Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
Stop jumping on each word i say Empyre, i said this with a smiley because.. it’s just humor. Sometimes i say to the few GC trollers i will ban them from GC forum (i will ban you from this site, forum, computer, and even your chair if you don’t stop !) but it’s just private joke…
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
Public forums though, so you have to understand how people could take what you said
Angelyne is not a GC representative… ! i already talked about this with you Ange, come on GC private chat please. Or remove your Grand Cross signature
… and for that kind of people Troma invests his free time and beyond. People that cry on jeux when it’s going bad, “taunting” (more failtrolling then taunting really, maybe hold a troll 101 on jeux) on english forums when winning.
However Angelyne gives a good inside view of what is going on in GC alliance and their chats. Covering a request to unrepresent the alliance with a smiley, wow, that is weird.
However, Viz had their chances to change playstyle (or if you believe your version of what happened “not adapt to enemy”), you willingly missed it, now live in boredom, fighting the enemy pu, Pu v Pu v Pu. I could hack off 8 of my fingers and with what is left I can count the good guilds left in EU T1.
All that for me ? and all that to speak about a thing that you don’t know about a subject that don’t concern you anymore.
Troma know too well how that works, but he’s paladin’s sake force him to try to save some lost souls here and light on the truth.
I said what i think about it. it’s not a beauty queen contest, we don’t have to be popular or respected. But Troma is a diplomat, not me.
Public forums though, so you have to understand how people could take what you said
People should read what they write and ask themselves “how people could take it” more often on those forums.
And I mean, when they are insulting anyone and everyone, not when they’re joking with their close friends.
Trying to build drama based on void like Empyre does is really pathetic.
Thanks proofing my point. Couldn’t have said it better, Leorcyn.
I have read theese series of posts for a few weeks now. There is some points i would like to add an enlightment. I’ve played on many servers, in many guilds. French community is a special one. A very special one.
We got troll at any hour, both in vocal while fighting, as in game chat.
We got deorganized people wasting precious resources in insignificant actions, and not willing to coordinate themselves.
We got WvW guilds who doesn’t wish to coordinates themselves while playing on the same map.
We got a very little number of scouts and dolyak protecters.
We got in a week more drama than most of servers in a month.
We are so french based that it’s nearly impossible for a foreign guild to fit in Vizunah, the language obstacle is too strong, most of us don’t even understand English.
We got a very small number of old commanders able to fight using their brains and not their guts.
But we are here. That’s a question by itself. I’m not here to teach, i’m not here to debate. But why VS is the Best server of Europe is a question i asked to myself. With all our flaws, how did we manage. Some friends of mine, very advanced in tactics and strategies, gave me some answers.
Without any will of saying wich spirit is the best, the french culture is based on some simple elements:
*resilience: the faculty to overcome a defeat. A member of the french army taught me that. For many foreigners, we are a country of cowards fleeing battles, due to WW2 and vietnam. But watching our civilian/military history, you can see it was an exception. When you hurt france, we are hurt really bad. I mean, a lost of a tower is a shame for every commander, but in france, a commander get trolled for 24 hours about a defeat. Some of the VS beginners commanders seen their reputations being executed in game chat by players and never came back leading. So, when we are hurt, we get really sad. (really). But then we get angry and we strike quick and hard. And the whole fighting combat of our zerg reborn.
*socialization: as a latin server, we developped a commitment to public relationships. In both ways. We can get really self centred, egocentric, hypocrite, and insulting, and that’s why french community based guilds don’t fit well on international servers. But among french, we are very friendly to each other, as long as they don’t insult us, wich instantly cause the pop of an ancient demon and start a drama. This way of community may seems really annoying, but that’s the french spirit in socialization. we don’t stay cold to each others. There is always a public conversation running fast in the game chat.
*moral code: We got a long history of religion in our country for milleniums, and each one believes left a mark on our spirit. recently, protestantism, christendom, orthodoxy and newly social islamism. Every single of theese believes develop a community based on abnegation, help, solidarity, and the willing to be usefull (failed to find a very accurate translation for this last). It’s carved in us from birth, along with our demoniac ego.
Of course, you can find this values in every linving people on earth, i just point out the main ingredients.
On that base, who can enlight how pugs react, we got commanders. Based also on the same marks, we got four ourselves, and i think again we are not alone, but it s almost sacralized for us, a greed for knowledge. I rarely seen that in international servers. We got dozens of players spending their times making maths on the game, and sharing informations about their discoveries and theories, trying something new and oftenly suicidal. Commanders share their long time theory crafted tactics, teach pugs how to act, and why they give orders, and how the orders can help the server on a strategical level. So the next time, the reaction brain lag of the pugs (around 10 secs at first) can be reduced by more than 150%. With training, Pugs can anticipate commanders orders, and prevent him to burn his brain by willing to micro lead his zerg.
Finally, i would like to talk about the zerg. It’s a really strange term for me because it implies a negative statement. We don’t talk about zergs, we talk about an army. The bigger the army is, the better it is for the server, because we can have a better outcome of fire power, so the commander has a larger panel of tactical options while leading. A huge army requires more skill to lead than a well trained, well equiped warfare guild group, used to tactics and movements on the battlefield. But it is my personnal and non objective perspective on it. The main facts is that we have got many pugs willing to be usefull, willing to listen to the leader, so we can have a basic army to long term assault, and multiples guild groups who can react very fast to defend or attack our flaws or ennemy’s flaws. I ve seen some of you requiring a “fair fight”. I don’t understand that. Make a GvG if you want a fair fight, it s not that hard to organize. But we are talking here about wvw, in the T1 europe. The purpose is to bash the ennemy by any way allowed by the game and the common sense. It’s a virtual war. It’s not about fair fights. It’s about attacking ennemy flaws wihle defending ours. Why attacking when you can only win by huge loses? When you are localy outnumbered and in lower position than your ennemy? To show who got the bigger genital equipment? Some of us prefer to stand down, wait so you move, then strike in the back and make a perfect victory. It’s WvW (personal opinion).
I hope i could help you understand us, and thank you if you spent some time for reading me.
I agree WvW is ’supposed’ to be about the epic large scale battles like a 3 way garrison or SM fight, unfortunately the engine or hardware/software are not able to handle such battles without deterimental effects to the quality of the gaming experience. Due to this, those same gamers look for enjoyment on a size the system can handle, which is smaller in scale.
Also bear in mind the game’s ’actual’ title.. that being Guild Wars.. is it really that much of a horrible idea that a guild should be able to do things as a guild.
With reference to your point regarding a blob being harder to control than a small trained group.. absolutely, but an army (as you put it) isn’t just a main force.. there are recon elements, special forces groups, all of which play their part. With a blob you basically become.. and apologies to any Chinese people.. like the Chinese during the Korean War.. (also keeping in line with your historical WW2 and Vietnam references) winning by pure numbers, for every one you kill 3,4,5 more pop up in a never ending stream
Reading Arx’s post one could think that more then coverage decides about the outcome of a matchup in this game, sadly it doesn’t.
As much as you wanna put it on the war side of things, this is a frigging game: We play to have fun. Fighting vizunah atm, aside all the motivational speach and people trying to explain stuff, it’s boring and frustrating, it’s no fun at all and people wanna avoid you guys despite all the wonderfull gvg action your guilds can provide. And this is not good for the game, cuz people leaves cause of this.
Let’s put an example. If i play dota, and i lose a game BADLY with scores like 10 -40 for the enemy team, it’s not fun. But it’s ok! Cuz it’s at most one hour spent on the game, it’s not like i’m constantly gonna face the same enemies over and over. I will have good matchups, matches in which i literally roflstomp people, and amazing matches fought till the end, which makes the game a hella fun.
Guild wars on the other end, gets boring fast, the conflict it’s always about the same groups of people fighting each other, it’s LITERALLY a waste of time, like if EVERY match of dota i played i ended up ahgainst the same 5 guys that keep steamrolling me every time. It could be much more fun if it had a better rotation, just spicying up the fights, but like this? not really.
I dunno fi i explained the concept well, but eh.
Ok – here we go
“Without any will of saying which spirit is the best, the french culture is based on some simple elements:
*resilience: the faculty to overcome a defeat. A member of the french army taught me that. For many foreigners, we are a country of cowards fleeing battles, due to WW2 and vietnam. But watching our civilian/military history, you can see it was an exception. When you hurt france, we are hurt really bad. I mean, a lost of a tower is a shame for every commander, but in france, a commander get trolled for 24 hours about a defeat. Some of the VS beginners commanders seen their reputations being executed in game chat by players and never came back leading. So, when we are hurt, we get really sad. (really). But then we get angry and we strike quick and hard. And the whole fighting combat of our zerg reborn.”
You are top Euro Teir 1 because your culture is more resilient and you feel more shame at a loss and fight back harder – as a culture.
“*socialization: as a latin server, we developped a commitment to public relationships. In both ways. We can get really self centred, egocentric, hypocrite, and insulting, and that’s why french community based guilds don’t fit well on international servers. But among french, we are very friendly to each other, as long as they don’t insult us, wich instantly cause the pop of an ancient demon and start a drama. This way of community may seems really annoying, but that’s the french spirit in socialization. we don’t stay cold to each others. There is always a public conversation running fast in the game chat.”
Your’re top Euro Teir 1 server because its friendly and community based.
“*moral code: We got a long history of religion in our country for milleniums, and each one believes left a mark on our spirit. recently, protestantism, christendom, orthodoxy and newly social islamism. Every single of theese believes develop a community based on abnegation, help, solidarity, and the willing to be usefull (failed to find a very accurate translation for this last). It’s carved in us from birth, along with our demoniac ego.”
Your’e top Euro Teir 1 because of a history of morality based on community instilled from birth.
Now I have no problem with your opinion explained in your second post – its your opinion and your entitled to it. I don’t agree, but there you go and I’ll leave that be.
However, the first post (quoted above) I’ll leave everyone else to form their own opinion on. I have no experience of how friendly or community based your server is – I can only judge what you’ve said above and Im leaving it in its general context.
But your first post that I’ve outlined above – that’s the reason why you’re the Top Euro Teir 1 server? Really?
(edited by RobF.5864)
And that’s why the game desperately needs some proper GvG (and not those random fights half-organized on a 10th of a wuvwuv map).
My opinion is that it is already too late for Anet. Hope I’m wrong.
@lelith: i agree with you point of view. Size of your army really matters, but i think that there is possibility in the gameplay of guild wars for guilds group to overcome an army in a combat with 2 against 3. I was not talking for the actual game, but for the past months of battles, wich i enjoyed a lot. I find the actual wvw between our server very boring too, even in EB, where i play most of times. If i remember well guild wars refers to tyrie history, in the game, not the actual gameplay (it s obvious anet play on the misunderstanding, and the lack on in game structured gvg is a pity). I ve noticed something who can increase your point: i noticed than when we got really bashed from a map, we just leave for a time, and go multimap, more than attack constantly from the spawn and being wiped. That could provoke an appearance of large amount of ennemies while bashing borderlands.
@empyre My point was not to define the strategy of my server. Our actual coverage is artificial: as we are winning, there is less chance of dying in WvW, so more people come to Wvw, etc, the spiral goes up constantly.
@Air. I understand your point of view, and as i see, many share the same. Devon just told on the official forum that server match up will be modified for the end of the month to correct this stuck game we are playing. I understand also the need of fun, and in my strategy guide i made it the primary order of a commander: make your army happy, and your army will grow. But some of us consider the game on really seriously perspective, as they invest loads of time in it, not as players, but as diplomats, to organize the game. So we have a casual community we love, and a hardcore command section who coordinates. It’s not an optimized system, but as long as you respect pugs as much as a WL, it works fine.
@Robf My point wasn’t to explain why we are on top. I tried to explain wich nature in french culture may increase the incredible luck we got from out of chaos of migration and energy spent to organize, to obtain a server like VS, wich is constantly struggling with himself, but cooperates to wipe the ennemy first. If my arguments were the only ones valid, every french server would be in top list.
Anyway a newcomer will enter on T1, willing to fight and wanting for victory. PvE addict that came in mass in RvR because of easy cash and karma will goes back in Orr or MM cave farm. Hollydays soon over and all will turn back to normal in same time than SFR will fall in T2. (or because …). ER won a matchup allready few month ago. they are strong opponents, more in structure defence than open field but with that leety AC, that should be something absolutly painfull.
GW2 is a jacking by his name because indeed, guilds don’t have their word in that story. At least we are all agree with that.
It would be nice if any of that was actually true.
Unfortunately its not, the reason VS dominates is that it has much much better coverage than other servers. And runs in humongous blobs. A VS blob is a sight to see, its massive, the whole screen goes red with enemy nameplates and resistance is futile.
Not knocking it, thats how you roll and its effective.
But those are the reasons VS dominates.
I see a lot of knocking of Tier 1 WvWvW and I understand all the grief that’s being discussed. But I just want to say that amidst all this despair, there are still some gems to be had. I had a blast this past weekend (a long weekend in the UK BTW). You have to understand, I would classify myself as a PUG with aspirations to becoming a better WvW player. It’s slow work (doesn’t help that my main is a Ranger .. always did enjoy doing things the hard way :-)) and I die a lot. But I don’t care because I am really enjoying myself!
Thanks to the VS player (sorry – can’t remember your guild) on SFR BL who destroyed me like 4 times, then began to help me constructively improve my 1v1 (downed me then stood back to let me revive myself). So sorry my server allies jumped you – I couldn’t stop them. A shining example of the WvW Community spirit!
To the 2 VS Treb users (again SFR BL) who I went against to put them off shelling the tower: SHAME ON YOU! 2v1 and you resort to putting me out wit an AC? I gotta admit – had me laughing for like 10 minutes..
To the 5 VS guys who took me on in water. LOL! I OWN THE WATER! Kudoes, tho, for sticking to the task but LOLz – thanks for the loot when you got hit by the Deso zerg that came by (I’m on Deso, BTW).
Finally, to the 2 Deso guys I partied with, and then took on the Hills keep with 2 Alpha Siege Golems – we knew that it wouldn’t last but we got the gate to about 30% before the VS zerg rolled over us.
(I have to know! In WvW, do Legendary NPCs drop Legendary loot?)
Has anyone here done the Vizunah Square mission from GW1? The server and mission are almost identical, funny that.
Has anyone here done the Vizunah Square mission from GW1? The server and mission are almost identical, funny that.
Yeah, had same tought some time ago….
And they were afflicted, 250 year later they’re zombies, so it all makes sense! (joke)
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
At least we are all agree with that.
Actually, we are NOT all agree with that .
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Aaaaand the IRON farewell tread is gone again, seems.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
Just a bit more time and that thread gonna be an argue between french trying to write english … If we even start to flood here…
I just realized that this friday will be the last day for this thread. Solid couple months of the same matchup.
whatever, they left cuz of the free transfer, instead of growing balls to deal with the situation, they just said “bye”.
I can’t talk for all who left SFR/Deso (and from the fact that Deso didn’t suffer from free transfer invasion but pretty much on edge too, you should get the idea that free transfers weren’t the root cause), but GH left for simple reason – the game in T1 wasn’t fun anymore because of skill delays.
There is challenge and there is bullkitten. Gotta separate these two. When the [aspect of the] game community is formed around starts to kitten balls for a lot of community members, there’s no point anymore. When “mah skills no work!” is THE memory that every raid leaves, I’m asking myself: "OK, I like our community, I love to socialize with these people, but should I “grow [some imaginary] balls” and pretend that I still like this kitten and that there’s some higher cause that is worth to be the reason of me suffering by not enjoying the game every kitten second? No, that’s just silly.
Personal skill and organizational challenges? Tough opponents? Ups and downs? Hell yeah, bring more!
Game being not fun because of kitten engine limitations? Sorry, I’m not a masochist.
It’s not that we are bandwagoners/hoppers, we waited and waited and tried to find ways to avoid these numbling dumb downs that are [often map-wide] skill delays. We tried hard for long time to keep as part of community we love so much. But failed. Delays won.
P.S. Funny how this forum red-flags “dahmn” but leaves “hell” alone. Oh, and btw, all “kittens” in my message except this one are original.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
I ve seen some of you requiring a “fair fight”. I don’t understand that. Make a GvG if you want a fair fight, it s not that hard to organize. But we are talking here about wvw, in the T1 europe. The purpose is to bash the ennemy by any way allowed by the game and the common sense.
I’d understand your point if death was final in this game. But it isn’t. You get defeated, go to a waypoint, repair for 1.6s and everyone’s ready to go again.
You’ve no idea how frustrating it is to get stomped by ten people when you know full well they would run away if you had nine allies alongside you. Conversely you’ve probably little idea what a great feeling it is when you chase off a larger group. The very best fights in WvW are the ones where you’ve got a 50/50 chance, or worse, but you still stand your ground. Taking undefended towers has nothing on that.
whatever, they left cuz of the free transfer, instead of growing balls to deal with the situation, they just said “bye”.
I can’t talk for all who left SFR/Deso (and from the fact that Deso didn’t suffer from free transfer invasion but pretty much on edge too, you should get the idea that free transfers weren’t the root cause), but GH left for simple reason – the game in T1 wasn’t fun anymore because of skill delays.
There is challenge and there is bullkitten. Gotta separate these two. When the [aspect of the] game community is formed around starts to kitten balls for a lot of community members, there’s no point anymore. When “mah skills no work!” is THE memory that every raid leaves, I’m asking myself: "OK, I like our community, I love to socialize with these people, but should I “grow [some imaginary] balls” and pretend that I still like this kitten and that there’s some higher cause that is worth to be the reason of me suffering by not enjoying the game every kitten second? No, that’s just silly.
Personal skill and organizational challenges? Tough opponents? Ups and downs? Hell yeah, bring more!
Game being not fun because of kitten engine limitations? Sorry, I’m not a masochist.
It’s not that we are bandwagoners/hoppers, we waited and waited and tried to find ways to avoid these numbling dumb downs that are [often map-wide] skill delays. We tried hard for long time to keep as part of community we love so much. But failed. Delays won.
P.S. Funny how this forum red-flags “dahmn” but leaves “hell” alone. Oh, and btw, all “kittens” in my message except this one are original.
I know right, writing kittens gets extremely addictive after a while.
And i see your point of view but that’s what the thing made you appear like, cuz you’re moving tier, prolly along with the other guilds that populated t1 (that i don’t know, nor i do care it’s just speculation right now don’t take me too seriously) just to go into another matchup, prolly do the same thing that happened in sfr and climb and get stuck again just to leave again…or no? shrugs
Or guilds from sfr are going separate ways and whatnot. shrug i don’t really know
The only thing for certain it’s we don’t like the game’s anet’s playing, with the tier being static, huge lags in more populated tiers and appartenly totally out of the blue updates, nerfs and buffs (honestly, it took me quite some time to figure out wth changed in warrior last patch, anet l2write patch notes like everybody and stop making up weird kitten terms on the spot)
FYI GH is was a Deso guild, so I’m talking primarily from the Deso experience.
P.S. Gee, did I really wrote “is”?..
(edited by Yaro.3251)
I ve seen some of you requiring a “fair fight”. I don’t understand that. Make a GvG if you want a fair fight, it s not that hard to organize. But we are talking here about wvw, in the T1 europe. The purpose is to bash the ennemy by any way allowed by the game and the common sense.
I’d understand your point if death was final in this game. But it isn’t. You get defeated, go to a waypoint, repair for 1.6s and everyone’s ready to go again.
You’ve no idea how frustrating it is to get stomped by ten people when you know full well they would run away if you had nine allies alongside you. Conversely you’ve probably little idea what a great feeling it is when you chase off a larger group. The very best fights in WvW are the ones where you’ve got a 50/50 chance, or worse, but you still stand your ground. Taking undefended towers has nothing on that.
indeed, i fully understand your point because it’s part of one of my strategy: when a fight could be win by huge loses, i deny the combat and run away. So the ennemy get frustrated, and loses his mind after a few encounters. So, when i want to wipe them, i choose a spot, i build siege, and i let them know i m here. The ennemy is so willing to fight and mad at us that he jump into the trap and get wipe.
That’s not fair. I agree, but it s effective. And as from the other side of the battle, you see the ennemy just suicide himself on you, and getting rewards from a long term preparation, so the army consider it as a fair success of the brain over brutality. That said, i think i m the only commander to do that on VS, so i don’t think we ever met in battle, and what you saw was real cowardice
(to respond over the coverage, i was talking about the time we get down in blue tiers. Coverage didn’t matter, agaisnt focus and wvw guilds with pugs reinforcements, we get down. And i really enjoyed this part of the game, so we have to wake up to get up again. Such a shame that there was leavers. We got the same annoying things than everyone else (queue, lag, bug) but we stay).
(edited by Arx.4237)
iswas a Deso guild, so I’m talking primarily from the Deso experience.P.S. Gee, did I really wrote “is”?..
Your home is where your heart is.
Arx, you seem to not understand how the system works. Or you’re trying to uptalk your people here. ^^
When Viz was getting buttslapped by SFR or BT (just 2 examples), your pugs flee to pve in masses, BUT you got so many pugs that those holes will be filled. Of course those people are less experienced and need to be taught.
Other servers don’t have that many pugs willing to follow. On SFR the reknown commanders and leaders got flamed by the bandwagoners that came in with free transfers before SFR had denying attitude towards them, they were never willing to cooperate. Even right now that SFR is dead and CoN (e.g. Drq) and many others were/are trying to restructure they still get the finger.
Also the “you got up” part, Viz would have never recovered if SFR existed in its 5 week winning streak structure, the system of maxed coverage PLUS good guild raids on daily basis is far superior to your pu system. Just like Viz never would have beaten BT with Maks doing the morning shift and XAOC holding 2 sometimes 3 borderlands until prime.
Yes, you recovered, when the enemy stopped playing, you never recovered while the enemy was strong, that is something I can’t agree on, you outlasted the enemy by not playing in full force. Respect for everything else, pu lead, your pu per se, some of your guilds (even while avoiding gvg like cancer, while Troma agreed that a gvg would have never influenced a weekly result).
Arx, I can reassure you that you aren’t the only commander doing the running part. Most aren’t clever enough for the trap part though or they simply fail at it.
Empyre. what i say is that the community of our server is less combat efficient than a server full with wvw guilds, but can endure a long pressure in battle, who defeats our ennemies. We endure the lag, others don’t. We ll have different points of view, but i saw my server strenghened by the fights, and i miss this time, even if that means we get down.
For our coverage, see the upping spiral of migration i was talking sooner.
iswas a Deso guild, so I’m talking primarily from the Deso experience.P.S. Gee, did I really wrote “is”?..
Your home is where your heart is.
So GH are returning home?
Za Drots pain train all over Deso bl bashing the poor pugs ouch!!!
Viz and SFR [VG]we could handle an organized large guild raid on the other hand proved too much where you guys been hiding? lol
Thanks to everyone who ran with our AFTL commanders in deso BL tonight, I know it was brief but sweet
and TY to vg, zds (i think if I remember right) for coming out of bay and attacking us. … as for Viz lovely walls lads
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
Is it a secret to ask how do you keep your pugs so organized and motivated, and I assume in TS, too – VZ? Does a common language help a lot?
No its that they share a mutual lack of ambition which enables them to rally and chest beat over the most hollow of “victories”.
When Deso was on top only thing they shared is WP to base.
Oh boy those ZDs trains look scary as heck even for me
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
iswas a Deso guild, so I’m talking primarily from the Deso experience.P.S. Gee, did I really wrote “is”?..
Your home is where your heart is.
So GH are returning home
I wish
Is it a secret to ask how do you keep your pugs so organized and motivated, and I assume in TS, too – VZ? Does a common language help a lot?
No its that they share a mutual lack of ambition which enables them to rally and chest beat over the most hollow of “victories”.
When Deso was on top only thing they shared is WP to base.
It s indeed a great advantage, but we got a common culture too. we know how we lose great battles, we know how we won great battles, military history is well documented and VS strategist often meet together to discuss an share new tactics. For the players, we have a lot of drama, but when it comes to fight, we shut the hell up and just listen to the lead.
Yay, what fun. Vizunah zoomhacking with their arrowcarts in EB again. I’m praying for the day when ANet can scan for people using such exploits and ban them from the game.
Even when it’s 50 vs 5 at Durios they still need to cheat. Pathetic…
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Thanks to everyone who ran with us on Eternal Battlegrounds tonight! We had a blast, numerous of amazing fights and great achievements! Tomorrow evening again? Nonetheless, goodnight!
2 days left to make this thread 100 pages, gogogo!
Also, maybe premature congratulations to SFR on dropping a tier, feel bad for leaving people who are loyal to the server to deal with GLICKO induced imbalance.
Thanks to everyone who ran with us on Eternal Battlegrounds tonight! We had a blast, numerous of amazing fights and great achievements! Tomorrow evening again? Nonetheless, goodnight!
Thanks for leading Grotesque!
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Oh man I just terrorized a bunch of VS night cappers Playing at night actually can be fun!
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Interestingly I just logged out of EB for a bit and came back almost 30 mins later to find everything was reset, it’s a shame it’s turned into wv1.5 now at least we’ll have a new opponent for the next week I guess and we’re doing some friendly dueling outside our spawn!
Edit: I think I noticed you splitting groups and coming out to fight which is nice to see, apologies for the blob we can’t really control the number who follows us which you had to counter which lead to lag (thanks anet)
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Brilliant defense this morning in eb.
Our keep (deso) was swiss cheese and it still held for ages.
We were quite happy with that especially since we were so terribly outnumbered and we were getting trebbed from two sides.
Cheers for the fun.
Thanks a lot for deso and sfr for the great battles of yesterday evening, you played really well and we enjoyed it a lot. (EB)
Yes, you recovered, when the enemy stopped playing, you never recovered while the enemy was strong, that is something I can’t agree on, you outlasted the enemy by not playing in full force.
French’s president François Hollande proclaimed “Spring Holliday” from 13/04/2013 to 06/05/2013 to celebrate SFR stopped playing. Thanks RG.
Don’t think there will be a lot of migration from VS, but guilds will (or had) just stop the game a while, waiting for a descent opponent to fight with. and if that never come, then hey … Wildstar and ESO will come a day !
so happy to leave this tier finally.
amount okitten visnuah is posting here all the time is simply amazing.
i feel sorry for elona and desolation, facing an inferior enemy who is not fun to play at all.
so happy to leave this tier finally.
amount okitten visnuah is posting here all the time is simply amazing.
i feel sorry for elona and desolation, facing an inferior enemy who is not fun to play at all.
Dunno why and am not implying anything.
But every morning when i check gw2 matchups….EACH french server is controlling at least 50+% map even when they are third.
Are you sure tier 2 will be different?
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.