Piken Square [EU]
T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 10.5-17.5
Piken Square [EU]
gh hf everyone =)
I want 100 pages also !
Jade Quarry
So, who is the tough guy here?
Whom do we have to beat up to get some respect in this sandpit ?
Seafarer’s Rest (SFR)
So, who is the tough guy here?
Whom do we have to beat up to get some respect in this sandpit ?
Nobody, they all move to Ranik or VS …
Jade Quarry
Yay we dropped in T2! Time to play again!
Signed, Scissors.
You won’t get anything for free!
Welcome to the T2 :-)
God you blob more that viz. Haven’t even seen any guild groups.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
time to get everyone back to seafarer now that viz zergs are gone :P
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Depends on which BL you play.
A lot of guilds play together as “Cluster” but we also have great guilds
WdR, KoA, Bots; FoF, EoW and lots of other guilds.
I just see 100 zerglings nametag mess so i don’t see great guilds
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
lol the beginning of the night it’s sucky, we lost every single bl in an oscene way. But on the other hand i finally finished eb c:
I just see 100 zerglings nametag mess so i don’t see great guilds
Either they doubled their population since 8pm, or you are drunken and see them twice
I just see 100 zerglings nametag mess so i don’t see great guilds
Either they doubled their population since 8pm, or you are drunken and see them twice
Maybe he got the same Problem Heidi the Opossum had
I hope SFR has fun on the Jade Border. WELCOME TO T2!
Thank you for the great fights.
Greets from KoA/Bots
Hope we will all enjoy this match up.
Ermagards new opponents, excited to play some WvW!
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Hey guys, we had some good fights on the Jade Border last evening!
It was good to see that [BG] + [EPIC] wanted to get us too the ground so badly, and you did very well. You have to learn a few things, but you guys are on the right way.
Sad to see that [XAOC] didn’t had the manpower to compeat with [KoA]+[Bots].
We had 30-35 men together.
Well, hope to see more from you guys and from [ZDs] which destroyed our Homeborder yesterday.
best regards Rajnesh.
PS: Jade was blobing all time with 60-70+ zerg, like every day. They just have the Guild [DEX] with their little paintrain which is quite good. The Rest of the French is just mass, nothing else.
We dont have peoples for fight in t2.We need t3 or t4.
Blobbing here is even worse than in t1.
Yeah,look the actually score.next week we are in t3.
hope not to end up as Blacktide xD
You can get these blobs down by the way as you can see in our new Guild Movie.
The French guys are just Zomies
You can get these blobs down by the way as you can see in our new Guild Movie.
The French guys are just Zomies
No skill lag?!?! WTF!
If there is no other fight going on, yeah.
Sometimes we have big problems with skilllags, because normaly we are outnumbered.
But time goes on and we learned to play with the skillags.
PS: Jade was blobing all time with 60-70+ zerg, like every day. They just have the Guild [DEX] with their little paintrain which is quite good. The Rest of the French is just mass, nothing else.
The pot calling the kettle black.
Now we’ll see how Kodash will do without their big brother who was always covering their a**
Hope to be surprised in a good way !
French servers are Germans servers big brothers?
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
We were meant as the Big Brother And Big and Small brother liked kicking into their a**** so much that we both quite often forgot about Jade during the last 10 weeks
PS: @kovah: It’s weekend! It’s not the first time that we are ahead of Vizu during the weekend, the hard part is to bring the score over the nights during the week.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
I’m pretty sure he was talking about Elona
Has anyone noticed how Elona is pwning on T1?
Signed, Scissors.
Yeah, how? 3k plus? WHAT AN OWNAGE! Poor VS!
KoA zerg only. They stay in their T3 ans go out when they are 70+.
But SFR was THE master of blob/zergfest. Sad to see them with a Mini Austin, after use Death Star :’(
hello kodash jade sea:D
I remember kodash and jade sea played in both amazing players:D im afraid sfr might not stay in t2 because we lost a lot ppls-.-
btw nice bloobing both servers but we lost almost no battles out there still nice try blobbing us
eb was the most epic bloobing fighting 2013 and no skill lag crazy
i think a union between deso and sfr could rise again.
First of all, playing most of the time without skill lag is amazing.
Hey guys, we had some good fights on the Jade Border last evening!
It was good to see that [BG] + [EPIC] wanted to get us too the ground so badly, and you did very well. You have to learn a few things, but you guys are on the right way.Sad to see that [XAOC] didn’t had the manpower to compeat with [KoA]+[Bots].
We had 30-35 men together.Well, hope to see more from you guys and from [ZDs] which destroyed our Homeborder yesterday.
best regards Rajnesh.
PS: Jade was blobing all time with 60-70+ zerg, like every day. They just have the Guild [DEX] with their little paintrain which is quite good. The Rest of the French is just mass, nothing else.
Nice fights indeed. At start we tried running 3 different guild grps, but we just could not match. We were around 20-25 with the random guys with us, but they pretty much die on the first engagement. We joined forces with VG to a number of 40, and than things started to go better. I guess we need some hard stomping to get back in shape after playing against VS for so long
. But overal, verry nice fights, and just a few of them with skill lag.
Do you know what happened today. Some German warrior did throw bolas at me and yesterday some dude did try to run away in avatar of melandru form. Some weird kitten happening in this match or are this some new special tactics.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
(edited by Junkpile.7439)
Really nice vid Rajnesh (I’d give it a like if i had a youtube account.)
but I must correct you, Jade in a 60-70+ zerg you were dreaming. It’s difficult for Jade to have enough people for more than a 40+ zerg most of the time (not talking about primetime ‘cause i never play during prime). And when we have enough people there are a lot that say :
“We don’t wanna listen to order or strategy, we’ve enough of that at work. Let us just play as we want and don’t disturb us"
We all tend to overestimate each other zergs.
I think Kodash and us (Jade) will be able to enjoy ourselves a lil’ bit more without the massive elonazerg that destroy everything over and over and… over :p .
I think Kodash and Elona taught us a lot this two last month. We had to adapt quickly and zerging like the two of them was the only way for us to survive. You’ll soon see that kodash is a master when it come to keep a tower or a fort. They are great roamer to and sometime, when they’ve got the manpower, they go on rampage and destroy everything like elona (but not over and over)…
Oh and be carefull SFR, 10 kodashs often prove to be more dangerous than a kodash zerg.
Hello guys. It is a blast to play with you let me say and too bad we wont stick around more in T2 to do this, but let me tell you that you guys fight a lot more open fights then the blob tower fest in T1. Thanks for the good fights in Eb this morning, when i started leading we didint have anything on the map, but now it looks way better See you tonight.
Seafarer’s Rest
Funny movie, just too bad most of the fight are vs PU, not difficult to win this condition.
Anyway KoA is one of the best Kodash guild, a little too many maybe.
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
Hello guys. It is a blast to play with you let me say and too bad we wont stick around more in T2 to do this, but let me tell you that you guys fight a lot more open fights then the blob tower fest in T1. Thanks for the good fights in Eb this morning, when i started leading we didint have anything on the map, but now it looks way better
See you tonight.
Would be great if you could stay a bit longer with us. Or at least promise to drop by from time to time!
I love fighting SFR much better than Elona! We had enough Elona for the next few months at least. You could almost forget hunting the French about the nice fights.
Looking for fun in WvW and PvE? We’re recruiting!
had a lot of fun fighting you guys at the reset and this morning. i love the new matchup. jade blob isnt really a thread and sfr runs a lot in small groups. /wave @ [VG]
Stomp some Piken!
I kind of miss Vizunah Square and the easy gathering of bags
Looks like SFR is getting owned
We’re just in such a BAD shape right now x-x
We had a great time on SFR borderland against Kodash and JS with us defending against 2 servers. You guys can really fight without all that running and hiding for hours like VS.
World Guardians [WvW] SFR Romanian Guild
welcome back Sfr ! i hope we’ll have some good fights this week and i hope you’ll stay a little with us
you still got some tough teams ! it’s great
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea
Outmanned in EB at Saturday evening.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
(edited by Junkpile.7439)
If this keeps up we go into t3 next week xD
AND kitten GUYS come on i just need 3 points of interest in jade sea borderlands xD Too bad we never have the garrison in there >.>
- Your blob is bigger!
- No, yours!
LOL. Guys, your blobs as big as VS’s, but 10 times easier to kill in open field (which is strange) and so-so in da siege wars (because of the new ACs). And I’ve never seen any of your guilds raiding solo, only bloody blob like in garry now.
can someone of u frenchies tell my why ~50% of your players dance on corpeses of foes that got killed in a 1vs10 fight?
Piken Square [EU]
I liked this tier. You guys are much more lively and aggressive than VZ.
Too bad we have 2 outmanned borders with 0 income since ~21 CET =\
A lot of people in Seafarer’s Rest got/had hybris. Since they thought we were T1 we would wipe the floor going down to T2, but that is obviously not the case, I hope they opened their eyes now to see how it actually is
Vizunah spoiled us too much.