T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)
It’s sad to see SBI go since NA is their only advantage for this tier and KWBH will negate that.
Whoh, is that some smack talk? I accept your challenge and will see you on the battlefield!
Just what I want! WvW is boring without anyone to fight.
Effing rallybot
the LEET guild from SoS has two thieves that seem to be together a lot, both have an incinerator. we had some good duels so if anyone on here is friends with them, please pass the message on for them to whisper me if they want to go at it again.
I think I know who you are talking about, I’ll ask around
Knowing your guild’s tag might help.
Welcome people arriving in the tier. I hope you enjoy the matches.
Good Luck SoS NA players, seems you may be getting new challenges to face.
I fought that Mesmer you mentioned earlier in the thread, a couple times..Killed him and then he switched specs and we went at again, he tried to zerg me a few times when he failed to kill me hehe
I can assure you, Xsorus, that you two are talking about two different Mesmers. I’m not sure who you’re talking about. When did you duel this Mesmer and was he wearing a [FEAR] tag at the time?
I can vouch that killing you is almost impossible regardless, especially with your new bunker build. I watched your video and I don’t recall ever seeing your health drop below 50%, even against 3+ enemies. I tried dueling a bunker ranger in SPvP the other day and it was a stalemate, neither of us could kill the other. It would be fun, and a pleasure, to give you another shot with your new build. Send me a whisper sometime.
No it wasn’t the Fear guy, it was the CaC guy he was talking about or cAc
It was earlier in the thread, or maybe it wasn’t him that he mentioned… one sec
“Only CD I currently have respect for are that one mesmer from cAc (who I have no clue who they are. If anyone has their character name, I’d really appreciate it,) and Iskandarex from TOFU.”
This is the guy i’m talking about.
Also nothing new about the Bunker Build, Its the same as always, But with Bunker Builds you can choose to make yourself more Offensive or Defense. When I lost Pain Inverter I decided to move away from the More Offensive Setup i was running to a More Defensive Setup that I use to run when P/D thieves were more common (They’ve all switched to D/P and S/D)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
(edited by Xsorus.2507)
We clearly needed our enemies to get more people, so we can spend 24 hours a day at +45 instead of 20 hours. Should make things between SoS and CD more interesting though.
(edited by Bannok.3152)
How can you ninja a keep when 0 gates are down?
Great fights on CD borderlands today, shout out to the SoS crew we showed a level of organization that had us wiping 50 man zergs whilst outmanned also shoutout to Fang for being a quality guild.
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
We clearly needed our enemies to get more people, so we can spend 24 hours a day at +45 instead of 20 hours. Should make things between SoS and CD more interesting though.
I don’t know – you folks seem to be doing alright at the moment. Couldn’t tell which one was the world that just had a transfer in, that’s for sure.
Great fights on CD borderlands today, shout out to the SoS crew we showed a level of organization that had us wiping 50 man zergs whilst outmanned also shoutout to Fang for being a quality guild.
I don’t think we were outnumbered. It was pretty even imo, and it was one of the most fun I’ve had since we moved down to this tier.
Effing rallybot
Great fights on CD borderlands today, shout out to the SoS crew we showed a level of organization that had us wiping 50 man zergs whilst outmanned also shoutout to Fang for being a quality guild.
I don’t think we were outnumbered. It was pretty even imo, and it was one of the most fun I’ve had since we moved down to this tier.
Haha it was super fun, but idk at one stage we did have the outmanned buff.
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
Whoa whoa whoa. When did these threads start getting interesting and juicy again?
It seems like NA primetime is going to be more lucrative for badges in the (probably) last week and a bit we’re in the tier, for now. Shame I don’t feel like pulling a 3 or 4am job every night.
That’s biggest zerg in EB SoS is fielding I have seen since we faced SoR/TC
In all honesty, we thought the same about yours. That was one huge group y’all were running for a Tuesday night.
That’s biggest zerg in EB SoS is fielding I have seen since we faced SoR/TC
lol. Pot calling the kettle black. I think all of SBI is on EB. Atleast your zerg is more organized then ours. You guys scout/have might on move/stacks ranged in back with good frontline. Grats on getting the pugs trained. Our EB is least disciplined when guilds don’t form the core of the zerg. Many of our pugs will get a wake up call if we ever move to T3 and quality of play increases.
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie
Is there really a need for score updates any more now that we have this gem?
Makes posting score updates pointless. Though now these threads will be dead if there isn’t some interesting banter going on in them now.
Good. Would be nice to have another quiet thread week except for hopefully some teary goodbyes at the end of the week next week.
It’s sad to see SBI go since NA is their only advantage for this tier and KWBH will negate that.
Whoh, is that some smack talk? I accept your challenge and will see you on the battlefield!
Well… hello there… I see people are smack talking for us… well it’s going to be hard with only about 40 of us, all from different time zones moved over so far :P wait a few weeks let us farm up and move everyone maybe then the smack talk can start
(keeps low profile)
Èl Cid
SoS i give you guys props, you work well with your numbers, and by numbers i mean a whole army! lol. but being new to CD with my guild mates from [KWBH] i think it’s easy to say we like the competition here, good job SoS and SBI, i had a fun night in WvW. See you all around
~Stormbluff Isle~
SoS i give you guys props, you work well with your numbers, and by numbers i mean a whole army! lol. but being new to CD with my guild mates from [KWBH] i think it’s easy to say we like the competition here, good job SoS and SBI, i had a fun night in WvW. See you all around
^ whens your prime time!
lol everyone wants a piece of kwbh
SoS i give you guys props, you work well with your numbers, and by numbers i mean a whole army! lol. but being new to CD with my guild mates from [KWBH] i think it’s easy to say we like the competition here, good job SoS and SBI, i had a fun night in WvW. See you all around
^ whens your prime time!
its a secret lol, ..maybe
Would love some new competition during NA primetime, which is when CD tends to struggle. On that note, had funs times on CD borderlands last night with Kiwi, SBI guilds. Good to see Rice Republic back on the field.
Looks like Cd isn’t the only one to get a guild transfer yesterday. ORL from BP has began the process of transferring members to SoS just last night, although we don’t have the 300+ that KWBH has, we should be looking at 150+ coming in the next few days. We look forward to fighting KWBH and the other servers during NA primetime. Once again thanks to the SoS community for being so welcoming, we also enjoy the 3 servers unique play styles! You all have definitely brought our interest back into WvW as it was getting dreadful in tier 5. Best wishes to all servers involved in this tier gl and have fun!
Is there really a need for score updates any more now that we have this gem?
Makes posting score updates pointless. Though now these threads will be dead if there isn’t some interesting banter going on in them now.
Nah, we just need some smexy posts to make them interesting.
Looks like Cd isn’t the only one to get a guild transfer yesterday. ORL from BP has began the process of transferring members to SoS just last night, although we don’t have the 300+ that KWBH has, we should be looking at 150+ coming in the next few days. We look forward to fighting KWBH and the other servers during NA primetime. Once again thanks to the SoS community for being so welcoming, we also enjoy the 3 servers unique play styles! You all have definitely brought our interest back into WvW as it was getting dreadful in tier 5. Best wishes to all servers involved in this tier gl and have fun!
Sweet! A good three way battle is shaping up here. Just don’t everyone attack the weaker side please, that makes it so boring.
Forget about it being Siege Wars 2, its now Recruiting Wars 2. Bannok I think its time for Doommidget to put all the gold he has to use by getting us some transfers.
(edited by Gravy.7589)
A big welcome to ORL.
Look forward to fighting along side you all, lets get our loot together!
Proud Member of [CA] from Aurora Glade.
Forget about it being Siege Wars 2, its now Recruiting Wars 2. Bannok I think its time for Doommidget to put all the gold he has to use by getting us some transfers.
lol recruiting wars
It’s cool that you guys (SoS / CD) are getting guild transfers. I hope you guys enjoy it. We haven’t gotten anything, and probably never will, but we’ll try our hardest regardless! I really like not having any major guilds on the server, because we’re all pretty much equal with each other, and every guild around pretty much fields the 3-5 that we can at any given hour to keep things together.
Anyway, looking forward to more weeks as red given the incoming population to the tier!
Forget about it being Siege Wars 2, its now Recruiting Wars 2. Bannok I think its time for Doommidget to put all the gold he has to use by getting us some transfers.
GL getting Doom to spend a dime on that! Haha.
The only huge shame is that by the time KWBH are fully transferred over and have shaken off the T8 rust, we’ll probably already be in T3, seeing as that could be as early as next Friday (will have to see what the details are in the upcoming blog post and in the patch on Tuesday). That said, if that happens and such swings become possible, y’all will have some interesting opponents in the form of Kaineng and EBay to fight (if the scores stand as they are). I think I might’ve preferred to fight Kaineng than Yak’s Bend, but I still think Yak’s Bend and Maguuma will give us a run for our money.
Still though, we’ll enjoy your badges in the meantime as much as you enjoy ours as we… ah… “welcome” you to the tier.
welcome all the folks joining the tier
good fights for the last few hours had a fun first time commanding in CD on EB – can’t wait for more of us to get over!
Èl Cid
good fights for the last few hours
had a fun first time commanding in CD on EB – can’t wait for more of us to get over!
I was going to congratulate you on getting your tag, but then realized that you’re from the transfer guild and are just new to the tier, haha. Glad to have you to fight.
That big Charr commander of yours on CD (well, at least an hour ago was) has a decent build. Tanky, but still with plenty of dps. A guy/gal after my own heart.
Welcome to the party ORL, look forward to fighting beside you guys!
Welcome to the party ORL, look forward to fighting beside you guys!
As do we! You all have such a nice community in this tier! We look forward to becoming apart of the community
That big Charr commander of yours on CD (well, at least an hour ago was) has a decent build. Tanky, but still with plenty of dps. A guy/gal after my own heart.
Good fights in SBI bl , took long enough till we lost hills, sorry we had to counter that catapults spot which was good and the trebs , great fights.
Thanks for the good fights [LEET] on the CD Borderlands tonight. Had lots of fun before I lagged out.
We offer cakes, we don’t wanna kill you!
traitor! those were my cakes!
Èl Cid
I love when SoS comes to SBI keep on EB. I get called to help. And you bring all those loot bags and LOLs to me and my buddies. THANKS!
Had just moved to EB after running some havoc in CD BL and thought we had our EB keep lost Yulo. Had respawned and a group of us pushed our way through bout 10-12 SoS scattered outside and headed to the lords room and saw a see of red. Had to be a good 40-50 sos in there capping the keep and then BOOM, loot bags everywhere. Lulz were had.
Glad to see all the fresh blood coming in. I’m loving the fights, but it should be a welcomed change. I don’t care what the points are, NA time = fun time for me.
Hey All! It’s that day of the week again. Fight Night tonight 6pm Server time on SBI BL at our usual location. Lets get some fresh bodies there tonight and maybe even some SBI could show up for some fun dueling.
SK, you should try to get some of your guys to show up. I know Ghed wouldn’t mind seeing fresh faces to fight.
Grieve Logdan (Human War) | Rifte Torin (Charr Thief)
Feylicia Logdan (Human Mes) | Elias Foralli (Asura Guard)
Hey All! It’s that day of the week again. Fight Night tonight 6pm Server time on SBI BL at our usual location. Lets get some fresh bodies there tonight and maybe even some SBI could show up for some fun dueling.
SK, you should try to get some of your guys to show up. I know Ghed wouldn’t mind seeing fresh faces to fight.
Friday night server time or tonight server time? Because tonight server time is a Thursday.
Also what is the “usual location,” for those curious?
Looks like Cd isn’t the only one to get a guild transfer yesterday. ORL from BP has began the process of transferring members to SoS just last night, although we don’t have the 300+ that KWBH has, we should be looking at 150+ coming in the next few days. We look forward to fighting KWBH and the other servers during NA primetime. Once again thanks to the SoS community for being so welcoming, we also enjoy the 3 servers unique play styles! You all have definitely brought our interest back into WvW as it was getting dreadful in tier 5. Best wishes to all servers involved in this tier gl and have fun!
Wait….You transferred to the Green high population server in a pairing with a 150+ people?
You realize how pathetic that makes you look as a guild right?
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies