Playing a Game [TaG]
Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
Playing a Game [TaG]
And go back 50 pages and you will see people saying we are trying to get them in ts to coordinate, we have a SFR academy guild set up to train them. But if these guys dont listen and flame us trying to help them then whats left? People came here not for wvw but to leech of our success because it was free. We have had pugs before these transfers and together we got to tier one. These guys were our eyes and ears on the battlefield. However the vast majority of these new folks do nothing. Our home bl haa never been dominated like it has been before the transfers, in fact SFR has never been dominated like this for 5 weeks before the transfers. Unless your on SFR then you will not know how we worked.
I wouldn’t have said it better.
Sycaria – lvl 80 Thief
Did Viz win any week when BT or SFR (just listing those 2 because I was eyewitness) were strong? Now think about it.
You don’t understand the point. Viz is based on pugs, when pugs leave or can’t join the zones, they have more pugs to fill in. SFR is based on small/med sized guilds that work together, to make an equivalent to Viz’s situation last weeks, SFR must have gotten more small/med sized guilds, but instead pugs were given to a structure that was formed since day 1 and is based on the exact opposite of Viz. Think about that as well. I’m simply explaining and not whining why +1000% pugs doesn’t work on SFR while it works for Viz. And at last think about it, maybe SFR doesn’t want to become another Viz?
We perfectly understand your point.
However, you, do not understand the basics : we’re all given the same tools, you decided not to use them, please do not blame Anet for your mistakes.
That’s it.
Man up and own your way of doing things.
Accept that this is a fail in terms of competitive WvW on the long run. (and this last sentence is here so you can tell us for the thousandth time that you don’t play the same game)And yes, if you want to be objective, VS won against SFR or BT at full force. VS lost more than VS won, but it never crumbled (not saying SFR is crumbling down, the score is quite tight considering what is happening).
SFR used the tools and it worked perfectly fine. Then ANet opened the doors of free transfers which kittened over the existing structures. I’m repeating myself as you are repeating yourself.
Competitive wvw? We are really playing different games. This game works solely based on coverage. Good job organising your pugs, but your pugs are winning this game for you in offpeak hours, just like SFR or BT have won in those times.
Maybe you can link the weeks for me when BT was actually in full power under Maks’ morning cap and Viz won? Same for when you beat the current SFR before guilds decided to step down a bit after transfer?
All right, so if SFR is not winning this week’s match this is ANet fault…. oO
Yes, because of how the server works. It’s wvw focused guilds that interact with eachother. There were hardly any “useless” pugs, those that weren’t in the main zerg were doing scouting, camp flipping etc.
Now add +2h on the queues we had before, guilds can’t get their raids in anymore. The basis on how the server operated was ripped apart by ANet’s decision to make the #1 EU wvw server free to transfer to.
Viz can handle pugs because of its structure, SFR’s structure isn’t meant to handle pugs. Then you flood us with them. Result known.
Another funny aspect I found reading through posts here. “Vizunah is on fire”, ye you are on fire when the other server is weak, when a strong opponent arises you are in hibernation or close to falling over (Troma’s call to arms after commanders quit due to not winning anymore/ “burn out”).
Yes, SFR got blindsided by the influx of free transfers. We get that. We got it fifty pages ago and we got it every single page since. Nobody cares about what tools you’re given, only how you use them. You’re facing adversity, all we want to see is how you sort it out. Viz have pulled themselves out of their malaise this week in remarkable fashion yet all you do disparage them for it.
And go back 50 pages and you will see people saying we are trying to get them in ts to coordinate, we have a SFR academy guild set up to train them. But if these guys dont listen and flame us trying to help them then whats left? People came here not for wvw but to leech of our success because it was free. We have had pugs before these transfers and together we got to tier one. These guys were our eyes and ears on the battlefield. However the vast majority of these new folks do nothing. Our home bl haa never been dominated like it has been before the transfers, in fact SFR has never been dominated like this for 5 weeks before the transfers. Unless your on SFR then you will not know how we worked.
Yes, we got that from every previous page. We don’t want to hear about it any more, we want to know what the SFR community is going to do about it. Viz went through a slump for several weeks then rallied. Are you going to take a break, wait for these ambivalent pugs to get their map completion, wait for them to get bored with losing then try & get back on board again in a few weeks? Are you going to jump ship at the first sign of troubled waters? (seafaring puns completely intended)
But please, for goodness’ sake, don’t given us dozens more pages of telling us how SFR would be winning if only everything was exactly how they want it to be.
PukknubSFR won t1 more than once before the mass transfer from piken. I.E without “loads of bandwagonned guilds”.
Some of those wins were thanks to temporary night-capping PRX transfer.
Deso will maybe stay in T1 but the only thing they managed to do on their own is login to WvW. Sofar you never have been able to even compete with SFR. Lots of guilds left because they got bored of waiting times, not being able to play with the guild and not much of a competition. Together with lag problems it was enough for them to leave, and I don’t blame them, they got nothing more to proof. They kicked your kitten with eas.
You can chest-beat all you want now but soon no one will care about SFR down in the lower tiers, just like FSP and BT before.
SFR used the tools and it worked perfectly fine. Then ANet opened the doors of free transfers which kittened over the existing structures. I’m repeating myself as you are repeating yourself.
Transfer is one of the tools.
Competitive wvw? We are really playing different games.
I was kitten right !
So you’re not playing competitive WvW, but you put weeks of work to build a super server to take down a server that is not even good at fighting (so obviously you don’t like fighting, you were building all of this for something else)
This game works solely based on coverage. Good job organising your pugs, but your pugs are winning this game for you in offpeak hours, just like SFR or BT have won in those times.
We absolutely agree on that part, and it is a shame as soon as your pugs can’t offpeak-cap, you jump ships. I thought you weren’t interested in score.
(here you reply something about queues and lag, pretending your the only ones knowing them)
Maybe you can link the weeks for me when BT was actually in full power under Maks’ morning cap and Viz won? Same for when you beat the current SFR before guilds decided to step down a bit after transfer?
If it has to be under a certain set of conditions, please state them from the start. You asked if VZ beat FSP/BT/SFR/SFR2 when they were not on the “lets-all-flee” weeks, the answer is yes.
All right, so if SFR is not winning this week’s match this is ANet fault…. oO
Yes, because of how the server works. It’s wvw focused guilds that interact with eachother. There were hardly any “useless” pugs, those that weren’t in the main zerg were doing scouting, camp flipping etc.
Now add +2h on the queues we had before, guilds can’t get their raids in anymore. The basis on how the server operated was ripped apart by ANet’s decision to make the #1 EU wvw server free to transfer to.
Viz can handle pugs because of its structure, SFR’s structure isn’t meant to handle pugs. Then you flood us with them. Result known.
Another funny aspect I found reading through posts here. “Vizunah is on fire”, ye you are on fire when the other server is weak, when a strong opponent arises you are in hibernation or close to falling over (Troma’s call to arms after commanders quit due to not winning anymore/ “burn out”).
Yes, SFR got blindsided by the influx of free transfers. We get that. We got it fifty pages ago and we got it every single page since. Nobody cares about what tools you’re given, only how you use them. You’re facing adversity, all we want to see is how you sort it out. Viz have pulled themselves out of their malaise this week in remarkable fashion yet all you do disparage them for it.
And go back 50 pages and you will see people saying we are trying to get them in ts to coordinate, we have a SFR academy guild set up to train them. But if these guys dont listen and flame us trying to help them then whats left? People came here not for wvw but to leech of our success because it was free. We have had pugs before these transfers and together we got to tier one. These guys were our eyes and ears on the battlefield. However the vast majority of these new folks do nothing. Our home bl haa never been dominated like it has been before the transfers, in fact SFR has never been dominated like this for 5 weeks before the transfers. Unless your on SFR then you will not know how we worked.
Yes, we got that from every previous page. We don’t want to hear about it any more, we want to know what the SFR community is going to do about it. Viz went through a slump for several weeks then rallied. Are you going to take a break, wait for these ambivalent pugs to get their map completion, wait for them to get bored with losing then try & get back on board again in a few weeks? Are you going to jump ship at the first sign of troubled waters? (seafaring puns completely intended)
But please, for goodness’ sake, don’t given us dozens more pages of telling us how SFR would be winning if only everything was exactly how they want it to be.
Um TS…. SFR academy… read before you post.
And as far as VcY are concerned well we have already started moving to the next super power VABBI!
And as far as VcY are concerned well we have already started moving to the next super power VABBI!
Rofl, you did not learned? Should you really succeed with your super power plan
(given the bracket differences you may not reach more than super power of T9 till ANet fixes the rating) you will be again on a medium server wide open for the next flood of server-hopper.
PukknubSFR won t1 more than once before the mass transfer from piken. I.E without “loads of bandwagonned guilds”.
Some of those wins were thanks to temporary night-capping PRX transfer.
What’s your point? We lost a few guilds since start, we gained a few new.
Deso were in t5 or something before RUIN decided to transfer there.
Proud member of Velocity [VcY]
Now with actually announcing it is just even more stupid. Even if we had the people it would just be major interrupted.
ok. You could atleast respect the work we have done and not calling this “stupid”, i made this for fun for everyone, and i didn’t tell them the map, juste your own stream link. You have chance i’m not resentful person. Sacrx will always be sacrx, heh
You missed the point i ment it is silly to advertise such thing and not expect problems. Even without adding zone etc. Nice poster tho, gotta get the morale flowing after all playing vs hardly anyone from SFR this week and thinking it was some epic battle to turn around and win is usual viz delusions.
Just like not having enough people to do gvg is being scared to fight lol?. This coming from Viz propaganda machine/WL is it not all one? who i offered GvG so many times the leader put me on ignore?. Of course now at last min when they cant even decide zone on Thursday. Also only really playing yesterday since we had a fully arranged gvg with votf not just maybe a one with WL. Now they expect us to have everything ready when they say last night/this morning at 1am this morning to have people on for it when we had not been playing much all week.
I would love to fight WL in gvg after waiting forever. However nothing can be helped if. so yea we very scared.
Maybe i was not nice enough for mods to not remove my post constantly on forum now?.
if carlsberg played Guardian.
It’s a WvW games, that’s means it’s 24hours on 24 hours.
Some SFR’s players start whinning about free transfers but this is what we got on Vizunah Server since the beginning. On prime time, if you do not go “afk-heal” on a WvW map, you can not play on prime time. We usually got 2-3 hours of queue time on prime time.
I’ve never seen SFR ticks like a boss on prime time. It’s always tight on prime for every server.
So the free transfert does not change a lot for prime but but it’s brings to SFR some pugs that can play the morning, the night, etc.. etc… So the disadvantage for prime time is balanced with more players that can play the mornings, nights, etc…
(edited by KabaL.6217)
And as far as VcY are concerned well we have already started moving to the next super power VABBI!
Rofl, you did not learned? Should you really succeed with your super power plan
(given the bracket differences you may not reach more than super power of T9 till ANet fixes the rating) you will be again on a medium server wide open for the next flood of server-hopper.
British humour isn’t for every one I see…
It’s a WvW games, that’s means it’s 24o24.
Some SFR’s players start whinning about free transfers but this is what we got on Vizunah Server since the beginning. On prime time, if you do not go “afk-heal” on a WvW map, you can not play on prime time. We usually got 2-3 hours of queue time on prime time.I’ve never seen SFR ticks like a boss on prime time. It’s always tight on prime for every server.
So the free transfert does not change a lot for prime but but it’s brings to SFR some pugs that can play the morning, the night, etc.. etc… So the disadvantage for prime time is balanced with more players that can play the mornings, nights, etc…
Lol ok why do I take the time to read such things. …
Sacrx, do not mix everything. I heard this, tought it was a cool idea, and did it. It’s not a propaganda story to give morale blabla, it’s not a RP post here. It was just to do something fun and different, i even do not mix with SFR versus VS. For me, it was WL/RG and nothing more.
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
arguing with a machine? Lmao
Should I post again the KabaL’s masterpiece?
It’s a WvW games, that’s means it’s 24o24.
No, it’s a WvW game, means it’s Server Versus Server based, and in my opinion that’s what a lot of people (including people from Vizunah, my server) have yet to understand. If you want to artifically create arranged PvP within WvW maps (like 8v8, 16v16, 24v24, etc) you’re free to go, but don’t expect WvW design to magically bend on your personal will.
You’re welcome asking ArenaNet to make instanced PvP with little numbers (like WoW, GW1, etc), you’re also welcome to enjoy WvW as it is (server Versus server, disregarding guilds) or not, but please don’t try to force your PvP vision into peoples throats. Again, by design, this game isn’t only about guilds. It’s about servers, and communities.
I’m actually starting to be glad that this has happened. Everyone can stay for the fun part, but to know your true friends and comrades you have to go endure some bad ones as well.
Next week will be fun in a different kind of way, but i think the right steps were taken and the right decisions were made. This match up I’ll be chilling, having a laugh reading constant whining from the members of 1 particular server on this forum topic, but i wont spoil the surprise.
Seafarer’s Rest
RG have joined our new home Vizunah Square!
if carlsberg played Guardian.
All right, so if SFR is not winning this week’s match this is ANet fault…. oO
Yes, because of how the server works. It’s wvw focused guilds that interact with eachother. There were hardly any “useless” pugs, those that weren’t in the main zerg were doing scouting, camp flipping etc.
Now add +2h on the queues we had before, guilds can’t get their raids in anymore. The basis on how the server operated was ripped apart by ANet’s decision to make the #1 EU wvw server free to transfer to.
Viz can handle pugs because of its structure, SFR’s structure isn’t meant to handle pugs. Then you flood us with them. Result known.
Another funny aspect I found reading through posts here. “Vizunah is on fire”, ye you are on fire when the other server is weak, when a strong opponent arises you are in hibernation or close to falling over (Troma’s call to arms after commanders quit due to not winning anymore/ “burn out”).
Yes, SFR got blindsided by the influx of free transfers. We get that. We got it fifty pages ago and we got it every single page since. Nobody cares about what tools you’re given, only how you use them. You’re facing adversity, all we want to see is how you sort it out. Viz have pulled themselves out of their malaise this week in remarkable fashion yet all you do disparage them for it.
And go back 50 pages and you will see people saying we are trying to get them in ts to coordinate, we have a SFR academy guild set up to train them. But if these guys dont listen and flame us trying to help them then whats left? People came here not for wvw but to leech of our success because it was free. We have had pugs before these transfers and together we got to tier one. These guys were our eyes and ears on the battlefield. However the vast majority of these new folks do nothing. Our home bl haa never been dominated like it has been before the transfers, in fact SFR has never been dominated like this for 5 weeks before the transfers. Unless your on SFR then you will not know how we worked.
Yes, we got that from every previous page. We don’t want to hear about it any more, we want to know what the SFR community is going to do about it. Viz went through a slump for several weeks then rallied. Are you going to take a break, wait for these ambivalent pugs to get their map completion, wait for them to get bored with losing then try & get back on board again in a few weeks? Are you going to jump ship at the first sign of troubled waters? (seafaring puns completely intended)
But please, for goodness’ sake, don’t given us dozens more pages of telling us how SFR would be winning if only everything was exactly how they want it to be.
Um TS…. SFR academy… read before you post.
And as far as VcY are concerned well we have already started moving to the next super power VABBI!
Not really what I asked about, unless ‘SFR Academy’ is a indirect way of saying “yes, we promise to stop whinging about pugs now.”
Vabbi is a good choice, I must admit; their community has fought on in the face of constant defeat, so they’ll be better prepared to cope once you abandon them for someone else. Living the dream!
RG have joined our new home Vizunah Square!
Far Shivers people rumoured aswell!
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
RG have joined our new home Vizunah Square!
You fail to destroy VZ by outside, so you try by inside now ? well played it’s the best way
Jade Quarry
Ouch. GG everyone, see you next week.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
PukknubSFR won t1 more than once before the mass transfer from piken. I.E without “loads of bandwagonned guilds”.
Some of those wins were thanks to temporary night-capping PRX transfer.
What’s your point? We lost a few guilds since start, we gained a few new.
Deso were in t5 or something before RUIN decided to transfer there.
SFR couldn’t win without PRX back then, and couldn’t win without bandwagon guilds now. Your server is the type to collapse if you don’t have a chance of winning.
RUIN is insignificant history – Deso climbed back to T1 without them and have stayed here consistently.
RG have joined our new home Vizunah Square!
Remember your job sacrx. Complete it and we look forward to seeing you on vabbi.
I’m sure many people already know what SFR decision has been. I look forward to seeing the Blob v Blob fights you have VZ and Deso.
Have fun spamming one and running signet builds.
The Blob is an independently made 1958 American horror/science-fiction film that depicts a giant amoeba-like alien that came from outer space and terrorizes the small community of RedBriar
To blob or not to blob:
VcY Latest Video :
Funny to read this Thread first Deso and SFR, were against VZ, now SFR has isolated itself;-)
Many People predicted exactly this, that is the price to be paid when a Server gets pushed and does not grow by itself.
SFR was on a good way but you “killed” it on your own, dont blame ANET for this.Greets Myrmi
btw………heard about RG,Riot,ECL,BOON,OSC has left…….whos next? siN?
Lol and how exactly did we kill the server?
Easy the guilds are only on vacation. They will be back after pug migration to other servers
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
If you were in EB and got killed by a Warrior in only boots tonight and got dropped a flameram ontop of you. I am proud to announce that it was me! Hope you liked the show.
For all the trolling and flaming on these forums we need to give credit where it is deserved. Even though Sfr had alot of pure wvw guilds join them, the effort, coordination and fighting ability is what got them to number 1.
It is a shame the server was pretty much killed by kittened free transfers and I will miss fighting the quality Sfr guilds. Good luck in your new homes guys and I hope we get to fight again.
If you were in EB and got killed by a Warrior in only boots tonight and got dropped a flameram ontop of you. I am proud to announce that it was me! Hope you liked the show.
You, sir, need to learn how to kill in style
It’s a shame SFR has apparently failure cascaded after losing once, but anyone with online gaming experience knows that a loose collection of corps/guilds who believe themselves to be ‘better’ than everyone else will destruct the second that’s proven not so, in a WvW sense. Blaming PUGs just ain’t cricket, we all have to ‘deal’ with pugs, nobody is special, it’s their game too.
Anet making the server free after you paid however is raw, but serves as warning to any attempts at creating a pure WvW server: Anet will simply undo it.
No smack intended, it was genuinely good having an opponent that never relied soley on insane zergs everywhere to fight and balanced T1 into a 3-way contest. Now there is the vizunah 24/7 omniblob and T1 EU i’m guessing just got a lot less fun for at least a week.
~~~My Elite PvP Video:
It’s a shame SFR has apparently failure cascaded after losing once
You are delusional if you think that you have won the same SFR than the one from the past month and that people is leaving coz of that. XD
I see a lot of Deso commenting on how we a falling, Did you guys ever stop to think we actually want too?
I might as well say it here seen as people didn’t get my sarcasm in the last few posts. SFR wants to drop to tier 2, We are rebuilding and will focus on fights rather than points.
i m sorry seems we took Valley back in EB by a mesmer portal exploit a guy did just few mins ago, feel free to go take it back we wont fight
i have reported the guy, sorry again
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –
I might as well say it here seen as people didn’t get my sarcasm in the last few posts. SFR wants to drop to tier 2, We are rebuilding and will focus on fights rather than points.
Strange, but other guilds say otherwise
I see a lot of Deso commenting on how we a falling, Did you guys ever stop to think we actually want too?
I might as well say it here seen as people didn’t get my sarcasm in the last few posts. SFR wants to drop to tier 2, We are rebuilding and will focus on fights rather than points.
I can fully empathise why you’d want out of T1 now the viz blob(s) is back.
~~~My Elite PvP Video:
ya begin this new week in music
a Dr DRE song ( next episode) :
Hold up, hey
for my SFR who be thinkin’ we soft
We don’t, play
We gonna rock it ‘til the wheels fall off
Hold up, hey
for my DESO who be actin’ too bold
Take a, seat
Hope you ready for the next episode
…. smoke SFR everyday!
See ya in game all have a good day
I might as well say it here seen as people didn’t get my sarcasm in the last few posts. SFR wants to drop to tier 2, We are rebuilding and will focus on fights rather than points.
Strange, but other guilds say otherwise
Strange, Indeed.
Seen as we made the decision Wensday before reset, But hey. You must know much more… As your sources our much better than mine
If you were in EB and got killed by a Warrior in only boots tonight and got dropped a flameram ontop of you. I am proud to announce that it was me! Hope you liked the show.
You, sir, need to learn how to kill in style
Noted and achieved thank you for the tip, Was commanding my nightcrew pug as dollie-commander and achieved some stomps
I probably win this week too.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
What you do? Drop a load of amphetamine into the national french water supply?
Grats on a good start
SFR couldn’t win without PRX back then, and couldn’t win without bandwagon guilds now. Your server is the type to collapse if you don’t have a chance of winning.
RUIN is insignificant history – Deso climbed back to T1 without them and have stayed here consistently.
you wanna talk about bandwagoning after votf,gh,afterlife and the others joined your server? don’t feel atleast bit stupid?
your server will be remembered as THE server who got most silver and bronze medals,as long as VZ is in T1 you will never ever win,you do understand that?
you can take some comfort in SFR being bellow you atm ,but our 8 gold medals is something you can only dream about. even if we drop to T8 lol (which will never happen no matter how much you wish for it )
Ironation talking about bandwagoning guilds is always a good laugh
Anyway, T1 will be rather boring with VS and the eternal no. 2 – 3 servers if we fall
Good luck Deso and ER chewing on the bones that VS throws you…
(edited by Grok.6714)
but our 8 gold medals is something you can only dream about
Chocolates medals, here we go again…
Jade Quarry
RG have joined our new home Vizunah Square!
Stop this kind of rumor kid , we dont need your followers , assume your big mouth and say them your real direction.
Eternalïa [OVER]
I see a lot of Deso commenting on how we a falling, Did you guys ever stop to think we actually want too?
I might as well say it here seen as people didn’t get my sarcasm in the last few posts. SFR wants to drop to tier 2, We are rebuilding and will focus on fights rather than points.
I guess the cat is out of the bag now. I truly hope you guys enjoy playing 1 vs. 1 cause we are all taking a break from it.
Seafarer’s Rest
SFR couldn’t win without PRX back then, and couldn’t win without bandwagon guilds now. Your server is the type to collapse if you don’t have a chance of winning.
RUIN is insignificant history – Deso climbed back to T1 without them and have stayed here consistently.
you wanna talk about bandwagoning after votf,gh,afterlife and the others joined your server? don’t feel atleast bit stupid?
your server will be remembered as THE server who got most silver and bronze medals,as long as VZ is in T1 you will never ever win,you do understand that?
you can take some comfort in SFR being bellow you atm ,but our 8 gold medals is something you can only dream about. even if we drop to T8 lol (which will never happen no matter how much you wish for it)
I don’t think you ‘get’ Desolation. There is literally no whining that we don’t get gold all the time, ever, in map/guild chat. Unlike you, personally speaking, winning at any cost simply doesn’t plague us; we know what lies down that route. When we get silver or bronze, we don’t implode because we owe all our success to guilds that are looking for pastures anew in a tier that doesn’t have a rekindled vizunah omniblob.
We seem genuinely happy we’ve come 2nd twice in a row, I bet that really annoys you, yeah? How dare we enjoy WvW. You don’t get Desolation.
We’re not a pure WvW FotM server comprised of guilds that came along to escape pugs, whoever that happens to be, or a server that can command vast zergs at any hour of the day. We’ve been fighting 4:1 outmanned in EB this morning. We held, for now.
We’re just a normal server with an enthusiastic WvW streak.
Oh and [outmanned] a lot of the time and almost no queues. :O)
~~~My Elite PvP Video:
I truly hope you guys enjoy playing 1 vs. 1 cause we are all taking a break from it.
The last few weeks have been the most balanced and fun I’ve seen WvW. SFR disintegrating and it’s guilds going elsewhere, with a resurgent 24/7 viz is not a good thing for T1 at all
~~~My Elite PvP Video:
Iron enjoying www? You blob and only reason why anybody would blob in this game is winning, but seems like you can’t win even if you blob. We still plan to play www once/week like before and doesn’t really matter if we kill vabbi players.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
(edited by Junkpile.7439)