Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
This guy is my new hero , great matchup this has been.
Thank you allepic x)
LMFAO, that was really epic,
This guy is my new hero , great matchup this has been.
Thank you all
Haha thanks dude, this foam puppet… i laughed so hard that i have a headache.
This guy is my new hero , great matchup this has been.
Thank you allHaha thanks dude, this foam puppet… i laughed so hard that i have a headache.
Our charr commander is famous now!
Yeah and the 60 vizu are so bad they can’t cap a tower without defenders during all the night.
Come on dude…
As we said before, we don’t play night cauz we can, we play night cauz we must.
Ask RG how many golems they spend everynight at 2pm gmt+1.
Dude nobody is saying you can or cant…we all know it is a must to be the topdog………Deso dont have the choice to do this….cus we barely keep all borders filled in primetime and only for a few hours.
Guilds still fighting for Deso….freaking bigballs…. always outnumbered never outmannend……for some guilds on SFR that one is out of translation
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
always outnumbered never outmannend……
Yeah, i noticed we often have about 20 people afking in warcamp when i felt we should’ve been outmanned
always outnumbered never outmannend……
Yeah, i noticed we often have about 20 people afking in warcamp when i felt we should’ve been outmanned
Doesn’t mean we can’t win. We had an entire force of Vizunah (about 90 or so) attacking our hills a couple of days ago, they got the wall down and we managed to hold them off with about 30 VoTF and 10-15 assorted other players. We had the out manned buff on too! Was quite the epic fight. Will check to see if any of my guys frapsed it.
Was one of the most epic fights i’ve had to date tbh.
(edited by Aneu.1748)
always outnumbered never outmannend……
Yeah, i noticed we often have about 20 people afking in warcamp when i felt we should’ve been outmanned
Doesn’t mean we can’t win. We had an entire force of Vizunah (about 90 or so) attacking our hills a couple of days ago, they got the wall down and we managed to hold them off with about 30 VoTF and 10-15 assorted other players. We had the out manned buff on too! Was quite the epic fight. Will check to see if any of my guys frapsed it.
Was one of the most epic fights i’ve had to date tbh.
This guys…is what i love…..against all odds
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Not saying you cant win fights or that they can’t be epic, just poking fun at that bit of what Dalure said.
Though having to explain it makes it less fun /sigh
(yes, i have a lousy sense of humour)
For information, VZ will probably sleep this week as Desolation.
So SFR, don’t play after the prime, thank you.
What just happened in VZ garri was really pathetic.
30 mins farming you sad people, +400 kills and you keep using that lame banner ress on lord.
It kinda ruined the good fights we had all evening.
Keeping the VZ spirit up and running!
You forget tha Vizu, above everything else play for points. Their suicidal defenses even when facing being farmed for extensive amounts of time display their resolve and dedication to win on points. Even though fighting for points above all can be boring to play against one has to admire such dedication.
I think they played with their full force in both week 1 and now the 3rd week of this matchup, and both times it has been very close.
Personally, I believe they belong into t1 even if their strategy/approach towards the game can be boring to fight against. And yes, they would be here even without morning capping, probably not in contention for 1st place every week, but certainly not 3rd all the time. They have the strongest PuGs out of the 3 servers, and the most brains when it comes to what to attack/defend for points in WvW.
And yes, spawn keeps are impossible to take when the whole zone decides to continuously trickle 1-2 into the capture circle, and they make sure to rez the lord from time to time (largely due to culling and skill delay as it’s impossible to kill ppl who come into the circle fast enough). The only way it’s achievable is by a very methodical siegeing approach, having a treb clear enemy siege from distance and building your own siege inside to shoot at the points where the enemy will be coming from into the inner keep. Any take of such keep where the door gets rebuilt behind you several times are doomed to fail, as to fully clear the circle and the inner you need all the people in the zone, even those who die and need to run back (reinforce). The biggest pain in this regard is the EB spawn keep, which is one of the reasons it almost never gets taken from anyone by anyone except in really late offpeak hours. Smaller capture circle and/or kills for point would make the game better in this case imho. I don’t think anyone can argue that players should not be able to take a keep, after breaching both the walls and killing the defender and the lord several times. The way the game is in that regard is just silly at the moment.
(edited by Danielle.3152)
there should be some kind of shame respawn time. If you die whole time respawning should take longer and longer after every death. Hate these lemmings tactics where enemy just die and run back whole time.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Or u can contest the circle if you are more on it cause this is ridiculous : Oh we are 60, but just 1 guy is here and claim : “this is my keep!” M’okay
But this will be the coming of new abuse.
Wow you all still going hard at it, meh login go pew pew and have fun guys.
GG to everyone in VS BL last night loads of very nice fights, small ones, big ones, epic ones…
Bay Boss room was truely epic all three servers going at it like nutters for almost 30 mins solid in the boss room, really insane stuff. We had a more VS vs SFR one later in Garrison which might have lasted even longer but just couldn’t flip it fanatical defence and good use of war banners saved the day there, which btw everyone can do so kudos to VS for holding out there tbh.
By luck a BOON was recording so enjoy the show, lo and remember we are attacking the keep not defending it! lol fun times <3 Big shout out to RG and the others who we had to carry through it all ofc o/
(edited by Katiechops.6807)
Was in EB for 10 minutes then i laughed and logged out.
10 Enemy in our garrison
10 of our attackers
Skill lag like crazy hahaha
Some love in the thread of darkness. Just me and my german girlfriend here enjoying the services of the almighty Lord Flame Ram at his church.
Not saying you cant win fights or that they can’t be epic, just poking fun at that bit of what Dalure said.
Though having to explain it makes it less fun /sigh
(yes, i have a lousy sense of humour)
Haha only you can do it the best Genev…..but i always appriciate your effort:)
/See ya ingame.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Some love in the thread of darkness. Just me and my german girlfriend here enjoying the services of the almighty Lord Flame Ram at his church.
omg u have no arm!
fun and epic fight this week on VS
see SFR guild like RG and other PvDoor like vizu just for ladder, defending Deso tower agains VS and drop siege on lord (like flameram) to block VS people who try to res the keeplord
funny ^^
keep your determination all time the 2/3 week incoming to never lose :p
Some love in the thread of darkness. Just me and my german girlfriend here enjoying the services of the almighty Lord Flame Ram at his church.
omg u have no arm!
Sacrified it to my Lord.
Winning is so much more rewarding when viz lose. Maybe deso could win next week so viz would keep losing and we could slack.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Winning is so much more rewarding when viz lose. Maybe deso could win next week so viz would keep losing and we could slack.
Sure np, I’m on it.
Don’t worry Deso, we’ll help you
Viz can you please help us kill SFR? We need your help, lets work together!
/ scared Deso player
Thank’s for the honest words Danielle, if Sacrx could be nice and honest like all his members ! you understood all our vision, it explain why the RP post, the “spartan” dedication too, and our morale. If it was WoW arena or instance battleground, i would do things a little bit different (even if my first wow arena high rating team was named… War Spartans huhu)
i respect RG for their ingame power but for the wise side of their members too
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
(edited by Troma.3250)
It was a very nice week with some epic fights (some won, some lost). Kidding aside i think tier 1 is looking as it should be. Thanks to all our commanders for pushing that extra hours and leading us and congrats to a well deserved victory. Vizu had a hell of a push last few days which motivated us even more. On a side note I hope people don’t get the wrong idea from all the trolls and propaganda, but respecting the enemy is important, because you will never underestimate him.
Seafarer’s Rest
Thank’s for the honest words Danielle, if Sacrx could be nice and honest like all his members ! you understood all our vision, it explain why the RP post, the “spartan” dedication too, and our morale. If it was WoW arena or instance battleground, i would do things a little bit different
(even if my first wow arena high rating team was named… War Spartans huhu)
i respect RG for their ingame power but for the wise side of their members too
Well Sacrx finds the idea of putting points before enjoyment from fights and gameplay illogical and dislikes it, his delivery of his dislike is artistic :P . I am relatively new to the game, which is the period of time when points/realm warrioring etc. is most exciting and I still find that when we as a guild focus on getting points rather than kills/GvG the gameplay becomes slightly less fun.
Basically either it is possible to focus on points and get fight/kills as a byproduct or it’s possible to focus on kills/fights and get points as a byproduct. So that’s why people who put kills/fights first dislike your server as basically they feel that they were cheated as they performed well on kills/fights and didn’t receive the byproduct of winning on points that they felt entitled to, because you focused on points first and therefore did better in that area. It’s just two different ways of playing the game and it’s a lot harder to have good fights and a lot of kills in a PuG experience, though there are some, so logically enough the best PuG experience is most enjoyable when focusing on points. And while Viz has quite a few good guilds, they mostly have PuGs. So logically enough they focus on points first. Let’s enjoy the pixels while it lasts
Faith in Humanity, restored.
Psh, Danielle, you can’t bring logic and niceness into the game together, that’s just…. WEIRD! :o
:) i understand it very well. In fact, even if i never talk about it, there is a big irony (that always make me smile) when you see me only like a RP boy crazy about points. In the past, i was in a very good euro guild with Another (SK) Inflame, Hydra, Enigmz… and i had started PvP many years ago… The irony is, i’m crazy about PvP, GvG, 5v5/10v10 etc. I never played daoc. I just adapted to this style because i love RvR concept and i live the thing like if it was a movie, it drives me crazy.
The other ironic thing is, i know Sacrx wanted to win this week, even if he dislike playing points. I saw him many times, we know RG played a lot with golems (i checked stream a little) even very late at night, it was even a mystic ambient when i faced his character sometimes, because everyone saying it’s my Archenemy drive me crazy, and you know at night it’s different and everyone act different… it’s more smooth, calm, you are more concentrate. You take more pleasure.
And when we managed to counter the RG/Mixed assault at 3am this fabulous night and countered in the plain, your GM whispered me: lol, vizu push?? i could sense the surprise, because he wasnt prepared at all and thinked there was nobody in defense. We waited for you 1 hour in Etheron (this time we couldnt go out because you had too much golems, one movement outside and bye bye T3 castle) because you did the same the night before, and our will was hard as steel. We wanted to kill some RG/SFR. At all cost.
I think there is an other element nobody talk about because it’s taboo for some, but because i like rugby and history i have no problem about it: i think his English heart want to beat our French little kitten : there is always a good rivalty between our two countrys in many way, but behind the rosbeef and frogs kitten, there is a big respect. For me, atleast.
I add something: anyway, everytime he trash us, everytime we see he want to kill VS or make us out of T1 give me alot more will and furious energy to hold our positions and motivate people. Because i will never let him manage this. Never
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
(edited by Troma.3250)
Troma and Sacrx, sitting in a tree…K-I-
Your obsession with Sacrx is now quite embarrassing.
Do not mistake, i want to beat him/you more than anyone it’s just called respect and humanity. Sort of things we do not see a lot on the internet, and it sucks. I know i expose myself by talking about respect in this virtual perma arena, but i dont give a kitten. I builded Grand Cross on a respect basis and i’m sure we have all the power to build a better community
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
(edited by Troma.3250)
Your search for attention is worrying me.
Troma only got 1 thing wrong. If it’s 1-5 ppl of same guild it’s not <insert guildname>.
By that logic I farmed whole GC alliance alone.
Where are all the solo/duo roamers these days? All I see from deso and viz are 4-5+ groups roaming around. Getting so boring with these groups following my kitten for 5+ mins just to kill 1 mesmer.
oh there is a Red Guard! kill him! kill himmmmmmm!
oh there is a Red Guard! kill him! kill himmmmmmm!
Either that or : ‘’OMG MUST RUN ITS RG’’. Been really thinking about removing my tag while roaming..
Either that or : ‘’OMG MUST RUN ITS RG’’. Been really thinking about removing my tag while roaming..
I know how you look. And you’re OP
Also, I’m experiencing the same from SFR and Vizu too, guess there’s gonna be even less roamers when the patch hits and everyone wants their wxp which will be easiest to aquire in the big groups
(edited by Phoebe Poison.4875)
Solo roaming is a thing of lower tiers can’t do anything in tier 1 without running into a huge group i guess it puts people off.
sort of, if you play prime-time only yeah…
Soooo…. Dat new week
Worst reset ever… I thought my old server SFR was up to a better fight but seriously… “Known” guilds running from fights. After all the bragging on this forum they just put their tail behind their leg and run.
got impressed by SIN on deso Border ,they won every battle vs IRON, i leached 350 kills and over badges
Good luck, and have fun
I’m SICK OF CHEATERS (that’ll be another warning for caps)
I was inside BAY at 2.00am GMT, repairing the damaged south outer door from INSIDE when 3 (YES THREE) SF “APPEAR” next to me INSIDE the CLOSED gate. OBVIOUSLY they kill me. It’s the first time that this has happened to me so it took me by surprise. What makes it even worse is that the sf zerg was just behind them- so obviously sf allows this to happen??
Oh and while i’m big cat off, i live in the country and ‘they’ remind me so much of the two legged, feathered, creatures- you know the ones colonel sanders has a recipe for
[ECL] from SFR hope you enjoyed the fun on Viz bl nice try with the mesmers in bay unfortunately we [AFTL] played enough around you on piken to know what you where up to, must admit though you gave me quite the run about along with those two stealthers from [RIOT] lol
love from the annoying Asura Guardian flushing your mesmers out and chasing them round bay, need a lie down now my little legs are exhausted
(edited by Axle.5182)
Where are all the solo/duo roamers these days? All I see from deso and viz are 4-5+ groups roaming around. Getting so boring with these groups following my kitten for 5+ mins just to kill 1 mesmer.
Made me giggle, I roam solo and Its so hard to find a SFR or VS player alone, or even a duo. And if by chance I do they run back to hug a keep/npcs or wait for backup. And with Deso being ‘outmanned’ most the time all I run into is sfr or vs zergs.
Funny enough only place for 1v1/1v2/2v2 etc.. these days is EB puzzle
(or spvp shudder)
I’m just an average player, but I just hate people afraid of a fair fight/cowards.
Oh Vizunah is outnumbered this night? why should we just focus them and forgot about Deso?
Ty SFR, so proud of you
Nice reset btw on SFR map, huge balanced fight against RG and our two “first” win =) (the first won wasn’t really fair tbh)
Fëar Morniëo ~ Vizunah Square
Where are all the solo/duo roamers these days? All I see from deso and viz are 4-5+ groups roaming around. Getting so boring with these groups following my kitten for 5+ mins just to kill 1 mesmer.
Made me giggle, I roam solo and Its so hard to find a SFR or VS player alone, or even a duo. And if by chance I do they run back to hug a keep/npcs or wait for backup. And with Deso being ‘outmanned’ most the time all I run into is sfr or vs zergs.
Funny enough only place for 1v1/1v2/2v2 etc.. these days is EB puzzle
(or spvp shudder)I’m just an average player, but I just hate people afraid of a fair fight/cowards.
i get 200 – 300 pvps from deso pugs on Vs border every day, hardy doubt you cannot find solo /duo SFR over there