Obsidian Sanctum for achievement, really? [merged]
The jumping puzzle always hasn’t been “jumping only”. Otherwise they would not have PvP enabled there. If I remember correctly they already nerfed it(building siege there was possible in the past).
Also: Players that want all the JP achievement(most of them are PvE only!) need to to this one too – which is WvW(PvE and you can get attacked… not only jumping). Nobody complained about this so far.
Also for legenadries you need WvW(because of badges) while most of the stuff required for legendaries is PvE.
Again, you’re missing the point. I’ve explained the difference over three time now. If you’re still not getting it, then you’ll never get it because either you don’t want to get it or you’re just incapable.
The point isn’t the jumping puzzle. It’s the cache. The cache is the point of this entire thread and its location. While all the others are in PvE, this one is in a PvP zone and certain players are taking advantage of those players who would not normally be in that environment. It’s the entire reason this thread was posted in the first place.
Don’t know how much clearer I can be.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
You guys need to calm down.
While PvE players are giving reasonable answers, the ‘omgsopro’ PvP players are just insulting people and flaming. You people are the ones who say ‘lol who cares’ when some newbie excitedly proclaims he hit 80 on his first toon or has to one-up people every time they mention some achievement. I’m not giving my stance on the argument, but I will say I actively play WvW AND PvE. The name-calling is completely unnecessary and irrelevant.
Garbage at every profession 2015
I cannot believe that ArenaNet would support such behavior… Griefing is completely uncalled for, and yet ArenaNet//NCSoft supports this type of behavior… Proof of it? Proof enough is that they have a jumping puzzle in WvW with traps that encourage the behavior….
PvP is not griefing.
The traps are there to provide a unique experience that is not available anywhere else in the game, and to allow players to defend against their enemies reaping the tactical rewards of the end chest (siege blueprints and badges of honor).
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
This game has so much content, why bother with one achievment?
I tried to get the obsidian sanctum achievment a few months ago, and while i was still trying to get the grips with the JP i was getting killed by reds and needed to star over. Got frustrated and decided that there were better and more fun content to do.
I wont try doing this achievment either. I will still get the stupid mini anyway. To get the mini you ppl dont need to do the sanctum puzzle and neither the dungeon. On July 2nd a new PvE JP will be available that counts for those 12 achievments u need.
And i do agree that the devs shouldnt had mixed PvE content with PvP or WvW content. If players like PvP or WvW they will do that, if a player only cares for PvE or dungeons, he will be happy doing just that. Why force ppl to do stuff they dont like? Thats why i just wont even try to do this achievment!!! Easy..
Obviously if you increase the number of people trying to push through a camp, the campers are going to need more people to hold their position. On a normal day 2-3 people can hold a point, but if you suddenly have 30 people coming through, you need more firepower.
It isn’t complicated, there are more people fighting in the JP because there are more people in the JP. They don’t care who you are or why you came. You’re walking loot bags that must be collected.
You don’t go into sPvP and complain that people won’t let you kill the NPCs so you can farm rank points for pretty armor. Why would you think you were going to walk into WvW and get a free pass? They’re PvP areas. You know they’re PvP areas. If you go in expecting for people to treat you like a special little butterfly because you’re there for the noble purpose of collecting chievos, you’re french frying when you should have pizza’d.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
I don’t mind people who want to grief the wvw jp, I mean it is in a pvp zone. However, I don’t see the entertainment some people get from it. Sure its fun to push people off ledges the first couple of times, but then it is just meh. One has to sit down and ask oneself: Why am I doing this?
The majority of griefers are built to do what they do and they troll others who are more likely built for group play, or in this case pve, definitely not 1v1s. So whatever floats their boats I guess. I do believe though that if one wants to grief, then he/she should do it alone and not party up. 1v1 griefing is ok, but doing that on top of being 5v1 is kind of overkill and coawardly imo.
What an idiotic thing putting a cache deep into this jp- this contested jp that is…..yes it’ll be an achievement getting it ofc, but how many won’t get this because they can’t of some reason not get a into a group to get it- a group that can help you fight back the enemies in there.
And don’t expect the enemies to play fair just to let you get the Sky Pirate cache- myself just been wiped after some lowlife necro decided that it would be honorable to attack enemies equipped with torches standing up on pillars- what a joke… Ofc we had avoided attacking enemy players ourselves (we even had a couple up there among us that didn’t want to fight)- i’m a lousy pvp’er myself and just wanted this ill placed achievement, but i’m skipping it now, too annoying, and well- the rewards for the whole thing will be so common anyway, not much to miss out on really.
Yes, i know- this zone is a PvP zone, can’t really blame some enemy player for wanting cheap kills- maybe the poor guy can’t get them other ways or something, but it still is annoying…anyway, that’s the crying done, thank you Arenanet for this nice event….
Fine, you consider ganking non-combatants trying to do Living Story content to be true PvP. My definition of real PvP is just different I guess. Have fun with that buddy, sadly you actually will, while your server loses because you’re doing important things.
Yep, we’re getting destroyed right now because I knocked the stuffing out of some carebears in the JP. How will we ever recover?
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
I know on the Black Gate server. Our guild LaZy were porting people for a good while. Even had some interesting battles with Hostiles (JQ). Perhaps your guilds can also help out the community…
Fine, you consider ganking non-combatants trying to do Living Story content to be true PvP. My definition of real PvP is just different I guess. Have fun with that buddy, sadly you actually will, while your server loses because you’re doing important things.
Yep, we’re getting destroyed right now because I knocked the stuffing out of some carebears in the JP. How will we ever recover?
Well, perhaps you are just a singular griefer. What i can see on my server is whole zergs of people, camping JP while their own server not only keeps losing territory in WvW, but just lost the leading place (and if the tendency keeps, they will not take it back before reset).
Truth is, most of the people there are NOT interested in challenge, duels, PvP or their server’s standing. They came to farm ambients. The moment they see bigger resistance, they melt (and start behaving, waving hands, not attacking etc). The same people, when in bigger crowd, suddenly start acting completely differently.Do not call it PvP, because you will only be degrading that term.
Yeah, I’m actually in the same contest as his. There haven’t been many zergs. Most people are actually pretty cool. The gankers in there have proven to be less than skillful. They keep starting stuff, then die pretty quickly, even in 1 vs 1. The competent PvPers are playing actual PvP.
(edited by laharl.8435)
That mystic fountain inside the JP should have unlimited time to it for us to go invisible. only available for this living story time ofc.
I am from a T1 server, and i never do this jp. It took me 5 hours to complete that jp. between tons of people spawn camping, trying to find the way to do the JP and other unexpected stuff .. not to mention the frustration .. i keep trying until .. it’s 3 am, sleepy time for most of NA players, and for a moment that place was empty. I manage to get to the dark room and 2 enemy showed up and kill me. i don’t even attack them back, just hoping they will stop because i show no sign of fighting back .. but ofc it didn’t happen, so i tried again, they killed me again, tried 3rd time and voila .. they bring their whole guild just to kill me, a one person. sad .. just sad .. in the end some other people from their server showed up and party me and saying they are sorry because that one guild keep killing me and they can’t tell them to stop. one of the mesmer even trying to port me up, but since we are from different server ofc it failed …. broken game .. this care bear is not happy .. but thanks for those people from different server who try to help. it’s a breath of fresh air to see there is still some kindness left around that complete chaos place.
Yeah it’s definetly not PvP this (i know that even if i’m not good at it lol), it’s really just sad.
Atm Underworld is winning the WvW, i guess that’s why the other decided they’d get their kills easier way by creating gank squad- i don’t think our fine server is top PvP server (i’m not much bothered about it myself) but these other guys must be even worse…hmm maybe this is a nice thing after all, giving ppl even noobier than myself some kills..
After trying and failing to get this cache just now, thanks to Dragonbrand campers, I want to throw in my two pennies worth.
I get it – WvW is PVP hiding under a PVE skin. That said, is it really too much to ask to set that aside for the time it takes to reach the cache? Obsidian is a tricky jp to begin with, but to get virtually to the end only for a handful of campers from a rival server to mow you down the second you’re in range leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. I think placing the cache there was an ill thought-out idea on Anet’s part, and I hope it becomes a mistake they learn from.
To everyone who has managed to get the Obsidian cache – well done. To anyone yet to attempt it – good luck.
Just allow players to grab a torch whilst stealthed by the well. There. Problem solved.
Plays every class though :>
The Dynasty Warriors [DW] – Far Shiverpeaks
Can’t even get off the platform to start the puzzle w/o getting mobbed. The cache should not have been put in WvW puzzle.
I have tried several times, but it looks like I am going to have to forget about getting those 2 achievements.
I was very lucky to find a very nice mesmer to port me up to the puzzle, for the puzzle achievement a couple of months ago, but it looks like those cache achievements are out.
More fun for this evening from Anet:
When I was finally at the end of the puzzle, cause most of the farmers go to sleep, they kick me to Lion Arc because of the new build. Half an hour ago there was a message that build will be in hour or two. So I think developers from Anet just make laugh at us. I even can imagine that they were the one that farms me through this puzzle, cause this kick is a good sequel for such “fun”.
(edited by Dan.5416)
Just allow players to grab a torch whilst stealthed by the well. There. Problem solved.
And then you die because your torch shows where you are.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
No, eb jp is not PvE. It is very much PvP. And it is not incidentanl because of the area it is in – there are traps in that jp and given there are no creatures, these traps are designed to be used on players. Even the rewards of the jp are PvP. eb jp is PvP because it has been designed as PvP, not because is was placed in a PvP area by ovesight.
It is incidental. Not because of the jumping puzzle, but because the cache is placed in that location. Any PvP that occurs there, while the cache is in place, is incidental because of that situation given the increase population flow due to the updates.
The cache is a PvE achievement designed for PvE in every location save this one.
There’s no getting around this fact.
I would like to thank Anet for giving me many new targets to kill. This is a great way to introduce people to the fun of WvW!
@ Manasa: You are missing the point. The issue with the forum whining about things being “too hard” is that unfortunately, if too many ppl whine loud enough, sometimes things get changed and up to now I do not think this has not been to the better. Not to mention that what is often meaningful critisism and suggestions are lost in the noise of meaningless whining.
@ Arden: And why exactly is the cache PvE content?
I would like to thank Anet for giving me many new targets to kill. This is a great way to introduce people to the fun of WvW!
You really don’t want any new people in WvW, do you?
Remember, remember, 15th of November
@ Manasa: You are missing the point. The issue with the forum whining about things being “too hard” is that unfortunately, if too many ppl whine loud enough, sometimes things get changed and up to now I do not think this has not been to the better. Not to mention that what is often meaningful critisism and suggestions are lost in the noise of meaningless whining.
If you can’t make a point without first telling people how tired you are of their whining, your point is likely to be completely ignored. Personal attacks don’t contribute to a conversation. Attack the opinion, not the people putting it forward.
@ Arden: And why exactly is the cache PvE content
Because it doesn’t require you to fight other players to gain the achievement. It requires you to jump through a puzzle to reach the end. As stated prior, with Dragon Ball or Crab Roll, you need to defeat other players to gain that achievement.
Specifically, you MUST kill or defeat players to gain the achievement or content required. That makes those examples PvP.
You have no requirement to defeat or fight players in order to gain the cache or achievement. To the point, you can go through the entire puzzle to get to the cache without ever seeing another, and opposing, player. The achievement doesn’t require it.
That makes the cache a PvE content. You, the player, versus the puzzle, the environment.
It’s that clear cut.
@ Arden: And why exactly is the cache PvE content
Because it doesn’t require you to fight other players to gain the achievement. It requires you to jump through a puzzle to reach the end. As stated prior, with Dragon Ball or Crab Roll, you need to defeat other players to gain that achievement.
Specifically, you MUST kill or defeat players to gain the achievement or content required. That makes those examples PvP.
You have no requirement to defeat or fight players in order to gain the cache or achievement. To the point, you can go through the entire puzzle to get to the cache without ever seeing another, and opposing, player. The achievement doesn’t require it.
That makes the cache a PvE content. You, the player, versus the puzzle, the environment.
It’s that clear cut.
Unfortunately as they put this particular cache in WvW, it does make this one a PvP one. That an otherwise entirely PvE event is requiring us to partake in PvP for completion is the overall complaint.
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
Ok we managed to push up and grab the keep, after that when we got into the jumping puzzle I quickly invited someone from both servers Blacktide and Gunnar’s Hold to my party and we quickly developed a peace treaty between the servers and if someone decided that wasn’t for them they had two server against them, a tonne of people managed to get the cache before blacktide finally broke the treaty and got demolished Then whiteside and Gunnar’s hold kept the treaty but blacktide broke it. (this was only for jumping puzzle not WvW)
I did it with about the same luck as the post above.
I was almost the only desolation guy in the middle of groups from both baruch bay and vizunah square and there wasn’t much bloodshed.
Dark room was i little of a pain since sometimes i got in combat and i feared for my life when i got to the chest room since it appeared they were camping the exit. But to my surprise there wasn’t a single attack to people that didn’t engage in active fighting and, if by any chance you got attacked, they would leave you alone as long as you didn’t fight back.
Glad to see reasonable people around. Many thanks to the guys from that afternoon.
I’m really not upset with the developers for this decision, it’s more disappointment in the amount of griefing I’ve seen and heard about. I overestimated the community and thought we were better than that. =/
Better than what? PvPing inn a PvP zone?
Better than finding cheap areas to stand where they can kill players/chill them at opportune moments to make them fall, with no actual benefit others than stroking their egos. If they were in locations where I could fight them fairly, I wouldn’t have an issue. I play sPVP all the time, I don’t dislike PVP. I dislike cheap, meaningless kills for the sole purpose of ruining an experience for other players, then /laughing and /dancing on their bodies. The entire purpose behind that kind of behavior is to be obnoxious to other players, NOT grabbing loot bags, NOT competing for the achievement, and NOT for blueprints/whathaveyou. If you think otherwise, you are deluded.
But I guess I expected too much.
(edited by RileyTheRad.8542)
Unfortunately as they put this particular cache in WvW, it does make this one a PvP one. That an otherwise entirely PvE event is requiring us to partake in PvP for completion is the overall complaint.
You have a valid point, but the event itself, and the content, isn’t PvP because it’s placed in the area. I can prove this by doing the achievement, which I finally did, without fighting another player. Again, the only issue I had was the environment itself.
The fact that people want to fight or grief you into PvP as you attempt to get this achievement is secondary. And unfortunate. But, I think the point is made.
We’re just spinning our wheels now. Again, hopefully, ANet will never do this again.
Well in my tier things were actrually quite interesting. On the first day of the event some HoDs decided to camp at the end of the dark room, and killed every none HoD. The next day the jp was virtually deserted so I went in to grab the cache and got thrown off the cliff by a HoD mes, and a SF killed the HoD. I formed a treaty with the guy and the few ET and SF in here killed any HoDs that attacked us. When it was all said and done I got the cache without trouble. When i went in today I did the jp while never encountering another player. So for you high tier people there is an advantage being in a lower tier, as you rarely see any other players here.
I know on the Black Gate server. Our guild LaZy were porting people for a good while. Even had some interesting battles with Hostiles (JQ). Perhaps your guilds can also help out the community…
Yeah….. Black Gate…
Right now, there’s a whole guild from RIOT that’s essentially camping the puzzle. Basically preventing any other world from making progress in the puzzle.
The invisible wells help to a point. But when you have 30 enemies all running through the puzzle and spamming AOEs (Black Gate is apparently horrible at the dark room), it’s pretty much impossible.
Obsidian Scantum Achievement made me report 20 people, at that point I stopped counting and I am still lieing on the ground, reporting everyone who lays a hand on my mates.
Eventually people come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.So what’re we fighting lets make love…
A.Net please add “Love” skill for that guy…
I would like to thank Anet for giving me many new targets to kill. This is a great way to introduce people to the fun of WvW!
You do realize that repeatedly getting killed against overwhelming odds tends to make people want to stay as far away from WvW as possible, right? Sure, there are those rare people who actually take it as a challenge and try to round up others to push their way through. But that’s the exception.
I’m from blackgate… so I got the Jq zergefest and griefing little children. And I went through just fine. The clowns that tried to gank me when I was a lone… I feared off cliffs for the next 2 hours while escorting others through. Rest I ignored. It’s doable as long as you have people willing to land a hand, griefers will be the first to rage quit as soon as numbers don’t favor them.
On the other hand nonsense like avoiding aoe bombardment which is utterly luck dependent is complete and utter load of horsekitten. The place is fine… except for the last boss and her kitten able 1 shot teleport kills you can’t dodge other then by accident. But honestly its still doable just fine… but not aoe dodging.
Oh and did I forget to mention yet another thing that requires 4 warriors + mesmer. 15 min kill is funny. Diversity… is breaming. Like we didn’t have enough crap that required the cookiecutter class combo. Why add more? I don’t want anything other then necro so I’m penalized for it nonstop… since beta. Fun times though.
Sure, there are those rare people who actually take it as a challenge and try to round up others to push their way through. But that’s the exception.
Those are the only ones we want to keep anyway.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
as if waiting in a queue to get into eb wasn’t bad enough, you can’t even get off the first platform to start the puzzle when you do get in…
it wouldn’t be so bad if it was separated from eb completely.
Those are the only ones we want to keep anyway.
Then you’d actually want to get rid of the JP griefers. They are NOT that kind of people.
Note: managed to finish it today finally, due to low population on all sides. Most people i managed to meet were peaceful and actually helped when they could (apart from one skirmish late in the JP i’m not really sure which side started. Might have been my side, since the enemy skirmishers seemed to ignore me when saw i wasn’t fighting).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Better than finding cheap areas to stand where they can kill players/chill them at opportune moments to make them fall, with no actual benefit others than stroking their egos. If they were in locations where I could fight them fairly, I wouldn’t have an issue. I play sPVP all the time, I don’t dislike PVP. I dislike cheap, meaningless kills for the sole purpose of ruining an experience for other players, then /laughing and /dancing on their bodies. The entire purpose behind that kind of behavior is to be obnoxious to other players, NOT grabbing loot bags, NOT competing for the achievement, and NOT for blueprints/whathaveyou. If you think otherwise, you are deluded.
But I guess I expected too much.
This x1000.
This isn’t about loot bags, defending chest/blueprints, or advancing your server’s interest in WvW. This is about deriving pleasure from causing other people misery. If you get your rocks off doing this, you are absolutely the kind of person I want nothing to do with IRL. You are what’s wrong with the world. You are the teenager (in mentality if not age) who runs up and down the street at night slashing tires for no reason other than to kitten off a bunch of people.
This is about a lot more than jumping puzzles and achievements. It’s about a mindset that is too prevalent in the world today where as long as I get what I want, it doesn’t matter how many people I hurt to get it. Don’t tell me RL <> GW2 in this respect, because good-hearted people don’t come on GW2 and grief others. You don’t become a completely different person in GW2 with a completely different outlook and personality. If you’re an kitten in GW2, you are almost certainly an kitten in life.
I run this jumping puzzle daily on my mesmer, and most the time it is emptier a cookie jar after cookie monster has seen it. But in the past week it has been a nightmare to get through with campers (I am on Darkhaven) from Isle of Janthir and Northern Shiverpeaks. But it gave me so much pleasure when I managed to sneak past them camping at the traps, the darkroom and arena where they were camping, staying invisible the whole time (EVEN THROUGH THE DARK ROOM! ) and ported up an entire zerg from my side. Served those camping kitteners right.
If you’re an kitten in GW2, you are almost certainly an kitten in life.
Not necessarily.
Anonymity tends to change the way people act, most notably enhancing boldness.
Even the most introvert, timid person has the potential to be troll or griever when hiding behind anonymity. The lack of repercussions gives them the confidence to act online in ways they wouldn’t in real life
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU
I like that they put in an achievement for the WvW crowd. The PvE people (like me) are complaining that they don’t like coming into PvP zones to do the achievement…did you think maybe the WvW people don’t like always having to leave what they enjoy to do the achievements, too? Anet didn’t make it mandatory for the meta for a reason.
Now, the camping and griefing isn’t okay, and hopefully Anet will find a better way to implement this kind of thing in the future rather than tie it to a jp, but I like that they made an achievement that caters to the PvPers so they can have some living story fun while still doing WvW at the same time.
If you’re an kitten in GW2, you are almost certainly an kitten in life.
Not necessarily.
Anonymity tends to change the way people act, most notably enhancing boldness.
Even the most introvert, timid person has the potential to be troll or griever when hiding behind anonymity. The lack of repercussions gives them the confidence to act online in ways they wouldn’t in real life
Ah yes, Gabriel’s Internet D*ckwad Theory.
If you’re an kitten in GW2, you are almost certainly an kitten in life.
Not necessarily.
Anonymity tends to change the way people act, most notably enhancing boldness.
Even the most introvert, timid person has the potential to be troll or griever when hiding behind anonymity. The lack of repercussions gives them the confidence to act online in ways they wouldn’t in real life
Ah yes, Gabriel’s Internet D*ckwad Theory.
Didn’t even realize it was classified as anything specific, thanks for that
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU
This whole post is a perfect example of why having a good guild is crucial in this game. My guild did a guild run (8 of us) through this JP. Made it easy and grief-free. I will say, however, that we killed every red dot we came across while we made our way to the top. Nothing personal, just kinda the point of WvW. We didn’t camp the top or anything, just killed as we passed. <— that’s the proper way to kill people in the JP.
Camping an area is honestly just lame. It’s frowned upon in FPS games, and its frowned upon here.
Actually camping high ground (or supply rich, choke points etc.) is a valid tactic in most FPS games. You think a valid tactic that competition teams engage in is weak, but you think 8 versus 1 ganking in GW2 is legit. In FPS, teams are equal, there are counter measures for campers. There is no counter measure for 8 vs 1.
FPS is a team A versus team B where there is an actual tactical advantage like you said. You can actually win the match. And camping is frowned upon. Never said it wasn’t a viable strategy in FPS, just…an annoying one. I mean, sit in one spot and click mouse when you see someone walk by = lame (but effective).
The JP isn’t a match, it’s a JP. You don’t win anything from camping the top. You are just a griefer at that point.
Killing people on your way to the top is very different from camping the top and constantly killing anyone who comes by. If you are on the path up the JP and you see 8 red dots coming, get out of the way, hide, I don’t care. We won’t hunt you down, but if you are within attacking distance, you will be attacked. PvP does not need to include griefing.
Heck, if we notice we’ve killed a certain person a couple of times, we will consciously stop attacking them because we don’t want to be jack-kittens. If they have the tenacity to keep attempting that JP then who are we to just keep killing them. We prove nothing other than the fact we are kitten-holes if we do that, and trust me, I’ve definitely been on the end that keeps being killed.
When the same group of 3-4 kill you for the 6th time, you start to think “OK guys, it’s obvious you can kill me, can’t you just let me finish the JP and move on with my life?”
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The point isn’t the jumping puzzle. It’s the cache. The cache is the point of this entire thread and its location. While all the others are in PvE, this one is in a PvP zone and certain players are taking advantage of those players who would not normally be in that environment. It’s the entire reason this thread was posted in the first place.
Don’t know how much clearer I can be.
So what? I need to finish the Dungeon to get all the achivements. The mobs in the Dungeon constantly kill me. The location of the achievements should be at the beginning of the dungeon: Join it… get all the achivements. Leave. Without having to kill any mob(only if you want the chests and rewards you need to do this). Then it would be fine.
I want an achievement like this in WvW every month now(with every Living Story content).
Totally fine – since there are also the dungeon. It is intended to get the people on your server work together.
Only servers that can complain are Vabbi or other low servers like that(they probably don’t even hold a keep to be able to get into the JP). ArenaNet should just offer free transfers… this would solve the problem.
Come to Underworld: Best commander “Archi the Cub” is doing the puzzles do help people from his guild. Others are free to join. And he never attacked others(only the 2 french that attacked first got send back to waypoint – bon voyage lol).
Nice idea to see stuff like that. I even joined the JP even though I already did the daily. Wanted to see all the others. Nice vie wo see a lot of my server doing the puzzle and Archi helping them and ignoring others.
And I’m sure other servers can do the same. Get a big group of PvE guys and a few experienced WvW jumpers as “tour guide”.
I really like that they made it like this… people from server working together to help each other… maye a few will join WvW because of the nice Archi that helped them. Lol. Because they see there are nice people in WvW. This is also a chance for WvW… of course if all the WvW players say “gtfo you make long queue you f*** PvE player” then it’s their fault. Should not happen.
So what? I need to finish the Dungeon to get all the achivements. The mobs in the Dungeon constantly kill me. The location of the achievements should be at the beginning of the dungeon: Join it… get all the achivements. Leave. Without having to kill any mob(only if you want the chests and rewards you need to do this). Then it would be fine.
If WvWers camped the end of the dungeon to kill you, then the comparison would be correct.
As it stands WvW and JPs have as little to do with each other as dungeons and WvW have to do with each other. They should never have been mixed together
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU
I run this jumping puzzle daily on my mesmer, and most the time it is emptier a cookie jar after cookie monster has seen it. But in the past week it has been a nightmare to get through with campers (I am on Darkhaven) from Isle of Janthir and Northern Shiverpeaks. But it gave me so much pleasure when I managed to sneak past them camping at the traps, the darkroom and arena where they were camping, staying invisible the whole time (EVEN THROUGH THE DARK ROOM!
) and ported up an entire zerg from my side. Served those camping kitteners right.
How did you get past the dark room while invisible? Unless you had other people on your server lighting the way then I don’t see it being possible.
what a bunch of bullies. both anet and the people who hide behind their pathetic excuses just to kill people who doesn’t want to fight and just want to finish their living story. shame on all of you.
Seems i dodged a bullet by predicting this and rushing in and doing it straight after the patch.
Just allow players to grab a torch whilst stealthed by the well. There. Problem solved.
And then you die because your torch shows where you are.
Nope, you can’t see the torch lighting effects of other players and vice versa.
Plays every class though :>
The Dynasty Warriors [DW] – Far Shiverpeaks