No more aetherblades in nodes
I’ve checked at least 20 or so nodes just now, across various maps and even guested onto other servers, and aetherblades just aren’t spawning. I’ve tried activating nodes and killing/running away from the spawned beasts, but still no aetherblades
I’ve had to turn to boring spawn camping. Boooooo!
Good news is that in the new j/p you can farm the hell out of them pretty easily.
I think OP is talking about the location-specific aetherblade slayers achievements…
Yeah… I’ve been trying to farm Shiverpeaks Aetherblades blades all morning, and I did find some at holo nodes, but it sure as puppy wasn’t 50 percent of the nodes. Maybe one in five, if that…
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Yeah… I’ve been trying to farm Shiverpeaks Aetherblades blades all morning, and I did find some at holo nodes, but it sure as puppy wasn’t 50 percent of the nodes. Maybe one in five, if that…
There is a group of three that spawns every minute or so (or used to spawn at least, I last checked on Sunday) around the Kodan Dragon Bash representative in Snowden Drifts… that may help?
I know… But camping the cache feels like cheesimg it to me :/
I don’t think that that’s the intention…
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I have been trying to find the Aetherblades to finish achievements and they are just not appearing at any of holo nodes that I have found. They really do need to improve the spawns. Lol, at this rate I will never get those achievements :/
I found that the Maguuma Aetherblades spawn at Astorra is located in The Rowanwoods of Caledon Forest.
Now I just need the Ascalon Aetherblades, not fond of the jp there to farm AB’s.
(edited by Missy.3854)
I made the same experience yesterday.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
I posted on another similar thread, I think the issue is people who simply run past the holos looking for pirates. If none are found they do not activate the holo minions.
Thus, after a while most of the holos on the map will be the minion type, not the pirate type. Eventually as they are activated and respawn the pirates will have a chance to appear again.
Worst achievements in the game imo :\
Eidolo has it right, if noone kills the holo’s then they cant respawn as Aetherblades
I posted on another similar thread, I think the issue is people who simply run past the holos looking for pirates. If none are found they do not activate the holo minions.
Thus, after a while most of the holos on the map will be the minion type, not the pirate type. Eventually as they are activated and respawn the pirates will have a chance to appear again.
That’s what I’m finding. I see most players just run close enough to check and if nothing spawns then they run off to another. Ignoring the projectors means the only ones available will not have pirates otherwise someone will have already spawned it. It is best to camp the Dragon Bash suspects or the caches for pirates.
Every one that I passed by I popped and it was just the reg. holo spawns and not a one popped the AB’s
There is a post in the Bugs Forum about this issue. Many people are having problems with aetherblades not appearing at the projectors. The day before I had no problems even though I didn’t see other people around activating them. Yesterday, I went to 4 different zones and not one. That’s not just a coincidence. So there definitely seems to be a problem.
So many people reporting the same issue. I did look for them in ascalon for hours and found only 1. Gave up and wwent farming them onto the vexa’s lab
pop a few of the halo’s, in a nice arc to run. kill the holographic undead and then go back as they re-spawn. once killed they have a 50% chance of coming back as aetherblades.
I did this in dredgehaunt cliffs yesterday and got what i needed, ( if everyone killed the halos all would be good)
I think after an update they all come back as not spawning the aetherblades. We had a few updates recently.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
They must have done “CTRL+C / CTRL+V” on the programming data for the holos from before the Aetherblade event lulz
I really hope it is a bug… you might want to contribute your experience in the bug forum, too?
Oh man and i thought i was just having bad luck lmao, i knew something was not right… all day like a fool.
I know… But camping the cache feels like cheesimg it to me :/
This achievement doesn’t require skill, it’s just a boring grind, so cheesing is not a problem.
I don’t think that that’s the intention…
I think the intention is to kill 50 pirates in any way you want.
Stop whyning, run and activate all holo nodes. After few minutes it’s back to normal 50/50 chance.
It’s the way they programmed it – decision if it’ll be holo minions or pirates is made during spawning, not while player comes closer. As few mentioned above – the problem is players, who don’t activate holo nodes, look for pirates, and after that change map.
I had the same experience re. not finding any Aetherblades from the holos yesterday, but I didn’t realize that I should be activating them. After a while I got a bit bored with that and started just bypassing them if they had the ‘Activation’ action. I’ll try popping them if I play over the weekend and see if that helps. Good tip.
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
I played for an 2 hours yesterday, activated every non-trapped hologram I found, doubled back to the same holos (after they respawned) at least 3 times over that time period.
Found zero pirates that entire time. Not even exaggerating, literally none.
I do not think its simply an issue of people not activating the holos. I should have found pirates after the first run, if that were indeed the case. Unless there was someone else in the zone running the exact same route I was and tripping all the pirates themselves before I got there every time.
I’m also having the same issue. Even after spending hours triggering (and killing the spawns from) hologram nodes, Aetherblades aren’t reappearing. I spent some time at Vexa’s Lab grinding, but given that the J/P throws you out after a while if you’re not in the final room, it’s a pain to repeatedly run most of the J/P only to kill 6 of them – especially if you’re the only one there.
I’ve only Ascalon to complete before I close this event down, but at the rate I’m going, I’ve a better chance of diving successfully in the new J/P than I do finishing this grind.