World 3 genie dialogue translation

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: technonewt.2907


So after many (9) hours i finally reached world 3. Since I doubt few people would record gameplay just to pause it to translate it, here is an approximate translation (Some of words seem to be partially spelled, so i extrapolated what they were not sure if this was intended for some reason)

I’m the genie of the box
you’ve beaten many dangers, you
should be rewarded

Moto wont tell you this
but there’s a secret way to win
the super adventure

find the hidden code on the
rock. with the code seek out
the secret entrance

you can find the lab near
research waypoint. in the depths
of Rata Sum.

you must defeat the true enemy’s

destroy the true enemy’s machine and you will win.
go forward. [(be the wi) not sure what the rest of the word since it seemed to only end with two letters, i’m think its winner but unsure]

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


All NPC speechbubble text appears in English in the chat window.
Your translation is accurate

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Frost.2908


I never have the NPC chatter on as it gets to be too much… so it took me a bit but I finally got it as well GJ indeed

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


Also, it would be cool if you could put this in spoiler tags.

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Slushey.8236


Purely my own speculation based on the above dialogue and a collection of other material I’ve noticed from this update. These are the key points I took from your dialogue and my analysis of them.

1) “You should be rewarded.”
2) “There’s a secret way to win the super adventure.”
3) "Find the hidden code on the rock. "
4) “With the code seek out the secret entrance.”
5) “Defeat the true enemy’s machine.”
6) “Destroy the true enemy’s machine and you will win.”

1) You will be given another reward. The only other reward seen in game so far from this update which hasn’t been found is the Plush Moto Backpack ( My best guess is that this will be the reward the Genie speaks of.

2) There is an achievement called “Super Adventure Secret” which is awarded for speaking with the Genie, and also unlocks the achievement titled “Special Instruction”.

3) The hidden code can be found on a rock. Not sure what this means yet, but I’m pretty sure the hidden code will be a physical item in the Super Adventure Box which you will be able to take out of the dungeon. I haven’t done the Wizard boss yet, but I assume the hidden code will be towards the end to make it harder to obtain.

4) The secret entrance is near Research Waypoint in Rata Sum ( After finding it I noticed a Living Story icon above a control panel. I’m almost certain this is the door the hidden code will unlock. When I use the control panel I get the message “ACCESS DENIED.”

5) With the help of a friend, I managed to get a screenshot inside the locked room with the ‘machine’ ( It’s completely useless at the moment since the key wasn’t used at the gate, but it gives us an idea of what is in there.

6) The way the Genie speaks about the machine leads me to believe it is a boss fight. The room itself however is far too small to host a boss. My best guess is that the machine will teleport you into a boss arena when you open the gate with the hidden code.

Grand Duke Slushey of the Knîghtmare Court
Blackgate | Knîghtmare [KnM] | Knights of the Temple [KnT] | Attuned [Att]

(edited by Slushey.8236)

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Evans.6347


Joy to the world, ignorance is bliss

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: technonewt.2907


I did get into the secret lab room, all that’s in there was a control panel you sabotage, which if you turn around can listen to the npcs outside trying to figure out whats going wrong, was quite interesting conversation between them. then you get the achievement.

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: technonewt.2907


As for the npc speech bubble, i didn’t realize you could turn it on or off till now. I guess i’ve had it off the whole time. :P

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Jordo.5913


the code is supposedly the famous Konami Code

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

3) The hidden code can be found on a rock. Not sure what this means yet, but I’m pretty sure the hidden code will be a physical item in the Super Adventure Box which you will be able to take out of the dungeon. I haven’t done the Wizard boss yet, but I assume the hidden code will be towards the end to make it harder to obtain.

The genie says the code will appear on a rock, and then the rock in front of you lights up with bright glowing purple symbols… and you’re not sure what he meant?

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

(edited by Mad Queen Malafide.7512)

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Raziel.9738


3) The hidden code can be found on a rock. Not sure what this means yet, but I’m pretty sure the hidden code will be a physical item in the Super Adventure Box which you will be able to take out of the dungeon. I haven’t done the Wizard boss yet, but I assume the hidden code will be towards the end to make it harder to obtain.

The ‘rock’ he is talking about is the rock he’s sitting on….

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: AxVampire.1429


up up down down left right left right b a

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Caveth.3268


Here you go, I made group of screenshots spoiling a ton of what happens if you go through with using the code. This is a full guide with screenshots that I made below on this secret storyline.

1. Look at rock at the genie is standing on for the code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A).
2. Go to the lab where the living story icon is and interact with the machine there.
3. Enter the code into the machine (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A).
4. Be teleported into an instance.
5. Sabotage the machine, like the genie seems to have wanted you to do.
6. Enjoy the long cinematic; stick around a little after it for some extra dialog that runs for a while.
7. Go back to Moto for an extra bit of dialog just for the extra story.


World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Dabura.7095


It was quite easy to figure out once i knew where to go to insert the code big give away where the code is! But Im puzzled, is the little extra quest over now? do we have to wait? did we win? probably not lol

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


You can talk to Moto again but nothing really comes out of it. I guess we’ll have to wait till world 3 (but now we know there’s more going on!)

World 3 genie dialogue translation

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kyrion.2749


Also, notice how in rata sum, near the Super Adventure Box, small holographic gears are starting to breach ‘the reality’.

My impression is that SAB is developing ‘self-conciousness’ and is taking direct measures to prevent any attempt to substitute it as a learning method or shut-down it.

The other Krewe research is a direct competitor of SAB in developing new learning methods for young asura. If this alternate project gets ahead, SAB project could be shelved in favour of the ‘direct brain upload’ method, which will mean the end of SAB.

SAB is only defending itself…

And all this without mentioning that the alternate project is being developed by Moto’s ex-Krewe, which mercilessly kicked Moto, and that the SAB matrix is built around Moto’s own perceptions… Which at a subconscious level, can easily identify Moto’s ex-Krewe as ‘the enemy’, and harbor resentment feelings towards them.

(edited by Kyrion.2749)