Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Germans don’t need to care about leagues because they make good but boring cars and they have scooter, rammstein, helloween, scorpions and oktoberfest.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052



no its not 2v1 its just good business.
funniest prime time in months

I have a dream of doing that against vizunah again would be epic <3

(edited by Wemil.7052)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Falkynn.3789


Who in Germany seriously cares about a multi timezone night cap league that they never can win?

You didnt say that, when Bief wins with nightcap during your holidays. OH WAIT. Holidays are the only thing which keeps ER in first league. Kodash have balls of steel, them! And stronger than ER.

Oh, and we have only 10 players from New Caledonia. Others is in France. Don’t be mad.

(edited by Falkynn.3789)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dropper.9176


@ Falkynn

1. Holidays keep ER in first league , hmm . Maybe the Fact that you cant drop out of League because Season 1 is still running " might " be the bigger Factor.

2. Your interest in Kodash Balls scares me a bit.

3. People need to go to work / school anyway so i dont think that would make anybody mad. Its a long known concept doesnt matter which Game they play in their free time.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Yrvald.8971


1- thank you for the 700 kills in JS Garrison (both servers, don’t be jealous)

2- thank you CS, you’re a real tough team it was a blast for sure ! <3

Camberra – Guardian
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shinigami.8975


I hope you enjoy the JS Overlook you took with the “little” (i mean big) help of a few Zoomunlocker arrow carts. Here’s a screenie with the really fairplay guy. This guy was destroying our defense on the inside court, from this point of view. As usual you will answer he is an isolated case, he doesn’t represent the totality of the server, etc. But you let him do his dirty trick, and you’re ruining the fairplay WvW experience for us.

I know this will probably be moderated or deleted, but I’ve endured enough of this kittening kitten kitty…I had to say a few words about this situation that cannot continue anymore, you’re already 70+ on the map at night hours, and icing on the cake you HAVE to cheat to take a fort… pathetic, where is your dignity ? Oh I know, at the same place you’ve let the alliance contract with Elona Reach.

See you on the battlefield (not cheating this time maybe)


Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Katashi.5306


Many times team RICH use Zoomunlocker arrow carts !

Bief, u can see which kind of allies help you.

(edited by Katashi.5306)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Bief, u can see which kind of allies help you.

1) French localization of names is interesting, but thats not our name. We are Elona.
2) Let me remind you of: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/matchups/T1-EU-24-05-2013-Elona-Vizunah-Jade-Sea and freely quote you as “common interests are not an alliance”
3) At that time Vizu was using multi-screen/window-mode https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/WvW-Suggestion-Restrict-view-angle-in-WvW/2158274 quite intensively to break Elona’s Kodash-trained defense, and this did not hinder you to pursue your common interests.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: prizzler.3501


i think if elona needs allies, a paid call to arms of na-guilds would be better. but elonareach doesnt need that. we have stong leaders and skilled players. under equal situations we can beat any server.

i have big respect for my opponents and your “serveurs” and i would grant JS the second place, although they dont deserve it. You have to understand that we struggle with the other german servers and we cant make any presents.

JS your succes doesnt interest me, make the best out of your situation and dont interfere the german competition.

fighter for elona reach

(edited by prizzler.3501)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: toruk.7890


it may be wise to take a little rest before the ultimate fight against VS. They will be on us all day and all night long

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dayra.7405


it may be wise to take a little rest before the ultimate fight against VS. They will be on us all day and all night long

“Wer rastet, der rostet” (fitting german idiom, not so easy to translate, i.e. this does not mean what Bing-translate makes out of it: “Rolling Stone gathers, which rusts” , google-translate is better this time “If you rest, you rust”, real meaning: “if you take a break, you get tired” )

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: iSpawnAtHome.3810


Elona is 2nd right now, let’s see how the week will end

Je Fawk – Seafarer’s Rest commander
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Toumai.4812


Elona we are waiting for you in the next mu. You sold your soul to SFR this week and i hope that you will pay for this …

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Elona we are waiting for you in the next mu. You sold your soul to SFR this week and i hope that you will pay for this …

Thanks for the warning, it’s great to know that in advance and not to be back-stabbed in the last minute!
So the best strategy for Elona in the next match is: Focus mainly on Jade, such that Riverside takes this opportunity to become first and attacks you as well, such that the final result will be
1. Riverside
2. Elona
3. Jade

A result that fits Jades strength outside the night best anyway

PS: That’s not taunting, that’s a realistic prediction of the result of a revenge-strategy

PPS: Without a server that is stronger than us at day and evening like SFR or Piken that hinder us to make points while you are weak, or caught our main focus like RS in the 1st week match, a match Elona-Jade will end like week 39

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Yrvald.8971


without Sfr you would be third since monday and far from us

stop taunting, even if you finish second you can’t handle us alone

i’m not angry, the game work like that and we’ll fight till the end

Camberra – Guardian
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Romek.4201


not elona decide this matchup – you pvD heros at night do it when we on elona sleep

so stop your whing and move on and make your pseudowar with sfr – maby grow some balls and play when sun is shining – would bring you more pointz??

pfft – like lil girlz

and most on elona dont care who is 1 2 or 3 at end of the league – everyone know who will win it before league even started so noone care bout

(edited by Romek.4201)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


Elona we are waiting for you in the next mu. You sold your soul to SFR this week and i hope that you will pay for this …

sure they did.

keep tell yourself that.

jade sea is a server of runners they always run from a fight even at golanta when they see my ugly pink charr guardian come at them with 10 guys behind they now that a zone blob comes 5 seconds after and they run. 80 guys run from 11 players when they could kill them and create chaos….. epic.

and nice Pvd jade sea.

elona may not have the coverage anymore but they still got strong leadership and commanders one day they will probably be wiping off servers again.

(edited by Wemil.7052)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fasyx.9347


without Sfr you would be third since monday and far from us

Yeah, probably.

stop taunting, even if you finish second you can’t handle us alone


You know that the only reason you placed 2nd is due to your nightcapping, right? Over the day we(Elona) wipe you JS guys like 8/10 times(if we catch you, because you usually use a waypoint if we want to fight you). Now you cant get tons of points over the night, because SFR isn´t playing with you and all of you guys are mad…saying “Elona sold their souls”

not elona decide this matchup – you pvD heros at night do it when we on elona sleep

so stop your whing and move on and make your pseudowar with sfr – maby grow some balls and play when sun is shining – would bring you more pointz??

pfft – like lil girlz

and most on elona dont care who is 1 2 or 3 at end of the league – everyone know who will win it before league even started so noone care bout


Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: prizzler.3501


Elona we are waiting for you in the next mu. You sold your soul to SFR this week and i hope that you will pay for this …

maybe you have good connections and you are used to sell your soul. if you would know something about the relationship between sfr & er you wouldnt talk that crap.

fighter for elona reach

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Katashi.5306


Considering the results of the German servers in this league, you should be more modest.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dropper.9176


As i said before , ER dont got the coverage to get 2nd place. But SFR did some calculating:

SFR 21 Points + 5 This week +1 next Week ( if vizu + Piken double Team them again) = 27
JS 19 Points + 3 This week + 5 next week = 27

So in the End they decided , they didnt want to share 2nd Place overall with JS and judging on their strength compared to JS, they are probably right.

(edited by Dropper.9176)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Considering the results of the German servers in this league, you should be more modest.

Oh that’s really funny, I just noticed that the result of Jade is the topic of https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/wuv/Sick-of-2-servers-vs-1 You should stop complaining (or How won, so gone )

PS: Sure, this is as much a joke as your current complains, as ours in Vizu-Jade-Elona 1/2 a year ago, as … But as usual jokes are funnier when you are on the winner side of a joke, than when you are on the looser side of it.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Toumai.4812


Considering the results of the German servers in this league, you should be more modest.

Noticing that the result of Jade is the topic of https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/wuv/Sick-of-2-servers-vs-1 you should stop complaining

This topic is clearly a joke and created 4 weeks later the end of this mu.
Coincidence ?

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: iSpawnAtHome.3810


Guys guys :S less arguing more talking about great fights!

I liked how 2 days ago JS was defending its keep in EB with 7 warriors constantly banner ressing their lord and resetting the capping bar It turned out to be an epic battle that lasted about an hour (the lag wasn’t on our side :/ )

Je Fawk – Seafarer’s Rest commander
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azalia.3524


As i said before , ER dont got the coverage to get 2nd place. But SFR did some calculating:

SFR 21 Points + 5 This week +1 next Week ( if vizu + Piken double Team them again) = 27
JS 19 Points + 3 This week + 5 next week = 27

So in the End they decided , they didnt want to share 2nd Place overall with JS and judging on their strength compared to JS, they are probably right.

Your math is right, you are just mistaken on one thing. We are not doing this because we don’t want to share second place with JS but because letting JS 2nd this week would mean than Piken would get the Bronze reward. And there is no way we’ll allow them to get any reward.

JS right now is merely a collateral damage from the bief between Piken and SFR.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: cazza.6078


Considering the results of the German servers in this league, you should be more modest.

Really? The Gold League ranking is a ranking about night coverage. French, Spanish or international players are surely not better than German ones. They just have people playing at night from whereever they are that German servers don’t have and never will have. So why should they bother about a competition with unequal conditions?

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Yeah we should get National leagues next:
6 german servers (- Dzagonur ) into a league,
5 french + 1 spanish into a league
14 EU (+ Dzagonur) into 2 (6 top, 9 bottom) leagues.

or time-sliced leagues, with a 0-8 league a 8-16 league and a 16-24 league (all three running in parallel, such that in the end there is still 24/7 a match you can play).

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wemil.7052


Guys guys :S less arguing more talking about great fights!

I liked how 2 days ago JS was defending its keep in EB with 7 warriors constantly banner ressing their lord and resetting the capping bar It turned out to be an epic battle that lasted about an hour (the lag wasn’t on our side :/ )

agreed and every 5 minuts ppls whispered me…..

lets go out and kill elona instead<3 we don’t need them to hold the gate for us<3

was a fun laggy hour:D

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: iSpawnAtHome.3810


Guys guys :S less arguing more talking about great fights!

I liked how 2 days ago JS was defending its keep in EB with 7 warriors constantly banner ressing their lord and resetting the capping bar It turned out to be an epic battle that lasted about an hour (the lag wasn’t on our side :/ )

agreed and every 5 minuts ppls whispered me…..

lets go out and kill elona instead<3 we don’t need them to hold the gate for us<3

was a fun laggy hour:D

I did yell at you several times that if we attack Elona we’ll be in their position just with nobody around to try and block the Jade Sears. All is well when it ends well.
I especially liked the swap we did with Elona haha as they were holding the center and we were trying to block Jade Sea. Then we were like “kitten it, let’s take center” and the whole SFR blob clashed with some Elonians as the rest figured out it’s a good time to get the kitten out! So they started defending the JS keep as we were taking it. Still took a crapload of time heh.

And then I was on the walls trying to clear them when I meet the Elonians wall clearing squad WUSHHHH i was like “aw SHIZZ! and jumped the heII off” …. “WUSHHHH”

Je Fawk – Seafarer’s Rest commander
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Falkynn.3789


As i said before , ER dont got the coverage to get 2nd place. But SFR did some calculating:

SFR 21 Points + 5 This week +1 next Week ( if vizu + Piken double Team them again) = 27
JS 19 Points + 3 This week + 5 next week = 27

So in the End they decided , they didnt want to share 2nd Place overall with JS and judging on their strength compared to JS, they are probably right.

Your math is right, you are just mistaken on one thing. We are not doing this because we don’t want to share second place with JS but because letting JS 2nd this week would mean than Piken would get the Bronze reward. And there is no way we’ll allow them to get any reward.

JS right now is merely a collateral damage from the bief between Piken and SFR.

If JS and Piken are ex-aequo, Piken cant have Bronze reward (4th place).

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lara Ema.4930

Lara Ema.4930

Elona we are waiting for you in the next mu. You sold your soul to SFR this week and i hope that you will pay for this …

I don’t have a deal with SFR and I don’t need a deal. I just think: it’s enough to have one French server in the “Top Three”.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Did you know this is ONLY better coverage?
Don’t be arrogant.. this don’t show we are better than them..

Nothing in WvW shows that anyone is better than anyone else sadly

Or rather, being good at WvW does indeed make a difference, but coverage and numbers are king.

Also a bit disgusted at the underlying racist tone going on in here.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

(edited by Wolfheart.1938)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: wux.7314


Elona deserve second this week IMO. They are better than JS, JS just have good coverage and that is all. I am from SFR btw. Go go Elona!

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Falkynn.3789


Elona deserve second this week IMO. They are better than JS, JS just have good coverage and that is all. I am from SFR btw. Go go Elona!

lol? SFR opens the doors for Elona, and you say that?

If Elona score before JS in day, so Elona has just coverage AND SFR help, with your logic. Elona carries by anti-French spirit of SFR. That’s all.

JS fight alone against 2 opponents all along the week. And we are still here. So…

Np np, gg SFR. You are strong, really. Just sad about mentality…

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: wux.7314


Elona deserve second this week IMO. They are better than JS, JS just have good coverage and that is all. I am from SFR btw. Go go Elona!

lol? SFR opens the doors for Elona, and you say that?

If Elona score before JS in day, so Elona has just coverage AND SFR help, with your logic. Elona carries by anti-French spirit of SFR. That’s all.

JS fight alone against 2 opponents all along the week. And we are still here. So…

Np np, gg SFR. You are strong, really. Just sad about mentality…

Say what you want but a JS blob is twice as easy to wipe as an Elona blob. Thanks for the bags.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Falkynn.3789


Do you know you give bags too…?

And how Elona has blob, if they havent coverage? Oh wait…

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: prizzler.3501


please stop the racist and ant-nation discussion. that has nothing to do with this match-up.

fighter for elona reach

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Katashi.5306


Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: mpif.8504


As i said before , ER dont got the coverage to get 2nd place. But SFR did some calculating:

SFR 21 Points + 5 This week +1 next Week ( if vizu + Piken double Team them again) = 27
JS 19 Points + 3 This week + 5 next week = 27

So in the End they decided , they didnt want to share 2nd Place overall with JS and judging on their strength compared to JS, they are probably right.

Your math is right, you are just mistaken on one thing. We are not doing this because we don’t want to share second place with JS but because letting JS 2nd this week would mean than Piken would get the Bronze reward. And there is no way we’ll allow them to get any reward.

JS right now is merely a collateral damage from the bief between Piken and SFR.

If JS and Piken are ex-aequo, Piken cant have Bronze reward (4th place).

You just make up my day. I was wondring why we got such a focus from SFR and came here (the non-tie reason sound a little light after all the posts about the scandal of double focus). If that is the reason than you might understand that you are doing the opposit of what you wanted?

If the last match-up ends up as the first one, and Jade Sea finish last in the current match-up, then the final ranking will be:
1) Vizunah
2) SFR
3) Pikens, Jade Sea and (very likely) Baruch Bay (triple tie)

This three servors will tie for third place and get all the rewards. As a positive side I think that third place is perfectely deserved for Pikens

Jade Sea would more deserve fourth place (with Baruch Bay), and still get third place (being from Jade Sea this is already good in my opinion).

Now if Jade Sea finish second in the curent match-up (and it ends as it began), then the final ranking will be:
1) Vizunah
2) SFR & Jade Sea (tie)
— no third
4) Pikens and Baruch Bay

I wish Jade Sea could have the second place, but I reconize it would be very unfair to Pikens.

Moreover in the first case Pikens will have good reasons to try to do a remake of the first match-up, Vizunah too. Wich would very likely mean that it will hapen. On the other hand, in the second case Pikens might be far more imprevisible (I have no idea of what would happen).

Basically this hard time means that in the end Pikens will get there right place and that the one beating us to it are curently doing the opposit of what they want. Very funny in my opinion.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: wux.7314


Do you know you give bags too…?

And how Elona has blob, if they havent coverage? Oh wait…

Prime Time EB obviously… every server blobs then and there. And yes we do give bags, just not as many. I almost drowned once in the Jade Sea of bags.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Romek.4201



you cant see the elona blob when you from jadesee and PVD all night – trie it when the sun is shining^^

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Falkynn.3789


I see Elona blob night and day. Elona has coverage, more than JS. And a great help of SFR.

It’s the game… but when we read this thread, some one can think Elona hasnt coverage (false) or Elona dont care about match/league (false again).

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: prizzler.3501


… and we didnt ask for help. the truth is that sfr can decide who gets the second place. its the same old story.

fighter for elona reach

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Falkynn.3789


… and we didnt ask for help. the truth is that sfr can decide who gets the second place. its the same old story.

True. I don’t blame Elona’s players about it

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

As i said before , ER dont got the coverage to get 2nd place. But SFR did some calculating:

SFR 21 Points + 5 This week +1 next Week ( if vizu + Piken double Team them again) = 27
JS 19 Points + 3 This week + 5 next week = 27

So in the End they decided , they didnt want to share 2nd Place overall with JS and judging on their strength compared to JS, they are probably right.

Your math is right, you are just mistaken on one thing. We are not doing this because we don’t want to share second place with JS but because letting JS 2nd this week would mean than Piken would get the Bronze reward. And there is no way we’ll allow them to get any reward.

JS right now is merely a collateral damage from the bief between Piken and SFR.

If JS and Piken are ex-aequo, Piken cant have Bronze reward (4th place).

You just make up my day. I was wondring why we got such a focus from SFR and came here (the non-tie reason sound a little light after all the posts about the scandal of double focus). If that is the reason than you might understand that you are doing the opposit of what you wanted?

If the last match-up ends up as the first one, and Jade Sea finish last in the current match-up, then the final ranking will be:
1) Vizunah
2) SFR
3) Pikens, Jade Sea and (very likely) Baruch Bay (triple tie)

This three servors will tie for third place and get all the rewards. As a positive side I think that third place is perfectely deserved for Pikens

Jade Sea would more deserve fourth place (with Baruch Bay), and still get third place (being from Jade Sea this is already good in my opinion).

Now if Jade Sea finish second in the curent match-up (and it ends as it began), then the final ranking will be:
1) Vizunah
2) SFR & Jade Sea (tie)
— no third
4) Pikens and Baruch Bay

I wish Jade Sea could have the second place, but I reconize it would be very unfair to Pikens.

Moreover in the first case Pikens will have good reasons to try to do a remake of the first match-up, Vizunah too. Wich would very likely mean that it will hapen. On the other hand, in the second case Pikens might be far more imprevisible (I have no idea of what would happen).

Basically this hard time means that in the end Pikens will get there right place and that the one beating us to it are curently doing the opposit of what they want. Very funny in my opinion.

We don’t want to share the second place. Nothing to do with PS.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Falkynn.3789


Thanks for this, Chicho Gosho. It hurts In-Game, but your words have the merit of being sincere.

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shadowwolf.1208


I see Elona blob night and day. Elona has coverage, more than JS. And a great help of SFR.

It’s the game… but when we read this thread, some one can think Elona hasnt coverage (false) or Elona dont care about match/league (false again).

Okay Falkynn now i need to say something. At the moment its Primetime on Elona and its normal that weve got a blob. During the night u will find just a jumper blob of maybe 20 people. But at the other sites we got during the night all time outnumbered buff. Go tell your mommy!

JS is better then Elona? Wow what a guess from a JS player.

I want to tell you something. There are 2 ways to fight a JS blob.

1. You need to run very fast… cause JS spots you and runs away like a headless chicken. Farm the last ones that were not fast enough. Doesnt bring many baggys but hey.

2. The JS blob wants to fight. Short story from the last days:
Elona recaptured Quentin from SFR. Blob was spread all around the area. JS blob with moco or how they are called approached and were reported in Elona TS. Commander called to gather up and stack might. JS blob stopped gathered and stacked might. Elona player were moving slowly to commander and still gathering when first might stacks on JS blob were runnin out. I got bored with my full def support necro and didnt want to wait for that fight and i put all my dwells in your blob. Noone recognized me and didnt attack me. JS blob still standing still. Elona gathered buffed pushed. 10 JS player fell in 5 seconds, rest spread out like headless chickens.

This is the way 90% of all fights against your blobs go. You are definetely not the better ones. Your coverage is just in the night better then elona. Just take a look on MOS Millenium for the weeks points….weekend even… monday elona 80!! jade 200+ sfr dont want you up so they focus u now.

Your arrogance makes me bulg….

We didnt asked SFR for help. Its widely known that SFR dont like Elona for all the weeks before the league.

Thx to SFR for all the nice fights. Its such an happy event when our blobs fight. Against jade its over in seconds. Against you it takes endless minutes thats what WvW is for. Having fun and mess with the best. Not mess with the door!!

Ragnar Kavarish / Lims Kragma
Proud member of [KDL] Krieger des Lichts
Elona Reach [DE]

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Falkynn.3789


JS is better then Elona? Wow what a guess from a JS player.

Where i said that?

On EBG, our pick-up isn’t strong.

Read the thread, not what you want: that talks about:
- Elona has no coverage (false, or not? you talk about monday, but you don’t talk about other nights or DAYS… between wednesday and thursday, Elona had no coverage too? During the night, Elona didnt score more than JS too? Oh wait…)
- SFR doesn’t help Elona (false, or not?)
- Elona doesn’t care about league (false, or not?)
- Too much french servers.
- JS lose all their fights (oh, really?)

The big wicked JS…

Oh, and i love “JS, don’t interfere in the fight between ER and RS next week”. Who is arrogant? Who? …

So… don’t talk about things which never been said. And just read some lies.

And yeah, you can say thanks to SFR: When they open the doors of our keeps, and defend you at the lord, yeah, you can say thanks.

(edited by Falkynn.3789)

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Yrvald.8971


I see Elona blob night and day. Elona has coverage, more than JS. And a great help of SFR.

It’s the game… but when we read this thread, some one can think Elona hasnt coverage (false) or Elona dont care about match/league (false again).

Okay Falkynn now i need to say something. At the moment its Primetime on Elona and its normal that weve got a blob. During the night u will find just a jumper blob of maybe 20 people. But at the other sites we got during the night all time outnumbered buff. Go tell your mommy!

JS is better then Elona? Wow what a guess from a JS player.

I want to tell you something. There are 2 ways to fight a JS blob.

1. You need to run very fast… cause JS spots you and runs away like a headless chicken. Farm the last ones that were not fast enough. Doesnt bring many baggys but hey.

2. The JS blob wants to fight. Short story from the last days:
Elona recaptured Quentin from SFR. Blob was spread all around the area. JS blob with moco or how they are called approached and were reported in Elona TS. Commander called to gather up and stack might. JS blob stopped gathered and stacked might. Elona player were moving slowly to commander and still gathering when first might stacks on JS blob were runnin out. I got bored with my full def support necro and didnt want to wait for that fight and i put all my dwells in your blob. Noone recognized me and didnt attack me. JS blob still standing still. Elona gathered buffed pushed. 10 JS player fell in 5 seconds, rest spread out like headless chickens.

This is the way 90% of all fights against your blobs go. You are definetely not the better ones. Your coverage is just in the night better then elona. Just take a look on MOS Millenium for the weeks points….weekend even… monday elona 80!! jade 200+ sfr dont want you up so they focus u now.

Your arrogance makes me bulg….

We didnt asked SFR for help. Its widely known that SFR dont like Elona for all the weeks before the league.

Thx to SFR for all the nice fights. Its such an happy event when our blobs fight. Against jade its over in seconds. Against you it takes endless minutes thats what WvW is for. Having fun and mess with the best. Not mess with the door!!

i’m sorry but ER doesn’t bring anything on the field (in the past it was a great server for that)

EB is pugland, go get some real fights with your bagfriends on our BL

Camberra – Guardian
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea

Week #6 - SFR / JS / ER

in Match-ups

Posted by: Falkynn.3789


In fights, Kodash are much more stronger than ER. Really, Kodash is impressive, and YES, JS beats Kodash due to coverage.

If Kodash has the coverage of ER… i think they can compete with Piken.

PUs of ER are stronger than PUs of JS. It’s a true fact, yes.

P.S.: For information, JS is a PvE and RP server. Not a McM server.