Is this possible to solo?
Yes, the only difficult thing is the Queen Beedog. Other than that, this is 100% solo. I have solo’d it on all my chars twice over at this point.
Crystal Desert
We Came To Dance [WCTD]
Yes, playing it with multiple people really doesn’t change much except making a couple things easier (beedogs, cage destruction). You can also get free continues if you have 2+people by leaving and re-entering the instance.
Honestly the only reason to solo is for the extra fun to play with friends, other than that it is way faster and easier to do alone.
Solo is the best for this dungeon. When you farm “babble-buble” you finish the zones daily with each charater you have (2 babble-buble each zone with each character each day). So the best method to do this is play solo and run at the end because if you have other party members they will surely slow you down.
@Air: Queen Beedon is not obligatory.
You can get through just fine with 1 person, but it can be helpful to have at least 1 friend with a whip since you can keep the bee bosses perma-stunned by using the whip on it over and over. This lets the other person dps it down without having to worry about getting hit.
It is very much solo-able. In fact, if you’re planning to do speed runs, solo is the quickest way to do it.
You can solo queen bee too.
Get close to queen fast, use whip, use stick, use whip use stick use whip use stick.
Or I just use bombs, then refill off the Honeycomb behind it
Yeah, there’s not really anything in here that would suggest grouping up is mandatory, or even necessarily beneficial. It’s misleading when it says “Recommended Players: Five” upon approaching the Super Adventure Box.
Still, I keep seeing people in map chat: “LFG SAB” or “LF2M SAB”. It’s really weird. Just go, guys. This isn’t a regular dungeon. What do you think a PUG is going to get you?
Yeah, there’s not really anything in here that would suggest grouping up is mandatory, or even necessarily beneficial. It’s misleading when it says “Recommended Players: Five” upon approaching the Super Adventure Box.
Still, I keep seeing people in map chat: “LFG SAB” or “LF2M SAB”. It’s really weird. Just go, guys. This isn’t a regular dungeon. What do you think a PUG is going to get you?
Maybe, but it’s a lot of fun to do it with a full group. I mean, for the people that are just looking to speed run through in order to farm baubles or something, yea, just go solo and blow through it, but if you’re going in to have a good time (the best way to do it, imo), take some friends!
I’ve never bothered to do this in a group. Do you get credit if you don’t make it to the cage/frog to tag it? I’m assuming no but want to make sure.