400 baubles to continue?
You can farm them in ten minutes in W1-1 just look for some chests / secret rooms / good digging places.
You can farm them in ten minutes in W1-1
just look for some chests / secret rooms / good digging places.
Are you sure? I’m in a similar situation as the topic starter, I’m going for w1 achievements atm and I need to grind 400~ more bubbles to get the whip & slingshot for the achie. The chest I opened had only a single baubble in it & the digging spots on dulfy are not working anymore…
So far the only way I found is to speed clear w1z1 repeatedly, very frustrating if you ask me..
I just don’t understand this, initially I really liked SAB, I thought it was fun, but the current achievement grind really ruins it for me.
You can farm them in ten minutes in W1-1
just look for some chests / secret rooms / good digging places.
Are you sure? I’m in a similar situation as the topic starter, I’m going for w1 achievements atm and I need to grind 400~ more bubbles to get the whip & slingshot for the achie. The chest I opened had only a single baubble in it & the digging spots on dulfy are not working anymore…
So far the only way I found is to speed clear w1z1 repeatedly, very frustrating if you ask me..
Digging spots are once per day per account, and they don’t work in infantile mode. As for their locations, they are the same (dug up all my normal ones last night when I reran World 1).
I just don’t understand this, initially I really liked SAB, I thought it was fun, but the current achievement grind really ruins it for me.
I don’t necessarily mind achievement grinds. What I hate more is the infuriating rapids and length of world 2 (have only done world 2 zone 1 so far, took about 2 hours, might take 1 hour if I can do the piranha bend faster now and the final log waterfall). And the fact that chests/digs are once per account per day now.
Please give us a keyring…
It’s not even for the achievements, I believe you literally need a slingshot and torch to continue. If there were some decent ways to make baubles I guess I wouldn’t mind, but they nerfed pretty much all of our sources.
Pretty much they removed all the baubles scattered across the world and stashed them in random nooks where most people won’t find them.
FUN! jk :/
Pretty much they removed all the baubles scattered across the world and stashed them in random nooks where most people won’t find them.
FUN! jk :/
Er, there were never that many “scattered across the world” in the first place. Most of them were always hidden.
Older games had something like this so it’s fair to have it in this game. It doesn’t take that long to farm that many.
Were this a single player game I would be looking for the infinite baubbles cheat for sure.
Older games had something like this so it’s fair to have it in this game. It doesn’t take that long to farm that many.
Are you suggesting that forcing me to farm roughly 1000 baubbles with repeating w1-1 is a good design move? Sure you could argue that I could just run the whole thing from the beginning to the king toad & get a whooping 70 buabbles in 20 mins, but that still this is not what this game should be about. In older games you had to grind at times yes, but not by repeating levels..
(edited by Sina.9208)
I don’t think there is a single “you must have this item to go further” block in World 1. World 2 seems to be littered with them.
Good job designers?
Older games had something like this so it’s fair to have it in this game. It doesn’t take that long to farm that many.
Depends on how many characters you want to upgrade.
Since its now once per day, all 7-8 of my other characters that I ran before I have no reason to upgrade them anymore.
Please give us a keyring…
Older games have plenty of things I’m sure none of us would like to see come back. That doesn’t mean we have to have them.
Most older games also disallowed you from straight up buying items that you needed to continue, you had to go through long dungeons to find what you needed. I’d be perfectly fine with that.
Older games had something like this so it’s fair to have it in this game. It doesn’t take that long to farm that many.
… except that you can only earn them daily, and the amounts that they were from the first iteration of SAB have been halved or more?
Go check under the leaf in W1Z2, that 50 bauble is now a 20. A good portion of 20’s are now 5’s… it’s the great bubble depression.
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
And you can get around 800 quickly in World 1 by digging. I only say the torch thing in World 2 as being necessary to melt the ice. The hand doesn’t count as you get that just by progressing.
W1,1 you can easily get 50 Baubles in a few seconds- just take the key next to the waterfall, run to the second chest(=20 baubles) and take the secret room(=20 baubles); Next to the chest are 5 baubles and on the way is another room with 5 baubles. → Repeat <- So did I got my baubles qick after I noticed they nerved my digging locations (now it feels like a chore and stupid grind to get baubles >.<).
Older games had something like this so it’s fair to have it in this game. It doesn’t take that long to farm that many.
I’ve always found that line of logic amusing. it’s like saying that older games weren’t fun, so it’s fine that current games aren’t made to be fun either
Just because it was done before, doesn’t mean it needs to be done again. There’s a reason why most games have an ‘easy mode’ now…
SAB is a tribute to older games. You’re mistaken to not expect aspects of those games to be included.
Wow dude. SAB is a whole tribute to older games, that doesn’t mean there is a need to make it EXACTLY like them, there’s a reason it EVOLVED, and that’s because it was stupid.
For christmas I’d like to get a crossbow for my characters.
With love, a cute kitty.
And nowhere did I say exactly.
the best spot ATM is to farm the baubles from the honeycomb in w1z3 at the start of the level right after the fly traps before the first checkpoint. It takes 3 mins and you get 30-40 baubles. rinse and repeat.
this is the only spot from the original sab that isnt bauble nerfed. Dig spots i think are all once per day now.
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.
Gotta admit, they’ve done a good job copying the frustration of NES games- deaths that make no sense, poor camera angles on early 3D attempts, hit detection boxes that are way off, platforms that aren’t in sync to where you can actually stand.
Good job Anet!