T5 Eu Aurora glade -Miller's Sound - FSP
@ Kaleygh.1524
Yes TUP is from Warhammer. Do I/we know ya- you played it? Server/guild?
Aurora Glade EU
Seems AG border likes to crashlock atm =(
@ Kaleygh.1524
Yes TUP is from Warhammer. Do I/we know ya- you played it? Server/guild?
Been playing on Karak Eight Peaks first, and after the server merges on Karak Norn if i recall correctly. I`ve been a member of Moonlapse and Dark Phalanx. Not sure if we know eachother, i just thought the TUP name seemed rather familiar
Nice to meet old War players
3 wvw kills
@ Kaleygh.1524
Yes TUP is from Warhammer. Do I/we know ya- you played it? Server/guild?
Been playing on Karak Eight Peaks first, and after the server merges on Karak Norn if i recall correctly. I`ve been a member of Moonlapse and Dark Phalanx. Not sure if we know eachother, i just thought the TUP name seemed rather familiar
Nice to meet old War players
Orly? :o what was your name in ML?
I’m sorry to Mya that we couldn’t do the Gvg we were to low on numbers has a i said to your guild leader on sunday i had 35 on mumble, tonight i had 11 people with me, i’ll try setup it again in this week if possibile, sorry again.
Guild Leader
I’m sorry to Mya that we couldn’t do the Gvg we were to low on numbers has a i said to your guild leader on sunday i had 35 on mumble, tonight i had 11 people with me, i’ll try setup it again in this week if possibile, sorry again.
No problem, get your ppl’s and we try it again. We see us on border and just contact us when we can start the next try.
Firstly I don’t really understand a lot of the QQ in this weeks thread from what ive seen from my point of view so far. Compared to RS/AM you guys are a breathe of fresh air. I can’t State how I truly feel about both servers Both points obsessive servers who try to suck the fun out of WvW anyway they can. Neither have improved in along time just rely on pure mass numbers and siege vs even smaller foes.
Millers Sound… compared to other german servers are very good if not the best we have fought (I would compare you to kodash but haven’t fought them in awhile) Which is nice to see a german server try to achieve.
Fsp from my point of view you run more pug heavy blobs and are generally less organised but your still better than RS/AM by a mile… those guys are not even interested in fights just points points points avoid fights and pv door as much as possible for wxp and points =D so kudos to you for wanting to fight even if numbers usually favour you from my pov
Tier 4 use to be a great tier with Gandara/AG + baruch… Now it seems like tier 5 is the place to be if Gandara & AG can rekindle their bromance… but with the new random matchup I really do feel sorry for any server who draws the short straw and ends up vs riverside… Only positive thing I can say about Riverside is DW (one of the best german guilds around) having to collude to be on same borderland is only way to get fun haha
Thanks for the fights
/kind regards TUP
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Also Mya… Thanks for the fights so far, Ive setup some gvg for our AG buddies NR before (necro raiders) I enquired and they are interested in potential 15 vs 15 GvG against you guys before Friday reset I believe. Contact Ralin to sort it out. Tomorrow we should be about not sure in what number but contact Quecc if you want to discuss.
uploaded 3 videos so far this week (action from Friday/sunday) if your interested Part III is below for your viewing the other parts are similarly named but have more roleplay involved haha if you like that kind of thing
Hope you enjoy
/Kind Regards TUP
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
@ Kaleygh.1524
Yes TUP is from Warhammer. Do I/we know ya- you played it? Server/guild?
Been playing on Karak Eight Peaks first, and after the server merges on Karak Norn if i recall correctly. I`ve been a member of Moonlapse and Dark Phalanx. Not sure if we know eachother, i just thought the TUP name seemed rather familiar
Nice to meet old War playersOrly? :o what was your name in ML?
sent you a PM so i wont spam offtopic stuff here
3 wvw kills
I must say i had a lot of fun this bracket.
A lot of interesting fights about stonemist like this
We also enjoyed the fights with punk
Hope we see us again on the borderlands
Greetz Vlox Dunkrak
: sorry for my bad english.
(edited by Smoky.3125)
I will also link this for any chicken lovers out there hahaha
Enjoy our movie
/kind regards TUP
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
I thought the bugs we had in gw2 where annoying enough already but since the resent introduction of the freezelock and siege bug while on top kittening up the routing to my provider causing 24/7 packet loss this game has become insanely boring rly fast.
This game has gone to the dogs…..MS just took every keep in our border and we were unable to place any siege in defence while they could place rams….gj Anet
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
We had the same prob yesterday evening. We weren´t able to place any kind of siege than a Golem.
Everybody has got billions of golems in his/her inventory, so we were saving them and openden some doors by pressing Autohit down to hell^^
In defence we had the same problem as you.
As you can see MS isn´t the winner of this “feature”. As i can say, AG had the same probs.
We are not just a big blob
We have also small guild group action.
—-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Gyi-IYdrk&feature=youtube_gdata_playerHad a lot of fun in our ts
Hart Rammen = kill and destroy anythingMFG Vlox Dunkral
Stopped watching, after i realized that you are clicking your heal and utility skills with the mouse – sorry, but thats just ridiculous…
As you can see MS isn´t the winner of this “feature”. As i can say, AG had the same probs.
Yeah still do.
And I (and many by my inquiry) also started to dc a lot on different occasions. For me it’s gate breaking, attacking keep lord or enemy player; for someone it was wall repair.
Annoying to the bits at the very moment
@drazzar.3042 – why? I click sometimes too. I used to raidheal and top the healer race playing one-handedly by mouse soloely (true, I have complicated mouse). I still one hand drive often because I have to. Surely you won’t discriminate handicaped players?
Aurora Glade ~ Army of Forgotten Souls miniguild [AoFS]
(edited by Um Abbas.5693)
Well i’m sorry for your loss, but he’s using his 1-5 skills while he rotates the camera – I honestly don’t think he is handicapped
But nice try
Just saying all that hate on clickers is presumptuous!
Aurora Glade ~ Army of Forgotten Souls miniguild [AoFS]
Well i’m sorry for your loss, but he’s using his 1-5 skills while he rotates the camera – I honestly don’t think he is handicapped
But nice try
No i am not handicapped.
And yes i am a clicker and now hate me pls more hate on me ! Lol
I am a Clicker
Well we called our WvW early since there wasn’t much to do. Where did everyone go? if we tried to go on any other BL we hit Queues that we never normally do.
We’ll be back later tonight for some more, come out and play!
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander
Really dogkitten by opponents since patch, where are you during primetime ?? people ceased playing or what. Spent ages looking for fights, picked up slightly but wth with primetime.
Aurora Glade EU
Guild Tck on Miller Pls check your member one of you was using Zoom Hack with an Arrow cart on Sunnyhill on Ag border. We was shooting inside the coutryard
Guild Leader
Thank you Mya for awesome fights ! I really enjoyed them. You guys trying to flank us with 3 guild groups was fun
Aurora Glade
Not a terrible week of WvW. Much better than RS and AM. So thanks! Will see what the new craziness of the match ups will bring. Remember….. The Fun is in the fights. MYA much respect.
Chosen Alliance CA
Nameless Veterans NV
I wish the siege bug was back. You literally can’t step in SM without being destroyed by Superior ACs, despite the around 12 gaps in the walls around the place. Same with pretty much anywhere we can attack on EB except Durios, because we keep flipping it. I swear AM are even better with them than RS, and certainly more blobby. I really feel sorry for whoever gets them next week; fingers crossed it won’t be us.
I miss you guys <3 duelling, roaming – none of it exists up here, only blobkrieg.
It makes me feel even worse about missing last week :/
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
Thanks for a refreshing match up, thanks to [MYA], [QQ], [AOA], [SM] and any other guilds I missed that we faced through this week. Also Ezekiel we miss you guys aswell ! come show AG some love ! <3 see you at reset!….
I haven’t posted in a while but I feel like I need to hand out a couple of ‘thank you’s and shoutouts.
First off I would like to thank Tinnith from [Bude] on MS for the impromptu duelling event in the JP in EB at the start of the week (was it Monday?) as well as everyone who part-took. While it was somewhat cumbersome to set up the individual duels, everybody seemed to enjoy the opportunity to test themselves except for the occasional few who didn’t (want to) grasp the concept of friendly 1v1. Also shoutout to the Charrs from AG and FSP who had a Sunrise vs Twilight duel. It was really nice to see the swinging animation used to the fullest extent.
Next I’d like to give the MS thief a shoutout who let me get almost all the way to the top of the JP on Wednesday on my severly up-scaled mesmer before droping me. When you didn’t attack me on first sight I was sure you were just gonna let me do the jumping. Little did I know that you were just waiting for me to waste some more time. You trolled me so hard, I was almost about to rage-quit.
Shoutout to [TUP] for the nice fights they gave us yesterday evening on MS BL.
[FSV] managed to get together a good amount of people – including some non-guildie friends on TS and for that reason we (clearly) outnumbered you. Nevertheless, you guys had the stones to give us fights – and good ones as well. I was impressed by the speed with which you guys attack. You have taken us somewhat by surprise on at least two occasions. I am looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield again very soon. I do hope that next time we face each other it will be with even numbers.
Finally, a shoutout to the German guild, whose name I cannot remember at the moment, which engaged with us and [TUP] in a three-way fight in the open field west of garrison on MS BL while we held it (sometime between 9 and 11 pm (your time)). We had a lot of fun there until the numbers got a little too out of hand for us to handle.
(edited by Limm.8401)
We were hoping to roll out the new matchup system for the next matchups but unfortunately we ran into a few snags. We are working hard to get everything working 100% correctly and tested and should be able to start the new matchups once we’ve checked everything. I’ll make sure to be back to let you all know as far ahead of time as I can. My apologies for the inconvenience.
Woohoo! We get to fight AG and Gandara again!
We were hoping to roll out the new matchup system for the next matchups but unfortunately we ran into a few snags. We are working hard to get everything working 100% correctly and tested and should be able to start the new matchups once we’ve checked everything. I’ll make sure to be back to let you all know as far ahead of time as I can. My apologies for the inconvenience.
Woohoo! We get to fight AG and Gandara again!
I feel so loved.. <3 But it should be a good match-up :P
We were hoping to roll out the new matchup system for the next matchups but unfortunately we ran into a few snags. We are working hard to get everything working 100% correctly and tested and should be able to start the new matchups once we’ve checked everything. I’ll make sure to be back to let you all know as far ahead of time as I can. My apologies for the inconvenience.
Woohoo! We get to fight AG and Gandara again!
I feel so loved.. <3 But it should be a good match-up :P
NO BLOB MUCH LOVE, Parade all week
Guild Leader
Finally, a shoutout to the German guild, whose name I cannot remember at the moment, which engaged with us and [TUP] in a three-way fight in the open field west of garrison on MS BL while we held it (sometime between 9 and 11 pm (your time)). We had a lot of fun there until the numbers got a little too out of hand for us to handle.
Possibly that was our raid. I remember an open field fight between sunnyhill and garrison with FSP and AG. Nice at all, but we had to stop as we got inc at Hill .
The following hill fight was bloody hell, we finally got both off after 30 mins fighting and bunkering in the Lord room :-) . Shoutout to all grps fighting yesterday on MS bl.
Alphaflight – Commander
Miller’s Sound
(edited by Venna.7923)
Fun in WvWvW becomes no sense. The advantages gained in the night can no longer work out. Time to change the game …
Oh wow, finally Arenanet did something right for a week!
Next week will be a good week.
Should be a funly matchup!
I think we should take this opportunity to show what we have learned in our current matchup from the superior strategies of AM. It’s time to whip out the yolobus and put all those blueprints we got to good use!
Let’s hope we can squeeze out as much fun as possible before those random matchups hit us and will quite possibly liven up the tPvP scene instead. Which might be their plans all along.
I think we should take this opportunity to show what we have learned in our current matchup from the superior strategies of AM. It’s time to whip out the yolobus and put all those blueprints we got to good use!
Let’s hope we can squeeze out as much fun as possible before those random matchups hit us and will quite possibly liven up the tPvP scene instead. Which might be their plans all along.
Indeed! We shall all pile into one guild and leave nothing but destruction and Superior Arrow Carts in our wake!
dammit AM has corrupted you guys!!! I propose so NO SIEGE WEEK we only use rams
Guild Leader
I was brutally assaulted by an evil leprechaun in the eternal jumping puzzle, he was short with sharp little teeth and I have reasons to believe he likes ponies, managed to take a picture so you know who to look out for :o
hahahahaha random matchups delayed, can you guys imagine the FUN riverside, abaddons and millers gonna have next week? ohhhh i cant wait for the flame on the german forums
This week morale was low with many in the [GoT] ranks when we getting slammed by those who were “grouping up”. As a group (10-15) we just didn’t stand a chance, period.
We took Bay back on our homeland, facing 2 huge groups from MS (south and east) and AG north… hitting you guys with ranged stuff.. but when those gates crashed we just gave it all.. getting 10-15 of you (from those 3 groups) when being insta-gipped.
We gave our commander of PUG’s (at that time, Maloki) enough time to get here group into the lord room getting herself killed as well.
Well.. try to roam the other BL’s as well.. now and then we fought nice groups which gave us hope, hope that was crushed 5 min. after by.. yet again numbers 5 vs. 1.
We finally tried to group up with our friends [Punk], but standing on the walls of Bay, overseeying the immense groups.. we all stopped, had some fun on TS and logged off.
I hope, I reaaaaaaaly hope that next week will be better, more fun and more strategic.
We won’t stop playing WvW, hell.. we’ve got a devoted group who’s growing as we speak, but the fun was gone this week.. as did the siege
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
Should be a funly matchup!
Immagine all of our dissapointment ^^
Last night for lols a member took the guys out – not an official raid, nor our warband setup. People who wanted to small scale skirmish gladly went along on whatever class they wanted, alt night for most. I think we topped 13-14 ppl, averaged around 11 for the majority of the night. Being led by a d/d ele was “interesting” when it consisted of mostly roaming builds and classes, lacked a “punch” that warband play brings. Good fun was had, although about that fight NW of garri – I lived through it all to come back and see the germans effectively force you back inside… What got me though was 40+ angry germans chasing 2 TUP engineers one of which being me! for a good minute – kudos for your determination if not your skill :P
It was a change and a laugh, cheers for the fights.
Aurora Glade EU
Was a pretty much funny week with ya guys from FSP and AG!
Hope to see you soon and thx for all te great fights all arround, HF
Real feel for you MS, unlike AM and RS you actually come out to play, those two servers will not come out even if they outman you 3-1.
Seriously they will stay in their towers filled with ACs and stay there all day! And if you see them on the open field they will run away to their closest tower and wont come out until they kill you with their ACs or you move on.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
It might not happen
[void] No Content
Gunnars Hold
not really happy about that i liked the next matchup without random
Guild Leader
not really happy about that
i liked the next matchup without random
Indeed. Shame.
Thanks for the great week AG and MS. Hope next week goes well for everyone!