Whiteside Ridge - Fissure of Woe - Vabbi
i’m just sitting here with my fingers crossed hoping your guys cap every where and just sit there going “Now what do we do for the rest of the week?”
Bah, why u are so many. I can deal with 3 of you, but with 30?
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Thanks for this matchup. That is me and prob most of WBC out of this server.
We tried and we tried to make this grow and get some support from some WvW guilds, but now it’s time for us to move out if we wonna keep growing stronger.
Have a good week fow and vabbi, looks like fow is getting some numbers there on reset, good lewt! ^^
We Be Chilling – High Commander
I feel emotional.
You’re transfering after being matched with us twice? I feel like a god, an angry god. /rubs hands together.
The server with surprising numbers was Vabbi for me. I heard they got transfers? If it makes it a three way fight I’m for it. Getting transfers that play when I can’t see them, but see their effect on the score isn’t as good imo. :p
We’ll be doing what Anet should have done ages ago, balancing the lowest tier.
People can’t say we didn’t try to make WSR competitive, ‘cause we tried. And we tried hard, lol. Anyway, it’s not 100% certain yet, but it looks like we’re going to move.
Maybe FoW and Vabbi will have a more equal fight if we move. Then we have 3 t9 servers. Everyone wins
Gunnar’s Hold
good luck those t9 server ppl, i know its hard for you. i visited vabbi yesterday after reset no one was at lions arch anet should give a hand those servers. they are not just servers ppl live there and they need more to enjoy playing anet’s game.
[WIM]@Aurora Glade
WBC is moving out from WSR? Hell yeah, will make it slightly easier for us to get some points.
Fell free to move to FoW
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
It might not be only WBC though. I won’t say anything else in case the rest want to say something themselves :P
Also if we’re going to do the moving thing we already have decided on a server. It’s not FoW, sorry.
Gunnar’s Hold
good luck those t9 server ppl, i know its hard for you. i visited vabbi yesterday after reset no one was at lions arch
anet should give a hand those servers. they are not just servers ppl live there and they need more to enjoy playing anet’s game.
Is it just me or is everyone overdoing it the last few days? Vabbi’s WvW population can always move, they apparently want to stick with their server. What’s left of them definitely has my respect for trying to put up a fight.
Gunnar’s Hold
I was surprised by the numbers ystd
“I see dead people”
I was surprised by the numbers ystd
Both FoW and Vabbi have seen their population increase. From what I see many people who are tired of queues or dont wanna roll in a massive zerg with constant skill lag. And of course commander Xyros is great to have around xD
I had a feeling other guilds would possibly move as well. I did’t think just WBC leaving would balance T9. Or maybe I’m underestimating your impact. I do know you’re main WvW guild.
Regardless, I wish you, and whichever other guild(s) which may move, the best! I hope you find a server that gets the kind of action you’re looking for. :> I’m curious to see which you choose.
Without WBC you’ll instantly see a big change in WSR. Not only are they one of the 2 main guilds but they also contain a disproportionately large number of the WSR commanders who will no longer be around.
Honestly I wouldnt bet on us being able to beat FoW by that much when their gone.
Gunnar’s Hold
There’s a lot of other good WvW players on the server so we’re not the only ones considering a server transfer. I’ll let the guild leaders explain it. That way if there’s any sort of misunderstanding I can use them as human shields
Also it might end up being more fun if WSR’s WvW guilds left. That way WSR wouldn’t be jumping between t8 and t9 and FoW and Vabbi would finally have a relatively even matchup.
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Wryog.5073)
I xfered to Vabbi from darkhaven last week but unfortunatly I can’t play for a couple weeks since i’m out at sea. ;.;
Good luck Vabbi!
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
This server transfers out of WSR might actually help to make T9 a lot of fun! Especially now that Vabbi comes closer and closer to FoW, having a third server that is only slightly better than Vabbi and FoW would make for a great matchup!
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
Well, I think it’s official. Transfer wins with 97,3% on WBC’s site.
Still going to leave it to someone in a higher position than me to explain the details though :P
Edit: 97,6%… OK screw this. You get the situation lol.
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Wryog.5073)
TEO is also considering transfer atm. We have not yet decided if and where we would go to yet though. I don’t know what else to say atm other then that I have a guild to run and keep my guys and girls happy, and this becomes progressively harder every week. This matchup was that last drop that brought up the topic yet again within our ranks. I can’t say anything else matchup related because I didn’t play last night once I saw the new matchup :]
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold
Explains why our borderlands is red lol.
GJ to Vabbi for that!
Gunnar’s Hold
There’s only one thing you can do when a gate makes a disco…..
“I see dead people”
one of my best commander moments was when i wiped WSR and took the keep from vabbi
and then after WSR took it from me we portaled back inside
Brilliant fights today, hope the matchup stays like this
Great fun today, did some wiping and got wiped a fair share too. If I didn’t have to sleep I’d still be playing.
We used 5 Omegas for Lowlands, is that enough?
Hope you all get a good matchup, WSR looks like your losing points there
I aint gonna lie, we’ve grown huge in WSR as a guild but yeah theres just no potential in this server when everything just relies on 2 WvW guilds. We’ve headed out to a stronger WvW server so we can grow stronger and get more experience.
I’d like to thank all the WSR people who supported us by growing stronger with us in raidcall during public raids and everything.
To all our raidcall haters, thank you making us a kittening legend!
Anyway that’s me for this thread and server, cu all.
We Be Chilling – High Commander
Well Fissure of Woe, I think there might just be a chance of winning this match-up, so get your kittens up and work an extra hour a day in WvW ;D
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
This matchup has been a lot of fun so far. Prolly one of the best matchups I’ve ever been part of! It’s great that Vabbi is growing in numbers and that we are having an actual WvWvW instead of one server completely dominating the other two.
Jam Death [Jd]
So much for no server dominating the other two…
Feels like there is no one left on WSR now
Hope you all get a good matchup, WSR looks like your losing points there
I aint gonna lie, we’ve grown huge in WSR as a guild but yeah theres just no potential in this server when everything just relies on 2 WvW guilds. We’ve headed out to a stronger WvW server so we can grow stronger and get more experience.
I’d like to thank all the WSR people who supported us by growing stronger with us in raidcall during public raids and everything.
To all our raidcall haters, thank you making us a kittening legend!
Anyway that’s me for this thread and server, cu all.
Haha, you’re welcome. Might WBC be willing to tell where they’re actually tranfering to? Anyways thanks for bearing with WSR for so long and good luck for those who still remain there.
Erm…what’s going on? It seems as if FoW has had a massive population increase in the past few days. Did something happen? We were getting steamrolled by you guys. Every time we took a tower or a camp, a FoW zerg was more than just one step ahead of us. Only saw 5 WSR players tonight, and the entire map was blue.
Erm…what’s going on? It seems as if FoW has had a massive population increase in the past few days. Did something happen? We were getting steamrolled by you guys. Every time we took a tower or a camp, a FoW zerg was more than just one step ahead of us. Only saw 5 WSR players tonight, and the entire map was blue.
Naw, Whiteside numbers during prime time are way lower than ever. But yeah, we’ve got more players jumping in and giving it a go.
Whiteside seem to come on in large numbers about 11pm BST though O_o
Hope you all get a good matchup, WSR looks like your losing points there
I aint gonna lie, we’ve grown huge in WSR as a guild but yeah theres just no potential in this server when everything just relies on 2 WvW guilds. We’ve headed out to a stronger WvW server so we can grow stronger and get more experience.
I’d like to thank all the WSR people who supported us by growing stronger with us in raidcall during public raids and everything.
To all our raidcall haters, thank you making us a kittening legend!
Anyway that’s me for this thread and server, cu all.
Haha, you’re welcome. Might WBC be willing to tell where they’re actually tranfering to? Anyways thanks for bearing with WSR for so long and good luck for those who still remain there.
WBC and TEO went to GH.
Gunnar’s Hold
I have to admit, this is one hell of a matchup.. Ok, we’re those guilds that left WSR of course very thankful, since now we might even hold this out with our numbers..
Had some nice guild runs yesterday evening, and it warmed my heart to see so much blue on the map (we were ticking at 600+ when I logged).
Hope to see some more WSR/Vabbi during the course of the week!
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
Best of luck Fissure, I haven’t seen this close a match up in a while. If you take first place this week, here is an early congrats!
I’ll be returning to Vabbi in about 6-7 hours to get my hands dirty!
Wasn’t enjoying the high scale zerg vs zerg vs zerg fights on FSP!
sigh bad time to break my wrist….
FoW could win a match-up? I must have the wrong painstillers
Good luck and have fun all!
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
Well I’ve got my mini Evon. As soon as I just need the daily’s for my mini Kiel I’ll be back in wvw again. I’ll probably switch to some of my alts to work on some other acheives I still need (different weapon masters, karma for cultural armors etc). Maybe a bit of pve grinding at weekends until I’ve unlocked all that nice shiny radiant stuff.
Well I’ve got my mini Evon. As soon as I just need the daily’s for my mini Kiel I’ll be back in wvw again. I’ll probably switch to some of my alts to work on some other acheives I still need (different weapon masters, karma for cultural armors etc). Maybe a bit of pve grinding at weekends until I’ve unlocked all that nice shiny radiant stuff.
What an insightful analysis of the current match-up. I’m truly touched.
Fissure of Woe ):
Am I right in thinking that FoW have never once placed first in a matchup since release? Would be fantastic if they could pull it off just before the anniversary! Go FoW!
(no offence to the other two servers, just makes for a cool story if they finally do it)
Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia
Am I right in thinking that FoW have never once placed first in a matchup since release? Would be fantastic if they could pull it off just before the anniversary! Go FoW!
(no offence to the other two servers, just makes for a cool story if they finally do it)
I’ve got a feeling that we’re gonna make it this time. The good results and our superiority this matchup bring in even more players to WvW who usually avoid it and WSR is – no offense – going down quickly now that the 2 major guilds left and morales are probably pretty bad over there.
There is no way we are NOT going to win this now.
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
Well it shouldn’t be hard anymore both TEO and WBC left WSR. Those were the main guilds and prob the reason why the rating keeps going down every minute. Also the impact of our switch made alot more other skilled people and other guilds move out WSR.
To be honest, I hope you’ll win FoW There was alot QQ and discussion in LA before we left that server to die in WvW so there goes all the respect i had for WSR.
We Be Chilling – High Commander
I’m on WSR, from Beta,I’ve seen bad times and good times for WSR…
I thank Skwas for hours of fun (is always my commander),now it is time to change and rebuild…
I dnt have a guild, but I fight. Now are bad times for my server… But I fight.
Well said luna, once you pick a sever you stick with it. Fight till the end.
Well played FoW, we had some nice fights on Vabbi Overlook!
great that vabbi dont give up, gives a nice fight =]
Oh they gave up now. when there is nothing to defend vabbi hides in PvE :p
Well it shouldn’t be hard anymore both TEO and WBC left WSR. Those were the main guilds and prob the reason why the rating keeps going down every minute. Also the impact of our switch made alot more other skilled people and other guilds move out WSR.
To be honest, I hope you’ll win FoW
There was alot QQ and discussion in LA before we left that server to die in WvW so there goes all the respect i had for WSR.
No need to be so mean, not everyone on WSR is a crybaby. I always had only respect for your guild, before and after you moved.
Although I do miss Zazu, that guy was awesome….
But me and my small guild will stick to our guns, and try to lose in style. ^^
The more even numbers are making every fight seem epic lol. Looking forward to more of the same tomorrow night.
Well played tonight FoW chaps.
Well it shouldn’t be hard anymore both TEO and WBC left WSR. Those were the main guilds and prob the reason why the rating keeps going down every minute. Also the impact of our switch made alot more other skilled people and other guilds move out WSR.
To be honest, I hope you’ll win FoW
There was alot QQ and discussion in LA before we left that server to die in WvW so there goes all the respect i had for WSR.
No need to be so mean, not everyone on WSR is a crybaby. I always had only respect for your guild, before and after you moved.
Although I do miss Zazu, that guy was awesome….
But me and my small guild will stick to our guns, and try to lose in style. ^^
I’m not trying to be mean here to everyone who supported us, i thank them all. But the people that started kittentalking, i don’t care about them
Zazu is a woman btw ^^
Anyways I wish you luck with your small guild !
We Be Chilling – High Commander