[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold
Just coming to say thank you to WSR for a great year. I appreciate the support everyone has given us throughout the year. I enjoyed leading WSR (WvW), we have learned alot along the way, made many friends and stuck by in rough times. Yesterday we have decided to transfer out to GH to meet up with friends there, and to look for a new challenge. We feel a bit sad for WSR, but we also have to think about our own gaming experience, and we just had to move for our own good.
Good luck in the future, I wish you all well.
To the guilds that left WSR: I salute you – it was a pleasure to play against you.
To my brethren in Fissure of Woe: keep up the terrific work! The week is not over yet!
Well said luna, once you pick a sever you stick with it. Fight till the end.
There you go!! Completely agree!
FoW will soon have the highest score of all the european servers. This is just lol.
blah 6 more days till i’m back in port . >:) hope your ready FoW, and whoever else. Some friends of mine will be transfering to vabbi soon, including my brother and cousin.
Woot woot party. lol
On another note it sucks to be missing what looks to be a fun matchup. you guys just don’t know how often i watch mos.millenium… lol
Word on the street is Jd are in the proccess of transfering their 150 members to Vabbi. I hear they have friends there. This will shake things up.
I can’t believe FoW is going to win for the first time ever. I have a feeling the summer holiday here is helping the score somewhat.
Word on the street is Jd are in the proccess of transfering their 150 members to Vabbi. I hear they have friends there. This will shake things up.
While reading the word “friends” my screen turned blue flashing “fatal error” in red lights. Guess it’s just a rumor then
We had a tough fight against the overgrown grub… nc, it was in our keep
The combined Vabbi/FoW strategy of simultaneously boring their opponents to death has finally paid off! It looks like you might actually win a week. Well done!!!
Go back to your own thread with your negative attitude.
The combined Vabbi/FoW strategy of simultaneously boring their opponents to death has finally paid off! It looks like you might actually win a week. Well done!!!
Hahaha you’re cool!
Said no one ever.
Go back to your own thread with your negative attitude.
I’m actually seeing this in real positive light. The trash can tier now has 3 natural residents, and the rest of us should never have to play there again.
You’ll see us again, our longing hearts can’t be apart forever.
Go back to your own thread with your negative attitude.
I’m actually seeing this in real positive light. The trash can tier now has 3 natural residents, and the rest of us should never have to play there again.
have you checked the scores recently?
fissure on their way to tier up.
WSR had to loose two big guilds, we didn’t magically get good enough for T8, imho.
The trash can tier now has 3 natural residents, and the rest of us should never have to play there again.
Trash can tier.. kitten , you are so full of yourself, you should be in a separate tier with a server just for you.. K I T T E N!!
I just wanted to ask a quick question to the people that are still in WSR. Are the PvEers still trash talking about how bad WSR is in WvW? Because it was funny to argue with people that had never really entered WvW. “Our server is so bad in WvW”… when the server’s WvW population is actually tiny and we got matched up against servers tiers higher.
Anyway, GL with winning FoW. Maybe you’ll finally get out of t9 for a week.
The combined Vabbi/FoW strategy of simultaneously boring their opponents to death has finally paid off! It looks like you might actually win a week. Well done!!!
Go back to your own thread with your negative attitude.
I’m actually seeing this in real positive light. The trash can tier now has 3 natural residents, and the rest of us should never have to play there again.
Just you remember, the match ups are random, You’ll hear from us again!! You’re not out of the blue yet!
Maybe if your server was “actually” good, it wouldnt have to see us, as for the trash can tier, the only trash I see is you.
Now go on home, go on home.
A small plea for the fun of fighting:
Last night, let’s say about midnight to 3pm GMT, in EB we had quite fun smaller fights on the road between our WSR spawn and ‘our’ keep… wich wasn’t ours anymore of course.
For some reason that keep of ours looked blue.
Anyhow, we had several people talking things over on the stairs, next to a bored golem in fact.
And we also had a few ‘pushing’ forward while there was nowhere to go in the end.
The fights were mostly on the road and up to the stairs of the keep.
Enemy players I noticed were, among others: a grenadier engi (as an engi myself that made it personal to me), a ranger who hated me, a mesmer in a whitish dress, a warrior, a thief…
I was that little Asura engi with the flamethrower and the complete lack of sense.
Yes, the jumpy one.
My guild tag is EFL (last of the few in WSR in fact).
I never backed down of a fight and kept hopping back and forth.
You guys fought great by the way, no complaints there.
I think several of you could have gotten me all by yourself, partly because I have a more group build.
But here my little rant starts:
you already had the veterans of course, they were like constant spawning pets for you guys
But the annoying part were the canons and arrow carts.
At times I got downed because i over-extended (again…) and I saw myself surrounded by 4 guards, 2 players and in the middle of a canon and ac circle…
we can’t fight in siege range, sorry, just no way for us to survive.
So the options are:
1. we don’t come that far, and you guys don’t come near our legendary defenders and everybody gets bored to death.
We didn’t have the numbers for a full blown real attack on that keep or any tower so the skirmish was all we had.
2. we fail at ‘organising’ something in open field, which probably will take away all the spontanous fun out of the whole thing.
And yes: it sure was fun
3. You ask your friends to step out of the siege and come fight on the ground.
As for the canons: if we group up with 3 or 4 to destroy them… don’t jump us with 10.
You don’t need those canons at that point.
I prefer option 3.
The guards aren’t controlable, so we can take those.
Please note that I appreciate the fun fight yesterday, and a big thanks for that.
But it simply got boring because of the big red cirkles.
And let’s face it: it wasn’t as if we would take our keep back at that point. All of us down there simply did it for the fun.
As I think you guys and gals did.
For reference: this is me:
(edited by Kimbald.2697)
No mercy for you lot after our last match up! :P
No mercy for you lot after our last match up! :P
not asking for mercy
With or without the canons, we had nothing and could take nothing.
There was only one choice: have fights, or have no fights at all.
The canons and ac’s forced that choice to: have no fights…
I saw the fight last night seperate from the actual battle, since it was useless in a strategic sense.
All it pretended to be was a skirmish between people wanting to have some fun in WvW but had no numbers to do something significant.
in the end it’s simple: you get some fights that late, or you don’t…
One after the other of our little bunch simply stopped bothering.
Which leaves you with the map, but no fun to be had.
we had a handfull of players in EB that late, we were all WSR you had left to play against in there.
It’s ok that you want to fight under ac and canon fire I guess.
I’m surprised you need it to be honest, but hey if you don’t feel secure without it.
My observation was that you lot did fine as it was.
Wich one of the group were you last night?
You were there, right?
Would be silly to reply like that if you weren’t, so I’m curious which one was you.
(edited by Kimbald.2697)
No mercy for you lot after our last match up! :P
Wich one of the group were you last night?
You were there, right?
Would be silly to reply like that if you weren’t, so I’m curious which one was you.
Thinking about it, I might have left just before midnight but I did spend quite a bit of time defending that bloody keep from 50-60 WSR. My group was the one with all the Jd tags, so if you didn’t see us then you probably popped on after we left for the night. I remember seeing around 30 WAR, but not many other Guilds out in number iirc.
But after Sunday night with that huge zerg appearing out of nowhere at 11pm I can understand people not going into open fights in front of your spawn.
No mercy for you lot after our last match up! :P
Wich one of the group were you last night?
You were there, right?
Would be silly to reply like that if you weren’t, so I’m curious which one was you.Thinking about it, I might have left just before midnight but I did spend quite a bit of time defending that bloody keep from 50-60 WSR. My group was the one with all the Jd tags, so if you didn’t see us then you probably popped on after we left for the night. I remember seeing around 30 WAR, but not many other Guilds out in number iirc.
But after Sunday night with that huge zerg appearing out of nowhere at 11pm I can understand people not going into open fights in front of your spawn.
we did have a commander there till about midnight indeed.
I wouldn’t call that part a skirmish, he meant business
Very often we have known commanders being bored and rallying people to one map or the other out of nowhere, without a real plan in advance.
My guess that is what happened sunday. All it takes is someone to figure: hey, we can take this lot at our stairs, hang on, I’ll call ma friends.
As for WAR: think they had their last raid night on WSR so they came full force indeed.
Other guilds weren’t there as big groups, just bits and pieces.
frankly: we hardly have any big guilds left: WBC, TEO and EFL were already on other servers last night, and WAR was leaving after that fight.
There are more, but not many who have large numbers.
After midnight it all slowed down though, and that’s when the skirmishing began.
I remember there was a big difference in the ammount of people you had as well. It was very clear raid time was over on your side too.
And I fully understand you don’t come to our steps, why would you even, can’t take the place anyhow.
And I understand even more you blow us to pieces when we come out full force.
But the skirmish I refer to was like 5-10 each side, give or take a few.
That’s when ac’s and canons make it imposible, which was a bit of a party pooper.
(edited by Kimbald.2697)
I just wanted to ask a quick question to the people that are still in WSR. Are the PvEers still trash talking about how bad WSR is in WvW? Because it was funny to argue with people that had never really entered WvW. “Our server is so bad in WvW”… when the server’s WvW population is actually tiny and we got matched up against servers tiers higher.
Anyway, GL with winning FoW. Maybe you’ll finally get out of t9 for a week.
Things have settled down in LA now, I think the PVEers were upset because its not gonna be so easy for them to get world completion achievement now. :p
Oh, and there was a bit of drama in EB last night when someone mentioned raidcall. I guess some things never change.
I think that I have seen you before Kimbald :/ (not sure if you remember me, black charr engineer with flamming shoulder plates, who has a tendancy to turn into a whirlwhind)
and sorry to FoW that I have not been able to help, but a combination of little time to play guild wars and some really epic lag have kept me away. I will try to play again all the same.
As well as I am trying to rebuild my old guild that many people have probably never heard of if anyone is interested
A couple of things about WSR, we had 3 major guilds in WvW. WBC, TEO and WAR. WBC and TEO have gone, and i have heard that WAR is going (has gone) as well. Correct me if i am wrong.
This is an enourmous blow to WSR, and as someone said, any gain that FOW/Vabbi get out of this was deserved only on the merit of having waited long enough that ALL our main guilds decided to go to greener pastures.
All those guilds that left or are in the process of it are very good at WvW especially WBC. I know, i have been on RC with them quite a lot. I have respect for “the guilds”
But please dont say you left to balance T9 or Grow as a guild or something. You left becasue either: A) You were bored winning against FOW/Vabbi all the time. And Bored of loosing agains everyone else (even though you were great when outnumbered) and C) Because the other guild(s) left.
A couple of things about WSR, we had 3 major guilds in WvW. WBC, TEO and WAR. WBC and TEO have gone, and i have heard that WAR is going (has gone) as well. Correct me if i am wrong.
This is an enourmous blow to WSR, and as someone said, any gain that FOW/Vabbi get out of this was deserved only on the merit of having waited long enough that ALL our main guilds decided to go to greener pastures.
All those guilds that left or are in the process of it are very good at WvW especially WBC. I know, i have been on RC with them quite a lot. I have respect for “the guilds”
But please dont say you left to balance T9 or Grow as a guild or something. You left becasue either: A) You were bored winning against FOW/Vabbi all the time. And
Bored of loosing agains everyone else (even though you were great when outnumbered) and C) Because the other guild(s) left.
EFL left too, which was the next in line in terms of size in WvW I think.
And the guilds left because they wanted even fights more, not being zerged or zerg the others.
More balanced fights, which are hard to come by in WvW as it is, and almost impossible in WSR…
this won’t work out on every server as hoped, but WSR had extremely bad balance conditions in their match-ups, the fun was gone. Almost nothing you do makes a difference, a minute later the zerg arrives and you lose all progress without a fighting chance.
And of course once a guild decides to leave, the others are forced to either stay in an even more weakened server, or leave as well.
none of the guilds left to have it easy, I think they all left to be challenged in the end.
A couple of things about WSR, we had 3 major guilds in WvW. WBC, TEO and WAR. WBC and TEO have gone, and i have heard that WAR is going (has gone) as well. Correct me if i am wrong.
This is an enourmous blow to WSR, and as someone said, any gain that FOW/Vabbi get out of this was deserved only on the merit of having waited long enough that ALL our main guilds decided to go to greener pastures.
All those guilds that left or are in the process of it are very good at WvW especially WBC. I know, i have been on RC with them quite a lot. I have respect for “the guilds”
But please dont say you left to balance T9 or Grow as a guild or something. You left becasue either: A) You were bored winning against FOW/Vabbi all the time. And
Bored of loosing agains everyone else (even though you were great when outnumbered) and C) Because the other guild(s) left.
EFL left too, which was the next in line in terms of size in WvW I think.
And the guilds left because they wanted even fights more, not being zerged or zerg the others.
More balanced fights, which are hard to come by in WvW as it is, and almost impossible in WSR…this won’t work out on every server as hoped, but WSR had extremely bad balance conditions in their match-ups, the fun was gone. Almost nothing you do makes a difference, a minute later the zerg arrives and you lose all progress without a fighting chance.
And of course once a guild decides to leave, the others are forced to either stay in an even more weakened server, or leave as well.
none of the guilds left to have it easy, I think they all left to be challenged in the end.
Well, anyway, i wish them all the best, and i hope they enjoy their new homes and that the blobs running around in the higher tiers don’t lag the server too much.
A couple of things about WSR, we had 3 major guilds in WvW. WBC, TEO and WAR. WBC and TEO have gone, and i have heard that WAR is going (has gone) as well. Correct me if i am wrong.
This is an enourmous blow to WSR, and as someone said, any gain that FOW/Vabbi get out of this was deserved only on the merit of having waited long enough that ALL our main guilds decided to go to greener pastures.
All those guilds that left or are in the process of it are very good at WvW especially WBC. I know, i have been on RC with them quite a lot. I have respect for “the guilds”
But please dont say you left to balance T9 or Grow as a guild or something. You left becasue either: A) You were bored winning against FOW/Vabbi all the time. And
Bored of loosing agains everyone else (even though you were great when outnumbered) and C) Because the other guild(s) left.
EFL left too, which was the next in line in terms of size in WvW I think.
And the guilds left because they wanted even fights more, not being zerged or zerg the others.
More balanced fights, which are hard to come by in WvW as it is, and almost impossible in WSR…this won’t work out on every server as hoped, but WSR had extremely bad balance conditions in their match-ups, the fun was gone. Almost nothing you do makes a difference, a minute later the zerg arrives and you lose all progress without a fighting chance.
And of course once a guild decides to leave, the others are forced to either stay in an even more weakened server, or leave as well.
none of the guilds left to have it easy, I think they all left to be challenged in the end.
Well, anyway, i wish them all the best, and i hope they enjoy their new homes and that the blobs running around in the higher tiers don’t lag the server too much.
EFL and WAR didn’t jump that far up, the lag will be doable where they are. At least not much worse than WSR.
The others I’m not so sure about.
I orginated at Piken Square but actually dropped down because the queues ate up too much of my limited time, and than the lag ruined the rest of my evening…
And that only T3 or 4.
Much has to do with my pc of course, but still it’s a main issue in this game’s wvw.
And I also wish the guilds the best of luck, a few I will still be seeing on RoS.
Mostly I hope WSR can get their fun back, even with fewer numbers.
If all 3 low pop wvw servers even out a bit, it could be great fighting still!
Well, I’m not sure if anybody from WBC or TEO is going to read this post still but if you do thank you for the good times you gave me in WvW (To WAR and EFL, nothing against you guys but I tended to follow WBC and TEO commanders) .
And if you want to know how WSR is handling your departure well lets just say that at this point in time WvW feels like a disorganized mess on WSR. Not that we don’t have valid players still and even some who could become decent commanders but it is going to take time before we get anywhere.
(edited by Darak BG.5396)
A small plea for the fun of fighting:
Last night, let’s say about midnight to 3pm GMT, in EB we had quite fun smaller fights on the road between our WSR spawn and ‘our’ keep… wich wasn’t ours anymore of course.
For some reason that keep of ours looked blue.Anyhow, we had several people talking things over on the stairs, next to a bored golem in fact.
And we also had a few ‘pushing’ forward while there was nowhere to go in the end.The fights were mostly on the road and up to the stairs of the keep.
Enemy players I noticed were, among others: a grenadier engi (as an engi myself that made it personal to me)
That was probably me. I completly agree that the use of cannons was needless after it had become clear that you did not intend to siege Lowlands. When your spawn suddenly spitted out that golem (an omega iirc), we expected a serious attack. We also pushed once or twice, out of cannon range, with casualities on our side.
I for one kept granade throwing range to you, but couldn’t do much more without anyone in front of me, due to my zerg build and not having exotics yet (I’m a rather fresh player and just recently hit 80, yay!).
You guys did for sure a good job keeping our backs against the keep walls.
Anyway, props to you and everybody who keeps fighting for WSR without QQ. I hope we will have awesome and balanced fights between our three worlds in the future.
Congratulations to all Fissure of Woe fellows
First time FoW won a matchup!
Congratulations to all Fissure of Woe fellows
First time FoW won a matchup!
Oh yeah, my grandchildren will hear of this glorious day.. Nicely played all!
A small plea for the fun of fighting:
Last night, let’s say about midnight to 3pm GMT, in EB we had quite fun smaller fights on the road between our WSR spawn and ‘our’ keep… wich wasn’t ours anymore of course.
For some reason that keep of ours looked blue.Anyhow, we had several people talking things over on the stairs, next to a bored golem in fact.
And we also had a few ‘pushing’ forward while there was nowhere to go in the end.The fights were mostly on the road and up to the stairs of the keep.
Enemy players I noticed were, among others: a grenadier engi (as an engi myself that made it personal to me)That was probably me. I completly agree that the use of cannons was needless after it had become clear that you did not intend to siege Lowlands. When your spawn suddenly spitted out that golem (an omega iirc), we expected a serious attack. We also pushed once or twice, out of cannon range, with casualities on our side.
I for one kept granade throwing range to you, but couldn’t do much more without anyone in front of me, due to my zerg build and not having exotics yet (I’m a rather fresh player and just recently hit 80, yay!).
You guys did for sure a good job keeping our backs against the keep walls.
Anyway, props to you and everybody who keeps fighting for WSR without QQ. I hope we will have awesome and balanced fights between our three worlds in the future.
Oh yes, that was you
My goal usually was just to get to you, despite canons, guards and other players… and force you to back of if I could.
Yes, at the risk of being stomped in the process.
Nothing personal, just an engi to engi thing.
About the golem: it was parked from a previous assault and someone decided to take it for a spin (literally) and got told to not take it outside of guard range.
Nice that it got you nervous though…
For yor gear: karma is your friend, you can go far on grenades with some ptv Orr pieces added to it.
Just till you can get the full beserker set if you want.
My guild has left the building and I suppose i’ll follow (bit reluctant), so not sure if we’ll meet again in battle.
Thanks for the fight and have fun.
(edited by Kimbald.2697)
A couple of things about WSR, we had 3 major guilds in WvW. WBC, TEO and WAR. WBC and TEO have gone, and i have heard that WAR is going (has gone) as well. Correct me if i am wrong.
This is an enourmous blow to WSR, and as someone said, any gain that FOW/Vabbi get out of this was deserved only on the merit of having waited long enough that ALL our main guilds decided to go to greener pastures.
All those guilds that left or are in the process of it are very good at WvW especially WBC. I know, i have been on RC with them quite a lot. I have respect for “the guilds”
But please dont say you left to balance T9 or Grow as a guild or something. You left becasue either: A) You were bored winning against FOW/Vabbi all the time. And
Bored of loosing agains everyone else (even though you were great when outnumbered) and C) Because the other guild(s) left.
We left because we didn’t want to be put up with matchups like these everytime again. We don’t want to grow more, we got like 40+ raids going on atm in GH, we want to grow stronger with our core group and thats why we left. Getting better matchups more frequently will definitly improve our skills.
Congrats to my brethren in Fissure of Woe and all the guilds who have been here this week. Undoubtably , we will remember this for a long time.
To our opponents – much respect – I know it’s been a tough week for WSR in particular, but don’t give up. You will re-build – your rise will happen.
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