SAB Nightmares.

SAB Nightmares.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: isellguns.8734


SAB nightmares anyone?

I took my word back and started the SAB tribulation grind. Long and tedious.

Mastered the jump-dodge.


I wound up coming out the end of a portal. A portal put together by tasks which I had just completed.

The tasks included:

-pushing blocks while a tribulation cloud was attacking me
-Deciding to jump over a ledge because walking back to the place a mob knocked me down from would take another 2 hours.
-jumping over deadlyicicles and fighting a polar bear
-daintily skating across ice trying not to get blown down
-flawlessly trying to execute quite a few jump dodges with sweat and tears in my keyboard

Nevermind—the tasks were done. And I had a good time doing them.

Until electric clouds started spawning in front of my path… (Speculation: May have to do with a time limit.)

“Hmm, sure. Seen them before where I had to touch one or two to get by,” I thought to myself.( Tribulation 1-3 tree-trunk mushroom puzzle.)

Who the heck do these clouds think they are?!

After going solo for six(started at 12:30AM. It is now 6:15 AM) grueling hours in SAB 2-3(not SAB 2-1, 2-2, 2-3: SAB 2-3 only)

This is terrible. Absolutely a shame.

P.s. LF non- locked thread.


(edited by isellguns.8734)

SAB Nightmares.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Tisis.5391


If you’re doing tribulation mode you should never end up more than maybe 60 seconds away from a checkpoint. That part of the dungeon is one of the hardest parts out of all of the JPs to figure out how to get through. Make sure you’re finding all of the balloon clouds as you move forward.

SAB Nightmares.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: isellguns.8734


I ended up logging out because I thought I had done something wrong.

Hopefully tonight will run smoother.

SAB Nightmares.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Hinado.6291


Heres a little trick i’m using at this part but I don’t think it’s something to special .. (I’ve done world 2-3 tribulation mode 4 times up until now, did it like this every time)

1. Jump to the ledge on the right side
2. Jump to where the first cloud spawns (land on top of it)
3. Before the electricity starts jump to the next cloud
4. Stand on the corner of the cloud until you get damaged by the electricity
5. After taking damage and falling move forward (while knocked down) to the part free of spikes (you are invincible for a short time after taking damage, you can even jump after standing up)

That makes the first half of that room quite easy… the second part isn’t that hard as well.

(edited by Hinado.6291)

SAB Nightmares.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: bewaffled.5182


You’re over thinking the situation. There’s a seriously simple answer and I’ll point you in the right direction. ->Try to "jump" on them.

(edited by bewaffled.5182)

SAB Nightmares.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: isellguns.8734


I was whining like a little baby.

Thank you so much for your help!

35ish minutes to get back to that spot.

Really appreciate the community and support.