Bugged Master of Baubles, World 2 Achievement
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
All achievements count.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Mikuchan.7261
All achievements count.
Except infant and Tribulation.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Chris Starflame.1023
It’s the PR guys fault! Josh Foreman (One of the main creators of the box) would have responded to us about this if he hadn’t been told to stop posting on the forums so much(Because other people at Anet don’t want to have to post as much as him.).
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: noobgood.8762
Someone I know managed to find the issue causing this bug. It was reported straight away, so maybe we can expect it to be fixed soon.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
All achievements count.
Except infant and Tribulation.
Tribulation is its own set so of course not. I thought infantile did?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Mikuchan.7261
Someone I know managed to find the issue causing this bug. It was reported straight away, so maybe we can expect it to be fixed soon.
I’m very curious how that issue was found and what it may be.
Care to share?
Would be a good read while waiting.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
Someone I know managed to find the issue causing this bug. It was reported straight away, so maybe we can expect it to be fixed soon.
Which was?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: CMF.5461
They may not want to say because they used less than normal ways to figure out where the missing items were…
Regardless, I hope it gets resolved.
(edited by CMF.5461)
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Daala.4258
Please PR guys, bring the “old” Josh Foreman back! We really liked the way he was communicating with us. Now we’re stuck at this achivement and even have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: CMF.5461
Of course, if someone really did find the missing baubles and completed the achievement, it would be nice to show/explain where they were and maybe a screenshot of finishing it?
Because we got hit by the BS flag before.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: noobgood.8762
@Mikuchan, @Ayrilana: Some of the already collected baubles apparently respawn. That’s why you can’t get the achievement in the end, they won’t count as collected.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Valdemas.4960
This update is the first one I can remember that I didn’t have all achies done 5 days in. Now due to bugs or content amount is another question
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Pandamonium.8035
Devs can’t count. Looks like someone needs to go… back to school.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Mikuchan.7261
@Mikuchan, @Ayrilana: Some of the already collected baubles apparently respawn. That’s why you can’t get the achievement in the end, they won’t count as collected.
So if you get them all and then go back, some will still be there?
That sounds very strange, are you sure you didn’t just miss some?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: noobgood.8762
No. There was even a chest where baubles (also) respawned, and the chest was opened.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: ElenaDragon.8401
I’ve seen some players around with Honors in Applied Jumping. That would imply that it IS possible to complete Master of Baubles World 2, unless they got it in the early days when it wasn’t bugged? (IF it is bugged now.)
I have all the achievements except baubles and secret rooms for W2Z3, and I have the Honors title.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Yasi.9065
Is there a thread already comparing notes on baubles yet? I cant find it Just so we can make sure someone hasnt found it yet and doesnt find another one ^^
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: ElenaDragon.8401
All achievements count.
Except infant and Tribulation.
Tribulation is its own set so of course not. I thought infantile did?
Infantile (Baby’s Second Super Adventure) doesn’t count. When I got that achievement, my total towards the meta didn’t go up. However, you can get most of the other achievements in infantile mode, except for the one to beat all the zones in normal.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Absconditus.6804
Is there a thread already comparing notes on baubles yet? I cant find it
Just so we can make sure someone hasnt found it yet and doesnt find another one ^^
Basically been discussed to death in https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/livingworld/sab-bts/Bauble-Checklist-for-W2-Z3-INCOMPLETE/first already, but none of us have been able to locate the last supposedly missing bauble(s).
Still got a finger on it being bugged, though that one Gatekeeper door we can’t open at third chest is of course interesting. But then again, that door may just as well be a bug for all we know. Or perhaps it’s a door we can only open once we get another upgrade (and/or learn a different song not available in this release), like the blocked off upgrade in World 2 – Zone 2 seemingly requiring the final stage of the Glove.
Just wish someone at ArenaNet could let us know if they are looking into this or not. It’s been several days without any communication now.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Yasi.9065
Thanks so much for posting Absconditus Now Im feeling slightly stupid… the thread being named “Bauble checklist” ^^
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Absconditus.6804
A thread easily overlooked, especially with the Search on the forums seemingly being out of service completely (I can’t search for anything at least), and it had fallen back a page (or was it two?). Let’s see how long it takes before we get any sort of feedback from anyone involved in the SAB release.
On-topic: How hard can it be to just confirm that it is/isn’t bugged. If that door at the third chest has an alternative way to be opened, or if it’s a bugged asset that should never be opened, and so on forth. This stupid achievement is honestly making me not want to play their game at all right now, more so because there’s no feedback at all to our valid questions about it. Haven’t even logged in these past couple days, and losing interest to do so at all quickly.
Off-topic: Not a single one of these bi-weekly updates has made me not rage at the game, get frustrated, angry and annoyed with it, and not because it’s not been overall good content, but because of issues with every single bi-weekly update so far. It’s killing the game for me at this rate.
(edited by Absconditus.6804)
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: CMF.5461
@Mikuchan, @Ayrilana: Some of the already collected baubles apparently respawn. That’s why you can’t get the achievement in the end, they won’t count as collected.
As we speak I just picked up the first set of baubles…will wait, an hour? and post back to see if they respawned.
Currently 11:17 per posting timer.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Pinkunicorn of Dethecus.3217
I think they really did wrong by muting Josh…you could tell he wrote with his soul, and believed everything he said, and I think we need more of that in the video gaming industry, not less; to have muted him through his forum interaction was a mistake because he not only was one of the most reactive designers on the forums I’ve ever seen, but he also knew full well (and admitted it) when things didn’t live up to his expectations.
Not everyone has to emulate Blizzard’s completely vapid CM response style. It makes it come off like you don’t really care when there’s no ‘voice’ to your writing, whitewashing all of your interactions to just tell the facts, and to put no emotion into what you say. Josh had it right, and those above him have it wrong.
Now, we’re at this point where we have absolutely no interaction on this sub-forum, because the person who cared the most has been censured from his own beloved project.
How is that better? For the players who have to suffer in silence instead of actually getting a response from someone who obviously cares a great deal for the content? Players have wasted hundreds of hours trying to get this one achievement and have absolutely nothing to show for it, not even an acknowledgement that there’s an issue.
How is this okay? How is this better for the community, to think that the only person who really cared got cut off at the knees because the higher-ups were scared that there was the possibility of it looking poorly on them.
Utterly contemptible.
Josh wrote that he was worried that they lost players, maybe forever, because of the way his content was received, and maybe that happened.
But worse? Worse is when we come to the forums, trying to lay out exactly what an issue is that should have been caught in QA, hoping that we can help fix the games we all love to play, and getting radio silence back. That frustrates players into thinking they’re right in not needing to come back, when people don’t care enough to even acknowledge the problem.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Exiled.5906
No. There was even a chest where baubles (also) respawned, and the chest was opened.
Wait, what? Which chest? If there really is one, that’s exploitable. If people start exploiting it and collect baubles from it over and over, they might patch it straight away. They’re usually really quick to patch anything exploitable.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Pinkunicorn of Dethecus.3217
No. There was even a chest where baubles (also) respawned, and the chest was opened.
Wait, what? Which chest? If there really is one, that’s exploitable. If people start exploiting it and collect baubles from it over and over, they might patch it straight away. They’re usually really quick to patch anything exploitable.
they also typically ban the exploiters :p
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Yasi.9065
Cant be first chest… Ive been there a few times over the last few hours while searching for the last elusive little bauble.
Maybe they only respawn when new players enter instance? But that would be even worse, because it would mean I really am missing one bauble
And I have to admit, missing this one achievement keeps me from enjoying SAB. Everytime I log my character for SAB it reminds me of that missing achievement and I feel forced to go search for baubles again… and I log out again.
Yes, I know Im OCD, but darn… I just dont like not being able to finish something.
(edited by Yasi.9065)
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: CMF.5461
12:35, just ran through the first half after over an hour of waiting. No remarkable respawn of baubles noted.
AFK for another hour for more testing….although at this point I wonder why people get such enjoyment over spreading false rumors…
(edited by CMF.5461)
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Luthan.5236
So is this confirmed bugged? I mean why isn’t it fixed then? There have been other fixes where this was not included. Maybe not a bug but a very well hidden bauble? Maybe a dev should give an answer here.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Yasi.9065
That’s exactly what we try to get here
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: CMF.5461
About another hour since originally picking up the baubles, no respawn of any of the first set of baubles that I picked up nor either for the 2 chests.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Exiled.5906
About another hour since originally picking up the baubles, no respawn of any of the first set of baubles that I picked up nor either for the 2 chests.
Maybe it’s a false rumor then, or just happens randomly. Thanks for giving it a try and letting us know.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Sargon.9048
I’ve tried this also.. at this point this is the only SAB achievement I dont have.. it was a great update, but I really wanted to get that achievement.. it has to be bugged.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Treeline.3865
Anet… Care to jump in soon? A simple confirmation whether this is us or you?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: CMF.5461
About 3 hours later, no respawn. I am satisfied with the answer that the first half of w2/z3 does not respawn.
Second half, is easier to test as you can back track that half if need be. So I will not bother to test that section… Just wanted to give piece of mind that we didn’t have to finish the zone in a required amount of time and that we could back track to the second half to pick up any possible respawns and not completely fail the achievement if slow.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
About 3 hours later, no respawn. I am satisfied with the answer that the first half of w2/z3 does not respawn.
Second half, is easier to test as you can back track that half if need be. So I will not bother to test that section… Just wanted to give piece of mind that we didn’t have to finish the zone in a required amount of time and that we could back track to the second half to pick up any possible respawns and not completely fail the achievement if slow.
Thank you for checking.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: TDWIG.9712
I honestly expected a response by now… this achievement is driving me crazy c:
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Absconditus.6804
About 3 hours later, no respawn. I am satisfied with the answer that the first half of w2/z3 does not respawn.
Second half, is easier to test as you can back track that half if need be. So I will not bother to test that section… Just wanted to give piece of mind that we didn’t have to finish the zone in a required amount of time and that we could back track to the second half to pick up any possible respawns and not completely fail the achievement if slow.
It is likely to be a random bug if anything else, and I do recall I thought I had picked up a bauble that I did find again, but.. perhaps I just wrote it down as I was going through, then forgot to actually walk into it and grab it. It could otherwise just be a random bug, like when you’re running around in Normal mode, then suddenly start seeing Infantile checkpoint flags, clouds and/or rainbow paths that’s not really there, I’ve had that happen on more than one occasion at least, and not just in Zone 3. For that matter I often see barrels I’ve exploded/broken for supplies re-appearing without being able to interact with them again in the various zones. Might be something like that too, a bauble you can’t actually get again, a visual bug.
A bit frustrating to see that a happy topic (super adorable though) has gotten a dev response within a short period of time, while topics like this is completely ignored. Is that what the higher-ups are saying? Pretend negative things don’t exist? All we want is a simple “We’re looking into it”.
Let me also say that I think Josh and his team has done an amazing job on SAB, and SAB remains some of the best content I think Guild Wars 2 has gotten (why I want it in there permanently, instead of a temporary “here for a period of time” re-occuring thing (e.g., I’d love to be able to speedrun it throughout the year(s), and just generally have fun when I feel like it in there)), and they’ve usually been quick and good with responding to issues and concerns—but this time around, for whatever reason it may be, it seems they just aren’t responding to this specific concern we are having with the Master of Baubles, World 2 achievement. The lack of feedback to our concerns regarding this, is making me disappointed, it’s making me not have fun, it’s making me annoyed. I haven’t even logged in to GW2 these past 3 days, purely because of this lack of feedback making me so disappointed with the game.
(edited by Absconditus.6804)
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: TDWIG.9712
So the month is almost halfway over, and still no feedback from devs on this issue. This is getting a bit scary.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
Find a link between a gem store item and the bugged achievement. Only then will you receive an instantaneous response.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Yasi.9065
I cant remember… but did we have to pick up all baubles AND kill boss/cage or only pick up all baubles without having to kill boss/cage?
Might be something simple like game “forgets” we picked up all baubles when we port to storm wizard.
Well, it would at least be nice to get a feedback if it’s even really bugged, or if we are just all plain too stupid to find last bauble.
It annoys the heck out of me, and it’s never a good thing to annoy your customers.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Hyperionkhv.1978
We have to pick up all baubles AND kill boss/cage.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Absconditus.6804
Find a link between a gem store item and the bugged achievement. Only then will you receive an instantaneous response.
That or find something adorable to attach it too. To be fair, we don’t really know that the achievement is bugged, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t at least let us know it isn’t. Considering the vast majority of us seem to agree that it seemingly is.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: TDWIG.9712
Looks like josh just said this would be fixed in tomorrow’s patch… we’ll see!
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: betterJS.4567
Anyone get it yet? I am scared to have my hopes dashed in another attempt…
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Little.1635
finally got mine
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: WyldKat.4712
got mine yesterday after patch
Once more into the bre… ox, dear friends, once more
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Dark Jericho.8609
Does anyone know if once you pick up a bauble, and get disconnected, do you have to go back and retrieve that bauble to get the achievement? Basically do you have to grab all the baubles in a zone in one session, or does the game count the ones you already picked up in earlier sessions?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Thanathos.2063
Does anyone know if once you pick up a bauble, and get disconnected, do you have to go back and retrieve that bauble to get the achievement? Basically do you have to grab all the baubles in a zone in one session, or does the game count the ones you already picked up in earlier sessions?
If you start the zone all over, you have to pick them all up again.
In case you were in there with a friend, and after reconnecting into the same instance, it may be possible that it’s different, but I don’t think so.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Dark Jericho.8609
Does anyone know if once you pick up a bauble, and get disconnected, do you have to go back and retrieve that bauble to get the achievement? Basically do you have to grab all the baubles in a zone in one session, or does the game count the ones you already picked up in earlier sessions?
If you start the zone all over, you have to pick them all up again.
In case you were in there with a friend, and after reconnecting into the same instance, it may be possible that it’s different, but I don’t think so.
Thanks, I finally got Master of Baubles for world 2; disconnects are the worst.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.