The EU Silver League Thread
I wouldn’t count out your chances for success yet Underworld, you are a very high population server and the new WvW achievements will bring an influx of PvE players into WvW.
If you have pug commanders tagging up at all times, it will be difficult to deal with.
The same might happen with AG, but we usually don’t have any pug commanders, which turns off more casual WvW players.
Lets say there will be an influx of PVE players, because of achievments. If it happens then it will most likely happen to all servers. But the major problem alot of servers will run into is having enough PUG commanders which have some WvW experience and dont rage nonstop at their pugs. PUGs get easily frustrated if they get wiped alot, blaming it on the commander and then leave. So under those circumstances every server should prepare with sufficient enough rooster of PUG commanders. Because some random PVE comm wont be enough.
This league will be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see some of the GvG’s it will bring.
I wouldn’t count out your chances for success yet Underworld, you are a very high population server and the new WvW achievements will bring an influx of PvE players into WvW.
If you have pug commanders tagging up at all times, it will be difficult to deal with.
The same might happen with AG, but we usually don’t have any pug commanders, which turns off more casual WvW players.
Lets say there will be an influx of PVE players, because of achievments. If it happens then it will most likely happen to all servers. But the major problem alot of servers will run into is having enough PUG commanders which have some WvW experience and dont rage nonstop at their pugs. PUGs get easily frustrated if they get wiped alot, blaming it on the commander and then leave. So under those circumstances every server should prepare with sufficient enough rooster of PUG commanders. Because some random PVE comm wont be enough.
I think this has already begun .. I just popped into UW EB all looked fine.. our corner was red and only Speldan had swords from Gandara push… Comm Speldan has swords “nothing”… Comm Mendon has swords, could be a Gandara push for corner…“nothing”…. Comm Watergatge – Gandara hitting keep hard – they going for corner – - Now Keep is running a T3 upgrade so I was sure this would trigger a response and it did. – "ALL TO COMMANDER HEAD BRAVOST ! " errrmmmm wtf Bravost is T3 guarded Desolation Tower why would we go there when our corner is being strangled and Keep Wategate smashed and inner gate now at 70%…. ALL TO COMMANDER Bravost!… when someone else put in map chat.. Gandara broken into Lords kittenwit he then calls .. "Lets leave Bravost we cant take it
This should be entertaining at least come reset… for now tho my neck hurts from all the lols
Deso, AM and Gandara will fight for first 3 places, than AG and FSP for 4th and 5th place, FR, GH, MS will fight for 6th, UW reserved on bottom.
Deso, AM, Gandara, AG, FSP will have huge advantage over rest in terms of covarage, this is PPT game after all with all its “flaws and unfairness”
Gl to all
H A R D (CORE) Gunnar’s hold
Honestly, people seem to rate Deso a bit high, especially since it doesnt seem any of the old guilds returned (yet). Thus, the chances of us getting anything done is slim. Deso lacks good commanders, all we got is a huge amount of sheeps, with no sense of direction or teamplay
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Well lets hope Desolation wont end up in the bottom so we end in bronze league! Lets have some fun fights!
It started.
Matchup 1 : Am / Deso / Gandara
Matchup 2 : AG / GH / MS
Matchup 3 : FR / FSP / UW
Gl&Hf all.
Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)
According to the schedule it will be Gandalf / FSP / AG in round 2 assuming nothing changes this makes me happy. ^^
Guilds – [ID] / [Perv] / [HUGS]
And in week 3 we’re in a german sandwich.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
@hihey FSP weaknesses are no different than the ones of any other server in the league. But, thing is, FSP will most likely have all 4 zones FULL during prime time on EVERY DAY, a feat which only Abaddon and MAYBE Desolation currently have. I have never seen more than 2 zones in queue on GH, even in prime time.
Also, if Kale and PunK keep working together as a single unit (even if they do not stack all the times) like you did in our previous matchup, no guild from any SilverLeague server will be able to hold it unless they blob up with another group of people – thing that many guilds refuse to do, as when “normal” guilds see nearly 50-60 people fighting together they will usually pick another route after being wiped.
So yes, FSP is way stronger than GH at the moment. I’d say they will be fighting for the 3rd place.
I guess that makes TUP not "normal then – seen bigger than PunK and Kale son
As to the few guys from Gandara, aye the 3 week period with you around xmas last year back on old piken, immense fun :P AG now is pretty much similar to old piken. I mean you have TUP, HoB, Vii plus ofcourse the great guilds “more” native to AG.
Due to coverage I don’t see anyone stopping Deso and AM for the top spots. It would require double teaming. Seeing deso tick countless times for 600+ against Gandara last week was “fun” to say the least.
Position, score, rank, matters not – as long as the fights are good.
Aurora Glade EU
FSP is still lacking coverage in the night/morning for playing in the top silver. After primetime we had already a big margin against FR and i was looking a very easy match-up. When i came back in the morning we are so much behind because FR could tick some hours around 600, even with the night guild from us running.
FSP is still lacking coverage in the night/morning for playing in the top silver. After primetime we had already a big margin against FR and i was looking a very easy match-up. When i came back in the morning we are so much behind because FR could tick some hours around 600, even with the night guild from us running.
we are in your BL, chilling in your garri <3
[Teef] guild :>
Good to see Desolation doing well even though I cannot actually get in to help out.
we are in your BL, chilling in your garri <3
Couple of questions:
1. Was there any need to post it twice? because I already seen the same post in our match up thread.
2. Is this the first time you have ever captured a Garri or keep? If not it no longer seems such a great achievement since we turned them all to paper, for you. ( sorry I had to ask that, as there are a lot of first timers in WvW this week, and it sounds like your 1 of them)
However, if it was your first time (which I suspect it is) then you Sir deserve a round of applause just to make you feel better, Bravo, good job, Pat on the back for you good Sir, you done great!!, before you move onto the next paper keep have cookie and put ur feet up son, all this work must be very hard for you.
ooo 1 more question:
3. Which opposing server put a WP in your bay on reset night that wasn’t paper when we initially captured it?
Don’t you think to long on this. The Answer is in my signature
Best of luck with your achievements son, and don’t worry, them Dragons will still be there when done
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
we are in your BL, chilling in your garri <3
Couple of questions:
1. Was there any need to post it twice? because I already seen the same post in our match up thread.
2. Is this the first time you have ever captured a Garri or keep? If not it no longer seems such a great achievement since we turned them all to paper, for you. ( sorry I had to ask that, as there are a lot of first timers in WvW this week, and it sounds like your 1 of them)
However, if it was your first time (which I suspect it is) then you Sir deserve a round of applause just to make you feel better, Bravo, good job, Pat on the back for you good Sir, you done great!!, before you move onto the next paper keep have cookie and put ur feet up son, all this work must be very hard for you.
ooo 1 more question:
3. Which opposing server put a WP in your bay on reset night that wasn’t paper when we initially captured it?
Don’t you think to long on this. The Answer is in my signature
Best of luck with your achievements son, and don’t worry, them Dragons will still be there when done
sooooo full of win
1. we done it few times, so yes it needs to be posted few times :P
2. ah i think i captured enough keeps in past 2 months since i rolled my thief which is rank 173 atm :o heck we even 4 manned enemy keep in EB back when we were fighting SBI and NSP xD
3. gj on putting wp in our bay, we don’t play in EU prime time so not much we could do there; adress it to FR prime time crew, althrough most of them probably don’t even read this thread as they are french
oddly enough i never done wvw/spvp for archives.. but ya you are right, i have looong way for mah wvw archives and will need a lot of luck for it, dat yak slapper is a life time project!
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
we are in your BL, chilling in your garri <3
Couple of questions:
1. Was there any need to post it twice? because I already seen the same post in our match up thread.
2. Is this the first time you have ever captured a Garri or keep? If not it no longer seems such a great achievement since we turned them all to paper, for you. ( sorry I had to ask that, as there are a lot of first timers in WvW this week, and it sounds like your 1 of them)
However, if it was your first time (which I suspect it is) then you Sir deserve a round of applause just to make you feel better, Bravo, good job, Pat on the back for you good Sir, you done great!!, before you move onto the next paper keep have cookie and put ur feet up son, all this work must be very hard for you.
ooo 1 more question:
3. Which opposing server put a WP in your bay on reset night that wasn’t paper when we initially captured it?
Don’t you think to long on this. The Answer is in my signature
Best of luck with your achievements son, and don’t worry, them Dragons will still be there when done
If you want, I can put a waypoint in every keep in your BL this week.
Fort Ranik needs a lot of organization. You guys are simply rolling a lot of pugs tied together.
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast
we are in your BL, chilling in your garri <3
Couple of questions:
1. Was there any need to post it twice? because I already seen the same post in our match up thread.
2. Is this the first time you have ever captured a Garri or keep? If not it no longer seems such a great achievement since we turned them all to paper, for you. ( sorry I had to ask that, as there are a lot of first timers in WvW this week, and it sounds like your 1 of them)
However, if it was your first time (which I suspect it is) then you Sir deserve a round of applause just to make you feel better, Bravo, good job, Pat on the back for you good Sir, you done great!!, before you move onto the next paper keep have cookie and put ur feet up son, all this work must be very hard for you.
ooo 1 more question:
3. Which opposing server put a WP in your bay on reset night that wasn’t paper when we initially captured it?
Don’t you think to long on this. The Answer is in my signature
Best of luck with your achievements son, and don’t worry, them Dragons will still be there when done
If you want, I can put a waypoint in every keep in your BL this week.
Fort Ranik needs a lot of organization. You guys are simply rolling a lot of pugs tied together.
I think what they fail to understand is we are a wvw guild that don’t give 2 kittens about them dragons.
I think what they fail to understand is we are a wvw guild that don’t give 2 kittens about them dragons.
Oh my humble apologies guys, I didn’t realize that, I was just assuming (you know what they say that "assumption is the mother of all kitten ups) that you were PvE since a real WvW guild wouldn’t brag about (in 2 threads not just 1) taking a paper Garri with little or no resistance.
I do however, feel saddened that your prime time is different ours, not because of any advantage/disadvantage, but due to the fact I feel as though your not getting the experience that EU prime time has to offer, but it can’t be helped I guess.
I don’t mean to troll and try not to make a habit out of it, I just found the initial post a bit pointless in itself and to post it a 2nd time was even more pointless and deserved a response.
hope you guys enjoy your stay in EU and hope u get more resistance in other matches which im sure u will, but unfortunately not from us at them hours. These posts about ppl running away from u are quite silly u have to admit, you field normal guild group numbers at crazy hours (for us), which isn’t wrong at all, you will do FR very good in this league. But to post things like ppl running away, chickens for not wanting to fight etc, come on get real, ppl are not gonna allow u to farm them, you would be in the same situation during our prime time with 3 guild groups each ur size shadowing and flanking each other on the same map.
My point is the people you play against in your prime time are not our prime time guild groups, they are whats left of them, and pugs trying to defend what they can against a guild group, they are not designed or have builds to work fluently as a guild with each other. So please try not to put these guys n girls down for the hard work they try to do when they should be catching some zzz’s. Because although they may not say it themselves but if it was they’re prime times and they were doing their guild event’s it may be them doing the steamrolling over you, and wondering why your running away and being farmed.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
AG have a good chance of coming top of silver, for 5 out of 7 weeks, we’re green, everyone knows that green’s the best colour to be, also, we’ve had insane number boosting because of the living story abd achievement hunters, so don’t count us out just yet
edit: I just realised that blobbadons are green for all 7 weeks, well we have a chance, but it’s just not very good
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
(edited by Silent Shino.7239)
So early impressions then?
I’m really enjoying the Deso V Gandara & FSP V Fort Ranik forum wars, some real low blows being dealt in those threads so far!
Fsp vs Fort Ranik it’s very good thread.
Deso vs Gandara it’s less nasty.
Ag discover new coverage with all this Pve player inside, hope they go away from primetime so guild can play, Gh it’s an Hard match in primetime, lots of guild and good fights!
Guild Leader
Fsp vs Fort Ranik it’s very good thread.
Deso vs Gandara it’s less nasty.
all the juicy ones got deleted!
Really doubt Abbadons will win as it seems most people in this thread are saying they will.
Even though Desolation seems to be pulling ahead, it’s quite clear Gandara are stronger then us, and AM is very weak at the moment. Also, it would be nice if Gandara and AM stopped ganging up on us all day everyday.
So close, so fun.
Everlasting popcorn machine available at FR/UW/FSP thread.
Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)
So close, so fun.
Everlasting popcorn machine available at FR/UW/FSP thread.
i want some :o
edit: oh snap this thread got moved?
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Really doubt Abbadons will win as it seems most people in this thread are saying they will.
Even though Desolation seems to be pulling ahead, it’s quite clear Gandara are stronger then us, and AM is very weak at the moment. Also, it would be nice if Gandara and AM stopped ganging up on us all day everyday.
Yeah abaddons is very weak now. The queues are killing us. Many of the good/experienced guilds/players aren’t playing wvw at the time. Additionally many players are afk at the spawn the whole day to be on the map on primetime (normaly about 20+).
For guilds it’s nearly impossible to have a proper guildraid so there is nearly no good organised zerg in wvw on abaddon since the beginning of the league.
In my opinion the servers with less wvw population benefit from the leagues cause their pve population helps them while servers with a high wvw population have all their wvw players in queues and the wvw-unexperienced archievmenthunters on the maps…
If you are making popcorn, you should all drop by the T1 thread. Conspiracies afoot. (Not really).
Really doubt Abbadons will win as it seems most people in this thread are saying they will.
Even though Desolation seems to be pulling ahead, it’s quite clear Gandara are stronger then us, and AM is very weak at the moment. Also, it would be nice if Gandara and AM stopped ganging up on us all day everyday.
Yeah abaddons is very weak now. The queues are killing us. Many of the good/experienced guilds/players aren’t playing wvw at the time. Additionally many players are afk at the spawn the whole day to be on the map on primetime (normaly about 20+).
For guilds it’s nearly impossible to have a proper guildraid so there is nearly no good organised zerg in wvw on abaddon since the beginning of the league.
In my opinion the servers with less wvw population benefit from the leagues cause their pve population helps them while servers with a high wvw population have all their wvw players in queues and the wvw-unexperienced archievmenthunters on the maps…
Join Underworld then…..we are outnumbered every day
whooo that Fort Ranik night tick is a scary prospect!
So tight for 2nd in the Gandara / Abaddons and the Gunnar’s / Miller’s matches, who will triumph??
did anyone actually notice how close match-ups are tho and not so ridicilously lopsided like before legaues? (except for UW of course, sry UW :/ )
[Teef] guild :>
I will be very surprised if Abbadon don’t win the first season. They have the largest night presence of all the Silver league servers and can quite easily golem rush and flip anything they want.
sorry for post necromancy, but i have to ask:
good sir, are you drunk? our night “presence” lies around 5 ppl desperately trying to scout all keeps what you’re experiencing is our large morning presence.
ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]
I will be very surprised if Abbadon don’t win the first season. They have the largest night presence of all the Silver league servers and can quite easily golem rush and flip anything they want.
sorry for post necromancy, but i have to ask:
good sir, are you drunk? our night “presence” lies around 5 ppl desperately trying to scout all keeps
what you’re experiencing is our large morning presence.
Guess nobody told that the 60man+ AM group that borderjumps until at least 3 am in the morning. It seems to be some sort of Karma- and WXP-train but still…pretending to not have any sort of night force like that is kinda funny.
match ups could be also balanced due to the fact that in some servers playing prime time with a full organized guild is almost impossible. Too many non-frequent-wvw-players (also non-80lvl), which is a good sign if they learn how to fight in a coordinate manner and help the server community.
On the other hand some servers are in fact deprived of good coordination hence resulting in the biggest blob wining the clash.
I will be very surprised if Abbadon don’t win the first season. They have the largest night presence of all the Silver league servers and can quite easily golem rush and flip anything they want.
sorry for post necromancy, but i have to ask:
good sir, are you drunk? our night “presence” lies around 5 ppl desperately trying to scout all keeps
what you’re experiencing is our large morning presence.
Guess nobody told that the 60man+ AM group that borderjumps until at least 3 am in the morning. It seems to be some sort of Karma- and WXP-train but still…pretending to not have any sort of night force like that is kinda funny.
please remember, that this week is out of the ordinary, with borders queued until 2AM because of PvE-players blocking the Borders and, some of them, actively interrupting or destroying WvW gameplay (turning on com, diverting people from the pug zerg for ruins or JP, discourage people from deffing T3-Hills, because chuchu-train pug commander wants another wxp-station, etc. pp). When WvW-Achievements are done, there’ll be no 60p night capping force left. it’ll still be us, trying to survive in those huge towers with noone to talk to except the veteran lord :P
but yeah, wvw activity has been insane, the past week. don’t know if it’s the same on deso, but it’s literally useless to enter a battle, because you can’t even finish one single skillcast bc of lags :-D
ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]
Shocks! Spills! Surprises! This league has it all folks!
Underworld Vs Gunnar’s Hold Vs Abaddon’s Mouth [DE]
Gandara Vs Far Shiverpeaks Vs Aurora Glade
Miller’s Sound [DE] Vs Desolation Vs Fort Ranik [FR]
Whos your pick for this week? Which matchup thread will have the most drama for onlookers to laugh at?
As everyone knows and no one can deny, Gunnar’s has the most powerful drama queens in EU (almost reaching NA levels) but having a matchup between 3 English language servers can’t end well either.
Usually a matchup with servers from different languages is boring but Fort Ranik recently got some strong forum reinforcements from NA. They are a very professional guild and are really strong. A very worthy opponent on the forums. It will be interesting to see if they can bring out the best (or worst) in the Desolation forum blob.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
Gandara v FSP v Aurora is literally one blob accusation away from imploding and that’s before it’s even been created.
Gandara v FSP v Aurora is literally one blob accusation away from imploding and that’s before it’s even been created.
Well such an accusation would result in mutual assured destruction so maybe the Nash equilibrium might deter people for at least a few days.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
Gandara v FSP v Aurora is literally one blob accusation away from imploding and that’s before it’s even been created.
Well such an accusation would result in mutual assured destruction so maybe the Nash equilibrium might deter people for at least a few days.
fingers crossed!
Shocks! Spills! Surprises! This league has it all folks!
Underworld Vs Gunnar’s Hold Vs Abaddon’s Mouth [DE]
Gandara Vs Far Shiverpeaks Vs Aurora Glade
Miller’s Sound [DE] Vs Desolation Vs Fort Ranik [FR]Whos your pick for this week? Which matchup thread will have the most drama for onlookers to laugh at?
Without a doubt – Gandara Vs Far Shiverpeaks Vs Aurora Glade.
It’s going to be messy and I will laugh so hard.
For Gandara vs Fsp vs Ag, we should have multiple person, doing Screenshoot non stop, in very bad quality, during every gvg, and post everything in the matchup thread, and let multiple people count every single screenshoot, also it’s prefarable using multiple Mesmer and Spirit Ranger, to just mess with people counting.
Also during all the screenshoot posting we should add random screenshoot of other gvg with similar Tag!!! Maybe the Drama begin!
Guild Leader
Shocks! Spills! Surprises! This league has it all folks!
Underworld Vs Gunnar’s Hold Vs Abaddon’s Mouth [DE]
Gandara Vs Far Shiverpeaks Vs Aurora Glade
Miller’s Sound [DE] Vs Desolation Vs Fort Ranik [FR]Whos your pick for this week? Which matchup thread will have the most drama for onlookers to laugh at?
Without a doubt – Gandara Vs Far Shiverpeaks Vs Aurora Glade.
It’s going to be messy and I will laugh so hard.
Nothing is gonna be messier than this thread it’s like a local derby. “Far Dramapeaks” seem to be on top of most “forum wars”, mind it will also be a good matchup too I hope.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
Seems like it’s pretty clear now that the fights will be between Gandara, Blobaddon, Deso and Ag for the top 4.
FSP, GH, MS and FR for 5-8
and UW most likely 9th
7 weeks is a long time but there seems to be a sizable gap in coverage and manpower between 4th and 5th. Not enough for blowouts, but enough for a comfortable win.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
I recon, if Far Shiver or Fort Ranik can get their acts together and get a little bit more organized, they have a shot at 4th, or maybe even 3rd place. 1st and 2nd will undoubtedly go to Desolation or Gandara. Blobbadon showed us numbers, but just like vizunah, its all manpower and coverage. Gandara on the other hand showed good ingame tactics, a lot of skill and quite a bit of numbers too.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
There is a big potential in Fort Ranik but there is a lot of latent drama which prevents us from having server efficiency of the gold league servers or other servers in the silver league as evidenced by the recover FSP who was able to provide the means to win last week while we were resting on our advance given by our nightcrew.
Furthermore Fort Ranik has always been a server where the guilds do not play for PPT but mostly for themselves because we used to have little to no queue even if some are focused on winning.
Some compared us with Vizunah but we have nothing like them, no “leader”, the biggest union is often criticized, we do not train PU enough, people do not want to work together even if the victory is involved (a 25 guild refused to come and help to defend hills and stayed in RUINS and they laughed at people wanting them to defend). We do have numbers in prime and some hours but we definitely lack coordination, unity and organisation that will skyrocket us in the silver league podium.
Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)
Good fight about to start here.
And Happy Halloween guys
Sure hope Anet releases the GvG area soon so GvG guilds don’t take up room anymore from wvw players.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
GvG players play more WvW than you mate.
Sure hope Anet releases the GvG area soon so GvG guilds don’t take up room anymore from wvw players.
You think GvG guild only play the game when they get a GvG? GvG guilds make up the majority of a wvw force on most servers.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.