge left dodge right, straight on them – where the meele train (guardian/warrior) go through enemy group with all their stabilities and stuff, while ranged stay on backs doing aoe. It’s all about moving as a group, and usually the group with more meele wins.
In smaller group fights there is nothing like this. Sure you can try to focus single players but so can the enemy. Actual player skill, timing of skills, each person build and all their play style is much more visible and for many ppl it’s much more fun. More thinking what to do on your own, than listening comander shouting on TS “buff, veil…” and so on.In the end there are both types of ppl, ones who like to follow their comander when they run all together, but usually not so good when not runing in their zerg, and the ones who are more individual and rely more on their own abilities and the few friends around.
Your choice where you belong :p "This actually made me giggle
Obviously you had no experience in any GvGs or serious WvW guilds playing against each other. Not to mention countering setups. Please refrain yourself from commenting on tactics of such groups. Thanks ;-) (no offence or sarcasm)
Actually I did.
What I meant is: in smaller groups you can have ppl each with different setups – no 2 ppl with the same build, and in bigger guild groups it’s most often 1 or 2 builds for each class.
Mate I do not know what experience you had. But we have built our group with different builds, devided 25 people into 5 man groups who support eachother and complete their groups. We have people with various builds to complete that and adjust to any situation possible. In your post you made everything so simple as to “veil-dodge left, dodge right” which is pure mockery. Not to mention any coordination and rotation of cooldowns. Hence my post.
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
(edited by Darkman.1257)
I guess part of what Atoss meant, was that the vast majority of challenges tied to 25 man raids are organizational ones. Class & build setup, etc pp. But the executional part is very limited due to the number of participants involved (25 vs 25 = 50 people) in the fight and strict movement patterns to mitigate ae incoming (comparing it to smaller scale fights).
Thus, the challenge for the leader is quite huge, but it is very top down and less demanding for the ordinary footman, because the number of actions that need to be performed to win the fight is not as high as in fights with less people involved (constant re-priorization of focus targets, cd management, interrupts, blocks, stunbreakers, traveling skills, etc.).
I do admire potent raid leaders for their ability to plan and organize so many guys into a well coordinated team but as I said before, I feel like these are the same organizational challenges PvE-raids are facing. The individual player`s mechanics, apm and overall decisionmaking capabilites are not as important, even if they still make a difference.
Anyways, have fun and good luck!
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
(edited by Moon.6371)
" but it is very top down and less demanding for the ordinary footman" couldn’t disagree more. But I’m not here to argue.
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
Great Fight at Eternal. Gj SR and Deso as well.
deso borderlands in the later hours yesterday, hard to find any enemies and boredness was about to take over so BOOM decided to bunker up a camp. 3-4x more siege up then ppl to man them, ended up escorting dollys with 6 gollems
had a blast!
this is how we treat our camps! i dare any1 to attack 1 of our keeps!!
You INVI by far are the only guild that is trying to move apart from the blobs in this matchup. Now that KoA left Kodash. Wish more guilds would be like you.
BdaS, Bots, Buka, FB, FORT, Kegl, NSG, WdR, why – just to name a few. You might have run into some of them with your 30 guildees + adds…
Out of all of those guilds only Bots mean anything to me. But even so, as much as I respect those guys they just don’t have the numbers. The other guilds are so small in presence or effectiveness I just have not noticed them. I’m not trying to be dis-respectful, but about 25-30 is pretty standard for a guild raid – groups of 5 roaming guild members just don’t get noticed or are more of an annoyance than a real threat.
Anyway, as always respect to our opponents and we hope for some good fights in what’s left of this broken match-up.
After all your giggle pseudo-elitist zergs are still just known by being forum warriors. Still didn’t saw any member of your guild being a good fullgroup- AND small-scale fighter at all. I doubt that your guildnames would mean anything to Kodash if we would match other servers.
5 roaming guildmembers are what GuildWars 2’s combat (along with cooldowns, AoE-cap etc.) is adjusted to. But have fun with being blind.
You know where you find good fights now. KoA tried smallscale while being on Kodasch. Its your turn to prove if you are worth a “good fight” on Kodash.
Avallora Erasleigh // e
Tara Airgetlám // m
(edited by vanensang.1389)
[KEGL]?? You roam in JP or something?
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
[KEGL]?? You roam in JP or something?
No! Didn’t you notice my elite guild ROAMING with 15-20 players just to have PVP?
Avallora Erasleigh // e
Tara Airgetlám // m
After all your giggle pseudo-elitist zergs are still just known by being forum warriors. Still didn’t saw any member of your guild being a good fullgroup- AND small-scale fighter at all. I doubt that your guildnames would mean anything to Kodash if we would match other servers.
5 roaming guildmembers are what GuildWars 2’s combat (along with cooldowns, AoE-cap etc.) is adjusted to. But have fun with being blind.You know where you find good fights now. KoA tried smallscale while being on Kodakittens your turn to prove if you are worth a “good fight” on Kodash.
I’m not sure where you’ve got the ‘elitist’ thing from man, and from most of the recent comments from you guys it does seem a little hypocritical. Maybe you got the wrong impression from my post…
CoN always have respect for our opponents. Do your thing if you want, that’s cool. We, as a guild and mostly as a server prefer the larger scale fights, it’s what we’ve always enjoyed and we are not the only ones.
You may have noticed, on your roaming missions, these things called Keeps. They are not there to encourage small roaming groups to congregate. I don’t think this is what the culling fix was added for either. Many might have a different view on how and why the AoE cap was implemented too.
Both styles of play are as legitimate as the other, it’s just that Kodash seems to have more people enthusiastic for the small scale stuff. That’s fine!
We’re as bored of this match-up as you guys, so please lets just try and stay respectful of how each other want to play the game, even if the current match up can’t facilitate it.
Kindest Regards,
- aka The Iron Baby
Really fun and long fights again in Kodash BL with mainly Rise, IDDQ and VG (And the Kodash lot) SFR Hills was more like a king of the hill with constant fighting from all 3 servers
Start of the matchup I was hoping we would drop, but actually hoping we stay up cause you guys have guilds everywhere so it’s more like “Who do you fancy fighting tonight guys?” Haha
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
I’m not sure where you’ve got the ‘elitist’ thing from man
He might be referring to SFR’s “we hate pugs” era from a couple of months back.
Anyway… I present: That awkward moment when you’re killed by your identical twin
12:10 in the afternoon in Europe ( my place )
We have around 20 in EB (deso)
This is what SFR have…
We are a little bit outmanned I guess.
12:10 in the afternoon in Europe ( my place )
We have around 20 in EB (deso)
This is what SFR have…
We are a little bit outmanned I guess.
kitten son you got run over
Ye that’s how they fight, never 10-20 man groups
So it’s going to be a new wave of match ups this Friday then, as in it’s server rotations every week?
12:10 in the afternoon in Europe ( my place )
We have around 20 in EB (deso)
This is what SFR have…
We are a little bit outmanned I guess.
Just to show you guys how culling and misconception works. I’m working as a graphic IT specialist at my company. I’ve ran that picture through our graphic recognition software procedure. It works by marking a certain part of the picture and in this case a little dot on “SFR” tag and runs a process of multiplication to find how many of those points are on the designated picture. On this picture you have 34 players +- 4.
Amazing 100man blob isn’t it ? ;-)
3 Well placed Superior Arrow Carts would do the job.
(Yes it doesn’t change the fact that we have more)
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
(edited by Darkman.1257)
Is there still some 1v1 fight club thing going on before reset at windmill in a borderlands?
1 vs 1 arrow cart fight club thing.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
SFR knows how to take care of business on Deso BL. All aboard the golem train!
SFR knows how to take care of business on Deso BL. All aboard the golem train!
That was my commanding this morning! We were quite bored so the only thing to cure boredom was GOLEMS! we had 6 all together! Nice vid though
[dF]Driven by Fury
Far Shiverpeaks