(edited by eekzie.5640)
Fuzzy Animal Hats
yeah i would have loved one of those for a helm skin
Seems to me it would boost sales of items like those if we could wear them anytime and anywhere instead of just in towns. I don’t have any characters likely to wear a quaggan hat, but then again…
I’m happy that clothes like this are no combat-clothes.
That would destroy the atmosphere of the game if there would be people in pink quaggan-hats who are fighting a dragon.
In town it’s ok. Cause there it’s good for RP to have hats for characters that are children for example.
But not in fight. Makes me shiver to even think about a charr-warrior with a pink quaggan-hat. And people would do that if they could. So it’s good that they can’t.
Still want the bathing suits instead…
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Personally I dislike these hats, and majority of the silly designed gear on the gem store.
I want to see gear that fits in with the lore.
I’m not downing anyones personal preference, but this has seemed one-sided.
Pandas? Firstly where are they in Lore?
Hopefully we can see some costumes town/armor gear with a more fantasy Guild Wars style touch. The more ArenaNet puts giddy, Sims style content into the game, the more I loose connection with the Guild Wars atmosphere. The more I see additions like this, the more I look forward to “The Elder Scrolls Online”.
(edited by Antara.3189)
Makes me shiver to even think about a charr-warrior with a pink quaggan-hat. And people would do that if they could. So it’s good that they can’t.
Well… I’m not so sure they can’t. Heh.
Makes me shiver to even think about a charr-warrior with a pink quaggan-hat. And people would do that if they could. So it’s good that they can’t.
Well… I’m not so sure they can’t. Heh.
Yieks! O.O
But they can’t FIGHT with this. If they could it would be worse…
I’m happy that clothes like this are no combat-clothes.
That would destroy the atmosphere of the game if there would be people in pink quaggan-hats who are fighting a dragon.
In town it’s ok. Cause there it’s good for RP to have hats for characters that are children for example.
But not in fight. Makes me shiver to even think about a charr-warrior with a pink quaggan-hat. And people would do that if they could. So it’s good that they can’t.
I do believe this argument, that it would destroy the atmosphere of the game, is no longer valid. There are people shooting unicorns with the ANet logo from bows, picks with lava explosions, footprints from legendaries, ect…. And now they will have people with holographic, flapping wings from the upcoming event.
With all this, there is no reason not to have costumes wearable in combat.
There were pandas in Cantha in GW1, you could even have them as ranger pets. (And watching people in PvP running from a killer panda was absolutely brilliant.)
So the hats aren’t really all that out of place. It’s likely a lot of Tyrians alive today have never seen a panda but they might still know about them.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I do believe this argument, that it would destroy the atmosphere of the game, is no longer valid. There are people shooting unicorns with the ANet logo from bows, picks with lava explosions, footprints from legendaries, ect…. And now they will have people with holographic, flapping wings from the upcoming event.
With all this, there is no reason not to have costumes wearable in combat.
The legendaries are one thing but that you can explain with special technology and there is not everybody who has a legendary so it’s not such a big deal. They also are not that eye-catching like a pink charr-warrior with a quaggan-hat would be. And legendaries are better to explain in lore.
The holographic wings are explainable, too, since Moto has shown that he invented a holographic that can be touched (just read the information on the SAB-weapons). So it’s asura-technology like the dragon-holographic at the Dragon Bash will be. That’s no problem for the atmosphere
The legendaries are one thing but that you can explain with special technology and there is not everybody who has a legendary so it’s not such a big deal. They also are not that eye-catching
I don’t know, man. Whenever I see someone with the Dreamer I wish that I could turn off every particle effect in the game and then delete their bow.
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
The legendaries are one thing but that you can explain with special technology and there is not everybody who has a legendary so it’s not such a big deal. They also are not that eye-catching
I don’t know, man. Whenever I see someone with the Dreamer I wish that I could turn off every particle effect in the game and then delete their bow.
First: I’m no ‘man’.
And yes… I don’t like this bow very much, too. But it can fit to some characters like for example sylvari. A male charr with this bow… not my favourite image. But it’s ok. I try to ignore something like this.
What I wanted to say is that even if it’s not the favourite bow of everybody it fits (or can fit) in the lore. But no warrior who isn’t totally crazy would wear a quaggan-hat when he is fighting for his life.
no warrior who isn’t totally crazy would wear a quaggan-hat when he is fighting for his life.
My warrior would totally wear a quaggan hat into battle….but she is completely nuts.
no warrior who isn’t totally crazy would wear a quaggan-hat when he is fighting for his life.
My warrior would totally wear a quaggan hat into battle….but she is completely nuts.
I love your character then, lol.
Simple solution that should be implemented and I know it been already asked and I am reinforcing it, please let us decide what we want for towncloths and battle cloths. Some town skins I want as battle clothing, some battle I want as town clothing. Thanks!
Pandas? Firstly where are they in Lore?
Google OP yo
So gw2 themed fashion wear is all of a sudden ‘’atmposphere breaking’’?
You can decide to not show your hat. So it’d only make sense to be able to show off your fuzzy hat.
Pandas? Firstly where are they in Lore?
Google OP yo
got it buzz, was mistaken, thanks.
Have to agree- we have quaggan and charr backpacks we can wear in battle- and bright pink and purple dyes being used on heavy armor- is it such a stretch to let us wear town clothes in battle?
So gw2 themed fashion wear is all of a sudden ‘’atmposphere breaking’’?
Not in town. There it’s ok. But a warrior in battle – that’s not “fashion” that’s stupid to not wear armour there.
@Bunny: That’s bad enough.
So gw2 themed fashion wear is all of a sudden ‘’atmposphere breaking’’?
Not in town. There it’s ok. But a warrior in battle – that’s not “fashion” that’s stupid to not wear armour there.
@Bunny: That’s bad enough.
Like said, you can also chose to not display your helmet so your argument is invalid.
I think you should be able to fight with town clothes, but with the restriction that it provides no armor/protection. That way you can have a little fun, but nobody will end up wearing them in serious fights.
Endless Petrification Tonic
So gw2 themed fashion wear is all of a sudden ‘’atmposphere breaking’’?
Not in town. There it’s ok. But a warrior in battle – that’s not “fashion” that’s stupid to not wear armour there.
@Bunny: That’s bad enough.Like said, you can also chose to not display your helmet so your argument is invalid.
My argument is valid, cause it brings nothing to me to not display my helmet, cause I would never decide to fight in these hats. What I said is that the other players who are fighting in these helmets destroy the atmosphere of a battle. Their armour I can’t “chose to not display”.
And no helmet displayed is not so unrealistic then a animal helmet like these. Cause the warrior could lost his helmet in battle minutes before.
Lost Shore – Old Letters for those who are interested in the Story
I want a Miniature-Canach! – Do you want one, too?
(edited by Niyo.5920)
They need to bring back the wardrobe system from GW. As for those arguing it would be immersion breaking… how exactly would it make any difference for my necromancer who wears facepaint to instead wear a fuzzy animal hat?
I’m happy that clothes like this are no combat-clothes.
That would destroy the atmosphere of the game if there would be people in pink quaggan-hats who are fighting a dragon.
In town it’s ok. Cause there it’s good for RP to have hats for characters that are children for example.
But not in fight. Makes me shiver to even think about a charr-warrior with a pink quaggan-hat. And people would do that if they could. So it’s good that they can’t.
We have a bow that shoots rainbows and unicorns, and you have a problem that’s these hats will destroy the atmosphere? LMAO………ok.
I’m happy that clothes like this are no combat-clothes.
That would destroy the atmosphere of the game if there would be people in pink quaggan-hats who are fighting a dragon.
In town it’s ok. Cause there it’s good for RP to have hats for characters that are children for example.
But not in fight. Makes me shiver to even think about a charr-warrior with a pink quaggan-hat. And people would do that if they could. So it’s good that they can’t.We have a bow that shoots rainbows and unicorns, and you have a problem that’s these hats will destroy the atmosphere? LMAO………ok.
The effect of the bow is magic. Deciding to wear a stupid looking hat is not.
I’m a role player. So there are things which can be explained with lore and are exaptable – and things who aren’t. Wearing townclothes in combat isn’t.
Still i’d wear this:
If it ain’t dutch,… :P
I’m happy that clothes like this are no combat-clothes.
That would destroy the atmosphere of the game if there would be people in pink quaggan-hats who are fighting a dragon.
In town it’s ok. Cause there it’s good for RP to have hats for characters that are children for example.
But not in fight. Makes me shiver to even think about a charr-warrior with a pink quaggan-hat. And people would do that if they could. So it’s good that they can’t.We have a bow that shoots rainbows and unicorns, and you have a problem that’s these hats will destroy the atmosphere? LMAO………ok.
The effect of the bow is magic. Deciding to wear a stupid looking hat is not.
I’m a role player. So there are things which can be explained with lore and are exaptable – and things who aren’t. Wearing townclothes in combat isn’t.
except for all the npcs that fight in town clothes -.-
They could be magical stupid looking hats equipped with powerful enchantments that offer protection equal to or even surpassing that of the finest Valyrian steel helms. Heh, and they aren’t much worse than some of the other stuff that’s already available as actual armor…
My argument is valid, cause it brings nothing to me to not display my helmet, cause I would never decide to fight in these hats. What I said is that the other players who are fighting in these helmets destroy the atmosphere of a battle. Their armour I can’t “chose to not display”.
And no helmet displayed is not so unrealistic then a animal helmet like these. Cause the warrior could lost his helmet in battle minutes before.
It’s other people deciding what they want to wear in battle. It’s like me telling you what to wear in battle. How does that make any sense? GW2 Themed fashion does not destroy the atmosphere of battle.
Wearing a skimpy outfit with the same stats as a fully plated armor, by your logics, is game breaking as it’s unrealistic. Well hey, there you have it. This is a game.
You can already choose what you want to show off, just transmute it. Want to wear that starter shoulders with perfect stats? Sure you can.
So why is there a differentiation between the fuzzy hats being townsclothing in the first place?
All you’re saying is, is that you don’t like it and therefor shouldn’t be part of the game.
While it would actually make more sense to choose whether you’d like it as townsclothing or pve / pvp gear.
The effect of the bow is magic. Deciding to wear a stupid looking hat is not.
I’m a role player. So there are things which can be explained with lore and are exaptable – and things who aren’t. Wearing townclothes in combat isn’t.
You can already transfer the appearance of an item onto that of another item. Therefor you should be able to transfer the fuzzy hat skin as well.
What differentiaties townsclothing from armor seems to be something completly irrational. Which is my main point of frustration.
(edited by eekzie.5640)
If you do this, how would you compensate those who have townclothes items with special abilities? like the mad king costume, witch costume etc. they are town clothing, but they do have special abilities tied to them
Fort Aspenwood
If you do this, how would you compensate those who have townclothes items with special abilities? like the mad king costume, witch costume etc. they are town clothing, but they do have special abilities tied to them
That’s actually a full on costume, not just a simple hat.
Those things actually make sense to be townsclothing.
(edited by eekzie.5640)
If you do this, how would you compensate those who have townclothes items with special abilities? like the mad king costume, witch costume etc. they are town clothing, but they do have special abilities tied to them
Isn’t the costume-brawl ability added to the costume weapon? At least it is for my pirate costum. So making the clothes avaiable in combat wouldn’t change you abilities as long as you can’t use the costume weapon in combat. Tbh I think most costumes (not all cough) are less immersion breaking than the quaggan-backpacks, so I would be really happy to be able to use those as normal armor.
The hats are nice but when in normal play do you ever get to enjoy them? If these things could be worn as armour, or for that matter if town clothes had any real purpose at all, they’d sell more.
Really? The hat is what breaks immersion for you?
Nevermind the fuzzy Quaggan/Charr backpacks, 8-bit retro video game weapons/backpacks, a bow that shoots rainbow unicorns with Anet logos on them, a candy cane hammer, aviator sunglasses, gw2 logo t-shirts and hats, etc etc.
Face it. Anet doesn’t care about immersion. Soon we’ll all be wearing Pepsi/Coca Cola branded armor with McDonalds/Burger King weapons and doing dungeons that are brought to you by Maybelline.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
Nevermind the fuzzy Quaggan/Charr backpacks, 8-bit retro video game weapons/backpacks, a bow that shoots rainbow unicorns with Anet logos on them, a candy cane hammer, aviator sunglasses, gw2 logo t-shirts and hats, etc etc.
Face it. Anet doesn’t care about immersion. Soon we’ll all be wearing Pepsi/Coca Cola branded armor with McDonalds/Burger King weapons and doing dungeons that are brought to you by Maybelline.
Some items are explainable in lore, like the SAB-weapons which are a new asuran-technology by Moto. That’s not the problem. The hats like they are now are no problem, too. The only thing I don’t want is that they will be armour instead of town clothing. Bad enough that in other games I have to deal with characters which go to battle dragons naked. Mustn’t have that in GW2, too.
It’s kinda funny to see the debate of, let’s call it, “serious” versus “silly” preferences for Guild Wars 2 content. Like, I would be thrilled if they made the quaggan hat wearable in combat. Even better- I would be incredibly happy to play a quaggan, one day.
Then there’s others who hate both of these ideas. For valid reasons, I think.
Yet, I doubt any significant number of people are going to quit if GW2 gets a bit light-hearted and silly, at times. There’s a load of people in your Lion’s Arch right wearing a menagerie of deadly looking spikes, sources of FIRE, and other such stuff. Is a few people wearing silly animal hats going to drown that out?
Personally, I would buy that hat in a heartbeat if they made it an armor skin. It would go with my backpack.
Well let’s go from the sublime: The riding trousers and boots are some of the best-looking medium leg and foot items in the game in terms of looking “in-keeping” and yet they are town clothes only.
To the ridiculous: The legendary pistol (the only option) is a squeaking, hooting, party-gun that, to my mind, if it fitted any thieves or engineers at all it would be a tiny minority; the “disco-ball” mace is much the same.
There are ludicrous items that can be worn into battle and sensible items that can’t, I’m not sure you can say that one particular item is any worse than another. Frankly those people who want to look daft will be able to, panda-hat or no; it’d be nice to give people the option to mix and match more skins … even if you assigned an armour type to items worn outside of town.
Piken Square
arena net has yet to realize without any real solid end game content that collecting looks and being able to change our looks is whats keeping some of us but if its all gonna be town kitten why play?
Buying an item in the shop and then wearing it in combat doesn’t qualify as end game content. But investing an enormous amount of time and effort into crafting a silly looking weapon and then carrying it in combat does qualify as end game content, which justifies legendaries.
Whatever happened to the notion of costumes from GW1?
Such a shame that the idea doesn’t seem to have been ported over to GW2
I’m happy that clothes like this are no combat-clothes.
That would destroy the atmosphere of the game if there would be people in pink quaggan-hats who are fighting a dragon.
In town it’s ok. Cause there it’s good for RP to have hats for characters that are children for example.
But not in fight. Makes me shiver to even think about a charr-warrior with a pink quaggan-hat. And people would do that if they could. So it’s good that they can’t.
Today, I was beaten to death in WvWvW by a Charr using a candy-cane hammer… I have also seen Charr with purple main, glowing tails not to mention Quaggan backpacks… I don’t think the quaggan-hat would be out of place. I’ll just have a story of how I was beaten to death by a Charr with a Candy Cane hammer, wearing a Quaggan hat with Quaggan backpack and pink armour…
Today, I was beaten to death in WvWvW by a Charr using a candy-cane hammer… I have also seen Charr with purple main, glowing tails not to mention Quaggan backpacks… I don’t think the quaggan-hat would be out of place. I’ll just have a story of how I was beaten to death by a Charr with a Candy Cane hammer, wearing a Quaggan hat with Quaggan backpack and pink armour…
I’d rather see those other strange things being restricted for out-of-combat, too. Townsclothing was a design decision made by ArenaNet, it has advantages and disadvantages, but I wish they would either change the system or stick to their idea instead of following it only half-heartedly.
(edited by ASaturnus.4980)
Well let’s go from the sublime: The riding trousers and boots are some of the best-looking medium leg and foot items in the game in terms of looking “in-keeping” and yet they are town clothes only.
I thought I was the only one who raged (okay, was angry) that these are town-clothes only…they fit the atmosphere perfectly and my thief would kill to wear them.
But they’re TOWN CLOTHES.
If any of the stuff in the style tab that were town clothes became converted to real armour, ANet would have to shut up and take all my money.
I dunno why they aren’t banking on this.
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!