Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


Dead serious, never heard that story before. I’d be glad to know who’s the guy. I’ve heard about one guy trolling both servers, but that’s not the guy I’m grouped with.
As previously said, taunts should stay in schoolyards. I’ve shared my opinion, if you don’t agree with it it’s your right, there’s no need to be insulting or something, the previous topics have already been tainted by things like that.

I only retaliate, you come here and spread lies about SFR guilds I bust you out on befriending spies.
Don’t come here and spread lies and then give me a speech about “let’s not insult guyzzz”. Maybe follow your own views before stating them

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: DaveVN.5987


jdkL -I have another one too, if someone from SFR say “santa is real n play fifa 14 with jesus n buddah” do you belive in it too?
Me n Ravya was leading tonight and we were bored and came up with the idea “why not upgrade Vizunahs keep to t3?, start with EB?”

Why vizunah? – You have the coverage and early morning players -> Piken don’t have that.. Our super secret plan was to force you to come and take the keep back and give us a fight, but your night team was hiding on borderlands where we didn’t give a kitten about.. to lazy to chase with other words.
We just want some fun, but our enemies are hiding from us, so why not sit in your keep and wait for you to come
Meanwhile on SFR -> eat food n talk on ts about the outside world.
Can’t belive we made it full upgraded before you showed up..

(edited by DaveVN.5987)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pryda.8257


Hi, sorry to disturb your lil drama queen stories.

We’re looking for 20-25man guilds for fights tonight, pm in game or forum to arrange a map.

Red Guard [RG]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


Viuznah gave the best for the league. A lot of players are taking a break, including all of our most invested commanders.

So this week is gona be cool and easy. Anyway, we are sorry for lack of challenge this week.

I suggest you contact in game players to set some battle.

massive things huh?

hope we meet again crazz gonna miss our conversations-.-

you should sign up for Camelot xD gonna be massive bombing there hopefully with the lack of PvE a new strong community will be built and many peoples that came ’’after’’ the server started to do good wont come and built their own paradise but we all know how ppls act…. take sfr as example most of those that are still there haven’t been there half the year and they tell peoples that leave are traitors-.- 8 months of multi map jump wasted

massive drama

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rayya.2591



Heya Guild Wars 2 WvW, time to quit for good.

If they would see this, they would revive from the grave

Well, where’s the screen where you lose 1v1 against one of our Warrior ? :P
As I said, nothing to brag about. You should feel ashamed for trying to bait 4 pugs into your zerg being ported by an invis mez in front of lowlands.
All you did that night was trying to bait our pick ups to your blob coming from the side. I’d like to know who’s gonna be impressed by that wonderful gameplay.
Wait, the only appealing thing that made pugz come to SFR guilds like RICH is avoiding to afford 1800 gems to come on Viz
(btw, cheers to the RICH member who I had a nice chat with, hope you’ll find a guild where you’ll get to know at least a handful of members inside it)

Also forgot to mention I jumped on your face and finished you with your blob hugging you that night, but nothing to brag about
Same thing happened to an EB lead on a supply camp, who tried to protect himself vs a thief with a WoR, but nothing to brag about
Same thing happened to an ele trying to camp us in front of our spawn, that I put down twice in a row with his friends around.

I’m more curious about Piken’s prospective, after seing them zerging on our 4man group instead of your blob, giving you a free SM a few times during the MU and now, not even tickling you in a supposed “after league fun”.
You could, at least give the few people connecting on EB, the ability to spectate a good SFR-Piken ZvZ in front of your spawn (can you do that ?), instead of trying to camp us and protecting yourself with built cannons and stuff.
Is this MU makes you feel better, then carry on showing off. That still doesn’t make you good, that makes a lot of your “guilds” (AR, NoE, OSC, EB, BG) sore losers..

Why would you even dare to brag about that 1 vs 1
i killed 3 of you in 1 shot
you got your screens i got mine
Imo , balistas are OP :P
I understand that you are proud cause you won that 1 vs 1 , even if it took you some time with roaming build to kill an PVT tanky build.

no.1 WvW kills

(edited by Rayya.2591)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


I don’t want to be a doomsayer, but Vizunah decline is already starting. Look at that thing, is that supposed to be some sort of replacement for your quality trolls like Kingface?

@Pryda fite me bro (? •?_•?)?

No my smiley thingie! It doesn’t work!

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

(edited by Wolfheart.1938)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Well I have to applaud EB for their tenacity this evening. Most of the time you wiped but you kept coming back for more :p

Need to train your melee better – far too much scattering in the initial assaults, leaving little to no pressure on the opponent. Not bad in pug zerg moshpits, but against an equal sized guild you’re just going to get counterattacked and crushed.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: Shrew.5760


VG want to thanks to this funny week we have!

Two sparring with Rise and one GvG with RuNL.

Thanks, we learned a lot and had so much fun!

Silesian Shrew
Officer & WvW commander
Veterans Guild[VG] – Proud Seafarers since Day 1

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: Graendall.4765


Greetings from Necrosis.Today wasn’t our best day..thanks for the pm’s to have some skirmishes from RAID and AR.We were unfortunatly in SFR BL.Za Bots running there again and the “smaller” guild groups started deep into primetime when we were tired and out of people to fight.Also outnumbered buff.We encountered WL IV etc good fights from your part.

Hoping for better luck next match-up.Have fun!

Zancrow The Red-Elementalist of [ObV]Oblivion-Hardcore WvW guild
Server-Piken Square

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: Atoss.1056


So I heard Viz tanking it to silver league for next season

And on serious note: sad to see spirit broken like this, but seeing the rewards (for any place in leagues) was even sadder, so no surprise. Lot of ppl must be already burned out anyway, even from before the league times (like I am myself a bit). Anet and their reward-carrot, can be a 2 sided sword that hits back…

Have fun Sfr and Pikeners

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Part of me is sad with the reward chest. Other part is smiling. Smiling like ‘hehe bandwagoning finally got crushed, there’s no reason to do it anymore’.

Welcome to Jade sea/Arborstone, french community. I’m sure you’ll all spread to those servers in a fair manner now, leaving vizunah square away from overpowered coverage.

Other part of me thinks ‘all this vizunah-doomtalk is fake’. Why? This situations (vizu is not good enough and gets beaten up by Desolation, Blacktide or SFR) has happened often. And every time, they retaliated so hard that we still got crushed and vizunah got to place 1 again. I won’t believe false Vizunah Square doomtalk again. Cause everytime i did, it created an even bigger advantage for the ‘rise up’ from Vizunah Square.

Either way if it’s true i’ll be glad. I respect the vizunah community, but that overpowered coverage needs to go. It has no place if we want to keep the fun in the game for opponent servers.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Achilles.2950


Great raid on Viz BL tonight, thanks to WL, WLR, DORF, ZB and any others we fought, best raid of the week. Thanks to DSun and PG – awesome fighting with you guys.

Best of luck at reset.

Markrox – Guild Leader for Team Aggression [TA]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pryda.8257


Can’t understand why someone from your guild asked for 20-25man skirmish around the map if you run with whole zone.

Thanks for the fights on VS bl tho.

Red Guard [RG]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kingface.9781


I don’t want to be a doomsayer, but Vizunah decline is already starting. Look at that thing, is that supposed to be some sort of replacement for your quality trolls like Kingface?

Well, every good thing ends sooner or later.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Achilles.2950


Can’t understand why someone from your guild asked for 20-25man skirmish around the map if you run with whole zone.

Thanks for the fights on VS bl tho.

SFRJ had 30 players for tonight’s raid. Any fights where you faced greater numbers was due to great teamwork between guilds. If you would prefer a 20 man GvG let me know in game Pryda.

Markrox – Guild Leader for Team Aggression [TA]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


I don’t want to be a doomsayer, but Vizunah decline is already starting. Look at that thing, is that supposed to be some sort of replacement for your quality trolls like Kingface?

Well, every good thing ends sooner or later.

Evil never dies (<3)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


L’erba tinta nun mori mai, Kingface

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Balzamon.1396


sorry but this screen shows like nothing slayer… if you make such accusations then you better prove them with sth better then a screen of you dieing.

tho i think i might have spotted a AC cirlce in the back there. But it should be possible to hit there through the gap over the gate (will check that out later if i can )

Commander Ireth Alcàrin [NíP]
Piken Square
Community Officer @

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Filius Fabula.3459

Filius Fabula.3459

Your siege got taken down by a treb in orgath uplands. Just saying

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


nice way to end the week piken….. zoom hacker commander running on ebg atm. ac right up the wall of ogre towards pangalos, and taking all siege inside down, nice sportmanship of your commander there…. realy that desperate to cap something before the week is over so you need to cheat?

the vanguard reborn… will remember that guild hope you guys will do something about this…

The only arrowcart circle I see (probably anyway) is the big one that is roughly 50/50 on the wall and outside.

You know how AoE targetting with large AoE circles work right?

Your screenshot show nothing about it taking down “all” siege.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slayer.7623


that screen shows it all, if you look closely you see rain of arowcarts shooting over my head and landing in centre were treb was standing…. i had to be fast making the picture so i died during that by targeting the right player on the cart…. and suprise suprise it was the commander. plz learn to play fair…
if you have trouble seeing the proof infront of you try to zoom in on that picture,
made it a litle easyer were to look on that picture for ppl in denial.
edit: picture


(edited by Slayer.7623)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hiei.8697


Can’t understand why someone from your guild asked for 20-25man skirmish around the map if you run with whole zone.

Thanks for the fights on VS bl tho.

I can make you the same question

Personally I’m happy to see more guild’s raid on Viz and guild like WL, WLR, ELY that are very strong.. but why you add to all the battles? What is the problem to be wiped?! Yesterday my guild had a raid with 14-18 pll (some went afk) and we had no problem to deal with WL (were you? don’t remember!!) or ELY that were more than us.. we got wiped many times.. no problem!
By the way, ty to both Pik and Viz for the week.. probably we will fight for the eternity with the new Anet system…!


Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: KarlusDavius.1024


that screen shows it all, if you look closely you see rain of arowcarts shooting over my head and landing in centre were treb was standing…. i had to be fast making the picture so i died during that by targeting the right player on the cart…. and suprise suprise it was the commander. plz learn to play fair…
if you have trouble seeing the proof infront of you try to zoom in on that picture,
made it a litle easyer were to look on that picture for ppl in denial.
edit: picture

Looks 50/50 to me. You know mastery makes the circles HUGE right? And also you can target arrows carts inside anything a long as the door has a gap at the top.


Cmdr. Kiro Heimdahl
Far Shiverpeaks

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bogey.5423


that screen shows it all, if you look closely you see rain of arowcarts shooting over my head and landing in centre were treb was standing…. i had to be fast making the picture so i died during that by targeting the right player on the cart…. and suprise suprise it was the commander. plz learn to play fair…
if you have trouble seeing the proof infront of you try to zoom in on that picture,
made it a litle easyer were to look on that picture for ppl in denial.
edit: picture

Not to rain on your parade, but I can’t see the AC in your screenshot. So, how would we know who is using that AC then, other than your say-so (and selection of said commander). I haven’t tried, but is it also possible to fire AC from opening on top of the door?

This is obviously another attempt of public shaming, which does not work, so why even bother. Report cheating/exploiting to Anet. I mean, what do you expect players to do?


Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: PureOwn.2069


that screen shows it all, if you look closely you see rain of arowcarts shooting over my head and landing in centre were treb was standing…. i had to be fast making the picture so i died during that by targeting the right player on the cart…. and suprise suprise it was the commander. plz learn to play fair…
if you have trouble seeing the proof infront of you try to zoom in on that picture,
made it a litle easyer were to look on that picture for ppl in denial.

I was there and i totally agree that it was a hack.The picture can confirm it

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bogey.5423


I was there and i totally agree that it was a hack.The picture can confirm it

Screenshot does still not confirm culprit, hence public shaming tactic is really bad way to conduct this. There is even attempted shaming of whole guild.

Report to Anet, but I really wouldn’t hold my breath.


Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slayer.7623


its not public shaming of a guild, its making that guild awere and hopefully trying to do something about this, same as any wvw community would do. i have no problem with the whole guild. obviously only with this hacker commander and hope to bring awerness to this guild so they can get rid of their rotten apple. nothing more.

not mean any offense to the guild itself, the server or any1 exept for the hacker. but since i not know any1 on your server this is a very effective way to reach ppl on there who i much respect and had lots of good fights with. who CAN actualy do something about this. so we all can have fairplay in the future.

edit: every server has rotten apples, i have no ilusions in that. so plz not see this as personal insult, rather a chance to get rid of a rotten apple.

(edited by Slayer.7623)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bogey.5423


its not public shaming of a guild, its making that guild awere and hopefully trying to do something about this, same as any wvw community would do. i have no problem with the whole guild. obviously only with this hacker commander and hope to bring awerness to this guild so they can get rid of their rotten apple. nothing more.

not mean any offense to the guild itself, the server or any1 exept for the hacker. but since i not know any1 on your server this is a very effective way to reach ppl on there who i much respect and had lots of good fights with. who CAN actualy do something about this. so we all can have fairplay in the future.

edit: every server has rotten apples, i have no ilusions in that. so plz not see this as personal insult, rather a chance to get rid of a rotten apple.

What can they do? Shame? Harass?

Nah, report to Anet and that is it. No need for vigilante justice since it does nothing but create hostility. Besides, it is not still established that your selected person is even the culprit. You just said that (s)he is and that is the whole story so far. Not that it matters, we do not vote who is guilty of what misconduct.


Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: xSenioritis.5910


I was there at the time and it was a treb, there were two commanders and only 1 was tagged. The other one called for us to go to the supply camp to build the treb on top of the ogre camp.
There’s no need to make fake accusations..
-PS player-

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pryda.8257


Can’t understand why someone from your guild asked for 20-25man skirmish around the map if you run with whole zone.

Thanks for the fights on VS bl tho.

I can make you the same question

Personally I’m happy to see more guild’s raid on Viz and guild like WL, WLR, ELY that are very strong.. but why you add to all the battles? What is the problem to be wiped?! Yesterday my guild had a raid with 14-18 pll (some went afk) and we had no problem to deal with WL (were you? don’t remember!!) or ELY that were more than us.. we got wiped many times.. no problem!
By the way, ty to both Pik and Viz for the week.. probably we will fight for the eternity with the new Anet system…!

We didn’t add a single fight between two solo guilds and we made a bunch of fights against NoE 2 or 3 days ago.

@Mark: I’m just questionning the fact that you’re playing with commander tome with kittentons of adds when someone from YOUR guild asked us for fights. Told him we don’t mind being outnumbered by a guild, but playing with commander tome is clearly laming us. Maybe he didn’t tell you, that would explain it but nvm.

Cya another week!

Red Guard [RG]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hellawaits.1973


now we will have every week the same matchup kitten. Wtf Anet. We won the last week. Why sfr is blue ? our ranking points are higher than vizu. We have to be green. But nothing new about anet.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Order and therefore color is determined by the random-modified rank. Obviously Vizu rolled higher than you.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: naestho.4376


Can’t understand why someone from your guild asked for 20-25man skirmish around the map if you run with whole zone.

Thanks for the fights on VS bl tho.

I can make you the same question

Personally I’m happy to see more guild’s raid on Viz and guild like WL, WLR, ELY that are very strong.. but why you add to all the battles? What is the problem to be wiped?! Yesterday my guild had a raid with 14-18 pll (some went afk) and we had no problem to deal with WL (were you? don’t remember!!) or ELY that were more than us.. we got wiped many times.. no problem!
By the way, ty to both Pik and Viz for the week.. probably we will fight for the eternity with the new Anet system…!

I’ll add, to pryda’s post, that i remenber exactly this fight, and WLR just watched the fight beetween us (20) and you (NOE) without helping us at all. We have a strong policy between WLR and WL to add each other as less as possible, im not expecting everyone to do the same. But its hard to hear “a nice fight” when you face à 50 man zerg… Anyway gg for this week, and gl for the next one, hopping to face everyone of you once again.

Naestho| WarLegend and [Run] RL
[Vizunah Square]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Minze.7065


What is wrong with “War Legend” , you guys jumping around at ruins.. Iam alone signing to have 1vs1 and you all jump on me like crazy.. Wtf..And even jumping on my corpse like 12 year old kids..

Some strange things going on with vizu.. Even 2 guys tagged [Daoc] doing kitten…


Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: Minze.7065


Not generalizing that..But “War Legend” i thought you do better!!??


Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rethical.3258


Nice fights on SFR borderland tonight. Was fun to fight SFRJ guild from Piken. Sadly we didn’t see much action from vizunah, I hope you guys are still fighting!

FSP: Ranger – Rethika. Guardian – Rethical, Warrior – Taym Ah

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: xSenioritis.5910


Minze, you might want to blur out the chat next time
And they might not be in the mood for a 1v1

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: KarlusDavius.1024


Not generalizing that..But “War Legend” i thought you do better!!??

Team speak info ftw!

Cmdr. Kiro Heimdahl
Far Shiverpeaks

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Senshee.1624


Hey i’m GM’s WLR.

The guild is on Vizunah Square and start GvG 20v20/25v25, if you are interest, contact me in game.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Qrakan.1392


Too bad every guild we meet just runs, and hiding behind TONS of siege and behind walls.

congratz. ruining once again a could of been good week.

Krakan Random number – Piken

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thimill.9162


What is wrong with “War Legend” , you guys jumping around at ruins.. Iam alone signing to have 1vs1 and you all jump on me like crazy.. Wtf..And even jumping on my corpse like 12 year old kids..

Sorry about this, we were half-afk, chatting on teamspeak about all and nothing… So yeah when you approach, we killed you without thinking.

But up for a 1v1 whenever you want.

Soibo, Soibel, Soibon : Asura engi – guard – necro
Vizunah Square – War Legend and ex-[Run]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miyu.8137


Kinda tired of this match already. Tired of endless VS blobs 24/7. Tired of them camping towers and keeps and not going out for fight unless they outnumber you 2:1. Even after league not. Are SFR guilds taking break or aren’t there any left besides [VG] and [IV]?

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Kinda tired of this match already. Tired of endless VS blobs 24/7. Tired of them camping towers and keeps and not going out for fight unless they outnumber you 2:1. …

Lol, tired of reading the endless repetition of this complain now since 16 month several times per week

PS: Yeah I know I could avoid it easily by not reading T1 thread

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tygra.4570


Kinda tired of this match already. Tired of endless VS blobs 24/7. Tired of them camping towers and keeps and not going out for fight unless they outnumber you 2:1.

Do you mean you dislike when Viz actually defends its towers ?
I’m not sure about what was fun last week when you just karmatrain’d empty Viz.

The French Flair [FF]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: Khrums.3765


3th match in row that must be a love

good luck and have fun

Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: Burn.5401


Kinda tired of this match already. Tired of endless VS blobs 24/7. Tired of them camping towers and keeps and not going out for fight unless they outnumber you 2:1. Even after league not. Are SFR guilds taking break or aren’t there any left besides [VG] and [IV]?

KoA is still raiding 3-4 times a week but we don’t have much interest in Piken guilds because all you do is blob when we obviously don’t run with more than 20 people against you. (DVG, PG, SFRJ etc.)
Props to War Legend who still rely on skill over quantity. If any guild is willing to do some skirmishes next week feel free to contact me.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: Pryda.8257


Thanks Burn, if you wanna fight against this week you can pm me. Best would be 20 for us so we wouldn’t let too much guys on the side but 15 is fine too.

Red Guard [RG]

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Can’t understand why someone from your guild asked for 20-25man skirmish around the map if you run with whole zone.

Thanks for the fights on VS bl tho.

I can make you the same question

Personally I’m happy to see more guild’s raid on Viz and guild like WL, WLR, ELY that are very strong.. but why you add to all the battles? What is the problem to be wiped?! Yesterday my guild had a raid with 14-18 pll (some went afk) and we had no problem to deal with WL (were you? don’t remember!!) or ELY that were more than us.. we got wiped many times.. no problem!
By the way, ty to both Pik and Viz for the week.. probably we will fight for the eternity with the new Anet system…!

We didn’t add a single fight between two solo guilds and we made a bunch of fights against NoE 2 or 3 days ago.

@Mark: I’m just questionning the fact that you’re playing with commander tome with kittentons of adds when someone from YOUR guild asked us for fights. Told him we don’t mind being outnumbered by a guild, but playing with commander tome is clearly laming us. Maybe he didn’t tell you, that would explain it but nvm.

Cya another week!

Dude we had no tag on!!! I dont understand you. When I told you we had like 30 people and maybe a 7 pugs that we cant get rid off you said we will not fight you. I guess that was made it clear for us that whenever we face you it will not be as per our agreement. we did not care what happened after that if we were alone or we had adds on us. the deal was over when you said we are 15 on the map. You think we would have gone for a fight with 30 against you. It was a normal map run after that. and yes after 2 hours of closed raid we do turn on the tag then. but our first encounter we did not. I even said you could add up guilds if you like to make it fair which you said no guild will do that with us. how fun it could have been for either sides to then have skirmishes. What we did after that was our normal raid business. And at no point we were above 50 even adding the friendlies.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

(edited by UnknownRH.4592)

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

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Posted by: Tseikk.9032


sfr borderlands: que
viz borderlands: outnumbered

I speak for myself, not for my server or my guild.
Solo roamer, all classes.

Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


sfr borderlands: que
viz borderlands: outnumbered

Yeah PAL raids tend to do that :p

Gotto remember to upload some videos later, especially with that one enemy which defiantly stood its ground against entire PAL. Where Vizunah zergs scattered and fled before us, SFR zergs got crushed like roaches under a boot, he valiantly held fast without even loosing any hitpoints.

I’ll be watching you, Bay wall, I’ll be watching you… O_____O