Only a WvW player
(edited by satkis.7021)
Keep that way so !
If you are in T1 by only playing for the fun of it and don’t care about results then you are a great server !
Thanks! I personally am proud of us and satisfied with the situation we’ve got. Eventhough we are mainly a great force during our primetime and not at night/morning we are in T1 and still doing just fine. We don’t even have queues for every border every day! And the days we do it’s not over 5min ever. At the moment no threat of dropping a tier. Which ofcourse wouldn’t be a bad thing due to the nature of T1.
So yes, we are great! Have a nice day!
(edited by satkis.7021)
I know this doesn´t prove kitten, but i swear this warrior used mist form at 5% HP when he was about to die, then i aggroed guards and he killed me. Don´t know if it is just some modified animation for another skill, but i swear i saw the mist form animation, hacks or not, its weird.
I know this doesn´t prove kitten, but i swear this warrior used mist form at 5% HP when he was about to die, then i aggroed guards and he killed me. Don´t know if it is just some modified animation for another skill, but i swear i saw the mist form animation, hacks or not, its weird.
There’s a rune set that gives mist form when on 10% health afaik
ok, then it probably was that rune thx
Get out of you castle Sfr player !
L2P to the others…
Good farming day. Easier than in orr, but kind of fun.
At Redlake SfR get Fun)
This is photoshop!!!! Cant be!!! We are serious , sir .
Great fights on Desolation Borderlands this evening. Keep it up !!!
So much drama… Btw VS is it not true you send guys to other servers to spy and try to make inner dramas on the servers.. ect
I have to admit one of our guildmates took a look on your forums,you see he knows french was quiet amusing to see your panic.At least when you do such bulkitten try to use a secret forums or some restricted part of them
So much drama… Btw VS is it not true you send guys to other servers to spy and try to make inner dramas on the servers.. ect
I have to admit one of our guildmates took a look on your forums,you see he knows frenchwas quiet amusing to see your panic.At least when you do such bulkitten try to use a secret forums or some restricted part of them
Ha ! Some random accusations, no proof. Winner.
And of course, we are simple-minded, we don’t know how to have a private forum and a public forum.
Do you think perhaps you have been misleaded to believe something that was intentionally on a public forum ? Or perhaps your friend that knows French is not capable of understanding the taunts and trolls and irony that French players from all the servers like to share ?
Nah, it’s probably us. Nvm.
At least when you do such bulkitten try to use a secret forums
A secret forums, no less..
Tell your friend to come on JoL and make drama
Wow what a lovely Stonemist battle XD Desolation holded both Vizunah AND Seafarer off for over an hour! Never had so much fun in wvw. Screw the scores! This is true wvw. And i had almost no skill lag (for once). And badges of course, always welcome. Good fighting Sfr/vizu.
Some guilds will be transferring off SFR this week, they’ve kept a tight mouth on where they’re going though.
Sarcx can you next time wave back at me, just out of decency?
With love from deso borderland!
The outmanned commander in QL.PS: Sorry we couldn’t make a fair fight out of it.
Oh I love it how you guys improved your behavior in just 1 day!
Big compliment to RG →
(edited by Flashlight.3125)
So much hatred over Vizunah Square server in this thread, guys we’re all playing the same game, please be gentle and respectful. Also, “End Of Culling™” is definitely coming, hopefully getting frustration off of some people. Keep up the good spirit !
I have to admit, I was a bit confused with Deso’s GoD tactics today. 2-5 thieves (it varied in numbers from different guilds but GoD stood out) trolling SFR outside the SFR spawn point in VS BL.
I could have understood the tactics if they were trolling everyone on the map but they were letting VS players through to attack the Deso tower while focusing on SFR….
very strange tactics… surely if your tower is under attack you first target the people attacking it, then target stragglers from the other server afterwards… especially as SFR were attacking VS owned Bay at the time.
I have no problem with SFR attacking Deso or the other way round… had some lovely fights with VoTF in the last week but just wondering why you would not focus on defending your own fort against VS foremost?
Some guilds will be transferring off SFR this week, they’ve kept a tight mouth on where they’re going though.
And we have 2 major US guilds comming in,plus their followers .We have to keep a tight mouth from wich server are they though
Some guilds will be transferring off SFR this week, they’ve kept a tight mouth on where they’re going though.
And we have 2 major US guilds comming in,plus their followers .We have to keep a tight mouth from wich server are they though
Is this serious lol ?
Summary of last episodes :
01- Every serv which has faced VS since the release deserved #1
02- SFR deserves #1 more than all of these
ps: my english is bad, blablablah..
You forgot :
31 – Vizunah are the only server that can use an arrow cart proper ….
32- Vizunah don’t nightcap , true warriors never sleep
33 – Vizunah don’t lose, if you won vs Vizunah is because they allowed you
34 -Vizunah never zerg, they just use mesmer clones and thieves guild
35- Vizunah are like spartans , only 300 /each borderland
(edited by Rayya.2591)
Thx to the cute asura mesmer from Jump To Victory and thief from IRON that jumped me while I was fighting the vizunah thief. Looks like you managed to bring him down aswell when you pulled him into the NPCs at Speldan.
I wish you both a happy March 26th when culling will be removed
edit: fail at typing.
(edited by Laceration.4290)
Some guilds will be transferring off SFR this week, they’ve kept a tight mouth on where they’re going though.
And we have 2 major US guilds comming in,plus their followers .We have to keep a tight mouth from wich server are they though
wow thats a great news. im so happy to know that SFR will be the next night cappers of Tier 1 of EU. Keep those night cappers coming!
Several report since the saturnday states that SFR are helping Desolation by cutting renforcement when they attack a keep/tower, even open doors and let Deso cap or cleanse tower/keep attacks for them. Can you clarifiy your position about it ? that happened enough often so it seems that we can now call you Seafarer’s Desolation.
It’s 3 factions RvR, so there’s no problem with that, if that takes 2 server to beat us, i’m fine with it, and pride about it. But it would be fair from you to just admit it.
(edited by Angelyne.2936)
Several report since the saturnday states that SFR helping Desolation by cutting renforcement, even open doors and Deso cap or cleanse tower/keep attacks for them. Can you clarifiy your position about it ? it seems that we can now call you Seafarer’s Desolation.
It’s 3 factions RvR, so there’s no problem with that, if that takes 2 server to beat us, i’m fine with it, and pride about it. But it would be fair from you to just admit it.
Personally seen more SFR vs Deso fights than Deso vs. Viz ones. Acctually at one point yesterday it looked like part of the Deso zerg was defending Vizunah’s garrison from SFR for a few minutes (later that night we conveniently ninjaed the very same garrison when Viz chose to ignore us and only defend the gate SFR was attacking o_O) :’D
i predict VS going SOS’ed in 3 weeks… come to US people lol
So much drama… Btw VS is it not true you send guys to other servers to spy and try to make inner dramas on the servers.. ect
I have to admit one of our guildmates took a look on your forums,you see he knows frenchwas quiet amusing to see your panic.At least when you do such bulkitten try to use a secret forums or some restricted part of them
Made my day week.
Summary of last episodes :
01- Every serv which has faced VS since the release deserved #1
02- SFR deserves #1 more than all of these
ps: my english is bad, blablablah..
You forgot :
31 – Vizunah are the only server that can use an arrow cart proper ….
32- Vizunah don’t nightcap , true warriors never sleep
33 – Vizunah don’t lose, if you won vs Vizunah is because they allowed you
34 -Vizunah never zerg, they just use mesmer clones and thieves guild
35- Vizunah are like spartans , only 300 /each borderland
No he didn’t, he only put the funny ones.
Score / map update (Deso is split) before I go back to work
2 hours ago
Reply to user
Posted by Crevura
And if there really is an alliance Deso ??/ SFR as you think, then it is these two servers that hold the knife by the handle. Limit they could go much further in a little idea of what you’re implying in the event that the PH rose in D1. So there I still very nice.
There’s a clear alliance (like 10min ago on map red: the tower is opened Deso ??20, we wipe Deso, SFR comes back to 50 and we wipe and leaves without taking the tour) but they are at their maximum. They are known for having defeated and redéfaits many times these people. A two against one they come to us from being first, but they will be nothing more. It is a matter of time before Deso ??returns behind D2 and SFR. Following I understand, they are desperate and they know that they 1v1v1 have no chance, they try otherwise normal. This is a good war.
Alpha & Omega
In any case if there was a need to have evidence that bone in sfr and get along just look at what is happening on our map today. Sfr and bone in passing one to the other side without hitting. Super mentality actually. Finally I note that it has perverted sfr bone in, because until then I had not seen bone in doing this kind of thing (except occasionally as it can happen) And there was still the beautiful bastondans lined at least c "is nice. however painful to see the agreement, they hide even more when I see a bus that passes sfr two gus of bone in without typing yet right in their way short …. no comment … technically there if the alliance continues (although I think this kind of agreement to not take long) time, it is untenable 2vs1. Enough they broadly share each map, with coordination and helped immune 5min. remains only pray the gods. Otherwise must send “saboteurs” of sfr and bone in voluntarily to kitten the kitten in their agreement.
have some fun! I rarely speak lies.. But you french guys really make me wanna push Vs to t2-t3 you are so bad, you cant even troll like normal people!
So you use to pump your pride thinking we fight you 2v1 ok:D have fun the upcoming weeks. The big bad boys are here to stay kids.
The famous secret forum ?
2 hours ago
Reply to user
Posted by Crevura
And if there really is an alliance Deso ??/ SFR as you think, then it is these two servers that hold the knife by the handle. Limit they could go much further in a little idea of what you’re implying in the event that the PH rose in D1. So there I still very nice.There’s a clear alliance (like 10min ago on map red: the tower is opened Deso ??20, we wipe Deso, SFR comes back to 50 and we wipe and leaves without taking the tour) but they are at their maximum. They are known for having defeated and redéfaits many times these people. A two against one they come to us from being first, but they will be nothing more. It is a matter of time before Deso ??returns behind D2 and SFR. Following I understand, they are desperate and they know that they 1v1v1 have no chance, they try otherwise normal. This is a good war.
Alpha & OmegaIn any case if there was a need to have evidence that bone in sfr and get along just look at what is happening on our map today. Sfr and bone in passing one to the other side without hitting. Super mentality actually. Finally I note that it has perverted sfr bone in, because until then I had not seen bone in doing this kind of thing (except occasionally as it can happen) And there was still the beautiful bastondans lined at least c "is nice. however painful to see the agreement, they hide even more when I see a bus that passes sfr two gus of bone in without typing yet right in their way short …. no comment … technically there if the alliance continues (although I think this kind of agreement to not take long) time, it is untenable 2vs1. Enough they broadly share each map, with coordination and helped immune 5min. remains only pray the gods. Otherwise must send “saboteurs” of sfr and bone in voluntarily to kitten the kitten in their agreement.
have some fun! I rarely speak lies.. But you french guys really make me wanna push Vs to t2-t3 you are so bad, you cant even troll like normal people!
So you use to pump your pride thinking we fight you 2v1 ok:D have fun the upcoming weeks. The big bad boys are here to stay kids.
I have no idea what I’m reading here. This is so terribly written its impossible to understand anything. Can someone please explain what’s being said?
there is zero pact between deso and sfr… I commented yesterday about deso snipers attacking us while letting VS take the deso tower. Plus we have been in some awesome battles with Deso. At the start of the week we were fighting VoTF in the Deso garrison and had to leave the lord room to go and defend hills from a VS attack… on the same night we were defending against Deso on South gate bay and VS attacked from the North and wiped us but Deso claimed the keep… does that mean Deso are in an alliance with VS?
SFR fight 1v1v1… we are not like VS and their former alliance with ER
There is one good thing in this thread : humour starts to strike.
I am quite curious of that strange guild turnover especially on SFR, looks like every week servers are quite different. I don’t deny the pleasure of variety tho.
Great fights against RG last night on the VZ map btw, that guild raid is excellent.
Please stop quoting Hebril Amolebin as it forces me to read partially his trollings ^^
I love this game, especially this forum. <3
Be carefull all VZ guilds + RG are moving to Jade’s Sea Server
RG wants to play with the french guilds now.
(edited by KabaL.6217)
I have no idea what I’m reading here. This is so terribly written its impossible to understand anything. Can someone please explain what’s being said?
This guy quoted the unofficial french troll forums thinking he discovered ’MURICA. I guess this is google translate.
have some fun! I rarely speak lies.. But you french guys really make me wanna push Vs to t2-t3 you are so bad, you cant even troll like normal people!
So you use to pump your pride thinking we fight you 2v1 ok:D have fun the upcoming weeks. The big bad boys are here to stay kids.
To make it simple : JoL = LOL.
So your troll is as bad as the ones you’re quoting. Stop the hate, and give us good, respectful fights.
(edited by Khimael.4932)
Be carefull all VZ guilds + RG are moving to Jade’s Sea Server
RG wants to play with the french guilds now.
lol I had Sacrx down as coming from somewhere near Sunderland…. but I guess he is a fellow magpie after all. nouveau château unis
Be carefull all VZ guilds + RG are moving to Jade’s Sea Server
RG wants to play with the french guilds now.
because they are bored to pve door before/after vz prime like cbe this night ? (and don’t worry i see option iron votf and other people rolling ^^)
SFR fight 1v1v1… we are not like VS and their former alliance with ER
Made my day.
there was an alliance with ER and noone said me … is there any way how i can give their bags back ?
there is zero pact between deso and sfr… I commented yesterday about deso snipers attacking us while letting VS take the deso tower. Plus we have been in some awesome battles with Deso. At the start of the week we were fighting VoTF in the Deso garrison and had to leave the lord room to go and defend hills from a VS attack… on the same night we were defending against Deso on South gate bay and VS attacked from the North and wiped us but Deso claimed the keep… does that mean Deso are in an alliance with VS?
SFR fight 1v1v1… we are not like VS and their former alliance with ER
Thanks for it , you made my day.
Guys ! Why did you supress the “Operation Bohica” post on ? I wanted to show it to some friends, but it seems that’s it not there anymore.
I wouldn’t like to see that some people didn’t know about that, so, in order to be fair with everyone, i’m going to post it here :
Vizunah Square are starting to crumble, There moral is dropping. We need to
keep pushing them on points. They are attempting to make a rally on there server
and i wouldn’t be surprised in the next couple of days they start pushing for
points Early Morning. We must counter them, They are attempting to catch up and
get second place over Desolation. This can not happen, If we want to get them
into tier 2.I’d therefore ask if people would focus on Vizunah Square more on points,
and even help Desolation get the points they need in WvW to keep second. This
doesn’t mean teaming up, Fight Desolation on sight, but we need to make sure
they get a second place win.VZ Players are already starting to move to Jade Sea. We must keep the
momentum up, and make sure they don’t have any hope of recovering this matchup,
If we keep them on third place this week, They will start to fall down to t2,
Next week or the week after that.Well done guys, Just keep up this push and soon we can make Tier 1 an
interesting matchup like we had not long ago in Tier 2.
Next episode : a super-secret-board displaying SFR guild troops during the day/night (was available on for a limited duration, but it was a super-secret board, so it was displaced on the super-secret part of their forum)
oh come on, I witnessed it myself… when SFR were in T1 last time, and ER were in the tier, I saw VS take down an SFR wall, kill all our defenders, and then step aside for ER to take the fort. You were fighting together in the same zerg and not against each other. I wished I had screen shot it now.
It may not have been a close alliance but some of your guilds were definitely manipulating points by playing alongside some ER guilds in the same zerg. To be honest, I was quite impressed that you were managing not to kill each other.
It was not like when we were trying to get demoted into T2 before the point reset and were helping ER take forts. When we were doing it we were not in any agreement and fighting with ER in the same zergs… we were just removing defences and then leaving. In fact it was a competition between SFR and ER who could lose the most points and we often got frustrated when ER were not taking the things we were clearing in advance.
By the way, I am not suggesting that VS and Deso are in alliance… I was merely pointing out how ridiculous it is to suggest that SFR and Deso are.
Be carefull all VZ guilds + RG are moving to Jade’s Sea Server
RG wants to play with the french guilds now.
I understand why. I have many times considered moving to Vizunah, it is the only way to make sure to never have to fight them again. The queue times truly scare me though.
I saw VS take down an SFR wall, kill all our defenders, and then step aside for ER to take the fort.
It was not like when we were trying to get demoted into T2 before the point reset and were helping ER take forts. When we were doing it we were not in any agreement and fighting with ER in the same zergs… we were just removing defences and then leaving.
Obviously, it’s the same thing but SFR’s doing it on the good way, instead of Evil VS diabolize it.
Made my day week.
Kingface lost his calmness, why so mad bro?
“Operation Bohica” is old news… we decided this morning to let Viz stay in t1 for another week (maybe 2 if we are feeling generous). I think we are coming to the realisation that we lose the best farming in the game if you go down. We need gold.
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