TM: Has any1 opened this?
Then it was bugged. The only way to open 5 locks is to use 5 keys at once. I was near the same chest and there was only 1 lock.
I on the other hand got to 3/4 of world 2 zone 3 TWICE. Once couldn’t go forward due to bug, the other one got booted to character select screen. I’m thinking about giving up on this crap :/ Love SAB so much but this is just 2 much.
Only took one key for me.
I’ve opened it. 50 baubles
“Guild wars is for everybody, freedom is ascended, zerg is strength”
~ G. Orrwell, great shaman of the new flame legion, 1984 AE.
If you’re soloing the zone but are in a party the locks/bells will require as many keys as party members. It doesn’t matter if the party members are in the zone or doing things outside of SAB.
If you’re soloing the zone but are in a party the locks/bells will require as many keys as party members. It doesn’t matter if the party members are in the zone or doing things outside of SAB.
Negative, I’ve completed both worlds on normal/trib while being in a party with one or two people.As long as they’re not in the instance game will treat you as solo, and OP’s SS shows that he’s not in a party so I’d guess its safe to say its a bug.
He may have come into the SAB with a party and the left later. I have been in a party where inside the box itself I finally left party and it still considered my to be with 2 other people (ie needing 3 keys to open a chest).
It’s a graphical glitch that I’ve encountered as well. While I was seeing 5 keys required, my partner saw 2. Also due to this glitch other weird stuff happened. But yes, you can open it with just 1 key.