why did you select norn?

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: forice.3165


all races are just ugly and stupid except human. also Eir is stupid. so i selected human for the first time. but i was bored at my character. now i am leveling a necromancer norn because only norn has bleed skill in their racial skills.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Altair.7560


Simply put, the frigid mountains make them tougher. I also chose Norn because I stand at least three times higher than an Asuran.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Because i always would like to play a norn when they released Eye of the north expansion,and gw2 gave me that chance.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

I grew more and more fond of the norn and their lore the more I played Eye of the North. By the time we started getting info about the progress of GW2 I was dead set on having my first character be a norn.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: TAllstun.3081


I wanted to play a Norn since they were introduced in Eye of the North. Plus, the idea of having a Norn ranger just made perfect sense to me when I was thinking through what I wanted to roll for the release of GW2. Don’t regret the decision!!

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Xeres.3724


I made a Norn Warrior. It just seemed to fit – big guy running around with a big sword. Also I had a Half-Giant barbarian in Shadowbane.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Futhark.5103


I only play Norn, for every profession. I became aware of this game when the Norn were announced as a playable race and waited for release ever since. They are the best portrayal of Viking virility ever put into an MMO.

In most fantasy games, there are Humans to provide the familiar neutral role, and then at least two more races: one to emphasize the more feminine aspects of humanity (grace, empathy, slimmer, smaller, “smooth”, “nice”) and another to emphasize the more masculine ones (strength, aggression, muscular, larger, “hard”, “tough”). Typically these are represented by Dwarves and Elves, but where Dwarves are lacking in size, Norn are hyper-masculine in every way.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Joey.3928


I picked a Norn for Eir. I read the two books and she was my favorite character.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Leto.5642


Norn seems like an obvious choice for a warrior, the Viking background fits perfectly. Besides I don’t really like the other races: Charrs are the equivalent of dumb Orcs, Asuras are small, cute and funny so I guess they’re better for a young player or a girl, Sylvaris are way too ugly, Humans are ok but a bit too common. My only regret with my Norn female warrior, I should have picked the smallest available size instead of the standard one.

(edited by Leto.5642)

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Atlas.9704


Because the Norn love life and take on the day with both hands. In fact I would even guess they boast about what type of cereal they ate for breakfast if they could.

Heroic music
“I awoke from dark slumber, fighting back the void monsters that were my dreams, to be thrown into this world of light! Quickly I assembled my armor and went into the other room to grab bowlfulls of Frosted Flakes. The empty bowls fell like so many dead Svanir before me as I drained a Dolyak’s amount of milk! Now I stand ready to face the day watching Spongebob and Captain Planet! Come adventure, I await you.
This is my story.”

That and Eir’s voice is nice.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Kilger.5490


I like the lore, also the look of the model seems to fit the world…

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Chukkaque.6941


EotN and Jora made me love the Norn and their strong independent attitudes.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


“….there are…..five of you?”
“We thought four would be enough, but Olafdottir insisted on coming.”
“….I will NEVER understand the Norn.”

This in response to what all clues pointed at being the end of the world at the time.

Why did I pick Norn? Because they would bleed awesome, if you could cut them.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Shard.4791


I had some irl reasons I made 4 norn like being from the north and being tall and hating humans. Ingame reasons include their anarchism and being big which makes their armor and weapons big which means they’re easier to look. I’m a visual person so that’s important to me.

Idk about the racial skills. They are mostly boring.

Mm. I like turtles.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


EOTN was my favourite of the older games. Also I like running around snowscapes and playing tall female characters, and the shamanistic aspect of the lore interests me (even though that aspect is ignored for much of the story).

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


“….there are…..five of you?”
“We thought four would be enough, but Olafdottir insisted on coming.”
“….I will NEVER understand the Norn.”

Yup-yup. That’s one of the reasons why I love norn. They are so funny.
Poor Ogden, his ears were probably bleeding cause of norn.

Seize the day.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: CorruptDictator.7283


I just wanted to make a warrior as large as possible, Norn seemed the way to go. Plus he looks that much more pretty in pink with such huge armor graphics, lol.

Anvil Rock | Real Men Wear Pink [RMWP] | Warrior 80, Neco (in progress)

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


all races are just ugly and stupid except human. also Eir is stupid. so i selected human for the first time. but i was bored at my character. now i am leveling a necromancer norn because only norn has bleed skill in their racial skills.


why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Lethanyr.3576


Eye of the North love here too. They were so great as a race in EotN in every aspect that i had to start one.

“Remember, Cooking is just an optional step before consumption”

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: phor.7952


I didn’t know anything at all about the lore, and chose due to some of the wallpapers making them look like faceless ethereal killing machines:
Norn Bonus

The second being the same model that is shown on the “race selection” screen.
Imagine how disappointed I was based on the character creation screen that came next…
Still holding out hope that one day I’ll be able to pull off something remotely akin to the concepts.

(edited by phor.7952)

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


Well on your first link isn’t a Norn Warrior, but Human Warrior. He wears dungeon’s armor and Krytan sword.

Seize the day.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Uberrod.1342


I chose Norn because the female character looked better. The human women all looked way too young, or way too anime for my tastes.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

all races are just ugly and stupid except human. also Eir is stupid. so i selected human for the first time. but i was bored at my character. now i am leveling a necromancer norn because only norn has bleed skill in their racial skills.


He also didn’t do his homework, charr’s shrapnel mine gives the same bleed as call owl but on a 10s shorter cooldown.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


I thought they were this race boy was I surprised

No really I just like the more nordic flavor to them

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Varyag.3751


I wanted to play a Norn, but then after I noticed how comical they look in GW2 (lack of necks, oversized arms, undersized legs) I decided to go with human for my first character. Then I decided to make a male beardless Norn Thief, under the assumption that I’m not likely to see another one of those.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I have Norn because I am a barbarian at heart.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Drewan.5681


two words : Giant Vikings

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Bel Geode.8129

Bel Geode.8129

It seemed like a good idea at the time?

Nah nah… seriously… I have had a love affair with the norn since I met Jora in GW1.

Find Bel Geode- THE Purple Norn on twitch tv.
“Doing The Dailies " Weeknights at 8PM EST.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

Vikings, strong females, animal shamanism, northism, drinking, strong females, drinking.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Vikings, strong females, animal shamanism, northism, drinking, strong females, drinking.

Honestly this.

I got an asura and a human alts, but my main had to be norn , simple cause vikings man … vikings.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: The Bacon Bard.3586

The Bacon Bard.3586

Big, hairy, tattoos….

okay that isn’t me, but its a quote from another forum post I saw somewhere (might actually be a Youtube comment actually).

I just love the whole idea of the Norn race. Their story, the snowy lands, the wilderness, the solitary life they lead. Would be perfect for me, but I have a slight dissatisfaction with the personal story and how involved in the world I get. I just want to slay Jormag and return to hunting Owl Griffin Sires.

So many alts…

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: TinyHowie.3946


I like Norse women :P

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Zombeh.9706


To turn into a bear and for the tier 2 heavy helmet so I could be a norse god. So far I have regretted it. I made it worse by making a woman since men were so horribly proportioned with disgusting pectorals and terrible animations. Have you ever seen a male norn with chest revealing armor? I can smell the sweat just by looking at them.
I’m pretty sure, as a norn woman, I have the worst pc voice actor in the game.
I then went on to make a male human and I love him, as humans have the best startgame maps and the best voice actor (Nathan Drake)

And norn personal stories are terrible and I wanted to kill myself playing them.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Brennus.1435


I chose Norn for the beards. Honestly.

“Everyone is born a 5 signet Warrior,
what we become later only depends
on how hard we try and how good we want to become.” -HannaDeFreitas

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Sjeufke.9346


if you have chosen the “order of whispers”.

uhh, big…… apples.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Lorelei.7809


Though my “main” character is a Sylvari Mesmer, I just absolutely love the Norn. My second-most played character is a Norn Ranger (and I intend on getting the second and third tier cultural armors for her!). I personally think Eir and Caithe are the most reasonable out of the five. I’d say I slightly favor Eir over Caithe out of the five. I really like the blend of cultures that the Norn have… and interestingly, out of the “race communities” I prefer hanging around the Norn community (maybe it’s the laid back, more optimistic attitude?). Besides, the Norn are just plain epic.

As far as humans go, I’m already a human, why should I want to be one in a game if I have an option not to be? I also second Uberrod’s opinion. Norn female characters look so much more awesome than human females.

And yes, EoTN rocks Jora was one of my favorite characters along with Vekk. Plus, you can’t go wrong with “Norn don’t need armies, we are Norn!”

I’ll have to admit, I was thinking that my favorite races in order would be Sylvari, Asura, Norn, Human, then Charr. Now it’s Norn/Sylvari, Asura, Charr/Human. But once I played a Norn and saw their race week, that was it for me!

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Snuffy.4061


I loved Eye of the North and the Norns were my favorite race and well who doesn’t love Jora.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: iZsoul.5769


Skyrim , enough said.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Fury.4620


I wanted to create muscular female warrior. (Unfortunately – Nord females are not muscular enough. http://calabozodelandroide.com/files/Diablo3BarbarianBrbaroClasses_92DD/diablo3_barbarian_05.jpg)

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

I went across the board and selected one of each race and different professions.
(all female so far).
My Norn warrior, Sera der Skulhund, is my joke character that I was playing as the Dragonborn in Skyrim.
She is short for a Norn and has an even shorter temper.

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the Obaba under’t.”

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Gallian.7630


I am completely new to the Guild Wars lore and world (I never played the first Guild Wars either). So when I got to the character selection screen I fully expected humans and also another humanoid race as it is the case in so many similar games. I saw the Norns and immediately I thought “Ok so they are basically the Nords of Guild Wars” (Nords being from The Elder Scrolls franchise and lore). They are not exactly the same I know, but they (Norn) reminded me of my preferences for the Nords in both Morrowind and Oblivion (and of course Skyrim, but that one is a given for the Nords).

I am still shocked by the Norn’s physique though, I did not expect them to be that tall and large compared to… well to anything, haha (except their own furniture!). As a Norn and playing in the Norn zones (Wayfarer Foothills, etc) I did not notice their size much. It was only when I decided to create a Human character and got to Hoelbrak with her (Human Necromancer) that I realized that my character looked like a child next to any Norn, in fact the actual Norn children in the city running around for fun are just about as tall as my adult Human character, which made me laugh.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Plague.5329


So I could make a giant woman, basically. That’s it. I actually detest the Norn. I just like the way the women look, especially in comparison to the dainty, perm-infested flowers humans offer.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Leto.5642


My first character in this game was a female Norn and I recently decided to level a new alt, nothing else to do anyway. I originally intented to play another race, to do something a bit different this time, but guess what, it’s a female Norn once again. I really thought that this new alt would be Human but there’s no way I’m going to play with that. I don’t know if it’s intentional but the way they run it’s exactly like the human females in WoW, they run like monkeys!! With their arms hanging, barely moving. Totally ridiculous. Norn > Human in every possible way. Only difference this time, I didn’t make the same mistake twice, I made my female Norn the smallest possible. And it’s much better this way, they don’t look slow anymore. So I now have have the perfect look with great animations.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: SatyrBuddy.1586


I wanted to RP as the person I wanted to be.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Seraki.2753


I like the whole animal spirit thing, also tattoos and the best hair selection for female toons IMO.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Armagrath.4956


I like how tall and ugly they look, its so fierce

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Cthulhuslawyer.8491


Honestly , im a fan of the Space Wolves from 40k…. so jumping into a Nord Warrior was only natural

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Adelas.6598


Although it’s cartoonish, I like the body shape of the males, so I have one of those.

I also created a female norn because I liked the way the norn females look in the armor due to their elongated shape (extra tall).

However, I am regretting it. I hate the norn female voice. It sounds immature – “I have to sound manly to be taken seriously/to be tough” – and the actress, frankly, stinks.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

all races are just ugly and stupid except human. also Eir is stupid. so i selected human for the first time. but i was bored at my character. now i am leveling a necromancer norn because only norn has bleed skill in their racial skills.

This is the most untrue post i ever saw…

Got a norn, an asura and a human. Lore wise , norn + asura > human easy.

Honestly , norn females > human females in looks easy.

The asura are cool , but i wont compare since they are so dif.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: seneschal.1530


I personally think the Norn characters, specifically females, have the most fluid animations as well as filling out their armor the best. However, the deal breaker for me with this race is the female character voice. Were it not for the terrible, monotonous and near mannish sounding voice, every toon of mine would be Norn.