UW / FR / GH
GH, next time you have people bugging in to sunny i expect them to jump out
Its a random glitch.. happened to me a few times -_- if they don’t jump straight out then /report them and grab a screenshot if possible.
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.
Its a random glitch.. happened to me a few times -_- if they don’t jump straight out then /report them and grab a screenshot if possible.
Yeah, I saw it happening to some GH who accidently glitched into our Sunnyhill and they immediately ran up the stairs to jump out, the way it should be. Just be aware that while facerubbing that gate you shouldn’t use any dashing skills or blinks as those will possibly get you inside. This bug is very old, but atleast we had a dev tell us fairly recently that they were going to properly investigate it (lol..), after he accidently glitched in himself. So we may see it fixed before 2014, who knows.
(edited by Okaishi.8320)
GH, next time you have people bugging in to sunny i expect them to jump out
Its a random glitch.. happened to me a few times -_- if they don’t jump straight out then /report them and grab a screenshot if possible.
I believe most players are aware of the glitch and I absolutely have no problem with people accidentally glitching in and then getting back out – or even just standing there. Personally I don’t even bother to hit those players.
However, there was a total of 5 Gunnar’s Hold players staying inside Sunnyhill last night, actually fighting as well. I attached just one of the screenshots I took which clearly shows some people not playing as intended.
A very disappointing moment in an otherwise enjoyable matchup so far. Yes, I know it wouldn’t have mattered for the outcome of the fight considering the numbers, but this shouldn’t happen.
(edited by Xilryn.3051)
I agree, fighting when glitched in is completely unacceptable. If i were you i’d pass this to the guild leaders of those involved and maybe they can identify the players. It’s not the best picture though so maybe it wont be possible.
[Re] Rerolled
Always disappointing to see your server is not as perfect as you’d like you imagine
Gunnar’s Hold
Got fed up with all the whines about ac’s,cannons and defenders….happy now?
Had a great fight on a camp.. thanks Anet also in the end.
made by Zip
We Be Chilling – High Commander
That and spending x amount of time running dollies and upgrading and what not. Easier to just jump out and save myself the repair bill and wait to call the main zerg back from another map Y.Y
This week seems more ballanced, i suppose having a 3rd party thats actually playing too helps.
I for one thank GH for all those Golem Rushes, it taught many ppl how to properly man Mortars and other Sieges.
Thank you for that, the only thing i see whining is whining over posts that point out morning PVD isn’t cool, it’s however effective.
We still will enjoy our Sleep, while you can enjoy your glorious PVD.
Then come here and brag about it!
Keva Windrift
Wolfs Rain [Rain]
This week seems more ballanced, i suppose having a 3rd party thats actually playing too helps.
I for one thank GH for all those Golem Rushes, it taught many ppl how to properly man Mortars and other Sieges.
Thank you for that, the only thing i see whining is whining over posts that point out morning PVD isn’t cool, it’s however effective.
We still will enjoy our Sleep, while you can enjoy your glorious PVD.
Then come here and brag about it!
Keva Windrift
Wolfs Rain [Rain]
Your next step should be to teach Guards how to build and use ACs and Cannons
This week seems more ballanced, i suppose having a 3rd party thats actually playing too helps.
I for one thank GH for all those Golem Rushes, it taught many ppl how to properly man Mortars and other Sieges.
Thank you for that, the only thing i see whining is whining over posts that point out morning PVD isn’t cool, it’s however effective.
We still will enjoy our Sleep, while you can enjoy your glorious PVD.
Then come here and brag about it!
Keva Windrift
Wolfs Rain [Rain]Your next step should be to teach Guards how to build and use ACs and Cannons
I tried that once. It went pretty much like this -
Me: Hello fellow Guard!
Guard: Yes?
Me: You know, you could be a lot more effective if you used the cannons.
Guard: Yes?
Me: Yes! Just aim it towards enemies who try to come close and pull from this rope!
Guard: Yes?
Me: Ok. If I just back off slowly and go … talk to … quaggans …
Guard: Yes? Stares you intesively
Me: ….
Guard: Yes?
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Me: Hello fellow Guard!
Guard: Yes?
Me: You know, you could be a lot more effective if you used the cannons.
Guard: Yes?
Me: Yes! Just aim it towards enemies who try to come close and pull from this rope!
Guard: No!
Me: Well… then how about some PVD?
Guard: Yussss, lets do it!
The fights seem more or less even. We win some, we lose some. I’ve seen some very nice fights yesterday where larger groups got wiped by smaller properly organized groups.
The coverage however, is not exactly in our favor, at all. We manage to hold 2/3th of our border during the day, but as soon as the sun sets we lose everything due to the lack of people.
I spent the whole day upgrading garrison, defended it till I fell asleep and I wake up and bam waypoint gone. Unfortunately UW lacks people this week due to holidays, new PVE content & guilds being in the process of transferring. I hope we can show what we actually are capable of in the near future, when the things mentioned above are done and over.
Tbh i think this is the closest matchup from all the tiers this week.
Three strong servers, close scores what more can you ask?
We seem to have better coverage but from what i have seen this is a close matchup and can go either way.
I don’t see any reason for people to complain this week.
Fort Ranik is the most defensive server I’ve met so far.
If by defensive u mean good in defense then thanks, our main weak point is defense and even if we learnt a lot from german servers we have a lot a work to do.
If by defensive u mean reluctant to attack, that’s because imo we have internal drama (+ pve event ) lowering our pug base but we are trying to do our best.
Close matchup, well balanced, most of my friends like this MU (but i can’t play :( ) even if sometimes it’s too much golems.
Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)
Had a great fight on a camp.. thanks Anet also in the end.
made by Zip
Very well done. WBC is a force. Always calming to know you people are around.
Thx to FR and UW for a hard but fun matchup.
Bonvy <Teo>
Axe Effects <Teo>
(edited by wingclip.6182)
Had a fun evening yesterday, I think the highlights for me where attacking the FR bay. Had a great battle in the lords room before being wiped the first time, but then came back later with moaaar people and, after another great battle, we managed to take it
Hoping tonight we’ll manage to get into EB and have some fun there
Gunnar’s Hold
If by defensive u mean good in defense then thanks, our main weak point is defense and even if we learnt a lot from german servers we have a lot a work to do.
If by defensive u mean reluctant to attack, that’s because imo we have internal drama (+ pve event ) lowering our pug base but we are trying to do our best.
Close matchup, well balanced, most of my friends like this MU (but i can’t play
) even if sometimes it’s too much golems.
I meant “good in defense”. We tried to take Langor quite a bunch of time this morning but never managed to get it. I tried delaying spawning people as much as possible, but even after 10 minutes of playing around with 5 people or so, you still managed to defend that tower despite our numbers were highly superior to yours. You make good use of what you have and hardly rush in.
Kudos to those who didn’t give up and kept going to that tower even if got killed a few times trying to get there.
Good Fights this weekend!
Bonwor Jr –Human Thief
[SLAY] The Soul Slayers – 162k Kills, and counting.
I must thank APE for the fun and intense fights yesterday on your bl, we were the bunch of randoms on the middle island
Drakkar Lake here, give Fort Ranik a good beating for us will ya. We definitely want to keep that 4 rank climb we anticipate.
[AA] running 30 and a commander tag with 40 pugs and just got totally wiped buy 20 [Lion] in Blue Briar, Love to see the video of this…..So Pro. Good Fight.
A Old Lion
[AA] running 30 and a commander tag with 40 pugs and just got totally wiped buy 20 [Lion] in Blue Briar, Love to see the video of this…..So Pro. Good Fight.
a zerg of 30 ÄÄ, my god I’d love to run with that many.
It’s nice to dream, but please keep reality and dreams seperated next time, ok?
Swords of Underworld – [SWD]
Piken Square
[AA] running 30 and a commander tag with 40 pugs and just got totally wiped buy 20 [Lion] in Blue Briar, Love to see the video of this…..So Pro. Good Fight.
I’d love to see that video too, seeing that it did not happen. Not the numbers, nor the wipe.
What I found more entertaining was to see TEO, Lion AND another guild (something like HT) in our hills, trying to take it while we took everything back that you took before it (3 camps 2 towers or so). End score: we lost hills but compensated the potential point loss with 3 camps 1 tower. And not even 10 minutes later we took hills back and stopped almost every single attack from both enemy servers
Then we had a great fight just outside bluelake fighting all these 3 guilds at the same time.
And that’s where our guild event ended and I left.
Sadly we’ll lose everything tonight/early morning because of UW going to bed and our coverage at these times has been terrible the past few days.
Looking forward to more good fights.
Teo had a nice raid tonight (me newb raidleader leaded the raid) good start at uw hills because we took it. Bit of a shame that we ( [lion] and [TEO]) had to go back when uw was spawncamping us to deffend our own hills from a nice 50+ fr blob and we managed to whipe atleast 5 waves of them until they finaly gave up.
So i want to thank all the uw and fr ppl for some nice fights tonight.
Xicial– Elementalist
Crimson Conspiracy [CC] Gunnars Hold
[AA] running 30 and a commander tag with 40 pugs and just got totally wiped buy 20 [Lion] in Blue Briar, Love to see the video of this…..So Pro. Good Fight.
Yea right 20 of you wiped 70,do post a link to the video.
found a screenshot from UW necro event last week
Fort Ranik Garri
Gunnars vs UW
Golem vs Golem
<3 it!
15 omegas bro wcyd
We Be Chilling – High Commander
Fort Ranik Garri
Gunnars vs UW
Golem vs Golem
<3 it!
This is left
We Be Chilling Core
Golems hold wins again
But on a serious note, thanks to FR for some great fights in our BL tonight. You guys reaaalllyy wanted hills xD
Also thanks to all the UW and FR solo’ers and small groups I encounted (too many to remember specific names) but I had some great fights this evening.
Gunnar’s Hold
There is nothing golems hold cant do!
We Be Chilling Core
Your so full of Yak Droppings AA you run a huge zerg and act like a guild with your commander tag you nothing but pugs with a tag. If you want to prove your claims GvG us on Thursday 8:00pm GMT. were calling you out. and we do have a video we will be posting soon of 50+ underworld dead at the bottom of the stairs along with the FR blob.
A Old Lion
To quote The Automatic – “What’s that coming over the hill is it a monster, is it a monster?!”
It was likened to an avalanche of players ^-^
http://i.imgur.com/uLoZvxR.jpg http://i.imgur.com/BCaJGIf.jpg
Guardian, Warrior, Thief and chronic sufferer of the lags
Your so full of Yak Droppings AA you run a huge zerg and act like a guild with your commander tag you nothing but pugs with a tag. If you want to prove your claims GvG us on Thursday 8:00pm GMT. were calling you out. and we do have a video we will be posting soon of 50+ underworld dead at the bottom of the stairs along with the FR blob.
I thought you said 70 UW…sounds more like uw and fr where fighting in Briar and you killed them no big deal,not hard to fire ac’s into the middle of a big fight and spam aoe.What claims have AA made? all i see is you here mouthing off.
Your so full of Yak Droppings AA you run a huge zerg and act like a guild with your commander tag you nothing but pugs with a tag
We call this cooperation and teamwork. You may have to look up what this means because clearly you don’t know.
We were running a guild event, but helped out our border whenever necessary. Since when is it a crime to run with puggers to increase the chance of victory? We’re not too proud to ask for help. So we went to the enemies, I tagged up and together we succeeded.
Afterwards, I continued with just my guild again.
(edited by Wizard.4056)
found a screenshot from UW necro event last week
Hey there also greetings from above.
yh that was us before we moved from UW we had a huge laugh that day also brings so much joy to see a screenshot off this on here xD obviously apologies for killing you lol but i hoped u laughed about it as much as we did.
Guardian 150k+ kills/Rank: 2100+ WvW.
Seafarers Rest [EU]. Our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ForgottenLightGW2
Your so full of Yak Droppings AA you run a huge zerg and act like a guild with your commander tag you nothing but pugs with a tag. If you want to prove your claims GvG us on Thursday 8:00pm GMT. were calling you out. and we do have a video we will be posting soon of 50+ underworld dead at the bottom of the stairs along with the FR blob.
ÄÄ being huge guild? hahahahhahaha u made me laugh for that , gj. ÄÄ never runs with more then 22 on the best day, and you call that huge? Then I wonder what you call yourselves?
So almighty Lion is asking ÄÄ to a GvG? Well ÄÄ is expecting you at the borderlands where our towers,keeps and camps are. We will wait with full pleasure untill your blob arrives and wipe it again. Untill then ÄÄ has to do better stuff then worry about your guild. UW had only 2 queus so far on a map and we have FR hitting bay and more guilds of GH atking us each day. Believe me dear Lion friends, you will see us and you will fight us and you will run away from us!
PS: if you come alone, we wont use AC:P + Shoutout to the nice guilds of GH this week, your doing great as always, I hope with all the FR atking us throughout the day we are still giving you some nice fights every now and then:P
(edited by Corvus.3728)
I surely hope we fight something else then this childish attitude quite a few of GH players have. By that though I don’t mean every person and guild in GH, UW might be whining time too time but it sad GH is boosting their reputation as being majorly being players of an 8-12 year old attitude.
Anyway together with the PvE patch and the usual 50% if not more players not playing WvW because our realm is losing I can say enjoy your PvD GH and FR
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
i didn’t say [AA] were a huge guild I said you were a useless one, maybe one day you wont have a commander tag and we might actually get near you instead of having to kill all the pugs you leave behind when you in your towers. P.s You should move to Fort Runaway you would fit right in.
A Old Lion
found a screenshot from UW necro event last week
nice shot there! was our fun thursday, we had a lot of idea for that evening but the necro zerg got the most votes… to bad it wasnt really effective, however, those minions stack better than pugs I swear!
Do you ever stfu? so they don’t want to GvG big deal,who cares apart from you?
Still waiting on this ubber video of 20 of you wiping 70 UW and the FR blob.
I think lion got really mad we spawnkilled them yesterday? I admit we had a lot of pugs then, but we had to take care of about 3 GH guilds and the french blob at that time.
And I don’t see any of those other guilds complaining like you do.
Swords of Underworld – [SWD]
Piken Square
This forum needs an ignore function.
[Re] Rerolled
i didn’t say [AA] were a huge guild I said you were a useless one, maybe one day you wont have a commander tag and we might actually get near you instead of having to kill all the pugs you leave behind when you in your towers. P.s You should move to Fort Runaway you would fit right in.
Well first of all, we actually run more often w/o commander tag then with 1. UW has these amazing pugs that try to find a group of ppl to join during the WvW run. There is nothing I can do to make those ppl stop following us when we not use tag because its their decision and that means that we have to respect it. I really hope for the GH pugs that you guys arent telling em to kitten off when they wanna follow.
Also I kinda think this post of u is kinda a lil hypocrit since you run with pugs aswell, you run away aswell and you guys tag up aswell. So I really think that b4 u say something to insult ÄÄ, you think closely and come up with stuff that your guild does not do aswell.
Like I said Lion:‘’ You can fight us everyday and everynight, you just have to be a threat to UW and we will make sure you guys get the fight you want.’’ Like tidal stated very well:’’ ÄÄ loves focussing more on real WvW and not on planned fights. Real fights come in real moments and not in planned moments.
Lion stop swearing at other guilds that they are useless because you guys didnt achieved much during primetime on UW BL except taking stuff that is wooden. The full credit for GH on our border goes to HT in perticular. These guys are pressing UW BL hard everyday(Good job to HT). Lion are imo assisting most atks(no offense, thats good) but do not swear at other guilds for being useless when your guild achieves the fewest with the most people.
PS: I do not state GvG is lame/stupid. GvG in ÄÄ eyes is for pure fun/recreation purposes and not for showing who is better or worse.
(edited by Corvus.3728)
Hey there also greetings from above.
yh that was us before we moved from UW we had a huge laugh that day also brings so much joy to see a screenshot off this on here xD obviously apologies for killing you lol but i hoped u laughed about it as much as we did.
nice shot there! was our fun thursday, we had a lot of idea for that evening but the necro zerg got the most votes… to bad it wasnt really effective, however, those minions stack better than pugs I swear!
What the hell, get off our matchup thread, dirty dirty SWD. you can post here when you decide that you made a big mistake by leaving us, no server is as fun as underworld, NO SERVER.
Member of [GuM]
Aurora Glade
(edited by Dzent.2750)